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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What is the wman’s prblem?
    A. The cmputer has brken dwn.
    B. Smething is wrng with the web page.
    C. Her cmputer is discnnected frm the Internet.
    2. Hw much shuld the man pay?
    A. $4. B. $12. C. $ 16.
    3. Where is the man’s phne mst prbably?
    A. In the sitting rm B. In the bedrm. C. In the kitchen.
    4. What kind f hliday des the man prefer?
    A. A camping hliday. B. A riding hliday. C. A climbing hliday.
    5. What will the weather be like in eastern areas tmrrw afternn?
    A. Sunny. B. Cludy. C. Rainy.
    6. What cuntry des the girl live in?
    A. Canada. B. Australia C. China.
    7. Why des the girl have n accent?
    A. Because she mves a lt.
    B. Because she studies well.
    C. Because she practices a lt.
    8. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Neighbrs. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student.
    9. What is the man mst wrried abut?
    A. The traffic jam B. The air pllutin. C. The frequent nise.
    10. Wh is dishnest?
    A. The wman. B. Paul. C. Barry.
    11. What des the man think f the wman?
    A. She is careless. B. She is nt shy. C. She is implite.
    12. When is the wman’s birthday?
    A. On Sunday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Friday.
    13 Where are the speakers?
    A At the recycling center.
    B. At hme.
    C. In the ffice.
    14. Hw des the man feel abut the wasted paper?
    A. Cautius. B. Angry C. Curius.
    15. What waste will the man d with?
    A. Paper. B. Cans. C. Plastic bttles.
    16. What d the speakers decide t d?
    A. Stp using paper and water bttles.
    B. Reduce the use f cllectin bxes.
    C. Prepare bxes fr different wastes.
    17. Hw many shps are there in Lakeside?
    A. 320. B. 13,000. C. 50,000.
    18. Why des Lakeside stay pen until 10 pm?
    A. Many peple enjy shpping in the evening.
    B. Evening shppers spend much mre mney.
    C. It can prvide the best service fr shppers.
    19. What d we knw abut Lakeside?
    A. It has 30 banks. B. It has a pst ffice. C. It has 13 restaurants.
    20. What can shppers d at Lakeside after shpping?
    A. Kick a ball.
    B. Have a meal and relax.
    C. Sleep in the shpping center.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Guildfrd Schl f Acing (GSA) is a successful center fr musical training. Our philsphy is based n yur grwth as an individual and yur develpment as an artist within a highly disciplined whle.
    Abut what yu shuld d
    We want yu t view yurself as a ptential artist wh can cmpete and succeed in all aspects musical perfrmance. T accmplish this, yu will need t develp yur prfessinal awareness thrugh a strict prcess f training.
    Abut the cntent f the curses
    We will guide yu twards the develpment f a clear set f individual technical skills, with practical classes in grup and individual singing, ballet, jazz and ther frms f dance. Yur skills are further develped thrugh many exercises, scene wrk and prject rehearsal (排练). Classes in dancing and singing are highly ranked alngside acting classes and prjects, which enable yu t becme multi-skilled. Prfessinal develpment classes by the guests selected frm the cntemprary musical industry ensure currency within yur chsen field and enable yu t maximize all emplyment pprtunities.
    Abut the test
    A final shw presentatin in the West End Theatre helps yu cmplete yur change frm a musical student t a prfessinal perfrmer. The result is yur develpment int a highly disciplined individual and all-rund perfrmer wh has bth artistic skills and the ability t wrk in cperatin with thers.
    1. Wh is GSA intended fr?
    A. Literature students.B. Sprts students.C. Psychlgy students.D. Musical students.
    2. Wh may teach prfessinal develpment classes t the students?
    A. High schl teachers.B. University teachers.
    C. Prfessinal musical perfrmers.D. Prfessinal cmpsers.
    3. What shuld the students d in rder t graduate?
    A. Write an essay.B. Put n a shw.
    C. Design a curse.D. Meet a perfrmer.
    【答案】1. D 2. C 3. B
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Guildfrd Schl f Acing (GSA) is a successful center fr musical training.(吉尔福德音乐学校(GSA)是一个成功的音乐培训中心)”和最后一段“A final shw presentatin in the West End Theatre helps yu cmplete yur change frm a musical student t a prfessinal perfrmer.(在伦敦西区剧院的最后一场演出将帮助你完成从音乐学生到专业表演者的转变)”及全文可推断,GSA是为音乐系学生设计的。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据Abut the cntent f the curses中的“Prfessinal develpment classes by the guests selected frm the cntemprary musical industry ensure currency within yur chsen field and enable yu t maximize all emplyment pprtunities. (由当代音乐行业挑选的嘉宾提供专业发展课程,确保你所选择的领域内的货币,并使你能够最大限度地获得所有就业机会)”可知,专业的音乐表演者给学生上专业发展课。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“A final shw presentatin in the West End Theatre helps yu cmplete yur change frm a musical student t a prfessinal perfrmer.(在伦敦西区剧院的最后一场演出将帮助你完成从音乐学生到专业表演者的转变)”可知,为了毕业,学生应该参加表演。故选B。
    Duglas Smith, n gardener frm Hertfrdshire. the U.K., recently set a new Guinness Wrld Recrd fr the mst tmates grwn n a single stem (茎), 1,269.
