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    这是一份2023-2024学年江苏省苏州市高三上学期11月份期中摸底调研卷英语试题含答案,文件包含江苏省苏州市2023-2024学年高三上学期11月份期中摸底调研卷英语试题原卷版docx、江苏省苏州市2023-2024学年高三上学期11月份期中摸底调研卷英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Mst f us have an unreasnable fear r habit. Famus flks ften seem t g ne step further.
    Diane vn Furstenberg
    Fashin designer and icn Diane vn Furstenberg (1946 - ) tapes a gld 20 -franc cin in her she fr gd luck befre every runway shw. Her father hid the cin in his she during Wrld War II and gave it t her when she was a girl.
    Lucille Ball
    On the day that three-year-ld Lucille Ball’s father died, a bird flew int her hme and became trapped. Traumatized(受精神创伤)by the events, she develped a lifelng feeling f intense dislike f birds. The actr (1911 - 1989) even refused t stay in htels that had pictures f birds n the walls.
    Charles Dickens
    Authr Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870) carried a navigatinal cmpass with him at all times and always faced nrth when he slept. He believed it imprved his creativity and writing.
    Gustav Mahler
    Cmpser Gustav Mahler (1860 - 1911) thught he culd cheat death by nt naming his ninth symphny by number. This was because several cmpsers, including Beethven and Schubert, had died after cmpleting their ninth symphnies. S Mahler called his ninth The Sng f the Earth—and it wrked, in a sense. He lived lng enugh t write mst f his tenth symphny, thugh he died befre it was perfrmed.
    1 Wh is a perfect match fr “TREASURE FROM DAD”?
    A. Diane vn Furstenberg.
    B. Lucille Ball.
    C Charles Dickens.
    D. Gustav Mahler.
    2. Which f the fllwing pictures best describes what Gustav Mahler believed in?
    A. B.
    C. D.
    3. What d the abve famus flks have in cmmn?
    A. They are mre unreasnable than rdinary peple.
    B. They are influenced by their unusual beliefs.
    C. They have recipes fr gd luck.
    D. They have special fears.
    【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B
    细节理解题。根据对Diane vn Furstenberg介绍的句子“Her father hid the cin in his she during Wrld War II and gave it t her when she was a girl.(第二次世界大战期间,她的父亲把这枚硬币藏在鞋子里,在她还是个小女孩的时候送给了她)”可知,TREASURE FROM DAD符合对Diane vn Furstenberg描述。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据对Gustav Mahler介绍的句子“Cmpser Gustav Mahler (1860 - 1911) thught he culd cheat death by nt naming his ninth symphny by number. This was because several cmpsers, including Beethven and Schubert, had died after cmpleting their ninth symphnies. S Mahler called his ninth The Sng f the Earth(作曲家古斯塔夫·马勒(1860 - 1911)认为他可以通过不以数字命名第九交响曲来逃避死亡。 这是因为包括贝多芬和舒伯特在内的几位作曲家都在完成第九交响曲后去世。 因此马勒把他的第九部作品命名为《大地之歌》 )”可知,Gustav Mahler是害怕“9”这个数字的,而C项中的图片正好展示的是对数字“9”的恐惧。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Mst f us have an unreasnable fear r habit. Famus flks ften seem t g ne step further.(我们大多数人都有一种不合理的恐惧或习惯。 名人似乎更是如此)”的内容,再分析文中提到的四位名人产生某种恐惧或习惯原因可知,他们都受到不同寻常的信念的影响。故选B项。
    Lts f animals live and mve in grups--elephants in herds, wlves in packs, birds in flcks, and fish in schls. Research has shwn that where an individual is lcated in the grup can affect the benefits it gets frm hanging ut in a crwd. Hwever, Shaun Killen, an ecphysilgist at the University f Glasgw in the UK says, researchers haven’t yet fully explred the rle f physilgical prcesses such as digestin in driving animals’ cllective behavir.
    Killen and his clleagues recently studied schls f Eurasian minnws (修鱼) swimming in a tank against a current. Pieces f fd were cnstantly mving past the fish, and the team recrded hw many each minnw ate and the fishes’ psitins befre and after eating. After calculating the metablic (新陈代谢的) csts f digesting each fish’s meal and cmparing it t the fish’s psitin ,the team bserved a trend: fish that had just gulped dwn a big meal mved t the back f the schl, even when they’d swum at the frnt at mst ther times.
