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    Skills Develpment Fund (SDF)in Ontari, Canada
    SDF ffers funding t rganizatins fr innvative prjects that address challenges f hiring r training wrkers t drive the ecnmic grwth f Ontari, Canada.
    SDF supprts:
    ●prjects that address the labr shrtage and stimulate grwth in key sectrs(部门,区域) f Ontari’s ecnmy;
    ●prjects helping peple with prir invlvement in thse with disabilities, newcmers, and thers facing barriers t emplyment;
    ●prjects that will increase Ontari’s lng-term ecnmic cmpetitive advantage by creating a sustainable and adaptable wrkfrce.
    Qualified Organizatins
    The fllwing rganizatins are qualified t apply fr SDF as primary applicants:
    ●lcal trade unins;
    ●lcal training delivery agencies;
    ●nn-prfit rganizatins in Ontari;
    ●emplyers with a presence in Ontari;
    ●native prfessinal, industry r emplyer assciatins;
    ●District Scial Services Administratin Bards and hspitals.
    The fllwing rganizatins are qualified t apply fr SDF as a c-applicant with ne r mre f the rganizatins abve:
    ●publicly assisted clleges, universities r institutes in Ontari;
    ●private career clleges registered under the Private Career Clleges Act,2005.
    Prjects will be priritized (优先考虑) based n the strengths f their applicatins. Please be aware that funds are limited and therefre the applicants are encuraged t apply and submit their cmpleted applicatin frms as sn as pssible.
    1.What is the main purpse f SDF?
    A.T treat disabled peple.B.T create a temprary wrkfrce.
    C.T better develp Ontari’s ecnmy.D.T train rganizatins t hire wrkers.
    2.Which is qualified t apply fr funding?
    A.A trade unin in Ontari.B.A hspital utside Ontari.
    C.A prfitable rganizatin in Ontari.D.A training delivery agency utside Ontari.
    3.What are the applicants advised t d?
    A.Reduce funding requests.B.Submit their applicatins early.
    C.Apply fr a private career cllege.D.Register the number f their emplyees.
    A sng called Lnely Warrir (《孤勇者》) is always ringing in my ears. Six years ag, after hsting an annual ceremny fr my schl, I fund that my left leg was a little swllen, and very sn I culd barely walk. In fact, the swllen part became a fist-sized meatball that was s painful that I culd barely sleep. Of curse, I went t a lcal hspital, where I was given very bleak (不乐观的) news-stesarcma, which means bne cancer.
    I underwent chemtherapy (化疗) fr the next tw years, and it was the wrst time f my life. Physically, I felt that the side effects f chemtherapy were killing me. I lst all f the hair n my bdy and I became ttally bald. I culd barely eat anything, even if felt hungry. I n lnger needed an alarm clck t wake up in the mrning. Instead, what wke me was my bdy telling me that I needed t vmit (呕吐).
    I had n idea where all this treatment wuld leave me, and the dreams I had nce nursed abut the future were entirely wiped ut. I wanted t feel the wrld and experience mre, s I stuck t the curse f treatment. As time went by, hwever, I became weaker and weaker. The side effects nw were far wrse than they had been earlier.
    I eventually suggested that the leg be chpped ff, and the dctr said that might be the best thing t d, as lng as I culd cpe with the psychlgical and scial pressures afterward. I made my decisin very calmly, because I knew things culd nt be wrse than they were at that mment, and I was determined that this was just ne mre battle I wuld win.
    Nw, six years later, I have weathered all these difficulties. I have been s lucky t be able t find the strength t deal with all f this, and what I have t tell anyne still struggling with difficulties is this: have faith in yurself, and d nt let bad mments drag yu dwn. Just hang n and yu will cme thrugh.
    4.What can we learn abut the side effects f chemtherapy?
    A.They made the authr suffer a lt.
    B.They destryed the authr’s faith.
    C.They were relieved after treatment.
    D.They were mre bvius in the daytime
    5.What was the authr’s decisin t deal with his cnditin?
