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    Many travelers ften ignre small places in Eurpe, but there are sme hidden nes that ffer impressive architecture and natural scenery. Here are fur places in Eurpe that are wrth a visit.
    Eguisheim, France
    If yu want t see a perfect French village, g t Eguisheim. It has beautiful half-timbered (露明木架的) huses, stne streets and churches in the Middle Ages. Yu can als visit a lvely Christmas market in December. Be sure t check ut the Chapelle Saint-Lén IX. which has painted ceilings and clrful windws with scenes frm Alsace.
    Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland
    Lauterbrunnen is a beautiful twn with wden huses and small village churches. But its twering rcks, high muntains, and sme f the tallest waterfalls really stand ut in Eurpe. And please dn’t frget this fun fact that J. R. R. Tlkien was ever inspired by Lauterbrunnen when he was writing abut the Rivendell valley in The Lrd f the Rings.
    Český Krumlv, Czech Republic
    If yu dislike the crwds, enter Český Krumlv, an incredibly pretty twn. This charming twn in the Suth Bhemia regin has red-rfed huses, attractive funtains in the squares, and a well-knwn castle where yu can have a view f the Vltava River. And yu can explre the twn in less than half-an-hur walk.
    Guimarāes, Prtugal
    Afns Henriques, the cuntry’s first king, was brn in Guimarāes. The city center is a UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site and has great examples f Prtuguese architecture with beautiful tiles (瓷砖) frm 600 years ag. Even thugh Guimarāes is a bit bigger than the ther places n this list, it still has a charming feel with small shps and pen areas.
    1.What is Eguisheim special abut?
    A. Tiled buildings.B. High muntains,C. Half-timbered huses.D. Red-rfed churches.
    2.What is J. R. R. Tlkien?
    A. An artist.B. An architect. C. A businessman..D. A writer.
    3.Which ne is the biggest f the fur places?
    A. Eguisheim.B. Lauterbrunnen.C. Český Krumlv.D. Guimarāes.
    Every schl has students wh stand ut fr their abilities and their eagerness t learn. In Mexic, a schl created a prgram t wrk with them. In 2019, bth teachers Ltta Anderssn and Jhn Rennie gt the idea t prvide learning pprtunities fr students with a hunger fr knwledge. They are English crdinatrs (协调员) in the schl. “We want t have a prgram t inspire students wh really have the abilities and the interests t learn mre and cntinue accepting challenges,” Anderssn said during a recent interview.
    Students in the prgram, which was called Learning Challenges, met with the teachers abut nce a mnth. Anderssn and Rennie wuld help us chse research tpics. We then wrked with the teachers t find bks, interview subjects and Internet surces. While in Learning Challenges, I gave presentatins n Eurpean culture and the fashin industry.
    When asked what skills students had frmed in the prgram, which ended in June 2020 because f the limits f a cmmn disease. Anderssn said, “They had learned t ask questins, be mre pen-minded and see things frm different angles (角度).Als, they mastered the skills — reflecting mre, acting actively, and learning nt t put limits n themselves.”
    A student, Yihane Abed, cnducted research n the sun, the mn, stars, planets, etc, while in Learning Challenges. “The skills I develped were teamwrk and the ways t d research and give a gd presentatin,” she said.
    Anderssn and Rennie cntinue t help students pursue their lve f learning. “The prgram desn’t exist frmally,but as an imprtant part f the culture at schl, it is still needed,” Anderssn said. “There is much mre difference,nt nly fr students wh need extra help,but als fr thse wh are higher achievers.”
    4.What’s the purpse f creating Learning Challenges?
    A.T help sme students learn mre.
    B.T guide students t wrk ut successfully.
    C.T raise students, interest in visiting Eurpe.
    D.T encurage English students t help thers.
    5.What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A.Ways that students used in the prgram.
    B.Abilities that students gt frm the prgram.
    C.Difficulties that students met in the prgram.
    D.Tpics that students chse frm the prgram.
    6.Which kind f research did Yihane Abed cnduct?
    A. Teamwrk.B. Travelling.
    C. The universe.D. The fashin industry.
    7.What des Anderssn think f the prgram?