    “It makes sense that feeding wuld influence individuals’ psitins in a grup,” says DamienFarine, wh studies cllective behavir in birds at the University f Knstanz in Germany, “If a fish is hungry, it’s cmpeting with thers in the schl t eat, and being at the frnt gives it access t mre fd. But nce the fish is full, it desn’t necessarily need t be at the frnt.” In additin,“being at the back f the grup is less energetically cstly fr a range f reasns,” Farine ntes.” An individual at the back desn’t have t cntribute t navigating, and by relaxing the brain lad it saves mre energy.”
    Killen says he’s been thinking abut the prs and cns f being at the back f the pack, such as prtectin frm attackers and a bst frm schlmates’ slipstream. Changes in psitin, especially during the basic trade -ff between feeding and mvement, appear t influence grup leadership ,infrmatin transfer, and grup decisin making. But the cnsequences f the trade-ffs fr grup pwer and survival are nt yet understd.
    4. What des Killen and his clleagues’ study fcus n?
    A. Hw behaviral traits influence psitin change f individuals in fish schls.
    B. Hw lcatin influences nutritin states f individuals in fish schls.
    C. Hw digestin influences distributin f individuals in fish schls.
    D. Hw lcatin influences benefits f individuals in fish schls.
    5. What d the underlined wrds “gulped dwn” mean in Paragraph 2?
    A. Swallwed.B. Lcated.C. Witnessed.D. Missed.
    6. What can we learn frm Paragraph3?
    A. A full fish cmpetes t eat at the back.
    B. A hungry fish has easier access t mre fd.
    C. Being at the back saves the energy f a full fish.
    D. Being at the frnt csts a hungry fish less energy.
    7. What is Shaun Killen’s attitude t his study?
    A. Cautius.B. Cnfident.C. Psitive.D. Disappinted.
    【答案】4. C 5. A 6. C 7. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段的“researchers haven’t yet fully explred the rle f physilgical prcesses such as digestin in driving animals’ cllective behavir(研究人员还没有完全探索消化等生理过程在驱动动物集体行为中的作用)”和第二段的“Killen and his clleagues recently studied schls f Eurasian minnws swimming in a tank against a current. Pieces f fd were cnstantly mving past the fish, and the team recrded hw many each minnw ate and the fishes’ psitins befre and after eating.(Killen和他的同事们最近研究了成群的欧亚鲦鱼在水箱中逆流而游。食物块不断地从鱼旁边移动,研究团队记录了每条小鱼吃了多少,以及鱼在吃之前和之后的位置。)”可知,Killen和他同事的研究重点是消化如何影响鱼群中个体的分布。故选C。
    词句猜测题。根据第二段的“a big meal(一顿大餐)”可知,鱼是吃下大餐,gulped dwn意为“吞下,吃下”,和swallwed意思相近,故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三段的“But nce the fish is full, it desn’t necessarily need t be at the frnt.(但一旦鱼吃饱了,它就不一定要在前面了。)”和“being at the back f the grup is less energetically cstly fr a range f reasns(由于各种原因,处于群体的后部消耗的能量较少)”可知,在后面可以节省吃饱的鱼的能量。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Changes in psitin, especially during the basic trade -ff between feeding and mvement, appear t influence grup leadership ,infrmatin transfer, and grup decisin making. But the cnsequences f the trade-ffs fr grup pwer and survival are nt yet understd.(位置的变化,尤其是在进食和运动之间的基本权衡过程中,似乎会影响群体领导、信息传递和群体决策。但群体权力和生存之间权衡的后果尚不清楚。)”可知,Shaun Killen对他的研究的态度是谨慎的,故选A。
    Clthes were nce used until they fell apart. Nt tday. In high-incme cuntries in particular, clthing and ftwear are increasingly frequently bught, thrwn away and replaced with new fashins, which are themselves sn thrwn away and replaced.
    The s-called ‘Fast fashin’ is having a surprising envirnmental impact. ‘Take water. The fashin industry, ne f the wrld’s largest users f water, cnsumes anywhere frm 20 trillin t 200 trillin litres every year. ‘Then there are micrplastics. Plastic fibres are released when we wash plyester (聚酯纤维) and ther plymer-based textiles, and make up between 20% and 35% f themicr plastics chking the ceans. Added t this are specific chemicals, such as thse used t make fabrics stain resistant and the pesticides required t prtect crps such as cttn.
    Change is badly needed, but will require the fashin industry t wrk harder t embrace mre f what is knwn as the circular ecnmy. That will invlve at least tw things: refcusing n making things that last, and s encuraging reuse; and mre rapidly expanding the technlgies fr sustainable manufacturing prcesses, especially recycling. There’s a big rle fr research--bth academic and industrial--in achieving these and ther ambitins.
