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    考试时间:120分钟 命题人: 审题人: 考试时间:12月4日
    Over the last century, engineers all ver the wrld have made effrts t achieve great success in bridge design.
    Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge
    N bridge is as lng as the Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in the wrld. The164.8-kilmetre-lng bridge built in 2011 in China perates as part f the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway. The trip frm Ningb t Jiaxi ng that previusly tk 4. 5 hurs has been reduced t tw thanks t this bridge.
    Ri-Niterói Bridge
    Cmpleted in 1974, the Ri-Niterói Bridge in Brazil is the secnd-lngest bridge in all f Latin America cnnecting the cities f Ri and Niterói acrss the Guanabara Bay. The Ri-Niterói Bridge is technically knwn as a “bx-girder (箱形梁)” bridge, made f special cncrete. It receives an astnishing 140,000 (r mre) vehicles (车辆) per day, making it better knwn in the wrld.
    Hartland Cvered Bridge
    The Hartland Cvered Bridge is the wrld’s lngest cvered bridge. The 1,282-ft-lng bridge was pened in 1901 and has been n Canada’s list f Natinal Histric Sites since 1980. Althugh it was at first built withut a rf, the bridge was capped with wden materials during the repairs in 1921.
    Jiazhu Bay Bridge
    The newly-built Jiazhu Bay Bridge in China was named “wrld’s lngest bridge ver water” by Guinness Bk f Wrld Recrds in 2011, a title previusly held by the Lake Pntchartrain Causeway. The dispute was settled when the title f “lngest cntinuus bridge ver water” was given t the causeway, with the Jiazhu Bay Bridge receiving the title f “lngest bridge ver water”.
    21. Which bridge is famus as a busy ne?
    A. Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge.B. Ri-Niterói Bridge.
    C. Hartland Cvered Bridge.D. Jiazhu Bay Bridge.
    22. What is special abut the Hartland Cvered Bridge?
    A. It is the lngest bridge wrldwide.B. It is ver 160 kilmeters.
    C. It has a rf.D. It is a wden bridge.
    23. Where can yu find the lngest bridge n the sea?
    A. In America.B. In Brazil.C. In Canada.D. In China.
    I travel a lt in my wrk, and what I dislike abut my jb is eating alne. It always makes me feel lnely t see thers laughing and talking. S, rm service fr several nights was a better chice fr me.
    After having rm service three nights at a htel in Hustn, hwever, I needed t get ut f my rm. Althugh the restaurant pened at 6:30, I arrived at 6:25. The waiter at the frnt desk made a cmment(评论) abut my “being there really early”. I explained my dislike f eating alne in restaurants. He then seated me at a lvely table and asked me whether I wuld mind if he sat dwn with me fr a while.
    I was glad! He sat and talked with me abut his career gals and the difficulty f being at wrk n nights, weekends and hlidays. He said he hadn’t enugh time t be with his family. After 15 minutes, he saw sme custmers at the frnt desk and excused himself. I nticed that befre he went t the frnt desk, he stpped in the kitchen fr a mment.
    Then anther waiter came ut f the kitchen and had a wnderful chat with me. Befre I left that night, sme ther waiters, even the ck, had cme ut f the kitchen and sat with me!
    When I asked fr my bill abut ne hur later, all the peple wh had sat dwn with me came ver in a big grup t my table, and presented me with a red rse. And I cried! What had begun as a lnely night ended as a beautiful experience.
    24. The authr asked fr rm service because _______.
    A. a lt f mney wuld be saved in this way
    B. he didn’t like t eat with ther peple arund
    C. he didn’t wanted t be recgnized by the waiters
    D. seeing peple laughing and talking made him feel bad
    25. Hw did the waiter feel when he saw the authr cme in at 6:25?
    A. Dissatisfied.B. Pleased.
    C. Surprised.D. Angry.
    26. Frm the third paragraph, we can learn that the waiter at the frnt desk ______
    A. knew hw t attract mre custmers t his restaurant
    B. fund it hard t balance his wrk and his family
    C. was getting tired f his present jb
    D. had never had such a chance t talk abut his wrries
    27. The authr wants t tell us that ______.
    A. peple are actually all lnely in their wn way
    B. restaurants shuld put the need f custmers first
    C. the kindness f strangers can make yu less lnely
    D restaurants are full f surprises fr lnely peple
    My tw daughters and I gt int the car t spend ur weekend in Flrida. Autumn, the elder ne, ffered t drive. I sat next t her, and Amber sat in back. After setting ut, the three f us sang t the radi at the tp f ur vice.