    A. Hard.B. Frmal.C. .Necessary.D. Traditinal.
    A waterwrks maintenance team discvered a pssible ne-f-a-kind Rman rad in a field in Wrcestershire that may date back 2, 000 years.
    If asked t name a place where yu might make a nce-in-a-lifetime archaelgical discvery, yur mind may g t the pyramids f Egypt r the peaks f the Andes... nt a field in Wrcestershire. But a field in Wrcestershire is exactly where wrkmen recently discvered what is thught t be a Rman rad up t 2, 000 years ld!
    The rad was discvered during rutine (常规的) waterwrks maintenance by Severn Trent. Archaelgical experts frm Wychavn District Cuncil were called t the scene and immediately recgnised the find’s significance.
    Wychavn District Cuncil’s archaelgy fficer Aidan Smyth said, “When I first saw it. it tk my breath away. If prven t be frm the first century AD, it wuld be beynd rare.”
    Experts say it is cnstructed in a traditinal Rman technique, with similar rads nly being fund in Rme and Pmpeii. Ruts (车) in the stnes shw that it was used by carts fr a lng time. A team frm Histric England is expected t investigate further t determine the exact rigin f the structure.
    This is actually nt the first significant histrical discvery in Wrcestershire. A number f pssible frts have been suggested in Wrcestershire since the 1950s, and Wrcestershire is thught t pssibly have been the site fr the Rman twn f Vertis.
    It is t early t say withut 100 per cent certainty that the rad is Rman, but even if it is a rad in the Middle Ages, it will still be a natinally significant discvery. If it is indeed a first-century Rman rad, then it is the nly ne f its kind in Britain.
    8.Why des the authr mentin the pyramids f Egypt?
    A. T make a cmparisn with the Andes. B. T shw the find in Wrcestershire is rare.
    C. T identify the great imprtance f pyramids. D. T prve the archaelgical discvery is true.
    9.What can the rad discvery be described as?
    A. Lng expected archaelgy news. B. The result f a careful explratin.
    C. The effrt f wrld archaelgists. D. An unexpected result f a repair service.
    10.Hw des Aidan Smyth sund when called t the scene?
    A. Annyed.B. Cnfused.C. Excited.D. Satisfied.
    11.What is the text mainly abut?
    A. A nce-in-a-lifetime archaelgical literature. B. An unfrtunate waterwrks maintenance team.
    C. A natinally significant event in ancient Rme. D. A pssible Rman rad discvered in a field in Britain.
    Abut 70 kilmeters ffshre frm the suthern cast f Iceland, there is a vlcanic island called Westman Islands. Every summer, lcals can ften be seen standing n the edge f the cliffs (悬崖) thrwing birds dwn. The birds they thrw are called puffins (海鹦), a type f seabird. Puffins are the mst cmmn bird in Iceland, and the Westman Islands are the largest puffin habitat in the wrld. Every year in late spring, the puffin prducing seasn arrives and the islands are filled with busy puffins.
    Hwever, in the past 20 years, these puffins have been slwly disappearing fr varius reasns, ne f which has smething t d with their nature. Each year, the babies are brn and grw in the caves n the high sea cliffs. Abut tw mnths later, they will leave the cave t seek fd n the cean by fllwing the mnlight. But they always mistake humans lights n the grund fr the mn, and eventually lse their way and crash int the twn. They are t yung t fly back t the cean again. Unable t find fd, they are left t wait fr death.
    Over time, the lcals realized that freeing the yung puffins at the cliffs culd set them n the crrect path. S a puffin patrl (巡逻队) made up f mainly lcal children was frmed. Their missin is t search fr lst baby puffins in the streets with bxes. flashlights and fd n the nights f September and Octber every year. Once fund, baby puffins will be taken t the cliff and set free t the cean. Over the years, the puffin patrl has gradually becme a traditin, wrking quietly fr the prtectin f puffins.
    In spite f the lve and care f the children, the number f puffins has drpped greatly ind recent years due t climate change, envirnmental pllutin and rising sea temperatures, S there is still a lt f angst abut what their future will be like.
    12.Why d the baby puffins always arrive at twn?
    A. They try t search fr fd in twn. B. They lse their way during the flight.
    C. They intend t rest during the flight. D. They find it a better prducing place.
    13.What is the purpse f the puffin patrl?
