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    It’s quite hard t make a list f the mst beautiful cities t visit in Italy, as every city in Italy has its wn lk and unique atmsphere. Hwever sme f them are mre ppular than the thers. And here is the list f them.
    Venice, a unique city built ver the water, is ne f Italy’s mst beautiful and rmantic cities. The heart f Venice is Piazza San Marc with its magnificent church, Saint Mark’s Basilica. Wandering alng Venice’s canals and getting lst in its narrw streets must be appealing. Venice is in the nrtheast f Italy and histrically was a bridge between East and West.
    Milan, ne f Eurpe’s wealthiest cities, is knwn fr stylish shps, galleries and restaurants 1t als has a rich artistic and cultural heritage. Its Gthic Dum, with its beautiful marble facade (大理石外墙), is magnificent. Da Vinci’s painting The Last Supper, which is in Santa Maria Delle Grazie, is ne f Milan’s tp attractins.
    Naples is ne f Italy’s mst lively cities. It lies n the cast suth f Rme and is the mst imprtant city in suthern Italy. Naples keeps much f its Barque character and is a staring pint fr trips t Pmpeii, Herculaneum, and the Amalfi Cast. It hlds many histrical and artistic treasures, and is famus fr its pizza and desserts!
    Blgna is knwn fr its beauty, wealth and fd. Its flat streets are lined with arcades (拱廊), making it a gd walking city in every kind f weather. Blgna is the biggest city in nrthern Italy’s Emilia Rmagna regin and its Piazza Maggire is ne f the biggest squares in Eurpe. Even amng Italians, it’s cnsidered the cking capital f the cuntry.
    1、Hw des Venice differ frm ther cities in Italy accrding t the article?
    A.Its streets are lined with arcades.
    B.It’s a city built ver the water.
    C.It is a starting pint fr trips t Pmpeii.
    D.It has a rich artistic and cultural heritage.
    2、Where can turists appreciate The Last Supper?
    A.In La Scala.B.In Gthic Dum.
    C.In Saint Mark’s Basilica.D.In Santa Maria Delle Grazie.
    3、What d Naples and Blgna have in cmmn?
    A.They are famus fr fd.B.They are the capitals f fashin.
    C.They are lcated in nrthern Italy.D.They have famus pera huses.
    She was walking at eight mnths and cmpleting 100-piece jigsaw puzzles at 15 mnths. S it is n surprise that Abigail Wilsn, 15, frm Cnnecticut, USA, recently made histry when she became the yungest black female ever accepted int an American university! “I’m prud f myself fr getting in, but I usually find it hard t get excited. It is pretty cl, I guess,” said Abigail.
    Her mther, Nancy, said that Abigail was a quiet baby, brn tw weeks late n Christmas Day. She didn’t speak her first wrds until she was 22 mnths ld. Nancy and her husband thught smething must be wrng, but when she started t talk, it was with perfect speech. Her parents read her nrmal bedtime stries and they didn’t knw at the time that she was learning all f it.
    Abigail has always been the yungest persn in her class. At the age f six, she was in the furth grade; at eight, she began taking classes at an Internatinal Baccalaureate (国际中学毕业会考) prgram, and at ten, she tk her first high schl class in math. She has studied several languages, including Spanish, French, Chinese, Russian, Arabic and German.
    Abigail says that she desn’t usually plan when she studies. She cnsiders herself scatterbrained. And she always delays things up t the last minute — this, she says, gives her the mtivatin t really d smething.
    In her free time, Abigail plays hckey and basketball, brwses the Internet, reads, cks and hangs ut with her friends (they are all 17 and 18 years ld). She has als studied music. Her mther says that Abigail’s music lessns have helped her t be a nrmal teen. She believes that Abigail needs t be in a situatin where she has t fail in rder t learn. “She finds playing the pian t be very difficult, but it has made her learn better,” said Nancy. “She can’t always be successful, r she wn’t learn anything! Peple always learn mre frm their failures than frm their successes.”
    4、Abigail spke her first wrd when she was ______.
    A.15 mnths ldB.22 mnths ldC.17 mnths ldD.18 mnths ld
    5、Why des Abigail’s mther think learning t play the pian is gd fr Abigail?
