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    这是一份重庆市巴蜀中学2023-2024学年高三上学期适应性月考(五)英语试题,文件包含巴蜀中学英语试题docx、英语答案pdf、英语听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、 准考证号、考场号、座位号在答题卡上填写清楚。
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What's the man's pinin f the speech?
    A. It's bring. B. It's inspiring. C. It's t lng.
    2. Hw des the man want t g t the palace?
    A. By bike. B. On ft. C. By taxi.
    3. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A car accident. B. A traffic jam. C. A driving experience.
    4. When will the dinner start?
    A. At 8: 00. B. At7: 30. C. At 7: 00.
    5. Why is the wman anxius?
    A. She desn't have any prjects.
    B. She can't finish her wrk n time.
    C. Her bss pushed the deadlines frward.
    第二节 (共15 小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面一段对话, 回答第6和第7两个小题。
    6. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. On a game shw. B. In a spaceship. C. In a bank.
    7. Wh was the first wman in space?
    A. Anna Edisn. B. Sally K. Ride. C. Valentina Tereshkva.
    听下面一段对话, 回答第8 至第 10三个小题。
    8. Hw much will the man pay fr the membership?
    A. $95. B. $110. C. $260.
    9. Where can the man buy the kit?
    A. Frm a shp. B. Frm a website. C. Frm the club.
    10. What is prbably the wman?
    A. A manager. B. A fitness trainer. C. A club receptinist.
    听下面一段对话, 回答第11至第13三个小题。
    11. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a restaurant. B. In a shp. C. At the man's hme.
    12. Hw much did the man pay fr the camera?
    A. 3,200 yuan. B. 3,800 yuan. C. 4,000 yuan.
    13. What des the wman want t d in the end?
    A. Start t eat. B. Lk at the camera. C. Take a picture.
    听下面一段对话, 回答第14 至第17 四个小题。
    14. What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A. Making fires. B. Detecting fires. C. Using fires.
    15. Hw many fires did Califrnia have in 2020?
    A. Arund 50. B. Abut 400. C. Over 8600.
    16. What size f fire can the new satellites discver?
    A. Size f a car. B. Size f a plane. C. Size f a ftball field. .
    17. What is the wman's main cncern?
    A. Saving animals. B. Saving the trees. C. Saving humans.
    听下面一段独白, 回答第18 至第20 三个小题。
    18. What made the white T-shirts ppular?
    A. A fashin shw. B. Hllywd mvies. C. An English newspaper.
    19. When did the fashin fr T-shirts fr wmen start?
    A. In 1948. B. In 1959. C. In 1970.
    20. Fr whm did peple wear T-shirts with“Free Angela”?
    A. Fr a black leader. B. Fr a fashin designer. C. Fr an American actress.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    Music Festivals Frm Arund the Wrld
    Music pssesses a unique pwer t unite peple acrss cultures. One great way t feel this cnnectin is by attending sme f the wrld's mst incredible music festivals.
    Sziget Festival
    The Sziget Festival in Budapest, Hungary, is a renwned(著名的) six-day celebratin f music and art n Óbuda Island n the Danube River. Started in 1993, the festival is knwn fr its diverse lineup, featuring tp artists frm genres like electrnic, hip-hp, techn, and pp rck. Beynd music, the festival ffers cultural experiences like art exhibitins, theater, circus perfrmances, and film screenings.
    Glastnbury Music Festival is a glbal music fest held annually at the Wrthy Far m in Smerset, England. Since its inceptin(开始) in 1970, it has becme a tuchstne fr music enthusiasts wrldwide, drawing mre than 200,000 visitrs during its remarkable five-day run.Additinally, Glastnbury is amng the few festivals striving twards being cmpletely carbn-neutral.’
    Rck in Ri
    The be lved Rck in Ri festival was funded in Ri de Janeir, Brazil, in 1985. The brand has since expanded t ther lcatins, including Lisbn, Madrid, and Las Vegas. Rck in Ri spans multiple days. While its rts are in rck music, Rck in Ri has evlved t include mre genres t appeal t a much brader audience. One f Rck in Ri's standut features is its cmmitment t envirnmental initiatives.
