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    1、What is Jennifer ging t d this Saturday?
    A. See a dctr.B. G t church.C. G t the cinema.
    2、What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A study.B. A cuntry.C. A sng.
    3、What will Susan d this afternn?
    A. Make a call.
    B. Have a jb interview.
    C. Give the man sme advice.
    4、Hw des the wman feel?
    A. Excited.B. Annyed.C. Disappinted.
    5、What sprt is the girl ding lately?
    A. Tennis.B. Ftball.C. Badmintn.
    6、Where is the Pink Flaming?
    A. On Pine Street.B. On 2nd Street.C. On 3rd Street.
    7、When des the restaurant clse n Mnday?
    A. At 10:30 p.m.B. At 11:30 p.m.C. At 12:00 p.m.
    8、What des Wendy plan t d this Sunday?
    A. Wrk vertime.B. Attend a wedding.C. G shpping.
    9、Where are the speakers?
    A. In an ffice.B. In a stre.C. In a friend’s huse.
    10、What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Father and daughter.
    B. Schlmates.
    C. Cusins.
    11、What is the man trying t tell the girl t d?
    A. Play nicely.B. Behave well.C. Leave lder peple alne.
    12、When will the speakers return hme?
    A. In the mrning.B. In the afternn.C. At night.
    13、Which is near the bttm f Nrth Street?
    A. Peacck’s.B. Jacksn’s.C. A KFC.
    14、What’s Jacksn’s?
    A. A snack bar.B. A clthes shp.C. A department stre.
    15、Where will the wman wait fr the man?
    A. In the street.B. In the cafe.C. At the bus statin.
    16、What prblem d the speakers have?
    A. They missed the bus.
    B. They failed t find each ther.
    C. They argued abut the place fr shpping.
    17、What difficulty did the speaker have when starting t learn French?
    A. Grammar.B. Vcabulary.C. Prnunciatin.
    18、Why did the speaker g t France?
    A. T settle there.B. T lk fr a jb.C. T cntinue her studies.
    19、What did the speaker think f her French after she arrived in France?
    A. Pr.B. Acceptable.C. Excellent.
    20、What is the mst imprtant in learning a language accrding t the speaker?
    A. Mastering the grammar rules.
    B. Knwing a large number f wrds.
    C. Using the language in real life.
    Spare time activities at the University f Victria
    There are many art galleries and nging displays n the campus f the University f Victria (UVic). The Student Unin Building lunge displays varius lcal students’ artwrks. The Maltwd Art Museum Gallery, lcated in the main lbby f the University Center, features lcal, natinal, and internatinal wrks. The McPhersn Library Gallery lcated n the main flr f the library, features art prduced by UVic students. T see nging art displays, yu can visit the Fine Arts Building.
    Cinecenta is the students’ sciety’s 300-seat mvie theater, which always ffers an excellent chice f mvies. Take the time n a Sunday afternn and catch a 2:30 matinee (午后) fr nly $3.75 r catch a midnight classic! Mvies are nly $4.75 fr students with a-valid student ID—r buy a 10-mvie pass and pay nly $3.75 each. Yu can pick up a free timetable arund campus.
    The music department n campus hlds ver 100 cncerts a year. Everyne is welcme t attend student recitals (独奏会), held every Friday at 12:30 pm in the Phillip T. The Victria symphny ffers reduced price tickets t students if tickets, are purchased n the day f the cncert.
    Cpies f the fllwing publicatins can be picked up frm campus publicatin bxes that are lcated in every building n campus. The Martlet, the fficial student paper f UVic, is funded partially thrugh student fees and is prduced by an autnmus cllective f students and staff. A publicatin funded by UVic and prduced by the wmen’s center, the Wmen’s Publicatin Netwrk, which is available every ther Thursday, is the ldest wmen student newspaper in Canada. The paper has a feminist (女权主义者) fcus. Published mnthly by CFUV (Victria’s campus & cmmunity radi statin), Offbeat is yur guide t CFUV’s prgram schedule. The Ring, published every tw weeks, is UVic’s cmmunity newspaper fr staff, students and ff-campus readers.
    21、Where shuld yu g if yu want t visit UVic students’ artwrks?
    A. The Fine Arts Building.B. The McPhersn Library Gallery.
    C. The Student Unin Building lunge.D. The Maltwd Art Museum Gallery.
    22、Hw much will yu and yur friend pay fr a film at Cinecenta if yu bth have a 10-mvie pass?