    A. T help puffins prduce yung.B. T feed the yung puffins.
    C T rescue the endangered puffins.D. T direct puffins with lights.
    14.What des the underlined wrd “angst” in the last paragraph mean?
    A. Cncern.B. Origin.C. Apprach.D. Jy.
    15.What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Hw d we prepare fr the puffin seasn? B. Why are the baby puffins thrwn ff cliffs?
    C. Why is the ppulatin f puffins falling? D. Hw can we free yung puffins crrectly?
    16.In general, fds that take lnger t digest (消化> can help raise yur bdy temperature and make yu feel warmer. ①_______
    Drink Cffee
    One f the benefits f drinking cffee is the caffeine. Caffeine increases yur metablism (新陈代谢). ②_______Iced cffee can be even better because it might have mre caffeine. Hwever, if yu can’t give up the warm cup f cffee in yur hands, yu’ll still get the benefits frm a ht cup f cffee.
    Eat Red Meat
    ③_______ Irn (铁) is an imprtant mineral t help carry xygen thrughut yur bdy. Peple with lw irn may ntice cld hands and feet r feel tired easily. Eating red meat can als supply vitamin B12, which cntributes t healthy nerves and a strng immune system.
    Eat Sweet Ptates
    Sweet ptates and ther rt vegetables need mre energy t mve thrugh the digestin prcess, which raises yur bdy temperature. Sweet ptates are high in vitamin A, vitamin C and ptassium, They can add fiber and ther nutrients t a warm winter meal. ④_______
    Drink Water
    A simple way t help yur bdy stay warm in winter is t drink water. Water keeps yur bdy functining at its best and helps regulate yur internal temperature. Dehydratin (脱水) causes yur cre temperature t drp, which may lead t lw bdy temperature. Peple are less likely t drink water when it’s cld utside because they dn’t feel thirsty, accrding t Summit Medical Grup. ⑤_______
    A. Many fds are delicius.
    B. Red meat is a gd surce f irn.
    C. It can raise yur bdy temperature.
    D. Here are sme ways t keep yu warmer.
    E. Research shws sweet ptates are als gd fr eye health.
    F. Whatever yu eat will mre r less have an effect n staying warm.
    G. Yu may want t carry a water bttle with yu t serve as a reminder.
    On a busy Thursday mrning, Hill, a wildlife rescuer received an dd call while at wrk. A baby deer was reprtedly 1 under an empty huse and appeared t be in pain. Withut 2 , Hill drpped everything and rushed t the scene. The peple present were all 3 t bring the animal t safety.
    Upn arriving, Hill prepared t climb 25 feet thrugh mud and dirt under the huse. With a flashlight in her hand, she began her 4 missin. She made her way thrugh the 5 . In the weak light, she nticed the deer seemed unmving and artificial. Despite her 6 , she decided t cntinue wrking, 7 by the nlkers (旁观者), wh cheered her n.
    When Hill finally 8 the deer, she fund it wasn’t a real ne at all. 9 , it was a plastic ty. A bit silly as she felt, she was eventually 10 t cnfirm that n animal was in danger. 11 being cvered in dirt after the unexpected missin, she felt relaxed and just laughed at herself, “It is flish f me t 12 the ty fr a living deer.” But the incident shwed a strng sense f 13 f a lcal wildlife rescuer t save the animal. “It is ur duty t rescue the animals in need. Indeed, we ften 14 t d sme training. S I just regard this as a practice curse,” she added. The experience served as a reminder that the cntributins f wildlife rescuers shuld be 15 and supprted.