    A.Chpping ff his leg.
    B.Turning dwn the dctr’s advice.
    C.Giving in t the cancer.
    D.Seeking psychlgical assistance.
    6.What des the underlined wrd“weathered”in the last paragraph mean?
    7.What des the authr want t cnvey in the text?
    A.A light heart lives lng.
    B.A gd medicine tastes bitter.
    C.Time wrks wnders.
    D.One with faith braves any hardship.
    Zlgists track animals using glbal-psitining-system(GPS)tags(标签) which then return their data via satellite. Marine(海洋的)bilgists have a harder time f it, thugh, because radi signals can’t pass thrugh seawater. This makes it impssible either t receive GPS signals r t send any data cllected back t base.
    That des nt stp peple tagging sea creatures. Data cllected and stred in a tag can be sent t a satellite in bursts if the species in questin is ne that cmes t the surface frm time t time. A tag may als be recvered if the animal carrying it is caught by a fishing bat. Fisherflk are typically paid a few hundred dllars per tag returned t its hme labratry.
    Nne f these methds, thugh, keeps accurate track f where the animal carrying the tag has been. Fr these and ther reasns, it wuld therefre be useful t have a marine equivalent f GPS. And ne is nw being emplyed. The Wds Hle Oceangraphic Institutin, in Massachusetts, hpes t fill the seas with snic beacns(声波信标) that will play the rle f GPS satellites.
    The sea is divided int distinct layers that have different temperatures. During the Secnd Wrld War, American scientists shwed that sme f these layers act as snic waveguides. They called them “sund fixing and ranging” (sfar) channels. Sund sent ut in ne f these channels eches(回响) between the layers abve and belw, thus staying in the channel. Thus cnstrained(被约束),a sund wave can travel hundreds f kilmeters befre it becmes t weak t detect.
    The sfar transmitters frm Wds Hle are usually at an apprpriate depth fr the channel cncerned. Every 12 hurs they bradcast a 32-secnd-lng lcatin signal knwn as a png. Pngs are s called because they are similar t snar “pings”, but f lwer frequency. In typical cnditins a png can be picked up 1,000 km away. By listening t the pngs frm several beacns a receiver can calculate its lcatin. Existing receivers fr the tw sfar transmitters are currently carried n free-flating instrument packs. But the plan is t have tw mre transmitters this year, and mre in future years.
    8.Which sea creatures can GPS tags be applied t?
    A.Thse feeding n ther sea animals.
    B.Thse fllwing fishing bats cnstantly.
    C.Thse cming ut f the sea smetimes.
    D.Thse swimming deep under the water.
    9.Why d sfar channels functin?
    A.The eches amng them are weak.
    B.The water has a high temperature ver there.
    C.The layers amng them are quite similar.
    D.The sund remains there and stays strng fr a while.
    10.What makes pings different frm pngs?
    A.Pings are f higher frequency.
    B.Pings can travel faster than pngs.
    C.Pings can be received 1,000 km away.
    D.Pings are bradcasted every 32 secnds.
    11.What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A.Tags fr sea creatures
    B.“GPS” fr the ceans
    C.Strange deep sea creatures
    D.Data frm distant satellites
    Many public museums have cmplex climate cntrl systems t preserve the wrks in their care. Thse technlgies, including climate mnitrs and air cnditining, nrmally wrk unnticed 24 hurs a day. But nw, as the rising prices f gas and electricity in Eurpe pse an immediate danger t museum finances, and with a grwing awareness f their impact n the climate, sme f the wrld’s biggest museums are beginning t act.
    Over the past year, majr museums have relaxed their standards and allwed a wider range f temperatures and humidity levels in sme galleries, saving them thusands f dllars a mnth. They have cnducted mnths f trials t prve the changes dn’t endanger the items.
    Yet in the rms where brrwed items are n shw, the ld strict standards still apply. Lan agreements with ther museums and private cllectrs mean thse galleries must remain tightly climate-cntrlled, hampering institutins’ effrt t lwer energy bills and emissins.
