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    这是一份2022-2023学年江苏省南通市海门区高三上学期期末英语试题及答案,共31页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What was the riginal price f the cat?
    A. $200. B. $280. C. $360.
    2. What sprt are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Diving. B. Fishing. C. Surfing.
    3. What des the wman want t d?
    A. Open an accunt. B. Save her mney. C. Call the repairer.
    4. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Clleagues. B. Classmates. C. Strangers.
    5. Where might this cnversatin take place?
    A. In an airprt. B. In a beauty shp. C. In a plice statin.
    6. Why des the wman want t d a triathln?
    A. She is gd at it.
    B. She was influenced by her sister.
    C. She wants t challenge herself.
    7. What is the man’s favrite exercise?
    A. Swimming. B. Cycling. C. Running.
    8. What was the man ding just nw?
    A. Having a party. B. Buying a gift. C. Attending a meeting.
    9. When will Su leave fr Lndn?
    A. This Tuesday. B. This Friday. C. Next Tuesday.
    10. Hw des the wman sund at the end f the cnversatin?
    A. Wrried. B. Surprised. C. Disappinted.
    11. Hw ften d the speakers prbably make a vide?
    A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Twice a mnth.
    12. What des the man think f the usual slutin?
    A. It’s difficult. B. It’s expensive. C. It’s effective.
    13. Why d the speakers make vides?
    A. T earn mney. B. T get attentin. C. T share knwledge.
    14. What des the wman prbably d?
    A. She’s an actress. B. She’s a traveler. C. She’s a reprter.
    15. In which part f Sri Lanka is the city f Kandy?
    A. In the middle f it. B. In the east f it. C. In the nrth f it.
    16. What is the man’s immediate plan?
    A. T write sme blgs. B. T sign a cntract. C. T arrange anther trip.
    17. What des the speaker say abut Catherine?
    A. She is strict abut the chice f wrds.
    B. She is gd at writing bks fr the yung.
    C. She is excellent in many kinds f writing.
    18. What is a feature f Catherine’s writing?
    A. Simple cntext. B. Surprising endings. C. Attractive expressin.
    19. Where did Catherine get her English degree?
    A. In New Yrk. B. In Washingtn. C. In Ls Angeles.
    20. What will the speaker prbably talk abut next?
    A. The awards Catherine has wn.
    B. The magazines Catherine has created.
    C. The schls Catherine has established.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Frt Smith Natinal Histric Site
    At the Frt Smith Natinal Histric Site yu can walk where the Mexican-American War and the Civil War sldiers drilled, pause alng the Trail f Tears, and stand where justice was served t sme f the mst hrrible utlaws (歹徒) f the Wild West. The park includes:
    Trail f Tears Overlk
    Walk alng the great Arkansas River and enjy exhibit panels that tell the stry f the Five Civilized Tribes that were frcibly remve t Indian Territry. The walking path begins frm the parking lt and fllws alng the Arkansas River t Belle Pint.
    Belle Pint (Site f First Frt Smith)
    Established in 1817 at an area verlking the meeting pint f the Arkansas River and the Pteau River, it had been named Belle Pint, French fr “beautiful place,” by 18th-century French fur trappers. Visitrs will enjy a scenic view f the tw rivers and are able t walk the fundatin remains f the First Frt Smith.
    Cmmissary (杂货店) (Site f Secnd Frt Smith)
    The ldest building still standing in Frt Smith is the Cmmissary, the site f the Secnd Frt Smith. During the Federal Curt perid, Judge Parker’s private ffice was lcated upstairs. Tday, yu can visit the Cmmissary as it lked in the 1850s when it supplied the army with fd items. Yu can als see the recnstructin f the Frt Smith Gallws where a surprisingly large number f utlaws met their fate at the end f a rpe.
    Visitr Center
    The Visitr Center is lcated in the histric barracks (兵营) / curthuse / jail (监狱) building. The barracks was built in 1851 and was changed int a curthuse and jail in 1872. In 1888 a new jail building was built next t it. Here visitrs can see Judge Parker’s restred curtrm, the “Hell n the Brder” jail, as well as exhibits and vides n the peratin f the Federal Curt and its impact n Indian Territry.
