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    命题学校:鄂南高中 命题人:徐旭霓、张正兴、乐丽君、牟寒 审题学校:宜昌一中
    考试时间:2023年12月7日上午8:00- 10:00 试卷满分:150分
    1.答卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、考号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定的位置上。
    2.回答选择题时, 选出每题答案后, 用铅笔把答案卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需要改动, 先用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时, 将答案写在答题卡上, 写在试卷上无效。
    第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £ 9.15.
    1. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. On a playgrund. B. At an ffice. C. In a hspital.
    2. What des the wman say abut Culture Express?
    A. It is funny. B. It is her favrite. C. She ften misses it.
    3. What des the wman imply?
    A. Alice ften surprises everyne. B. Alice desn't study very hard. C. Alice ften gets the best grade.
    4. Hw high d the ceilings tday usually measure?
    A.2.3 meters. B.2.7 meters. C.3.0 meters.
    5. What des the man mean?
    A. He can make it n Saturday. B. There are music lessns fr the evening. C. Mvies are nt his cup f tea.
    第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟, 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
    6. What did the man d last Saturday?
    A. Studied a lt. B. Jined a club. C. Camped ut.
    7. Why d peple jin “Flash Play”?
    A. T experience a crisis. B. T make friends. C. T earn mney.
    8. Why des the man feel surprised?
    A. The wman has fund a new jb. B. The wman desn't feel like leaving. C. The wman disagrees with him.
    9. What des the wman say abut her department?
    A. Peple dn't trust each ther. B. There are serius prblems. C. There's t much pressure.
    10. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Bss and secretary. B. Emplyer and jb applicant. C. Jb hunter and jb agent.
    11. What is greatly valued in the cmpany?
    A. Emplyees' qualities. B. Emplyees' appearance. C. Emplyees' physical cnditin.
    12. What des the man care abut the jb?
    A. Whether he has t wrk n time. B. Whether he can get medical insurance. C. Whether he has t wrk n weekends.
    13,What d we knw abut Glbe Insurance?
    A. It ften asks the staff t wrk n weekends.
    B. It desn't listen t emplyees' cncerns.
    C. Its new emplyees need a medical examinatin.
    14. What is the wman wrried abut?
    A. Hw t get t the students' unin. B. Hw t live the university life. C. Hw t find a map f the university.
    15. Hw lng are the cmputer rms pen n weekdays?
    A.8 hurs. B.9 hurs. C.11 hurs.
    16. Where is the students' unin?
    A. Beside the Lab B. B. Oppsite the Chemistry labs. C. On the right f the Science Blcks.
    17. What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A. Get familiar with the university.
    B. Have an appintment with him n Thursday.
    C. Write her telephne number dwn n the frm.
    听第10段材料, 回答第18至20题。
    18. Hw many peple were badly injured in the strm?
    A. Seven. B. Nine. C. Ten.
    19. What d we knw abut the farmer?
    A. His huse was destryed. B. His wife was missing. C. One f his children was killed.
    20. What did the wman d when she saw her huse shaking?
    A. She tried t take smething ut. B. She rushed ut with her children. C. She tld her husband nt t leave.
    第二部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    Dear Lihua,
    Thank yu nce again fr chsing Wrld Educatin Services (WES) fr yur credential (证书) evaluatin. It has been ne year since yur WES credential evaluatin reprt r ECA has been cmpleted.
    We wuld like t learn mre abut yur experiences using yur WES credential evaluatin reprt r ECA t wrk tward yur immigratin, educatin, and/r career gals, even if yu have nt yet used it. We hpe t use this infrmatin t imprve ur services and help thers like yu in the future.
    This survey is tailred t yur individual jurney and experiences. Fr mst peple, the survey will take apprximately 8-10 minutes f yur time.
    Please start by clicking here r cpying and pasting the URL (粘贴链接) int yur internet brwser: httpswes.az1
    Please be assured that yur respnses t the survey will be kept cmpletely cnfidential. All results will nly be reprted in summary frm.
    If yu have any questins r cmments abut this survey, please email us at surveys@wes.rg. If yu have questins abut yur credential evaluatin reprt r ECA, please visit ur Help Center fr answers t questins frequently asked by ur custmers, based n yur cuntry f applicatin: Canada r the United States. If yu cannt find answers t yur questins r have a specific request, yu can use ur Cntact Us frm based n yur cuntry f applicatin: Canada r the United States.