    A. $3.75.B. $4.75.C. $7.5.D. $9.5.
    23、What can we learn abut the Wmen’s Publicatin Netwrk?
    A. It is financially supprted by UVic.
    B. It is a weekly fficial student newspaper.
    C. It is a guide t CFUV’s prgram schedule.
    D. It is the ldest student newspaper in Canada.
    The Australian accent develped because s many early settlers were drunk. Dean Frenkel, a cmmunicatins expert at Victria University in Melburne, said that the first British arrivals t the cuntry were such big drinkers that the distrtin (失真) t their speech caused a verbal change that persists t this day.
    Academic Mr Frenkel wrte in the Australian newspaper The Age, “Our frefathers regularly gt drunk tgether, and thrugh their frequent interactins added an alchlic slur (模糊) t ur natinal speech patterns. Fr the past tw centuries, frm generatin t generatin, the drunken Australian accent cntinues t be taught by parents t their children.”
    Mr Frenkel cntinued, “The average Australian speaks t just tw-thirds capacity — with ne-third f ur speaking muscles always keep still as if lying n the cuch. Missing cnsnants can include missing ‘t’s (Imprdant), ‘l’s (Austraya) and ‘s’s (yesh), while many f ur vwels are lazily transfrmed int ther vwels, especially ‘a’s t ‘e’s(stending) and ‘i’s t ‘i’s (night).”
    The Australian accent has histrically lacked reginal variatin because althugh the cmmunities began as islated (孤立的) settlements, there was a great deal f internal migratin, particularly frm Sydney where the first accent began.
    The mst cmmn fear peple have abut the Australian accent is that it’s becming mre Americanised. But Dr Felicity Cx, an assciate prfessr f linguistics at Macquarie University, said that accents are remarkably resistant t change frm factrs such as scial media, and as lng as peple want t be knwn as Australian, they will keep the distinctive Australian sund. It will always remain a strng marker f natinal identity.
    24、What makes the Australian accent special?
    A. Verbal patterns f native speakers.
    B. Frequent interactins with freign cuntries.
    C. Early residents’ custm f drinking alchl.
    D. The ppularity f the British educatin system.
    25、Hw may Australians prnunce the wrd “light”?
    A. Light.B. Leght.C. Lighs.D. Lighd.
    26、What accunts fr the lack f reginal differences in Australian accents?
    A. Small numbers f ppulatins.B. Islated gegraphical lcatins.
    C. Similar lifestyle amng residents.D. Large migratins within the cuntry.
    27、What can we learn abut the Australian accent accrding t Dr Felicity Cx?
    A. It has becme mre diverse than ever.
    B. It is a unique symbl f Australian identity.
    C. It has been greatly influenced by scial media.
    D. It changes a lt based n American prnunciatin rules.
    One f the reasns I became a teacher was hw much I lved the reading and writing prcess, and hw excited I was t help yung children develp as readers and writers. One day, I discvered a wrk f Vivian Paley, wh develped a strytelling curriculum (课程) fr yung children, which invlves writing dwn the cntents f students’ drawings and having their classmates act ut these stries. I was immediately drawn t Paley’s fcus n drama.
    One mrning, as my students gathered in ur classrm fr ur writing lessn, I tld them that they culd draw anything they’d like, imaginary r real. They discussed with ne anther what they liked t draw and sme shared their ideas lud, which helped inspire thse wh weren’t ready with their wn ideas. Fr the next half hur r s, I bserved that even my mst hesitant and unwilling students were drawing with a sense f cncentratin and purpse.
    Later, we sat in a circle and I explained that we wuld act ut sme f their stries. The writer wuld chse classmates t be the characters in the stry, and I wuld tell the stry. Then a student std up t annunce which characters she’d need. I watched as ne student played a rabbit, anther played a fairy, and anther played a rainbw clud. When the play was ver, the actrs and the “directr” bwed, and the class clapped fr them. The next “directr” jumped t her feet, shuting, “My stry is the next!”
    After I taught in this way, my students began t write dwn their wn stries, thugh I always prvided aid in the writing prcess when they needed. The gal f these lessns is nt t turn my students int fluent writers in kindergarten but t prvide them with the chance t becme writers, t see themselves as strytellers, and t experience the magical feeling when their ideas cme t life.
