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    这是一份湖北省宜荆荆恩2023-2024学年高三上学期12月联考英语试题,文件包含湖北省宜荆荆恩2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题docx、湖北省宜荆荆恩2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题pdf、12月高三英语答案pdf等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共48页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将准 考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
    2. 选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。写 在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。
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    听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳 选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读 一遍。
    例 :Hw much is the shirt?

    1. What is Paul ging t d this summer?
    A.G t the beach. B.Attend summer schl. C.Earn sme mney.
    2. Why des the wman cme t the man?
    A.T send an aplgy. B.T make a cmplaint. C.T seek sme advice.
    3. What des the man plan t d?
    A.Get a degree. B.Find a jb. C.Leave the cmpany
    4. What des the wman mean?
    A.She wuld like t cme alng.
    B.The weather is quite pleasant.
    C.She knws the harbr well.
    5.Hw much shuld the man pay?
    A.E130. B.E152. C.E196.
    第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分)
    听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选 项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What des Simna think f the rankings?
    A.Highly reliable. B.A little unfair. C.Very exciting
    7.Which city has an efficient transprt system?
    A.San Francisc B.Lndn. C.Tky.
    宜荆荆随思重点高中教科研协作体*英语试卷(共8 页)第1 页
    听第7 段材料,回答第8至10 题。
    8. What are the speakers abut t d?
    A.Have a meeting. B.Take a cffee. C.Write a reprt
    9. Hw des Phif feel nw?
    A.Frightened. B.Disappinted C.Anxius
    10.What shuld Emily value?
    A.Effective cmmunicatin. B.Time cnsciusness. C.Teamwrk.
    听第8 段材料,回答第11 至13 题。
    11.When is the send-ff party?
    A.On Mnday evening. B.On Friday evening. C.On Saturday evening.
    12.Where will the party be held?
    A.At Susan's place B.At Peter's place. C.At the man's place.
    13.Why des the man decide t be absent frm wrk?
    A.T g traveling B.T cntinue his study. C.T enjy city life.
    听第9 段材料,回答第14 至17 题。
    14.What des the man d?
    A.A hst. B.A dctr. C.A guest.
    15.What is Alice's uncmmn ability?
    A.Linking emtins and wrds.
    B.Cnnecting clrs with wrds.
    C.Expressing emtins with clrs.
    16.What d we knw abut Alice and her brther?
    A.They can't recgnize clrs crrectly.
    B.They are brn with the same cnditin.
    C.They feel the same abut the same clr.
    17.Hw des Alice sund in the end?
    A.Depressed. B.Optimistic. C.Cnfused.
    听第10 段材料,回答第18 至 2 0 题。
    18.Why des the speaker recmmend the side streets?
    A.There are internatinal restaurants.
    B.There are ldest buildings in the area.
    C.There are cheap arts and crafts fr sale.
    19.What is the requirement fr the clthes this year?
    A.The clthes must be inspired by music and technlgy.
    B.The clthes must be made frm lcally prduced materials.
    C.The clthes must be mdeled by the designers themselves.
    20.What shuld yu d if yu want t park fr free?
    A.Park by the radside. B.Stay fr less than an hur. C.Buy smething in the shps.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    English is changing faster than ever due t technlgy and the grwing ppularity f scial media. D yu lng t keep up with the times?If s,here are sme ld-fashined wrds yu shuld remve frm yur vcabulary list.
    宜荆荆随恩重点高中教科研协作体*英语试卷(共8 页)第2 页
    As an alteratin f the term“snippersnapper”,the wrd first appeared in the 17th century, expressing ur ancestrs'annyance at ill-mannered children.In its mre cntemprary versin,the wrd relates t a yung persn wh is t cnfident and des nt shw enugh respect t lder peple.
    Are yu brn in the 1980s?If s,yu may still be using the term"tape"when speaking f recrding music r TV shws.Tday,thugh digital media has made data strage n magnetic tape a thing f the past,this ld linguistic habit still exists.
    What we knw as“jeans”tday were nce called “dungarees”t refer t trusers made f denim. The term cmes frm a kind f cheap and rugh clth imprted frm Dngari Killa,India.When manufacturers began imprting the clth frm Gena in Italy,this kind f trusers gt a new name, “jeans”.S dn't be surprised if yu catch yur grandpa saying“dungarees".
    In the earlier age f air travel,female crew members serving airline passengers were called stewardesses.It wasn't until mre men entered the field and the develpment f wmen's rights mvement in the 1960s and 1970s that the wrd fell ut f use.“Stewardess”was replaced by a Mre gender-neutral term,"flight attendant".