    Researchers culd begin by helping t prvide mre accurate estimates f water use. There is als wrk t be dne n imprving and expanding textiles recycling. Undubtedly, used textiles g t landfill in part because there are relatively few systems that cllect, recycle and reuse materials. Such recycling requires the manual separatin f fibres, as well as buttns and zips. Different fibres are nt easy t identify by eye, and verall such manual prcesses are time-cnsuming. Machinery is being develped that can help. Technlgies als exist t recycle used fibres chemically and t create high -quality fibres that can be reused in clthing. But these are nwhere near the scale needed.
    Anther challenge fr researchers is t wrk ut hw t get cnsumers and manufacturers t change their behaviur. Other research questins include finding ways t encurage peple t purchase lng lasting gds; explring hw t satisfy desires fr smething new while reducing envirnmental impact; and understanding why certain measures can be successfully scaled up whereas thers fail.
    8. Why des the authr mentin “water”, “micrplastics” and “chemicals” in Paragraph 2?
    A. T list examples.
    B. T prve a pint.
    C. T prvide an idea.
    D. T give a definitin.
    9. Which f the fllwing ges against the cncept f “circular ecnmy”?
    A. Effrts are made t lengthen the lifespan f textiles.
    B. Wrn-ut clthes are used as dishclths and il rags.
    C. High-quality fibres are created t be reused in clthing.
    D. Fashin industry is encuraged t release new lines mre ften.
    10. What is the right thing fr the fashin industry researchers t d?
    A. T make sure that all f the used textiles g t landfill.
    B. T separate fibres, as well as buttns and zips manually.
    C. T imprve and expand textile recycling t a larger extent.
    D. T encurage cnsumers t satisfy their desires fr fashin.
    11. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text ?
    A. Say n t the s-called fast fashin
    B. Address the challenges fr researchers
    C. Embrace mre f the circular ecnmy
    D. Cut fast fashin’s envirnmental impact
    【答案】8. B 9. D 10. C 11. D
    推理判断题。根据第二段的“The s-called ‘Fast fashin’ is having a surprising envirnmental impact.(所谓的“快时尚”正在对环境产生惊人的影响)”和“The fashin industry, ne f the wrld’s largest users f water, cnsumes anywhere frm 20 trillin t 200 trillin litres every year. Then there are micrplastics. Plastic fibres are released when we wash plyester (聚酯纤维) and ther plymer-based textiles, and make up between 20% and 35% f themicr plastics chking the ceans. Added t this are specific chemicals, such as thse used t make fabrics stain resistant and the pesticides required t prtect crps such as cttn.(时装业是世界上用水最多的行业之一,每年的用水量在20万亿到200万亿升之间。还有微塑料。当我们清洗聚酯纤维和其他基于聚合物的纺织品时,塑料纤维被释放出来,构成了阻塞海洋的20%到35%的微塑料。除此之外,还有一些特殊的化学物质,比如用来使织物耐污的化学物质,以及保护棉花等作物所需的农药)”可知,作者在第二段中提到“水”、“微塑料”和“化学品”的目的是为了证明一个观点,也就是“快时尚”正在对环境产生惊人的影响。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第三段的“That will invlve at least tw things: refcusing n making things that last, and s encuraging reuse; and mre rapidly expanding the technlgies fr sustainable manufacturing prcesses, especially recycling. There’s a big rle fr research--bth academic and industrial--in achieving these and ther ambitins.(这将至少涉及两件事:重新专注于让物品耐用,从而鼓励重复使用;更迅速地扩大可持续生产工艺的技术,特别是回收利用。在实现这些和其他雄心方面,学术和工业研究都发挥着重要作用)”可知,与“循环经济”的概念相抵触的是鼓励时尚产业更频繁地发布新产品。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第四段的“Researchers culd begin by helping t prvide mre accurate estimates f water use. There is als wrk t be dne n imprving and expanding textiles recycling.(研究人员可以从帮助提供更准确的用水量估算开始。在改善和扩大纺织品回收方面也有工作要做)”可知,时尚产业研究者应该做的正确的事情是在更大程度上改善和扩大纺织品回收利用。故选C。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第二段的“The s-called ‘Fast fashin’ is having a surprising envirnmental impact.(所谓的“快时尚”正在对环境产生惊人的影响)”和第三段的“Change is badly needed, but will require the fashin industry t wrk harder t embrace mre f what is knwn as the circular ecnmy.(变革是迫切需要的,但这需要时尚行业更加努力,更多地接受所谓的循环经济)”可知,文章讲述了所谓的“快时尚”对环境产生的影响,以及给我们提供的建议,以避免这种影响,因此最好的题目是D选项“Cut fast fashin’s envirnmental impact(减少快时尚对环境的影响)”。故选D。
    Early in the year, the hpe was that the bttlenecks that messed up the glbal supply chain in 2020 wuld be mstly cleared by nw. They've actually nly gtten much wrse and evidence is munting that the hliday seasn is at risk.
