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    时量: 120分钟 满分:150分
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What will the speakers prbably d this weekend?
    A. See a mvie. B. Buy a refrigeratr. C. Eat ut in twn.
    2. What day is it tday?
    A. Mnday. B. Thursday. C. Saturday.
    3. What did the girl get frm her parents?
    A. A pair f shes. B. A pair f jeans. C. A handbag.
    4. Hw was the weather during Mike’s hliday?
    A. Cludy. B. Snwy. C. Rainy.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Hw t use the bathrm in schl.
    B. Hw t increase water supply.
    C. Hw t save water.
    6. Wh will send the file?
    A. Lucy. B. Sam. C. Carl.
    7. Where is the wman?
    A. In the ffice. B. At the airprt. C. In the htel.
    8. What is the prbable relatinship between Justin and Mary?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Bss and emplyee. C. Father and daughter.
    9. What is the man ging t d during his hliday?
    A. Watch TV at hme. B. Climb Munt Tai. C. G t the beach.
    10. When will the French beginners have classes?
    A. On Mndays. B. On Tuesdays. C. On Thursdays.
    11. What is the purpse f the man ging t France?
    A. On vacatin B. Run shps C. Build museums
    12. Hw many students will be there in the man’s class?
    A. Eleven. B. Twelve. C. Twenty.
    13. Hw much shuld the man pay fr his curses?
    A. £145. В. £170. C. £195.
    14. What des the man mst prbably d?
    A. A writer. B. A pliceman. C. A dctr.
    15. Why did the accident happen?
    A. It was t dark t see anything.
    B. They were s tired and sleepy.
    C. The wman was hit by a stne.
    16. What happened t the car?
    A. It fell ff a bridge. B. It ran int trees. C. It hit a man.
    17. Where was the wman when she wke up?
    A. On the grass. B. In the car. C. On a stne.
    18. What des Lana usually d during filming?
    A. She assists the actrs.
    B. She arranges the places t film.
    C. She wrks the lights and the camera.
    19. Which is the easiest t make accrding t Lana?
    A. Mvies. B. Music vides. C. Advertisements.
    20. What des Lana advise peple t d?
    A. Avid making mistakes at university.
    B. Try new ideas bravely.
    C. D the same things as thers.
    更多课件 教案 视频 等低价同类优质滋源请 家 威杏 MXSJ663 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Want t find a jb? Nw read the fllwing advertisements.
    21. Which jb f the fur will be paid best mnthly frm the passage?
    A. Cmputer Salesclerk B. Accuntant C. Secretary D. Nt mentined in the text
    22. If yu dn’t knw hw t use a cmputer, yu can just apply fr the psitin as ______.
    A. a secretary B. a waiter r waitressC. an accuntantD. a salesclerk
    23. If yu want t be the accuntant in Wilsn Bkstre, yu have t satisfy the fllwing cnditins
    except _________.
    A. being a wmanB. knwing hw t use a cmputer
    C. having been an accuntantD. having an accuntant certificate
    Nzu is ne f the quiet stars f the Rhin& Elephant Cnservatin(保护) Prgramme at Imire in Zimbabwe(津巴布韦). The ldest elephant in the prtected area, Nzu is arund 55 years ld, and has been there since she was tw years ld.
    It is said that elephants never frget, but this special animal seems t have frgtten she is an elephant,and nw thinks f herself as ne f the buffales(水牛).
    Nzu was brught t the area in the 1970s, when she lst her parents. She was encuraged t stay with the elephants. But she was happy with the buffales and has lived with them ever since. They culd understand each ther. Their relatinship is amazing but nt easy. Buffal leaders are usually male(雄性的). Over the 40+years that Nzu has been the leader, she has killed 14 yung male buffal wh challenged her.
    Nzu has never lst her elephant's instinct(本能) fr lyalty(忠诚). One day, ne f her keepers was attacked by a yung male buffal. Nzu std ver him as he waited fr help t arrive, prtecting him against mre attacks frm the buffal.
    Nzu n lnger cmmunicates with the ther elephants at Imire perhaps she has frgtten hw and n lnger understands what they are saying. She is happy with the buffal, and as lng as they dn't step ut f line, she is happy and pleased t be their leader.