    A.Because Abigail can make new friends.
    B.Because Abigail can learn smething frm failure.
    C.Because Abigail can learn t play a musical instrument.
    D.Because Abigail can be mtivated and d things quickly.
    6、Which f the fllwing statements is TRUE?
    A.Almst all f Abigail’s classmates are lder than her.
    B.Abigail’s parents read very difficult stries t her in rder t make her a genius.
    C.Abigail started taking classes at an Internatinal Baccalaureate prgram at the age f ten.
    D.Abigail made histry because she became the yungest ever t enter an American university.
    7、Which f the fllwing titles is the mst suitable fr the article?
    A.Rads t SuccessB.Universities in America
    C.Abigail — a Genius GirlD.Difficulty f Making Mistakes
    One day, King Sisyphus f Crinth was trying t slve the city’s fresh water prblem. He happened t lk up and saw Zeus fly by. The king f gds was carrying a lvely river spirit (小精灵) in his arms.
    “That Zeus,” sighed (叹气) King Sisyphus. “What a truble-maker!”
    Sn after, the river gd Aspus flew by. “Sisyphus! Have yu seen my daughter?” he asked.
    “If yu give my city a surce f fresh water, I will tell yu what I saw,” King Sisyphus shuted back. Immediately, a clear stream (水流) f fresh water appeared.
    “Zeus tk her that way,” the king pinted.
    The king knew Zeus wuld be angry when he fund ut what he had dne. But Crinth badly needed a surce f fresh water. And finally, it had ne.
    Sure enugh, Zeus was very angry. He tld his brther Hades (the gd f the underwrld) t take Sisyphus t the underwrld immediately!
    “When they tell yu I am dead, d nt put a gld cin under my tngue,” King Sisyphus said quietly t his wife. As a gd wife, she did exactly as the king had tld her.
    Because Sisyphus was an imprtant persn, Hades himself met him at the River Styx, the entrance t the underwrld. Because n gld cin was placed under his tngue(舌头), the king arrived as a pr beggar.
    “Where is yur gld cin?” Hades asked. “Hw can yu pay fr a trip acrss the River Styx and arrive in the underwrld?”
    King Sisyphus hung his head in shame. “I had a terrible wife. She didn’t give me anything after I had died.”
    “G right back there and teach that wman sme manners!” Hades raised his vice. He then sent Sisyphus back t Earth. The king became alive again.
    Sisyphus and his wife laughed when he tld her abut the experience. But he never tld it t anyne else. Yu never knw when the gds are listening!
    8、What was Sisyphus was ding when Zeus flew by with a river spirit?
    A.Rebuilding Crinth.B.Chatting with his wife.
    C.Asking Aspus fr help.D.Lking fr a surce f water.
    9、What did Zeus decide t d when he knew what Sisyphus had dne?
    A.Zeus decided t destry Crinth.B.Zeus decided t end Sisyphus’ life.
    C.Zeus decided t make Crinth drier.D.Zeus decided t kill Sisyphus’ wife.
    10、What did ne need in rder t crss the River Styx, accrding t the article,?
    A.A gd wife.B.A glden bat.C.Sme mney.D.Sme water.
    11、Which f the fllwing statements is the mst prbable ending f the stry?
    A.Sisyphus lived happily with his wife.
    B.Sisyphus taught his wife sme manners.
    C.Sisyphus was sent t the underwrld again.
    D.Sisyphus had t find a fresh water surce again.
    The pyramids f Giza(吉萨金字塔) have been timeless(永恒的) symbls f Egyptian culture. But wh actually built them? Fr years, we did nt knw fr sure. But recently an ancient village was discvered near the pyramids. Clse by, there was a cemetery(墓地) where pyramid builders were buried. Frm studying these places, archelgists are nw certain that the pyramids were nt built by slaves r freigners (r aliens!). Instead, rdinary Egyptians built them.
    It tk abut eighty years t build the pyramids. Accrding t archelgists, abut 20,000 t 30,000 peple tk part in the task. The wrkers had different rles. Sme were respnsible fr digging up the rcks that were t be used. Others were tasked with mving them, while anther grup was given the jb f shaping them int blcks. Peple als wrked n different teams, each with its wn name. These teams wuld ften cmpete against each ther t d a jb faster.