    28、What des Paley’s curriculum mainly ask students t d?
    A. Tell stries.B. Draw pictures.C. Create plays.D. Practise acting.
    29、What encuraged the inactive students t start t draw?
    A. Other students’ ideas.B. The authr’s instructin.
    C. The inspiratin frm bks.D. Their experience f painting.
    30、Hw did the students eventually feel in that mrning’s class?
    A. Cnfused.B. Cncerned.C. Relaxed.D. Interested.
    31、Why des the authr plan such special lessns?
    A. T help students write mre fluently.
    B. T get students mre drawing inspiratin.
    C. T set students the gal f becming writers.
    D. T make students knw the jy f cmpsitin.
    They had a dzen children, six bys and six girls, in seventeen years. One reasn Dad had s many children was that he was cnfident anything he and Mther teamed upn was sure t be a success.
    Our huse at Mntclair, New Jersey, was a srt f schl fr scientific management and the remval f wasted mtins — r “mtin study,” as Dad and Mther named it.
    Dad tk mving pictures f us children washing dishes, s that he culd determine hw we culd reduce ur mtins and thus hurry thrugh the task. Each child wh wanted extra pcket mney put frward an ffer saying what he wuld d the jb fr. The lwest bidder gt the cntract(合约).
    Dad put prcess and wrk charts in the bathrms. Every child ld enugh t write — and Dad expected his children t start writing at a yung age — was required t sign their names n the charts in the mrning after he had brushed his teeth, taken a bath, cmbed his hair, and made his bed. At night, each child had t weigh himself, mark the figure n a graph, and sign the prcess charts again after he had dne his hmewrk, washed his hands and face, and brushed his teeth. Mther wanted t have a place n the charts fr saying prayers, but Dad said as far as he was cncerned prayers were vluntary.
    It was strict management, all right. Yes, at hme r n the jb, Dad was always the efficiency expert. He buttned his vest frm the bttm up, instead f frm the tp dwn, because the bttm-t-tp prcess tk him nly three secnds, while the tp-t-bttm tk seven. He even used tw shaving brushes t make his face smth enugh, because he fund that by s ding he culd cut seventeen secnds ff his shaving time. Fr a while he tried shaving with tw razrs, but he finally gave that up.
    “I can save frty-fur secnds,” he cmplained, “but I wasted tw minutes this mrning putting this bandage n my thrat.” It wasn’t the injured thrat that really bthered him. It was the tw minutes.
    32、Why was the authr’s huse cnsidered a srt f schl?
    A. It had a team f twelve children there.
    B. The children were taught hw t wrk well in it.
    C. The parents culd teach their children better at hme.
    D. The parents culd have the children’s daily activities recrded.
    33、What is the purpse f signing the charts?
    A. T help t d things efficiently.B. T manage the big family effectively.
    C. T lk after the children better.D. T remind the children t bey the rules.
    34、What did the father cmplain abut ne mrning?
    A. He shuld have given up shaving.B. His bleeding thrat bthered him.
    C. He culdn’t shave with tw razrs.D. He failed t cut shrt his shaving time.
    35、We can we infer frm the text?
    A. The kids had t bid fr everything they wanted.
    B. The authr tk pride in his father’s management.
    C. The cuple were always trubled by their children.
    D. The father’s wrk was t teach the children at hme.
    36、Make the Mst f Hlidays
    Hlidays are a wnderful time t spend with friends and family, eating and sharing stries. ①______ These situatins can give yu great chances t learn English. Here are sme ideas that yu can use t imprve yur English ver the hlidays.
    The Learning English Bradcast is a 30-minute daily blg that features the audi (音频) frm ur main stries each day. Listening t the blg will help develp yur ability t understand spken English. ②______ Once yu have finished a prgram, tell smene what yu have learned.
    Published materials
    ③______ Buy an English- language publicatin t read it while yu are waiting r spending quiet time at a htel r in a hme. Lk at the images and read the lines belw them. Even if yu d nt understand all the wrds, yu can use the images t help yu understand sme f them. Later, yu can use an nline dictinary t lk up the wrds yu want t learn.
    While traveling, it is nt unusual t see peple frm ther cuntries. ④______ If yu hear smene asking fr infrmatin in English, yu might ffer t help r simply greet them in English t talk. A friendly chat is usually welcme as travelers share their experiences.