    24. Hw lng has Nzu been at Imire?
    A. 70 years.B. 55 years.C. 2 years.D. 53 years.
    25. What is the relatinship Nzu and the buffales?
    A. FriendsB. EnemiesC. Leader and fllwersD. Mther and children
    26. Which wrds can best describe Nzu?
    A. pwerful and lyalB. lyal and hnest
    C. hnest and braveD. pwerful and unfriendly
    27. Which makes the best main idea f the passage?
    A. An elephant living with buffalesB. An elephant shwing lyalty t her keepers
    C. An elephant star in Zimbabwe D. An elephant challenging buffales
    A Beijing-based expert team has reprted the wrld's first case f a 19-year-ld adlescent with Alzheimer's disease(疾病) (AD). It is a cnditin nrmally related t ld peple. The team released the research results in Jurnal(杂志) f Alzheimer's Disease.
    The patient(病人) develped memry prblems at 17 years ld and was then diagnsed with AD at 19.The patient first began t have difficulty fcusing n learning. One year later, the patient suffered great shrt-term memry lss, an inability t remember the previus(之前的) day's events r where persnal things were stred, as well as reading difficulties and slw reactins.
    Later the patient cntinued t suffer gradual memry lss, even struggling t remember having eaten. As a result,the patient had t drp ut f(退学)high schl. The patient has n family histry f AD and n ther causes f memry prblems such as genetic(基因的) issues r ther diseases.
    Since the first case f AD was reprted in 1906, it has been widely believed that AD mainly ccurs in the ld. AD is a disease with a slw beginning. It can bring gradual lss f cgnitin(认知), memry and speech and an increase in mental(心智的) prblems ver time. It even leads t the inability t take care f neself in time. It is still difficult t treat the disease.
    The study has cnfirmed that AD is n lnger a disease limited t the ld. The team call fr mre attentin t the pssibility f AD ccurring in yunger peple. Healthy habits may help prevent AD. Cnsider the fllwing steps: exercise, eat the Mediterranean diet(地中海饮食), get enugh sleep, learn new things and cnnect scially.
    28. What is special abut the newly-reprted case?
    A. The patient was diagnsed at 17.B. The patient has a family histry f AD.
    C. The patient is t yung fr the disease.D. It's the wrld's first case f Alzheimer's disease.
    29. What is true abut Alzheimer's disease accrding t Paragraph 4?
    A. It can never be cured.B. It nly ccurs in the ld.
    C. It will becme wrse ver time.D. The first case was reprted in the 1910s.
    30. Which f the fllwing habits desn’t help lwer the danger f getting AD accrding t the passage?
    A. making effrts t learn a freign language B. taking a walk every day
    C. talking t many peple every dayD. staying up wrking every night
    31. In which part f a newspaper may this text appear?
    A. EntertainmentB. HealthC. EducatinD. Technlgy
    Plastic pllutin is ne f the earth’s greatest challenges that humans have faced and ften little attentin is paid t it. Anyne wh uses plastic has caused prblems in ne way r anther. In rder t slve the envirnmental prblems, mre and mre peple are starting t live a simple and envirnment-friendly life called zer-waste lifestyle.
    When yu chse a zer-waste lifestyle, yu pay mre attentin t hw yur cnsumptin ( 消 费 ) habits influence the envirnment. Yu’re mre careful abut what yu buy and hw yu use it. S hw can yu live a zer-waste life? Actually when lking at yur rubbish, yu’ll grasp what it is.
    There are tw main types f rubbish. The first is fd packaging(包 装), s we shuld learn hw t shp fr things with n big pack r package-free. The secnd is prduct packaging, s we shuld learn hw t make ur wn prducts in a green way. With ur effrts, we will reduce a lt f rubbish. Shpping fr secnd-hand gds is als imprtant. Instead f buying new clthes and putting new waste int the waste cycle(循环), we shuld buy things that are secnd-hand r can be ttally recycled(回收利用).
    There are many advantages f living a zer-waste life. Firstly, we can save mney by making things urselves and buying secnd-hand gds. Secnd-hand clthes are usually less expensive than new nes. Next, we can eat better t stay healthy. We shuld buy fresh fruits and vegetables t reduce the waste f resurces when prcessing fd.
    Althugh gvernment plicies can make a difference, it needs everyne’s effrts t cmpletely slve the prblem. Frm nw n, let’s begin t live a green life.
