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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What type f music des the man like best?
    A. Rck music.B. Pp music.C. Cuntry music.
    2. Where is the pst ffice?
    A. On High Street.B. On Victria Rad.C. On Park Rad.
    3. What is the weather prbably like nw?
    A. Rainy.B. Sunny.C. Cludy.
    4. When will Lisa’s mther be back?
    A. This Friday.B. This Saturday.C. This Sunday.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Their hbbies.B. Their jbs.C. Their families.
    6. What fd did the man have yesterday?
    A. Chinese fd.B. Mexican fd.C. French fd.
    7. Hw did the man like the restaurant he went t?
    A. It was cld.B. It was quiet.C. It was crwded.
    8. Wh used t be the wman’s favrite singer?
    A. Michael Jacksn.B. Whitney Hustn.C. Brun Mars.
    9. What des the man suggest ding this afternn?
    A. Getting sme CDs.
    B. Dwnlading sme music.
    C. Meeting a singer.
    10. What scre des the man give t the lecture rms?
    A. 2.B. 3.C. 4.
    11. Which place are the speakers bth satisfied with?
    A. The cmputer center.B. The Students’ Unin.C. The library.
    12. What des the man say abut the gym?
    A. Small.B. Mdern.C. Expensive.
    13. What des the wman think f Aunt Elme?
    A. Old fashined.B. Open-minded.C. Warm hearted.
    14. Wh is Bb?
    A. Tm’s wrkmate.B. Tm’s cusin.C. Tm’s uncle.
    15. Where des Rger live?
    A In England.B. In France.C. In Sctland.
    16. What des Mark d?
    A. A designer.B. A student.C. A salesman.
    17. Where will the final discussin be held?
    A. In Rm 302.B. In Rm 312.C. In Rm 320.
    18. When will the first cach leave fr the airprt prbably?
    A. At 3:30 p.m.B. At 5:00 p.m.C. At 5:15 p.m.
    19. What des Prfessr Cle need t d befre leaving?
    A. Get the discussin recrds.
    B. Gather at the receptin.
    C. Cllect the cpies.
    20. Wh can peple cntact t attend the Sixth Educatinal Cnventin?
    A. Prfessr Olsen.B. Prfessr Mike.C. Prfessr Hurst.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    A driver stpped his car n a street side. t have a rest. As he lay dwn in the seat and clsed his eyes, a persn came up and kncked at the windw t ask the time. The driver pened his eyes and lked at his watch: “It’s 8:05,” he said. Then he went t sleep again. But sn he was waken up again because a secnd persn was kncking at the windw. “Sir, d yu knw the time?” he asked. The driver lked at his watch again, and tld him it was half past eight.
    In this way, the driver thught he culd nt have a gd rest, s he wrte a shrt nte and stuck it n the windw fr all t see. It said, “I dn’t knw the time.”
    Again, he lay dwn in the seat fr his sleep. A few minutes later, a third persn came and began t knck a the windw, “Hey, sir,” he said, “It’s a quarter t nine.”
    21. Where did the driver sleep?
    A. At the windw.B. In the street rad.
    C. In his car.D. In his rm.
    22. Hw lng had the driver been there when the third persn called him?
    A. 40 minutes.B. 25 minutes.C. 50 minutes.D. 70 minutes.
    23. Why did the driver write a nte and stick it n the windw?
    A. Because he didn’t knw the time.
    B. Because he didn’t want anybdy t truble him.
    C. Because he needed smebdy t wake him up.
    D. Because he wanted smebdy t tell him the time.
    When I was a teen f 16 years ld, I used t make mre friends because f my utging nature. But unfrtunately, I als had the mst misunderstandings with them. Hwever, I have nt lst any f my friends ver these disagreements.
    Once I bught a few bks t read in my free time during the summer vacatin at high schl. One evening during the vacatin, tw f my friends visited my hme. After having sme small talk, ne f them started lking at my library that I had built since my childhd. He picked up ne f the bks that I had just started reading in the mrning. It was Thmas, ne f my best friends in high schl. I helped him a lt with his mathematics fr the exam befre the summer vacatin.
    The disagreement with him began when he wanted t take the bk hme. The bk named An American Tragedy by Thedre Dreiser was his first chice. I tried t make him realize that I had just started reading it befre they arrived at my hme and had just finished ne-furth f the bk. But it seemed that he was als crazy abut the bk. He was determined t take it. Samuel, the ther friend f mine sat quietly and saw us argue with each ther.
    The argument cntinued fr abut 15 minutes, and I tried t ask him t take sme ther bks. He lked sad, saying that after he started reading the stry, he really didn’t want t miss the chance t cmplete the bk. Finally, I gave up and let him take the bk n ne cnditin: he shuld return the bk just after he finished reading it and als wuld nt lend it t smene else (he had lst mst f his bks lending them t thers) as he did earlier with my bks.
