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    英 语
    1. 答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号在答题卡上填写清楚。
    2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。在试题卷上作答无效。
    3. 考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。满分150分,考试用时120分钟。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What is the best part of Mike's homework?
    A. The grammar. B. The handwriting. C. The story.
    2. Who probably picked the woman's peaches?
    A. Her son. B. The man. C. Her neighbor.
    3. Why does Jim refuse to go camping?
    A. He prefers to stay at home.
    B. He has a project to finish.
    C. He needs to prepare potatoes.
    4. What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A. Boss and secretary.
    B. Receptionist and patient.
    C. Doctor and nurse.
    5. What did the woman do today?
    A. She went shopping.
    B. She took a bus home.
    C. She had her yoga class.
    第二节 (共15 小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听下面一段对话, 回答第6和第7两个小题。
    6. Where does the woman want to go?
    A. The bus station. B. The city center. C. The City Bank.
    7. How will the woman get to her final destination?
    A. On foot. B. By train. C. By taxi.
    听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10 三个小题。
    8. Where does the conversation take place?
    A. On the phone. B. In the bank. C. At the hospital.
    9. Who might be the woman?
    A. A police officer. B. A nurse. C. A cheat.
    10. What happened exactly?
    A. There was a car accident in the morning.
    B. The man didn't have cash with him.
    C. The woman called a wrong number.
    听下面一段对话,回答第11 至第13三个小题。
    11. What are they talking about?
    A. A new movie. B. A famous actor. C. A treasure hunt adventure.
    12. What does the woman like best?
    A. The visual effect. B. The plot. C. The cast.
    13. Why does the man decide to see the movie?
    A. Because of Tom Johnson. B. Because of the woman. C. Because of Michael Wilson.
    听下面一段对话, 回答第14 至第16 三个小题。
    14. What did the woman think lacked freshness?
    A. The fish. B. The rolls. C. The miso soup.
    15. What was the problem with the tofu sushi?
    A. It was not fresh. B. It had a weird taste. C. It tasted like water.
    16. What are the speakers going to do later?
    A. Go back to the company.
    B. Go to their usual sushi place.
    C. Have some dessert to make up.
    听下面一段独白,回答第17 至第20 四个小题。
    17. Where can you buy tickets for Universal Studios Beijing?
    A. From a dining outlet.
    B. From the Fast Pass systems.
    C. From the official website.
    18. What is necessary for you to bring if you visit Universal Studios?
    A. A pair of sneakers. B. Sunglasses. C. The park's regulations.
    19. What is forbidden in the park?
    A. Outside drinks. B. Smoking. C. Snacks.
    20. What can help save some time in queues?
    A. Buying tickets online.
    B. Wearing appropriate footwear.
    C. Making use of fast passes.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)

    Great Apps That'll Make Your Life Easier
    1. Freedom
    One-sentence Benefit: Have a distraction-free workday by blocking websites.
    Freedom prevents the guilty pleasures that we all have of checking our emails, social media, or other websites that distract us from getting things done. What's useful about this productivity app is that you can use it on any of your devices(i. e., mobile, tablet, desktop),and it allows you to schedule blocked-off times ahead of time.
    2. Hemingway App
    One-sentence Benefit: It's basically your personal editor.
    Hemingway has been a dear friend of mine ever since I've started blogging back in 2013.Whenever I write an important post for my blog, I go to Hemingway to make sure my writing is error-free.
    All you have to do is copy and paste your article into Hemingway, and it will analyze your writing from its readability, grammar errors, alternative suggestions, and so on.
    3. Wunderlist
    One-sentence Benefit: Meet the ultimate to-do list organizer.
    I used to have one giant to-do list, where I would write down all of my tasks for the week. It didn't quite occur in my mind that I should be creating different categories within my to-do list,in order to keep it organized and focused, until my friend recommended Wunderlist.
    Now I have over 15 different lists, from personal, work, health, and so on, and it certainly gives me a peace of mind.
    4. News Feed Eradicator
    One-sentence Benefit: Replace your friend's vacation photos with inspirational quotes.
    Scrolling (滚屏) through your Facebook News Feed can be a workout on its own. While I love staying up-to-date with my friends, I haven't felt the need to depend on Facebook to do this.
    While there's no data to back this up, my level of productivity and overall happiness seems to have increased since I've stopped consuming what others are up to, and started focusing on what I want to do.
