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    这是一份重庆市巴蜀中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期适应性月考(七)英语试题,文件包含重庆市巴蜀中学2023-2024学年高三下3月月考英语试题docx、重庆市巴蜀中学2023-2024学年高三下3月月考英语试题pdf、巴蜀中学2024届高考适应性月考卷七英语-答案pdf等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In the wman’s huse.B. In a supermarket.C. In a restaurant.
    2. What will the man d n the weekend?
    A. Attend an exhibitin.B. Enter a cntest.C. Visit China.
    3. Wh is the man prbably talking t?
    A. A shp assistant.B. His wife.C. His c-wrker.
    4. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
    A. A scenic spt.B. The wman’s pht.C. A TV drama.
    5. Hw did the man get there?
    A. By plane.B. By bus.C. By subway.
    6. Which year f cllege are the speakers in?
    A. The first year.B. The secnd year.C. The third year.
    7. What did the wman d in public?
    A. She had a dance.B. She did jumping jacks. C. She perfrmed a sng.
    8. What des the man expect t d n the 3rd?
    A. Sign a cntract.B. G n a tur.C. Return t New Yrk.
    9. What des the man finally decide t d?
    A. Cancel the reservatin.B. Cntact anther airline.C. Advance the departure date.
    10. What was Gerge R. R. Martin like when he was yung?
    A. He was ppular with his classmates.
    B. He didn't have many friends.
    C. He lved t play sprts.
    11. What did Gerge R. R. Martin first write abut?
    A. Turtles.B. Dragns.C. Spiders.
    12. Wh was Gerge R. R. Martin mst inspired by?
    A. A famus actr.B. A cmic bk writer.C. A sci-fi mvie directr.
    13. Why des the man meet the wman?
    A. T lk at an apartment.B. T have a meal tgether.C. T deliver sme furniture.
    14. What des the man like abut the carpet?
    A. Its quality.B. Its size.C. Its clr.
    15. What des the man think f the kitchen?
    A. It's well-designed.B. It's well-equipped.C. It's well-painted.
    16. What will the man prbably d next?
    A. Take a bus.B. Make a payment.C. Talk with his wife.
    17. What can Devil d?
    A. Play music.B. Carry luggage.C. Remve blcks.
    18. Which aspect f Devil is particularly mentined fr imprvement?
    A. Its steadiness.B. Its pwer.C. Its structure.
    19. Why did Lin uplad his vide?
    A. T kill time.
    B. T recrd his life.
    C. T influence mre yungsters.
    20. When did Lin realize his inventins culd benefit thers?
    A. In 2018.B. In 2019.C. In 2021.
    The Fundatin fr Educatinal Prgress is Seeking a New Chief Executive
    The Fundatin fr Educatinal Prgress is an independent charity established by a glbal news rganizatin in 2012. We supprt children frm underserved backgrunds t have inspiring discussins abut the news, which teach them t creatively slve prblems, listen with an pen mind and speak with cnfidence.
    Our funding Chief Executive, Emily Evans, has decided t mve n t tackle new challenges. She will step dwn next summer, and we are seeking a new Chief Executive t lead the charity as it begins a hugely exciting next stage f glbal grwth. Our prgramme, Tpical Talk, has expanded frm a UK pilt in 2013 t reaching ver 200,000 children acrss the wrld tday, and we have ambitius plans fr the next decade.
    We have an extrardinary platfrm t supprt ur grwth ambitins: a talented, highly mtivated and supprtive team; a cllabrative (合作的), high-trust culture; and clear strategic fcus. We are lking fr a leader wh can build n this platfrm and realise ur ptential fr scale at the same time as deepening ur impact, ensuring that we always stay fcused n making a meaningful difference in the lives f children wh are mst in need f extra supprt.
    If yu have experience f scaling an rganisatin while taking a cllabrative, inclusive and empwering apprach t leadership, and yu are passinate abut ur missin, we wuld lve t hear frm yu. The rle is based in headquarters in Lndn at least tw days per week.