    Fuji Rck
    Fuji Rck is Japan's biggest music festival, typically held in Naeba Ski Resrt in Niigata Prefecture. Knwn fr its stunning muntainus"backdrp, this event has been running since 1997 and is celebrated fr its diverse lineup that spans rck, electrnic, hip-hp, and mst ther genres. It attracts internatinal and lcal acts, creating a unique fusin f musical styles.
    21. Hw is the Sziget Festival different frm the ther music festivals?
    A. It is dcumented in films.
    B. It is centered n classical arts.
    C. It hsts varius cultural events.
    D. It features diverse music genres.
    22. What d Glastnbury and Rck in Ri have in cmmn?
    A. They highlight rck music.
    B. They last mre than a week.
    C. They underg glbal expansin.
    D. They adpt ec-friendly practices..
    23. Which f the fur music festivals has the shrtest histry?
    A. Sziget Festival. B. Glastnbury. C. Rck in Ri. D. Fuji Rck.
    I had a great time with the film Turning Red, which fllws Meilin, a thirteen-year-ld girl wh suddenly begins turning int a giant red panda.
    The film was set in 2002 when I wuld've been arund Meilin's age. It was a jy fr me t watch a film that I culd relate t. The film illustrates the push-pull that s many immigrant families face: hw much f their culture d they keep? And hw much d they assimilate (融入)? There are beautiful traces f Chinese culture all thrughut this film, including grgeus fd, time arund the table, relatinships with extended family, and mre.
    In the film, wmen in Meilin's family suffer a curse. As sn as they begin t blssm int wmanhd, they transfrm int a giant red panda whenever they express any strng emtin.Thus, they have learned that emtinal repressin is the way t g. It was beautiful t watch this yung girl chse the different path f emtinal wellness ins tead f hlding back her feelings.
    It's nt a surprise that the directr Dmee Shi, wh is arund my age, chse this pltline.Many peple f my age are n a similar path t the ne Meilin finds herself n. We hnr ur parents and what they have dne fr us, but we're als chsing t be mre emtinally healthy and trying t live differently than we were taught.
    The part f Turning Red that I particularly lved is the ending. Thugh Meilin's mm,grandma, and aunts all see that it's pssible t integrate their red pandas int their lives, they dn't chse that path. Instead, they chse t bttle their pandas up nce again. Hwever, they d get a new perspective n this yung, grundbreaking girl. It's such a sweet reminder that nt everyne can g n the same jurney tward emtinal health, and that's kay.
    If all f them had embraced their pandas, I think the end ing wuld've felt incredibly cheese and taken away sme f the pwer f the stry. S we get a cnclusin that is satisfying and heartwarming withut being t much f a fairy tale.
    24. Why did the authr enjy watching Turning Red?
    A. She fund a cnnectin with the stry.
    B. She fllwed a similar life path t its directr.
    C. She adred the appealing design f the red panda.
    D. She valued its emphasis n the emtinal push-pull.
    25. What des the underlined wrd“repressin” in the third paragraph mean?
    A. Disturbance. B. Cntrl. C. Wellness. D. Expressin.
    26. What des the authr think f the ending f the film?
    A. Bittersweet. B. Idealized. C. Realistic. D. Cheesy.
    27. What is a central dilemma faced by Meilin in Turning Red?
    A. “Can I embrace my true self?”
    B.“Shuld I priritize my family?”
    C.“Can I uncver the curse's secret?”
    D.“Shuld I explre diverse cultures?”
    Usnin Blt burned abut 10kcal f energy t win his gld during the 200 metre spring final at the Olympic Games, which culd rughly pwer an ld 60W light bulb fr 11 minutes. If yu culd make use f all the pwer generated by all the athletes during the Games, yu wuld still be nwhere clse t reaching the 29.5 billin Watts cnsumed verall by the athletes, spectatrs and rganisers ver the event. We take sprt fr granted, but d we ever cnsider its cst t the planet?
    Frm the water required t maintain the glf curse during The Masters turnament t the hundreds f flights it takes t bring ftball fans t a Wrld Cup, majr sprts events are nt helping much in the fight against glbal heating. What's mre, there is a lack f recgnitin within sprt f its respnsibilities and little discussin abut pssible slutins.