    24. What happened t Thmas sn after he arrived at the authr’s hme?
    A. He thught f a children’s bk.
    B. He argued with Samuel ver a bk.
    C. He was attracted t ne f the authr’s bks.
    D. He remembered leaving his bk in the library.
    25. Why did the authr want t cntinue reading An American Tragedy?
    A. He enjyed it very much.B. He was a fan f the writer.
    C. He read it fr the final exam.D. He planned t research int it.
    26. Hw did the authr slve the disagreement with Thmas?
    A. He tld him the stry f the bk.
    B. He decided t lend him the bk.
    C. He gave him anther bk by the same writer.
    D. He let him lk thrugh the bk befre leaving.
    27. What can we say abut Thmas?
    A. He desn’t have any friends.B. He is gd at mathematics.
    C. He always keeps his wrd.D. He desn’t give up easily.
    We may think we’re a culture that gets rid f ur wrn technlgy at the first sight f smething shiny and new, but a new study shws that we keep using ur ld devices (装置) well after they g ut f style. That’s bad news fr the envirnment—and ur wallets—as these utdated devices cnsume much mre energy than the newer nes that d the same things.
    T figure ut hw much pwer these devices are using, Callie Babbitt and her clleagues at the Rchester Institute f Technlgy in New Yrk tracked the envirnmental csts fr each prduct thrughut its life—frm when its minerals are mined t when we stp using the device. This methd prvided a readut fr hw hme energy use has evlved since the early 1990s. Devices were gruped by generatin. Desktp cmputers, basic mbile phnes, and bx-set TVs defined 1992. Digital cameras arrived n the scene in 1997. And WP3 players, smart phnes, and LCD TVs entered hmes in 2002, befre tablets and e-readers shwed up in 2007.
    As we accumulated mre devices, hwever, we didn’t thrw ut ur ld nes. “The living-rm televisin is replaced and gets planted in the kids’ rm, and suddenly ne day, yu have a TV in every rm f the huse,” said ne researcher. The average number f electrnic devices rse frm fur per husehld in 1992 t 13 in 2007. We’re nt just keeping these ld devices—We cntinue t use them. Accrding t the analysis f Babbitt’s team, ld desktp mnitrs and bx TVs with cathde ray tubes are the wrst devices with their energy cnsumptin and cntributin t greenhuse gas emissins (排放) mre than dubling during the 1992 t 2007 windw.
    S what’ s the slutin (解决方案)? The team’s data nly went up t 2007, but the researchers als explred what wuld happen if cnsumers replaced ld prducts with new electrnics that serve mre than ne functin, such as a tablet fr wrd prcessing and TV viewing. They fund that mre n-demand entertainment viewing n tablets instead f TVs and desktp cmputers culd cut energy cnsumptin by 44%.
    28. What des the authr think f new devices?
    A. They are envirnment-friendly.B. They are n better than the ld.
    C. They cst mre t use at hme.D. They g ut f style quickly.
    29. Why did Babbitt’s team cnduct the research?
    A. T reduce the cst f minerals.
    B. T test the life cycle f a prduct.
    C. T update cnsumers n new technlgy.
    D. T find ut electricity cnsumptin f the devices.
    30. Which f the fllwing uses the least energy?
    A. The bx-set TV.B. The tablet.
    C. The LCD TV.D. The desktp cmputer.
    31. What des the text suggest peple d abut ld electrnic devices?
    A. Stp using them.B. Take them apart.
    C. Upgrade them.D. Recycle them.
    Myspace launched in September 2003. Friendster gave inspiratin t the funders f Myspace, and the scial netwrk fficially went live n the web in January 2004. After its first mnth nline, ver ne millin peple signed up. By Nvember 2004, that number grew t 5 millin. By 2006, Myspace was visited mre times than Ggle Search and Yah, becming the mst visited website in the United States. In June f that year, Myspace was reprtedly respnsible fr nearly 80 percent f all scial media traffic.
    As explsive as Myspace was, it paled in cmparisn t hw quickly Facebk grew int the internet giant it is tday. In April 2008, bth Facebk and Myspace attracted 115 millin unique glbal visitrs per mnth, with Myspace still winning in the U.S. alne. In December 2008, Myspace experienced peak (顶峰) U.S. traffic with 75.9 millin unique visitrs. As Facebk grew, Myspace sustain a series f dwnsizing and redesigns as it tried t redefine itself as a scial entertainment netwrk. It was estimated (估价) in March 2011 that the site had drpped frm attracting 95 millin t 63 millin unique visitrs within the past year.