    21. Which of the following apps can help you organize your tasks?
    A. Freedom. B. Hemingway App.
    C. Wunderlist. D. News Feed Eradicator.
    22. What is an advantage of Hemingway App?
    A. It helps polish your writing.
    B. It increases your reading fluency.
    C. It offers a sample writing for your essay.
    D. It provides you with inspirational quotes.
    23. What do Freedom and News Feed Eradicat or have in common?
    A. They are designed to block posts.
    B. They can improve your efficiency.
    C. They remind you of important tasks.
    D. They can only be used on the computer.

    As a printmaker (版画家), drawing is a tool to make my prints, rather than an end result in itself. I make three kinds of drawing when I am developing a print: observational sketches,composition thumbnails (缩略图) and then what I call the “ design drawing”, which is the final design to transfer onto my block. Here's how all three methods work for me.
    Firstly, I see observational drawing as visual note taking and I take a ma gpie approach to collecting ideas. Sometimes that means an organised sketchbook and special pencils; sometimes I have to beg a pencil from a stranger and use the back of a paper bag. The trick is to take down anything that catches my fancy, even if it is just a couple of lines.
    I am careful to keep this collection of sparks safe—— it often takes me a couple of years to get around to using. an idea, especially some of the more random ones! I regularly scan through my collection, hunting for ideas and often combining several together, old and new, to create a print.
    I then use thumbnail sketches to plan my print's composition and to develop the ideas got from my observational work. I use a soft pencil and cheap paper for this because I am seeking information, not an appealing drawing. Thumbnails help me to run through many options and experiments with little effort, while their very simplicity allows me to check my shapes are good and that I have the right balance of light and dark areas—— the key to a strong composition.
    The final step is to draw the final design as the basis for my print. I always try to develop the image as a whole rather than focusing on fragments, working over the entire drawing very loosely with lots of scribbled (潦草的) pencil lines. Then I edit repeatedly, keeping relevant lines and erasing others, sometimes cropping the work or enlarging it, often sacrificing pleasing details for the good of the whole.
    24. How does the author collect ideas?
    A. By communicating with strangers.
    B. By keeping the sparks in a notebook.
    C. By visiting museums and art galleries.
    D. By recording any possible inspirations.
    25. Which of the following can best describe the author's way of doing composition?
    A. Better to be safe than sorry.
    B. Progress through trial and error.
    C. Always put your best foot forward.
    D. Be slow in choosing, but slower in changing.
    26. Which principle does the author follow in the final step?
    A. Focusing on the overall effect.
    B. Achieving simplicity and harmony.
    C. Working on the details persistently.
    D. Combining different painting styles.
    27. What is the author's purpose in writing the text?
    A. To reveal some tricks in art design.
    B. To share experience in artistic creation.
    C. To discuss the elements of good prints.
    D. To analyze techniques of art expression.

    The conventional wisdom about insects has been that they are unthinking, unfeeling creatures whose behavior is entirely hardwired (天生的). But in the 1990s researchers began making surprising discoveries about insect minds. Some species of wasps (黄蜂) recognize their nest mates’ faces and acquire impressive social skills. For example, they can infer the fighting strengths of other wasps relative to their own just by watching other wasps fight among themselves.
    Given the substantial work on the complexity of insect cognition (认知), it might seem surprising that it took scientists so long to ask whether, if they are that smart, could also be sentient, capable of feeling. Since we have no direct window into the inner world of an animal that cannot verbally communicate its thoughts and feelings, the question of whether insects are sentient remained academic.
    15 years ago, I performed an experiment in which we asked whether bumblebees could learn about t hreat from their natural enemies. We built a plastic spider model with a mechanism that would briefly trap a bumblebee between two sponges before releasing it. The bumblebees showed a significant change in their behavior after being attacked by the robotic spider. Perhaps unsurprisingly, they learned to avoid flowers with spiders and meticulously scanned every flower before landing. Curiously, however, they some times even fled from imaginary threats, scanning and then abandoning a perfectly safe, spider-free flower. Although this incidental observation did not constitute formal ev idence of an emotionlike state, it did open the door to the idea that such states might exist in insects.
    Some research suggested that insects might have positive states of mind. Researchers discovered that bees actively seek out drugs such as nicotin e and caffein e when given the choice and even treat themselves with nicotin e when sick. Male fruit flies stressed by being robbed of mating opportunities prefer food containing alcohol, and bees even show withdrawal symptoms when removed from an alcohol-rich diet.
    Why would insects consume mind-altering substances if there isn't a mind to alter? But these suggestive hints of negative and positive mind states still fell short of what was needed to demonstrate that insects are sentient.