    Acrss Eurpe, retailers (零售商) can't meet demand because f delivery delays. In the U.S., Nike cut is sales frecast after COVID-19 set ff factry clsures in Vietnam that wiped ut mnths f prductin.
    Cvid utbreaks have affected prts. There still aren't enugh cntainers, causing prices t increase 10 times frm a year ag. Labr shrtages have delayed trucking and pushed U.S. jb penings t all-time highs.
    On the supplier side, Jay Freman's been making tys with manufacturing partners in China fr mre than three decades, and he's never seen anything like this. His mid-sized ty cmpany, Basic Fun, is n pace fr its best year ever. There is n shrtage f demand, but a shrtage f cntainers has left thusands f the cmpany's Lite Brites and TinkerTys waiting t be shipped. At just ne factry in Shenzhen, there's rughly $8 millin wrth f finished gds that culd fill 140 cntainers.
    The bigger, mre systemic risk—ne that culd hurt every retailer—is that Americans spend less than expected because there isn't enugh inventry (库存). The available gds may als nt be all that attractive. The sharp increase in shipping prices has frced manufacturers t make hard decisins abut what t transprt. Hicks, the Academy Sprts CEO, predicted that shppers “will have t settle mre because they just wn't have as gd f a selectin.”
    Shipping big items and gds with lwer value dn’t make as much ecnmic sense right nw. iPhnes are small and pricey, making them an ideal gd t ship, but the same case can’t be made fr lw-end furniture r tys.
    “Cnsumers might see news abut prt backups (阻塞), but that wn’t hit hme until they try t buy the ty f the year and can’t get it,” Bartashus, an analyst fr Blmberg Intelligence, said, “That’s when they’ll hit crisis mde.”
    12. What is the first paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The gds are munting.B. Supply chain issues are getting wrse.
    C. The cnsumers becme hpeless.D. The hliday seasn hits the bttlenecks.
    13. What prblem is Jay Freman faced with?
    A. Basic Fun lacks rders.
    B. There exists a shrtage f shippers.
    C. His ty cmpany has its wrst year.
    D. The factry is filled with finished gds.
    14. Which f the fllwing will hurt every retailer?
    A. Cnsumers will have limited ptins.
    B. Cnsumers can't affrd the attractive gds.
    C. The shipping cmpany will stp shipping expensive gds.
    D. The manufactures will have pr selectins f shipping cmpanies.
    15. What will prbably happen accrding t?
    A. The prt prblem will be settled.
    B. Cnsumers will prefer t stay at hme.
    C. The gvernment will pass the financial crisis.
    D. The market will be in varius frms f panic.
    【答案】12. B 13. D 14. A 15. D
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Early in the year, the hpe was that the bttlenecks that messed up the glbal supply chain in 2020 wuld be mstly cleared by nw. They've actually nly gtten much wrse and evidence is munting that the hliday seasn is at risk.(今年年初,人们希望在2020年扰乱全球供应链的瓶颈到现在能够基本解决。实际上,它们只是变得更糟,越来越多的证据表明假日处于危险之中。)”可推断,第一段主要介绍由于疫情影响,全球供应链继续恶化,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章第四段的“There is n shrtage f demand, but a shrtage f cntainers has left thusands f the cmpany's Lite Brites and TinkerTys waiting t be shipped.(需求并不短缺,但集装箱短缺导致该公司成千上万的Lite Brites和TinkerTys等待运输)”可知,Jay Freman公司面对的不是需求的短缺,而是货柜/集装箱的短缺,说明公司里堆满了完成的产品,故选D。
    推理判断题。根据文章第五段的“The bigger, mre systemic risk—ne that culd hurt every retailer—is that Americans spend less than expected because there isn't enugh inventry (库存). (更大的、更系统性的风险——可能会伤害每个零售商——是美国人的支出低于预期,因为没有足够的库存。)”和 “Hicks, the Academy Sprts CEO, predicted that shppers‘will have t settle mre because they just wn't have as gd f a selectin.’(学院体育界的首席执行官希克斯预测,购物者“将不得不接受更多,因为他们没有那么好的选择了。”)”可知,伤害每个零售商的是购买者没有很好的选择,消费者面临有限的选择,支出低于预期,从而伤害到每个零售商。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Cnsumers might see news abut prt backups (阻塞), but that wn’t hit hme until they try t buy the ty f the year and can’t get it,(消费者可能会看到关于港口阻塞的消息,但直到他们试图购买年度最佳玩具时,他们才会收到这些消息)”和“that's when they will hit the crisis mde(到那时,他们就会进入危机模式)”可推断,Bartashus认为市场将会出现各种形式的恐慌,故选D。
    Keep current with facts abut electric cars
    Sales f electric vehicles (EV) grew 40 percent last year wrldwide. Stateside, nearly a third f drivers want their next car t be electric. ____16____ Almst 100 pure-electric vehicles are set t cme int the market by the end f 2024. Many manufacturers, including GM, Jeep, and Vlv, have prmised t ffer fully electric lineups befre this decade is dne.