    Price: $10 (Adults 16+), FREE (Ages 0-15), $35 Annual Pass
    1. Where can visitrs learn abut the histry f the frced remvals?
    A. At the site f the Secnd Frt Smith.
    B. On the way t Belle Pint frm the car park.
    C. In the histric barracks / curthuse / jail building.
    D. At the meeting pint f the Arkansas and Pteau rivers.
    2. What can visitrs d at the Visitr Center?
    A. Tur the ldest grcery stre in Frt Smith.
    B. See the restred Frt Smith Gallws.
    C. Explre Judge Parker’s bedrm.
    D. Visit the curtrm and the jail.
    3. Hw much shuld a cuple pay if they tur the park with n Annual Passes?
    A. $10.B. $20.C. $35.D. $70.
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. B
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了Frt Smith国家历史遗址的主要景点和其历史背景。
    细节理解题。根据“Trail f Tears Overlk”下文详细介绍“Walk alng the great Arkansas River and enjy exhibit panels that tell the stry f the Five Civilized Tribes that were frcibly remve t Indian Territry. The walking path begins frm the parking lt and fllws alng the Arkansas River t Belle Pint.(沿着伟大的Arkansas河漫步,欣赏讲述五个文明部落被强行迁移到印第安领地的故事的展板。步行道从停车场开始,沿着Arkansas河到达Belle Pint。)”可知,在从停车场去Belle Pint的路上,参观者可以了解到有关强制迁移的历史。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“Visitr Center”下文详细介绍“The Visitr Center is lcated in the histric barracks (兵营) / curthuse / jail (监狱) building. The barracks was built in 1851 and was changed int a curthuse and jail in 1872. In 1888 a new jail building was built next t it. Here visitrs can see Judge Parker’s restred curtrm, the ‘Hell n the Brder’ jail, as well as exhibits and vides n the peratin f the Federal Curt and its impact n Indian Territry.(游客中心位于历史悠久的兵营/法院/监狱大楼内。兵营建于1851年,并于1872年改为法院和监狱。1888年,在它旁边建造了一座新的监狱建筑。在这里,游客可以看到Parker法官修复的法庭、‘边境地狱’监狱,以及有关联邦法院运作及其对印第安领地影响的展品和视频。)”可知在游客中心游客可以参观法庭和监狱。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“Price: $10 (Adults 16+), FREE (Ages 0-15), $35 Annual Pass(价格:$10(成人16岁以上),免费(0-15岁),$35(年卡))”可知一对没有年卡的夫妻应该支付$10*2=$20。故选B。
    Lucy Huk remembers the day fur years ag when her furth-grade classmates chse instruments t play in the schl rchestra(管弦乐队). “Everyne else was picking instruments and having fun and I culdn’t pick ne because I culdn’t really play any f them,” she said. She lnged t play the cell(大提琴), but the cell requires tw hands-ne t hld the bw, the ther t wrk the fur strings.
    Lucy, daughter f Lara Huk and Zak Huk, has ne arm-her left-and nly a partial right arm. She was brn prematurely at 24 weeks with lts f prblems. Lucy’s night arm is missing just belw the elbw, but “Whatever she wants t d, we find a way t d it.” Lara said.
    Lucy, an easy ging eighth-grader at Highland Middle Schl in the Blackhawk Schl District, said, “I can tie my shes. I can jump rpe. But what I really wanted was t play the cell, but n ne culd think f anything t help me play it back then.”
    Last winter, Eric Baker nticed Lucy. Baker, wh jined the district tw years ag, is the rchestra directr fr furth thrugh 12th grades. He cllabrated(协作) with Dale Mll, a technlgy and engineering teacher at the high schl, t find a way t make an adaptive bw hlder that culd be attached t Lucy’s elbw. While a student at Duquesne University, Baker tk a class and attended a seminar n adaptive instruments fr students with special needs, but never thught he’d have t apply what he learned-until he met Lucy.
    “I hpe mre peple dn’t think because f their physical limitatin that they can’t d smething. There are s many ways t wrk arund this kind f thing, especially with all the technlgy we have arund these days,” Baker said.
    The Highland teachers “went abve and beynd their nrmal, average, everyday teaching jb t d smething special fr Lucy and gave her an pprtunity like every ther kid,” Lara said.
    Tday, playing the cell with her classmates, Lucy feels like every ther kid.