    It was a great trip until the rain pured and the rain was t heavy. “I have t pull ver.” Autumn said. She tried t enter the far right lane (车道) t find a place t stp, but trucks ran fast, making water nt ur car. The car was ut f cntrl, then wrse -- it started t mve left and right. Autumn fught t cntrl it but it was t late. We ran int a truck. The girls jumped ut f the car. My chest felt much pain.
    “Get ut, Mm. Cme n!” Amber cried. “I can’t.” I said. Autumn tk ut her cellphne. “There’s been an accident. Send an ambulance (救护车)!” Amber and Autumn pulled me ut f the car and helped me lie n my back in the grassy area by the radside. I had t calm myself and lked up. A man held a large umbrella ver me and ther kind faces appeared abve me. A wman helped t treat a cut ver Amber’s eye. Anther wman came clse t me and said, “N ne in the truck was injured. Help was n the way.” The wman mentined she was a nurse; the ther wman wh tk care f Amber’s cut was an eye specialist. We culdn’t have asked fr better care.
    In the hspital the pain in my chest began t disappear. Later, the tests at the hspital made sure we had n serius injuries. We’d left all ur trubles behind thanks t these kind peple, wh seemed t be angels (天使) in my eyes.
    28. Hw did the authr and her tw daughters feel after setting ut?
    A. They were wrried abut the weather. B. They enjyed themselves greatly.
    C. They thught it was a lng jurney. D. They felt lucky t take the jurney.
    29. What’s Autumn ging t d when the rain pured?
    A. T stp by the radside. B. T fllw the truck clsely,
    C. T get int the fast traffic lane. D. T mve the car left and right.
    30. Which is TRUE accrding t the accident?
    A. The authr herself drve the car. B. It was raining heavily.
    C. A nurse held a large umbrella t help. D. The truck driver was badly injured.
    31. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Unexpected heavy rain B. Leave ur trubles behind
    C. Kind angels saved the day D. My tw kind daughters
    Kindness is seen as a true strength, and the success f civilizatins relies n kindness. As parents and teachers, we als teach children frm a yung age t “be kind t ne anther” and “treat thers the way yu want t be treated.”
    In additin t being helpful t ur interpersnal relatinships, research has shwn that kindness can even cntribute t ur well-being. Accrding t the May Clinic, when we perfrm acts f kindness, the pleasure center in ur brain is activated, releasing the stress-reducing hrmne (激素). Individuals wh vlunteer n a regular basis reprt greater life satisfactin. And what is even greater is that kindness rarely stps with just ne persn. There can be a psitive cntagin (扩散) effect, where ther peple are mtivated t be nice if they receive a randm act f kindness. The questin then arises: Culd kindness be harmful t us when it has such clear benefits? Let’s think abut this in the wrkplace r in an rganizatin.
    Yu are the new persn n the team and yu want t be well-liked and respected by yur clleagues. Yu are a kind persn and tell yur team, “Let me knw hw I can help yu; I’m always available t help.” Thugh yu may truly mean this, there are unfrtunately peple in this wrld wh can see yur kindness as a weakness. This can lead t yu being taken advantage f by thers.
    Let’s fast frward a year. Yu have been in yur psitin nw fr ne year, and yu are wrking with the same team. Yu are nticing that yur clleagues cntinue asking fr yur help ver and ver again. In fact, the nly time they cmmunicate with yu is when they need smething. Yu have been s helpful t yur clleagues and there has rarely been any return frm them.
    In a very brad sense, it is advantageus t be kind t thers, and yur kind acts will be appreciated and, perhaps, paid frward. Hwever, yu need t be willing t say “n”. Recgnize when yur plate is already t full. When peple ask yu a favr, assess if yu have the time, energy, and attentin t give t them. T truly be kind, smetimes yu need t be mre cmfrtable saying “n” t thers and saying “yes” t yurself.
    32. What has the May Clinic fund cncerning kindness?
    A. It des gd t ur mind.
    B. It reduces hrmne levels.
    C. It adds years t peple’s life.
    D. It leads t the success f civilizatins.
    33. What might the new persn feel ne year later?
    A. Grateful. B. Bred. C. Disappinted. D. Energetic.
    34. What des the underlined part in the last paragraph mean?
    A. When yu’re t full t eat anything.
    B. When yur kind acts get appreciated.
    C. When yu shuld ask thers a favr.
    D. When yu’re physically and mentally tired.
    35. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Yur kindness cunts fr yur well-being!