    21.Wh can be described as a whippersnapper nwadays?
    A.A narrw-minded kid. B.An ill-mannered elder.
    C.A bad-tempered wman. D.A self-centered yung man.
    22.Which f the fllwing wrds has becme utdated due t the develpment f technlgy?
    A.Whippersnapper. B.Tape C.Dungarees D.Stewardess.
    23.Which clumn des this passage belng t?
    A.Language B.Technlgy C.Finance D.Fashin.
    The year 2023 marks the 102th anniversary f Nether's ring thery,a branch f theretical mathematics that is still fascinating and challenging numerus mathematicians tday.
    Nether was brn in 1882 in Germany,whse father was a math prfessr,but it must have seemed unlikely t a yung Nether that she wuld fllw in his ftsteps because wmen were banned frm academia and few tk classes at universities.After Nether graduated frm a high schl fr girls, Erlangen University started t let wmen enrll.She signed up and earned her dctrate in mathematics, which shuld have been the end f her mathematical jurney.Teaching at a university fr wmen was still ut f the questin.But Nether stuck with mathematics anyway,staying in Erlangen and unfficially guiding dctral students withut pay.
    In 1915,she applied fr a psitin at the University f Gttingen.Bill Nichll,the dean at the university,als a mathematician,was in favr f hiring Nether,althugh his argument was far frm feminist (女权主义) .“The female brain is unsuitable fr mathematical prductin,”he wrte,“but Nether std ut as ne f the rare exceptins.”
    Unfrtunately fr Nether,the Ministry f Educatin wuld nt give the university permissin t have a wman as their teacher.Nether stayed in Gttingen and taught curses listed under the name f a male faculty teacher.During thse years,she kept ding research and made imprtant cntributins t theretical physics and Einstein's thery f relativity.The university finally granted her lecturer status. Tw years later,Nether published revlutinary discveries in ring thery,which is the study f mathematical bjects called rings.Netherian rings shw up all the time in mdern mathematics. Mathematicians still use Nether's map tday,nt just in ring thery,but in ther area such as number thery and algebraic gemetry.
    宜荆荆随恩重点高中教科研协作体*英语试卷(共8 页)第3 页
    24.What d we learn abut Nether frm paragraph 2?
    A.She taught at university as a teacher. B.She earned a degree in mathematics.
    C.She was taught by her father at hme D.She quit her mathematical jurney early. 25.What can we infer frm Bill Nichll's wrds ?
    A.He was struggling fr feminist. B.Females'brains differed frm males'.
    C.Nether was a giant in mathematics. D.Wmen mathematicians were superb. 26.What d we knw abut Nether's ring thery?
    A.It is still used by mathematicians tday.
    B.It pens up a new field in mdern physics.
    C.It is based n Einstein's thery f relativity.
    D.It lays the fundatin fr mdern mathematics.
    27.Which f the fllwing can best describe Nether?
    A.Gifted and generus. B.Sensitive and determined.
    C.Cmmitted and creative. D.Hardwrking and hnest.
    Scientists have develped a bld test t diagnse Alzheimer's disease withut the need fr expensive brain imaging r a painful lumbar puncture,where a sample f cerebrspinal (脑脊髓的) fluid(CSF)is drawn frm the lwer back.
    Current guidelines recmmend detectin f three distinct markers:abnrmal accumulatins f amylid(淀粉样蛋白)and tau prteins,as well as neurdegeneratin—the slw and prgressive lss f neurnal cells(神经元细胞)in specified regins f the brain.This can be dne thrugh a cmbinatin f brain imaging and CSF analysis.Hwever,a lumbar puncture can be painful and peple may experience headaches r back pain after the prcedure,while brain imaging is expensive and takes a lng time t schedule.Thmas Karikari at the University f Pittsburgh,wh was invlved in the study, said,“A lt f patients,even in the US,dn't have access t MRI and PET scanners.Accessibility is a majr issue.”
    The develpment f a reliable bld test wuld be an imprtant step frwards.“A bld test is cheaper,safer and easier t cnduct,and it can imprve clinical cnfidence in diagnsing Alzheimer's and selecting participants fr clinical trial and disease mnitring,"Karikari said.
    Althugh current bld tests can accurately detect abnrmalities in amylid and tau prteins, detecting markers f nerve cell damage that are specific t the brain has been harder.Karikari and his clleagues arund the wrld fcused n develping an antibdy-based bld test that wuld detect a particular frm f tau prtein called brain-derived tau,which is specific t Alzheimer's disease.