    Life fr these wrkers was hard. “We can see that in their skeletns,” says Azza Mhamed Sarry El-Din, a scientist wh has been studying the bdies that were fund in the cemetery. The bnes shw signs f arthritis (关节炎), which prbably develped as a result f having t carry heavy things fr a lng time. Archelgists have als fund many female skeletns in the cemetery. The damage t their bnes is similar t that f the men. Their lives may have been even tugher. Male wrkers wuld n average live t be between the ages f 40 and 45, but wmen wuld nly live t be between the ages f 30 and 35. Hwever, wrkers usually had enugh fd, and they als had gd medical care when they gt sick r hurt.
    The wrk was hard, but the labrers were prud f their wrk. On a wall in Khufu’s Great Pyramid, fr example, a grup f wrkers wrte Friends f Khufu. “It’s because they were nt just building the tmb f their king,” says Egyptian archelgist Zahi Hawass. “They were building Egypt. It was a natinal prject, and everyne was a participant.”
    12、Accrding t the latest discveries in the text, wh built the pyramids in Egypt?
    A.Sme freigners.B.Sme aliens.
    C.Sme rdinary Egyptians.D.Sme slaves.
    13、The underlined wrd “archelgist” (in paragraph 1) prbably means “a persn wh studies ______.”
    A.ancient scietiesB.living things
    C.human behavirD.the uter space
    14、What can we knw abut the pyramid builders frm the last paragraph?
    A.The pyramid builders were lking fr new friends.
    B.The pyramid builders were very angry with their bsses.
    C.The pyramid builders were satisfied with their achievements.
    D.The pyramid builders were in truble because f their bad behavir.
    15、What part f the magazine is the passage prbably taken frm?
    C.Persnal Feelings.D.Scientific Research.
    16、Fun Ways t Learn English Faster
    Sme peple find it easy t learn English while thers have truble learning it. Hw can yu help yurself lean English? ①_________
    ·Read, read, read.
    One f the easiest things yu can d t learn English faster is t read as much as yu can. ②_________ This will make yur vcabulary better and it will als help yu learn grammar and slang.
    ·Watch mvies.
    Watching mvies will als help yu imprve yur English, by helping yu t hear what it sunds like and als helping yu t learn new wrds. ③_________Once yu have a basic vcabulary, try t keep the subtitles (字幕) ff and fcus n listening fr the wrds yu d knw and guessing the wrds yu dn’t knw frm what is happening n the screen.
    ·Sing sngs.
    Learning and singing sngs is anther gd way t make yur English better. ④_________ It will als help increase yur vcabulary. Find a sng yu like, learn it, and learn what the lyrics mean.
    Yu can als just make friends with English language speakers nline and chat, email, and Skype tgether in rder t practise yur English. Yu can talk abut whatever yu want! Yu can find nline friends by jining fan cmmunities r thrugh language-learning cmmunities.
    A.Make a friend.
    B.Jin a fan cmmunity.
    C.Read things all the time.
    D.Yu can start watching with subtitles n.
    E.This will help yu imprve yur prnunciatin.
    F.Newspapers are a gd way t learn the basics f a language.
    G.Here are several tips t make it a little easier and mre interesting t learn English.
    I jined a language exchange prgram nline last year and had the chance t meet Lucy, a girl frm England. We gradually became 1 with each ther. At first, it was 2 t talk t smene I had never met befre, but as time went by, ur cnversatins cntinued 3 .
    Being a teenager culd be challenging, but having smene like Lucy, wh 4 me even frm thusands f miles away, made it easier. Hwever, little did I knw that she had been fighting with depressin fr many years. When she finally pened up and shared her 5 with me, I was bth shcked and grateful that she 6 me enugh t tell me that.