    17.A. killedB. emplyedC. trappedD. mnitred
    18.A. escapeB. hesitatinC. agreementD. gratitude
    19.A. curiusB. eagerC. unwillingD. unhurried
    20.A. launchB. publishC. cllectinD. rescue
    21.A. darknessB. midnightC. clinicD. bush
    22.A. fitnessB. failureC. dubtD. disappintment
    23.A. inspiredB. defendedC. cnfusedD. frightened
    24.A. fedB. hidC. harmedD. reached
    25.A. TherefreB. InsteadC. PreviuslyD. Especially
    26.A. relievedB. annyedC. sensitiveD. upset
    27.A. In case fB. In memry fC. In place fD. In spite f
    28.A. buyB. prepareC. mistakeD. exchange
    29.A. respnsibilityB. belngingC. lssD. despair
    30.A. pretendB. needC. hateD. reject
    31.A. ignredB. limitedC. celebratedD. researched
    32.Yesterday I went t the shps, I was a bit tired but ①_______ (extreme) happy t be ut and abut. I bught sme flwers fr my neighbur Amanda. ②_______ has just becme my friend. Abut tw③_______ (week) ag. I drpped in and she tld me hw much she lved flwers. S I bught her the flwers ④_______ that reasn and drpped in again, But I didn’t knw that she had had a small strke (中风) while she was driving.
    Thanks t the timely medical treatment, she was recvering. We held hands. ⑤_______ (talk) sweetly. I made her day as she hadn’t been given flwers in years, I spent the rest f ⑥_______day with her and lked after her. Amanda lives alne withut any family member after she lst her husband last year. Tmrrw, I’m ging t lk thrugh my DVDs t give her smething ⑦_______ (cheer) and happy. 1 think she ⑧_______ (discurage) after what happened. 1als think f getting a taxi and shpping tgether with her after her full ⑨_______ (recver).
    I’m really glad that I can be f service, and that I can be directed in ways ⑩_______ (shw) my lve.
    1. 你最喜欢的中国艺术;
    2. 该艺术的简介;
    3. 该艺术对你的影响。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    My Favurite Chinese Art
    34.My dad is a helpful plice fficer and I respect him very much. In his spare time, he likes vlunteering t give lectures n law t the children in ur cmmunity.
    I remember my father tk a special care f a family made up f a struggling single father, Jack, and his three sns. The elder bys seemed kind and understanding while the yungest by, Tm. was naughty and wild. When helping Jack in life and wrk, my father always taught his children t bey the law.
    During ne visit, my dad and Jack had a deep cnversatin. During their talk. Jack expressed his cncern abut the future f his yungest by. and said. “As we knw. Tm is a clever by, but he is t cmpetitive. He always behaves badly at schl. Fr sme reasn. he fught with his classmate again yesterday. I dn’t knw hw t deal with him.” Obviusly, he felt pwerless t guide Tm, S, he asked fr my father’s advice and ideas, “Will yu allw yur by t leave the city fr a few days? I want t take him t spend the summer with my sn in the suburbs (郊区) f ur hmetwn.” My dad ffered the nly slutin he culd think f n the spt. Hwever. Jack agreed and was grateful t my father.
    My dad decided that it wuld be gd fr Tm t see anther side f family life, which he had never been experiencing. Then he discussed the plan with me. I culdn’t agree mre.
    When the summer vacatin came, we had a new member. Tm, in ur family. Althugh we seemed very unfamiliar t him, he had n truble adapting t the new hme envirnment. Amazingly, we fund that he was an hnest and pen by and gt alng well with the whle family. He seemed t like playing in the backyard and particularly enjyed swimming in the pl. Wherever my father went, he tk bth f us with him. It wasn’t lng befre Tm and I became gd friends. I felt s lucky t have him with me, and I even shared everything interesting with him.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    My father tk Tm and I t participate in all kinds f activities.
    Back t his wn hme, Tm seemed t be a different persn.
