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    这是一份2022-2023学年黑龙江省大庆市实验中学高三上学期10月阶段检测英语学科试卷含答案,文件包含2022-2023学年黑龙江省大庆市实验中学高三上学期10月阶段检测英语学科试卷原卷版docx、2022-2023学年黑龙江省大庆市实验中学高三上学期10月阶段检测英语学科试卷解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共43页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What is the wman applying fr?
    A. An identity card. B. A credit card. C. A passprt.
    2. What are the speakers discussing?
    A. Wrk. B. Fashin. C. Weekend plans.
    3. Where des the cnversatin take place prbably?
    A. In a schl. B. In a hspital. C. In the wman’s huse.
    4. Whse car will the wman mst prbably travel in next?
    A. Tny’s. B. Tm’s. C. Amy’s.
    5. Wh is the wman prbably?
    A. A lawyer. B. A university prfessr. C. A prfessinal glfer.
    6. Which area f Italy is the man ging t study in?
    A The nrth. B. The suth. C. The center.
    7. What des the wman recmmend the man t d?
    A. Stay in a htel.
    B. Live in her friend’s place.
    C. Ask peple n scial media.
    8. Hw many dgs did the wman rescue?
    A. Fur. B. Six. C. Eight.
    9. What des the man prbably d fr a living?
    A. He is a jurnalist. B. He is a dg walker. C. He is a phtgrapher.
    10. What is the wman ding?
    A. Walking her dg. B. Feeding her dg. C. Selling her dg.
    11. What are the wman’s shes like?
    A. Flat. B. High. C. Clrful.
    12. Why des the wman like her shes?
    A. They are practical. B. They are ppular. C. They are beautiful.
    13. What can the wman btain by her shes?
    A. Balance. B. Cmfrt. C. Cnfidence.
    14. What’s the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Clleagues. B. Brther and sister. C. Student and fire warden.
    15. What day is it tday?
    A. Mnday. B. Tuesday. C. Wednesday.
    16. What will the wman prbably d next?
    A. Call a charity rganizatin.
    B. Help the man srt the alarms ut.
    C. Cntact Shelley thrugh email.
    17. Why is rck climbing nt dangerus?
    A. Yu use a rpe t hld yu.
    B Yu have a partner t catch yu.
    C. Yu can take measures t climb safely.
    18. What is a cmmn beginner’s mistake?
    A. Tying the rpe incrrectly.
    B. Trying t climb t quickly.
    C. Wearing a helmet t lsely.
    19. Which skill will the climbing curses teach yu?
    A. Hw t chse yur partner.
    B. Hw t give medical treatment.
    C. Hw t fix climbing equipment.
    20. What is the main tpic f the talk?
    A. Hw t climb safely.
    B. Hw t avid mistakes.
    C. Hw t take a climbing curse.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    On the 100th anniversary f the Cmmunist Party f China (CPC), red turism has gained ppularity amng turists wh fld in t visit histric sites with a mdern revlutinary heritage.
    This is ne f the mst crucial and splendid chapters f histry f establishing Red China as well as a unique and wnderful ecsystem, which is cvered with rich frest, rugged peaks and several memrials t the Red Army. The best time t visit is between April and Octber, with the mst temperature timing April and May when the large azaleas (杜鹃花) blm.
    Open: 8:00-17:00 (Feb. 16-Nv. 15). 8:00-16:30 (Nv. 16-Feb. 15)
    It is an ld revlutinary base where the leadership f the Cmmunist Party f China was statined, drawing up the blueprint fr a new cuntry. A memrial hall was built t hnr the memry f this site. The lake and the hill here add brilliance and beauty t each ther and frm pleasant scenery.
    Open: Tuesdays t Sundays 9:30-17:00 (Xibaip Memrial Hall)
    The Nanhu Revlutinary Memrial Hall
    A new exhibitin is held with updated display appraches, including phantm imaging (全息影像) and il painting, which are used t imprve visitrs' experiences. The exhibitin shws fur stages f the CPC frm its establishment t its achievements.