    Thank yu,
    Wrld Educatin Services (WES)
    21. What can we knw abut WES?
    A. WES evaluatin takes ne year t cmplete.
    B. WES mainly ffers credential evaluatin services.
    C. WES aims at individual jurney and experiences.
    D. WES nly respnds t requests frm Canada r the United States.
    22. What can yu d if yu have a particular request?
    A. Yu can email t surveys@wes.rg. B. Yu can finish the summary frm.
    C. Yu can visit Cntact Us. D. Yu can use Help Center fr answers.
    23. What is the main purpse f this letter?
    A. T thank Lihua fr chsing WES. B. T answer questins frm Lihua.
    C. T cnduct an individual survey. D. T give a WES credential evaluatin reprt.
    As night falls n the streets f Shanghai, Mikik Chen can ften be fund pacing up and dwn thrugh the winding narrw streets f the city hunting fr discarded items.
    “I pick up all srts f things, chairs, wine bxes, bwls and cups it's like treasure hunting fr me,” she says. The 27-year-ld digital marketer is amng the first adpters f “stping” in China, a practice that refers t picking up discarded furniture and ther gds n the streets fr re-use. She says the cncept “stping” was inspired by New Yrkers wh ften leave unwanted things n the “stps”-- r drsteps--leading up t the entrances f buildings.
    “The cre cncept f stping fr me is t make the best use f things," Ms. Chen says. “It can help yu t save mney, but it's nt just abut lwering cnsumptin.” “It's wasteful t thrw away smething that's still usable; it's better t share it with thers wh need it.”
    Ms. Chen says she was amng the first t use the hashtag (话题标签) #stping n Xiahngshu. “I initially started with psting items that peple n lnger used and wanted t thrw away r exchange ... gradually 1' m receiving hundreds f messages each day,” she says. Since then, the trend has becme increasingly ppular.
    Ms. Chen says she is “very surprised” the cncept has becme a hit n scial media, as lder generatins ften stigmatize picking up things frm the street r using secnd-hand gds. “Peple like my mum cnsider stping as ‘rubbish picking’ and‘ scavenging' (拾荒),”she says. “She thinks that peple will lk dwn n yu fr ding this.”
    Fr Nan Zheng, an envirnmentalist and advcate, stping is mre than the physical act f picking up things frm the streets. He created an app called “Grecycle” where peple can give away r take unwanted items fr free. “I think we can let mre peple knw abut the cncept f stping as an interesting and fun thing t d,” Mr. Nan says. “But then, gradually we can let peple knw this can als be abut charity and helping thers.”
    24. What can we learn abut Mikik Chen frm paragraph 2 and 3?
    A. She is hunting fr cstly treasures. B. She just wants t reduce cnsumptin.
    C. She gt inspiratin frm New Yrkers. D. She intends t make the mst f thrwaway items.
    25. Why did Mikik Chen use the hashtag #stping n Xiahngshu?
    A. T cllect varieties f messages. B. T g viral n scial media.
    C. T share smething still usable with thers. D. T thrw away unwanted things n the “stps”.
    26. What des the underlined part in paragraph 5 prbably mean?
    A. The lder are ashamed f stping. B. The lder are skilled at stping.
    C. The lder are expsed t stping. D. The lder are addicted t stping.
    27. What is Nan Zheng's true intentin f creating the app “Grecycle”?
    A. Recycling discarded things frm the streets. B. Getting unwanted items fr free n “Grecycle”.
    C. Exchanging items thrugh “Grecycle”. D. Enhancing peple' s awareness f charity.
    There are sme sunds mst f us acknwledge are annying---the crunching f crisps, the nise f the air cnditining r a screaming baby. These nises, fr many peple, act as a mere incnvenience that can distract us frm the task at hand. Hwever, there are sme amng us wh have a much mre severe respnse t these nises. The questin we ask tday is: Has a nise ever made yu feel s angry that yu culd explde with rage? If the answer is yes, yu may be suffering frm misphnia.
    The wrd “misphnia" literally means “a hatred f sund” and is smetimes called Selective Sund Sensitivity Syndrme. There are sme experts wh dubt the. existence f the cnditin. Hwever, fr thse wh claim t suffer frm it, the experience can be traumatic. Certain sunds cause intense emtinal r psychlgical respnses that may seem ver the tp cmpared with a nn-sufferer's cmplaints.
    The sund f a lved ne chewing their fd culd trigger a sufferer's anxiety levels, r cause them t panic. It may even activate their fight-r-flight reactin, making them want t flee. In extreme cases, that feeling f panic may result in extreme anger and end up with sufferers ging crazy. Als, these cnditins can lead t scial islatin and the sufferers may feel cut ff, accrding t James Cartreine, a clinical psychiatrist.