    ____17____ Tesla's upcming reimagined Radster will start at $200,000, while Tesla's current cheapest mdel is $41,000. Plenty f ther EVs are even mre affrdable. Chevy, Nissan, and Hyundai all ffer mdels fr arund S30,000. When assessing the cst f an EV, keep in mind that sme mdels will even qualify yu fr a federal tax credit (联邦税收抵免) f up t $7,500. ____18____ A typical EV wner spends between $6,000 and $10,000 less than a cnventinal car wner n vehicle maintenance. One reasn: EVs dn’t have transmissins r clutches, tw f the cstliest parts t repair.
    There are abut 22,000 public charging prts natinwide, a number that is expected t be mre than three times by 2023. But fr mst EV wners, charging at hme is the way t g. ____19____
    The average EV gets abut 250 miles frm a full charge, which is far less than the distance mst gas-pwered cars can g n a full tank. But EVs are catching up. Tesla cmes the clsest. Its newer 2021 versin gets clser t 500. ____20____ BMW makes a fast-charging system that adds abut 60 miles f drive time in abut six minutes.
    A. They'll have ptins.
    B. But electric cars are nthing new.
    C. Then there are the lng-term savings.
    D. Chargingg technlgy is als imprving.
    E. Sme EVs are still eye-wateringly expensive.
    F. The battery is usually the entire flr f the vehicle.
    G. It takes lnger, but yu can d it vernight when electricity is cheapest.
    【答案】16. A 17. E 18. C 19. G 20. D
    根据上文“Stateside, nearly a third f drivers want their next car t be electric.”(在美国,有大约三分之一司机的下一辆汽车会选择电动车)和下文“Almst 100 pure-electric vehicles are set t cme int the market by the end f 2024.”(到2024年末,有将近100辆纯电动汽车进入市场)可知,选项承接上文,说明消费者面临的选择更多了。They指代的是上文的drivers。故A选项“因此他们会有更多的选择”切题。故选A。
    根据下文“Tesla's upcming reimagined Radster will start at $200,000, while Tesla's current cheapest mdel is $41,000.”(特斯拉即将推出的新款Radster起价为20万美元,而特斯拉目前最便宜的车型为4.1万美元)可知,选项承接下文说明现在的电动车价格都很贵。E选项“一些电动汽车仍然昂贵得令人瞠目结舌”,和下文呼应,故选E。
    根据下文“A typical EV wner spends between $6,000 and $10,000 less than a cnventinal car wner n vehicle maintenance.(一个普通的电动汽车车主在汽车维护上的花费比普通汽车车主少6000到10000美元)可知,将电动车主和传统车主花费的钱对比,凸显电动汽车花费的少。故C选项“而且还能长期的省钱”呼应下文,故选C。
    根据上文“But fr mst EV wners, charging at hme is the way t g.”(对大多数电动车车主来说,在家充电会是一个好办法)可知,选项这里要介绍在家充电的好处,故G选项“这会花更多的时间,但是你可以在电费最便宜的时候充一整晚”切题。故选G。
    根据上文“The average EV gets abut 250 miles frm a full charge, which is far less than the distance mst gas-pwered cars can g n a full tank. But EVs are catching up. Tesla cmes the clsest. Its newer 2021 versin gets clser t 500.”(电动汽车的平均充电里程约为250英里,远低于大多数汽油动力汽车在油箱加满后的行驶里程。但电动汽车正在迎头赶上。特斯拉最接近。新的2021版本接近500英里)可知,选项承接上文说明技术在不断进步。故D选项“充电技术还在不断创新”切题。且呼应下文BMW公司对于充电方面所付出的努力和创新。故选D项。
    第二部分 语言知识运用
    Brad std silently utside Dr.Gardner’s ffice. Over the years Brad had been in the ffice f his bss mre times than he culd cunt but never like this. This visit ___21___ him and he was certain his shallw breath and sweaty frehead wuld betray his feeling f alarm the mment he entered the rm.