    Open: Tuesdays t Sundays 8:30-18:00 (clsed n Mndays)
    Frmer Site f the Editrial Department f New Yuth
    New Yuth started the New Culture Mvement and spread the influence f the May Furth Mvement. The site was briefly based in Beijing but mved back t Shanghai in 1920 and als served as the ffice fr the Cmmunist Party f China Central Cmmittee in the 1920s.
    Open: Thursdays t Tuesdays 9:00 - 11:30, 13:30 - 16:30 (clsed n Wednesdays)
    1. Where wuld visitrs learn mre abut the histry f the Red Army?
    A. Jinggangshan.
    B. Xibaip.
    C. The Nanhu Revlutinary Memrial Hall.
    D. Frmer Site f the Editrial Department f New Yuth.
    2. What d we knw abut the Nanhu Revlutinary Memrial Hall?
    A. It fcuses n Chinese achievements in art.
    B. It mainly advertises the cming anniversary.
    C. It applies mdernized methds t the exhibitin.
    D. It briefly intrduces the rise and fall f Nanhu.
    3. When can turists visit Frmer Site f the Editrial Department f New Yuth?
    A. At 1:00 p.m. n Mndays.B. At 9:00 a.m. n Wednesdays.
    C. At 2:00 p.m. n Fridays.D. At 5:00 p.m n Sundays.
    There are tw days that set yu n yur path in life: the day yu’re brn, and the day yu realize why yu were brn.
    Grwing up suth f Chicag in Harvey, Illinis, mst peple just had their heads dwn trying t make it frm pint A t pint B. I was the same way, just ging with the flw. I played basketball in high schl because I was gd at it and because ther peple thught I shuld until I discvered my talent.
    I give up basketball and started ding speeches. It wasn’t a ppular decisin but my grandfather tld me t d what made me happy. I fell in lve with cmedy and perfrming. And when I discvered the passin, I realized why I was brn.
    I knew I had smething t ffer —I knew that nt nly am I pwerful, but I can make a difference.
    I realized a lng time ag that my dream is nt t be famus r rich. My talent is t entertain. But it’s mre than that. I have the chance t reach peple, t brighten days, t bring laughter and psitive energy int lives and inspire. And I am grateful frit.
    Acting putting myself ut there and having drs clsed n me time and time again has taught me a lt abut myself. I have learned t trust what I have t ffer the wrld ver mmentary dubt. I’ve learned t put my faith ver my feelings. And I've grwn a tugh skin. Mre imprtantly, I have learned there is a lng way twards ur gals and that when we put ur talents and passin t wrk, we determine ur value.
    Like a lt f places acrss the cuntry, there’s pverty, crime, vilence and unemplyment in Harvey. And grwing up there, a lt f peple have tragically lw expectatins fr life. But I knw that with the right pprtunity and with help alng the way, everyne can find their passin and g after it. My life is prf.
    4. What was the authr brn t d accrding t the text?
    A. Be a basketball player.B. Act and perfrm.
    C. Make speeches.D. Teach peple.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “it” in Paragraph 5 refer t?
    A. Chance.B. Energy.C. Days.D. Laughter.
    6. What is the authr’s purpse f writing this text?
    A. T help thers find their talents.B. T prve his decisin was right.
    C. T inspire peple t fllw their dreams.D. T encurage peple t set a gal.
    7. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Success Lies in Hard Wrk.B. Hw t Achieve the Dream Is Imprtant.
    C. The Tw Imprtant Days in Life.D. The Day I Realized What I Was Brn t D.
    The exhibit, Digital Dunhuang — Tales f Heaven and Earth, which was held at the Hng Kng Heritage Museum, brught t Hng Kng mre than 100 exhibits including the visual murals and ther related prgrams that culd allw visitrs t learn abut the art and histry f the Mga Caves in a fun way.
    “Dunhuang was an internatinal city, a place where East met West, n the ld Silk Rad. S the Mga Caves, which were cmpleted in a perid f ver 1,000 years, recrd the ways f life and beliefs f the different peples that crssed paths there,” explained Fin Lin f Hng Kng Heritage Museum.