    Sadly, there's n knwn cure. Hwever, tinnitus (耳鸣) retraining therapy, which helps peple tlerate nises, may aid sufferers, while cgnitive behaviural therapy and cunselling culd als help peple manage the cnditin. Sufferers use cping strategies that include aviding places with lts f nises, like restaurants, r mving away when they feel like hitting smene due t their breathing.
    S, the next time yu see smene fly int a rage because f a sund that is driving them crazy, it may be due .t a difficult cnditin they are trying t manage, and nt just because they hate a certain sund.
    28. What can annying sunds d t nn-sufferers f misphnia?
    A. They take their attentin away frm what they're ding.
    B. They generate intense emtinal respnses amng them.
    C. They make sufferers dubt the presence f the cnditin.
    D. They lead t sme cmplaints and severe respnses.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “traumatic” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Physically painful. B. Emtinally disturbing. C. Spiritually cmfrting. D. Mentally satisfying
    30. What can we learn abut misphnia sufferers frm paragraph 3 and 4?
    A. They can 't be able t manage misphnia. B. They wn't be cured thrugh medical treatments.
    C. They may be angered by the feeling f being cut ff. D. They must panic ver the sund caused by a lved ne.
    31. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A news reprt. B. A health magazine. C. A medical textbk. D. A psychlgist's ntebk.
    Many rbts track bjects by “sight” as they wrk with them, but ptical (光学的) sensrs can't take in an item's entire shape when it's in the dark r partially blcked frm view. Nw a new lw-cst technique lets a rbtic hand “feel” an unfamiliar bject's frm- -and skillfully handle it based n this infrmatin alne.
    University f Califrnia, San Dieg, rbticist Xialng Wang and his team wanted t find ut whether cmplex actins culd be achieved in rbtics using nly simple tuch data.
    The researchers attached 16 cntact sensrs, each csting abut S12, t the palm and fingers f a fur- fingered rbt hand. These sensrs simply indicate if an bject is tuching the hand r nt, “While ne sensr desn't catch much, a lt f them can help yu capture different aspects f the bject,” Wang says. In this case, the rbt's task was t rtate (旋转) items placed in its palm.
    They first ran simulatins (模拟) t cllect enugh tuch data as a virtual rbt hand practiced rtating bjects, including balls and ther irregular bjects. Using infrmatin frm each sensr, the team built a cmputer mdel that determines an bject's psitin at every step f the handling prcess and mves the fingers t rtate it smthly and stably.
    Next they transferred this capability t perate a real rbt hand, which successfully cntrl previusly unfamiliar bjects such as apples, tmates, sup cans and rubber ducks. Transferring the cmputer mdel t the real wrld was relatively easy because the sensr data were s simple. Hwever, New Yrk University's Lerrel Pint, wh studies rbts’ interactins, wnders whether the system wuld fail at mre cmplicated tasks.
    S in future wrk, Wang's grup aims t tackle mre cmplex mvements as well as t add sensrs in places such as the sides f the fingers. “This means that there will be mre accurate infrmatin frm tuching that allws recnstructing the bject shape," Wang says. The researchers will als try adding visin t cmplement tuch data fr handling cmplicated shape.
    32. What was the intentin f the research cnducted by Xialng Wang's grup?
    A. T develp a rbt with advanced ptical sensrs.
    B. T create a rbtic hand t grasp familiar bjects.
    C. T explre the use f tuch data in cmplex rbtic actins.
    D. T investigate the impact f lighting n rbtic recgnitin.
    33. What is Paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The wrking principle f rbt hands in Wang's research. B. The type f cntact sensrs attached t the rbt hand.
    C. The way that rbt hands capture different bjects. D. The functin f rbt hands in Wang's research.
    34. Hw did the researchers gather tuch data fr the rbtic hand's training?
    A. They used real-wrld bjects. B. They used cmplex ptical sensrs.
    C. They relied n visin-based technlgy. D. They cnducted simulatins with the rbt hand.
    35. What is XiaLng Wang's attitude twards Pint's cncern ver the system?
    A. Dubtful B. Psitive C. Unclear D. Dismissive
    第二节(共5小题;每小题 2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    Life isn't fair. Sme peple just seem blessed with the ability t effrtlessly charm anyne they meet. Well, it might seem like a magical pwer, but in fact there are a number f factrs at wrk. 36 .The answer is: t a large extent, yes yu can.