    Writing abut yur day
    Writing abut yur day is a great way t practice yur English writing skill. Using English t describe hw yu spent yur hliday will help yu t put new wrds t use and make them stay in yur memry lnger. And yu will have a wnderful recrd f yur travel. ⑤______ It is a gd reminder f yur past hlidays.
    A. We hpe yu enjy yur travels this year.
    B. Yu can read it lng after the hliday is ver.
    C. They are als waiting r explring a new place.
    D. We have spent t much time at hme the past tw years.
    E. And it can als keep yu infrmed f news and infrmatin.
    F. Airprts and train statins ften have stres selling published materials.
    G. Yu may celebrate at hme, wait at airprts r spend time n trains, buses r cars.
    Jenna, a ppular girl frm Westwd Middle Schl, had graduated first in her class and was ready fr new 1 in high schl.
    2 , high schl was different. In the first week, Jenna went t tryuts fr cheerleaders. She was cmpeting against very talented girls, and she knew it wuld be 3 fr her t be selected. Tw hurs later, the 4 read a list f the girls fr a secnd tryut. Her heart 5 as the list ended withut her name. Feeling 6 , she walked hme carrying her schlbag full f hmewrk.
    Arriving hme, she started with math. She had always been a gd math student, but nw she was 7 . She mved n t English and histry, and was 8 t find that she didn't have any truble with thse 9 . Feeling better, she decided nt t 10 math fr the time being.
    Later in math class, Jenna devted herself t figuring ut the prblems that had given her s much 11 . By the end f class, she understd hw t get them right. As she gathered her bks, Jenna decided she'd cntinue t try t 12 at her new schl. She wasn't sure if she'd succeed, but she knew she had t 13 . High schl was just as her mm had said, "Yu will feel like a small fish in a big pnd 14 a big fish in a small pnd. The challenge is t becme the 15 fish yu can be."
    37、A.prcesses B.decisins C.challenges D.exercises
    38、A.Therefre B.Otherwise C.HweverD.Besides
    39、A.bring B.easy C.difficult D.interesting
    40、A.editr B.bss C.winner D.judge
    41、A.jumped B.stpped C.sank D.raced
    42、A.awful B.strange C.happy D.lnely
    43、A.struggling B.imprving C.wrking D.crying
    44、A.amazed B.annyedC.shcked D.relieved
    45、A.hmewrk B.bks C.subjects D.bjects
    46、A.put up B.prepare frC.wrry abut D.give up
    47、A.pleasure B.truble C.hpe D.srrw
    48、A.fit in B.lk ut C.stay up D.get arund
    49、A.swim B.tryC.ask D.escape
    50、A.in return fr B.ut f C.in terms f D.instead f
    51、A.biggest B.best C.weakest D.prettiest
    52、When Han Jing was a senir student ①_______ last, she was a little anxius. Since she wanted t make a gd first ②_______ (impress), she was rather wrried abut ③_______ she culd make any friends.
    Having had ④_______ (she) first maths class in senir high schl, she realized thugh the class was difficult, mst f her ⑤_______ (classmate) and teachers were friendly and ⑥_______ (help). And in the afternn, her chemistry class in ⑦_______ science lab was great, even thugh there was a guy wh always made her nt cncentrate n the experiment.
    All day lng, Han Jing didn’t feel awkward and ⑧_______ (frighten) at all. She missed her friends frm junir high schl, but she believed she wuld make new friends sn. With a lt ⑨_______ (explre) at senir high schl, she felt mre cnfident and ⑩_______ (believe) that tmrrw wuld be a great day.
    53、假定你是李华,你校英语翻译爱好者协会成功举办了中华诗词英译大赛,请你代表协会 在本次活动的颁奖仪式上进行总结发言, 内容包括:
    2. 回顾本次活动;
    1.写作词数应为 80 左右;
    Dear fellw schlmates,
    It’s my great hnr t make a cncluding statement here.
    That’s all Thank yu!
    I was angry abut my father in the first year f cllege, because he didn’t care abut my feelings all.
    One day I had a serius quarrel with him. I was fed up with his directin and crrectin. Hw culd he interfere with my life and my study plans? Hw culd he understand the imprtance f my university activities? The nly thing that he cared abut was my academic perfrmance! He didn’t understand my wrld and I didn’t understand his, either.