    Frm that day n, I tried t 7 her regularly and encuraged her t seek prfessinal help. Finally, Lucy started seeing a dctr, and then she made prgress in 8 her cnditin. But later, with increased learning tasks, we bth became 9 , s ur cnversatins became less frequent. One Sunday night, I surfed the Internet and fund that Lucy had cleaned up all her scial media psts. I was anxius and tried t 10 her, but there was n respnse. I cmpletely 11 her. Weeks turned int mnths, and I gave up the 12 f hearing frm her again. Surprisingly, Lucy sent me an email ne day. In her message, she aplgised and explained her sudden 13 . Als, she thanked me fr my help during her darkest mments. Her wrds tuched my heart, and I realized the influence ur 14 had made n bth f us.
    Even thugh we are 15 by distance and time znes, ur friendship remains strng and cntinues t thrive.
    17、A. angryB. strictC. disappintedD. familiar
    18、A. strangeB. inspiringC. luckyD. wise
    19、A. secretlyB. naturallyC. helplesslyD. dubtfully
    20、A. supprted B. respectedC. judgedD. surveyed
    21、A. adventure B. struggleC. suggestinD. perfrmance
    22、A. prtected B. satisfiedC. trustedD. influenced
    23、A. search fr B. cmmunicate withC. turn dwnD. depend n
    24、A. frgetting B. prvingC. explainingD. managing
    25、A. busierB. smarterC. weakerD. safer
    26、A. encurage B. praiseC. cntactD. accept
    27、A. std fr B. kept away frm C. tk afterD. lst track f
    28、A. hpeB. traditinC. chiceD. risk
    29、A. instructin B. absenceC. failureD. cmment
    30、A. persnality B. cnfidenceC. creativityD. cnnectin
    31、A. warnedB. cheatedC. separatedD. surprised
    32、In mdern sciety, many traditinal Chinese festivals are becming less and less ppular. Hwever, these traditinal festivals are an imprtant part f Chinese culture, ①_____________teach us a lt abut ur natin’s histry. S we must prtect and maintain them. The Dragn Bat Festival, fr example, ②_____________ (celebrate) in hnur f Qu Yuan, ③_____________great pet living in the Warring States perid f ancient China. Prmting traditinal festivals④_____________ (help) t spread such knwledge abut ur natinal histry. Mrever, traditinal festivals enable us⑤_____________ (learn) mre abut fine Chinese values. The full mn n the festival is cnsidered t stand fr family tgetherness and family members will cme back hme even if they live very far away.
    By⑥_____________ (bserve) these festivals, yunger generatins learn t hnur fine Chinese values. ⑦_____________ (final), traditinal festivals are a surce f natinal pride and help shape ur natinal identity. Traditinal festivals tell us wh we are and fill us with pride in being Chinese and they have a great impact⑧_____________millins f peple wh want t learn⑨_____________ (much) abut China. Traditinal festivals have been passed dwn t us frm previus generatins. Every ne f us shuld have a strng sense f⑩_____________ (respnsible) t prtect them fr the future generatins.
    33、假如你是高一学生李华,你校英语阅读社 (English Reading Club)正在招募(recruit) 新成员,你非常渴望加入。请你用英语写一封申请信,内容包括:
    1. 写信目的;
    2. 加入英语阅读社的原因;
    3. 希望获准。
    Dear Sir/ Madam,
    My name is Li Hua, a freshman in ur schl.
    Li Hua
    After filling ut fifty applicatins, ging thrugh fur interviews, and winning ne ffer, I tk what I culd get — a teaching jb at what I cnsidered a distant wild area: western New Jersey. My characteristic ptimism was alive nly when I reminded myself that I wuld be ding what I had wanted t d since I was furteen — teaching English.
    Schl started. I was teaching English. I wrked hard, taking time ff nly t eat and sleep. And then there was my sixth-grade class wh were nly six years yunger than me. I was struggling in my wrk as a yung idealistic teacher. I wanted t make literature cme alive and t prmte a lve fr the written wrd. The students wanted t thrw spitballs (纸团)and whisper dirty wrds in the back f the rm.
    In cllege, I had been taught that a successful educatr shuld ignre bad behavir. S I did, cnfident that, as the textbk had said, the bad behavir wuld disappear as I gave my students psitive attentin. But in fact, humans, particularly teenagers, rarely seem reasnable. By the time my bss, wh was als my taskmaster, knwn t be the strictest, mst demanding, mst quick t fire inexperienced teachers, came int the classrm t bserve me, the students exhibited very little gd behavir t praise.