    They tested it in 600 patients at varius stages f Alzheimer's and fund that levels f the prtein crrelated well with levels f tau in the CSF,and culd reliably distinguish Alzheimer's frm ther neurdegenerative diseases.
    The next step will be t validate the test in a brader range f patients,including thse frm varied racial backgrunds,and thse suffering frm different stages f memry lss r ther ptential dementia symptms
    28.What des Paragraph 2 mainly talk abut cncerning the current detectin methd?
    A.Its reliability B.Its imprtance C.Its cmplexity. D.Its disadvantages
    29.What is the breakthrugh made by Karikari and his clleagues?
    A.They created a bld test t detect brain-derived tau.
    B.They develped a medicine t cure Alzheimer's disease.
    C.They fund a way t safely draw CSF frm patients'back.
    D.They discvered prtein t help diagnse Alzheimer's disease.
    宜荆荆随恩重点高中教科研协作体*英语试卷(共8 页)第4 页
    30.What des the underlined wrd"validate"in paragraph 6 mst prbably mean?
    A.Invent. B.Cnfirm C.Frecast. D.Prhibit.
    31.What is the purpse f the passage?
    A.T raise peple's awareness f Alzheimer's disease.
    B.T questin a cmmn view abut Alzheimer's disease.
    C.T intrduce an apprach t detecting Alzheimer's disease.
    D.T prvide evidence fr the symptms f Alzheimer's disease.
    We are living in a wrld where technlgy is never a neutral tl fr achieving human ends. Technlgical innvatins reshape peple as they use these innvatins t cntrl their envirnment. Artificial intelligence,fr example,is altering humanity.
    While the term AI aruses anxieties abut killer rbts r catastrphic levels f unemplyment, there are ther deeper implicatins.As AI increasingly shapes the human experience,hw des this change what it means t be human?Central t the prblem is a persn's capacity t make chices, particularly judgments that have mral implicatins.Aristtle argued that the capacity fr making practical judgments depends n regularly making them—n habit and practice.We see the emergence f machines as substitute judges in a variety f everyday cntexts as a ptential threat t peple learning hw t effectively exercise judgment themselves.
    In the wrkplace,managers rutinely make decisins abut wh t hire r fire and which lan t apprve.These are areas where algrithm ( 算 法 )is replacing human judgment,and s peple wh might have had the chance t develp practical judgment in these areas n lnger will.
    Recmmendatin engines,which are increasingly ppular in peple's cnsumptin f culture,may serve t restrict chice and minimize luck.By presenting cnsumers with algrithmically selected chices f what t watch,read,stream and visit next,cmpanies are replacing human taste with machine taste.In ne sense,this is helpful.After all,machines can survey a wider range f chices than any individual is likely t have the time r energy t d n their wn.
    Algrithms culd sn—if they dn't already-have a better idea abut which shw yu'd like t watch next and which jb candidate yu shuld hire than yu d.One day,humans may even find a way fr machines t make these decisins withut sme f the prejudices that humans typically display.
    But unpredictability is part f hw peple understand themselves and part f what peple like abut themselves.Frm this aspect,humanity is in the prcess f lsing smething significant.As they becme mre and mre predictable,the creatures living in the AI wrld will becme less and less like
    32.Why des the authr cite Aristtle's wrds in paragraph 2?
    A.T present a fact. B.T explain a rule
    C.T clarify a cncept. D.T illustrate a viewpint.
    33.What may result frm increasing applicatin f recmmendatin engines in ur cnsumptin f culture?
    A.Cnsumers will actually enjy better luck.
    B.Cnsumers will have much limited chice.
    C.Humans will develp tastes similar t machines'.
    D.Humans will find it easier t decide what t enjy.
    34.Why des the authr say the creatures living in AI wrld will becme increasingly unlike us?
    A.They will nt be able t understand themselves as we can d tday.
    B.They will lse what their ancestrs were prud f abut themselves.
    C.They will lse the mst significant human element f being intelligent.
    D.They will n lnger pssess the human characteristic f being unpredictable.
    宜荆荆随恩重点高中教科研协作体*英语试卷(共8 页)第5 页
    35.What can be the best title fr the passage?
    A.AI is reshaping humanity. B.AI is affecting mral judgments.
    C.AI is becming mre predictable. D.AI is causing massive unemplyment.
    阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选 项。
    Have yu ever heard f underwater ftball?Underwater ftball has been called ne f the wrld's least-knwn sprts.. 36 The game can be enjyed by anyne f any age and can be played under bth indr and utdr water surfaces.Underwater ftball shares sme cmmn rules and play elements with ther underwater sprts like underwater hckey.As with thse games,it is played in the deep end f a swimming pl with snrkeling(浮潜)equipment.