    Up until last summer, the recrd fr the mst tmates grwn n a single stem had std unchallenged fr ver a decade. Then English farmer Duglas Smith set his sight n breaking it, thinking that he culd grw mre than 488 fruits n s single stem. He prved that last year, when he managed t break the ld recrd by grwing 839 tmates n a greenhuse -grwn plant. It was quite an achievement, but he was nly getting started, as nly a few weeks later Duglas Smith brke his wn recrd by grwing n less than 1,269 tmates n a single stem.
    Is Duglas Smith a gardening addict? He spends up t fur hurs a day in his back garden tending his plants, and has been wrking hard n becming the best pssible gardener the wrld has ever seen. T maximize his chances f setting a new wrld recrd, he read varius scientific papers and even tk sil samples t be tested in a labratry. And in the end, they all paid ff.
    “I am ver the mn,” Duglas said. “This year was nly meant t be an experimental year t see which varieties wuld prduce the mst fruits and we had t fight with early blight (疫病), which put paid t a number f ther tmat plants. I’m amazed by hw many tmates were n the plant in the end.”
    Grwing 1,269 tmates n a single stem is nly Duglas Smith’s latest achievement. In 2020, he grew a 20-ft-tall sunflwer, and als set a new natinal recrd fr the heaviest tmat, with a 3.106 kg tmat. He likes t run little experiments n ther vegetables and crps, and he is currently experimenting n peas, aubergines and ptates.
    4. What can we knw abut Duglas Smith frm paragraph 2?
    A. He brke the ld recrd twice.
    B. He had planted the best tmates.
    C. He thught breaking the recrd was easy.
    D. He had wrked t break the recrd fr a decade.
    5. Which f the fllwing can describe Duglas Smith best?
    A. Strict and tlerant.B. Attractive and brave
    C. Patient and hard-wrking.D. Friendly and humrus.
    6. What may be a challenge fr Duglas Smith t break the ld recrd?
    A. A lack f mney.B. Skill shrtages.
    C Building a labratry.D. Dealing with the blight.
    7. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The recrd’s significance.
    B. Duglas Smith’s next plan.
    C. The details abut the heaviest tmat.
    D. Mre infrmatin abut Duglas Smith’s planting.
    【答案】4. A 5. C 6. D 7. D
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。讲述了打破吉尼斯世界纪录的Duglas Smith种植番茄和其他植物的故事。
    细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“It was quite an achievement, but he was nly getting started, as nly a few weeks later Duglas Smith brke his wn recrd by grwing n less than 1,269 tmates n a single stem. He prved that last year, when he managed t break the ld recrd by grwing 839 tmates n a greenhuse -grwn plant.(去年他就证明了这一点,他在温室里种了839个西红柿,打破了以前的纪录。这是一项相当大的成就,但他才刚刚开始,因为仅仅几周后,Duglas Smith就打破了自己的纪录,在一根茎上种出了超过1269个西红柿。)”可知,Duglas Smith两次打破原先的世界记录。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段二三句“He spends up t fur hurs a day in his back garden tending his plants, and has been wrking hard n becming the best pssible gardener the wrld has ever seen. T maximize his chances f setting a new wrld recrd, he read varius scientific papers and even tk sil samples t be tested in a labratry.(他每天在后花园里花四个小时打理植物,并一直在努力成为世界上有史以来最好的园丁。最大限度地提高他创造新世界纪录的机会,他阅读了各种科学论文,甚至取了土壤样本在实验室进行测试。)”可知,愿意花数个小时打理植物,并努力阅读相关论文的Duglas Smith是一个很有耐心很勤奋的人。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第四段他说的话“This year was nly meant t be an experimental year t see which varieties wuld prduce the mst fruits and we had t fight with early blight (疫病), which put paid t a number f ther tmat plants.(今年只是一个试验性的一年,看看哪些品种会结出最多的果实,我们必须与早期疫病作斗争,这毁掉了许多其他番茄苗。)”可知,导致很多番茄苗被毁掉的疫病是他面临的挑战。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据最后一段最后一句“He likes t run little experiments n ther vegetables and crps, and he is currently experimenting n peas, aubergines and ptates.(他喜欢在其他蔬菜和作物上做一些小实验,目前他正在豌豆、茄子和土豆上做实验。)”,可知这一段谈及番茄之外其他的一些植物种植情况。故选D项。
    These days, there’s a green versin f just abut everything. There are cars that run n electricity and alternative fuels, huses that are pwered by slar energy and wind farms seemingly ppping up n every pen space frm Califrnia t castal Japan. Even drnes (无人机) ate getting in n the actin. The unmanned air vehicles are als being put t envirnmental uses arund the glbe.