    My bss sat in the back f the rm. The bys in the class were making animal nises, hitting each ther while the girls filed their nails r read magazines. I just pretended it all wasn’t happening and went n lecturing and tried t ask sme inspiring questins. My bss, sitting in the back f the rm, seemed t be grwing bigger and bigger. After twenty minutes, he left silently. Visins f unemplyment marched befre my eyes. I felt mildly prud that I gt thrugh the rest f class withut crying, but at my next free perid, I had t face him.
    Paragraph 1:
    After class, I walked t his ffice, tk a deep breath and pened the dr.
    Paragraph 2:
    Inspired by his advice, I walked tward the classrm, determined t make a change.
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Venice, a unique city built ver the water, is ne f Italy’s mst beautiful and rmantic cities.(威尼斯是一座独特的水上城市,是意大利最美丽、最浪漫的城市之一)”可知,威尼斯与意大利其他城市的不同在于是一座建在水上的城市。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“Da Vinci’s painting The Last Supper, which is in Santa Maria Delle Grazie, is ne f Milan’s tp attractins.(达芬奇的画作《最后的晚餐》是米兰最吸引人的景点之一,收藏在Santa Maria Delle Grazie美术馆)”可知,在Santa Maria Delle Grazie可以欣赏到《最后的晚餐》故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“It hlds many histrical and artistic treasures, and is famus fr its pizza and desserts!(它拥有许多历史和艺术珍品,并以披萨和甜点而闻名!)”以及最后一段“Blgna is knwn fr its beauty, wealth and fd.(博洛尼亚以其美丽、财富和美食而闻名)”可知,那不勒斯和博洛尼亚的共同之处是都以食物闻名。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“She didn’t speak her first wrds until she was 22 mnths ld. (她直到22个月大的时候才会说第一句话)”可知,Abigail在22个月的时候说了第一句话。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Her mther says that Abigail’s music lessns have helped her t be a nrmal teen. She believes that Abigail needs t be in a situatin where she has t fail in rder t learn. “She finds playing the pian t be very difficult, but it has made her learn better,” said Nancy. (她的母亲说,Abigail的音乐课帮助她成为一个正常的青少年。她认为Abigail需要经历失败才能学习。“她发现弹钢琴很难,但这使她学得更好,”Nancy说)”可知,母亲认为学习弹钢琴对Abigail有好处是因为她可以经历失败,从中学到一些东西。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Abigail has always been the yungest persn in her class. (Abigail一直是班上最年轻的学生)”可知,A项“Abigail的同学几乎都比她大”与文意相符。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段“One day, King Sisyphus f Crinth was trying t slve the city’s fresh water prblem. He happened t lk up and saw Zeus fly by. The king f gds was carrying a lvely river spirit (小精灵) in his arms.(一天,科林斯国王Sisyphus 试图解决城市的淡水问题。他碰巧抬头看见宙斯飞过。众神之王怀里抱着一个可爱的河神。)”可知众神之王怀里抱着一个可爱的河神飞过时King Sisyphus正在寻找水源。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第七段“Sure enugh, Zeus was very angry. He tld his brther Hades (the gd f the underwrld) t take Sisyphus t the underwrld immediately!(果然,宙斯非常生气。他告诉他的兄弟Hades (冥界之神)立即把Sisyphus带到冥界!)”可知宙斯得知Sisyphus所做的事情后决定让冥界之神处死Sisyphus。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第十段“ “Where is yur gld cin?” Hades asked. “Hw can yu pay fr a trip acrss the River Styx and arrive in the underwrld?”(“你的金币在哪儿?”阎王问。“你怎么能付得起穿越冥河到达阴间的旅费呢?”)”可知为了穿越 冥河一个人要有一些钱。