    I strmed ut and sighed all the way t schl. Suddenly I realized that I didn’t have the assignment that was due: a thught card. This class was taught by Dr. Sidney B. Simn. The thught card was the admissin ticket t his class. He wuld return them t us with his cmment.
    My first thught card read, “All that glitters(发光) is nt gld.” He cmmented, “What des this qute mean t yu? Is it significant?” Obviusly, he was taking it seriusly. I surely didn’t want t reveal myself t him.
    The week prgressed. Dr. Simn’s class was quite brilliant. He challenged us t think and cme up with ur wn respnses. But I had n handling strategies t deal with it.
    The secnd Tuesday came. I wrte n my card, “The mst imprtant thing in cmmunicatin is t hear what isn’t being said.” The next day the card came back: “Yu seem t need a listener. Is this imprtant t yur life?” I culdn’t remember a teacher caring persnally abut me since primary schl.
    With all these memries filling my mind, I raced t class. Just utside th dr, I tk a card and wrte, “I have the mst terrible Dad f the wrld!” Then I dashed in. Lking up at me, he reached ut fr the card, and I tk my seat. The mment I sat dwn, I felt terrible. I didn’t mean t let that ut. That night I had difficiulty sleeping. What if he cntacted my dad?
    On Wednesday mrning I came t class with mixed feelings.
    I held the card tightly, thinking abut his wrds.
    解析:M: Hey, Ranae. D yu knw where the church is? It’s said that there is a mvie theater next t it. I prmised Jennifer t see a film with her this Saturday.
    W: It is als near a hspital. Okay, write dwn these directins s yu dn’t get lst.
    解析:W: Sngs that make ur hearts happy can make them strnger, t?
    M: Sure. It’s a new find by American researchers and was reprted in Russia n Tuesday.
    解析:M: Hi, Susan. I’m wrried abut having a jb interview in English tmrrw. D yu have any advice fr me?
    W: Sure, but I dn’t think I can explain it well ver the phne. Hw abut I cme ver this afternn?
    M: That wuld be great.
    解析:W: I have wanted t see this mvie fr s lng. It will be widely shwn in cinemas next week. I can’t wait t see it!
    M: It’s quite annying that we have t wait s lng fr the tp films.
    解析:W: I’m training every day at the mment. I really want t get int the schl badmintn team. I’ve even given up playing tennis n Saturdays.
    M: I’m sure yu’ll succeed.
    解析:M: Jane, can yu recmmend any nice restaurants?
    W: The Pink Flaming. It serves nice Spanish fd.
    M: Well. Where’s that?
    W: Starting frm ur cmpany, g suth n Pine Street, crss 2nd Street, and drive t 3rd Street. Yu’ll see a parking lt n the left side f the street.
    M: A parking lt n the left. Okay. Then what?
    W: Then turn left n 3rd Street and drive east. The Pink Flaming is the building just befre the river n the left side. I think it’s pen weekdays frm 10:30 in the mrning t 11:30 at night, but it stays pen until midnight n weekends.
    M: Great. Thanks a lt.
    解析:M: Wendy, any plan fr the cming weekend?
    W: Yes, I’ve been wrking s hard the whle week, s I’m ging t take a trip t Bstn.
    M: Why are yu ging there?
    W: Well, ne f my best friends is getting married this Sunday. I’m ging t be her bridesmaid. I’ll g shpping right after wrk. I’ll buy sme fancy clthes. Wuld yu g with me and give me sme advice?
    M: OK, but first I’ll have t finish the dcument here.
    解析:M: When we arrive at yur grandparents’ hme this afternn, d yu remember what yu shuld d first?
    W: Yes. I shuld kiss my grandparents’ hands.
    M: Gd. Dn’t frget. If yu run t play with yur cusins right away, that will be very rude.
    W: But… Can I g and play right after?
    M: N. Yu shuld stay with us until we’ve all said ur greetings t each ther. Yur grandparents will prbably ask yu sme questins, t.
    W: Like what?
    M: Like, hw ld are yu nw? Hw are yu ding in schl? Were yu a gd lder sister t yur brther this mrning?
    W: Oh…
    M: Dn’t wrry. Yu’ll have plenty f time t play afterward. We wn’t leave until evening.
    W: Yay! I haven’t seen Kaya and Ali fr tw years!
    解析:M: Hi, Tracey. It’s Justin. It’s 4 ’clck. Where are yu?
