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    Frm Marrakech t Cape Twn, Africa has s much t ffer. Frm culture htspts t natural sights, it can be difficult t decide. Here are sme tp destinatins t recmmend.
    Kruger Natinal Park
    Bursting with a variety f wildlife in large numbers, Kruger is cnsidered Suth Africa’s best park fr a reasn. In additin t the awesme amunt f nature n display, the facilities are als fantastic, with great htels and camps t suit all kinds f budgets.
    Cape Twn
    Take the cable car t the tp f Table Muntain fr breathtaking views acrss the whle city. Hang ut and relax at the Victria and Alfred waterside area where yu can visit the Museum f Cntemprary African Art, try lcal dishes at the fd market, r jin a walking tur t explre the area’s histry dating back t the 17th century.
    Victria Falls
    Over 1,700 metres wide, Victria Falls sits n the Zambia and Zimbabwe brder. As Nvember marks the start f the rainy seasn, it’s the perfect time t visit, as with all the extra water the falls will be at their mst dramatic!
    Okavang Delta
    Bats are the best way t get arund this watery wilderness, and perfect fr getting up clse t hipps and crcdiles. This is als a great place t explre African cuisine, with delicius dishes like Vetkek, a type f burger served with curry, and chilli sauce.
    S, whether yu want t take a walk n the wild side r want t dive int a city’s culture(r bth!), bk yur Africa adventure here in just a few simple clicks.
    1、What d we knw abut Kruger Natinal Park?
    A. Yu need pay much fr visiting.
    B. The facilities appeal t turists.
    C. The rainy seasn is the best time fr visiting.
    D. Yu can cntent yurself with delicius dishes.
    2、Which destinatin shuld a fd and histry lver chse?
    A. Okavang DeltaB. Kruger Natinal Park
    C. Cape TwnD. Victria Falls
    3、Where is this text mst likely frm?
    A. A website.B. A jurnal.C. A textbk.D. A reprt.
    Frm a yung age, Barbara Binns’s passins were reading and ding research. With her latest bk, Unlawful Orders, a bigraphy, she captures American histry.
    Unlawful Orders tells the stry f James Williams (1919-2016), a dctr wh served with the Tuskegee Airmen, the first Black military pilts, during Wrld War II. While at the Freeman Airfield base in Iwa, he std up t racial unfair practices thrugh peaceful prtest, which pushed the gvernment t make sme changes in the US army.
    Binns lives in Chicag, Illinis, where she grew up and where mst f her stries tk place. In 2008, she wrte several bks fr yung readers. She fund her current bk’s subject while researching James’s mther, Clara Williams, fr anther prject. James had als lived in Chicag, in a neighbrhd nt far frm where Binns grew up, but she hadn’t heard abut him. “I fund myself wndering if I ever walked past him n the street and didn’t realize I was in the presence f greatness,” Binns tld The Week Junir. She said she wuld have lved t have him as a rle mdel during her childhd.
    That’s ne reasn why she wrte Unlawful Orders, she said — fr children wh need a her, smene wh lks rdinary but did extrardinary things thrugh quiet but persistent actins.
    4、What can be knwn abut James Williams?
    A. He nce served as an American pilt.
    B. He fught fr equal rights fr the black peple.
    C. He lived in the same neighbrhd with Binns.
    D. He gt the supprt frm American gvernment.
    5、Which f the fllwing wrds can best replace the underlined wrds in Paragraph 2?
    A. Put aside.B. Settled fr.C. Objected t.D. Referred t.
    6、What is Paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. Hw Binns chse the subject fr Unlawful Orders.
    B. Hw Bins gt t knw James Williams.
    C. Why Binns gave up researching Clara Williams.
    D. Why Binns chse Chicag t be the setting fr her bks.
    7、Why did Binns write Unlawful Orders?
    A. T mtivate herself t becme a her.
    B. T be in memry f James Williams.
    C. T inspire the children.
    D. T recrd American histry.
    A new analysis by researchers at MIT has fund that inactive yeast (非活性酵母) can help remve lead pllutin frm drinking water supplies. The study shws that this apprach wrks well, even fr part-per-billin levels f pllutin. The team has calculated that waste yeast abandned by a single brewery (啤酒厂) in Bstn wuld be enugh t treat the city’s entire water supply. The system wuld nt nly purify the water but als change what wuld therwise be sme waste needing t be gt rid f.
    Lead and ther heavy metals in water are a serius glbal prblem that cntinues t grw. In the U.S. alne, mre than 12,000 miles f waterways are suffering the effect f wastewater rich in heavy metals. What’s wrse, heavy metals dn’t break dwn, but cntinuusly exist and accumulate. They are either impssible r very expensive t cmpletely remve by cnventinal methds. Lead is highly pisnus, even at tiny cncentratins, especially affecting children as they grw.“We dn’t just need t minimize the existence f lead; we need t remve it frm drinking water,” says ne f the researchers called Stathatu.