    Visitrs can nw get up clse and persnal with these faraway treasures withut having t step int the caves, thanks t the digitizatin prject f the Dunhuang Academy, a pineer that has made great prgress in the digitizatin and 3D scanning f the Dunhuang treasures.
    “Studies have shwn that in a cave, bth temperature and CO2 cncentratin level can rise with 15 turists inside fr ten minutes. As a result, the wall paintings are ging t eventually fade. Digital technlgy has helped t strike a balance between sharing the treasures and prtecting them,” said Lin.
    Hwever, digitizatin f the caves faces many challenges such as pr lighting and rugh wall surfaces. On average, 40,000 pictures have t be taken t cver 300 m2. Great amunt f effrts have been made t piece the pictures tgether. What the exhibitin presented is the result f years f hard wrk.
    During the exhibitin perid, a mini display n Dunhuang music culture was als being held at the Museum fr public participatin.
    8. What culd visitrs see at the Digital Dunhuang exhibit?
    A. The Mga Caves.B. Abut 40,000 Dunhuang pictures.
    C. Digital Dunhuang wall paintings.D. Ancient recrds f Dunhuang.
    9. What is the significance f the digitizatin prject f the Dunhuang Academy?
    A. It helps Dunhuang becme an internatinal city.
    B. It lets peple better appreciate the Dunhuang art.
    C. It is effective in cutting the CO₂ level in the caves.
    D. It attracts mre turists frm East and West t Hng Kng.
    10. What d we knw abut the Dunhuang wall paintings?
    A. They are brightly lit.B. They are very rugh.
    C. It is very hard t prtect them.D. It is impssible fr the turists t see them.
    11. Where can yu find the evidence that supprts “digitizatin f the caves isn’t easy”?
    A. In paragraph 2.B. In paragraph 3.
    C. In paragraph 4.D. In paragraph 5.
    A bat and a ball cst $1.10 in ttal. The bat csts $1.00 mre than the ball. Hw much des the ball cst?
    If yu answered 10 cents, yu’re nt alne – mst peple give the same answer (the crrect answer is 5 cents). It’s an example f hw we ften rely n intuitive (直觉的) respnses – answers we feel are true. Peple give answers that “pp int their mind,” says Steven Slman. We dn’t spend much time “reflecting and checking whether the answer is right r wrng.”
    The bat and ball questin helps explain why we ften believe in fake news. It is part f human nature t believe, says Slman. But “the trick with fake news is t knw t verify” – in ther wrds, t stp and questin what yu knw. In ne experiment, Slman and a clleague invented a discvery called helium rain. They tld a grup f vlunteers abut it, but admitted they culd nt fully explain what it was. They then asked the vlunteers t rate their wn understanding f helium rain. Mst vlunteers rated themselves 1 ut f 7, meaning they did nt understand the cncept.
    The researchers then tld anther grup f vlunteers abut the discvery. This time, they said that scientists culd fully explain hw it wrks. When asked t rate their understanding, the vlunteers gave an average answer f 2. The scientists’ cnfidence gave the vlunteers an increased sense f their wn understanding, Slman says.
    Accrding t Slman, studies shw that knwledge spreads like a cntagin(传染病). This idea can be seen in many fields, including plitics. “If everyne arund yu is saying they understand why a plitician is dishnest,” Slman says, “then yu’re ging t start thinking that yu understand, t.”
    Anther explanatin fr the spread f fake news is “mtivated reasning,” writes Adam Wyatz, an American management prfessr, “we are naturally mre likely t believe things that cnfirm ur existing pinins.”
    S in a wrld where misleading infrmatin is cmmn, training peple t care abut fact-checking is imprtant, especially in nline cmmunities. “We shuld check things and nt just take them at face value,” Slman says. “Verify befre yu believe.”