    28. What does the example of the wasps indicate?
    A. Insects show signs of intelligence.
    B. Insects can do complex calculations.
    C. Insects can socialize in a skillful way.
    D. Insects live in highly complex societies.
    29. What does the underlined word“meticulously” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
    A. Hesitantly. B. Casually. C. Eagerly. D. Carefully.

    30. What was unexpected about the bumblebees' behavior in the experiment?
    A. They avoided flowers with spiders.
    B. They settled on flowers despite threats.
    C. They might abandon spider-free flowers.
    D. They might get scared away by other insects.
    31. What does the text mainly discuss?
    A. What insects' various behavior can reveal.
    B. How insects communicate their thoughts.
    C. What amazing powers insects possess.
    D. Whether insects are capable of feeling.

    The scientist's job is to figure out how the world works, to “torture (拷问) ” Nature to reveal her secrets, as the 17th century philosopher Francis Bacon described it. But who are these people in the lab coats(or sports jackets, or T-shirts and jeans) and how do they work? It turns out that there is a good deal of mystery surrounding the mystery-solvers.
    “One of the greatest mysteries is the question of what it is about human beings—— brains,education, culture etc. —— that makes them capable of doing science at all,”said Colin Allen,a cognitive scientist at Indiana University.
    Two vital ingredients seem to be necessary to make a scientist: the curiosity to seek out mysteries and the creativity to solve them.“Scientists exhibit a heightened level of curiosity,”reads a 2007 report on scientific creativity. “They go further and deeper into basic questions showing a passion for knowledge for its own sake.” Max Planck, one of the fathers of quantum physics, once said, the scientist“must have a vivid and intuitive imagination, for new ideas are not generated by deduction(推论), but by an artistically creative imagination.”
    But others disagree with this universal scientific mind. They believe that scientists have special abilities that set them apart. Discovering these abilities may be hard, Allen thinks, as many scientists will be reluctant to reveal them and would prefer to preserve the mystery of creativity, fearing that if it became an object of study it would lose its magic.
    But for Allen, this is all part of a bigger question of what lies behind anyone's behavior.“We are only just beginning to understand how the characteristics of organisms, including ourselves, aren't the fixed products of either genes or of environment/culture, but each of us is the product of a continual interactive process in which we help build the environments that in turn shape us,” he said.
    “As long as our best technology for seeing inside the brain requires subjects to lie nearly motionless while surrounded by a giant magnet, we're only going to make limited pro gress on these questions,” Allen said.
    32. Why does the author mention Max Planck in paragraph 3?
    A. To introduce a famous scientist.
    B. To stress the role of creativity in science.
    C. To compare different views on science.
    33. What do Allen's words in the last two paragraphs suggest?
    A. Human behavior is changeable and unpredictable.
    B. We are passively influenced by our genes and culture.
    C. Our interaction with the environment makes us who we are.
    D. Current technology has revealed a lot about human behavior.
    34. What is Allen's attitude to the current study on the human brain?
    A. Cautious. B. Indifferent. C. Approving. D. Pessimistic.
    35. What is a suitable title for the text?
    A. Who Are The Mystery-solvers
    B. Scientists Are Not Born But Made
    C. Great Mystery: What Makes A Scientist
    D. Solving Mysteries: Inside A Scientist's Mind
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分 12.5分)
    Emotions are inherent (固有的) in the human experience and play a significant role in children's lives. Emotional resilience is a critical component of success, helping children navigate life's inevitable ups and downs. 36 . Parents can try the following steps to help their children develop this power.
    Step 1: Build an emotional toolkit
    Children aren't born knowing how to manage and express difficult feelings, such as anger or hurt. They need to learn about various emotions and what behaviors are acceptable. 37 .When parents openly express their emotions, regardless of whether they are appropriately expressed, children watch; listen, and learn. So, parents should establish healthy emotional habits to serve as a guide for children.
    38 . Some children may seek comfort in hugs, while others prefer physical space. Some may find gentle music soothing (安抚的), while others find it irritating. Parents can assist children in finding emotional resources based on their personality and individual needs.
    Step 2: 39
    Helping children connect with their emotional lives includes all emotions, not just pleasant ones. For instance, well-intentioned adults may say, “Don't be angry” or“There is nothing to be sad about”, but this may shut down the exploration of those feelings rather than addressing them. When this avoidance is repeated, it interferes with the understanding and mastery of difficult emotions.