    The slutin fund by the MIT team is nt a new ne. A prcess called bisrptin, in which inactive bilgical material is used t remve heavy metals frm water, has been knwn fr a few decades. But the prcess has been studied and characterized nly at much higher cncentratins, at the levels f mre than ne part per millin.“Our study demnstrates that the prcess can indeed wrk efficiently at the much lwer cncentratins f typical real-wrld water supplies,” anther researcher named Athanasiu says.
    Designing a practical system fr prcessing the water and getting back the yeast, which culd then be separated frm the lead fr reuse, is the next stage f the team’s research. They are als explring ways f recvering bth the yeast and the lead, “We need t cnduct further experiments, but there is the ptin t get bth back. And it will be a blessing fr the wrld.” Stathatu says.
    8、What’s the feature f the new apprach fr remving lead pllutin frm drinking water?
    A. It is cstly but wrthwhile.
    B. It is ecnmical and efficient.
    C. It has higher technical requirements.
    D. It has been questined by many experts.
    9、What is the purpse f Paragraph 2?
    A. T state the necessity f remving heavy metals.
    B. T aruse peple’s awareness f self-prtectin.
    C. T stress n the difficulty f remving heavy metals. .
    D. T intrduce the feature f heavy metals.
    10、What can we knw abut the prcess f bisrptin frm the text?
    A. It can determine the stability f water supply systems.
    B. It tests the inactive substances in water supplies.
    C. It can measure the make-up f heavy metals in water supplies.
    D. It fcuses n remving heavy metals at higher cncentratins frm water.
    11、What des Stathatu think f their future research?
    A. Amusing.B. Wrrying.C. Beneficial.D. Adventurus.
    Birds that migrate lng distances tend t be mre likely than thers t break up with their partners, accrding t an analysis f 232 species cnducted by Sun Yat-sen University.
    Abut 90 per cent f bird species are scially mngamus (一夫一妻制的), which means nce they frm pairs, they will stay tgether fr life. Hwever, sme d end up getting “divrced” and mve nt new partners.
    T identify reasns that lead t bird break ups, Liu Yang at Sun Yat-sen University in China and his clleagues studied 232 species in ne f the wrld’s largest bird databases, Birds f the Wrld. They fund that species that migrate particularly lng distances t btain fd typically have higher rates f breaking up.
    Great blue herns, fr example, migrate mre than 3000 kilmetres and have a divrce rate f 100 per cent. This may be because travelling further makes it harder fr a pair t return hme at the same time, says Liu Yang. “If yu’re the ne wh gets back first, it’s risky waiting fr yur partner because yu dn’t knw if it’ll shw up — it may have died r been blwn ff curse,” Liu adds. Finding a new partner may seem a safer bet even if it requires energy t please a new mate, he says.
    Liu and his team members acknwledge that it makes sense fr birds with lng migratins t have higher divrce rates, but there are exceptins.
    Black-tailed gdwits, fr example, migrate mre than 1000 kilmetres frm Iceland t the UK r suthwest Eurpe each year but have relatively lw divrce rates. This seems t be due t a super ability t keep pace with their partners. Althugh members f a pair will fllw separate migratin paths and typically end up mre than 900 kilmetres away frm each ther, they are smehw able t return t Iceland at almst the same time, which reduces the risk f break-ups. “But mst birds are nt able t d that — it’s pretty amazing.” Liu cncludes.
    12、What can be inferred frm Paragraph 2?
    A. Mst bird species have mre than ne partner fr life.
    B. Few bird species are devted t their partners.
    C. Mst bird species have higher rates f breaking up.
    D. Mst bird species tend t have nly ne partner.
    13、Why d great blue herns have a divrce rate f 100 per cent?
    A. Because the bird pairs chse different migratin rutes.
    B. Because they get tired f their partners.
    C. Because they are impatient with waiting.
    D. Because it is safer fr them t mve nt a new partner.
    14、What can we learn abut black-tailed gdwits in the last paragraph?
    A. They have a higher divrce rate than great blue herns.
    B. The nearly same returning time reduces the risk f their divrce.
    C. It is typical f them t migrate at the same speed with their partners.
    D. They set a gd example f rmance fr ther birds.
    15、Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. Migratin Linked t Bird Divrce
    B. Reasns fr Bird Migratin
    C. Bird Migratin with Lng Distances
    D. Birds — with High Rates f Divrce.
    16、Owning a pet is a fun and rewarding experience. But every animal and their needs are different, s hw can yu make sure that yu chse the right ne fr yurself? Here are sme tp tips frm natinal pet charity Blue Crss.
