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    4. 保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要弄破、弄皱,不准用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分)
    1. Where des the wman live?
    A. In an ld huse. B. In the beautiful wds. C. In an ld twn.
    2. Why is the wman s excited?
    A. She’s ging t see the wrld.
    B. She’s enjying reading bks.
    C. She’s writing t best authrs.
    3. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Father and daughter. C. Wrkmates.
    4. Hw lng will it take the man t finish repairing the rice cker?
    A. At least 24 hurs. B. Nt mre than ne day. C. Tmrrw afternn.
    5. What des the man think f the wman’s sister?
    A. She isn`t active. B. She lks like the wman. C. She has a special character.
    6. What is the man ging t d during his vacatin?
    A. T wash dishes at a restaurant.
    B. T d a part-time jb at a market.
    C. T help ut at his father’s business.
    7. What is it difficult fr the speakers t get?
    A. A prper jb. B. A gd supermarket. C. A useful advertisement.
    8. What des the man advise the wman t d?
    A. T wrk with him at his father`s supermarket.
    B. T put an advertisement in the newspaper.
    C. T help her brther with his lessns.
    9. Hw ld will the girl be next week?
    A. Eight. B. Eighteen. C. Eighty.
    10. What kind f lessn des the girl want t learn?
    A. Hme repairing. B. Mtrbike driving. C. Car driving.
    11. Wh has gt a car?
    A. The man. B. Linda. C. Linda`s parents.
    12. Wh may the wman stay at hme t take care f?
    A. Her parents. B. Her grandpa. C. Her grandma.
    13. When did the wman stay at hme?
    A. Last summer hlidays. B. Last autumn hlidays. C. Last winter hlidays.
    14. Where will the wman g?
    A. T Beijing. B. T Guangzhu. C. T Shanghai.
    15. Wh is the man?
    A. The wman’s neighbr. B. The wman’s friend. C. A repairman.
    16. When will the man cme?
    A. In a shrt while. B. In the afternn. C. Tmrrw mrning.
    17. Wh brke the windw?
    A. The wman herself. B. The wman`s children. C. Sme children in the street.
    18. Hw many peple were missing in the sea accident?
    A. Eight. B. Sixteen. C. Twenty-fur.
    19. When did the rbbers break int the bank?
    A. In the early mrning. B. In the afternn. C. In the midnight.
    20. What can we learn frm the news?
    A. N ne reprted the rbbery.
    B. The tw rbbers are bth tall.
    C. The rbbers are yung peple.
    Slwly but surely, ffices are beginning t repen. That means, the wrk-frm-hme lifestyle may be cming t a clse. Why nt spice it up a bit fr this last stretch f flexible living and bk a killer(极好的)vacatin rental(出租房)? Here are 4 rentals perfect fr yu.
    San Antni, Texas
    Head deep int the heart f Texas fr an enjyable wrk-frm-hme experience at this 3-bedrm Lavaca cttage. And yu’ll find a fully private backyard that is perfect fr the little nes. The huse n its wn is excellent, but being clse t dwntwn, San Antnia is like a cherry n tp.
    Carmel-by-the-Sea, Califrnia
    Set ut fr beautiful Califrnia and bk this beach retreat. Yu’ll have bth the beach and twn within walking distance. Charming Carmel has wrld-class restaurants, art galleries and wine tasting rms. The belved treat shp is sure t get yur kids n their best behavir!
    Scttsdale, Arizna
    With ver 300 days f sunshine and bundless utdr activities, Arizna is an utdr heaven fr all ages. Bk this massive 5-bedrm desert huse, and spend days hiking. Then cl ff back at hme in yur private pl verlking the muntains. If yu’re wrking frm hme, yu can sak in sme pretty evenings and desert sunsets. When yu’re nt enjying a barbecue in the backyard, walk int Scttsdale’s mdern dwntwn district fr dinner.