    W: I’m utside the department stre. Are yu inside?
    M: N. I’m utside t. I’m standing next t the frnt dr.
    W: I can’t see yu. I’m by the frnt dr t. I’m ppsite a big advertisement fr Cca Cla.
    M: That’s funny. I can’t see that. There is a KFC nearby. And can yu see the traffic lights?
    W: There aren’t any traffic lights here.
    M: Right. I’ve just thught f smething. What’s the name f the department stre?
    W: Peacck’s. It’s near the bttm f Nrth Street. Where are yu?
    M: I’m utside Jacksn’s.
    W: Jacksn’s isn’t a department stre! It is a clthes shp. Anyway, we’re at different ends f twn. One f us will have t get a bus.
    M: Yu wait there. I’ll get a bus.
    W: OK. Lk, I’ll wait in the cafe inside the stre. Yu might be ages. I dn’t want t stand in the street.
    M: Fine. I’ll call yu when I get there.
    W: OK. See yu later!
    M: Bye.
    解析:W: Pleased t be here tday. My name’s Jan, and I’d like t share with yu smething abut my French learning. I still remember when I first started t learn the language I didn’t really have a prblem with the prnunciatin. I just had a hard time memrizing wrds. But I made a great effrt and sn I was scring ten ut f ten in all f the tests. By the time I gt t university, I culd d sme writing and translatins withut much difficulty, and I actually enjyed learning the grammar rules. Then as part f my university curse I had t g and live in France fr a year. As sn as I arrived,I realized I didn’t knw hw t rder the type f cffee I liked, and trying t find smewhere t live r stay was smething difficult t deal with. I called peple abut infrmatin in the paper, but I had t keep putting the phne dwn because I culdn’t understand a wrd they were saying — they all spke s quickly! I culd see then that there’s n pint in just knwing wrds if yu can’t hld a cnversatin with a native speaker. The ability t speak freely is what helps yu get a jb, hld a cnversatin r just buy the things yu need.
    解析:细节理解题。由Arts部分中的“The McPhersn Library Gallery lcated n the main flr f the library, features art prduced by UVic students.( McPhersn图书馆画廊位于图书馆的主楼层,以维多利亚大学学生创作的艺术作品为特色)”可知,若想参观由维多利亚学生所做的画作,最好去The McPhersn Library Gallery。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。由Mvies部分中的“r buy a 10-mvie pass and pay nly $ 3. 75 each(或者买一张10部电影的通票,每部电影只需支付3.75美元)”可知,如果你和朋友都有一张10部电影通票,你俩看一场电影只需付7.5(即3.75×2=7.5)美元。故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。由Publicatins部分中的“A publicatin funded by UVic and prduced by the wmen’s center, the Wmen’s Publicatin Netwrk”可知。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段Dean Frenkel,a cmmunicatins expert at Victria University in Melburne,said that the first British arrivals t the cuntry were such big drinkers that the distrtin t their speech caused a verbal change that persists t this day.(墨尔本维多利亚大学的传播学专家Dean Frenkel说,第一批来到这个国家的英国人酗酒是如此严重,以至于他们说话的扭曲导致了一种一直持续到今天的语言变化)可知,来到澳大利亚的第一批英国人的酗酒导致说话语音的变化,所以早期居民饮酒的习惯造成了澳大利亚口音的特别。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段Missing cnsnants can include missing 't's (Imprdant), 'l's (Austraya) and 's's (yesh),while many f ur vwels are lazily transfrmed int ther vwels,especially 'a's t 'e's(stending) and 'i's t 'i's (night).(遗漏的辅音可能包括遗漏"t"(Imprdant)、"l"(Austraya)和"s"(yesh),而我们的许多元音被懒懒地转换成其他元音,尤其是"a"到"e"(stending)和"i"到"i"(night))可知,澳大利亚人说话时会漏掉一些辅音,元音的发音也变化了。由此推知,澳大利亚人把"light"这个词读成"Light"。