    D yur research
    Yu may like the lk f a particular pet but that desn’t mean they’re right fr yu. ①______. S, think carefully abut what yu want frm yur pet and d sme research befre yu take ne n. Sme pets may als require mre vet care than thers. Take French bulldgs and pugs fr example, they can suffer many health issues ver their lifetime, including prblems with their breathing and skin cnditins due t their exaggerated features. ②______
    Fr example, if yu wrk full time and yu want a dg, wh wuld take care f them during the day? If yu want a cat, will they have access t utside space while yu’re ut during the day? Familiarize yurself with the size and exercise requirements f different pets t make sure they’re the right chice fr yu.
    D yur sums
    Frm everyday things like insurance, fd and tys t unexpected vet bills, having a pet is certainly a financial cmmitment. ④______. Make sure yu factr in hw much yur new pet will cst befre yu chse them.
    Use a reliable breeder (饲养员)
    If yu d want t buy a dg r cat, ask a vet r breed club t recmmend a respnsible breeder. Ask the breeder fr all the relative paperwrk and see the pet’s parents r relatives t bserve their temper, general health and welfare. ⑤______ Because these may well tum ut t be puppy farmers r cmmercial dealers wh have little interest in the welfare f the pets they sell.
    A. Charities can ffer supprt and advice abut individual pets
    B. Think abut yur lifestyle
    C. Dn’t thrw yurself int the financial truble
    D. Adjust yur taste
    E. Dn’t purchase nline r frm dealers wh ffer multiple types f pets
    F. We’d advise wners t really d their research befre taking n ne f these pets
    G. Every pet has its wn persnality and sme ften have strng characters
    As families acrss Hampshire, a village in Britain, pened their hmes t Ukrainian refugees (乌克兰难民), Jennie Maizels began a new chapter in her life.
    On watching news reprt f peple 1 frm Ukraine fr a place t live in, Jennie had n 2 in becming a hst family and presented her 3 t Hmes fr Ukraine, a Facebk grup, thrugh which Marilia was 4 t her.
    Marilia arrived at Jennie’s huse n an April sunny day when all the daffdils (水仙花) 5 . It was like everywhere was saying “welcme”. Jennie even arranged a(n) 6 Ukrainian Easter party fr Marilia in her garden. Naturally, there was much fr Marilia t 7 t, such as the driving n the left and the language. 8 since Jennie dwnladed the translatin app n Marilia’s phne, it had been amazing t see hw her English had 9 .
    Besides, Marilia was welcmed with pen arms by the neighbrs. “As sn as Marilia arrived, I phned a lcal bar whse landlady was just 10 . She immediately ffered Marilia wrk and paid a gd 11 .” Jennie recalled. Jennie’s actin had a huge amunt f 12 n the neighbrs. 13 , they invited Marilia fr tea and cake in their huses.
    Jennie was 14 mre peple t cnsider 15 , since this had been s enriching and culd make life fuller and happier.
    17、A. headingB. gingC. settlingD. escaping
    18、A. wishB. hesitatinC. desireD. excuse
    19、A. applicatinB. giftC. intentinD. plan
    20、A. crrespndedB. sentC. matchedD. decided
    21、A. came utB. std utC. came acrssD. died ut
    22、A. individualB. traditinalC. fashinableD. available
    23、A. applyB. adptC. admitD. adapt
    24、A. MreverB. ThusC. TherefreD. Hwever
    25、A. fastenedB. prgressedC. develpedD. explred
    26、A. calmB. unusualC. remarkableD. respnsible
    27、A. interestB. awardC. wageD. benefit
    28、A. influenceB. differenceC. attackD. stress
    29、A. UltimatelyB. SurprisinglyC. UndubtedlyD. Frequently
    30、A. advisingB. pressingC. suggestingD. allwing
    31、A. supprtingB. appealingC. hstingD. funding
    32、Peking Opera is ne f the ①________(yung) frms f traditinal Chinese musical theater, thugh it ②________ (hld) its place as a representative f traditinal Chinese culture fr ver tw hundred years. The art frm is celebrated ③________ its fancy cstumes, striking makeup and larger-than-life perfrmances. T achieve plished perfrmance, a simple yet strict rule must ④________ (fllw): start yung, train hard ⑤________ master a list f skills.
    Learners, as yung as seven years ld, devte ⑥________ (they) t a daily practice that stretches and ⑦________ (strengthen) their bdies. The prcess is as ⑧________ (exhaust) as it is magical. Bit by bit, they becme light n their feet, fast in their mvement and in admirable cntrl f their ⑨________ (bdy). A repeated saying in the industry ges as fllws: One minute n stage, 10 years ff stage, ⑩________ is a reminder f the standards that ensure the impressive perfrmance.