    The gal f the game is t scre a pint by placing a ball n the ppnents'side f the pl.The ball can nly be pssessed by players wh cmpletely stay underwater hlding their breath.. 37
    Just like n land,underwater ftball is a game f cntrl and pssessin.. 38 When ppsing players are in yur space,yu need t be able t recgnize it quickly and take apprpriate actin.
    39 Each team tries t get their ball int ne end zne by either passing r running thrugh underwater bstacles.The first team t reach the endpint wins!Just five players are n the curt at ne time,despite each team having 13 players.
    T win the ball back r keep it away frm yur ppnents,yu must use all yur strength and
    abilities underwater. 40
    A.T play it yu need snrkeling equipment.
    B.Underwater ftball invlves tw teams f five players.
    C.The equipment necessary fr underwater ftball isn't very cmplex.
    D.The ball must be passed r drpped when players g t the surface fr air.
    E.T play well,yu need t master the basics f spacial awareness and decisin-making. F.All these skills require practice if yu want t becme an expert at this exciting sprt. G.It is a sprt that cmbines the fundamentals f ftball with the excitement f diving.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Career hunt hits pavement
    When it cmes t jb hunting,few cnsider hlding a cardbard sign n the pavement a 41
    ptin.Hwever,Yan Xinyi,a 21-year-ld cmmerce graduate f University f Trnt,traveled the path less taken and received her . 42
    After 43 herself n the street as an eager candidates fr a jb in the advertising and marketing industry,she 44 a psitin as a research analysts at Reprise Media,a glbal nline marketing agency,reprted The Trnt Star.
    Yan had been searching fr a jb since she graduated early last year.“I have psted hundreds f jb applicatins but wasn't getting any 45 ,”she tld The Star.
    By December she 46 t make her big play."I want t make it happen,"She tld The Star, “even if I have t d smething a little ….47 . ”
    宜荆荆随恩重点高中教科研协作体*英语试卷(共8 页)第6 页
    She held the cardbard and 48 resumes n the street.Whever 49 ne wuld get a bag f candy canes as a Christmas gifts. 50 HR frm Reprise Media reached ut t her nline and
    51 an interview.
    Jseph McCnnellgue,Reprise Media's managing directr, 52 Yan being energetic during. the interview.He was cnvinced Yan was the real deal when she 53 a PwerPint presentatin abut her street-sign jb search.
    “We were very impressed with her 54 and aer,”McCnnellgue tld The Star.“She tk things int her wn hands,tk a very different 55 t finding a jb.Smetimes think utside the bx and yu find the slutin.”
    B.randm C.plain D.wrthwhile
    B.reward C.slutin D.answer
    B.persuading C.refreshing D.practising
    B.intrduced C.landed D.changed
    B.requests C.frms D.challenges
    B.hesitated C.cntinued D.decided
    B.uncnventinal C.unchangeable D.unacceptable
    ut B.put up C.made up D.gave ut
    B.cpied C.laid D.created
    B.Unfrtunately C.Apparently D.Eventually
    B.arranged C.spnsred D.declined
    B.mtivated C.recalled D.cmpared
    fr B.wrked ut C.went thrugh D.turned t
    B.initiative C.pliteness D.knwledge
    B.attitude C.reactin D.preference
    Frequently 56 (feed)by turists and drivers,a wlf in Hh Xil,Qinghai prvince,has recently gained ppularity and sparked discussins nline due t its dwny and rund shape.
    The wlf,which 57 .(be)nce bny in the wilderness,has nw becme quite fat and even learned t wag its tail and expse its stmach . 58 an attempt t ask fr fd frm the 59 (pass)vehicles.Sme netizens tease the wlf,saying that it n lnger wants t put effrts int hunting, 60 thers express their cncerns that this actin may disturb the natural rder.Qi Xinzhang frm Xining Wildlife Park,stated that randm feeding shuld nt be encuraged.He mentined,“I want t believe in the kindness f the feeders,but kindness needs 61 (sense) supprt.”He further explained that death itself is a natural part f life and a. 62 (necessary)fr ther predatrs'survival.
    Dai Qiang,a researcher at the Chengdu Institute f Bilgy,said that feeding wild animals might bring risks t the feeders . 63 (them).Wild animals,especially injured nes,may carry sme bacteria.Wlves are predatrs after all,. 64 seemingly gentle appearance can't guarantee they wn't display aggressin.Therefre,it's imprtant 65 .(maintain)a safe distance.