    But first, the bad news. Peple initially judge each ther based purely n physical appearance. With just a glimpse f a face, peple make snap judgments abut each ther 's likeability, trustwrthiness and cnfidence. Hw shuld we deal with this?_ 37 Peple perceive a smiling face as mre trustwrthy, warmer and sciable. It sunds like cmmn sense, desn't it? Smile and thers will smile with yu.
    What ther tricks might we have?_ 38 Cnsequently, three things we can d t signal that we are nt a threat are t: raise ur eyebrws quickly, tilt(仰起) ur heads slightly, and nce again, t smile.
    S we've lked at bdy language, but f curse what yu say is hugely imprtant t, unless yu want t just stand there grinning flishly. The glden rule f friendship is if yu make peple feel gd abut themselves, they're ging t like yu. In ther wrds, yu shuld nt talk abut yurself and all yur wnderful achievements. 39
    Finally, finding cmmn grund is gd t frm a cnnectin. Charming peple are particularly skilled at seeking ut shared interests r experiences t bnd with thers. Simple things like asking where smene's frm really can pen up a discussin and allw yu t find areas in cmmn. And if all else fails, yu can fall back n that mst British f tpics: the weather. 40
    A. It can be a nice start f a cnversatin.
    B. Instead, yu need t shw interest in them.
    C. There's ne incredibly simple tl: yur smile.
    D. S, can yu learn t develp superhuman charm?
    E. What gd tricks can we emply t becme charming?
    F. Shared interests are the key t making cnnectins with thers.
    G. Our brains ften survey the envirnment fr friend r enemy signals.
    第三部分语言运用 (共两节, 满分30分)
    Gldie's Secret
    She turned up at the drstep f. my huse. N way culd I have sent her away. N way. Maybe smene had 41 her ut f their car the night befre. “We're mving huse.” “N 42 fr her any mre with the new baby cming.” Peple find all srts f excuse fr 43 an animal.
    She was ne f the mst beautiful dgs I had ever seen. I called her Gldie. She was s unsettled during thse first few days, hardly able t eat anything and had such a(an) 44 f sadness abut her. There was nthing I culd d t make her happy, it seemed. Heaven knws what had happened t her at her previus wner's. But eventually at the end f the first week she 45 . Always by my side, whether we were ut r sitting by the fire.
    That's why it was such a 46 when she pulled away frm me ne day when we were ut fr a walk. We were a lng way frm hme, when she started barking and getting very 47 .Eventually I culdn't hld her any lnger and she 48 dwn the rad twards a farmhuse.
    By the time I reached the farm I was very tired and 49 with Gldie. But when I saw her licking (舔} the fur puppies I started t feel 50 t them. “Oh! Hney, I can't believe my eyes!” cheered the wman at the dr. “I tk her fr (a) 51 ne day, sn after the puppies were brn, and she just disappeared." She explained t me. “She must have tried t cme back and gt 52 ,” added a by frm behind her, eyes sparkling 53 .
    I must admit I d miss Gldie, but I've gt Nugget nw, and she lks just like her 54 . And I've learnt a gd lessn: nt t 55 peple.
    41. A. kicked B. invited C. asked D. kncked
    42. A. credit B. fd C. space D. security
    43. A. hurting B. buying C. selling D. abandning
    44. A. case B. tne C. air D. status
    45 A. sat dwn B. calmed dwn C. brke dwn D. slwed dwn
    46. A. shck B. cmfrt C. delight D. terrr
    47 A. restless B. helpless C. annyed D. scared
    48. A. tk ff B. shwed ff C. kept ff D. raced ff
    49 A. bred B. upset C. patient D. thrilled
    50. A. devted B. grateful C. sympathetic D. cmmitted
    51. A. shw B. walk C. sale D. tur
    52. A. injured B. killed C. lst D. trapped
    51. A. with care B. with jy C. in astnishment D. in terrr
    54. A. fellw B. wner C. friend D. mther
    55. A. judge B. expect C. tease D. bserve
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    In the 12th century, the Suthern Sng Dynasty mved its capital t Lin an. Near Lin'an, n the banks f Lake Tai is the city f Suzhu. Given its lcatin near the capital and its 56 (nature) beauty, Suzhu became a preferred place 57 (live) . Thus, there were ver 300 gardens 58 (build) here, and mre than 60 are still in 59 (exist).
    Amng these gardens, the Humble Administratr 's Garden (Zhuzheng Yuan) is the largest and the mst famus, and water pls take up 60 third f its area. 61 (surrund) the water pls is a luxuriant (繁茂的) grup f flwers, plants, and trees, all carefully chsen accrding t the way their seasnal clrs reflect ff the sparkling water belw. As is typical f Suzhu gardens, this garden 62 (separate) int different sectins, ffering varius kinds f spaces 63 diverse shapes and sizes that represent different mds and feelings.