    Step 3: Help children regulate and co-regulate
    Children often need parents to help them navigate intense emotions. 40 . This process is called“co-regulation,” when one person soothes another.
    Co-regulation does not mean parents should always rush in to“fix” children's discomfort,particularly if they don't want help. Children also need space to work through struggles on their own to build emotional competence.
    A. It is a potential superpower
    B. Accept and validate all emotions
    C. Children learn by observing adults
    D. Be a good parent by always being there
    E. Building an emotional toolkit is no easy task
    F. Finding preferred coping skills is a personal process
    G. They rely on adults' more ma ture nervous systems to find stability
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题 1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    The walk I'd plotted was 22 miles to the coast. It is enough to get the legs 41 and the mind cleared. But the real 42 for me was walking to a definite point in our country's outline.
    I was wondering if I'd have the endurance (耐力) and determination to do it. I am, after all, in my late 40s. I 43 the coast at 7: 00 am. I was, for the day, an arrow. My line of flight was as straight and short as I could make it.
    44 the five-hour mark, I was in a good state of body and mind. The 45 of the usual routine had been eased by daydreams. From this point on, the 46 seemed to change.The banks on either side were larger, and the grasses longer, even though the sea was still miles off.
    Things were getting 47 . Despite feeling like I was nearly “there”, I still had four miles to go. I was hurting, my knees. I 48 the painkillers down with my secret weapon:coffee. Studies have shown caffeine 49 endurance and it kept me going.
    Try as I might, I still couldn't see my walk's end. I could even smell a(n) 50 in the air, but the horizon remained 51 in salt marsh (盐沼地). Then, almost without realizing it, I was “there”.
    Where I had hoped to see the 52 , I saw salt marsh, like the chocolate milkshake of the North Sea!
    Feeling like a bit of a fool, I headed down into the nearest marsh and left my boot prints in the mud. The seven-and-a half-hour walk had hurt my 53 , but I'd acted on an old idea,done it, and 54 it off my list. I was now free to think of new ones and move on, in this dawn of possibilities we all face. Life is too short to let ideas stagnate (停滞); now's the time to turn them to 55 .
    41. A. aching B. relaxing C. bending D. recovering
    42. A. excuse B. move C. draw D. trick
    43. A. settled in B. set about C. arrived at D. left for
    44. A. Recognizing B. Approaching C. Ignoring D. Missing
    45. A. inconvenience B. comfort C. boredom D. peace
    46. A. landscape B. weather C. shape D. spirits
    47. A. flatter B. better C. stranger D. wilder
    48. A. put B. washed C. broke D. cooled
    49. A. reduces B. controls C. boosts D. maintains
    50. A. sweetness B. fragrance C. saltiness D. bitterness
    51. A. updated B. locked C. broadened D. limited
    52. A. sea B. horizon C. land D. forest
    53. A. expectations B. feelings C. arms D. knees
    54. A. crossed B. shown C. shaken D. turned
    55. A. curiosity B. reality C. imagination D. destination
    第二节(共10 小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    A Yunnan snub-nosed monkey named Bailian, or White Face, was a superstar within his troop in Xiangguqing village, Yunnan province. Local people have many 56 (appeal)anecdotes about him.
    The pr imate lived for 30 years, 57 is almost 90 human years. However, in October,Bailian was found dead in the wild.
    In his prime (盛年) 58 a commanding male, he had a large family with four 59 (wife) and three offspring. However, in 2012, he was challenged and defeated by a younger,strong er monkey.
    He 60 (replace) as one of the troop leaders, and all his family members left him,with one 61 (except). A female monkey, 10 years older than Bailian, stayed with him,and 62 male monkey took good care of her until she died in 2016.
    Overwhelmed by grief, Bailian groomed her fur as usual and carried her body with him 63 he moved with the other monkeys in the troop. When forest rangers removed the decaying body,Bailian tried 64 (stop) them —— baring his teeth and howling as if in great pain.
    In 2019, he formed his second family, this time with a 6-year-old female, and 65 (father) an infant the following year.
    However, his happiness was short-lived. In October 2020, Bailian broke his legs in a fight and lost his family once again. Rescued by forest rangers, he resumed his nomadic lifestyle until his death.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1.写作词数应为 80左右;
    A Trashion Show

    It was my sixth-grade year. I was overjoyed when the U. S. Navy band came to perform in our town. It was an event I'd never forget, and one instrument stood out above all others. That day, at 12 years old, I fell in love with the heavenly sound that came from the trumpets (小号),and a dream was born. Someday, I wanted to join a military band onstage as a guest performer.