    宜荆荆随恩重点高中教科研协作体*英语试卷(共8 页)第7 页
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假如你是学生会主席李华,请你围绕“保护环境,低碳生活”为主题,写一封英语倡议书,旨 在号召大家积极采取行动,践行低碳生活。内容包括:
    2. 如何低碳生活;
    3. 发出倡议。
    阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段 ,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 A Mdest and veele Thanksgiving Feast
    Thanksgiving,after all is a wrd f actin---
    We had finally decided t skip ur traditinal family dinner and make the hly jurney t Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade(游行)with ur five-year-ld daughter,Kerry.We never anticipated what Kerry wuld take away frm the experience,r hw it wuld affect ur lives fr years t cme.
    We caught the dawn train frm Pughkeepsie t Grand Central alng with hundreds f ther excited celebrants.Like many ther families we packed a small backpack with sliced turkey sandwiches and juice bxes;eating n the fly in New Yrk City is expensive and cmplicated,unless yu settle fr pretzels and rasted chestnuts frm a street fd stand.Kerry was wide-eyed and a little verwhelmed. This was nt her rdinary uting with Mm and Dad.
    As the train pulled int the terminal(终点站),everyne rse and std in the passage anxiusly waiting t get ff and head tward the parade rute alng Fifth Avenue.Rather than have ur little daughter pushed rughly by the crwds,we waited until everyne had stepped ff nt the chas f the platfrm.As we walked up t the entrance t the terminal,Kerry sptted a hmeless wman sitting in the shadws,invisible t all except my curius daughter.
    “What's that?”she asked.We lked at each ther,caught ff guard(措不及防)by the need t explain smething very different than the happy scene we were abut t jin.During ur first years f parenthd we'd discussed hw we wuld explain such nearly ineffable tpics as Gd death,and eventually sex and lve.But hmelessness?We weren't prepared.We gave as simple and hnest an explanatin as we culd find and cntinued n t the parade.
    The fllwing year,we decided t attend the parade again.S the night befre Thanksgiving we went shpping fr sliced turkey fr sandwiches.
    Again,Kerry caught us ff guard.
    We arrived and fund a hmeless man sitting in the same spt as last year.
    宜荆荆随恩重点高中教科研协作体*英语试卷(共8 页)第8 页
    听力部分:1-5CBAAC 6-10 BCACB 11-15 CBAAB 16-20 BBCAC
    阅读理解:21-25 DBABC 26-30 ACDAB 31-35 CDBDA
    七选五:36-40 GDEBF
    完形填空:41-45 DBACA 46-50 DBDAD 51-55 BCCBA
    语法填空:56.fed 57.was 58.in 59.passing 60.but/while
    61.sensible 62.necessity 63.themselves 64.whse 65.t maintain
    Dear fellw students,
    With the develpment f mdern industry,the envirnment is becming increasingly wrse.It's high time that we shuld take measures,r we wuld have nwhere t live.We students can prtect ur envirnment by
    living a lw-carbn life.
    Firstly,d turn ff lights and ther switches when nt using them t save electricity.What's mre,if we g ut,we shuld walk,ride r take public transprt instead f driving.Finally,reusing paper and bttles in ur daily
    life is als highly recmmended.
    Let's make jint effrts t create a green and harmnius envirnment.I strngly believe that a better wrld
    wes t the cmmitment and dedicatin f everyne.
    Again,Kerry caught us ff guard “Can we bring sme sandwiches fr thse peple?”she asked.We knew immediately whm she meant.Hw culd we refuse?Mre imprtantly,why wuld we refuse?This was a glden pprtunity t hnr Kerry's sense f charity.Our six-year-ld daughter was teaching us an imprtant lessn.We bught five punds f sliced turkey,tw laves f bread and a can f cranberry sauce.That night we prepared and
    packed tw-dzen sandwiches int ur nw verstuffed backpack.
    We arrived and fund a hmeless man sitting in the same spt as last year.We stpped and tk ut the first f the little feasts frm the pack.Withut a wrd f instructin we handed it t Kerry.She walked ver t the man slwly,standing still until he lked up at her.She reached ut and handed the sandwich t him.Neither spke a wrd.Then we were ff t the parade,stpping alng the way t distribute the rest f the sandwiches,except ne fr each f us.Smehw,n giant Thanksgiving sit-dwn feast ever tasted as gd as thse sandwiches.
