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    这是一份内蒙古赤峰市第二实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题,共12页。试卷主要包含了 5分,满分7, 15, What des Mr等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    £19. 15. B. £9. 18. C. £9. 15.
    1. Why is the man late?
    A. He verslept. B. He lst his car key. C. He had n alarm clcks.
    2. What des Mr. Black lk like?
    A. He has black hair. B. He is shrt. C. He wears glasses.
    3. Hw des the man feel abut the class?
    A. He is fnd f it. B. He can't fllw it. C. He has been used t it.
    4. Why des the wman want t meet Miss Jnes?
    A. T make an aplgy. B. T have an interview. C. T knw abut Miss Peters.
    5. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a library. B. In a cllege. C. In a bkstre.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What des the man think f muntaineering?
    A. Interesting. B. Tiring. C. Dangerus.
    7. What can we learn abut the wman?
    A. She is prfessinal in muntaineering.
    B. She climbed Munt Huangshan last summer.
    C. She will visit Munt Huangshan with the man.
    8. Why des the wman make the call?
    A. She was charged twice.
    B. Her bill has nt yet arrived.
    C. Her televisin desn't wrk prperly.
    9. What is wrng with the shp?
    A. It desn't accept credit cards.
    B. The shp assistants are always careless.
    C. The cmputer system is ut f rder.
    10. What will the wman d next?
    A. Get a written aplgy.
    B. Offer her receipt number.
    C. Have her televisin fixed.
    11. Why des the girl talk t the man?
    A. T ask fr permissin.
    B. T make an invitatin.
    C. T get sme advice.
    12. What will the man d during the party?
    A. Sing an English sng.
    B. Tell a flk stry.
    C. Perfrm an English play.
    13. What will the headmaster d befre the party?
    A. Decrate the classrm.
    B. Share his reslutins.
    C. Deliver a speech.
    14. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. On the street.
    B. At the man's hme.
    C. In a camera shp.
    15. Hw many camera shps are still pen in twn?
    A. One. B. Tw. C. Three.
    16. Why des the man think sme camera shps went ut f business?
    A. Cameras are ld-fashined.
    B. There are fewer phtgraphers.
    C. Peple buy things n the Internet.
    17. What will the man d this Saturday?
    A. G t a camera shp.
    B. Take pictures fr a wedding.
    C. Take care f his friend's kids.
    18. What happened t Sam?
    A. He was kncked dwn by a truck.
    B. He fell t the grund when crssing the rad.
    C. He stpped the truck driver when crssing the rad.
    19. Wh asked the driver t stp?
    A. The little by.
    B. The by's mther.
    C. David.
    20. Why did David help that wman?
    A. She culdn't affrd enugh fd.
    B. She culdn't walk.
    C. She was David's neighbr.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Bks That Celebrate Diverse Hlidays and Traditins
    It’s imprtant t remember there are a diverse set f hlidays available t explre. Belw are a few bks that help intrduce children t different hliday cultures and traditins.
    T Many Tamales by Gary St, illustrated by Ed Martinez
    While helping her mther with Christmas celebratin, Maria is tempted t try n her mther’s diamnd ring. After getting caught up in the jy f the hliday and playing with her cusins, Maria realizes the ring is missing! That’s when she and her cusins cme up with a plan t eat all f the tamales, in hpes f finding the ring.
    Tgether fr Kwanzaa by Juwanda G. Frd, illustrated by Shelly Hehenberger
    This is a stry abut a little girl named Kayla wh wants t see her lder brther Khari cme hme s they can celebrate Kwanzaa tgether as a family. Khari is stuck at cllege when a snwstrm hits and his car breaks dwn. Will he make it hme in time fr Kwanzaa?
    A Child’s Christmas in Wales by Dylan Thmas, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman
    This bk is a funny, nstalgic tale f Christmas Eve afternn thrugh Christmas night in Wales, and is full f unique imagery and petic prse. It will aruse a sense f familiarity fr sme yung readers while intrducing them t different aspects f Christmas traditins.