    My father took notice of my enthusiasm and bought me a used trumpet. I practiced every day, training my lips, mastering my breathing, until I felt at one with the instrument. I made first chair and played trumpet through high school. “Someday I'll play along with a military band,” I told my friends. The details I left to God to figure out, while I pursued a more practical life course. Rather than declaring a performance major in college, I studied to be a music teacher.
    Now I was blessed to be at this military band concert, a magic al after noon that had brought with it a trip down memory lane.
    After the concert, I made my way to the stage to thank Colonel (上校) Carino, the conductor of the military band. When he learned I taught music in town and played trumpet, he invited me to play a trumpet solo(独奏) at their next concert in the park.
    A solo? I couldn't remember the last time I'd taken my trumpet out of its case. I doubted I'd even be able to get a decent note out of it. “Sir, that's impossible. I'm sorry, but there's no way.”
    “In the Army,” the colonel thundered, “you don't say no!”
    I felt scared and trapped. Yet, a lingering thought took root: “Is it possible that life is opening the door to my childhood dream?” I said yes to the invitation. I knew I had to do my part and practiced for hours every day. My lips swelled and then bled.
    注意: 1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
    As time passed, Colonel Carino took an unexpected role in my preparation.
    I stood on stage next to Manuel, my performance partner.

    巴蜀中学2024 届高考适应性月考卷(二)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1~5CAABC6~10BBACB11~15 ABAAB16~20 CCBAC
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    21~25 CABDB26~30ABADC31~35 DBCDC
    第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    36~40 ACFBG
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)
    第一节(共15 小题; 每小题1分,满分 15分)
    41~45 ACDBC46~50 ADBCC51~55 BADAB
    第二节(共10小题: 每小题1.5分,满分 15分)
    56. appealing57. which58. as59. wives60. was replaced
    61. exception62. the63. when/as64. to stop65. fathered
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节(满分 15分)
    A Trashion Show
    Last Saturday, our school auditorium witnessed a hot“trashion”show, a fashion show featuringoutfits made of trash.
    The event was aimed at promoting awareness about the huge amount of waste that we producein our day-to-day lives, much of which sadly goes unrecycled. Numerous students volunteered tomodel for the show. They walked the runway in costumes cleverly put together with discardeditems, ranging from plastic bottles to newspapers.
    The response from the audience was incredibly positive. Not only did the event showcase theremarkable creativity of our peers, but it also served as a powerful reminder for all of us toreconsider our daily consumption habits. After all, a sustainable future is shaped by the daily choiceswe make.

    As time passed, Colonel Carino took an unexpected role in my preparation. Sensing myanxiety,
    he made athoughtful adjustment to the original plan. Rather than facing the solo challenge,I would have
    Manuel, an accomplished trumpet player, as my partner. Every evening after the band’spractice, Colonel
    Carino arrangedfor Manuel to tutor me. Under his supervision and with Manuel’sexpertise, I revisited
    fundamental techniques and honed the skills I’d neglected. Colonel Carino’sunique combination of disci
    Plineand empathy gradually restored my confidence. With each session,I felt more inspired to push beyond
    my boundaries. Before I knew it, the concer t day arrived.
    I stood on stage next to Manuel, my performance partner. The spotlights ca st a warm glowaround us,
    and the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. As the first notes flowed from ourtrumpets, all my nerves
    vanished. Together, Manuel and I played in harmony. Surprisingly,I playedbetter than I had during my best
    practices. As we finished our performance, the crowd leap t to theirfeet, showering us with applause.
    Meeting Colonel Carino’s proud gaze, I was overwhelmed withgratitude. My childhood dream had been real
    ized. Not only had I performed with a military band,but I had also forged memories that I would cherish forever.