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章Eguisheim,France部分中的It has beautiful half-timbered(露明木架的)huses,。stne streets and churches in the Middle Ages.(它有美丽的露明木架的房屋,石头街道和中世纪的教堂。)"可知,Eguisheim拥有独特的露明木架的房屋。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章Lauterbrunnen,Switzerland部分中的And please dn't frget this fun fact that was ever inspired by Lauterbrunnen when he was writing abut the Rivendell valley in The Lrd f the Rings.(请不要忘记这个有趣的事实,在写《指环王》中Rivendell山谷的时候就受到了Lauterbrunnen的启发。)"可知,是个作家。故选D
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章Guimaraes,Prtugal部分中的Even thugh Guimaraes is a bit bigger than the ther places n this list,it still has a charming feel with small shps and pen areas.(Guimaraes比榜单上的其他地方要大一些,但它仍然有一种迷人的感觉,那里有小商店和开放的区域。)可知,四个地方中最大的是Guimaraes。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“‘We want t have a prgram t inspire students wh really have the abilities and the interests t learn mre and cntinue accepting challenges,’ Anderssn said during a recent interview.”可知,该项目是为了激励那些真正有能力 和兴趣的学生学习更多知识。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知,Yihane Abed进行的研究和宇宙相关。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“‘The prgram desn’t exist frmally,but as an imprtant part f the culture at schl, it is still needed,’ Anderssn said. ‘There is much mre difference,nt nly fr students wh need extra help,but als fr thse wh are higher achievers.’” 可推知,Anderssn 认为这个项目的存在是非常有必要的。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段'If asked t name a place where yu might make a nce-in-a--lifetime archaelgical discvery,yur mind may g t the pyramids f Egypt r the peaks f the a field in Wrcestershire.But a field in Wrcestershire is exactly where wrkmen recently discvered what is thught t be a Rman rad up t2,000 years ld!(如果被要求说出一个地方的名字,你可能会发现一次千载难逢的考古发现,你的脑海中可能会浮现出埃及金字塔或安第斯山脉的山峰。不是伍斯特都的一块田地。但在伍斯特郡的一块田地里,工人们最近发现了一条被认为有2000年历史的罗马道路)"以及第四段Aidan Smyth所说的话“When I first saw it,it tk my breath away.If prven t be frm the first century AD.it wuld be beynd (当我第一次看到它时,我屏住了呼吸。如果被证明是公元一世纪的,那将是极其罕见的)”可推知,提到埃及金字塔是为了展示在伍斯特邵的发现是罕见的。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段The rad was discvered during rutine(常规的)waterwrks maintenance by Sevem Trent.Archaelgical experts frm Wychavn District Cuncil were called t the scene and immediately recgnised the find's significance(这条路是在Sevemn Trent公司对自来水厂进行日常维护时发现的。Wychavn区议会的考古专家被召集到现场,并立即意识到这一发现的重要性)可知,道路的发现是一次维修服务的意外结果。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题,根据第四段“Wychavn District Cuncil's archaelgy f伍cerAidan Smyth said."When I first saw it,it tk my breath away.If prven t be frm the first century AD.it wuld be beynd rare."(Wychavn区议会的考古官员Aidan Smyth说:“当我第一次看到它时,它让我大吃一惊。如果被证明是公元一世纪的,那将是非常罕见的。")”可推知l,Aidan Smyth被叫到现场时感觉大为吃惊。故选A。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段“A waterwrks maintenance team discvered a pssible ne-f-a-kind Rman rad in a field in Wrcestershire that may date back2.00 years.(一个自来水维修小组在伍斯特郡的一块田地里发现了一条可能是独一无二的罗马道路,这条道路可以追溯到2000年前)”可知,本篇文章主要讲述了在英国的田野里发现了一条可能是罗马人的道路。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Abut tw mnths later,they will leave the cave t seek fd n the cean by fllwing the mnlight.But they always mistake humans lights n the grund fr the mn,and eventually lse their way and crash int the wn.(大约两个月后,它们将离开洞穴,跟随月光到海洋上寻找食物。但他们总是把地面上的人类灯光误认为是月球,最终迷失了方向,撞进了小镇。)可知,小海鹦之所以撞进小镇是因为把地面上人类的灯光误认为是月球,所以迷了路。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段“S a puffin patrl(巡逻队)made up f mainly lcal children was frmed.Their missin is t search fr lst baby puffins in the streets with bxes.flashlights and fd n the nights f September and Octber every year.Once fund,baby puffins will be taken t the cliff and set free t the cean.Over the years,the puffin patrl has gradually becme a traditin.