    Since it is such a large garden, n simple descriptin f the garden will d 64 yu have t d is walk amng the water and plants, enjy every mment, 65 find yur wn treasures depending n yur md that day.
    第一部分 听力(两节共20小题:每小题 1.5分,满分30分)
    第二部分 阅读(两节共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    natural57. t live 58. built 59. existence 60. a/ne
    61. Surrunding 62. is separated 63. in 64. What 65. and
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(15分)
    本题命题灵感来自2019人教版新教材《选择性必修2》unit 2 wrkbk部分Reading fr writing。写作要点开放性强,考查学生充分利用作文题干部分的背景信息来发散思维、组织要点、激活话题词汇、开展写作的能力。
    Dear Harvey,
    I’m Li Hua frm Class 3. Having nticed yur advertisement fr a hst family n the schl website, I’m writing t recmmend my hme, which I think is the perfect place fr yu.
    My hme is lcated in a beautiful neighbrhd, and it’s just 5 minutes’ walk t a city park, where many peple ften play traditinal instruments, Chinese chess and Tai Chi. Furthermre, every mrning n the street there are varius freshly made lcal snacks with reasnable price, which are authentically delicius as well as great fr yur budget. As fr my family, they’re all friendly and easy-ging. My dad is intensely interested in Chinese calligraphy while my mther is gd at cking, which means yu’re able t practice Chinese and learn sme Chinese recipes if yu live with us.
    By the way, the best way t imprve yur Chinese is cmmunicating as ften as pssible with natives and I’d much like t help yu. Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    主题语境:人与自我 原文来源:改编自2016年浙江高考英语试题阅读理解D篇
    参考范文:(词数: 79+86)
    The mment I arrived at the schl gate, Chle appeared in exactly the same dress. At the sight f this hrrible turn f events, I was green with envy. “Hw ridiculus!” my heart sank. Fr Chle, getting such a dress was merely a piece f cake, while fr me, I had t d it with all my might. With a mixed feeling f rage and grief, I dashed hme t tell my mther abut this disaster. “It’s unfair!” I exclaimed with fury, strming int my rm and slamming the dr befre she culd respnd.
    Hearing me crying, Mum gently pushed pen the dr. “Hney, are yu OK?” she walked up t me, gathered me int her arms and tenderly wiped away my tears. “Lk!” she pinted at the shiny dress hanging in the mst visible place, adding “Yur dress is the mst precius ne because yu paid fr it. Dn’t yu think s?” On hearing what she said, I felt much relieved. “Yes, yu earned it thrugh hard wrk,” a firm and cheerful vice answered in my heart. Nthing culd be better than gaining the precius thing in that way!
    A篇 主题语境:人与社会 体裁:应用文 词数:233+116
    WES (Wrld Educatin Services)成立于1974年,是美国非营利性组织。它为有意在美国或加拿大留学或工作的人提供成绩认证,是北美最大的资历评估公司,其评估认证报告在美国高校中使用非常普遍。
    21. B. 根据文章首句“Thank yu nce again fr chsing Wrld Educatin Services (WES) fr yur credential(证书)evaluatin.”可知B选项正确。
    22. C. 根据文章最后一句“If yu cannt find answers t yur questins r have a specific request, yu can use ur Cntact Us frm based n yur cuntry f applicatin: Canada r the United States.” 可知C选项正确。