    Find mre infrmatin, including details f hw t apply, here:
    21. What d we knw abut the Fundatin fr Educatinal Prgress?
    A. It is a glbal news rganizatin.
    B. It runs many exchange prgrams.
    C. It hpes t expand its glbal influence.
    D. It prvides financial help t needy children.
    22. What must a qualified candidate be able t d?
    A. Take n the rle immediately.
    B. Specialize in glbal news reprting.
    C. Lead the team in an authritative way.
    D. Ensure a minimal weekly presence in Lndn.
    23. In which sectin f a magazine may this text appear?
    A. News Updates.B. Career Opprtunities.
    C. Educatinal Resurces.D. Vlunteering Infrmatin.
    If yu wanted t make a Disney-style animatin (动画) f, say, Reggie, a spirited rabbit, planning t save his frest, yu'd have a lead animatr draw the extremes f the actin: Reggie lking intensely fcused, and then prudly annuncing, "There's a new her in the frest!" Then yu'd bring in an in-betweener that is, the animatr wh draws all the cmprehensive frames that bridge the majr actins.
    In-betweeners dn't get the glry, but withut them cartns wuld hp frm ne emtinal peak t anther, missing cnnective grace. Burny Mattinsn(1935-2023) started his career at the Walt Disney Cmpany in the mailrm, and, even thugh he had n frmal training in animatin, he was given a swing at in-betweening just six mnths later.
    His first big assignment was t in-between the wagging f a dg's tail. Disney animatin was famus fr its silky elegance, wing in n small part t the skill f its in-betweeners, and, thanks t Mattinsn, the tail practically glided frm side t side.
    Mattinsn had wanted t be an animatr ever since his mther had taken him t see "Pincchi" at a theatre when he was six. In a bld mve, Mattinsn shwed up at the Disney Studis gate with his prtfli (作品) as sn as he finished high schl. The magical part f this stry is that, instead f shing him away, the security guard liked his drawings and called the head f persnnel t take a lk.
    Thus, Mattinsn became a messenger at Disney, beginning a career that wuld eventually make him the emplyee with the lngest service at the cmpany. He had jined the cmpany at a glden mment. Listing the films that he wrked n is a little like listing the entire utput f the Walt Disney Cmpany ver the past six decades: "Sleeping Beauty, ""The Lin King, and n and n.
    Mattinsn was, perhaps, ne f the last f an almst extinct gentype-the happy cmpany man, the lifer. He never had an emplyer besides Disney. When asked what Mattinsn enjyed ding utside f his life at Disney, his sn said, "He just lved his wrk."
    24. What rle d in-betweeners play in animatin prductin?
    A. Design the stryline.B. Draw the backgrund.
    C. Invent extreme actins.D. Generate smth mtin.
    25. Which f the fllwing can best describe Mattinsn's path t Disney?
    A. Uncnventinal.B. Typical.C. Illegal.D. Accidental.
    26. What makes Mattinsn exceptinal in Disney's histry?
    A. His lifelng dedicatin t Disney.
    B. His detailed wrk as an in-betweener.
    C. His passin fr animatin beynd wrk.
    D. His pineering rle in Disney animatin.
    27. What is the text?
    A. A diary entry.B. A bigraphical sketch.
    C. A news reprt.D. A critical review.
    Humans are brn and wired t cmpete with ne anther. Peple cmpare hw many "likes" they have n scial media. Billinaires envy multibillinaires. The legendary NASCAR champin Dale Earnhardt nce stated, "Secnd place is just the first lser".
    Althugh the cmpetitive spirit may be as natural as breathing air, it des nt always lead t human prsperity. On the cntrary, left unmanaged, it can create misery fr urselves and thers. Frtunately, there is a frmula t slve this prblem withut unrealistically suggesting that we entirely dispense with ur cmpetitive urge: Instead f always ging fr gld, sht fr the brnze.
    T expand n the wisdm f Earnhardt, althugh secnd place may be the first lser, third place can be the real winner - at least when it cmes t happiness and lngevity (长寿). Recent research suggested that the brnze winners appeared cnsistently happier n average than the silver medalists. Regarding the life span f all three medalist categries, it was fund that the athlete whse best perfrmance was silver lived t 72. Gld medalists beat this by a slid fur years, living t 76. But first prize in lngevity went t the brnze medalists, wh lived t 78.
    The study had a handy explanatin fr this distinctin: "Dissatisfactry cmpetitin utcmes may badly affect health." In ther wrds, silver medalists see themselves as the first lser because they nly lk up t the tp step, whereas the brnze winners cmpare themselves favrably with all the thers wh never made it nt the pdium (领奖台) at all.