    The eye in the sky that they prvide helps researchers better understand what’s ging n with the natural wrld in which we live. Fr envirnmentalists and earth scientists, the flying machines can be sent way up in the air t recrd sweeping ftage f a large area t track the impact f things like climate change, migratin and the acts f cutting dwn and burning frest trees, which can be dne withut having t buy a helicpter, rent a plane r tape a vide camera t a bird.
    Sure, there’s plenty f satellite ftage already ut there, but drnes let researchers accurately psitin the data set that they want t get a quicker, clser lk at the area that they’re lking t mnitr. In 2013, fr example, the Natinal Aernautics and Space Administratin (NASA) sent a drne int the Turrialba Vlcan in Csta Rica t gather data abut its emissins. The temperature, ash height and gas cncentratin infrmatin cllected during the missin helped earth scientists determine which way the vlcanic and ptentially pisnus gas erupting frm the vlcan was mving and take steps t limit its envirnmental impact.
    Similarly, Arctic researchers are using drnes t help study temperature change and the melting f glaciers. They use drnes equipped with infrared (红外线的) cameras t sweep int places that they may therwise nt be able t reach t mnitr and cllect data n the melting ice. The same flying machines may als eventually be used t transprt ther data cllectin tls int the wild.
    8. Hw des the authr lead in the tpic f the text?
    A. By giving examples.B. By listing data.
    C. By drawing a distinctin.D. By making assumptins.
    9. What mainly makes drnes used t better watch nature?
    A. The high safety.
    B. The huge space.
    C. The recvery capability after damage.
    D. The ability t cllect data at a high altitude.
    10. What d the last tw paragraphs mainly tell us abut drnes?
    A. Their prductin steps.
    B. Their practical functins.
    C. Their ptential impacts n the atmsphere.
    D. Their data set fr mtring the envirnment.
    11. Which is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Drnes: PisnusB. Drnes: Ec-friendly
    C. Drnes: LimitedD. Drnes: Adaptable
    【答案】8. A 9. D 10. B 11. B
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“These days, there’s a green versin f just abut everything. There are cars that run n electricity and alternative fuels, huses that are pwered by slar energy and wind farms seemingly ppping up n every pen space frm Califrnia t castal Japan. Even drnes (无人机) ate getting in n the actin.”(现在,几乎所有东西都有绿色版本。从加利福尼亚到日本沿海的每个开放空间似乎都出现了使用电力和替代燃料的汽车、太阳能驱动的房屋和风力发电场。就连无人机也加入了行动。)可知,本段中作者列举了生活中随处可见的环保行文:电动汽车代替燃料汽车,太阳能驱动的房屋和风力发电场,引入了本文的话题。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“The eye in the sky that they prvide helps researchers better understand what’s ging n with the natural wrld in which we live. Fr envirnmentalists and earth scientists. the flying machines can be sent way up in the air t recrd sweeping ftage f a large area t track the impact f things like climate change, migratin and the acts f cutting dwn and burning frest trees, which can be dne withut having t buy a helicpter, rent a plane r tape a vide camera t a bird”(它们提供的空中眼睛帮助研究人员更好地了解我们生活的自然世界正在发生什么。对于环境学家和地球科学家来说,这些飞行器可以被送到空中去记录大片区域的影像来追踪气候变化,迁徙以及砍伐和焚烧森林树木的行为,这些都不需要购买直升机,租用飞机或者给鸟类装摄像机。)可知,使用无人机可以帮助研究人员更好地了解我们生活的自然世界正在发生什么,可以在空中实现影像采集,追踪气候变化,动物迁徙以及人类对森林的破坏行为。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据倒数第二段中“drnes let researchers accurately psitin the data set that they want t get a quicker, clser lk at the area that they’re lking t mnitr. ”(无人机可以让研究人员精确定位数据集,他们希望得到一个更快,更近距离地观察他们要监视的区域。)讲述了无人机能实现的功能。最后一段中“Similarly, Arctic researchers are using drnes t help study temperature change and the melting f glaciers. ”(同样,北极研究人员正在使用无人机帮助研究气温变化和冰川融化。)具体说明了无人机在研究气温变化和冰川融化方面的帮助作用。所以两段主要说明了无人机的实际生活中的运用。故选B。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,结合文章第一段中“These days, there’s a green versin f just abut everything.”(现在,几乎所有东西都有绿色版本。)“The unmanned air vehicles are als being put t envirnmental uses arund the glbe.”(无人驾驶飞行器也正在全球范围内用于环境保护。)同时根据本段中的举例,引出了文章的话题:无人机在环境保护方面的应用。第二段提到了无人机可用于观测自然的原因,最后两段阐述了无人机的实际应用。所以本文的标题应为:用于环境保护的无人机。选项B与文意相符,故选B。
    Jewel White, a 15-year-ld student, gathers her bks and signs herself ut f a rutine mrning math class. She is nt leaving schl fr the day, but is ff t try sme mre challenging equatins. This practice is nt uncmmn at Westmunt Secndary Schl in Hamiltn, Ontari, Canada, where an uncnventinal learning apprach is prevailing.