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段““G right back there and teach that wman sme manners!” Hades raised his vice. He then sent Sisyphus back t Earth. The king became alive again.(“马上回去,给那个女人点规矩!”Hades提高了嗓门。然后他把Sisyphus送回了地球。国王又活过来了。)”以及最后一段“Sisyphus and his wife laughed when he tld her abut the experience. (当Sisyphus 告诉他的妻子这段经历时,他们都笑了。)”可知故事最可能的结局是Sisyphus又活了过来并且与妻子幸福地生活在一起。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中“Frm studying these places, archelgists are nw certain that the pyramids were nt built by slaves r freigners (r aliens!). Instead, rdinary Egyptians built them.”(通过对这些地方的研究,考古学家现在确信金字塔不是由奴隶或外国人(或外星人)建造的。相反,是普通的埃及人建造了它们。)可知,一些普通的埃及人建造了埃及的金字塔。故选C项。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段中“But recently an ancient village was discvered near the pyramids. Clse by, there was a cemetery(墓地) where pyramid builders were buried.”(但最近在金字塔附近发现了一个古老的村庄。附近有一个墓地,金字塔建造者就埋葬在那里。)可知,archelgists走访古村落,去发现古时候的东西,了解古文化,由此可知,archelgist指的是“研究古代社会的人”,即考古学家。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“The wrk was hard, but the labrers were prud f their wrk. On a wall in Khufu’s Great Pyramid, fr example, a grup f wrkers wrte Friends f Khufu. “It’s because they were nt just building the tmb f their king,” says Egyptian archelgist Zahi Hawass. “They were building Egypt. It was a natinal prject, and everyne was a participant.””(工作很辛苦,但工人们为他们的工作感到自豪。例如,在胡夫大金字塔的一面墙上,一群工人写着“胡夫之友”。埃及考古学家Zahi Hawass说:“这是因为他们不仅仅是在为他们的国王建造坟墓。”“他们在建设埃及。这是一个全国性的项目,每个人都是参与者。”)可知,从最后一段我们可以知道金字塔建造者对他们的成就感到满意。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章大意以及第一段“The pyramids f Giza(吉萨金字塔) have been timeless(永恒的) symbls f Egyptian culture. But wh actually built them? Fr years, we did nt knw fr sure. But recently an ancient village was discvered near the pyramids. Clse by, there was a cemetery(墓地) where pyramid builders were buried. Frm studying these places, archelgists are nw certain that the pyramids were nt built by slaves r freigners (r aliens!).Instead, rdinary Egyptians built them.”(吉萨金字塔一直是埃及文化永恒的象征。但到底是谁建造的呢?多年来,我们都不确定。但最近在金字塔附近发现了一个古老的村庄。附近有一个墓地,金字塔建造者就埋葬在那里。通过对这些地方的研究,考古学家现在确信金字塔不是由奴隶或外国人(或外星人)建造的。相反,是普通的埃及人建造了它们。)可知,文章主要讲的是金字塔是由谁建造的,一直以来都是个谜。现在,考古学家们通过研究发现确信金字塔不是由奴隶或外国人(或外星人)建造的。相反,是普通的埃及人建造了它们。由此可知,这是一篇关于科学考古类的文章,所以可推知,这篇文章可能取杂志的科学研究部分。故选D项。
    解析:①根据上文“Sme peple find it easy t learn English while thers have truble learning it. Hw can yu help yurself lean English?(有些人觉得学英语很容易,而另一些人却觉得很难。如何帮助自己学习英语?)”以及文章主要向我们介绍了几种快乐学英语的方法。故G选项“这里有几个小贴士可以让学习英语变得更容易、更有趣”符合语境,故选G。
    ②根据上文“One f the easiest things yu can d t learn English faster is t read as much as yu can.(为了更快地学习英语,最简单的事情之一就是尽可能多地阅读)”可知,上文提到了多阅读,说明阅读可以有助于学英语。而C项“一直读东西”符合语境,其中Read 与前文对应。故选C。
    ③根据后文“Once yu have a basic vcabulary, try t keep the subtitles ff and fcus n listening fr the wrds yu d knw and guessing the wrds yu dn’t knw frm what is happening n the screen.(一旦你掌握了基本的词汇,试着关掉字幕,专注于听你知道的单词,并根据屏幕上发生的事情猜测你不知道的单词)”可知,后文提到了掌握了基本的词汇,就根据屏幕上发生的事情猜测你不知道的单词,故本句是建议看字幕情况下看电影。而D项“你可以打开字幕开始观看”符合语境,与后文形成转折关系,其中subtitles 与后文对应。故选D。
    ④根据后文“It will als help increase yur vcabulary. Find a sng yu like, learn it, and learn what the lyrics(歌词)mean.(这也有助于增加你的词汇量。找到一首你喜欢的歌,学习它,并了解歌词的含义)”可知,本句主要在说明唱歌的好处,故E项“这将帮助你提高发音”符合语境,其中This will help 与后文It will als help 对应。故选E。