    The Catskills, New Yrk
    Surrund yurself with nature while yu wrk-frm-hme at this quiet and private, 4-acre red cttage in the Catskills regin. The charming 2-bedrm huse has a huge industrial kitchen, private ht tub and a barbecue. When yu have t g back t civilizatin, the lvable muntain twn f Wdstck is just 10 minutes away.
    21. Which f the fllwing best suits peple wh are art lvers?
    A. San Antni. B. Scttsdale. C. Carmel-by-the-Sea. D. The Catskills.
    22. What d we knw abut Scttsdale?
    A. It has few sunny days. B. It is a gd place fr utdr sprts.
    C. It has wine tasting rms. D. It is a lvable seaside twn.
    23. What d the fur rentals have in cmmn?
    A. They have a private backyard. B. They are clse t the beach.
    C. They prvide a barbecue. D. They are near the twn r dwntwn.
    T celebrate his friend’s birthday, Luke Frtune drve frm a small twn in Central Oregn t Prtland, where he parked his car in a paid garage vernight. The next mrning, he discvered that the car’s windw had been smashed, alng with his dreams fr the future: His backpack and cmputer were gne.
    “Everything imprtant t me was n that cmputer,” said Frtune, 21, wh is studying t becme a paramedic.
    Tw days after the theft, anther yung man was standing utside his apartment, als in Prtland. Masud Almazruei, 29, was an exchange student frm the United Arab Emirates. He had been apprached by a man wh said he had a cmputer fr sale. Only $200. Almazruei, wh had been in the United States fr nly a year, admits nw that he was naïve. But he needed a cmputer s he bught it, tk it hme, and turned it n. Within secnds, he saw files and phtgraphs.
    “I wndered wh wuld sell a cmputer with all f this n it,” he said. “I realized it culd be stlen.” Almazruei fund what appeared t be the wner`s cell phne number and called it.
    Frtune didn`t trust this guy with a thick accent(口音)and thught it was a scam.
    Sn after, a plice fficer called Frtune t say that a man had drpped the cmputer ff and had said he was srry. He passed alng the man’s number.
    Frtune called and thanked Almazruei and insisted n paying him a reward f $200, the mney he was ut. Almazruei refused. He said it was his mistake t buy the cmputer frm smene he didn’t knw. Mre imprtant, he said, it was his hnr and duty as a Muslim(穆斯林)t return the prperty t the rightful wner. “I saw a pht f this man in his paramedic unifrm,” Almazruei said. “They help peple. He is a gd man. I dn’t want my mney back.”
    Still, the encunter prduced its wn kind f rewards. Fr Frtune, it was a lessn in cultural awareness amid the smetimes bitter natinal debate abut immigrants, especially frm the Arab wrld. “I’m frm a small mainly white twn,” Frtune said. “I’ve never met a Muslim. He’s a gd man.”
    Almazruei’s lessn was perhaps mre cmplex. When a stry abut the tw yung men’s encunter made it t the lcal papers, Almazruei received a call frm Wim Wiewel, the president f Prtland State University, where Almazruei is studying ecnmics.
    “We thught since yu gave back the laptp, we shuld give yu a laptp s that yu’ll have ne,” Wiewel tld him. “We`re very prud f yu. It was a great stry, but yu did the right thing.”
    24. What is the crrect rder f the events that happened?
    ①The cmputer was stlen in a paid garage.
    ②Almazmuei fund a lt f files and phtgraphs in the cmputer.
    ③Unsuspecting, Almazruei bught the cmputer at $200.
    ④Almazruei called Frtune but it didn`t wrk.