    This is strange given that the effect wrks bth ways: the climate crisis is nt just affected by sprts, but it is already having a negative impact n many sprts. When ice-climber Will Gad d set ut t cnquer the wrld's glaciers he didn't realize it wuld becme a race against climate change. “I thught glaciers are there frever.” When he arrived at the summit, Gadd was shcked:“The ice……wasn't there. The things I planned t climb were gne.”
    Glbal heating is nticeable in ther sprts. Amy Steel played prfessinal net ball until she suffered frm heatstrke after playing in 39℃ cnditins and unfrtunately, the damage was permanent. Nt nly that, but extreme weather events made mre frequent as a result f glbal heating mean sprting event s are mre ften delayed r cancelled. This has cst sprt billins in ptential earnings.
    Yet sprt can be a pwerful mtivatr: it can unit e whle natins behind its teams. Culd sprt have a rle t play in driving climate awareness? Will Gad d and Amy Steel are amng many athletes wh think s. One thing is certain. Sprt must put climate change at the tp f its agenda and decarbnize at a Usain Blt-like pace t make a difference.
    28. What is the main fcus f the first paragraph?
    A. Why d sprts events cnsume energy?
    B. H w much pwer d athletes generate?
    C. What is the energy impact f sprts events?
    D. Hw did Blt cntribute t the envirnment?
    29. Why des the writer use Will Gad d and Amy Steel as examples?
    A. They initiated ec-friendly sprts practices.
    B. T hey sustained permanent injuries in sprts.
    C. They fell victim t climate-related incidents.
    D. T hey achieved recrd-breaking perfrmances.
    30. What effect f glbal heating n sprts is mentined in the text?
    A. Stricter facility restrictins. B. Substantial financial lsses.
    C. Higher athlete training standards. D. Prlnged utdr sprts seasns.
    31. What can be a suitable title fr the text?.
    A. Sprts in the Climate Crisis
    B. Athletes against Glbal Heating
    C. The Impact f Climate Change n Sprt
    D. T he Envirnmental Cst f Outdr Sprts
    ROOSTERS act differently when faced with anther chicken rather than just their wn reflectin. This may mean that the birds can recgnise themselves in a mirrr.
    In the traditinal mirrr self-recgnitin test, develped in 1970, researchers place a mark n an animal's bdy in a spt that it culd nly see when seeing its reflectin. They nte if the animal inspects r tuches the mark while examining its mirrr image, which suggests it understands that what it sees represents its wn bdy. Few nn-human species have passed this test, but they include sme great apes, dlphins, and elephants.
    Snja Hillemacher at the University f Bnn and her clleagues wndered if this was . because there is little natural reasn fr many animals t investigate such marks. S, they have tried t adap t the test t the natural behaviur f rsters, which ludly alert ther chickens t the presence f nearby predatrs (天敌), but generally stay quiet when alne.
    In the lab, they tested 68 rsters ne by ne. They placed a bird n ne side, and either left the ther side empty r put anther rster. Then they added a mirrr fr sme tests. T mimic(模仿) a threat, they prjected the utline f a hawk n the ceiling abve.
    When a rster was paired with anther rster, it raised the alarm mre ften than when it was alne, regardless f whether it culd see its wn reflectin. Since the birds acted similarly when alne and with a reflectin, they may realise their reflectin is f themselves. This means self-recgnitin may be mre cmmn in animals than we thught, say the researchers.
    “This is exciting, as it breaks away frm the cnventinal view that the mark test is the nly valid test fr self-recgnitin,” says Nathan Emery at Queen Mary University. Ntably,when Hillemacher and her clleagues put the rsters thrugh the mark test, the birds failed.
    Hillemacher says it is premature t say chickens definitely recgnise themselves in their reflectins. The strange behaviur f a reflectin —— mimicking yur mvement, fr instance ——may be unsettling enugh t disrupt(扰乱) the natural alarm respnse, she says.