    The idea that art must be displayed in a climate-cntrlled envirnment is relatively new, said Suthwick at the Vatican Museums. Masterpieces used t hang in unheated churches r palaces, she said. Sme f the first museums t adpt climate-cntrl technlgies were in the U.S., with the Yale University Art Gallery fixing a steam-pwered heating system in 1874.
    Temperature and humidity cntrls became cmmnplace after Wrld War II, especially after cnservatrs at the British Museum and the Natinal Gallery, in Lndn, published a series f influential bks prescribing(规定)the cnditins t prtect masterpieces in that chilly, damp city. Sn thse ideas were applied everywhere, eventually becming the standard fr museum lans.
    In December, the British gvernment cancelled minimum temperature requirements fr wrks cvered by its art insurance prgram, t help museums save mney during a cld winter. It’s hpeful that museums will change their tight climate standards fr the sake f the planet as well as themselves.
    12.What actin d the wrld’s biggest museums begin t adpt?
    A.Seeking active cperatin with ther museums.
    B.Turning t mre energy-efficient reserving means.
    C.Lsening their standards fr keeping the wrks.
    D.Lending their wrks t ther museums fr display.
    13.What prevents public museums frm lwering energy bills and emissins?
    A.The brrwed items.
    B.Private museums.
    C.Climate-cntrlled technlgies.
    D.Lan agreements.
    14.When did climate-cntrl technlgies becme ppular?
    A.When the first museums came int being.
    B.When the standard was published in Lndn.
    C.When Britain cancelled the standard fr lans.
    D.When Yale University Art Gallery fixed a heating system.
    15.Which f the fllwing statements best expresses the main idea f the passage?
    A.Museums are taking actin t cut csts.
    B.Lse cnditins preserve wrks better.
    C.Museums are designed t save energy.
    D.Old rules cme t life fr prtectin.
    Separatin, mney trubles, and transitinal (过渡的) adjustments are all stressful events t the members f a family. Learning effective skills is key t slving the disagreements.
    Schedule a time t talk as a grup. When wrking tgether, yu are mre likely t slve family differences. 16 . Then, nce tempers are cled, everyne needs t plan t cme tgether and think ut a slutin t the prblem .
    Fcus n the issue at hand. When disagreements ccur, peple tend t bring up any and every unreslved issue they have ever faced with the ther parties. This blurs the pint f the discussin. Try t uncver what is imprtant abut the current prblem. 17 .
    Have everyne state what they truly mean. Direct cmmunicatin is essential t effective cnflict reslutin. 18 . Such “I” statements allw everyne t express themselves while they shw respect fr ther’s listening.
    19 . Let anther knw yu recgnize, value, and accept his thughts, pinins, r beliefs. Of curse, yur wn pinins may differ greatly, but using validatin (确认) demnstrates that yu see the ther as a human, wrthy f respect. Validate yur family members by saying smething like “I’m really glad that yu feel cmfrtable enugh t share this with me” r “I appreciate yur willingness t wrk twards a slutin”.
    Decide n a slutin tgether. Once everyne has shared their needs, wants, and cncerns, cnsider all the suggestins that each party has prvided and lk fr a middle grund. 20 . If necessary, develp a cntract r written agreement .
    A.Seek prfessinal advice.
    B.Shw respect fr each persn’s pint f view.
    C.Raising ld misdeeds will nt help reslve this issue.
    D.Cnflict in the family can affect everyne’s functining.
    E.The first step is calming dwn and agreeing there is a prblem.
    F.Everyne present shuld feel gd abut the prpsed slutin.
    G.Each party shuld use “I” statements t clearly state yur needs and cncerns.
    On Christmas f 2017, I was brn again. We like t spend ur Christmas hlidays smewhere warm abrad, and that year we 21 Uganda. Nature, wildlife, and sunny days were a 22 when it was s 23 and dark in Eurpe. Life was beautiful, and we had a rental car and a busy schedule ahead t explre the cuntry.