    第二部分 阅读
    语篇类型:应用文 主题语境:人与社会
    21. C 理解具体信息。从第三个应用中的“One-sentence Benefit: Meet the ultimate to-do listorganizer. ” 和 “It didn’t quite occur in my mind that I should be creating differentcategories within my to-do list, in order to keep it organized and focused, until my friendrecommended Wunderlist. ”可知 Wunderlist 这一应用可以帮助我们整理任务。
    22. A 理解具体信息。从第二个 app部分的信息“it will analyze your writing from its readability,grammar errors, alternative suggestions, and so on”可知Hemingway App可以帮助我们对文章进行润色。
    23. B 推理判断。从第一个应用的信息“One-sentence Benefit: Have a distraction-free workdayby blocking
    websites. ”和第四个应用的信息“While there's no data to back this up, mylevel of productivity and overall
    happiness seems to have increased since I've stoppedconsuming what others are up to, and started focusing on
    what I want to do. ”可知, 这两个应用的相似之处为都可以帮助我们提高效率。
    语篇类型:记叙文 主题语境:人与社会
    24. D 理解具体信息。 从第二段信息“Sometimes that means an organised sketchbook andspecial pencils; sometimes I have to beg a pencil from a stranger and use the back of apaper bag. The trick is to take down anything that catches my fancy, even if it is just acouple of lines. ”可得知,作者收集想法的做法就是记录下任何可能的创作灵感。
    25. B 推理判断。从文章倒数第二段第一句“I then use thumbnail sketches to plan my print'scomposition and to develop the ideas got from my observational work. ” 以及“Thumbnails help me to run through many options and experiments with little effort, while their very simplicity allows me to check my shapes are good and that I have the rightbalance of light and dark areas —— the key to a strong composition.”得知,使用 thumbnailsketches 可以帮助作者通过多次试验实现更好地构图。
    26. A 理解段落大意。根据文章倒数第一段的信息“I always try to develop the image as a>wholerather than focusing on fragments”和“Then I edit repeatedly, keeping relevant lines anderasing others, sometimes cropping the work or enlarging it, often sacrificing pleasingdetails for the good of the whole.”得知,作者在最后一步遵循的原则是关注整体效果。
    27. B 理解文章写作目的。文章采用的是总分的结构。根据第一段的内容“I make three kindsof drawing when I am developing a print: observational sketches, composition thumbnails(缩略图) and then what I call the ‘design drawing’ , which is the final design to transfer onto my block. Here's how all three methods work for me. ”可得知, 作者分享了一些创作版画的具体做法,所以目的是分享一些艺术创作的经验。
    语篇类型:说明文 主题语境:人与自然
    28. A 推理判断。从第一段第三句“Some species of wasps(黄蜂) recognize their nest mates’ faces and acquire impressive social skills. For example, they can infer the fighting strengthsof other wasps relative to their own just by watching other wasps fight amongthemselves. ”可知,作者用黄蜂举例是为了证明动物具有聪明的大脑。
    29. D 理解词汇。从第三段信息“The bumblebees showed a significant change in their behaviorafter being attacked by the robotic spider. Perhaps unsurprisingly, they learned to avoidflowers with spiders and meticulously scanned every flower before landing. ”可知在遭到蜘蛛机器人的攻击之后,大黄蜂们学会了避开满是蜘蛛的花朵,并且在停歇之前会仔细地查看每一朵花。
    30. C 理解具体信息。根据原文信息“Curiously, however, they sometimes even fled fromimaginary threats, scanning and then abandoning a perfectly safe, spider-free flower. ”可得知,很奇怪的是,大黄蜂们有时候甚至会被想象中的威胁所吓跑,他们查看一圈之后会放弃一朵很安全、没有蜘蛛的花。
    31. D 理解主旨要义。文章第二段第一句“Given the substantial work on the complexity ofinsect cognition (认知), it might seem surprising that it took scientists so long to askwhether, if they are that smart, could also be sentient, capable of feeling. ”为文章的主旨句,所以文章主要探讨动物是否也有感受。
    语篇类型:议论文 主题语境:人与社会
    32. B 推理判断。根据文章的信息可知,作者引用普朗克的话是为了证明科学家需要有丰富的想象力和创造力,因为真正的想法不能靠演绎推理而产生,只能凭借创造力。