    One f the prblems with mst cmpetitins against thers is that it tends t lwer ne's inner mtivatin, and thus enjyment. Decades ag, researchers shwed this by asking peple t slve puzzles and then measuring the interest they reprted: They fund the puzzles less rewarding when cmpeting against thers rather than against the clck. Simply having a time limit means cmpeting against themselves-which is ften mre fun. The principle at wrk here is that trying t imprve yur wn past perfrmance prvides a sense nt f "winning" but f prgress. And the nly persn t whm yu will have t cmpare yurself is yu.
    28. What des the underlined wrds "dispense with" in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Stick t.B. Get rid f.C. Depend n.D. Take charge f.
    29. In which situatin will peple be mst likely t feel gd abut themselves?
    A. Treat cmpetitins as all r nthing.
    B. Aim t utperfrm thers in cmpetitins.
    C. Check ut thers' victries n scial media.
    D. Cmpare themselves with thse less frtunate.
    30. Accrding t the last paragraph, ______bsts enjyment in tasks.
    A. achieving persnal bestsB. making peer cmparisns
    C. gaining public recgnitinD. pursuing dwnward cmpetitin
    31. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Always Ging fr GldB. The Victry f Cming in Third
    C. Finding Satisfactin in CmparisnD. Secnd Place is Just the First Lser
    Over 2, 000 years ag, Baiae was the mst magnificent resrt twn in Italy. Wealthy statesmen including Cicer and Caesar were nce drawn t its natural springs. But ver the centuries, vlcanic activity submerged this playgrund f the Rman nbility -leaving half f it beneath the Mediterranean.
    Tday, Baiae is ne f the wrld's few underwater archaelgical parks pen t visitrs wanting t explre the remains f the ancient Rman city. A prtected marine area, the site needs t be mnitred fr damage caused by divers and envirnmental factrs. Hwever, explains Davidde, Italy's natinal supervisr fr underwater cultural heritage, "cmmunicatin underwater is challenging."
    Cabled systems are the mst reliable, but they are difficult t maintain and cver a limited peratinal area. And wireless internet desn't wrk well in water, because f the way water interacts with electrmagnetic waves.
    S Davidde teamed up with a grup f engineers led by Chiara Petrili, a prfessr at Sapienza University. Petrili's team has develped a netwrk f underwater wireless sensrs capable f gathering envirnmental data and transmitting it t land in real time. The system relies n AI algrithms (算法) t cnstantly change the netwrk prtcl(网络协议). As the sea cnditins change, the algrithms adjust the infrmatin path, allwing the signal t travel up t tw kilmeters and data t be sent between transmitters ne kilmeter apart.
    At Baiae, underwater internet allws remte, cntinuus mnitring f envirnmental cnditins. Besides, it allws divers t cmmunicate with ne anther and with clleagues abve the surface, wh can als use the technlgy t lcate them with a high degree f accuracy.
    Davidde anticipates that the netwrk will be available t turists visiting the archaelgical site in the cming mnths. As they swim ver the ruins, visitrs will use waterprf smart tablets t cmmunicate and t view 3D recnstructins f the ruins.
    "Underwater internet has made mnitring f the archaelgical site simpler and mre efficient," says Davidde. "At the same time, we can ffer the public a new, interactive way t explre the underwater park."
    32. What d we knw abut Baiae?
    A. It was famus fr natural springs.
    B. It is a playgrund fr sprts lvers.
    C. It was destryed by human activity.
    D. It is unattractive t adventurus visitrs.
    33. What is the third paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Applicatins f underwater internet.
    B. Develpment f underwater netwrk.
    C. Challenges f underwater cmmunicatin.
    D. Cnditins f the underwater envirnment.
    34. What is the underwater netwrk capable f ding?
    A. Allwing divers t lcate themselves.
    B. Marking the infrmatin path t the surface.
    C. Bringing new life int submerged Rman ruins.
    D. Making it easier t mnitr archaelgical sites.
    35. What is the purpse f this text?
    A. T explain underwater cmmunicatin.
    B. T analyze the effect f climate change.
    C. T intrduce a new underwater netwrk.
    D. T prmte a new way t explre Baiae.
    Yes, Yu're Addicted t Yur Phne
    When yu wake up in the mrning the first thing yu d is rll ver and lk at yur phne, and the last thing that happens befre yu g t sleep is that yu drp it n yur face as yu lk at gardening YuTube vides until yu cllapse frm exhaustin.