    A. ①②③④ B. ③④②① C. ①③②④ D. ②①③④
    25. The underlined wrd “scam” in Para. 5 is clsest in meaning t “_________”.
    A. gamble B. game C. trick D. accident
    26. What des the authr mean by saying “Still, the encunter prduced its wn kind f rewards” in Para. 8?
    A. Bth f the yung men learned smething in their wn way.
    B. Almazruei gt admitted int a renwned university.
    C. Frtune culd seek his dream with his cmputer back.
    D. Kindness will eventually pay ff ne day.
    27. What can be inferred frm the passage?
    A. Theft is cmmn in Prtland.
    B. Almazruei was shrt f mney.
    C. Frtune culd nt realize his dreams withut his cmputer.
    D. Frtune used t discriminate(歧视)against Muslims.
    If yu have ever been disappinted because yu dn’t have a gd gardener, the clever rbt may ne day becme the helper f yur indr plants.
    The Hexa Plant is a six-legged rbt that has been specially made t care fr the ptted(盆栽的)plant that it carries n tp f its head. Using light and heat sensrs(传感器), the rbt has the ability t carry its plant in and ut f the daylight. If the huseplant needs mre sun, the Hexa will walk int the sunlight; and if the huseplant is getting t ht, the Hexa will g back int the area that blcks direct light. The Hexa Plant will even d a little dance when it senses that the plant needs t be watered t warn its wner.
    The rbt was develped by Vincrss engineer and funder Sun Tianqi after he saw a dead Sunflwer sitting in the darkness in a rm back in 2014. “Plants nly receive an actin withut respnding(回应),” Sun Tianqi wrte in a blg pst. “Whether they are being cut, bitten, burned r pulled frm the earth, r when they haven’t received enugh sunshine, water, r are t ht r cld, they will hld still and take whatever is happening t them.”
    Accrding t Sun Tianqi, fr billins f years, plants have never experienced mvement f any kind, nt even the simplest mvement. In their whle lives, they stick t where they were brn. Sun Tianqi cntinued, “D they want t break their wn settings r have a tendency(趋向)twards this? I d nt knw the answer, but I wuld lve t try t share sme f this human tendency and technlgy with plants. With the help f the rbt, plants can experience the mve.”
    The Hexa Plant mdel rbts are nt fr sale, thugh Vincrss des sell a Hexa rbt mdel. It is said that in the near future the rbts can pen up a new market t watch ver ur husehld plants.
    28. What can we learn abut the Hexa Plant?
    A. It waters the plants thrugh dancing. B. It helps indr plants get prper sunlight.
    C. It helps peple d sme gardening. D. It carries the ptted plant with its hands.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “blcks” mean in paragraph 2?
    A. hides. B. attracts. C. receives. D. prevents.
    30. What des the authr try t shw thrugh Paragraph 3?
    A. The way plants spend their whle lives. B. The cause f making the indr plants` helper.
    C. The difference between plants and humans. D. The cmmn way peple deal with plants.
    31. What des Sun Tianqi try t d using this technlgy?
    A. T develp gardening skills. B. T draw peple`s attentin t plants.
    C. T make plants experience mve. D. T study the living cnditins f plants.
    Is there a link between scial media and depressin(抑郁)? D Facebk and Instagram have a negative impact n yur mental health? It`s cmplicated.
    Smetimes, lking thrugh Instagram just makes yu feel bad. Yu try nt t envy(嫉妒)yur friends, but they always seem t be traveling smewhere cl, eating smething fancy, r lking cute in perfect just-rlled-ut-f-bed hair. On the ther hand, there are times when yu laugh at funny memes(表情包), catch up with ld friends, and feel happy t belng t fun scial media cmmunities. Clearly, scial media isn’t all bad.
    Peple are increasingly suspecting that there’re ptential prblems f scial media. Things like cyberbullying(网上欺凌), screen addictin, and being expsed t endless filtered images(美颜)that make it impssible nt t make cmparisns between yurself and thers ften make the news. In July, a big study came ut in the jurnal JAMA titled “Assciatin f Screen Time and Depressin in Adlescence.” This big headline seems t cnfirm what a lt f peple have been saying—screen time is hrrible fr yung peple.