    This is where this shrt travel stry turns int ne f my mst 24 travel experiences. At Murchinsn Falls Natinal Park, we had a car accident. I lst 25 f the car, and it rlled ver, destrying windws, chassis(底盘),and the engine. But we were alive! My right arm was 26 injured, but we 27 t walk t ur ldge(旅馆), nt far inside the 28 . In the ldge, I was 29 t learn that there was a pretty decent American hspital in Masindi that was just a ne-hur drive away. Mrever, ne f the ldge’s guests was a nurse wh 30 the wund while we were waiting fr the taxi. The hspital tk care f us and after a cuple f injectins and stitches(缝合), I was 31 t head t ur new htel in Masindi; hwever, my wund required daily 32 and mre injectins, s we were 33 t stay in twn fr a few days.
    The twn’s highlights were the market and ur 34 visit t the hspital, s we 35 lking fr the small things, 36 with the medical staff and the peple in the market, and learning mre abut their custms.
    We learned t slw dwn. When we were allwed t 37 , we tk a rad trip thrugh the cuntry t see smething else. We did nt care abut ur travel bucket 38 anymre - we were 39 , and we wanted t enjy Uganda’s unique nature and its peple. In the end, ur Uganda trip was nt abut the places that we saw, but the peple that we met. It was travel fr 40 VS sightseeing.
    35.A.put ffB.carried nC.insisted nD.ended up
    With the rapid grwth f ppulatin and glbal warming, the fd prblem has arused public cncern. “All cuntries in the wrld shuld 41 (strength) cperatin t cntribute t a secure glbal fd supply,” said ne f the Chinese 42 (fficial). Facing the challenges f glbal fd security, he called n mre cuntries 43 (maintain)the multinatinal trading system with the Wrld Trade Organizatin, enhance the teamwrk f agricultural trade plicies, and 44 (far) expand partnerships thrugh strnger mutual cperatin n agriculture.
    China nt nly advcated 45 (adpt) a jint security cperatin strategy, 46 supprted the establishment f a frum n the agriculture and rural develpment f all cuntries. Despite the severe challenges 47 (bring) by natural disasters, China has managed t ensure enugh fd fr ver 1.4 billin peple thrugh its wn effrts, making 48 psitive cntributin t glbal fd security. The meeting, 49 sme emerging cuntries attended via vide link last year, 50 (highlight) the majr prblems such as glbal fd security and availability. It is believed that there will be mre such meetings n livelihd issues in the future.
    注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    I’m s hnred t be here and deliver a speech, which title is “The Fruit f Labur Is Sweet”. As far as I knw, many peple attach a great imprtance t labur and they create a better envirnment t live in thrugh labur. As fr yu, I have all kinds f labur tasks t d at hme like swept the flr and washing dishes. Ding husewrk help me learn t be mre respnsibility and independent. That gives me the mst pleasure is vlunteering in the schl library, where I help clean the shelves. Being a vlunteer always makes me feel a sense achievement.
    All in all, labur benefits us bth physically and mental, s it’s suggested that we tk actin nw!
    52.我校正在为即将举行的国际交流生研学活动布置校园文化宣传栏,请你为其中的“书香校园(schlarly schl) ”版块写一篇英文介绍词。内容包括:
    1.C 2.A 3.B
    4.A 5.A 6.B 7.D
    8.C 9.D 10.A 11.B”
    12.C 13.D 14.B 15.A
    16.E 17.C 18.G 19.B 20.F
    21.B 22.A 23.D 24.C 25.C 26.A 27.D 28.D 29.B 30.A 31.C 32.B 33.A 34.B 35.D 36.A 37.C 38.B 39.D 40.C
    41.strengthen 42.fficials 43.t maintain 44.further 45.adpting 46.but 47.brught 48.a 49.which 50.highlighted
    51.1.which → whse
    7.That →What
    8.achievement 前加f

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