    B. Are we tiring urselves with kindness?
    C. Why are randm acts f kindness imprtant?
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Many teenagers may have a very cnfusing time filled with wrries in high schl. Here are sme tips which can help yu succeed in the years.
    36 Yu may be faced with t many chices in yur life and it’s unwise t try everything. Just fcus n yur favrite. Cnsider all the benefits that it brings int yur life and then see hw yu can develp yur passin int a pssible jb chice.
    Get away frm the friends that ffer unfriendly advice and negativity (否定性). There is n place fr that kind f behavir at any stage f yur life. And yu shuld value yurself highly enugh t get rid f these peple. 37
    Read as much as yu can. Pick up a bk n anything that increases yur knwledge. Stp spendinghurs in watching yur favrite TV shws. 38 Yu’ll ntice in a few days hw yu begin t see things in a different way.
    Limit the time spent n scial media. I am 19 years ld, s I understand just hw much time can be wasted n technlgy, especially the Internet and cellphnes. 39 Instead nce yu spend that time imprving yurself, yur life begins t shape and turn int exactly what yu want it t be.
    Make mistakes. Lk at a mistake yu’ve made frm every pssible way and take the lessns frm it. 40 Yu can’t achieve this by trying t be perfect all the time. It’s kay t make mistakes.
    A. Get ready t try different things.
    B. Knw yurself and pick a directin.
    C. Instead use that time t imprve yurself by reading.
    D. Spend less time ding things that add n value t yur life.
    E. This des wnders fr self-cnfidence and verall psitivity (积极性).
    F. Yur teenage years are meant t be spent getting t knw yurself.
    G. It’s imprtant fr yu t wrk hard t imprve yur scres in yur study.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Many schls tday have gardens. Schl gardens are planted by students and teachers and are filled with ___21___, ften rses, sunflwers and vegetables. Whether the ___22___ is large r small, the students and schl cmmunity (社区) wh ___23___ the plants benefit (获益) frm it a lt. Teachers can find creative ways t use schl gardens as part f their ___24___. Fr example, science teachers can ___25___ a schl garden t help students learn hw plants grw. ___26___ teachers can ask students t draw plants. The ___27___ pssibilities are endless.
    There are many benefits fr the students wh wrk in the schl gardens. One f the mst ___28___ things they learn is respnsibility. By caring fr their ___29___, they learn the imprtance f respnsibility. Gardens als prvide lts f chances fr _____30_____. Students wrk tgether t plant, and care fr the plants as they grw. They see a whle curse that depends n the class wrking tgether as a team. A schl garden nt nly benefits the whle _____31_____; it als benefits the whle cmmunity! By _____32_____ cmmunity members t help take care f the garden, students can get t _____33_____ the peple in their cmmunity. The fd grwn in the garden can be _____34_____ t the lcal pr peple, which will make students feel _____35_____ abut helping their neighbrs.
    On the whle, starting a schl garden can be a wise chice fr a schl.
    41. A. fruitsB. flwersC. grassD. trees
    42. A. fficeB. classrmC. playgrundD. garden
    43. A. cllect upB. clean upC. care frD. lk fr
    44. A. labsB. skillsC. gamesD. lessns
    45.A. changeB. findC. useD. fix
    46. A. ArtB. MathsC. Music D. Language
    47. A. medicalB. educatinalC. scientific D. future
    48. A. specialB. imprtantC. difficult D. interesting
    49. A. parentsB. plantsC. teachers D. classmates
    50. A. jbsB. successC. hmewrk D. teamwrk
    51. A. wrldB. scietyC. schlD. cuntry
    52. A. fllwingB. frcingC. expectingD. allwing
    53. A. rememberB. visitC. knwD. tell
    54. A. sentB. intrducedC. sldD. returned
    55. A. sadB. nervusC. prudD. curius
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    On Octber 18, wrld leaders came tgether in Beijing fr an eye-catching frum (论坛) t celebrate ___56___ tenth anniversary (周年) f the Belt and Rad Initiative (“一带一路”倡议). The frum was cnsidered ___57___ (extreme) imprtant in building the Belt and Rad.
    Chinese President Xi Jinping ___58___ (give) a speech at the pening. He said that ver the past 10 years, plans f Belt and Rad cperatin had been turned int real prjects. He als said that China wuld take eight majr steps ___59___ (supprt) high-quality Belt and Rad cperatin, ___60___ (include) green develpment and the advance f science and technlgy.