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段The Australian accent has histrically lacked reginal variatin because althugh the cmmunities began as islated settlements,there was a great deal f internal migratin,particularly frm Sydney where the first accent began.(澳大利亚口音在历史上缺乏地区差异,因为尽管社区开始时是孤立的定居点,但有大量的内部移民,特别是来自悉尼的第一个口音)可知,澳大利亚口音比较统一,没有地域差异,其原因是国内的大规模内部移民。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段But Dr Felicity Cx,an assciate prfessr f linguistics at Macquarie University,said that accents are remarkably resistant t change frm factrs such as scial media,and as lng as peple want t be knwn as Australian,they will keep the distinctive Australian sund.It will always remain a strng marker f natinal identity.(但麦考瑞大学语言学副教授Felicity Cx博士说,口音对社交媒体等因素的变化具有很强的抵抗力,只要人们想被称为澳大利亚人,他们就会保持独特的澳大利亚音。它将永远是国家身份的一个强有力的标志)可知,想被称为澳大利亚人的人会保持澳大利亚的独特口音,因为他们认为澳大利亚口音是澳大利亚身份的独特象征。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“One day, I discvered a wrk f Vivian Paley, wh develped a strytelling curriculum(课程) fr yung children, which invlves writing dwn the cntents f students' drawings and having their classmates act ut these stries.(有一天,我发现了Vivian Paley的作品,她为 幼儿开发了一个讲故事的课程,其中包括写下学生画的内容,让他们的同学表演这些故事)”可知, Paley的课程主要要求学生创作剧本。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中“They discussed with ne anther what they liked t draw and sme shared their ideas lud, which helped inspire thse wh weren't ready with their wn ideas. Fr the next half hur r s, I bserved that even my mst hesitant and unwilling students were drawing with a sense f cncentratin and purpse.(他们互相讨论自己喜欢画什么,有些人大声分享自己的想法,这有助于激励 那些还没有准备好自己想法的人。在接下来的半个多小时里,我观察到,即使是我最犹豫、最不情愿的学生,也带着一种专注和目标的感觉画画)”可知,其他学生的想法鼓励不活跃的学生开始画画。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Fr the next half hur r s, I bserved that even my mst hesitant and unwilling students were drawing with a sense f cncentratin and purpse.(在接下来的半个多 小时里,我观察到,即使是我最犹豫、最不情愿的 学生,也带着一种专注和目标的感觉画画)”和第三段中的“When the play was ver, the actrs and the directr” bwed, and the class clapped fr them. The next directr jumped t her feet, shuting,“My stry is the next!”(演出结束时,演员和“导演”鞠躬,全班 为他们鼓掌。下一个“导演”跳了起来,喊道:“我的故事是下一个!”)”可推知,学生们应是对作者那天 的课堂很感兴趣。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“The gal f these lessns is nt t turn my students int fluent writers in kindergarten but t prvide them with the chance t becme writers, t see themselves as strytellers, and t experience the magical feeling when their ideas cme t life.(这些课程的目标不是让我的学生在幼儿园就能流利地写作,而是为他们提供成 为作家的机会,让他们把自己看作是讲故事的人, 并体验当他们的想法变成现实时的神奇感觉)”可知,作者的课堂是为了让学生了解创作的乐趣。故选D。
    解析:为什么作者的房子被认为是一所学校?A那里有12个孩子。B孩子们在那里被教会如何工作。C父母可以在家里更好地教他们的孩子。D.家长可以记录孩子的日常活动。文中第二段可知Our huse at Mntclair, New Jersey, was a srt f schl fr scientific management and the remval f wasted mtins — r “mtin study,” as Dad and Mther named it.我们在新泽西州蒙克莱尔的家,是一所科学管理和消除浪费的运动的学校——或者说“运动研究”,爸爸和妈妈都这么称呼它。选B。
    解析:签署图表的目的是什么?A.帮助有效地做事。B.有效管理大家庭。C.更好地照顾孩子。D提醒孩子们遵守规则。文中可知At night, each child had t weigh himself, mark the figure n a graph, and sign the prcess charts again after he had dne his hmewrk, washed his hands and face, and brushed his teeth. 晚上,每个孩子都要称体重,在图表上标出数字,做完作业后再在流程图上签名,洗手洗脸,刷牙。选A。
    解析:有一天早上,父亲抱怨什么?A他应该放弃刮胡子。B他流血的喉咙使他不舒服。C他不能用两把剃须刀刮胡子。D他没能缩短剃须时间。文中最后一段可知“I can save frty-fur secnds,” he cmplained, “but I wasted tw minutes this mrning putting this bandage n my thrat.” It wasn’t the injured thrat that really bthered him. 我可以省下44秒,”他抱怨道,“但是今天早上我浪费了两分钟把绷带贴在喉咙上。”真正困扰他的不是受伤的喉咙。