    4. What upset Lucy when she was in furth grade?
    A. Having medical treatment with her elbw.
    B. Being unable t play musical instruments.
    C. Jining the schl rchestra.
    D. Being rejected by her classmates.
    5. What are Lucy’s parents like?
    A. They are cnfident f Lucy’s recvery.
    B. They are prud f Lucy’s achievements.
    C. They are anxius abut Lucy’s future.
    D. They are supprtive f Lucy’s wishes.
    6. What was beynd Baker’s expectatins?
    A. Becming the rchestra directr at Highland Middle Schl.
    B. Meeting a student with physical disabilities.
    C. Putting what he’s lamed in a seminar int practice.
    D Wrking with the technlgy and engineering teacher.
    7. What did Lara think f the Highland teachers?
    A. They went the extra mile at wrk.
    B. They were skilled in teaching music.
    C. They were devted and gave Lucy lts f pprtunities.
    D. They wuld give enugh attentin t kids with special needs.
    【答案】4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Everyne else was picking instruments and having fun and I culdn’t pick ne because I culdn’t really play any f them.(其他人都在挑选乐器,玩得很开心,而我却选不出一种,因为我什么都不会弹)” 可知,让Lucy烦恼的是她不能演奏乐器。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第二段Lucy的母亲Lara所说的话“Whatever she wants t d, we find a way t d it.(不管她想做什么,我们都会想办法做到)” 可知,Lucy的父母支持Lucy做她想做的事情。故选D
    推理判断题。根据第四段“While a student at Duquesne University, Baker tk a class and attended a seminar n adaptive instruments fr students with special needs, but never thught he’d have t apply what he learned-until he met Lucy.(在迪肯大学读书时,贝克参加了一门课程,并参加了一个为有特殊需要的学生开设的自适应乐器研讨会,但从未想过他必须将所学应用到实践中——直到他遇到了露西)”可知,超出Baker预期的是他能够把他在研讨会上学到的东西付诸实践。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段Lara说的话“The Highland teachers “went abve and beynd their nrmal, average, everyday teaching jb t d smething special fr Lucy and gave her an pprtunity like every ther kid,” Lara said.(劳拉说,Highland老师们“超越了他们正常、普通的日常教学工作,为露西做了一些特别的事情,给了她一个像其他孩子一样的机会。”)”可知,Highland老师们工作中付出了额外的努力。故选A项。
    Steretypes (刻板印象) are widely held but very general, simplified pinins abut ther peple. Many f us start t use steretypes at schl — the cl kids r the ht kids — we knw all the different nes by heart.
    Lks, clthes, persnal traits (特征) and interests are all aspects which, n the surface f it, make us different frm ur cntempraries. Students punce n these in rder t categrise thers. “When yu’re a scial animal, yu need t understand wh is a member f yur pack, and wh is a member f a different pack,” says psychlgy prfessr, Jhn Dvidi.
    A girl dressed all in black may seem a bit depressed. But perhaps, deep dwn inside, she just likes black and is actually cheerful. She has the same interests as yu — (the “cl kid”) — but she just dresses differently. The prblem f typecasting is that it invlves using labels which are merely shells (外表) cntaining assumptins. It makes ne wnder why peple see nly a narrw view f a cmplicated human being.
    Accrding t Dvidi, even if we think we dn’t steretype thers, we d. “We categrise immediately and withut thinking,” says Dvidi. “And we steretype thers nt just n their appearance, hw they dress r act, but — wrngly — n their race and sex t.”
    Student steretypes may have special meanings, as teens are in the prcess f frming their wn identity and figuring ut wh they feel mst cmfrtable with. T sme extent, steretyping ffers a sense f rder, directin and cnnectin t the clse friends they make ver time. But it’s t simple t make assumptins that “they” — teenagers in ther grups — are alike r different frm “us”. It’s easy t thrw a grup f peple int a bucket (水桶) and judge them as a whle; it’s much mre difficult t lk at each persn as an individual. On the ther hand, Jim, anther high schl student, says “by labelling peple we’re actually highlighting similarities nt differences. If we didn’t steretype, it wuld make many things tday impssible. Think f marketing studies fcused n specific audiences, r clubs fr peple with similar interests r hbbies.”