    32. What is the first paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Plastic pllutin, ne challenge t the earth.
    B. The imprtance f imprving the earth envirnment.
    C. The advantage f living a zer-waste life.
    D. The reasn fr living a zer-waste life.
    33. The underlined wrd “grasp” in paragraph 2 prbably means “_____________”in the passage.
    A. understandB. catch C. wnderD. dubt
    34. Hw can we reduce rubbish accrding t the passage?
    A. Buying fd with fine packaging.B. Using plastic bttles wisely.
    C. Shpping fr secnd-hand prducts.D. Thrwing away yur ld clthes.
    35. The passage is mainly written t ____________.
    A. explain why the envirnment is plluted
    B. call n mre peple t live a zer-waste life
    C. share sme useful ways f reducing rubbish
    D. talk abut envirnmental prblems facing the earth
    The Feynman Technique(费曼学习法)is a pwerful methd that yu can use t learn anything faster because it frces yu t actively think abut the prblem instead f passively reading r listening t smene else talk abut it. Yu can take the fllwing five simple steps t study better.
    Find ut the tpic yu want t learn. 36. _____________, r yu'll end up jumping between tpics withut develping a deeper understanding f any f them.
    Explain the tpic as if teaching a sixth-grader, which is the heart f the FeynmanTechnique. 37. _____________. This requires yu t meet the child at their level f understanding by using the simplest way.
    Identify(识别出) areas f ptential imprvement in yur explanatin. Yu’ll need t critically(批判性地)review the explanatin yu came up with in Step Tw. 38. _____________. Try t find any knwledge gap(差距, 鸿沟), tgether with any area where yu felt that yu culdn't explain the tpic simply.
    Imprve and ptimize(优化) yur explanatin. Think abut all the knwledge gaps and ther areas f pssible imprvement yu fund in Step Three. 39. _____________.
    Repeat the steps until yu've achieved mastery(掌握n.) f the tpic. Keep ging thrugh each step until yu're fully satisfied with yur explanatin. 40. _____________, and that is why ging thrugh all the prir(之前的) subjects nce is usually nt enugh t achieve tpic mastery.
    A. Thse are where yu can refine and perfect yur explanatin.
    B. T d s, take a careful lk at yur explanatin and questin the pints in it.
    C. Make sure that yur explanatin is interest-based
    D. Yur explanatin needs t be shrt and t the pint
    E. The Feynman Technique wrks best with repeats
    F. It's imprtant that yu clearly knw the tpics yu're trying t learn
    G. Explain the tpic simply enugh t be understd by a six-grade student
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I believe unexpected friendly cnversatin with strangers can make an extrardinary 41. ___________ t ur lives. I learned this life-changing experience during my secnd year f cllege when I wrked as a part-time 42. ___________ in Chicag. Grwing up, I was used t 43. ___________ such as "Dn't talk t strangers" and "Mind yur wn business". Therefre, I spent mst f my time at wrk engaging(参与) in as 44. ___________ "real" cnversatin as pssible, except taking rders and ccasinal weather chat. 45. ___________, I never started a chat n a three-hur plane flight r knew the name f the wman that I 46. ___________ the train with every day. But the prcess finally ended.
    One night, a little ld man came in and sat in my sectin. I tk his rder and went n my way. But then I nticed that he came in week after week and always sat at ne f my 47. ___________. Slwly, I began t knw my 48. ___________ guest. His name was Mr Rgers, but he insisted that I call him Dn. His wife and he had gne t dinner and a mvie every Saturday. After his wife died, he 49. ___________ this traditin alne. Gradually, I began t sit and chat with him abut anything, frm his family t my 50. ___________ : ging t cllege and a bright future.
    Abut fur mnths after meeting him, I received a call frm a nurse at Chicag Mercy Hspital telling me that Dn was 51. ___________ cmplicatins(并发症) frm an emergency(突发情况) peratin. "Mr Rgers wishes t see yu s much," she said. Immediately I drve t the hspital. When I arrived, the first thing he did was thank me fr my "great help". I was 52. ___________ t hear what he said 53. ___________. Then I remembered giving him the number f a dctr I knew 54. ___________ his chest pains.