    【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文。通过对四个过时的英文单词的介绍,呈现出英语语言在社会发展下的变 化,帮助学生意识到语言学习的规律及方法。
    宜荆荆随恩重点高中教科研协作体*英语答案(共6 页)第1 页
    21.D 细节理解题。根据原文中对 Whippersnapper 一词的解释“In its mre cntemprary versin,the wrd relates t a yung persn wh is t cnfident and des nt shw enugh respect t lder peple.”可知在如今 whippersnapper 指的是过于自信且不尊重老年人的年轻人。故选 D。
    22.B 细节理解题。根据题干“下列哪一个是因为技术发展变过时的单词”和文中对Tape 一词的解释可知,
    Tape 一词的过时和技术发展变化息息相关。故选B。
    23.A 主题判断题。根据全文内容可知,文章从英语语言发展的角度,列举四个因社会发展而过时的单词,
    并解释这些单词的定义以及过时的原因,属于语言主题。故选 A。
    24.B 细节理解题。根据第二段话“She signed up and carned her dctrate in mathematics 可知: Nether”报名 并获得了在数学博士学位。故选 B。
    25.C 细节理解题。根据第四段话 Bill Nichll 所说的话“The female brain is unsuitable fr mathematical prductin,"he wrte,but Nether std ut as “ne f the rare exceptins.”可知:“女性的大脑不适合从事数学
    研究,”他写道,但Nether却是“极少的例外之一”,Nether 是天生的数学大师人物。故选C。
    26.A 细节理解题。根据第五段话“Mathematicians still use Nether's map tday,nt just in ring thery,but in ther area such as number thery and algebraic gemetry”可知,环论在今天依然为数学家所利用。故选A。
    27.C 推理判断题。根据全文内容及第六段话“During thse years,she kept ding research and made imprtant cntributins t theretical physics and Einstein's thery f relativity.The university finally granted her lecturer status.Tw years later,Nether published revlutinary discveries in ring thery,which is the study f mathematical bjects called rings”可知, Nether 是坚定的且有创意的人。故选C。
    28.D 主旨大意题。根据第二段内容可知,目前的医学指南检测三种不同的标志物:淀粉样蛋白、Tau 蛋 白的异常积累,以及神经变性(大脑特定区域神经元细胞的缓慢和渐进性丧失),它们在检测的过程中, 可能会出现让患者身体不适,或费用昂贵,或因为仪器不够需要等待很长时间等不足。故选D。
    29.A 细节理解题根据第三段内容可知,开发可靠的血液测试将是一个重要的进步。“血检更经济、安全、 更容易实施,可以提高诊断阿尔茨海默病的临床信心,并为临床试验和疾病监测征选研究对象。”故选A。 30.B 词义推测题根据语境和划线单词所在句子可知,下一步研究将在更广泛的患者中验证该血液测试,
    31.C 推理判断题根据第一段和全文内容可知,科学家们开发出一种可诊断阿尔茨海默病的新型血液检 测方法 脑源性Tau 蛋白的水平与脑脊液中的Tau 蛋白水平有很大的相关性,能可靠地将阿尔茨海默 病与其他神经退行性疾病区分开来。故选C。
    宜荆荆随恩重点高中教科研协作体*英语答案(共6 页)第2 页
    【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍了人工智能对人类的影响。
    32.D 推理判断题。文章第二段As Al increasingly shapes the human experience,hw des this change what it means t be human?Central t the prblem is a persn's capacity t make chices,particularly judgments that have mral implicatins. 随着人工智能越来越多地影响人类体验,这会如何改变人类的意义呢?这个问题的 核心是一个人做出选择的能力,尤其是具有道德含义的判断。亚里士多德认为,做出实际判断的能力与定期 对习惯和实践做出判断有关。机器作为替代评判者出现在各种日常环境中,我们认为,这对正在自学如何有 效地进行判断的人类构成了潜在威胁。因此引用亚里士多德的观点是为了说明一个观点。
    33.B 细节理解题。文章第四段第一句指出,在人们的文化消费中,推荐引擎成为越来越普遍,可能会限 制选择并最大限度地减少运气成分。推荐引擎越来越普遍,与题干中的 increasing applicatin f recmmendatin engines 语义相同,而推荐引擎具体做的事情就是 may serve t restrict chice and minimize luck(可能会限制选择并最大限度地减少运气成分),推荐引擎限制了选择,也就是消费者会有很有限的选择, 对应选项 A 中的 limited,因此答案为B 项。