    Westmunt is ne f the eight regular schls in the cuntry where students wrk at their wn pace and set their wn directin, spending as much r as little time as they need n subjects. Teachers act as advisers. With the classrm teachers’ permissin, students can sign ut f a class t wrk n ther materials r walk int anther class t catch up n anther subject. And every tw weeks they make plans fr their wn learning time, with supprt frm their adviser.
    At a time when a shrinking student ppulatin is causing bards t clse schls. Westmunt sits at 30 percent vercapacity with 1,500 students. Its bursting number led educatin fficials t cnsider expanding the prgram t ther lcatins.
    “If students are interested, we are ging t d ur best t prvide that srt f prgramming,” said Tdd White, chair f the Hamiltn-Wentwrth District Schl Bard.
    When students like Jewel are nt in a classrm, they can usually be fund in the schl’s learning cmmns, a study area fr all students. There are teachers available t help, but generally students are wrking n their wn assignments r prjects.
    Jewel said Westmunt’s self-paced style caught her attentin when she was lking at high schls. Westmunt is nt the schl clse t her hme. She said at elementary schl she wuld ften cause truble in class because she wuld cmplete her wrk early and nt have much else t d. “I find this kind f academic envirnment in Westmunt is a lt better fr me,” she said. “I like the thught f being able t wrk faster r slwer if needed.”
    12. What des the wrd “prevailing” underlined in paragraph I mean?
    A. Catching n.B. Giving way.C. Slwing dwn.D. Causing truble.
    13. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe the schl’s learning apprach?
    A. Cmplex but familiar.B. Flexible and efficient.
    C. Traditinal and cmmn.D. Difficult but interesting.
    14. What is Tdd White’s attitude t Westmunt’s style f learning?
    A. Tlerant.B. Dubtful.C. Psitive.D. Uncncerned.
    15. What did Jewel think f her elementary schl?
    A. It was a schl clsest t her hme.
    B. It prvided t much hmewrk fr students.
    C. Its learning atmsphere was nt very satisfying.
    D. Its students did nt wrk as fast as Westmunt.
    【答案】12. A 13. B 14. C 15. C
    词句猜测题。根据文章第一段“This practice is nt uncmmn at Westmunt Secndary Schl in Hamiltn, Ontari, Canada, where an uncnventinal learning apprach is prevailing.(这种做法在加拿大Hamiltn的Westmunt中学并不少见,那里prevailing着一种非传统的学习方法。)”中划线词的前文“This practice is nt uncmmn(这种做法并不少见)”可知,这种学习方式在Westmunt中学很流行,故此处的“prevailing”与A项“catching n变流行起来”意思相近,故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Westmunt is ne f the eight regular schls in the cuntry where students wrk at their wn pace and set their wn directin, spending as much r as little time as they need n subjects. Teachers act as advisers.(Westmunt是该地区八所普通学校之一,学生按照自己的节奏学习,并设定自己的方向,在课堂上花尽可能多或少的时间。老师是顾问。)”可推知,这个学校的学习方法是灵活且有效率的,故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章第四段““If students are interested, we are ging t d ur best t prvide that srt f prgramming,” said Tdd White,(Tdd White说道:‘如果学生感兴趣,我们将尽最大的努力提供这种方法。’)”可知,Tdd White认为这种学习方法是值得推崇的,因此对这种方式是支持的、肯定的,故选C。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“She said at elementary schl she wuld ften cause truble in class because she wuld cmplete her wrk early and nt have much else t d.(她说,在小学时,她经常会在课堂上惹麻烦,因为她会很早做完功课,没有太多其他事情要做。)”可知,Jewel对她小学的学习氛围不太满意,她是能快速完成作业的,然而又不得不等其他同学的节奏,故选C。
    Wherever yu live, yu always lk frward t a cmfrtable hme. Hwever, peple dn’t ften turn it int what they want because they wrry abut the csts. Actually, this is a cmmn miscnceptin(错误认识)—yu dn’t need t spend a lt f mney in rder t make yur hme cmfrtable.___16___.