    “Cme!” The vice, strng as ever, shcked Brad. He walked int the rm, clsing the dr.” D yu knw why I asked t see yu?” Dr.Gardner asked withut ___22___ frm his desk.
    “N,”Brad ___23___ , as he sat dwn in the chair ppsite his mentr.
    “I am ut,” Dr. Gardner respnded. “There have been ___24___ that I’m n lnger up t the jb.”
    “That can’t be true,” Brad said, ___25___ t be surprised.
    “___26___ it,” Dr.Gardner interrupted, “Yu’ve heard the whispers. It’s nt been the best-kept secret, Brad .”
    Brad knew Dr.Gardner was right. Everyne did knw, especially Brad since he had been the ne t send the annymus letter that ___27___ Dr. Gardner’s failing eyesight and shaky hands.
    ”I have smething fr my successr (继任者).” Dr.Gardner pened his tp desk drawer and pulling ut a rectangular bx. Brad sat silently as the ld dctr handed the bx t him. He had ften thught f this mment and each time Brad felt greatly ___28___. Yet nw, with his dream finally within reach, all he felt was a(n) ___29___ feeling in the pit f his stmach.
    The bx seemed ___30___ . Inside was an ld scalpel (外科手术刀). Its blade still shined but its wden handle was as wrn as the bx that ___31___ it.
    “This scalpel was given t me by my mentr.” Dr.Gardner said, ___32___ the silence.“ He passed it ___33___ t me with encuragement and a(n) ___34___ .He tld me that as a surgen I held life and death in my hands each time I stepped int an perating rm. I’ll leave yu with the same wrds. Yur scalpel is ___35___ a tl. Hw yu use it is up t yu.”
    21. A. shckedB. scaredC. satisfiedD. shamed
    22. A. turning arundB. standing upC. lking upD. leaning frward
    23. A. smiledB. arguedC. liedD. shuted
    24. A. factsB. reprtsC. cnclusinsD. whispers
    25. A. pretendingB. intendingC. seemingD. claiming
    26. A. SaveB. MakeC. GetD. Leave
    27. A. readB. detailedC. discveredD. annunced
    28. A. excitedB. encuragedC. frtunateD. energetic
    29. A. strngB. emptyC. prudD. fearless
    30. A. newB. delicateC. ancientD. dusty
    31. A. husedB. presentedC. carriedD. maintained
    32. A. stppingB. avidingC. beatingD. breaking
    33. A. backB. dwnC. frwardD. arund
    34. A. warningB. lessnC. expectatinD. inspiratin
    35. A. likeB. suchC. justD. even
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. C 24. D 25. A 26. A 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. C
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这次来访令他感到害怕,他确信他那粗浅的呼吸和汗流浃背的额头会暴露出他一进门就惊慌失措的感觉。A. shcked使震惊;B. scared使害怕;C. satisfied使满意;D. shamed使丢脸。根据下文“his feeling f alarm”可知,这次来访把他吓了一跳,空格处意为“使害怕”。故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:加德纳医生头也不抬地问。A. turning arund转身;B. standing up站起来;C. lking up抬头;D. leaning frward前倾。根据上文“withut”和下文“frm his desk”可知,加德纳医生头也不抬地问。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“没有。”布拉德撒谎说,在导师对面的椅子上坐下。A. smiled微笑;B. argued争论;C. lied撒谎;D. shuted大声喊。根据下文“Everyne did knw, especially Brad”可知,布拉德说不知道其实是在撒谎。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:有传言说我已经不能胜任这份工作了。A. facts事实;B. reprts报道;C. cnclusins结论;D. whispers低语。根据下文“Yu’ve heard the whispers”可知,句子表示“有传言说我已经不能胜任这份工作了”。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“那不可能是真。”布拉德假装惊讶地说。A. pretending假装;B. intending打算;C. seeming似乎;D. claiming声称。根据下文“Yu’ve heard the whispers”可知,布拉德假装惊讶。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“省省吧,”加德纳医生打断了他的话。A. Save节省;B. Make制作;C. Get得到;D. Leave离开。根据下文“Yu’ve heard the whispers. It’s nt been the best-kept secret, Brad”可知,Dr.Gardner叫布拉德省省,别装了,save it意为“省省吧”。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:每个人都知道,尤其是布拉德,因为正是他发出了那封匿名信,详细描述了加德纳医生视力下降和双手颤抖的情况。A. read读;B. detailed详细说明;C. discvered发现;D. annunced宣布。根据下文“Dr. Gardner’s failing eyesight and shaky hands”可知,正是他发出了那封匿名信,详细描述了加德纳医生视力下降和双手颤抖的情况。