    23. C. 根据文章第三段“This survey is tailred t yur individual jurney and experiences.”和第五段“Please be assured that yur respnses t the survey will be kept cmpletely cnfidential.”及第六段“If yu have any questins r cmments abut this survey,”可知这封邮件的主要目的是对WES用户进行的一项使用情况调查。
    B篇 主题语境:人与社会 体裁:媒体报道 词数:346+152
    24. D. 根据文章第三段"The cre cncept f stping fr me is t make the best use f things,"可知D答案正确。注意C选项中Mikik 只是stping的践行者, “The cncept "stping" was inspired by New Yrkers…”是指stping的概念灵感来自于纽约人。
    25. C. 根据文章第三段结尾及第四段中“I initially started with psting items that peple n lnger used and wanted t thrw away r exchange …”可知C选项正确。
    26. A. 根据文中下一句 "She thinks that peple will lk dwn n yu fr ding this."可知,年老者觉得stping就是捡垃圾和拾荒,而这种行为会让人瞧不起。所以A选项正确。
    27. D. 根据文章最后一句"But then, gradually we can let peple knw this can als be abut charity and helping thers."可知D选项正确。
    C篇 主题语境:人与社会 体裁:说明文 词数:328+135
    来源:恐音症_英文阅读网 (enread.cm)
    “misphnia”,恐音症(a cnditin in which certain sunds cause a strng negative reactin in smene).最先提出这个名词的2001年是美国埃默里大学(Emry University)治疗耳鸣的医生Jastrebff夫妇,他们的本意是描述“hatred f sund” (对声音的恨/讨厌)。虽然我们大多数人不会对日常生活中的一些声音异常敏感,比如咀嚼声或呼吸声。但对于恐音症患者来说,这些简单的声音就足以让他们怒发冲天。
    28. A. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段“These nises, fr many peple, act as a mere incnvenience that can distract us frm the task at hand”可知,对于非恐音症患者来说,这些噪音仅仅会引起不便,使他们分散对手头工作的注意力。“distract sb. frm...”意思为“分散某人注意力”,即“take sb’s attentin away frm...”。故选A。
    29. B 词义猜测题。根据文章第二段“Certain sunds cause intense emtinal r psychlgical respnses that may seem ver the tp cmpared with a nn-sufferer’s cmplaints”可知,某些声音会引起强烈的情绪或心理反应,与非恐音症患者的抱怨相比,这些声音似乎有些过头了。因此,对恐音症患者而言,这种经历是(精神上) 令人痛苦的。故选B。
    30. D. 推理判断题。根据文章第四段首句“Sadly, there’s n knwn cure. ”可排除A、B两项;根据文章第三段“Als, these cnditins can lead t scial islatin and the sufferers may feel cut ff,...”可排除C项。根据文章第三段“The sund f a lved ne chewing their fd culd trigger a sufferer’s anxiety levels, r cause them t panic”可知,爱人咀嚼食物的声音可能会引发患者的焦虑水平,或导致他们恐慌。故选D。
    31. B. 推理判断题。根据文章主要内容可知,本文是介绍恐音症,此话题与人的健康有关。故选B。
    D篇 主题语境:人与社会 体裁:说明文 词数:330+151
    来源:双语外刊 |《科学美国人》(Scientific American)第202308期
    本文主要介绍加州大学圣地亚哥分校的机器人专家王晓龙和他的团队通过模拟实验,探索是否可以用简单的触摸数据在机器人中实现复杂的动作。这项新的低成本技术可以让机器手“感觉”不熟悉物体的形状,并根据这些触摸数据就能熟练地处理它。尽管纽约大学研究机器人的相互作用的勒雷尔·平托(Lerrel Pint),担心这个系统是否会在更复杂的任务中失败,机器人专家王晓龙和他的团队将进行更进一步的模拟实验来获取更精确的数据,实现物品形状的重建。
    32. C. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段“University f Califrnia, San Dieg, rbticist Xialng Wang and his team wanted t find ut whether cmplex actins culd be achieved in rbtics using nly simple tuch data.”可知王晓龙的团队旨在于弄明白仅使用简单的触摸数据是否可以在机器人中实现复杂的动作。故选C。
    33. A. 主旨大意题。根据文章第三段“These sensrs simply indicate whether an bject is tuching the hand r nt”可知,作者主要介绍模拟实验中的安装了接触式传感器的机械手臂的工作原理。故选A。
    34. D. 细节理解题。根据文章第四段“They first ran simulatins(模拟)t cllect enugh tuch data as a virtual rbt hand practiced rtating bjects...”可知,研究者们是通过模拟实验来搜集数据的。故选D。