    33. C 理解具体信息。根据倒数第二段的信息“We are only just beginning to understand howthe characteristics of organisms, including ourselves, aren't the fixed products of eithergenes or of environment/culture, but each of us is the product of a continual interactiveprocess in which we help build the environments that in turn shape us, ”可得知, Allen认为生物体的特征,包括我们人类自己,并不是基因或者环境/文化的固定产物。我们每个个体都是一种持续地和环境相互影响、相互作用的产物。
    34. D 理解观点态度。根据文章最后一段的内容“As long as our best technology for seeinginside the brain requires subjects to lie nearly motionless while surrounded by a giantmagnet, we're only going to make limited progress on these questions, ”得知, Allen 认为只要我们最好的研究大脑的技术仍然要求受试者躺在那里一动不动,我们在认识这些问题上的进步就会非常有限。
    35. C 理解主旨要义。根据第二段信息“One of the greatest mysteries is the question of what it isabout
    human beings—— brains, education, culture etc.—— that makes them capable of doingscience at
    all, ”及后文内容得知,文章主要探讨了到底是哪些因素造就了科学家。
    语篇类型:说明文 主题语境:人与自我
    36. A 代词“It”指代前文的“Emotional resilience”。
    37. C 承接前文信息“They need to learn about various emotions and what behaviors areacceptable. ”孩子们需要学习,后一句讲孩子们如何学习。
    38. F 考查段落大意。根据后文信息可知,不同的孩子可能会喜欢不同的方式,所以找到自己喜欢的应对负面情绪的方式的过程是因人而异的。
    39. B 文段第一句就提出了主旨大意。家长需要教会孩子接纳所有的情绪,包括负面的情绪。
    40. G 本句承上启下。前一句讲孩子们需要父母帮助他们处理好非常激烈的情绪,空格处就该写如何帮助。且后一句讲到了这个过程叫作“co-regulation”,也就是孩子依靠父母更成熟的神经系统要求到一种情绪稳定的过程。
    第三部分 语言运用
    语篇类型:记叙文 主题语境:人与自我
    41.A 考查形容词。根据下文的“I was hurting, my knees. ”可知“It is enough to get the legsaching” 。 故选 A。
    42.C 考查名词。根据后文“walking to a definite point in our country’s outline”,可知作者是在表达远足的吸引力是想走到祖国的边界上去。故选C。
    43. D 考查短语。 根据后文“I was, for the day, an arrow. (我是一支箭) ”, 可知作者是早上7:00出发。故选 D。
    44. B 考查动名词。句意:快到五小时的时候,我的身心状态都很好。故选 B。
    45. C 考查名词。句意:无聊被白日梦缓解。故选C。
    46. A 考查名词。根据后文,可知是风景地貌发生了变化。故选A。
    47. D 考查形容词。根据前文,可知作者越来越接触到的是荒野。故选 D。
    48. B 考查动词搭配。此处译为用咖啡吞服止疼药,故选B。
    49. C 考查动词。根据上下文,此句译为“研究表明,咖啡因能增强耐力,让我坚持下去”,故选C.
    50. C 考查名词。根据上下文,作者离海边越来越近,甚至能闻到到空气中的咸味,故选C。
    51. B 考查形容词。根据前文,作者期望着能走到海边,但目之所及一直是盐沼地,故选 B。
    52. A 考查名词。根据上题,作者是想看到大海的。故选A。
    53. D 考查名词。根据前文,长途跋涉后, 作者的膝盖很疼。故选D。
    54. A 考查动词搭配。根据上下文,此句译为“我完成一个计划已久的想法,做完了,就把它从我的清单上划掉”。故选A。
    55. B 考查名词。根据上下文,此句译为“是时候将这些想法变成现实了”。故选B。
    语篇类型:新闻报道 主题语境:人与自然
    56. appealing 考查形容词。此处应用形容词 appealing 修饰名词“anecdotes”。
    57. which 考查定语从句。先行词是“30 years”,在从句中作主语, 由关系副词which 引导。
    58. as 考查介词。此处as用作介词,表示“作为”。
    59. wives 考查名词的复数。此处 wife 应用复数 wives。
    60. was replaced 考查动词的时态语态。根据此句中“left”的时态可知应用一般过去时,根据句意“被取代”,故使用被动语态。
    61. exception 考查名词。此处句意为“有一个例外”, except应使用名词形式。
    62. the 考查冠词。“the male”特指白脸。
    63. when/as 考查连词。此处引导时间状语从句。
    64. to stop 考查非谓语动词。此处表示白脸试图阻止他们, try to do sth. 故应使用不定式。
    65. fathered 考查动词。此处 father 作动词,意为“成为……的父亲”,根据词句时态应使用一般过去时。
    Text 1
    W: Mike, look at your handwriting! It is nothing if not awful! And you should concentrate on yourexpressions, please.
    M: Sorry, Miss Green. I will improve my work. Did I make any grammar mistakes?
    W: Only a few, and your story is fantastic.
    Text 2
    W: Someone must have stolen fruit from my garden. Nearly all my peaches were gone. Have youseen anyone around
    my garden?
    M: No, but I saw your son selling peaches outside the cinema this afternoon. And your neighborCharles bought some and said they taste good.
    Text 3
    W: Hi, Jim. What is your plan on Saturday?
    M: Well, I have a project to finish, but I guess I can handle it by Friday night.