    The study fllwed ver 3,800 adlescents ver fur years as part f a drug and alchl preventin prgram. Part f what the investigatrs measured was the teens’ amunt f screen time, including time spent n scial media, as well as their levels f depressin symptms. One f their main findings was that higher amunts f scial media use were assciated with higher levels f depressin. That was true bth when the researches cmpared between peple and cmpared each persn against their wn mental health ver time.
    Case clsed? Nt s fast. Befre we end the debate nce and fr all, let’s take a clser lk at this and ther studies. Let’s ask urselves: what exactly is the relatinship between scial media use and depressin? It turns ut there are several warnings.
    32. Why d peple smetimes feel bad when lking thrugh Instagram?
    A. They lack cntact with ld friends. B. They can travel nwhere.
    C. They dn`t lk perfect. D. They feel unbalanced(心理不平衡的).
    33. Why is the article in jurnal JAMA mentined?
    A. T cmment. B. T prve. C. T suggest. D. T explre.
    34. Which may agree with the findings f the study?
    A. Teens` amunt f screen time is limited. B. Depressin is related t scial media use.
    C. It is nt easy t tell reasns fr depressin. D. Scial media cntributes t physical health.
    35. What`s the best title f the text?
    A. Hw t reduce depressin? B. Des scial media cause depressin?
    C. Shall peple reduce screen time? D. Why is it time t give up scial media?
    Tips n saving energy
    We all want t save mney, and with the cst f living n the rise in the UK, it’s becme mre imprtant than
    ever t watch what we spend. 36 The il, gas and electricity we use are t pwer and heat ur hmes. That’s why many f us are lking at ways t save energy s we dn’t have t pay fr huge fuel bills.
    37 T try t achieve this, new hmes in the UK will be banned frm installing new gas and il bilers by 2025. Having a heat pump(热泵,是传统能源效率 300%)instead can help save energy, but they`re unaffrdable fr many peple.
    There are sme lw-budget slutins yu can turn t t lwer yur energy usage. Warm air escapes ur hmes easily, s adding draught excluders(门窗的挡风帘)r a twel t blck these gaps will help 38 Switching ff lights is als a gd idea.
    But there are lts f ther little things we can d arund the hme that will help save energy, and dn`t cst a frtune. They culd be as gd as installing, fitting r making anything. Put lids(盖子)n pts and pans when cking—the fd will be ready quicker. 39 Dn’t verfill yur kettle when biling water. A cmbinatin f small measures like these culd reduce husehld energy bills by abut 10%.
    S, we`re being encuraged t be mre fuel efficient. 40 .
    A. Use a micrwave(微波炉)t reheat fd rather than the ven.
    B. The biggest increase in ur expense(花费)at the mment is n energy.
    C. Heat pumps and duble glazing(双层玻璃)can be expensive t install.
    D. Overfilling yur kettle when biling water will save energy.
    E. Making ur hme mre energy efficient is the bvius way t save mney.
    F. Besides, it will be wrth using sme heavy curtains t stp the heat escaping.
    G. But ur main aim isn`t just financial but als t reduce ur carbn ftprint(碳脚印), s that ur energy usage desn`t cst the Earth.
    Sme f the greatest prblems we face tday are cncerned with the gradual destructin(破坏)f ur envirnment thrugh veruse f ur 41 . S my family d what we can. We take clth bags t stres instead f using plastic bags. We walk where we dn’t have t 42 .
    But when I’m the nly ne with a clth bag in line at the grcery stre, I ask myself: Des it d any gd?
    I recently fund the answer frm flamings (火烈鸟). These beautiful birds gather in 43 grups f a thusand r mre. Every year, when the time cmes fr migratin (迁徙), a few flamings start the prcess by 44 frm the lake. But 45 f the thers seem t ntice, s the tiny grup returns.
    Hwever, the next day they 46 again. This time a few mre struggle alng with them, but the vast majrity 47 n attentin, s these pineers cme back.