    12. Why des the authr use the example f the bat and ball questin?
    A. T warn that peple ften ignre skills that they learned.
    B. T shw that there are varius answers t a questin.
    C. T aruse peple’s interest in playing guessing games.
    D. T illustrate that peple tend t rush t a cnclusin.
    13. In paragraph 3, what des the underlined wrd “verify” mean?
    A. T express an pinin abut smething.
    B. T make sure smething is true.
    C. T think abut smething fr a lng time.
    D. T fllw yur intuitive respnse.
    14. When d mre vlunteers claim t understand helium rain?
    A. When Slman and his clleagues shwed them hw it wrks.
    B. When they have mre cnfidence in themselves.
    C. When they believed that scientists understd it.
    D. When sme f the vlunteers explained it t them.
    15. Which f the fllwing is an example f “mtivated reasning”?
    A. Yu pst a message nline that gives yur persnal pinin abut a news stry.
    B. Yu think a university prfessr dishnest when everybdy arund yu say s.
    C. Yu search nline fr mre infrmatin abut a dubtful stry n scial media.
    D. Yu trust a damaging stry abut smene wh yu always judge negatively.
    Green turism, a frm f ecturism, is lw-impact(环保的)turism with an eye tward prtecting the envirnment and culture f an area. ____16____, but green turism can cver a wide range f standard and cnditins, frm fully cmpliant(遵守)t less stressful n the envirnment than standard turism. There are many pprtunities fr green travel available wrldwide.
    ____17____, which makes green turism nt nly preferable but a necessity in sme areas. It might seem wiser f sme peple t prtect natural habitats(栖息地)and fragile envirnments by banning visitrs cmpletely t these areas, but many areas depend n the incme frm turism t supprt the lcal ecnmy. Green, sustainable(可持续的)turism is cnsidered ffering the best f bth wrlds.
    Green turism desn't necessarily mean a vacatin spent rughing it with little r n cmfrts. On the cntrary, many peple believe that it can be a wnderful adventure. Ecturism resrts(度假胜地)and eclgies exist in almst every style and taste. ____18____. There are many vacatining chices.
    There are als trips available in which vacatiners take an active part in imprving the lcal area by wrking t preserve the natural habitat, helping t build a schl r perfrming ther services that benefit the area. These vacatins can be a lt f wrk. ____19____.
    As green turism becmes mre ppular, there are likely t be mre vacatining chices available. Mre resrt areas will likely take steps t have less f an impact n the surrunding envirnment. ____20____. Lcal ecnmies might be able t take full advantage f the bming turist trade withut ding harm t the lcal envirnment, allwing turists t enjy the beauty that these areas have t ffer fr many years t cme.
    A. Green turism is very ppular
    B. Therefre, we shuld make the best f them
    C. Hwever, many peple find them very rewarding
    D. Sustainable turism culd easily becme the standard
    E. Frm recycling and gray water system t tents n tree huses
    F The number f turists traveling the wrld has been increasing
    G. The United Natins has set up certain standard fr ecturism
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分55分)
    It was a mystery that the plice department in Medfrd, Massachusetts, culd never slve. Every nce in a while, fr years and years, a basket f hmemade pizzas wuld suddenly___21___ n the main desk f their building, withut any clue as t wh the ___22___ baker was. She came t be kindly ___23___ as the “Pizza Lady”. Recently, the plice ___24___ the baker was Antnietta Manganiell by accident, wh fell ill, and that she made the pizzas t shw her ___25___ fr all their hard wrk.
    On Saturday, they decided t return the ___26___ by surprising her in her huse and ffering her a bunch f flwers and a trphy (奖杯) with her name n it ___27___ expressing their gratitude.
    Manganiell lked astnished as she was ___28___ by Chief Buckley and received a hearty rund f applause frm the entire plice department. “Are yu cming t get me?” she ___29___. And then, as ______30______, Manganiell immediately ______31______ t treat them t sme tea as guests, but the chief tld her t sit dwn in a chair s they culd d smething fr her fr a ______32______. Chief Buckley tld her, “We are s ______33______ fr everything yu’ve ever dne fr us.”