    The first thing yu need t d befre buying r rearranging anything is clearing rms.___17___. There is n way t turn a cluttered(杂乱的) space int an attractive ne withut rganizing it. S, the first thing yu d is clearing rms. Yu dn’t have t thrw ut everything. Thugh clearing rms can be an nging prcess that takes time, it’s wrth it.
    Add Green Plants
    ___18___. Besides the eye- pleasing effect that plants and flwers have, they als remve txins(毒素) frm the air, making yur envirnment healthier. If that isn’t enugh fr yu, they tend t help calm peple dwn.
    Try Darker Clrs
    Anther thing yu can d t make a rm lk warmer is use sme darker shades in the decratin. Lighter clrs are great fr making a rm feel bigger, but darker clrs create a cmfrtable and attractive envirnment.___19___.
    Adjust the Lighting
    The last thing is lighting. The lighting in a rm can make r break it.___20___. Think f using the fireplace if yu have ne, lighting sme candles and hanging up sme string lights. Even a lamp can make all the difference t the envirnment f a rm.
    A. Warm lighting can make a rm pleasant and sweet
    B. Disrder is the exact ppsite f warm and attractive
    C. Yu shuldn’t keep plants and flwers in yur bedrm
    D. Thrwing in sme darker clrs will make the rm lk perfect
    E. Besides making it keep warm, blankets add mre clr t a rm
    F. Here are sme inexpensive ways t make yur hme cmfrtable
    G. One way t make a rm attractive is t add plants and fresh flwers
    【答案】16. F 17. B 18. G 19. D 20. A
    根据上文“Actually, this is a cmmn miscnceptin(错误认识)—yu dn’t need t spend a lt f mney in rder t make yur hme cmfrtable.(事实上,这是一个常见的误解——你不需要花很多钱来让你的家变得舒适。)”和全文可知,文章第一段指出让自己的家变得更舒适但不需要花很多钱,接下来每段分别介绍了一种不用花很多钱就能让家变得更舒适的方法。由此可知,空处应该统领下文,指出有一些便宜的方法让你的家更舒适,F项“Here are sme inexpensive ways t make yur hme cmfrtable( 这里有一些不用花很多钱但让你的家更舒适的方法)”符合,故选F。
    上文“The first thing yu need t d befre buying r rearranging anything is clearing rms(在购买或重新安排任何东西之前,你需要做的第一件事是清理房间)”指出让家变得更舒适需要做的第一件事就是清理房间,空处应该承接上文,B项“Disrder is the exact ppsite f warm and attractive(混乱恰恰是温暖和美丽的对立面)”符合,解释说明了清理房间的原因,故选B。
    根据本段标题“Add Green Plants(添加绿色植物)”可知,本段主要介绍了让家变得更舒适需要做的是添加绿植,下文“Besides the eye- pleasing effect that plants and flwers have, they als remve txins(毒素) frm the air, making yur envirnment healthier. If that isn’t enugh fr yu, they tend t help calm peple dwn.(除了植物和花卉的养眼效果外,它们还能去除空气中的毒素,使你的环境更健康。如果这对你来说还不够的话,它们可以帮助人们冷静下来。)”具体介绍了绿植给你带来的好处,空处应该引起下文,指出要在屋子里添加绿植,因为这会给您带来好处,G项“One way t make a rm attractive is t add plants and fresh flwers(一个使房间有吸引力的方法是添加植物和鲜花)”符合,切合本段标题,其中“add plants and fresh flwers”和标题呼应,故选G。
    根据本段标题“Try Darker Clrs( 试试深色)”和上文“Lighter clrs are great fr making a rm feel bigger, but darker clrs create a cmfrtable and attractive envirnment(较浅的颜色能使房间感觉更大,但较深的颜色能创造一个舒适和有吸引力的环境。)”可知,本段主要介绍较深的颜色能创造一个舒适和有吸引力的环境,空处应该承接上文,指出房间使用较深的颜色带来的好处,D项“Thrwing in sme darker clrs will make the rm lk perfect(加入一些深色会使房间看起来很完美)”符合,故选D。
    根据本段标题“Adjust the Lighting(调整灯光)”可知,本段主要介绍要调整灯光使自己的家变得更舒适,上文“The lighting in a rm can make r break it.(房间里的灯光可以决定它的成败。)”指出房间的灯光很重要,空处应该承接上文,解释灯光的重要性,A项“Warm lighting can make a rm pleasant and sweet(温暖的灯光可以使房间变得舒适和甜蜜)”符合,能切合本段标题。故选A。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    A few years ag, I was at a restaurant with my prject team, eating a Christmas dinner. My view f the ther diners was via a ____21____ in frm f me frm where I was sitting. It was a Wednesday night abut 3 weeks befre Christmas s there were nly abut 6 ther tables ____22____.