    The trend cntinues fr several mre days. Every time a few mre birds jin in but, 48 the thusands f thers still take n ntice, the great migratin plan is nce again 49 .
    Then ne day, things 50 . The same small grup f birds takes wing(起飞)and a tiny number mre jin in, just as befre. This time their ttal number is enugh t tip the balance(扭转局势). As ne, the whle grup takes flight and the migratin 51 .
    A few can make a 52 . It’s true that all f the great prblems f the wrld have been slved because f the 53 effrts f a few.
    If yu believe in a cause(事业), dn`t 54 . Others will smeday ntice and 55 we will slve even ur greatest prblems.
    41. A. mney B. strength C. time D. resurces
    42. A. drive B. run C. cycle D. stand
    43. A. tiny B. different C. similar D. huge
    44. A. cutting ff B. getting up C. carrying ut D. taking ff
    45. A. all B. nne C. any D. mst
    46. A. gather B. try C. sing D. appear
    47. A. attract B. require C. pay D. escape
    48. A. since B. if C. while D. unless
    49. A. prepared B. delayed C. cancelled D. handled
    50. A. change B. wrk C. apprach D. disappear
    51. A. cntinues B. fails C. finishes D. begins
    52. A. pint B. difference C. decisin D. mistake
    53. A. useless B. tireless C. ttal D. special
    54. A. give away B. give up C. get ver D. get ff
    55. A. wildly B. independently C. peacefully D. finally
    56. The article written by the famus ecnmist is really _______. Nne f us can understand it.
    A. attractive B. accessible C. abstract D. abslute
    57. The law ______equal rights fr the students in senir high schls.
    A. guarantees B. cnfirms C. suspects D. verlks
    58. Jamie deserves the________ fr trying his best t save the drwning by.
    A. credit B. blame C. shck D. stress
    59. There is n denying that watching this screen _________f Nrwegian Wd will certainly be a heart-breaking experience.
    A. ambitin B. adaptatin C. expectatin D. qualificatin
    60. With the teachers helping him patiently, the by has made prgress _______.
    A. instantly B. intimately C. steadily D. literally
    61. What was Jeff's ____ t the news that he was chsen t be chairman f the students' unin?
    A. reactin B. impressin C. permissin D. cnclusin
    62. The plice think the investigatin can____ the fact that the wman is nt guilty f the terrible crime.
    A. clarify B. cnvey C. vercme D. cnsist
    63. Withut ur phnes, we had a prper cnversatin fr ver tw hurs, withut being ______by messages frm ther peple.
    A. distracted B. ccupied C. disheartened D. tempted
    64. My schedule is quite ______. I culd arrange t meet with yu any day next week.
    A. flexible B. accessible C. sensible D. reliable
    65. My parents thught it was _________fr a by t be interested in ballet.
    A. available B. abnrmal C. implite D. acute
    66. Speaking f nn - cash payments, I think that we may try t use mney less ften instead f replacing it________.
    A. fr gd B. at ease C. n the whle D. in vain
    67. Mr. Green cnsiders vlunteering there a_______ jb because it can help many peple in need.
    A. jint B. realistic C. civil D. rewarding
    68. Mary, wh is an utstanding persn in the medical wrld, is extremely _________ in raising peple`s awareness f the disease.
    A. civil B. influential C. ridiculus D. enrmus
    69. The ppulatin has reduced ______ because f the war.
    A. dramatically B. bjectively C. urgently D. steadily
    70. The fficial is preparing dcuments fr a fur-natin reginal meeting n elephant ________.
    A. cnstitutin B. affectin C. cnservatin D. prductin
    Students f a Nanjing senir high schl brught 71 (jyful)t the elderly and brightened up their day by 72 (vlunteer)at a lcal nursing hme last weekend. The nursing hme, 73 (lcate)n a husing estate, has mre than 150 senir citizens, sme f 74 are ver 90 years ld.