    We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga by Traci Srell, illustrated by Frane Lessac
    The wrd tsaliheliga is used by members f the Cherkee Natin t express gratitude. This is an amazing stry that describes a jurney thrugh the seasns with a mdern-day Cherkee family. Cherkee histry and traditins are als wven int the stry in a very kid-friendly way.
    21. What makes it difficult fr Khari t return hme in time fr Kwanzaa?
    A. A car crash. B. Delayed flights. C. Extreme weather. D. Academic pressure.
    22. Wh prvides pictures fr A Child’s Christmas in Wales?
    A. Traci Srell. B. Ed Martinez. C. Dylan Thmas. D. Trina Schart Hyman.
    23. The fur bks all infrm readers f ______.
    A. hw t find hidden treasures at hme B. hw t strengthen bnds with friends
    C. the lifestyles f different ethnic grups D. different hliday celebratins and custms
    Arsh believes in the imprtance f making the wrld a mre beautiful place. The talented by nt nly paints but als sells his artwrk and dnates the mney.
    It all started when his parents bught him a set f painting tls fr his 8th birthday. Once he had his wn materials, he began spending much f his free time putting clr n his canvas. As Arsh’s paintings began t grw in number, he decided t give them as gifts t friends and family. Receiving a psitive respnse frm peple arund him, he sn realized his pieces had the ptential t get much mre than smiles and praise.
    His light-bulb mment came shrtly after: he wuld sell his artwrk and dnate the mney t charity. His first plan was t raise $1,000 fr St. Jude Children’s Research Hspital, which he accmplished in arund nine mnths by selling his paintings n scial media and at lcal art shws. Since then, he’s bradened his reach t benefit ther rganizatins, including childhd cancer nnprfit Cmpass t Care and the Make-A-Wish Fundatin. He’s raised ver $16,000 fr charities s far.
    Arsh’s artwrk is ften clrful and cheery, as ne might expect frm a yungster, but it shwcases the impressive technique f a gifted artist. Sme pieces are mre abstract in nature; thers feature realistic renditins (演绎) f flwers and animals. They range in size and cmplexity, and, accrdingly, price. Small paintings might sell fr $10 while larger canvases, up t five feet, have gne fr $800.
    Last year, Arsh wn The Diana Award, an hnr presented by a UK charity funded n Princess Diana’s belief that yung peple have the pwer t change their cuntry. And the yung artist has advice fr ther kids lking t make a difference. “Helping thers desn’t have t be, like, mney r anything. It can be yur time, yur skills, yur talent,” he says, “and verall, just be kind t ther peple t make their day better.”
    24. What made Arsh interested in painting?
    A. A birthday present frm his parents. B. His parents’ deep lve fr painting.
    C. The encuragement f thers arund him. D. His fascinatin with the beauty f nature.
    25. Why did Arsh decide t sell his artwrk?
    A. T pay fr his painting materials. B. T get mre attentin frm thers.
    C. T attract children’s interest in art. D. T help thse peple wh are in need.
    26. What can we learn abut Arsh frm the text?
    A. His fundraising plan is ging well.
    B. He will turn his attentin t his studies.
    C. All his paintings sell at high prices nw.
    D. He is ging t teach ther children t paint fr free.
    27. What des Arsh want t say in the last paragraph?
    A. Every child has a unique talent.
    B. Everyne has the ability t help thers.
    C. Talent plays an imprtant rle in learning art.
    D. Helping thers is the respnsibility f yung artists.
    Stress ften ccurs when humans have t much wrk r are in immediate danger. We cmmunicate ur stress t thers thrugh ur behavir and physilgical changes. Thus, stress can cmmunicate infrmatin and even be useful fr survival in certain situatins. On the ther hand, the massive spread f stress frequently leads t dangerus situatins in grups, such as mass panic.
    Hwever, nt nly humans, but als animals can experience and spread stress. This is the present research fcus f Dr Hanja Brand l frm the University f Knstanz.
    “It has been repeatedly shwn that stress can be spread frm ne human t anther,” Brand l says. “Often, a similarly strng physilgical respnse is triggered, even thugh yu have never experienced the stress yurself.” But what is knwn abut stress amng animals? Brand l cncludes ther animals in the grup can be just as stressed as the friend wh experienced smething bad. Stress is evlutinarily deeply rted and the prcess is similar in all vertebrates (脊椎动物).