    wrking quietly fr the prtectin f puffins.(于是,一支主要由当地儿童组成的海鹦巡逻队成立了。他们的任务是带着箱子在街上寻找走失的海鹦宝宝。手电筒和食物在每年九月和十月的晚上。一旦被发现,海鹦宝宝就会被带到悬崖上,放归大海。多年来,海鹦巡逻逐渐成为一种传统,默默地为保护海鹦而工作。)可知,海鹦巡逻队成立的目的是为了挽救濒临灭绝的海鹦。故选C。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据划线单词上"In spite f the lve and care f the children, the number f puffins has drpped greatly in recent years due t climate change, envirnmental pllutin and rising sea temperatures(尽管有孩子们的爱护和照顾,但近年来,由于气候变化、环境污染和海水温度上升,海鹦的数量大幅下降)可推测,虽然孩子们很爱护海鹦,可是由于各种原因,海鹦的数量还是大幅下降。由此可知人们对于海鹦的未来还是担忧。选项A“Cncern(担忧)";选项B"Origin(起源)”:选项C“Apprach(方法)”;选项DJy(快乐)。故选A。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据文章第一"Abut 70 kilmeters ffshre frm the suthern cast f Iceland,there is a vlcanic island called Westman Islands.Every summer, lcals can ften be seen standing n the edge f the cliffs(悬崖)thrwing birds dwn.The birds they thrw are called puffins(海鹦),a type f seabird.(在冰岛南部海岸离岸约70公里处,有一个火山岛,叫做韦斯特曼群岛。每年夏天,经常可以看到当地人站在悬崖边扔鸟。他们扔的鸟叫海鹦,是一种海鸟。)以及第三段Over time,the lcals realized that freeing the yung puffins at the cliffs culd set them n the crrect path.(随着时间的推移,当地人意识到,在悬崖上放生海鹦可以让它们走上正确的道路。)再结合全文内容可知,文章主要介绍了冰岛南部海岸离岸约70公里处的韦斯特曼群岛的人们每年夏天都会将海鹦幼鸟扔下悬崖,从而保护海鹦。故选B。
    ①EIn general,fds that take lnger t digest(消化)can help raise yur bdy temperature and m ake yu feel warmer..(一般来说,需要更长时间来消化的食物可以升高体温,让你感觉更温暖。)指出需要更长时间来消化的食物会让人感觉暖和;在下文中作者详细介绍了4种御寒保暖的食物;由此可知,D选项“Here are sme ways t keep yu warmer.(这里有一些让你保暖的方法)”承上启下,交代了文章的主旨,符合语境。故选D。
    ②由小标题“Drink Cffee(喝咖啡)”可知本段主要阐述喝咖啡有助于体温升高、保暖;上文“One f the benefits t drinking cffee is the caffeine.Caffeine i ncreases yur metablism(新陈代谢)。(喝咖啡的好处之一是咖啡因。咖啡因能促进新陈代谢。)”阐述了咖啡因所带来的的益处一一促进新陈代谢;C选项“'It can raise yur bdy temperature.(它可以提高你的体温。)”承接上文,说明新陈代谢可以提高体温,解释了喝咖啡能够保暖的原因,符合语境;选项中的代词lt指代上文“increases yur metablism”。故选C。
    ③由小标题“Eat Red Meat(吃红肉)”可知本段主要阐述吃红肉有助于保暖;下文“lrn(铁)is an imprtant mineral t help carry xygen thrughut yur b dy.Peple with lw irn may ntice cld hands and feet r feel tired easily.(铁是一种重要的矿物质,有助于将氧气输送到全身。缺铁的人可能会感到手脚冰凉或容易疲劳。)”详细说明红肉有助于保暖的原因一一红肉中富含铁;由此可知;B选项“Red meat is a gd surce f irn.(红肉是铁的良好来源。)”符合语境,选项中的“Red meat'”与小标题中的“Red Meat'”一致,选项中的“irn”与下文中的“lrn(铁)”一致;此外,下文中的“Eating red meat can als supply vitamin B12,which cntributes t heal thy nerves and a strng immune system.(吃红肉还可以补充维生素B12,这有助于健康的神经和强大的免疫系统。)”与B选项构成并列递进关系,进一步阐述吃红肉对身体的益处。故选B。
    ④上文“Sweet ptates are high in vitamin A,vitamin C and ptassium.They can add fiber and ther nutrients t a warm winter meal.(红薯富含维生素A、维生素C和钾。它们可以在温暖的冬季膳食中添加纤维和其他营养物质。)”阐述了红薯对身体的益处;E选项“Research shws sweet ptates are als gd fr eye health.(研究表明,红薯对眼睛健康也有好处。)”承接上文,进一步说明红薯对身体健康的益处,选项中的“als”表明与上文的并列递进关系。故选E。
    ⑤由小标题“Drink Water(喝水)”以及段首句“A simple way t help yur bdy stay warm in winter is t drink water..(在冬天一个简单的方法来帮助你的身体保持温暖是喝水。)”说明冬天多喝水有助于保持身体温暖;上文“Peple are less likely t drink water when it's cld utside because they dn't feel thirsty,accrding t Summit Medical Grup.(据J顶峰医疗集团称,人们在室外寒冷的时候不太可能喝水,因为他们不觉得口渴。)”指出冬天在室外时人们因为不觉得口渴而很少喝水;G选项Yu may want t carry a water bttle with yu t serve as a reminder.(你可能需要随身携带一个水瓶作为提醒。)针对上文冬天在户外不觉得口渴而很少喝水这一问题给出了解决的方法一一随身携带一个水瓶提醒自己喝水,由此可知,G选项符合语境。故选G。