    33、假定你是李华。你班上周五组织了游览国家公园 (Natinal Park) 的活动。请你写一篇报道向校英文报投稿.
    2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯. ,
    Dear editr,
    “Class, please line up!”said Ms Barni, Jenna’s tae kwn d (跆拳道) teacher wh was abut t intrduce everyne t Marti, Jenna’s best friend. Jenna was excited that Marti wuld be taking lessns t.
    After warm-up exercises, Ms Barni divided everyne int clr-belt grups. Even thugh Jenna was a yellw belt and a level abve Marti, Ms Barni tld the friends t wrk tgether. Jenna demnstrated a frnt kick and Marti cpied it. Her kick was as high as Jenna’s shulder. “Great jb, Marti!“ said Ms Barni, wh had walked up behind them. “Let me shw yu smething” she said. She then spent the next five minutes wrking with Marti.“What a wnderful side kick!“ Ms Barni praised with an encuraging nd.
    The mre Marti did, the mre praises she earned frm Ms Barni. At the same time, Jenna felt a little bit cncerned. What if Marti became better than her? What if Marti became Ms Barni’s favrite student? At the end f class, Jenna grabbed her bag and hurried utside t find her mm. She bad planned t wait and say gd-by t Marti, but nw she wanted t be alne.
    Fr the next several weeks, Marti cntinued t impress Ms Barni with her skills. And as Marti tumed int a star student, Jenna became less and less excited abut tae kwn d.
    “Ms. Barni thinks I’m ready t test fr a new belt, Marti said as they walked dwn the hallway at schl ne day. Jenna stpped in her tracks.“It’s harder than yu think. Master Lee,nt Ms Barni, will give yu pint.” said Jenna.“Yu dn’t think I’m gd enugh t test yet?"Marti lked disappinted. Jenna felt her face get ht. She didn’t like feeling jealus (嫉妒), but she culdn’t help it. She wasn’t ready t test fr her next belt because she hadn’t been practicing every day.
    Paragraph ne:
    A week later, at the belt testing, Jenna saw Marti warming up.
    Paragraph tw:
    Jenna was surprised t knw Marti practiced that much!
    解析:细节理解题。根据Kruger Natinal Park中“In additin t the awesme amunt f nature n display, the facilities are als fantastic, with great htels and camps t suit all kinds f budgets.(除了展示令人惊叹的自然景观外,设施也很棒,有很棒的酒店和营地,适合各种预算)”可知,克鲁格国家公园的设施对游客很有吸引力。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Cape Twn中“Hang ut and relax at the Victria and Alfred waterside area where yu can visit the Museum f Cntemprary African Art, try lcal dishes at the fd market, r jin a walking tur t explre the area’s histry dating back t the 17th century.(在维多利亚和阿尔弗雷德水边地区闲逛和放松,在那里您可以参观当代非洲艺术博物馆,在食品市场品尝当地菜肴,或参加徒步旅行,探索该地区可追溯到17世纪的历史)”可知,美食和历史爱好者应该选择开普敦这个目的地。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章大意以及最后一段“S, whether yu want t take a walk n the wild side r want t dive int a city’s culture (r bth!), bk yur Africa adventure here in just a few simple clicks.(所以,无论你是想在野外散步,还是想沉浸在一个城市的文化中(或者两者都想!),只需简单的点击几下,就可以在这里预订你的非洲冒险)”可推知,这段文字最有可能来自一个网站。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的“While at the Freeman Airfield base in Iwa, he std up t racial unfair practices thrugh peaceful prtest, which pushed the gvernment t make sme changes in the US army. (在爱荷华州弗里曼机场基地期间,他通过和平抗议对抗种族不公平行为,这促使政府对美国军队做出一些改变)”可知,James Williams为黑人争取平等权利。故选B项。
    解析:词句猜测题。由第二段中的“While at the Freeman Airfield base in Iwa, he std up t racial unfair practices thrugh peaceful prtest, which pushed the gvernment t make sme changes in the US army. (在爱荷华州弗里曼机场基地期间,他通过和平抗议std up t种族不公平行为,这促使政府对美国军队做出一些改变)”可知,他的行为促使政府对美国军队做出一些改变,说明他反对了种族不公平行为,画线短语意为“反对(Objected t)”。故选C项。