    When are animals stressed? T be mentined primarily are naturally ccurring threats t which they are expsed, such as natural enemies. Human influences raise the level f stress. “Increasing changes in the habitat r nise and light pllutin als have an impact as these massively influence the envirnment f the animals.” Brand l explains. “Animals are flexible and can adapt t situatins. But at sme pint, the stress respnse—the adaptatins that therwise help animals better escape stressrs like enemies—n lnger gives them a survival advantage,” she adds.
    This nt nly endangers the animals’ health, but als changes the scial structure f grups. “If we knw hw the underlying mechanisms (机制) wrk, we can better prtect animals,” says Brandl.
    Fr humans, t, insights frm the animal wrld are useful, she says. “With humans, we can’t measure the functinality f grups under stress well in natural scenes.” Therefre, Brandl is nw cntinuing her studies. In the future, this will make it easier t respnd t and help with the spread f stress in grups f peple.
    28. What can we learn abut stress frm paragraph 1?
    A. Stress is bth gd and bad.
    B. Grup living. can easily cause stress.
    C. Each individual reacts differently t stressful situatins.
    D. Pr cmmunicatin is ne f the biggest causes f stress.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “triggered” prbably mean in paragraph 3?
    A. Ignred. B. Eased. C. Caused. D. Transfrmed.
    30. What can humans d t help animals reduce stress?
    A. Supply fd t them.
    B. Make them live in grups.
    C Prtect their habitat frm being destryed.
    D. Prvide pprtunities fr them t practice their survival skills.
    31. Frm which is the text prbably taken?
    A. A pet magazine.B. A news website.
    C. A bk review.D. A technical frum.
    It’s easy fr cnsumers t buy fd and drinks like a bwl f ht rice and cke nline r frm neighburhd shps, but fr astrnauts such things were impssible in the past.
    Members f China’s Shenzhu manned space flight last year, hwever, were able t enjy such fd, thanks t Jyung, a Chinese firm. Jyung created a mbile space kitchen fr the astrnauts. A drinking water machine, an air heater and a sybean milk maker were all accessible in the kitchen thrugh a smart app. Tang Hngb, wh was a member f the Shenzhu manned spacecraft said in the news that during his three-mnth trip, he culd eat ht fd with just half-hur effrts, a cntrast t the past when similar attempts required several hurs. “If we had time, we wuld als use equipment t eat hmemade ygurt. We culd als cntrl the equipment in the space kitchen thrugh mbile phne apps.” he said.
    In the past, mst fds culdn’t be directly heated in a micrwave ven in the space. Cnductin equipment ften caused uneven (不均匀的) heating. An astrnaut had t spend as lng as fur hurs t heat sme vegetables in the space kitchen. T slve the prblem, Jyung has develped equipment that gives ut ht air t heat vegetables in a 360-degree way. That enables astrnauts t eat steaming-ht fish-flavured prk and Gngba chicken, a spicy, stir-fried Chinese dish.
    Besides Jyung a grup f cmpanies, including Xiami Cip and Huawei Technlgies, have cntributed their technlgies t the develpment f the space statin. A vacuum (真空) cleaner made haircuts n the spacecraft pssible. NOLO VR, a Chinese virtual reality manufacturer, has helped astrnauts develp an experimental equipment thrugh which labratry technicians n the grund can see and experience what astrnauts are ding in space.