    Thugh it was the first time many f the students 75 (take)part in a vlunteer prgramme like this, they were eager t share 76 (vary)interesting tpics with the residents, such as hw t use mbile phnes and g nline n the cmputer. After lunch the residents and the yung vlunteers amused themselves with art activities which included Chinese painting and calligraphy. They enjyed each ther’s cmpany s much 77 Su Ming, 16, said he hped t return t the nursing hme regularly t spend time with 78 senirs that he made friends with.
    Wang Hng, the prgramme rganizer, said, “I was cncerned that the students and the senir residents wuldn’t get alng 79 (easy), but it turned ut t be the ppsite. I can say that the activities have made a big difference 80 the lives f the residents as well as the students.”
    假定你是李华,校学生会主席。现在全国中小学生近视问题日益严峻,这一现象已经引起了国家的高度重视。为此,请你在全校升旗仪式上做演讲,呼吁爱眼护眼。内容包括: 问题的严重性; 改进和预防措施等。
    1. 词数80词左右;
    2. 文中不得透露考生的真实身份信息;
    3. 在完成题目要求的基础上,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    参考词汇: 近视 nearsightedness
    Dear teachers and fellw students: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
    1~5 CBABA 6~10 CABBC 11~15 BCBAC 16~20 AABAC
    21. C 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. C 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. D
    30. B 31. C 32. D 33. B 34. B 35. B 36. B 37. E 38. F
    39. A 40. G
    41. D 42. A 43. D 44. D 45. B 46. B 47. C 48. A 49. B
    50. A 51. D 52. B 53. B 54. B 55. D
    56. C 57. A 58. A 59. B 60. C 61. A 62. A 63. A 64. A
    65. B 66. A 67. D 68. B 69. A 70. C
    71. jy 72. vlunteering 73. lcated 74. whm 75. had taken
    76. varius /varied 77. that 78. the 79. easily 80. t
    Dear teachers and fellw students:
    It’s my great hnur t stand here and present a speech abut the wrrying situatin f nearsightedness amng Chinese students. Nwadays in China, huge numbers f students are near-sighted, cllege students included. Wrse still, the tendency is still n the rise. S, it is high time we tk immediate and prper measures right nw.
    Here, I d appeal t yu all t stick t the practice f eye exercises at least twice a day. Besides, dn’t read in an envirnment where it is t dim r t bright. As yu knw, t much screen time cntributes a lt t pr eyesight, s yu’d better stay away frm digital devices as well. Last f all, please remember t give yur eyes a shrt rest between classes by lking afar utside.
    Take gd care f the windw f yur heart, and yu’re bund t enjy a bright future.
    That’s all! Thanks fr all yur attentin!

    2022-2023学年黑龙江省哈尔滨第六中学高二上学期第二次阶段检测英语试题含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年黑龙江省哈尔滨第六中学高二上学期第二次阶段检测英语试题含答案,文件包含黑龙江省哈尔滨第六中学2022-2023学年高二上学期第二次阶段检测英语试题原卷版docx、黑龙江省哈尔滨第六中学2022-2023学年高二上学期第二次阶段检测英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共46页, 欢迎下载使用。

    【期中真题】黑龙江省哈尔滨市第三中学2022-2023学年高一上学期第二次阶段性考试英语试题.zip: 这是一份【期中真题】黑龙江省哈尔滨市第三中学2022-2023学年高一上学期第二次阶段性考试英语试题.zip,文件包含期中真题黑龙江省哈尔滨市第三中学2022-2023学年高一上学期第二次阶段性考试英语试题原卷版docx、期中真题黑龙江省哈尔滨市第三中学2022-2023学年高一上学期第二次阶段性考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学附属中学高二上学期开学考试英语试题含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学附属中学高二上学期开学考试英语试题含答案,共21页。试卷主要包含了7 题,9 题等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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