    36 Yu take it with yu t the bathrm and lk at its screen fr hurs a day as life ges n arund yu.
    Yu drpped it in the tilet the ther day as yu scrlled thrugh Instagram. Yu dived int the bwl, rescuing it frm certain disaster as it landed in a (mstly) dry situatin. 37 What t d? Yu knw if yu turn it n it might fry the whle thing. 38 Yu wish yu culd check the internet, but yur sn is n the desktp playing sme game with his friends and yu dn't want t admit that yu drpped it like this. Yu lk up and wnder what t d.
    The anxiety builds as yu suddenly face the prspect f having t deal with yur wn thughts fr the first time in mnths. Yu have... feelings. Bredm. Insecurity. Lneliness. Yur heart rate is up, and yur thughts begin racing. 39 Yu think yu hear the ping that means yu have a new critical piece f infrmatin t cnsume, but it's just the micrwave letting yu knw yur sn's ppcrn is dne.
    What can we d? First, respect the fact that a smartphne and its apps are dangerusly addictive. Mrever, delete scial media apps such as TikTk, Instagram, and Facebk frm yur phne. Yu can lk at them n yur cmputer n yur wn time. 40
    A. But it's wet nw.
    B. In between, yu are glued t it.
    C. Having them s handy is dangerus.
    D. Wasn't there smething abut rice yu heard abut?
    E. Secnd, make plans t stay away frm yur cmputer.
    F. Yu fantasize abut all the critical stuff yu are missing.
    G. Yu make an awkward attempt at cnversatin with yur partner.
    Eric lses his dg, Nva, n a walk. She has pulled the leash (绳子) frm his hand in 41 f a rabbit. He puts up signs, 42 neighbrs, and enlists friends t help search fr Nva, but with n 43 .
    A week later, a beautiful wman named Vanessa shws up at Eric's frnt dr. She has Nva. After Nva and Eric recnnect in a chatic, 44 display f affectin, Eric thanks the wman. They talk fr a while and seem t 45 . Sn, Eric and Vanessa fall in lve.
    A cuple f mnths g by. While driving n his way t pick up Vanessa, Eric is T-bned at full speed by a distracted driver wh 46 a red light. Eric is 47 uncnscius. Later, he finds himself in a hspital. A dctr 48 Eric f what has happened and explains that he has suffered a severe head 49 and that they will need t run a brain scan t 50 if there's any chance f permanent brain damage.
    The next day, the dctr cmes int Eric's rm and tells him they have fund a tumr (肿瘤)in his brain." 51 , we nly catch a tumr after smene realizes smething's wrng when they start t feel the 52 which is almst always t late, but this tumr is caught befre it grws int any ther areas f yur brain, which in almst all cases becmes 53 Eric, this car accident basically saved yur life."
    This 54 f events led Eric t realize that smetimes a 55 culd be a blessing in disguise.
    41.A. pursuitB. memryC. defenseD. cntrl
    42.A. bringsB. ntifiesC. alertsD. encurages
    43.A. answerB. luckC. wnderD. way
    44.A. easy-gingB. far-reachingC. heart-warmingD. ever-lasting
    45.A. check it utB. leave it behindC. pick it upD. hit it ff
    46.A. apprachedB. encunteredC. ranD. sptted
    47.A. knckedB. pushedC. beatenD. carried
    48.A. accusesB. cnvincesC. infrmsD. relieves
    49.A. tumrB. spinC. shtD. injury
    50.A. determineB. reactC. cmpareD. prevent
    51.A. UnexpectedlyB. OccasinallyC. FrtunatelyD. Nrmally
    52.A. accidentB. scarsC. symptmsD. disasters
    53.A. rareB. riginalC. deadlyD. harmless
    54.A. scheduleB. chainC. typeD. cirele
    55.A. chanceB. misfrtuneC. checkupD. belief
    In recent years, the traditinal Chinese card game f guandan 56 (welcme)by Chinese business peple. Nw, it is even being intrduced t children 57 (imprve)their sft skills.
    Accrding t lcal media reprts, 58 lcal educatin grup in Yichang, central Hubei prvince, is planning t add guandan t its curriculum fr primary students 59 has already given each student their wn pack f cards t practice with during the upcming winter break.