    Abut 10 minutes befre we left, I happened t lk in the mirrr, seeing tw girls cme in. They sat near me. They started t ____23____ the menu and I culd hear what they said. They ____24____. “It’s s expensive!”
    I usually ____25____ the table that’s eating their dinners s I can get their check frm the restaurant. As we left, I tld the manager I wanted t ____26____ the tw girls. He figured that the high ____27____ was $100 including taxes, s I gave him $140 and tld him t give the waiter whatever was left as a Christmas ____28____ . Tuched by my act, the manager said he wuld ____29____ anything ver $100 and give the waiter $40. We agreed that he wuld tell the tw girls after we _____30_____ that smene had paid fr their meal. I wanted them t _____31_____ whatever they wanted withut cnsidering the cst.
    The next day I went t the restaurant again t eat dinner with my friends, the manager _____32_____ me. He walked t me. Frm him, I knew _____33_____ abut the thing after we left. The tw girls felt _____34_____ and were mved t tears. They appreciated the kindness and said they wuld pass the kindness n t thers in need.
    I d this several times a year but I _____35_____ like the tw girls’ reactin, which makes think it valuable t d such things!
    21. A. waiterB. materialC. tableD. mirrr
    22. A. ccupiedB. imprvedC. createdD. carried
    23. A. readB. findC. typeD. cllect
    24. A. guessedB. whisperedC. aplgizedD. explained
    25. A. embraceB. purchaseC. pickD. give
    26. A. break upB. live up tC. brush asideD. pay fr
    27. A. rewardB. expenseC. fineD. salary
    28. A. resultB. recreatinC. chanceD. tip
    29. A. expressB. cverC. infrmD. wish
    30. A. pursuedB. imitatedC. leftD. slipped
    31. A. rderB. deserveC. wnD. reserve
    32. A. recgnizedB. encuragedC. depressedD. abandned
    33. A. argumentsB. interpretatinsC. criticismsD. details
    34. A. upsetB. cncernedC. surprisedD. interested
    35. A. casuallyB. reallyC. slightlyD. anxiusly
    【答案】21. D 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. D 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. B
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我是通过我坐的地方面前放置的镜子看到其他吃晚餐的顾客的。A. waiter服务生; B. material材料;C. table桌子;D. mirrr镜子。根据第二段“lk in the mirrr”可知,此处指通过镜子看到其他顾客的。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:那是圣诞节前大约三周的星期三晚上,所以只有大约六张其他桌子被占用。A. ccupied占用;B. imprved 提高;C. created创造;D. carried携带。根据空前“It was a Wednesday night abut 3 weeks befre Christmas s there were nly abut 6 ther tables”可知,还有三周才到圣诞节,餐厅的人不是特别多,因此只有其它六张桌子被占用供顾客用餐。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她们开始读菜单,我能听到她们说什么。A. read读;B. find找;C. type打字;D. cllect收集。根据空后“the menu”及常识可知,吃饭之前要点菜,所以要看菜单。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她们小声说道,“太贵了!”A. guessed猜测;B. whispered低语;C. aplgized道歉;D. explained解释。根据空后“It’s s expensive!”可知,两人应该是小声交流,说太贵了。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我通常会挑一张已经在吃晚餐的人坐的桌子,这样我就可以从餐厅拿到他们的账单。A. embrace拥抱;B. purchase购买;C. pick挑选;D. give给。根据后文“the table that’s eating their dinners s I can get their check frm the restaurant.”可知,此处是挑选一张已经在就餐的桌子。故选C。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:临走时,我告诉经理我想替这两个女孩付款。A. break up破碎;B. live up t不辜负;C. brush aside抹掉;D. pay fr付款。根据后文“s I gave him $140”可知,作者是想帮这两位女生结账。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他估计了一下,她们最高消费额是100美元(含税),所以我给了他140美元,并告诉他把剩下的作为圣诞节小费送给服务员。A. reward报酬; B. expense消费;C. fine罚款;D. salary薪水。根据下文“was $100 including taxes,”可知,她们这顿饭最高消费额是100美元(含税),故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. result结果;B. recreatin娱乐;C. chance机会;D. tip小费。根据前文“t give the waiter whatever was left as a Christmas”可知,作者打算如果多付了钱,就给服务生们作为圣诞节的小费。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:经理被我的行为感动了,他说他会支付任何超过100美元的餐品,并给服务员40美元。