    It might nt seem like much, but it clearly ______34______ a lt t Manganiell. It’s evident that it’s the little things that really ______35______ in life. Besides, in ur lives, the elderly are ften the ______36______ peple t be taken fr granted, as are the peple wh d thughtful things fr us every day withut expecting anything ______37______. It’s truly ______38______ that the fficers went ut f their way t express their gratitude in ______39______ t Mnnganicll’s ding the same. Smetimes, it nly takes ne small ______40______ t make smene feel truly lved.
    21. A. increaseB. markC. appearD. g
    22. A. carelessB. patientC. secretD. strict
    23. A. calledB. thughtC. knwnD. figured
    24. A. gt acrssB. turned utC. fund utD. tk dwn
    25. A. permissinB. sympathyC. intelligenceD. appreciatin
    26. A. favrB. frtuneC. burdenD. call
    27. A. instead fB. regardless fC. as a way fD. in hnr f
    28. A. checkedB. prtectedC. caughtD. greeted
    29 A. refusedB. jkedC. questinedD. admitted
    30. A. usualB. rdinaryC. nrmalD. cmmn
    31. A. preparedB. prmisedC. agreedD. demanded
    32. A. planB. reasnC. changeD. target
    33 A. anxiusB. gratefulC. respnsibleD. ready
    34. A. wedB. paidC. meantD. ccurred
    35. A. sufferB. sacrificeC. cuntD. repeat
    36. A. bravestB. easiestC. luckiestD. rudest
    37. A. in returnB. at riskC. with cautinD. n duty
    38. A. bringB. tuchingC. wrryingD. shcking
    39. A. additinB. advanceC. respnseD. relatin
    40. A. purpseB. aplgyC. beliefD. gesture
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    T raise the elderly’s ___41___ (aware) f telecmmunicatin fraud(欺骗) crimes, vlunteers f Qingda “Blue Vest” held ___42___ special anti-fraud lecture at an elderly service center n Sept 10.
    ___43___ (make) the lectures mre interesting, vlunteers rganized a quiz shw n fraud related issues and thse wh came up with the crrect answers ___44___ (give) a steamed buns weighing 1.5 kilgrams each as prizes --which had catchy anti-fraud slgans printed n them using edible clring.
    This methd was widely welcmed by the attendees and the service center was crwded with peple. Accrding t the lcal plice, elderly peple are key ___45___ (target) f telecmmunicatins fraud. By gaining basic knwledge n anti-fraud practices, they can better identify the crime. The vlunteers chse steamed buns as prizes because they are ___46___ (typical) liked by the lcals.
    Vlunteers als handed ut handbks n telecmmunicatin fraud preventin t the senirs, ___47___ included tips fr prper smart phne use as well as learning why yu shuld nt click unknwn links, nt t prvide r sell bank cards, phne cards and nt t prvide ther imprtant infrmatin ___48___ strangers.
    The handbks als warned that when ___49___ (encunter) suspicius ccasins, ne shuld immediately check the infrmatin r call the plice with relevant evidence ___50___ (save). The case was widely circulated nline and sme netizens cmmented. “ With anti-fraud buns eaten, anti-fraud knwledge grws in mind.”
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下短文。短文中共有 10 处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改 10 处, 多者 (从第 11 处起) 不计分。
    Tm will never frget the day his car brke dwn. At first, he tried t get it starting again, but in vain. S he had t walk all the way t hme. T make matter wrse, it started t rain. And by the time he arrived hme abut tw hurs late, he was wet thrugh. Beside, when he lked in the pckets, there is n key. He culdn’t d everything but break a windw and climb in. Just at that time, the plicewman arrived. Unfrtunately, it nly tk him a shrt time t cnvince her and let him in.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    52. 假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Je本来打算这个暑假来成都观看世界大学生运动会。但因为疫情,大运会推迟至明年举办。请你给他写一封邮件,要点如下:
    1. 表示遗憾;
    2. 简述大运会推迟的必要性,并安慰Je;
    3. 欢迎他明年来观看大运会。
    注意:1. 词数100词左右
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯
    参考词汇:大运会 the Wrld University Games 疫情epidemic
    Dear Je,
    听力答案:1-5 CBBCB 6-10 ACBAA 11-15 BCCAB 16-20CCABA

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