    After meeting with Dn, I learned that friendship can develp between strangers. My life became 55. ___________ because f the warm cnversatin with him. I fund myself talking lng with mre and mre custmers and time spent in the restaurant ging faster than befre!
    A. jurneyB. differenceC. friendshipD. rder
    A. dctrB. teacherC. waitressD. manager
    A. warnings B. prmisesC. praisesD. greetings
    A. bringB. muchC. interestingD. little
    A. UnfrtunatelyB. StrangelyC. SimilarlyD. Interestingly
    A. satB. rdeC. caughtD. drve
    A. seatsB. tablesC. sectinsD. places
    A. newB. kindC. nlyD. lnely
    A. stuck tB. went nC. gave upD. tk n
    A. experiencesB. purpsesC. dreamsD. pprtunities
    A. learning frmB. rising tC. leading tD. ging thrugh
    A. alarmedB. surprisedC. wrriedD. embarrassed
    A. as a resultB. at the beginningC. at first D. in time
    A. abutB. withC. tD. fr
    A. funnierB. tugherC. mre prmisingD. mre enjyable
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    I am Li Ying. I like t set 56. _____________ (gal) fr myself. I am a "g-better" — when I set ut t d smething, I try 57. _____________ best t achieve it.
    Senir high schl is a new start. Studying is definitely 58. _____________ big part f my life. Usually I set a gal fr every subject at the beginning f each term. My aim is t d well in every subject this term. I 59. ______________ (attract) t Bilgy especially and hpe t get a degree(学位) in bilgy at university. I pay all my attentin t the lessn in every class and my teachers say that I am a very 60. _____________ (fcus) student. I think actively in class 61. _____________ well. I mean 62. _____________ (balance) my schl life by fully applying myself(努力) in class t studying and 63. _____________ (spend) the rest f my time at schl n ther things, like reading and sprts. I find it is much tugher fr me t achieve this 64. _____________ it was back in junir high schl. Frtunately, I get great 65. _____________ (encurage) frm bth my parents and teachers, wh have cnfidence in my ability t manage my time well.
    第四部分 基础词汇 (满分15分)
    66. “When will uncle Tim arrive at ur hme?” Jimmy shuted excitedly, “I just c_____________ w_____________ t_____________ see him! We haven’t met fr ten years!”
    67. Mr Lee gave us sme t_____________ abut imprving ur English. “The mst imprtant thing is t use this language as much as yu can. Reading English materials especially will m_____________ a great c___________________ (贡献) t yur prgress. Als, speaking English with thers can be very helpful,” Mr Lee said.
    68. “Sam, ” mum lked int my eyes, saying seriusly, “Yu are already thirteen nw. Listen, t_____________ are ld enugh t be r___________________ f_____________ their behavir(行为). S yu have t be punished fr breaking the windw glass.”
    69. Oh, Mary, yu r_____________ me _____________ yur mther whenever I see yu! Yu lk just the same as she did when she was yur age!
    70. We t_____________ a_____________ _____________(利用) all the htel f____________ t have a pleasant vacatin — Peter and I swam in the pl n the first flr, and Jseph wrked ut after dinner in the gym(健身房) n the secnd. Even Luis, wh hardly likes TV, watched a sap pera n the set in his rm every evening.FAIREMONT HOTEL
    Five Waiters and Ten Waitresses:
    Aged under 22.
    At least high schl graduates.
    Gd-lking men at least 1.72 metres tall and wmen at least 1.65
    Thse knwing freign languages favured.
    Paid 1600-2200 dllars per mnth.
    One secretary:
    Aged under 30.
    Females favured. Paid 2500-2700 dllars mnthly.
    Gd at writing and skilled at cmputers.
    If interested, call 465-4768 r write t : Mr. Jack Hundris
    Rm 0825m Fairemnt Htel
    567 Wd Street, San Marers, 78003
    Fax: 6954828
    Aged between 25 and 40.
    With an experience f at least tw years.
    With a degree and an accuntant certificate.
    With a practical knwledge f cmputer.
    Paid 3000-4000 dllars mnthly.
    Cmputer Salesclerk:
    Aged 25 r less.
    Basic educatin f 12 years r mre.
    Gd at cmputer.
    Paid 1800-2200 dllars mnthly.
    Tel: 447-4398
    Fax: 3485269

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