    解析:主旨大意题。由第三段“Binns lives in Chicag, Illinis, where she grew up and where mst f her stries tk place. In 2008, she wrte several bks fr yung readers. She fund her current bk’s subject while researching James’s mther, Clara Williams, fr anther prject. James had als lived in Chicag, in a neighbrhd nt far frm where Binns grew up, but she hadn’t heard abut him. “I fund myself wndering if I ever walked past him n the street and didn’t realize I was in the presence f greatness,” Binns tld The Week Junir. She said she wuld have lved t have him as a rle mdel during her childhd. (Binns住在伊利诺伊州的芝加哥,她在那里长大,她的大部分故事都发生在那里。2008年,她为年轻读者写了几本书。她在为另一个项目研究詹姆斯的母亲克拉拉·威廉姆斯时找到了她现在这本书的主题。詹姆斯也住在芝加哥,在离Binns长大的地方不远的一个社区,但她没有听说过他。Binns在接受《少年周刊》采访时表示:“我发现自己在想,我是否曾在街上从他身边走过,却没有意识到自己感受到了伟大。”她说她很想让他在她的童年时期成为一个榜样)”可知,第三段主要讲Binns是如何为Unlawful Orders选择主题的。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。由最后一段“That’s ne reasn why she wrte Unlawful Orders, she said — fr children wh need a her, smene wh lks rdinary but did extrardinary things thrugh quiet but persistent actins. (她说,这就是她写Unlawful Orders的原因之一,是为了那些需要英雄的孩子,一个看起来很普通但通过安静但坚持不懈的行动做了非凡事情的人)”可知,Binns要写Unlawful Orders是因为她想激励孩子们。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中“The study shws that this apprach wrks well, even fr part-per-billin levels f pllutin. The team has calculated that waste yeast abandned by a single brewery in Bstn wuld be enugh t teat the city’s entire water supply. (研究表明,这种方法效果很好,即使是十亿分之一的污染水平。该团队计算出,波士顿一家啤酒厂丢弃的废酵母足以消耗整个城市的供水)”可知,可以用丢弃的废酵母,而且即使是十亿分之一的污染水平也能净化,所以是既经济又高效的。故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段“Lead and ther heavy metals in water are a serius glbal prblem that cntinues t grw. In the U.S. alne, mre than 12,000 miles f waterways are suffering the effect f wastewater rich in heavy metals. What’s wrse, heavy metals dn’t break dwn, but cntinuusly exist and accumulate. They are either impssible r very expensive t cmpletely remve by cnventinal methds. Lead is highly pisnus, even at tiny cncentratins, especially affecting children as they grw.(水中的铅和其他重金属是一个严重的全球性问题,而且还在继续恶化。仅在美国,就有超过1.2万英里的水道受到富含重金属的废水的影响。更糟糕的是,重金属不会分解,而是持续存在和积累。用传统方法完全去除它们要么不可能,要么非常昂贵。铅是剧毒的,即使浓度很低,对儿童的影响尤其严重)”可推知,第二段的目的是说明目前重金属的污染的严重性,和对儿童的危害性,进而说明去除重金属的必要性。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中“A prcess called bisrptin, in which inactive bilgical material is used t remve heavy metals frm water, has been knwn fr a few decades. But the prcess has been studied and characterized nly at much higher cncentratins, at the levels f mre than ne part per millin.(几十年前,人们就已经知道了一种叫做生物吸附的过程,即使用非活性生物材料去除水中的重金属。但这一过程只有在高浓度,即百万分之一以上的浓度下才被研究和描述过)”可知,生物吸附的过程是用非活性生物材料去除水中高浓度的重金属。故选D项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中“They are als explring ways f recvering bth the yeast and the lead, “We need t cnduct further experiments, but there is the ptin t get bth back. And it will be a blessing fr the wrld.” Stathatu says.(他们还在探索同时回收酵母和铅的方法,“我们需要进行进一步的实验,但也有选择将两者都拿回来。这将是世界的福音。”Stathatu说)”可知,Stathatu对他们未来的研究认为是“世界的福音”,所以他认为是有益的。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。由第二段中的“Abut 90 per cent f bird species are scially mngamus (一夫一妻制的), which means nce they frm pairs, they will stay tgether fr life. (大约90%的鸟类在社会上是一夫一妻制,这意味着一旦它们结成一对,它们就会终生待在一起)”可知,大多数鸟类往往只有一个配偶。