    32. What is presented in the first paragraph?
    A. A cntrversial tpic. B. A new phenmenn.
    C. A practical thery. D. A surprising finding.
    33. What pssible reasn des Hillemacher's team suggest fr animals' failing the mark test?
    A. They culdn't recgnize themselves.
    B. They were put in unnatural test cnditins.
    C. They were distracted by their surrundings.
    D. They lacked mtivatin t explre the marks.
    34. Why did the rster raise the alarm in the lab?
    A. It tk its reflectin fr a ptential threat.
    B. I t tried t warn thers f perceived danger.
    C. It was scared by its reflectin in the mirrr.
    D. It exhibited a disrupted natural alarm respnse.
    35. Which wrd best describes Hillemacher's interpretatin f the study results?
    A. Cautius. B. Cnclusive. C. Optimistic. D. Dismissive.
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分 12.5分)
    Tw and a half millennia ag, Scrates cmplained that writing wuld harm students. With a way t stre ideas permanently, they wuld n lnger need t memrize. 36 Scrates didn't have a stack f peer-reviewed science t make his case abut the usefulness f learning cncepts by heart.
    Tday a different debate is raging(蔓延) abut the dangers f anther technlgy——cmputers —— and the typing peple d n them. Primary-schl pupils and PhD hpeful s are relying n cmputers t take ntes and write papers. 37 University prfessrs als cmplain f distractin in classrms, with students reading and messaging instead f listening t lectures.
    A line f research shws the benefits f the “innvatin ” that predates cmputers:handwriting. 38 T he benefits f using a pen r pencil lie in hw the mtr and sensry memry f putting wrds n paper reinfrces that material.
    One f the best-demnstrated advantages f writing by hand seems t be in superir nte-taking. Students typing n cmputers write dwn twice as many wrds and passages,suggesting they are nt understanding s much when rapidly cpying the material. 39 It frces nte-takers t synthesize·(合成) ideas int their wn wrds, which aids cnceptual understanding at the mment f writing.
    40 Abut half the states in America have required mre teaching f it. In Sweden there is a push fr mre handwriting and printed bks and fewer devices. England's natinal curriculum already prescribes teaching the basics f handwriting by age seven.
    Scrates may r may nt have had a pint abut the dwnsides f writing. But n ne wuld remember, much less care, if his student Plat had nt nted it dwn fr later generatins.
    A. It makes n mate rial visually appealing.
    B. Handwriting, by cntrast, takes a lnger time.
    C. Plicymakers have taken nte f handwriting's benefits.
    D. It is tempting t dismiss him as an ld man cmplaining abut change.
    E. Sme students may have disabilities that make handwriting especially hard.
    F. Sme parents wrry that their children are encuraged t carry laptps t class.
    G. It imprves everything frm recalling randm wrds t understanding cmplex cncepts.
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节 (共15 小题; 每小题1分, 满分 15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    My disinterest in“The Beautiful Game” has been lifelng. At primary schl, my classmates spent lunch break playing 41 , while I was getting kicks frm bks and cmputers in the library. In Games lessns, like all fat kids, I was put“in defence”—— which invlved 42 with my mates and ccasinally pretending t be bthered abut where the ball was. I became 43 in imitating the bdy language f the bys wh cared: 44 when a gal was scred; channeling their anger when there was a 45 ; apprximating their jy at a free kick, althugh I didn't understand the rules.
    As I gt lder, I stpped trying t 46 it. Instead, I thught f my 47 t ftball as a badge (徽章) f hnr. I'd separate the 48 sectin frm The Times and thrw it straight int the dustbin. When a big game was n, I'd g 49 , and pst perfrmative phts f me wandering arund high streets n scial media, 50 hw much mre free time I had than the mindless majrity arund me, endlessly absrbed in their silly cmpetitin that 51 resets itself every 12 mnths.
    All 52 as my sn Harvey grew up. 10 year ld Harvey was attracted t ftball games,and we never missed a 53 f his favrite team “The Wd”. Almst withut nticing, my yells f supprt when“The Wd” scred a gal were actually 54 . I've fund unexpected jy and a sense f cmmunity in a game I nce disregarded, a reminder that life's interests can 55 in the mst surprising ways.