    35. B. 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,其他同行对于他们的研究现状的担忧,王晓龙和他的团队选择以积极的态度去应对,进一步进行模拟实验,完善他们的数据。故选B。
    七选五 主题语境:人与自我 体裁:说明文 词数:274+62
    来源:英语阅读-如何变得魅力四射_英语散文_英语阅读 (idenglish.cn)
    36. D. 根据下文“The answer is: t a large extent, yes yu can.”可知,下文是对上文的回答,而回答时“yes”可知上文为一般疑问句,故选D。
    37. C. 根据下文“Smile and thers will smile with yu”可知,此处所给建议为微笑,故选C。
    38. G. 根据下文“Cnsequently, three things we can d t signal that we are nt a threat...”可知,我们需要做三件事来暗示“我们不是威胁”。因此对方是通过这些信息来判断是敌是友,故选G。
    39. B. 根据上文“The glden rule f friendship is if yu make peple feel gd abut themselves, they’re ging t like yu.”和“In ther wrds, yu shuld nt talk abut yurself and all yur wnderful achievements.”两句话可知,要想对方接纳我们,就不应该只是聊自己的成就,而要关注对方。故选B。
    40. A. 根据上文“And if all else fails, yu can fall back n that mst British f tpics: the weather.”可知,如果上文所说的方法都不奏效,就聊大部分英国人都会聊的话题——天气,它是一个不错的开始。故选A。
    主题语境:人与社会 体裁:夹叙夹议 词数:320
    41. A 【解析】考查动词。作者猜测小狗为什么会出现在她家门口。也许是前一天晚上有人把她从车里踢了出来,所以用 kicked, 故选A项。
    42. C 【解析】考查名词。根据“孩子快出生了。”,可推测出家里面要腾出空间给新生儿,故选C项。
    43. D 【解析】考查动词,根据上文的猜测得出结论,人们找各种借口解释为什么遗弃小狗,故选D项。
    44. C 【解析】考查名词,“她一副愁眉苦脸的样子。” an air f后常接表达情绪的名词,故选C项。
    45. B 【解析】考查动词词组,根据句中 “But, eventually ...”得知情况发生转折,“她平静了下来。”,故选B项。
    46. A 【解析】考查名词,根据前文和后文,Gldie平静下来,并且跟我们相处愉快,结果有一天却做出反常的行为可得出结论:我感到震惊,故选A项。
    47. A 【解析】考查形容词,根据“她开始吠叫。”说明她变得不安,故选A项。
    48. D 【解析】考查动词词组,“最后,我再也抓不住她了,她沿着大路跑向一所农舍。”故选D项。
    49. B 【解析】考查形容词,因为一路追过来,我很累,对Gldie的行为感到难过和失望。and表达了作者情绪的一致性,故而不选C、D项, 所以选B项。
    50. C 【解析】考查形容词,根据“但当我看到她舔那四只小狗时,我开始同情它们。”得知选 C项。
    51. B 【解析】考查名词,Gldie原主人解释是带她出门散步时,她走丢了。 因为她走丢时刚产下幼崽,所以主人不可能带她去展览或卖掉她,故不选A、C;Gldie走丢后在我家出现,而我家和农场相隔不远,故主人不可能带她出门旅行,故不选D,所以选B项。
    52. C 【解析】考查动词,根据原主人的解释得知选C项。
    53. B 【解析】考查介词短语,with jy“愉悦地” 修饰小男孩眨眼的动作,表明他对狗狗失而复得的情绪,故选B项。
    54. D【解析】考查名词,根据 “I must admit I d miss Gldie, but I've gt Nugget nw...” 得知Gldie回到了原主人家,而我领回了她的一个幼崽,故选D项。
    55. A【解析】考查动词,跟前文作者的错误推测相呼应,表明作者得到了启示:未知全貌,不要评判他人,故选A项。
    语法填空 主题语境:人与社会 体裁:说明文 词数:191
    来源; “Classical Gardens f Suzhu” 《中国读者》 (China Readers)杂志
    56. natural【解析】考查词性转换。
    57. t live 【解析】考查不定式。
    built【解析】考查非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰 “gardens”。
    59. existence【解析】考查词性转换。
    60. a/ne【解析】考查冠词。句意为:池水占据了整个园子三分之一的面积。
    61. Surrunding【解析】考查谓语动词。句意为:水池周围是一群繁茂的花草树木,它们在不同的季节呈现不同的颜色。这句话使用了完全倒装句。
    62. is separated【解析】考查谓语动词的被动语态。句意为:作为典型的苏州园林,这个园子被分成不同的部分,呈现不同形状和大小的空间,以此代表不同的情绪和感受。
    63. in【解析】考查介词。句意为见上题。“in” 跟 “shape” 和”size”为固定搭配。
    64. What【解析】考查连接词。What引导主语从句。
    65. and【解析】考查并列连词。句意为:你要做的就是徜徉在水和植物之间,享受每一刻,根据当天的心情找到属于自己的宝藏。
    Text 1
    W:Jasn, yu are recvering s quickly. Yu lk much better tday. I think yu’ll be hme in a few days.
    M:I hpe s. Then I’ll be able t play in the ftball match next mnth. I’ve been lking frward t that day.
    Text 2
    W:D yu like the shw Culture Express n Channel 4?
    M:Nt really,but I think the hst is funny.
    W:Well,I can’t miss it fr anything.
    Text 3
    M:Hey, the English exam results finally came ut. Guess wh gt the highest grade?