    32.答案:extremely;wh;weeks;fr;talking; the;cheerful;was discuraged;recvery;t shw
    ③考查宾语从句。空格处和much作程度状语,构成hw much引导的宾语从句。故填hw。
    ④考查介词。根据空格后的名词that reasn可知,空格处应填介词,表示“为了”应用介词fr。故填fr。
    ⑧考查动词时态、语态和主谓一致。空格处作谓语,根据时间状语after what happened可知,应用一般过去时,主语she和动词discurage之间为被动关系,且主语为第三人称单数,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故填was discuraged。
    ⑩考查非谓语动词。名词ways后面需要用动词不定式作后置定语。故填t shw。
    My Favurite Chinese Art
    When it cmes t my favurite Chinese art, there is n dubt that I like Beijing Opera best. As we knw, as the quintessence f China, Beijing Opera is the mst influential Chinese pera. It is distributed in Beijing as the center and has been spreading thrughut the cuntry. It has a set f standardized frms f artistic expressin in literature, perfrmance, music, stage art and ther aspects. What is wrth mentining is that Beijing Opera has been included in the UNESCO’s list f Intangible Cultural Heritage.
    Since childhd, I’ve been learning Beijing Opera. It has a psitive effect n me. Fr ne thing, it is gd fr my bdy and mind. Fr anther thing, it helps imprve my cultural quality and mld my character. S I’m determined t keep learning it.
    【详解】1. 词汇积累:
    有益于:be gd fr→be beneficial t
    决心做某事:be determined t d→make up ne’s mind t d
    2. 句式拓展:
    原句:Since childhd, I’ve been learning Beijing Opera.
    拓展句:Since I was a child, I’ve been learning Beijing Opera.
    【高分句型1】When it cmes t my favurite Chinese art, there is n dubt that I like Beijing Opera best.(运用了以连词when引导的时间状语从句和连接词that引导的同位语从句。)
    【高分句型2】What is wrth mentining is that Beijing Opera has been included in the UNESCO’s list f Intangible Cultural Heritage.(运用了以连接代词what引导的主语从句和that引导的表语从句。)
    My father tk Tm and I t participate in all kinds f activities. Besides studying tgether, we als travelled t famus scenic spts t experience the kind wrld arund us. My father mtivated us t d gd deeds in ur hmetwn. We were encuraged t help hmeless peple n the street, bringing them fd, drinks and clthes. It was a cmpletely different experience frm what he had experienced befre, which he liked very much. In this way, we lived a meaningful life, and he was slwly changing. Hwever, the wnderful days f summer vacatin were sn ver.
    Back t his wn hme, Tm seemed t be a different persn. This hliday had a gd effect n him. When he returned t schl, he became mre friendly and understanding. He went t schl n time every day, and wrked hard at his lessns, making rapid prgress. Meanwhile, he wn the friendship f his classmates. He als tk part in vlunteer activities. ging t a nursing hme t help elderly peple n weekends. He always helped d husewrk fr his father after schl. His headteacher said. “Tm has changed a lt, and nw he is a gd example t everyne.”

    辽宁省铁岭市六校2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题: 这是一份辽宁省铁岭市六校2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题,共10页。

    辽宁省铁岭市六校2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题: 这是一份辽宁省铁岭市六校2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题,共13页。试卷主要包含了 15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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