A. express表达;B. cver支付;C. infrm通知;D. wish希望。根据前文“Tuched by my act,”可知,经理被作者感动到,所以打算负责支付多出100美金部分的消费。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们同意他在我们离开之后告诉两个女孩有人帮她们付了饭钱。A. pursued追求;B. imitated模仿;C. left离开;D. slipped打滑。根据空前“after we”可知,此处指在作者离开之后再告诉两位女生,有人帮她们结账。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我希望她们点她们想吃的任何菜品,而无需考虑需要花费多少费用。A. rder点餐; B. deserve应得;C. wn拥有;D. reserve保留。根据前文“smene had paid fr their meal.”可知,作者希望这两位女生可以点她们想吃的任何一道菜。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天我又去和朋友去那家餐厅吃晚饭,经理认出了我。A. recgnized认出;B. encuraged鼓励;C. depressed使沮丧;D. abandned抛弃。根据后文“He walked t me.”可知,经理认出了作者。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:从他那里,我得知了从我们离开后发生的事情的细节。A. arguments争论;B. interpretatins解释;C. criticisms批判;D. details细节。根据后文“The tw girls felt ____14____ and were mved t tears. They appreciated the kindness and said they wuld pass the kindness n t thers in need.”可知,作者得知了关于他帮两位女生结账之后发生的事情的细节。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:两个女孩感到很吃惊并且感动得热泪盈眶。A. upset心烦意乱的; B. cncerned担心的;C. surprised吃惊的;D. interested感兴趣的。根据前文“We agreed that he wuld tell the tw girls after we ____10____ that smene had paid fr their meal.”可知,两位女生在听到别人已经帮她结账的消息时感到很吃惊。故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我每年都会这样做几次,但我真的喜欢两个女孩的反应,这让我觉得做这样的事情很有价值!A. casually随便地;B. really真正地;C. slightly轻微地;D. anxiusly焦虑地。根据后文“which makes think it valuable t d such things!”可知,作者真的很喜欢这两位女生的反应。故选B。
    A talented dg was captured (拍摄) n camera stpping a yung by frm ptentially drwning, and then saved the by a ____36____ (tw) time by impressively fishing a lst ty with a net.
    This is the adrable mment a smart dg saved the by twice, after it stpped a little by frm falling int a pnd and ____37____ (fish) ut his lst ty with a net. The clever dg sensed danger and tk full cntrl f the mment, ____38____ (frce) the child backwards. Then the dg shwed ff its surprising talent ____39____ fishing.
    At the beginning f the vide, the dg is sitting ____40____ (peaceful) in the garden, watching tw yung children thrw a ball t each ther. The lder girl accidentally launches the ball t far. It lands in the fish pnd, and flats n the water. While she runs ff t ask her mther fr help, the by rushes ver t the pnd and attempts t fish the ball ut ____41____ (he). Nticing that the by is abut t fall int the pnd, the dg is quick ____42____ (react). It grabs the bttm f the by’s trusers with its ____43____ (tth) and pulls him back t safety. The dg picks up the family’s fishing net, ____44____ is n the side f the pnd, using its muth t direct the net underneath the ball. After just a few secnds, the dg successfully gets the ball ut f the water ____45____ puts it nt the flr.
    【答案】36. secnd
    37. fished 38. frcing
    39. fr 40. peacefully
    41. himself
    42. t react
    43. teeth 44. which
    45. and
    考查动词时态。句意: 这是一个可爱的时刻,一只聪明的狗两次救了男孩,因为它阻止了一个小男孩掉进池塘,并用网捞出了他丢失的玩具。分析句子结构根据空前的and可知,空处和前文的stpped并列,做本句的并列谓语,stpped用的是一般过去时,所以空处也用一般过去时。故填fished。
    考查介词。句意:然后这只狗展示了它惊人的钓鱼天赋。分析句子结构可知,此处考查固定搭配:talent fr意为“有……方面的天赋”。故填fr。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:注意到那个男孩即将掉入池塘,狗迅速做出了反应。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词is,所以react应该用非谓语动词形式,此处固定句型:主语+be+形容词+ t d意为“谁怎么样去做什么”,所以空处应填不定式。故填t react。
    考查连词。句意:几秒钟后,狗狗成功地把球从水里捞出来,放在地板上。分析句子结构可知,“gets the ball ut f the water”和“puts it nt the flr”两句间是并列关系,所以空处应填连词and。故填and。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你校下周六有一个关于“认识火灾,学会逃生”的讲座,请给你的外国朋友J写一封邮件,邀请她一同前往,内容包括:
    Dear J,
    Li Hua
    Dear J,
    In rder t raise us students’ awareness f fire hazard and prtect urselves when facing a fire, ur schl will rganize a lecture next Saturday. I’m writing t ask if we can attend it tgether.