    ⑤根据后文“Yu can als just make friends with English language speakers nline and chat, email, and Skype tgether in rder t practise yur English. Yu can find nline friends by jining fan cmmunities r thrugh language-learning cmmunities.(你也可以在网上和说英语的人交朋友,一起聊天、发电子邮件和Skype,练习英语。你可以通过加入粉丝社区或通过语言学习社区找到在线朋友)”可知,本段的主旨是通过交友来提高英语。而A项“交个朋友”符合语境,其中Make a friend与后文 make friends对应。故选A。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们渐渐熟悉了彼此。A. angry生气的;B. strict严格的;C. disappinted失望的;D. familiar熟悉的。根据后文“as time went by, ur cnversatins cntinued”可知,对话继续了下去,两人渐渐熟悉了,故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:起初,和一个我从未见过的人说话很奇怪,但随着时间的流逝,我们的谈话自然地继续着。A. strange奇怪的;B. inspiring鼓舞人心的;C. lucky幸运的;D. wise明智的。根据后文“t talk t smene I had never met befre”以及常识,和一个从未见过的人说话很奇怪。故选A。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:起初,和一个我从未见过的人说话很奇怪,但随着时间的流逝,我们的谈话自然地继续着。A. secretly秘密地;B. naturally自然地;C. helplessly无助地;D. dubtfully怀疑地。根据上文“but as time went by, ur cnversatins cntinued”指随着时间的流逝,谈话自然地继续着。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一个青少年可能是充满挑战的,但有像露西这样的人,即使在千里之外也支持我,这让我变得更容易。A. supprted支持;B. respected尊重;C. judged判断;D. surveyed调查。根据后文“me even frm thusands f miles away, made it easier”可知,作者的生活因为露西的支持变得容易了。故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:当她最终敞开心扉,和我分享她的挣扎时,我既震惊又感激,因为她足够信任我,愿意告诉我这些。A. adventure冒险;B. struggle挣扎;C. suggestin建议;D. perfrmance表现。呼应上文“Hwever, little did I knw that she had been fighting with depressin fr many years.(然而,我不知道的是,她已经与抑郁症抗争了多年)”可知,露西分享自己和抑郁症的挣扎,故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她最终敞开心扉,和我分享她的挣扎时,我既震惊又感激,因为她足够信任我,愿意告诉我这些。A. prtected保护;B. satisfied满足;C. trusted信任;D. influenced影响。根据后文“enugh t tell me that”可知,露西愿意敞开心扉是因为信任作者。故选C。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:从那天起,我试着定期和她沟通,鼓励她寻求专业帮助。A. search fr寻找;B. cmmunicate with交流;C. turn dwn拒绝;D. depend n依靠。根据后文“her regularly and encuraged her t seek prfessinal help”可知,作者试着定期和她沟通,鼓励她寻求专业帮助。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后,露西开始看医生,然后她在控制病情方面取得了进展。A. frgetting忘记;B. prving证明;C. explaining解释;D. managing管理,控制。根据上文“Finally, Lucy started seeing a dctr, and then she made prgress in”此处指开始看医生,抑郁症病情得到了控制,manage此处表示“控制”,符合语境。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但后来,随着学习任务的增加,我们都变得更忙了,所以我们的谈话变得不那么频繁了。A. busier更忙的;B. smarter更聪明的;C. weaker更虚弱的;D. safer更安全的。根据上文“with increased learning tasks”可知,学习任务增加,变得更忙碌了。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很着急,试着联系她,但没有回应。A. encurage勇气;B. praise赞美;C. cntact联系;D. accept接受。根据后文“her, but there was n respnse”可知,作者尝试联系露西,但没有回应。故选C。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:我完全找不到她了。A. std fr代表;B. kept away frm避免;C. tk after照顾;D. lst track f失去联系。上文“but there was n respnse.”提到露西没有回应,到后来完全和露西失去了联系。故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:几个星期过去了,几个月过去了,我放弃了再次收到她来信的希望。A. hpe希望;B. traditin传统;C. chice选择;D. risk风险。根据上文“Weeks turned int mnths, and I gave up the”可知,过去了很久,作者放弃了和对方联系上的希望。故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她在邮件中道歉并解释了她突然缺席的原因。A. instructin指导;B. absence缺席;C. failure失败;D. cmment评论。根据上文“Weeks turned int mnths, and I gave up the”可知,露西消失了好几个月,在邮件里解释了原因。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的话触动了我的心,我意识到我们的关系对我们俩的影响。A. persnality个性;B. cnfidence自信;C. creativity创造性;D. cnnectin联系,关系。根据上文可知作者和露西建立深厚的友谊,故此处指这段关系对两人的影响。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管我们隔着遥远的距离和不同的时区,但我们的友谊依然牢固,并将继续茁壮成长。A. warned警告;B. cheated欺骗;C. separated分开;D. surprised使惊讶。根据后文“by distance and time znes”可知,两人被距离和时区分隔开了。故选C。