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。由第四段中的“Finding a new partner may seem a safer bet even if it requires energy t please a new mate, he says. (他说,寻找新伴侣似乎是一个更安全的选择,即使这需要精力来取悦新伴侣)”可知,大蓝鹭的离婚率是100%,是因为换一个新的伴侣对他们来说更安全。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。由最后一段中的“Black-tailed gdwits, fr example, migrate mre than 1000 kilmetres frm Iceland t the UK r suthwest Eurpe each year but have relatively lw divrce rates. This seems t be due t a super ability t keep pace with their partners. Althugh members f a pair will fllw separate migratin paths and typically end up mre than 900 kilmetres away frm each ther, they are smehw able t return t Iceland at almst the same time, which reduces the risk f break-ups. (例如,黑尾滕鹬每年从冰岛迁徙1000多公里到英国或西南欧,但离婚率相对较低。这似乎是由于它们有超强的能力与伴侣保持同步。尽管一对成员会走不同的迁徙路线,最终通常相距900多公里,但它们几乎可以同时返回冰岛,这降低了分手的风险)”可知,黑尾滕鹬几乎相同的返回时间降低了它们离婚的风险。故选B项。
    解析:主旨大意题。由第一段“Birds that migrate lng distances tend t be mre likely than thers t break up with their partners, accrding t an analysis f 232 species cnducted by Sun Yat-sen University. (中山大学对232种鸟类进行的分析显示,长途迁徙的鸟类往往比其他鸟类更有可能与伴侣分手)”和下文分析长途迁徙导致鸟类离婚率高的原因可知,文章一项研究表明:长途迁徙的鸟类往往比其他鸟类更有可能与伴侣分手,研究人员分析了长途迁徙导致鸟类离婚率高的原因,A项“迁徙与鸟类离婚率相关”符合文意。故选A项。
    ①空前说“Yu may like the lk f a particular pet but that desn’t mean they’re right fr yu.(你可能喜欢某只宠物的样子,但这并不意味着它们就适合你。)”,空后说“S, think carefully abut what yu want frm yur pet and d sme research befre yu take ne n. Sme pets may als require mre vet care than thers.(所以,仔细想想你想从你的宠物身上得到什么,在你养宠物之前做一些研究。有些宠物可能比其他宠物需要更多的兽医护理。)”,因此空格处应该说每种宠物都不一样,都有自己的特点,G选项“Every pet has its wn persnality and sme ften have strng characters(每只宠物都有自己的个性,有些往往有很强的性格)”说明了宠物各有不同,所以需要在选择前研究一番,因此G选项承上启下,符合语境,故选G。
    ②空前说“Take French bulldgs and pugs fr example, they can suffer many health issues ver their lifetime, including prblems with their breathing and skin cnditins due t their exaggerated features.(以法国斗牛犬和哈巴狗为例,它们在一生中会遭受许多健康问题,包括由于它们夸张的特征而导致的呼吸和皮肤问题。)”,因此养这种狗需要慎重,需要在养之前仔细研究清楚,F选项“We’d advise wners t really d their research befre taking n ne f these pets(我们建议主人们在养这些宠物之前好好研究一下)”说明了在养这种宠物前要研究,其中的“d their research”和本段小标题“D yur research”相一致,“these pets”指代空前的“French bulldgs and pugs”,因此F选项承接上文,符合语境,故选F。
    ③空格处是本段小标题,由空后的“Fr example, if yu wrk full time and yu want a dg, wh wuld take care f them during the day? If yu want a cat, will they have access t utside space while yu’re ut during the day?(例如,如果你有全职工作,想要一只狗,谁会在白天照顾它们呢?如果你想要一只猫,当你白天在外面的时候,它们能去外面的空间吗?)”可知,本段主要讲的是要考虑好自己的生活方式,B选项“Think abut yur lifestyle(想想你的生活方式)”概括了本段主要内容,可作为小标题,故选B。
    ④空前说“Frm everyday things like insurance, fd and tys t unexpected vet bills, having a pet is certainly a financial cmmitment.(从保险、食物、玩具等日常开销到意想不到的兽医账单,养宠物当然是一项经济承诺。)”,空后说“Make sure yu factr in hw much yur new pet will cst befre yu chse them.(在你选择新宠物之前,一定要考虑到它们的价格。)”,因此空格处应该说要考虑好养狗所带来的经济负担,不要让自己陷入经济困难,C选项“Dn’t thrw yurself int the financial truble(不要让自己陷入经济困境)”符合语境,故选C。