    32. What d astrnauts think f Jyung’s mbile space kitchen?
    A. Water-saving. B. Energy-wasting. C. Time-saving. D. Mney-wasting.
    33. Hw des the authr shw the cnvenience n Shenzhu manned spacecraft?
    A. By making cntrasts.B. By analyzing results.
    C. By prviding pictures.D. By answering questins.
    34. What des the last paragraph want t shw?
    A. Jayung needs t further its technlgy.
    B. What astrnauts are ding is significant.
    C. Astrnauts n bard can d as they wish.
    D. There are mre technlgies fr the spacecraft.
    35. What is the best title f the text?
    A. The Ht Diet n the Space Statin Needs t be Addressed
    B. Earth t Space, Firms Add Value by Creating Technlgy
    C. Mdern Technlgy Brings Cnvenience t Human Beings
    D. Manufacturers Make Big Prfits frm Inventing Equipment
    Curisity is part f human nature. Children are famus fr wanting answers t tns f questins. Bks and TV shws ften rely n curisity. Peple keep reading r watching because they want t find ut what happens. ____36____
    Many f histry’s greatest discveries were made by curius peple. Peple wndered hw prcesses wrked r hw certain tasks culd be dne mre effectively. Thanks t their curisity, peple nw knw far mre abut the wrld and have useful technlgy t help them.
    Even if yu dn’t plan t be an inventr r researcher, curisity can still help yu in the classrm. If yu develp the jy f learning, class will be mre fun. ____37____ Even if yu’re n lnger a student, curisity will make yu better infrmed and thus a mre capable wrker.
    What d yu d if yu’re nt already curius? ____38____ If yu act like yu’re curius, yu’ll quickly start t actually feel curius. Often, the mre yu learn abut a tpic the mre interesting it becmes.
    As yu learn abut a tpic, gather infrmatin frm as many surces as pssible. Read a variety f bks, watch r listen t lectures and ask questins. ____39____ Instead, learn t appreciate facts that different peple knw and the different pinins that they express.
    Dn’t assume yu already knw what yu need t knw. Instead, search fr alternate pssibilities and pints f view.
    ____40____ Remember, everyne knws smething that yu dn’t. Find ut what that is, and ask abut it. This lets yu learn smething and makes the ther persn happy by letting them shw ff their knwledge. In the classrm r ut f it, develping curisity is sure t be wrthwhile.
    A. Ask a lt f questins.
    B. But curisity als prvides many practical benefits.
    C. Accept a variety f resurces t feed yur curisity.
    D. Frtunately, curisity is a skill that can be imprved.
    E. Dn’t always get yur infrmatin frm the same surce.
    F. Curisity drives the prcess f discveries and innvatin.
    G. And yu’ll excel because yu will be fully engaged in the prcess f learning.
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    I have had n interest in ftball fr as lng as I can remember. While my classmates played, I ___41___ t stay in the library. I never ___42___ the passin fr the game and wuld thrw away the sprts sectin f the newspaper, as if it ___43___ the rest f it. As I grew up, I prudly wre my ___44___ .
    But ccasinally, whether in a taxi r when meeting a friend's father, I fund myself faced with a ___45___ pener like,“Terrible seasn we're having, eh?”r simply, “Wh d yu supprt?” My heart sank, knwing my respnse wuld unavidably ___46___ them, despite their gd intentins.
    I realized that my ___47___ had clsed ff many cnversatins, utings, and even ptential friendships I might have ___48___ enjyed. Althugh I culdn't change the fact that I fund ftball bring, I began t regret being a(n) ___49___ .
    Then I became a father. I didn't want my by t ___50___ this valuable scial experience, s I tk him t watch the Lins play. During thse matches, we sat clse t the field, surrunded by families wh had a genuine ___51___ with the players. My kid's questins kept me smewhat ___52___ in the game. Slwly, I started t___53___ fr the Lins.
    During ne victrius match, we even met David, the Captain, wh happily ___54___ fr a pht with my sn. ___55___, I had an answer t the questin,“Wh d yu supprt?”
    41. A. preferred B. intended C. wished D. pretended
    42. A. believed B. understd C. nticed D. hid
    43. A. cnfused B. pisned C. defended D. preserved
    44. A. dubt B. smile C. cnfidence D. dislike
    45. A. well-infrmed B. well-prepared C. well-meant D. well-presented
    46. A. challenge B. disturb C. amuse D. disappint
    47. A. attitude B. persnality C. interest D. habit
    48. A. therwise B. ever C. still D. therefre
    49. A. lser B. fan C. utsider D. passer-by
    50. A. g wild fr B. turn away frm C. get the hang f D. miss ut n
    51. A. agreement B. cnversatin C. cmpetitin D. cnnectin
    52. A. stressed B. engaged C. successful D. busy
    53. A. cheer B. change C. vte D. play
    54. A. danced B. waved C. psed D. clapped
    55. A. Gradually B. Finally C. Unexpectedly D. Luckily
    第二节 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Many peple take the idea f saving mney very seriusly. Back in 1924, in Italy, a grup f peple ___56___(think) the inability t resist spending became a majr scial prblem. They had the idea f ___57___(start) a day t remind peple t put away sme mney fr a rainy day. This is hw Wrld Saving Day, held n Oct. 31st annually, was started, and it’s still ging strng nw.