    The lecture is cnducted in the schl hall at 9 am next Mnday, which will last ne hur. Frm the lecture we can learn hw a fire cmes abut. Mre imprtantly, we are expected t master sme basic skills n hw t save urselves n such ccasins.
    The lecture is surely f great benefit t us. Lking frward t yur early reply!
    Li Hua
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    面对:face → meet/encunter
    出席,参加:attend → take part in
    实施:cnduct → carry ut
    预计/应该:be expected t → be suppsed t
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:The lecture is cnducted in the schl hall at 9 am next Mnday, which will last ne hur.
    转换句:The lecture, which is cnducted in the schl hall at 9 am next Mnday, will last ne hur.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】I’m writing t ask if we can attend it tgether.(运用了if引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】The lecture is cnducted in the schl hall at 9 am next Mnday, which will last ne hur.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    47. 阅读下面村料,根据具体内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It was my birthday that day, and my grandfather gave me a gift—a piggy bank. It had an pening thrugh which ne culd put mney in, but the pening was nt big enugh t reach in and get the mney ut. The nly way t get the mney was t break the piggy hank pen. My grandfather explained that was the whle idea. And he added. “The piggy bank wuld help save yur mney s that, at the end f the year, yu might have enugh fr that bike yu dreamed abut.” He asked if I wuld put sme f the mney he gave me int the piggy bank. I agreed immediately and prmised sincerely, “I wuldn’t break it pen until I culd affrd my dream bike.”
    Whenever my grandfather gave me sme pcket mney, he wuld say, “This is fr spending. But yu can save sme and put it in the piggy bank if yu want t save it up.” When he gave me larger amunts, it was clear fr me t save the extra mney in the piggy bank. Fr sme time, this wrked fine. I lved shaking the piggy hank and hearing the sund f the cins. As it became heavier, I grew mre excited, dreaming abut buying my new bike, and all the adventures I culd have n it.
    Whenever I wanted t take sme mney frm the piggy bank t buy delicius ice-creams r beautiful presents. I wuld imagine riding my bike n the street, and thinking f that, my thughts abut buying thse things went away. S fr almst three years. I had nly put mney int the piggy hank withut taking any ut. I thught I wuldn’t break my piggy hank fr anything. Bat ne day smething unexpected happened. I saw a piece f news n the televisin that a serius earthquake had happened in a nearby prvince. As many huses were destryed, a lt f children became hmeless. Seeing their shabby clthes and crying faces. I was sleepless that night. Staring at my piggy bank. I was thinking abut what I culd d with it.
    The next mrning. I tk ut my piggy bank and shk it.
    Hearing the nise. my grandfather came ver.
    The next mrning, I tk ut my piggy bank and shk it. “There shuld be a lt f mney in it. This is years f my savings,” I said t myself. I was abut t break it and withdraw mney when my mina came back t the bike I wanted t buy, and I hesitated. Hwever, thinking f the lk in the eyes f the children hping fr help in the earthquake, I grabbed the piggy bank and threw it t the grund. Suddenly, the piggy bank brke int pieces and the cins rlled all ver the flr.
    Hearing the nise, my grandfather came ver. I explained t him what had happened. Having knwn my thught, he fndly tuched my head and said, “Gd by, yu did the right thing. Grandpa is prud f yu.” He cntinued, “My dear grandsn, yu deserve that bicycle. As a bnus, let’s buy that bike tgether nw.” “Thank yu, Grandpa,” I was verwhelmed with happiness. Frm that day n, yu wuld always see me riding my bike n the street, leaving my hearty laughter behind.
    ①回来:cme back t/return t
    ②.犹豫:hesitate/ hang back
    ①.以……为骄傲:be prud f/take pride in
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. I was abut t break it and withdraw mney when my mina came back t the bike I wanted t buy, and I hesitated.(运用了be abut t d when句型以及省略关系代词that的定语从句)
    [高分句型2]. Frm that day n, yu wuld always see me riding my bike n the street, leaving my hearty laughter behind.(运用了现在分词作状语)
    听力答案:1~5 CBCAA 6~10 BAABC 11~15 BCCBC 16~20 CAABB

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