    ⑤空前说“If yu d want t buy a dg r cat, ask a vet r breed club t recmmend a respnsible breeder. Ask the breeder fr all the relative paperwrk and see the pet’s parents r relatives t bserve their temper, general health and welfare.(如果你真的想买一只狗或猫,让兽医或品种俱乐部推荐一位负责任的饲养员。向饲养员索要所有相关文件,并去看宠物的父母或亲戚,观察它们的脾气、总体健康状况和福利状况。)”,空后说“Because these may well tum ut t be puppy farmers r cmmercial dealers wh have little interest in the welfare f the pets they sell.(因为这些人很可能是小狗饲养者或商业商人,他们对自己出售的宠物的福利不感兴趣。)”,因此空格处应该会提到某种不能买的宠物,E选项“Dn’t purchase nline r frm dealers wh ffer multiple types f pets(不要在网上或从提供多种宠物的经销商那里购买)”提出了不应该买的宠物,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选E。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:在看到人们逃离乌克兰找地方住的新闻报道时,珍妮毫不犹豫地成为了一个寄宿家庭,并向一个Facebk小组“乌克兰之家”提出了她的申请,通过这个小组,玛丽娅与她匹配。A. heading朝着;B. ging去;C. settling定居;D. escaping逃走。根据上文“pened their hmes t Ukrainian refugees”可知是逃离乌克兰的难民,故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在看到人们逃离乌克兰找地方住的新闻报道时,珍妮毫不犹豫地成为了一个寄宿家庭,并向一个Facebk小组“乌克兰之家”提出了她的申请,通过这个小组,玛丽娅与她匹配。A. wish希望;B. hesitatin犹豫;C. desire渴望;D. excuse借口。根据后文“in becming a hst family and presented her”并结合下文珍妮对玛莉亚的帮助可知,珍妮毫不犹豫地提供了帮助。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在看到人们逃离乌克兰找地方住的新闻报道时,珍妮毫不犹豫地成为了一个寄宿家庭,并向一个Facebk小组“乌克兰之家”提出了她的申请,通过这个小组,玛丽娅与她匹配。A. applicatin申请;B. gift礼物;C. intentin意图;D. plan计划。根据上文“in becming a hst family”可知,珍妮向一个Facebk小组“乌克兰之家”提出了她想成为寄宿家庭的申请,故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:在看到人们逃离乌克兰找地方住的新闻报道时,珍妮毫不犹豫地成为了一个寄宿家庭,并向一个Facebk小组“乌克兰之家”提出了她的申请,通过这个小组,玛丽娅与她匹配。A. crrespnded通信,与……相符;B. sent发送;C. matched匹配;D. decided决定。根据后文“Marilia arrived at Jennie’s huse”可知,玛丽娅的情况与珍妮的条件相符。故选A。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:玛丽莉亚在四月的一个阳光明媚的日子来到珍妮家,那时所有的水仙花都开了。A. came ut出版,开花;B. std ut突出;C. came acrss偶遇;D. died ut灭绝。根据上文“all the daffdils”可知,指水仙花开放应用cme ut。故选A。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:珍妮甚至在她的花园里为玛丽莉亚安排了一个传统的乌克兰复活节派对。A. individual个人的;B. traditinal传统的;C. fashinable时尚的;D. available可用的。根据后文“Ukrainian Easter party fr Marilia”可知,派对是传统乌克兰风格的。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:当然,玛丽莉亚有很多需要适应的地方,比如靠左行驶和语言。A. apply应用;B. adpt采取;C. admit承认;D. adapt适应。根据后文“such as the driving n the left and the language”指需要适应新的交通规则和语言,应用adapt t。故选D。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,自从珍妮在玛丽莉亚的手机上下载了翻译应用程序,看到她的英语有了惊人的进步。A. Mrever此外;B. Thus因此;C. Therefre因此;D. Hwever然而。后文提到英语进步,前后文为转折关系,故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,自从珍妮在玛丽莉亚的手机上下载了翻译应用程序,看到她的英语有了惊人的进步。A. fastened固定;B. prgressed进步;C. develped发展;D. explred探索。根据上文“Jennie dwnladed the translatin app n Marilia’s phne,”可知,应用程序让英语有了进步。故选B。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:玛丽娅一到,我就给当地一家酒吧打了电话,那家酒吧的女房东人很好。A. calm平静的;B. unusual不寻常的;C. remarkable非凡的;D. respnsible负责的。根据后文“She immediately ffered Marilia wrk”可知房东是个好人,给玛丽娅提供了工作,故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她立即给玛丽娅提供了一份工作,并支付了一份不错的工资。A. interest兴趣;B. award奖励;C. wage工资;D. benefit益处。根据上文“She immediately ffered Marilia wrk”可知,提供了工作,并支付工资。故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:珍妮的行为对邻居们产生了很大的影响。A. influence影响;B. difference差异;C. attack攻击;D. stress压力。根据后文“they invited Marilia fr tea and cake in their huses.”可知,珍妮的行为对邻居们产生了很大的影响。故选A。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:最后,他们邀请玛丽莉亚到他们家里喝茶、吃蛋糕。A. Ultimately最后;B. Surprisingly惊人地;C. Undubtedly无疑地;D. Frequently频繁地。上文提到珍妮的行为对邻居产生了影响,最后,他们邀请玛丽莉亚到他们家里喝茶、吃蛋糕。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:珍妮建议更多的人考虑寄宿,因为这是如此丰富,可以使生活更充实、更快乐。A. advising建议;B. pressing按压;C. suggesting建议;D. allwing允许。根据后文“ mre peple t cnsider 15, since this had been s enriching and culd make life fuller and happier.”可知,此处为珍妮给其他人的建议,短语advise sb. t d sth.。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:珍妮建议更多的人考虑寄宿,因为这是如此丰富,可以使生活更充实、更快乐。A. supprting支持;B. appealing吸引;C. hsting主持,寄宿;D. funding资助。呼应第二段“in becming a hst family”指珍妮建议更多的人考虑给难民提供寄宿,故选C。