    Nt ___58___(surprise), a mvement targeting the pr was started. Peple in the ___59___(underdevelp) wrld are mre pen t calls t be careful with mney. But ___60___ idea f being thrifty (节俭) has als becme ppular amng the rich. Take Mark Zuckerberg ___61___example. The Facebk funder, ne f the wrld’s___62___(rich) peple, desn’t spend very much mney n himself.
    Other peple dn’t spend mney because they dn’t like the culture f cnsumptin. This is cnnected t the view that we shuld make urselves happy thrugh the ___63___(activity) we take part in, rather than with what we buy.
    But hwever we view mney, mderate spending is certainly a gd idea when we are still t yung t get a jb. There is a British saying ___64___ffers sme gd advice in this situatin: “Lk after the pennies, and the punds will lk after___65___(they).”
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    假定你是李华,你准备参加学学校举办的英文歌曲大赛。请给你班交换生 Anna 写一封邮件,请她给予指导。内容包括:
    说明比赛要求; 2.请她推荐歌曲; 3.请求陪同练习。
    1.词数 80 左右;
    Dear Anna ,

    Sincerely yurs ,
    Li Hua
    On a cld winter day years ag, I slipped in the snw in the wilderness and brke my legs. As I lay n the grund, unable t mve my bdy, I believed I was fated t freeze t death. My dg, Becky, hwever, didn't run away. Instead, she determined t save me. She lay n tp f me t keep me warm fr many hurs, barking cntinually until help arrived, lng after I lst cnsciusness. Eventually, I was saved.
    A few cld winters later, Becky was discvered t have a baseball-sized lump (肿块) n her belly. Befre lng, my husband Bb tk Becky fr surgery t remve the lump. T take care f my babies, I had t stay at hme, filled with anxius thughts. After her surgery, when Bb left t pick her up, it was snwing heavily. Becky culd barely walk, s Bb carried her.
    They culdn't get in the dr easily because Becky was wearing a big, hard plastic cne(圆锥体) arund her neck t prevent her frm licking her sutures (伤口缝合线). I held the dr wide pen. She was sad and crying. There was snw inside her cne. It tk ver five minutes t get them in because Becky shk her head wildly t try t remve the cne. The sund f the cn e hitting the dr made her panic and cry even luder.
    Once inside, she was s frightened that she kept her tail between her legs. She thught she had dne smething wrng. Her expressin said,“I'm srry fr what I did that led t me having t wear this.”Because f her surgery, Becky wuldn't take her special treat f a cube f cheese. She wuldn't sit r lie dwn. All she did was stand and cry.“Hw lng will she have t wear it ?" I asked ." Tw weeks ," Bb replied .
    " It ' s my turn t take gd care f her , just as she did fr me years ag ," I thught .
    Paragraph 1:
    Then , I stayed with her n the flr , helping her get thrugh her firs tugh night .

    Paragraph 2:
    Eventually, the day arrived when Bb tk her t have her sutures remved.


    内蒙古红山区内蒙古赤峰市2023-2024学年高二下学期部分学校5月期中联考英语试题: 这是一份内蒙古红山区内蒙古赤峰市2023-2024学年高二下学期部分学校5月期中联考英语试题,共8页。

    内蒙古赤峰市部分学校2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中联考英语试题: 这是一份内蒙古赤峰市部分学校2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中联考英语试题,共12页。

    244,内蒙古自治区赤峰市红山区赤峰实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学英语试题(): 这是一份244,内蒙古自治区赤峰市红山区赤峰实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学英语试题(),共8页。试卷主要包含了5分, 满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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