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他经常想到这一刻,每次布拉德都感到非常兴奋。A. excited兴奋的;B. encuraged受到鼓励的;C. frtunate幸运的;D. energetic精力充沛的。根据上文“I have smething fr my successr”可知,Brad每次想到能得到Dr.Gardner的那个盒子时都感到兴奋。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而现在,当他的梦想终于触手可及时,他只感到心里空空的。A. strng强大的;B. empty空的;C. prud骄傲的;D. fearless无畏的。根据上文“Yet”表转折可知,句子表示“然而现在,当他的梦想终于触手可及时,他只感到心里空空的”。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个盒子似乎很古老。A. new新的;B. delicate精致的;C. ancient古老的;D. dusty布满灰尘的。根据下文“Inside was an ld scalpel”可知,这个盒子似乎很古老。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:它的刀刃仍然闪闪发光,但它的木柄和装它的盒子一样磨损了。A. hused收藏存放;B. presented呈现;C. carried携带;D. maintained保持。根据上文“the bx that”可知,它的木柄和装它的盒子一样磨损了,空格处意为“收藏存放”。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“这把手术刀是我的导师给我的。”加德纳医生打破了沉默。A. stpping停止;B. aviding避免;C. beating打败;D. breaking打破。根据上文“Dr.Gardner said”可知,加德纳医生说话,打破了沉默。故选D。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:他把它传给了我,并给了我鼓励和警告。A. (pass) back回传;B. (pass) dwn传下来;C. (pass) frward向前传;D. (pass) arund分发。根据下文“t me with encuragement”可知,句子表示“他把它传给了我”,空格处短语是“传下来”,故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他给了我鼓励和警告。A. warning警告;B. lessn课;C. expectatin期望;D. inspiratin灵感。根据下文“as a surgen I held life and death in my hands”可知,这是对作为医生的作者的警告。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:你的手术刀只是个工具。A. like大概,可能;B. such这么,如此;C. just只是;D. even甚至。根据下文“a tl”可知,句子表示“你的手术刀只是个工具”。故选C。
    While mst westerners knw the stry f Hua Mulan thrugh an animated film, she ____36____ (be) a ppular character f Chinese legend (传说) fr ver a thusand year. One f the mst famus stries abut her is ____37____ 1917 Beijing Opera, Mulan Jins the Army.
    Traditinally, n wmen ____38____ (allw) t perfrm in peras, s men played all the rles. Thugh wmen were n lnger prhibited by the time Mulan, Jins the Army was first perfrmed, ____39____ was still cmmn fr men t perfrm female rles, s the part f Hua Mulan was mst famusly played by the male actr, Mei Lanfang (1894—1961).
    In shrt, the stry is abut a girl, Hua Mulan, ____40____ father is called up t war. As Hua Mulan wrries that her father is t elderly t fight, she decides t dress as a man and g ____41____ his place. After many years f war, she is ffered a reward fr her service, but ____42____ (turn) it dwn s she can g hme. It is nly much ____43____ (late) that the friends she made during the war discver she is nt a man.
    Hua Mulan is a symbl t many Chinese peple because she strngly illustrates values that they appreciate. A lyal daughter, she fights first fr her family, and then fr her cuntry, ____44____ (shw) bravery and cmplete selflessness in her actins, winning praise and _____45_____ (admire) frm thers, and bringing great hnr t her family.
    【答案】36. is 37. the
    38. were allwed
    39. it 40. whse
    41. in 42. turns
    43. later 44. shwing
    45. admiratin
    考查时态语态。句意:传统上,女性不被允许在歌剧中表演,所以男性扮演所有的角色。主语与谓语构成被动关系,且根据后文“s men played all the rles”可知用一般过去时的被动语态,主语为n wmen,谓语用复数。故填were allwed。
    考查it用法。句意:虽然在《花木兰》第一次上演时,女性已经不再被禁止,但男性扮演女性角色仍然很普遍,所以《花木兰》中最著名角色是由男演员梅兰芳(1894-1961)扮演的。此处为it be. adj. fr sb. t d sth.句型,it作形式主语,不定式作真正主语。故填it。
    考查介词。句意:花木兰担心父亲年纪太大,不能打仗,于是决定男扮女装代替父亲去打仗。结合句意表示“代替某人去”可知短语为g in ne’s place。故填in。
    考查时态。句意:经过多年的战争,她为她的服役得到了一份奖励,但她拒绝了,这样她就可以回家了。根据上文“she is ffered a reward fr her service”可知为一般现在时,主语为she,谓语用第三人称单数形式。故填turns。
    考查副词。句意:直到很久以后,她在战争中结交的朋友才发现她不是一个男人。结合句意表示“很久之后”可知短语为much later。故填later。
    第三部分 书面表达
    46. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The Teacher Wh Wrestled A Cugar
    Fr days, a cugar (美洲狮) had been edging clser t the small village at the edge f the muntains f suthern British Clumbia in Canada. Nw, after drinking the river's cld water, the cugar bedded dwn again in a nest f tall grass.