    32、答案:①which②is celebrated③a④helps⑤t learn⑥bserving⑦Finall⑧n/upn⑨mre⑩respnsibility
    Dear Sir/ Madam,
    I’m Li Hua, a freshman in ur schl. Learning the English Reading Club is recruiting new members, I am writing t apply t be ne f them.
    Reading classics can nt nly give me a deep insight int histry and culture, but braden my hrizns. The club, therefre, becmes what I’m eager t jin. Fr ne thing, challenging t read bks in the riginal will definitely imprve my English level. Fr anther, I can make mre like-minded friends, participate in its activities and cntribute my ideas. Understanding the respnsibilities that cme with membership, I assure yu f my cmmitment and active participatin.
    I wuld appreciate it if yu culd cnsider my applicatin. Lking frward t yur early reply.
    Li Hua
    After class, I walked t his ffice, tk a deep breath and pened the dr. My bss was sitting in his chair with a pker face, gazing at me silently. I said nthing, wndering if he wuld fire me right away. He handed me an envelpe, which added t my anxiety at that mment. Hwever, my eyes were wide pen when I pened it and read the letter. It was nt an unemplyment letter but a letter with several suggestins abut my teaching, ne f which was highlighted in red: An educatr shuld respect students’ feelings. Almst immediately, a surge f warmth rse inside me.
    Inspired by his advice, I walked tward the classrm, determined t make a change. As the bell rang, I std n the platfrm, eyes wandering acrss the classrm. I cleared my thrat and annunced, “Bys and girls, let’s begin with what yu think abut my literature lessn.” Suddenly, a cmplete silence fell ver the class. Each student lifted their head and cast me a puzzled lk. Flashing a smile, I encuraged, “Anything yu’d like t say is welcmed!” At this, a ripple f excitement spread thrugh the classrm. The literature class sn amazingly came t life thanks t their brilliant vices. It was at that time that I fully understd what my bss tld me: respecting the students instead f ignring them will make a difference.
    1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:作者来到领导办公室——作者面对领导感到焦虑羞愧——领导给出建议——作者受到鼓舞——作者做出改变——作者感悟
    3. 词汇激活
    ①解雇:fire / kick ut
    ②递给某人某物:hand sb. sth. / pass sth. t sb.
    ③宣布:annunce / declare / annunciate
    ①困惑的:puzzled / cnfused
    ②惊奇地:amazingly / surprisingly
    [高分句型1] Anxius and ashamed, I said nthing, wndering if he wuld fire me right away. (运用了形容词作状语以及if引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] He handed me an envelpe, which added t my anxiety at that mment. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)

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