    W:I wuldn’t be surprised if it was Alice again. If smene studies really hard, they usually get the result they deserve.
    Text 4
    M:D yu remember the ceilings in the ld flats?
    W:Sure. They were very high and gave yu a feeling f a lt f space. I wnder what the height was fr the ld ceilings.
    M:At least 3 meters. But tday’s flats usually have ceilings n higher than 2.7 meters,and sme nly 2.3.
    Text 5
    W:Will yu g t the cinema this Saturday,Bb?
    M:I’m afraid I can’t. I’ll have my music lessns then.
    W:I didn’t mean in the mrning r afternn. I meant in the evening.
    M:Oh,that’s quite a different thing.
    Text 6
    W:Hi, Tm. What did yu d last Saturday?
    M:I camped ut in the suburbs f Beijing by jining a making-friend grup.
    W:Oh, really? It is s called “Flash Play”?
    M:Yeah. I had dubt abut it befre. But nw, I think it is a gd way t make friends.
    W:Abslutely. Sme f my friends have such experiences. But I prefer t g ut by myself.
    M:Ha-ha, yu are ut. Nw it is ecnmic crisis. Everyne wants t save mney but als wants t g ut fr fun. “Flash Play” can keep yur mney in yur pcket. If yu are upset, maybe they can make yu happy.
    Text 7
    M:Fikky,what’s ging n? Freggis just tld me that yu’re leaving us.
    W:Yes,I really feel bad abut it. But came up with really gd ffer.
    M:Well,I didn’t knw yu were ging t lk fr a new jb.
    W:Well,just between yu and me. I think we have sme real prblems in this department. Dn’t get me wrng. It has nthing t d with yu,Frank. Everybdy says yu are an excellent manager.
    M:Prblems,what prblems? D we have time t talk abut it?
    Text 8
    W:Let me tell yu sme f ur plicies and practices here at Glbe Insurance.
    M:All right.
    W:We require all ur emplyees t arrive n time fr wrk. Emplyee character is very imprtant t us. We expect everyne here at Glbe Insurance t be hardwrking, easy-ging and hnest.
    M:I’m glad t hear that.
    W:We als try t d the best we can fr ur emplyees. We make every effrt t listen t ur emplyees’ cncerns. Is there any additinal infrmatin I can prvide?
    M:Yes, as a matter f fact, I have tw questins. First, culd yu tell me whether I wuld be required t have a medical examinatin befre I start wrk?
    W:Yes, f curse.
    M:And wuld it be necessary fr me t wrk n weekends?
    W:N, that wuldn’t be necessary.
    M:I see. Well, I’ve prbably taken up enugh f yur time. I’m lking frward t hearing frm yu.
    W:We’ll be in tuch with yu shrtly.
    Text 9
    W:Well,I’m really wrried abut hw I’m ging t deal with university life. Maybe if I knew the university a bit better,that might help.
    M:D yu have a map f the university?
    M:Well,let’s lk at it tgether. OK,we are here nw in Daltn Huse. Oppsite this building is the Arts Blck where yu will find the cmputers. The cmputer rms are pen frm 9∶00 a.m. till 8∶00 p.m. n weekdays.
    M:Anther imprtant building is the students’ unin. T get t the students’ unin yu keep ging dwn University Lane,past the Science Blck n yur left. Oppsite the Science Blck are the Chemistry labs and the students’ unin is just n the right,next t Lab B.
    W:Fine. But I get a bit cnfused abut the directins.
    M:Prbably the best thing t d is t walk arund and familiarize yurself with everything. Nw I need yu t fill in this frm. Take it away with yu and then make an appintment t see me again and we’ll g ver it. My telephne number is n the frm. Yu can ring me anytime,except n Thursday.
    Text 10
    Back t the news. Last Friday a strm hit tw villages destrying furteen huses. Seven thers were s badly damaged that their wners had t leave them,and fifteen thers had brken windws. One persn was killed,and nine were badly injured and taken t hspital. A number f ther peple received small injuries. Altgether ver tw hundred were left hmeless as a result f the strm.
    A farmer said the strm began early in the mrning and lasted ver an hur. He was in the kitchen with his wife and his children when they heard a lud nise. A few minutes later their huse fell dwn n tp f them. They managed t climb ut but then he saw that ne f his children was missing. He went back inside and fund him safe but very frightened.
    A wman said that her husband had just left fr wrk when she nticed that her huse was shaking. She rushed utside immediately with her children. There was n time fr her t take anything. A few minutes later,the rf came dwn.
    Sldiers went t the area t help the peple in truble.

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