    W: Well, what about going camping by the lake?
    M: You know, camping is the last thing I'd choose for a weekend. I'd rather be a couch potato.
    Text 4
    M: Hi, I would like to make an appointment to see Doctor Lee tomorrow.
    W: Sure, we have slots available at 3: 00 PM or 4: 30 PM. Which one would you prefer?
    Text 5
    M: Where is the beer you promised to buy this morning?
    W: My car is not allowed on the roads today, so I had my Yoga class instead today.
    Text 6
    W: Excuse me, can you help me find the nearest train station?
    M: Of course! Where are you trying to go?
    W: I want to go to the city center.
    M: Alright. You can take the green line train from the station two blocks down and it will take youdirectly to the city center. The station is called Downtown Station.
    W: Thank you so much! Is it within walking distance?
    M: Yes, it's about a 10-minute walk from here. Just head straight down this street, then turn leftwhen you see the City Bank, and you'll see it on your right.
    W: Got it. Thanks again for your help!
    M: No problem. Have a safe trip!
    Text 7
    W: Is this Joe Brian?
    M: Yes, it is.
    W: Mr. Brian, this is the police calling from the Centre Hospital. Your son was bad ly hurt in a caraccident this morning, and is having an operation now.
    M: Oh! Oh no! My god! What should I do?
    W: Mr. Brian, Aisten to me. You need to come to the hospital now and bring your ID and cash.
    M: Oh, yes, right, cash. But I don't have cash with me now.
    W: Then take your credit card. Just come to the hospital right now! Your son needs you!
    M: Oh, right, my son! Wait, I just got married last week. I don't even have a son.
    W: Sorry, wrong number. By the way, Mr. Brian, I almost for got to ask, what’s your bank accountnumber and your online banking password? Just in case I need to, uh, help you out in the future.
    W: Hey, have you watched the new movie“The Lost Treasure”?
    M: No, I haven't. Is it any good?
    W: Oh, you have to watch it!It's an adventure-packed film with incredible visual effects. Whatattracts me most is its engaging plot. The storyline is captivating!
    M: Really? What's it about?
    W: It follows a group of treasure hunters who embark on a dangerous journey to find a long-losttreasure hidden in a remote island. Along the way, they encounter thrilling obstacles andunexpected twists.
    M: That sounds exciting! Who are the main actors?
    W: Well, the lead role is played by Tom Johnson, who is known for his amazing action sequences.He does a phenomenal job in this movie. The supporting ca st is also impressive, with talentedactors like Emily Stone and Michael Wilson.
    M: I'm a fan of Tom Johnson's work. He always delivers great performances. I'll definitely checkout this movie.
    Text 9
    W: Wow, that lunch was quite disappointing, don't you think?
    M: I agree, I was expecting so much more from that sushi place.
    W: The rolls lacked flavor and creativity, the rice was so dry and I couldn't even taste the freshnessof the fish. It felt like they had prepared it hours ago.
    M: And the miso soup? It was so watered down. I barely tasted anything.
    W: Yeah, I guess it was definitely lacking that rich, savory flavor that I usually love in miso soup.
    M: True!I had high hopes for their tofu sushi, but it was tasteless and had a weird taste.
    W: Honestly, I think we should have gone to our usual sushi place. Their quality and taste are farsuperior.
    M: I completely agree. Let's not waste our time and money on this place again. Lesson learned.
    W: Well, at least we had each other's company. Let's try to make up for this lunch with some gooddessert.
    M: Absolutely, that's a great idea. We can't let this disappointing lunch ruin our day.
    Text 10
    When visiting Universal Studios Beijing, there are a few important things to keep in mind for asmooth and enjoyable experience. First of all, it's always advisable to purchase your tickets inadvance to avoid long queues. You can buy tickets online or through authorized ticket outlets.Secondly, dress comfortably and wear appropriate footwear as you will be doing a lot of walkingthroughout the park. Don't forget to bring sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses to protect yourself fromthe sun. Then, be mindful of the park's rules and regulations as outside food and drinks are notallowed inside the park. However, there are numerous dining options available throughout the parkwhere you can enjoy a variety of delicious meals and snacks. Smoking is only permitted indesignated areas. Lastly, make use of the park's Fast Pass systems to minimize wait times forpopular rides. The passes can be purchased separately and will allow you to enjoy more attractionswithout spending excess time in queues. By keeping these tips in mind, you can have a memorableexperience at Universal Studios Beijing. Enjoy your visit!

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