    8. Which can best replace the underlined part “punce n” in paragraph tw?
    A. Put up with.B. Make fun f.
    C. Take pride in.D. Catch hld f.
    9. What des the authr want t suggest by mentining the girl in black?
    A. Dn’t distinguish yurself frm thers.
    B. Dn’t make simple things cmplicated.
    C. Dn’t identify thers by their appearance.
    D. Dn’t label thers accrding t their persnal traits.
    10. What d Dvidi’s wrds in paragraph fur tell us?
    A. We cannt avid being steretyped.
    B. We may crrectly recgnise thers’ sex.
    C. We cannt help the way we react t thers.
    D. We may make wrng judgements abut urselves.
    11. Which wrd best describes Jim’s attitude t steretypes?
    A. Psitive.B. Uninterested.C. Uncertain.D. Critical.
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. C 11. A
    短语猜测题。根据第二段第一、二句“Lks, clthes, persnal traits (特征) and interests are all aspects which, n the surface f it, make us different frm ur cntempraries. Students punce n these in rder t categrise thers.(外表、衣服、个人特征和兴趣都是表面上使我们与同时代人不同的方面。学生们punce n这些来对其他人进行分类。)”可知划线词punce n后的these指代上文使我们与同时代人在表面上不同的特征“Lks, clthes, persnal traits (特征) and interests”,学生们抓住这些表面上的特征对其他人进行分类,由此可知,句中“punce n”意思为“抓住”,可以替换为catch hld f。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中“A girl dressed all in black may seem a bit depressed. But perhaps, deep dwn inside, she just likes black and is actually cheerful. She has the same interests as yu — (the ‘cl kid’) — but she just dresses differently. (一个穿一身黑的女孩可能看起来有点沮丧。但也许,在内心深处,她只是喜欢黑色,实际上是开朗的。她和你——(那个‘酷孩子’)——有相同的兴趣爱好,只是穿着不同而已。)”可知,作者在文中提到穿一身黑的女孩,想要传达的含义是不能光凭外表来确定一个人的特征个性。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中“‘We categrise immediately and withut thinking,’ says Dvidi. ‘And we steretype thers nt just n their appearance, hw they dress r act, but — wrngly — n their race and sex t.’(‘我们会不假思索地立即进行分类。’Dvidi说:‘我们不仅在外表、穿着和行为上对他人抱有刻板印象,而且——错误地——在种族和性别上也抱有刻板印象。’)”可知人们会不假思索地立即对他人按照刻板印象进行分类,由此可知,人们对他人进行刻板印象归类是一种下意识的举动,人们无法控制自己对他人的反应。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“On the ther hand, Jim, anther high schl student, says ‘by labelling peple we’re actually highlighting similarities nt differences. If we didn’t steretype, it wuld make many things tday impssible. Think f marketing studies fcused n specific audiences, r clubs fr peple with similar interests r hbbies.’(另一方面,另一名高中生Jim说:‘通过给人贴标签,我们实际上是在强调相似之处,而不是不同之处。如果我们没有刻板印象,这将使今天的许多事情变得不可能。想想针对特定受众的营销研究,或者针对具有相似兴趣或爱好的人的俱乐部。’)”可知,Jim认为通过给人群贴标签可以找到群体的相似性,如果没有刻板印象的话,针对特定受众的市场调查、俱乐部等就无法实现。由此可知,Jim对刻板印象的态度是积极的。故选A。
    Mst birds, in particular, exhibit sme degree f patterns and clurs. Australia’s zebra finch (斑胸草雀), fr example, was s named because f the zebra-like black and white bars n its tail. But it als has many ther clurs and patterns, frm a bright range bill t fine white sptting alng its reddish-brwn sides.
    The zebra finch is Australia’s widely distributed grass-finch species, ccurring thrughut mst f mainland Australia. It’s a cmmn and familiar bird in the drier parts f the cuntry.
    When we see such a highly patterned bird we presume all individuals f that species have their spts and bars in the same places. But lk clser and we’ll see that the quantity and design f these patterns varies between individuals. And every nw and then a bird exhibits a mre bvius feather variatin. Occasinally, we see ne that has larger than usual pale areas f feathers r, mre rarely, has lst its nrmal patterning altgether.
    Cluratin and patterning in all animals is caused by a range f pigments (色素). Melanin (黑色素) is respnsible fr blacks and brwns, and a lack f this pigment can cause a partial r ttal lss f an individual’s dark patterning. The tw main terms that describe these abnrmalities are albinism (白化病) and leucism (白色亚种). Bth cnditins are genetic and bth can lead t a very similar physical appearance. Leucism, hwever, causes a lack f the pigment cells that prduce melanin. But albinism causes the prductin f melanin pigment t be reduced r absent.