    Althugh several factrs triggered Myspace’s fall, ne argument held that the cmpany never figured ut hw t innvate well enugh t keep up with the cmpetitin. Officially, hwever, Myspace is far frm dead. If yu g t myspace.cm, yu’ll see that it is very much still alive, thugh it has mstly transitined away frm scial netwrking t becme a site fr planning music and entertainment. As f 2019, the site basted ver 7 millin mnthly visits. On Myspace’s frnt page, yu’ll find a variety f entertainment news stries nt just abut music, but als mvies, sprts, fd, and ther cultural tpics. Prfiles are still a central feature f the scial netwrk, but users are encuraged t share their wn music, vides, phts, and even cncert events.
    32. Hw lng has it taken Myspace t becme the mst visited website in America since its establishment?
    A. Abut 2 years.B. Abut 3 years.
    C. Abut 5 years.D. Abut 8 years.
    33. What des the underlined wrd “sustain” mean in the secnd paragraph?
    A. adaptedB. acquiredC. challengedD. experienced
    34. What is ne f the main reasns fr Myspace’ failure?
    A. Lack f imprvement.
    B. T much cmpetitin.
    C. Unclear business psitining.
    D. Cutting dwn t many wrkers.
    35. What des Myspace mainly feature right nw?
    A. Prfiles.B. Scial netwrking
    C. Entertainment news.D. Music and entertainment.
    Thugh it is estimated that abut 500,000 earthquakes ccur each year, nly 100 f them cause damage! Hwever, an earthquake culd ccur any time f the day r night, s it pays t be prepared if yu are unfrtunately caught in the middle f ne. 36
    If yu are indrs, stay indrs unless yu are in the grund flr where yu can easily run utside, 37 D nt try t head fr the stairway if yu are living in an upper strey, as the stairways may cllapse.
    Stay away frm windws, inside walls and mvable furniture r appliances (用具,器具). 38 Dn’t try t rush dwnstairs r utdrs while the building is shaking.
    39 Stay away frm high-rise buildings, trees, pwer and telephne cables r anything else that might fall n yu.
    Lastly, if yu are nt trapped r seriusly hurt, d nt expect fire fighters, army r plice t help yu. 40
    A. If yu are utdrs, try t reach an pen grund.
    B. Yu culd fall dwn and burn yurself n the fire.
    C. There are certain ds and dn’ts that can help yu during an earthquake.
    D. They may be busy rescuing thers wh are in greater need than yu are.
    E. The kitchen is a dangerus place as things stred in cupbards can fall n yu.
    F. Ensure yu establish a meeting place with all family members in case yu get separated.
    G. The best thing t d indrs is t hide under a strng piece f furniture like a bed r desk.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Technlgy has really imprved my life ver the past years. Fr example, the 41 that the iPhne brught have been dramatic (巨大的). We 42 ur phnes as music players, cameras, flashlights, and entertainment devices. We can use Siri, r Ggle n ur phnes t 43 t ur vice requests. Phnes have 44 becme a way t pay fr items. And the saying “There’s an app fr that” has becme a serius 45 t many f ur questins and prblems.
    The Amazn Ech vice assistant (Alexa) has als had a dramatic 46 n my life. With a few Internet-cnnected light bulbs and switches, I can nw 47 Alexa t turn lights and devices n and ff. When I get int bed at night, I tell Alexa what time t 48 me. In the mrning, Alexa 49 the alarm clck and gives me the weather and news.
    A mre recent 50 t my hme, the Ggle Hme vice assistant, has als made my life 51 . With the additin f a $35 Chrmecast device fr my TV and a subscriptin (订阅) t Netflix, I can tell Ggle t play a certain Netflix mvie r televisin shw by 52 . Fr example, I can say, “Hey Ggle, 53 The Crwn n TV.” My TV will display the shw and 54 right where I left ff. N mre 55 the series in the Netflix app r trying t remember what I watched last.
    41. A. prblemsB. vicesC. changesD. prices
    42. A. requireB. useC. lkD. cpy
    43. A. agreeB. respndC. relateD. cmpare
    44. A. evenB. neverC. stillD. seldm
    45. A. wayB. discussinC. planD. answer
    46. A. pushB. recveryC. decisinD. impact
    47. A. begB. allwC. askD. frce
    48. A. wakeB. warmC. inviteD. detect
    49. A. switchesB. sundsC. setsD. tests
    50. A. cnnectinB. directinC. additinD. descriptin
    51. A. saferB. lngerC. wrseD. easier
    52. A. exampleB. rderC. timeD. name
    53. A. watchB. playC. filmD. buy
    54. A. rganizeB. recrdC. startD. clse
    55. A. searching frB. turning tC. thinking abutD. appealing t
    The Great Wall f China is mre than 6,000 kilmeters lng. It winds 56 (it) way frm west t east, acrss deserts, ver muntains, thrugh valleys 57 at last it reaches the sea. The Great Wall has a histry f ver twenty-centuries. The first part f it 58 (build) during the Spring and Autumn Perid. During the Qin Dynasty, 59 (keep) the enemy ut f his empire, Emperr Qin Shihuang had all the walls 60 (jin) up. Thus, the Great Wall came int being. The Great Wall is wide enugh at 61 tp fr five hrses r ten men t walk side by side. Alng the. wall are watchtwers, 62 sldiers used t keep watch. Fires were lit n the twers as a 63 (warn) when the enemy came.