    Guandan, 60 literally means "thrwing eggs," is played by fur peple split(分成)int tw teams using tw decks f cards. Bth teams take turns thrwing ut their cards in 61 (vary) set cmbinatins, with the gal f shedding (去除) all their cards befre the ther team.
    The name cmes frm the Chinese wrd fr "egg" 62 (have)the same prnunciatin as "bmb." An 63 (estimate )140 millin peple play the game in China, which riginates frm the eastern Jiangsu prvince.
    Ga Zhenghua, party secretary f Tianwen Educatin Grup, tld lcal media utlet Hubei Daily that the game will imprve students' "thinking ability, 64 (adaptable), resurcefulness, and teamwrk skills."
    Hwever, guandan's increasing assciatins 65 scial netwrking amng business peple have als raised cncerns that the game is inapprpriate fr children t play at an early age.
    Dear Library Staff,
    My name is Li Hua, and I am a student in Class 1, Senir 3.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    "Wha, by," Sarai said, hlding ut a hand t her hrse. "Yu heard what Dad said yesterday. If I can't get this halter(缰绳) n yu tday, we'll have t send yu back t the rescue farm. I dn't want t send yu back. Dn't yu want t stay with me?"
    She searched arund in the bag. Inside were a variety f yummy hrse treats. "Let's try this again, Amadre." Sarai pulled ut an apple-flavred biscuit and held it ut, palm flat. The hrse reached tward her hand with his nse, sniffing her.
    She held her wn breath s as nt t scare him. Anther inch and she culd tuch his silky, sft nse. In her excitement, she rushed it and tk a step frward. Amadre snrted and stumbled back int the far cmer f the stall(马厩).
    She frwned (皱眉) at his respnse t her, brkenhearted.
    "I knw what yur prblem is," a vice said frm the stall dr. Sarai threw a lk ver her shulder, "Wh are yu?"
    "I'm Cdy, the by said, smiling. "And I knw what yur prblem is. It's yur face,"
    "Excuse me?" Sarai's eyebrws hit the rf, and her fists clenched in instant anger. "Hw dare yu!" She turned n her heel t walk ut f the stall, but Cdy called ut t her.
    "N, n. I didn't mean anything bad. Yu're nt ugly r anything. It's yur frwn."
    Sarai frwned at him.
    "Yes, like that," Cdy said, recvering sme f his cheer. "Yu're frwning at Amadre when yu're appraching him."
    Sarai half rlled her eyes. "What des that have t d with anything?"
    "Hw abut we d a little experiment?" Cdy suggested. "Here's the camera. Can yu take tw phts fr me? In ne, I'll flash a big, tthy smile, and in the ther, I'll shw an angry face with my teeth ut."
    A minute later Cdy and Sarai ran ff t print the pictures.
    "Nw," said Cdy, nce they were back at the stall. "I'll shw him the pictures."
    Cdy stepped in, hlding the "happy" pht in frnt f his face like a mask.
    "Are yu ready t try putting the halter n Amadre nw?" Cdy asked.

    重庆市巴蜀中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期适应性月考(七)英语试题: 这是一份重庆市巴蜀中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期适应性月考(七)英语试题,文件包含重庆市巴蜀中学2023-2024学年高三下3月月考英语试题docx、重庆市巴蜀中学2023-2024学年高三下3月月考英语试题pdf、巴蜀中学2024届高考适应性月考卷七英语-答案pdf等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

    重庆市巴蜀中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期适应性月考(七)英语试题: 这是一份重庆市巴蜀中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期适应性月考(七)英语试题,文件包含重庆市巴蜀中学2023-2024学年高三下3月月考英语试题docx、重庆市巴蜀中学2023-2024学年高三下3月月考英语试题pdf、巴蜀中学2024届高考适应性月考卷七英语-答案pdf等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

    重庆市巴蜀中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期适应性月考(七)英语试题: 这是一份重庆市巴蜀中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期适应性月考(七)英语试题,文件包含重庆市巴蜀中学2023-2024学年高三下3月月考英语试题docx、重庆市巴蜀中学2023-2024学年高三下3月月考英语试题pdf、巴蜀中学2024届高考适应性月考卷七英语-答案pdf等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。






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