    解析:我们能从文本中推断吗?A孩子们必须为他们想要的一切付出代价。B作者以他父亲的管理为荣。C这对夫妇总是为他们的孩子所困扰。D父亲的工作是在家里教孩子们。文中第一段可知One reasn Dad had s many children was that he was cnfident anything he and Mther teamed upn was sure t be a success.父亲有这么多孩子的一个原因是,他对自己和母亲合作的任何事都充满信心,相信一定会成功。选B。
    解析:根据上文的“She was cmpeting against very talented girls”可知,她和很有天赋的女孩竞争,所以很难被选中。故选C项。
    解析:根据“as the list ended withut her name”可知,Jenna没有进入下一轮选拔,所以她心情沉重。ne's heart sinks意为“某人心情沉重/情绪低落”,是固定搭配。故选C项。
    解析:根据“a gd math student”及“but”的转折含义可推知,她曾经擅长数学,但现在感觉有些吃力。故选A项。
    解析:根据“she didn't have any truble with thse.….”可知Jenna在英语和历史学科上没有遇到任何困难,所以应该是很宽慰,与下文的“Feeling better”呼应。故选D项。
    解析:根据前文的“English and histry”可知,此处指在那些科目上没有困难。故选C项。
    解析:put up张贴;prepare fr为……做准备;wrry abut担心;give up放弃。根据前文可知,Jenna在部分科目上没有困难,再结合下一段的Jenna在数学课上专心解决问题可知,Jenna决定暂时不担心数学,而是将问题放在课上解决。故选C项。
    解析:此处指你会觉得(自己)像一条小鱼在大池塘里,而不是一条大鱼在小池塘里。根据“a small fish in a big pnd”和“a big fish in a small pnd”可知此处表示转折关系。故选D项。
    52、答案:①at②impressin③whether④her⑤classmates⑥helpful⑦the⑧frightened⑨t explre⑩believed
    Dear fellw schlmates,
    It’s my great hnr t make a cncluding statement here. At this mment, I’d like t extend my sincere cngratulatins t all f the participants.
    The cmpetitin wuld nt be a great success withut the jint effrts f everyne. My hearty thanks g firstly t ur teachers, whse guidance and encuragement have given us much insight int translatin f Chinese petry. Besides, all the participants’ devtin and wnderful perfrmance impressed us a lt. Mst imprtantly, the cmpetitin has further stimulated ur passin fr Chinese petry and bsted ur cultural cnfidence.
    I sincerely hpe that we students will wrk t learn English well, carry frward and spread traditinal Chinese culture.
    That’s all. Thank yu!
    On Wednesday mrning I came t class with mixed feelings. At first, Dr. Sidney B. Simn. did nt return the card t me. I sat in my usual seat, pening the bk with wrry and fear. I thught that Dr. Sidney B. Simn must have tld my father abut this. What was waiting fr me was anther mre severe argument. After class, as I was walking t the dr f the classrm, it was Dr. Sidney B. Simn wh was calling my name. Then he tld me that he wuld be my listener and exchanged the card with the wrds “Gd medicine is hard, but gd advice is hard t hear”.
    I held the card tightly, thinking abut his wrds. I was wndering whether I shuld tell my father what had happened these days. I fund my father waiting fr me at the schl gate with the gift I had always wanted. That day, I walked hme with my father. The setting sun shne n us, casting ur shadws n the rad. Cars f varius clrs passed by us, but they did nt affect ur cnversatin. We talked a lt that day, and it seemed that the jurney frm hme t schl had als been shrtened.
    ①认为:think /cnsider /suppse
    ②走向:walk t/mve twards/head fr
    ③影响:affect/influence /impact
    ①复杂的:mixed /cmplex /cmplicated
    ②担心:wrry /anxiety/cncern
    [高分句型1]What was waiting fr me was anther mre severe argument.(由连接词what引导的主语从句)
    [高分句型2]After class, as I was walking t the dr f the classrm, it was Dr. Sidney B. Simn wh was calling my name.(由as引导的时间状语从句,从句中包含强调句型It is…wh/that…)
    [高分句型3] I was wndering whether I shuld tell my father what had happened these days.(由whether引导的宾语从句,从句部分又是包含由what引导的宾语从句)

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