    34.D 推理判断题。最后一段第二句提到随着事情变得越来越可预测,生活在工智能时代的我们会越来越不 像自己了,也就是说人类需要不可预测性,所以人类不再拥有不可预测性就会让我们越来越不像自己,因此答
    案为 D。
    35.A 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了人工智能对人类的影响。第1、2段引出文章主旨:人工智能会重塑人类。 第3、4段指出人工智能会影响人们的实际判断能力。第5段指出算法会增加可预测性。第6段指出可预
    36.G。 设空处前提到,你是否听说过水下足球,水下足球被称为世界上最不知名的运动之一,由此可推 知,设空处应当是给出水下足球的定义,故G 项内容(它是一项结合足球基本原理和潜水刺激的运动)符
    37.D。 设空处前提到,球只能由完全在水下屏住呼吸的球员持有,由此可知,该段在介绍比赛规则,那 么 D项内容(球员浮出水面换气时必须把球传出或放下)承接上文,符合语境。D 项中的 passed r drpped 与设空处前的 pssessed 形成对照。
    38.E。 设空处后的内容(当对方球员进入你的领域时,你需要能够迅速识别并采取适当的行动)具体解 释了E 项内容(要想踢得好,你需要具备基本的空间意识和决断力)。
    39.B。 根据设空处后的 team 、Just five players 等可知,该段主要介绍与比赛队员相关的信息,故B 项内
    40.F。 设空处前提到,为了把球赢回来,或者不让对手控球,你必须在水下使用你所有的力量和能力, 故F 项内容(如果你想成为这项令人兴奋的运动的专家,所有这些技能都需要练习)承接上文,符合语境。
    【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了毕业生 Yan Xinyi 在求职过程中采用非常规方式取得成
    41.D 很少有人认为在人行道上寻找工作是值得尝试的 (wrthwhile)。
    42.B 这位研究生以非常规方式最终获得成功,得到回报 (reward)。
    43.A 在街道上推销自己 (selling)。
    宜荆荆随恩重点高中教科研协作体*英语答案(共6 页)第3 页
    44.C 得到了研究分析师这个职位 (landed)。
    45.A 我寄出了很多求职信,但未得到回应,没人上钩 (bites)。
    46.D 未得到回应,改变策略,决定放大招了(decided)。
    47.B 即使要采用一些非常规手段 (uncnventinal)。
    48.D 她举着硬纸板,在街上发简历 (gave ut)。
    49.A 接受 (tk) 了她的简历的人都会收到圣诞礼物。
    50.D 最终人力资源人员在网上联系了她 (Eventually)。
    51.B 最终人力资源人员在网上联系了她,安排了面试 (arranged)。
    52.C 总经理回忆起在面试时她充满活力 (recalled)。
    53.C 当 Yan 在做(经历) (went thrugh) 街头找工作的展示时,总经理相信 Yan 是真正的人选。 54.B 我们对她和她的主动性创新性印象深刻 (initiative)。
    55.A 她把事情掌握在自己手中,用不同的方式 (apprach) 来寻找工作。
    【语篇解读】本文为一篇夹叙夹议的文章,介绍了青海可可西里的一头野狼因为经常被过往游客和司机投 喂而膘肥体胖,这一现象引发人们的讨论。
    【语篇解读】正如此文标题提示的,这是一个发生在感恩节的感人故事。故事中的5岁小女孩一次和家人 坐火车去参加感恩节游行,在火车站入口处看到一个无家可归的妇女,引起她的好奇和关心,并询问父母 什么是“无家可归”,这让父母有些猝不及防。在第二年他们一家在为参加游行采购的时候,小女孩提出要 为那些无家可归者买食物,再次让父母猝不及防。这是一个关于关爱和帮助的暖心的故事。
    我们有了答案“hmeless peple”。
    ②由第一段首句内容 “Kerry 再次让我们猝不及防”可知,小女孩仍然惦记着偶遇的无家可归的人们,既然 他们现在在购物,小女孩一定会想给那些需要帮助的人们也买一些东西。所以此段情节线为女孩提出请 求一父母的反应—采取行动。
    ③ 第二段内容为帮助的实施。情节线为:小女孩实施帮助—流浪汉的反应一感受温暖,感悟。
    宜荆荆随恩重点高中教科研协作体*英语答案(共6 页)第4 页
    考查关系代词 whse 引导定语从句。
    65.t maintain
    (Text 1)
    W:What are yur plans fr the summer vacatin,Paul?
    M:Oh,I'd lve t g and lie n a beach smewhere,but I need t save sme mney fr schl.I think I'll stay
    hme and get a jb.
    (Text 2)
    W:Culd yu d smething abut yur dg?It barks at night and keeps me awake.
    M:I didn't realize.It wn't happen again.
    (Text 3)
    W:Hw d yu like yur jb?
    M:It's great.I'm ging t study part-time fr a Master's in Business Management.It'll take a cuple f years but
    I definitely plan n staying with the cmpany.