    41. A. chess B. ftball C. cards D. basketball
    42. A. chatting B. dating C. debating D. cmpeting
    43. A. frtunate B. hnest C. unsuccessful D. expert
    44. A. dancing B. cheering C. weeping D. sighing
    45. A. fall B. celebratin C. miss D. kick
    46. A. fake B. believe C. reveal D. hate
    47. A. devtin B. dislike C. addictin D. return
    48. A. Science B. Entertainment C. Culture D. Sprts
    49. A. wrking B. hiking C. camping D. shpping
    50. A. wndering B. calculating C. demnstrating D. regretting
    51. A. incredibly B. unexpectedly C. randmly D. pintlessly
    52. A. changed B. paused C. appeared D. cntinued
    53. A. match B. cmmunity C. training D. club
    54. A. reluctant B. laughable C. authentic D. alarming
    55. A. remain B. evlve C. fade D. diversify
    第二节 (共10小题; 每小题 1.5分, 满分 15分)
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    A gd time t visit Cpenhagen is…any time. Yet thse 56 lve architecture and design have a new reasn t visit the Danish capital in 2024:Cpenhagen has been fficially named the UNESCO Wrld Capital f Architecture, 57 title it will hld fr a three year perid.
    The purpse is 58 (highlight) hw architecture and culture can shape urban identity and sustainable urban develpment. Over the next year, n fewer than 300 events 59 (hst) under the framewrk f “Cpenhagen in Cmmn”. These exhibitins and ther happenings will shwcase 60 architecture arid design have brught t everyday lives in cities.
    Famed fr its culture f biking and purpseful buildings, Cpenhagen has inspired cuntless planning 61 (prfessinal). Any travelers here will experience hw 62 (care) plicy chices have imprved the lives f its citizens, 63 public gyms n building rftps and shipping cntainers turned int student husing. The Wrld Capital f Architecture title will help t shine a light n all f this.
    The Danish Architecture Center will hst a number f events fr anyne interested in architecture. That will include an exhibitin where yu can explre the meaning f Danish architecture and 64 (guide) tur s arund the city. The shw will als highlight the strng Danish traditin f cmmunity thinking and citizen 65 (invlve) in public prjects, by surveying lcals, architects and visitrs abut what urban architecture wrks well —— and what desn't.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节(满分 15 分)
    假定你是李华,在美国某博物馆参观时,购买了一本介绍该馆所收藏文物的书籍,阅读后发现书中对一些中国文物(artifacts) 的英文介绍有误。请你就此向博物馆写一封信,内容包括:
    1. 投诉问题;
    2. 提出建议。
    1. 词数 80左右;
    Dear Sir r Madam,

    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Beavis was a rescue cat wh came t ur family frm a brken hme. At the time, I remember thinking that his attitude just might have been respnsible fr the break. His first three days in ur huse were spent under a bed hissing(发出威胁的嘶嘶声) and spitting at anyne brave enugh t apprach him. Even the nn-threatening ffer f fd r water prvked an aggressive respnse.
    Eventually, after a number f weeks and a lt f patience, Beavis deigned (屈尊) t be in the same rm as ther family members, as lng as he was given his space and wasn't apprached directly.
    His first visit t the vet was a nightmare. The pr man had t wear a thick leather aprn and industrial-grade glves befre giving Beavis a rutine examinatin. After the visit, the vet wrte in his ntes that Beavis was a“very difficult”animal t deal with. At least he didn't ask us t change vets.
    It was my bright idea t get him sme cmpaninship. Drawing n my“vast experience” as a cat persn, I thught the cure fr his antiscial behaviur wuld be sme cat cmpany. The secnd mistake I made was in encuraging my daughter and her friend t be the nes t chse a barn kitten frm a lcal farmer. As it turned ut, they culdn't decide which ne t pick, s they cmprmised by chsing tw kittens.
    It turned ut that Beavis didn't need cat cmpany, but rather came int his wn as a kitten bully. The little guys were threatened at every turn. We had gne frm a ne-catastrphe family t three. Beavis was unable t share fd r even tilet facilities with the kittens. We spent mre time keeping them apart than watching them interact. It lked as thugh we were destined t suffer lng-term cat prblems.
    One day, Beavis was strutting(趾高气扬地走) his stuff thrugh a particularly well-fitting dr in ur basement.
    注意: 1. 续写词数应为 150左右;
    He was nt quite thrugh when it clsed sharply n his tail. _
    Frm then n ,I lst a fierce cat and gained“a sft ball f fur”. _

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