    It was 64 (extreme) difficult t build such a wall in the ancient days withut any mdern machines. All the wrk was dne 65 hand. Thusands f men died and were buried under the wall they built. The Great Wall was made nt nly f stne and earth, but f the flesh and bld f millins f men.
    第四部分 写作(共二节,满分40分)
    1. 讲座时间、地点;
    2. 讲座内容;
    3. 期待回复。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    “Surprise!” was the first thing I heard when I pened the dr. My family and friends were all smiling at me. There were clrful ballns all ver the huse, a big pster saying “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”, and f curse a cake with 12 candles. It was a wnderful feeling. I knew that I had finally turned twelve and I might pssibly get the thing I wanted mst.
    I saw my mm and dad cming twards me with a small bx which seemed t be a birthday present. When I pened the bx, I culdn’t believe my eyes. I had really gtten a mbile phne! Thrwing myself int their am, I let ut a cry f jy, “Thank yu! I lve yu guys!”
    “Yu’re welcme. We knew this was ging t make yu happy but we didn’t nly get yu this because yu turned twelve, but als because yu are ding well in schl. We expect yu t keep getting gd grades.”
    “Of curse I will.” I said cnfidently.
    As sn as I gt t schl the next mrning, I was shwing ff my phne and asking everyne fr their number. It was cl hw I gt s many cntacts n the first day.
    It felt like I didn’t even exist in that class anymre. I wuldn’t pay much attentin t the teachers because I was t busy n my phne. Hwever, I didn’t get caught using it.
    I am pretty sure that the teacher did ntice that I stpped paying attentin t her because a week later we tk a test and I failed. What was wrse, my mm had t sign the test.
    It was hard t shw my mm the test. She was used t seeing A’s and B’s n my tests. Finally, I shwed it t her, and she culdn’t believe it. She was angry but mst f all, she was disappinted.
    1. 续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头已给出。
    Realizing the reasn fr my failure, my parents started t dislike the fact that I had a phne. _________________
    Then I started t wnder if I was wrng. __________________________________________________________
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    【6~7题答案】6. A 7. C
    【8~9题答案】8. B 9. A
    【10~12题答案】10. B 11. A 12. C
    【13~16题答案】13. B 14. A 15. C 16. B
    【17~20题答案】17. B 18. A 19. C 20. A
    A 21. C 22. D 23. B
    B 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. D
    C 28. A 29. D 30. B 31. A
    D 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. D
    36. C 37. G 38. E 39. A 40. D
    41. C 42. B 43. B 44. A 45. D 46. D 47. C 48. A 49. B 50. C
    51. D 52. D 53. B 54. C 55. A
    56. its 57. till/until/and 58. was built 59. t keep 60. jined
    61. the 62. where 63. warning 64. extremely 65. by
    Dear Chris,
    Knwing that yu are keen n artificial intelligence, I’m writing t sincerely invite yu t participate in such a lecture.
    Featuring the applicatin f AI, the tw-hur lecture is scheduled t be held at 2 p. m. this Sunday in the schl auditrium, which will never fail t expse participants t scientific and technlgical innvatin. The perating principles and ptential dangers f AI are included as well. Then fllws a lively questin-and-answer sessin. I d hpe that yu wn’t miss the glden chance.
    Anticipating yur prmpt reply.
    Li Hua
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    对……感兴趣:be keen n → be interested in
    参加:participate in → take part in
    机会:chance → pprtunity
    期望:anticipate → expect/lk frward t
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Knwing that yu are keen n artificial intelligence, I’m writing t sincerely invite yu t participate in such a lecture.
    拓展句:Because I knw that yu are keen n artificial intelligence, I’m writing t sincerely invite yu t participate in such a lecture.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Featuring the applicatin f AI, the tw-hur lecture is scheduled t be held at 2 p.m. this Sunday in the schl auditrium, which will never fail t expse participants t scientific and technlgical innvatin. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] I d hpe that yu wn’t miss the glden chance. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    Realizing the reasn fr my failure, my parents started t dislike the fact that I had a phne. They said they had nticed that I never paid attentin t them. It was like I had my wn little wrld. S they thught we didn’t cmmunicate as much with my phne. They regretted having given me a phne, which made me ignre the family and study.

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