    (Text 4)
    M:Wuld yu like t jin us fr a ride arund the harbr?
    W:What a pleasant way t spend a ht day!
    (Text 5)
    M:Suppse I wanted t hire a car —hw much wuld it cst?
    W:f22 per day,f130 per week.
    M:Fair enugh.Reserve me ne frm the Ist t the 10th,please.
    (Text 6)
    M:Simna,d yu agree with the rankings f thse cities?
    W:Nt all f them.Fr example San Francisc shuld have a higher rating.It's bigger and mre beautiful than a lt f the thers.Yu knw,there's the sea,the bay,Glden Gate Bridge …
    M:What abut Tky and Lndn?
    W:Well,in my pinin Lndn's nt as expensive as Tky but Tky is mre rganized.Its transprt is almst perfect,but maybe transprt isn't the mst imprtant thing.
    (Text 7)
    W:Hi,Phil,gd t see yu.D we have time fr a cffee befre we g int the meeting?
    M:Actually,we're late already —8we really need t g in straightaway.D yu have the reprt and ther papers with yu?
    W:Yes,I have all that.Yu lk a little trubled,thugh.Is everything OK?
    M:Emily,it's just that perhaps yu had a different atitude t time-keeping in yur previus cmpany.Being n time is very imprtant here,particularly fr peple like Jeff Kravitz,wh we're abut t see,and I'm very anxius t start this meeting n the right nte.
    W:Oh,srry,Phil.Hnestly,I didn't realize.Yu're right.It wasn't such a big deal in my last cmpany.Fll definitely try t be n time in future.And dn't wrry —I'm very well prepared fr this meeting.It's ging t
    be gd.
    (Text 8)
    M:I'm glad it's Friday.Bye Susan,I'll see yu n Mnday.
    W:Mnday?I'll see yu at yur send-ff party tmrrw night.
    M:Send-ff party?I thught I was ging t Peter's huse fr dinner …S they're having a send-ff party fr me, are they?
    W:Oh dear.I think I've revealed a secret.But nbdy tld me t keep it secret.
    M:Dn't wrry.I wn't tell anyne abut it.It'll be fun!
    宜荆荆随恩重点高中教科研协作体*英语答案(共6 页)第5 页
    W:Oh gd …I hear that yu're taking a year ff frm wrk.What're yu planning t d?
    M:Well,I want t see as much f the wrld as pssible but I want t get away frm the ppulated areas and the busy cmpetitin f city life.
    (Text 9)
    M:My guest tday is Alice Barker,wh has a very unusual ability.Alice,thank yu fr cming int the studi. What kind f unusual ability are we talking abut here?
    W:Well,when I read a wrd r even think f a particular wrd,such as Tuesday,I see a clr cnnected with it.
    It's nt that I imagine a clr—I really see it in frnt f my eyes.
    M:Hw interesting!Is it a srt f medical cnditin?
    W:Yes.It's generally passed n frm parents t their children,which is the case with me.
    M:And d yu have brthers r sisters with the same ability?
    W:Yes,my brther is the same as me.When we were yunger,we used t have arguments abut things like what clr the wrd Friday was.It turns ut that everyne with this cnditin sees different clrs fr different
    M:It sunds as thugh it culd make life quite tiring.
    W:I suppse it des.Hwever,I knw if I'm starting t feel depressed because things begin t lk grey.That's pretty useful actually,as it means I can d smething t cheer myself up befre I feel t bad!
    (Text 10)
    W:Welcme t this pdcast abut the Sheepmarket,which is ne f the ldest parts f the city.As its name suggests,there was riginally a market here where farmers brught their sheep,but nw it's ne f the city's fastest-grwing cmmunities.The narrw ld side streets are great places fr finding riginal pictures and decratins which wn't break the bank.There are als lts f sidewalk cafes where yu can watch turists frm all ver the wrld g by.The Sheepmarket is a center fr fashin.The Yung Fashin cmpetitin is pen t lcal yung peple.This year they've been asked t design clthes based n ideas frm the music and technlgy that's part f their everyday life,using bth natural and man-made materials.The winning entries will be mdeled at an evening party.Parking at the Sheepmarket is easy.There are plenty f pay and display car parking spaces n the radside if yu just want t stay fr an hur r tw,but if yu want t spend the day there it's better t park in the undergrund car parks.It's nt expensive and if yu can present a receipt frm ne f the lcal stres,yu'll nt be charged at all.
    宜荆荆随恩重点高中教科研协作体*英语答案(共6 页)第6 页

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