    S far, the Belt and Rad Initiative has becme the wrld’s ___61___ (large) platfrm (平台) fr internatinal cperatin. By June 2023, China had wrked tgether with 152 cuntries and 32 internatinal ___62___ (rganisatin) t build the Belt and Rad. Over 3,000 cperatin prjects have been started in the past 10 years, ne f which is the China-Las Railway. ___63___ was put int use in December 2021, helping Las becme a cuntry with easy transprt in Sutheast Asia.
    “Belt and Rad cperatin was suggested by China, ___64___ its fruits are fr the wrld t share,” President Xi Jinping said. There is n dubt ____65____ the Belt and Rad Initiative will cntinue t make a great difference t the wrld in the future.
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    注意: 1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Jhn,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写 (满分25分)
    The MP3 has becme a new fashin n campus. I had lng dreamed f wning a MP3. The mre MP3 wners were n campus, the strnger my desire (渴望) became. Finally, during ne f my mnthly visits hme, I begged my parents t let me buy ne, “Dad, Mm, I ... I want t buy a MP3 ... , the ne fr …”
    I swallwed (吞咽) the rest f my wrds. Did I really need t explain what a MP3 was? Surely everybdy knew!
    At first there was n respnse frm my parents. But my little brther replied eagerly, “Me t!”
    Then finally my dad spke, “What! What is it fr? This little stuff breaks dwn sn after yu get it! It’s an abslutely useless expense (花费) …”
    Then, I had an idea. When the summer vacatin came, I lied t my parents that I culdn’t stay at hme, because the schl had supplementary (附加的) prgrams. As a result, I earned my mney fr a new MP3 thrugh my part-time jb.
    I was at hme the night befre my new schl when Mm came int my rm. She sat n my bed, and patted me n the shulder. Then she handed me a small bx. “Take this. Dn’t tell yur father ... Nw, study hard, kay?” she said sftly.
    “Mm, hw did yu ... ?” I asked.
    “It’s frm my wn savings. Yur father desn’t knw.” I sat alne fr a lng time with my new MP3, weeping (哭泣) silently.
    When I went back t schl, I decided t give up my part-time jb s that I culd study harder fr my parents, fr my dream. My mtivatin (动机) t study has never been s strng.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在以下位置作答。
    One afternn, I was in my drm when a classmate tld me that my father was waiting fr me dwnstairs.
    I sat dwn and unwrapped (打开) the bx.
    21-23 BCD 24-27 DCBC 28-31 BABC 32-35 ACDB 36-40 BECDF
    --45 BDCDC 46---50 ABBBD 51---55 CDCAC
    56. the 57. extremely 58. gave 59. t supprt 60. including 61. largest
    62. rganisatins 63. It 64. but 65. that
    Dear Jhn,
    I’m srry t hear that yu are lnely in a new schl because yu find it quite hard t make friends.
    Therefre/Hence, I write this letter, hping t ffer yu sme advice t adapt t the new envirnment.
    Frankly speaking, it is quite nrmal fr yu t feel lnely because yu are living in a new envirnment nw. First f all, in rder t make friends sn, yu shuld shw yur friendliness t thers. Besides, it will be a gd idea t greet teachers and classmates whenever yu meet them n campus. Frm my perspective, it will be wise f yu t actively express yur ideas in class and participate in class activities. In cnclusin, I hpe that my suggestins are f great help t yu.
    I have the cnfidence that yu can deal with these prblems sn and everything will be fine with yu in the future.
    Li Hua
    One afternn, I was in my drm when a classmate tld me that my father was waiting fr me dwnstairs. I rushed ut f the dr, ran dwnstairs anxiusly, and saw my father standing there. At the sight f me, he managed an embarrassed smile and handed me a bx, saying, “Sn, I bught this fr yu since I verheard that it’s an efficient device fr study. Yu will treasure it and use it fr a gd purpse, wn’t yu? …” Swallwing the rest wrds, he just turned arund and left fr wrk hurriedly. Seeing him ff, I dragged my legs t my drm with the small bx in hand.
    I sat dwn and unwrapped the bx. Gasping in astnishment, I fund a ttally brand new MP3 inside. It was neatly packed and the price tag was still attached. I gazed at it fr a while, tears in eyes. The tired faces and weathered hands f my parents appeared befre my eyes. Hw culd I repay them? After putting the MP3 away carefully, I headed fr the classrm determinedly. I knew n matter what challenges I met, my parents wuld always be there fr me with their deep lve and whlehearted supprt. I als knew the prgress I made in my study was the best present fr them.

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