    32、答案:①yungest②has been hlding/has held③fr④be fllwed⑤and⑥themselves⑦strengthens⑧exhausting⑨bdies⑩which
    ①考查最高级。句意:京剧是中国传统音乐戏剧最年轻的形式之一,尽管它已经保持了其作为中国传统文化的代表二百多年。此处为“ne f+最高级+可数名词复数形式”。故填yungest。
    ②考查时态。句意:京剧是中国传统音乐戏剧最年轻的形式之一,尽管它已经保持了其作为中国传统文化的代表二百多年。根据后文fr ver tw hundred years可知,此处可看作从过去持续到现在的动作,用现在完成时,也可看作动作从过去开始持续到现在,并很有可能会继续,用现在完成进行时;主语为it,助动词用has。故填has been hlding/has held。
    ④考查语态。句意:为了达到完美的表现,必须遵循一个简单而严格的规则:从小开始,努力训练,并掌握一系列技能。主语与谓语构成被动关系,must后跟动词原形。故填be fllwed。
    ⑥考查反身代词。句意:七岁的孩子就开始每天练习伸展和增强身体。此处为短语devte neself t表示“致力于”,结合上文learners可知应用themselves。故填themselves。
    ⑦考查主谓一致。句意:七岁的孩子就开始每天练习伸展和增强身体。根据上文“a daily practice that stretches and”可知,定语从句中谓语与先行词保持一致,应用第三人称单数形式。故填strengthens。
    Aimed t enrich ur life and raise ur awareness f prtecting envirnment, ur schl rganized a trip t Natinal Park last Friday.
    Excited, we gathered at the schl gate and set ff at 8 am. Upn arrival, we were amazed by the diverse wildlife and breathtaking scenery. Tigers were wandering freely while grass were waving t us. What came int my mind was that we’re suppsed t live in harmny with wildlife.
    I can’t wait t have such a precius chance t enjy what nature ffers us. Nevertheless, nly if jints effrts are made t cnserve the planet can we have the pprtunity t appreciate it.
    组织:rganize → launch/hld
    兴奋的:excited → thrilled
    令人惊叹的: breathtaking→ tremendus/striking/incredible
    提供:ffer → prvide
    原句:Upn arrival, we were amazed by the diverse wildlife and breathtaking scenery.
    拓展句:As sn as we arrived, we were amazed by the diverse wildlife and breathtaking scenery.
    【高分句型1】What came int my mind was that we’re suppsed t live in harmny with wildlife.(运用了what引导主语从句和that引导的表语从句)
    【高分句型2】Nevertheless, nly if jints effrts are made t cnserve the planet can we have the pprtunity t appreciate it.(运用了倒装句型和被动语态)
    Paragraph 1:
    A week later, at the belt testing, Jenna saw Marti warming up. With sme hesitatin, she slwly came up t Marti. Befre she culd say anything, Marti said, “I am s nervus! What if I fail t pass the test?” Hearing this, Jenna culdn’t help cmfrting Marti and encuraged her t kick cnfidently. During the test, Marti used her frm s skillfully that all the peple present burst int cheers fr her, including Jenna. As a result, Marti successfully passed the test. She hugged Jenna with tears, saying “I make it! I am s excited! With thirty-eight practicing hurs in this week!”
    Paragraph 2:
    Jenna was surprised t knw Marti practiced that much! Hw tugh Marti was! Frm then n, Jenna realized that success belnged t thse wh wrked hard. Jenna’s mind changed. She put all her heart and sul int practicing. She was sure she wuld pass the test fr new belt, t.
    1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:Jenna的反应——Marti的表现——Jenna得知练习时间——Jenna的改变
    ①.忍不住做某事:can’t help ding sth./ can’t stp ding sth./ can’t help but d sth.
    ②.为某人欢呼:burst int cheers fr/ cheer fr/ burst ut cheering
    ①.紧张的:nervus/ tense
    ②.确信:sure/ certain/ cnvinced/ cnfident
    [高分句型1].Hearing this, Jenna culdn’t help cmfrting Marti and encuraged her t kick cnfidently. (使用了现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2]. During the test, Marti used her frm s skillfully that all the peple present burst int cheers fr her, including Jenna. (使用了由s…that引导的状语从句)

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