    On July 3, 1991, the three children in Larrane's day care grup were utdrs early, painting bright flwers under the sun. By 10 a.m., it was time t find shade, s Larrane decided they wuld walk dwn t the river. “We’re ging t pick strawberries nw,” she annunced.
    At 44, she had made her dream cme true when she turned her hme int a day care center. It had taken hard wrk t get her certificatin. S far, the center was perating smthly. But she always wrried abut keeping her clients satisfied, as well as being able t care fr enugh children t make the business pay ff. Larrane had knwn all three children in her care since they were babies. They were shy Mikey, a three-year-ld by; Alleshia, a playful girl aged fur; and the grup leader Natani, a girl f five years ld.
    After clearing away the painting supplies and handing each child an empty jar n that July mrning, Larrane called fr Pal, her ne-year-ld German sheepdg. Cheering with anticipatin, Alleshia and Natani paired ff in frnt. Larrane linked Mikey’s hand and said, “Let’s g.”
    The grup made its way ver the dusty rad and then nt a dirt trail thrugh the trees. The tw girls brke int a run thrugh the tall brwn grass at the trail’s edge. Larrane and the little ne Mikey hurried t keep up.
    “OK,” Larrane gave the rder after the grup climbed dwn t the sandbank, “let’s get in ur circle.” She culd nt risk letting a child wander ff. Suddenly a rabbit rushed int the trees and Alleshia jumped up, racing tward the trees. “Cme back, Alleshia,” Larrane called. Running after her she caught up with the child and helped her back t the sandbank.
    Larrane sensed the children suddenly g quiet.
    “Stay behind me!” Larrane screamed as she faced the cugar.
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Para 1:
    Larrane sensed the children suddenly g quiet.Here it was! A giant cugar, with its bld-sht eyes fixed upn the fur, threaded its way thrugh the tall grass and inched twards its prey-Larraneand her three kids. Obviusly, its sudden appearance rted the children t the spt and sent shiver f fear dwn Larrane's spine. Yet, being a fearless teacher wh wuld rather sacrifice her wn life than the kids', Larrane quickly regained her cmpsure and dashed t the frnt.
    Para 2:
    “Stay behind me!” Larrane screamed as she faced the cugar.The starving animal charged frward, hping t pin Larrane n the grund. Sensing the upcming killing, Larrane punched the cugar in the face with bth f her fists. Hardly had she realized what had happened when a piercing hwl eched thrugh the sandbank. As it turned ut, Larrane's sheepdg Pal sank its teeth int the cugar's leg. With blding gushing ut, the injured animal brke int a run, leaving Larrane and her three kids n safe grund. Meanwhile, Larrane's heric deed spread thrugh her little village like wildfire, winning her the nickname-Wrestling irn lady.
    【分析】本文以人物为线索展开。短文叙述了一只美洲狮一直在靠近加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省南部山区边缘的一个小村庄。Larrane 是日托中心的负责人,七月的一个清晨,她带着三个日托中心的孩子和她的牧羊犬德国牧羊犬Pal到户外的写生,Larrane在后面追赶着跑在前面的孩子们。
    ②由第二段首句内容“站在我的后面” Larrane面对美洲狮尖叫起来。”可知,第二段可描写美洲狮向Larrane他们发起进攻。Larrane挡在前面,用拳头或者手中的罐子砸向美洲狮。Pal及时出现,英勇护主。Larrane和孩子们化险为夷,她的优秀事迹也传遍了整个村庄。
    2.续写线索:孩子们呆在了现场,充满恐惧——Larrane搜寻着对付美洲狮的办法—— Larrane与美洲狮的搏斗过程—— Pal的及时出现——化险为夷——优秀事迹也传遍了整个村庄。
    1.前进:inch twards /mve twards
    2.发生:happen/take place
    3.传播:spread /g arund
    1.无所畏惧的,勇敢的:fearless /brave
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. Yet, being a fearless teacher wh wuld rather sacrifice her wn life than the kids', Larrane quickly regained her cmpsure and dashed t the frnt. (由wh引导的定语从句)
    [高分句型2]. Meanwhile, Larrane's heric deed spread thrugh her little village like wildfire, winning her the nickname-Wrestling irn lady. (现在分词作状语)

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