    Can we distinguish between the tw cnditins withut the help f a cellular bilgist? Yes. Albin animals have fully unpigmented red eyes. Leucistic animals, n the ther hand, never cmpletely lse pigment frm the eye, althugh they can have blue eyes due t a partial lss f pigment.
    Why dn’t we see mre albin r leucistic birds? Because the lack f melanin reduces the strength and lastingness f the affected birds’ feathers, making them mre easily brken. Additinally, the birds’ visin and hearing is negatively affected, making them less able t hunt. The brighter feathers and lack f patterning als make them easier fr attackers t see.
    12. What can be learned abut Australia’s zebra finch?
    A. It is ne f the rarest birds in Australia.
    B. It is mstly cvered with bright range feathers.
    C. It acquires its name frm its tail clurs and patterns.
    D. It has the same spts and bars in the same places.
    13. What des the underlined wrd “presume” mean in paragraph three?
    A Recall.B. Suppse.C. Deny.D. Recmmend.
    14. Hw is paragraph fur develped?
    A. By setting assumptins.B. By presenting pinins.
    C. By giving explanatins.D. By drawing cnclusins.
    15. Which f the fllwing crrectly describes albin r leucistic birds?
    A. They have quite gd hearing.B. They have cmpletely red eyes.
    C. They have easily brken feathers.D. They have excellent hunting skills.
    【答案】12. C 13. B 14. C 15. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“Australia’s zebra finch (斑胸草雀), fr example, was s named because f the zebra-like black and white bars n its tail.(例如,澳大利亚的斑胸草雀因尾巴上有斑马般的黑白条纹而得名。)”可知,澳大利亚的斑胸草雀因其尾部颜色和图案而得名。故选C。
    词句猜测题。根据第三段第二句“But lk clser and we’ll see that the quantity and design f these patterns varies between individuals.(但仔细观察,我们会发现这些图案的数量和设计因个体而异。)”可知,此处是指我们推断该物种的所有个体在相同的地方都有斑点和条纹,所以presume意为“推断”。故选B。
    推理判断题。第四段第二句“Melanin (黑色素) is respnsible fr blacks and brwns, and a lack f this pigment can cause a partial r ttal lss f an individual’s dark patterning.(黑色素是造成黑色和棕色的原因,缺乏这种色素会导致一个个体的黑色图案部分或全部丧失。)”是对第一句“Cluratin and patterning in all animals is caused by a range f pigments (色素).(所有动物的着色和图案都是由一系列色素引起的。)”的解释,最后三句“Bth cnditins are genetic and bth can lead t a very similar physical appearance. Leucism, hwever, causes a lack f the pigment cells that prduce melanin. But albinism causes the prductin f melanin pigment t be reduced r absent.(这两种情况都是遗传的,都可能导致非常相似的外表。然而,白色亚种会导致产生黑色素的色素细胞的缺乏。但白化病会导致黑色素的产生减少或缺失。)”是对第三句“The tw main terms that describe these abnrmalities are albinism (白化病) and leucism (白色亚种).(描述这些异常的两个主要术语是白化病和(白色亚种。)”的解释。所以第四段通过作出解释来展开。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“Because the lack f melanin reduces the strength and lastingness f the affected birds’ feathers, making them mre easily brken.(因为黑色素的缺乏降低了受影响鸟类羽毛的强度和持久性,使它们更容易断裂。)”可知,白化或白色亚种鸟类的羽毛很容易折断。故选C。
    It was a new hme. It cst $154,000. Sarah Jennings f Bay Shre, New Yrk was ready t buy it, but her real estate agent suggested getting a hme inspectin. ____16____ Jennings said, “I was just depressed. It was less than perfect.” Since the prblems were minr and wuld cst little t fix, Jennings decided t buy the huse anyway.
    Many peple are nw adding the imprtant step f hme inspectin int the prcess f buying a hme. A hme inspectr des nt check t see if the price is reasnable. ____17____ Is it safe? D the electricity and water wrk well? Is the rf in gd cnditin? What repairs may be necessary? The inspectr gives an estimate f the cst fr putting the hme in gd wrking cnditin. If the hme inspectr finds serius prblems, the buyer may want t cnsider lking fr anther huse.
    ____18____ Usually a buyer puts dwn sme mney (1%-5% f the purchase price) t shw intent t buy. The seller and buyer may need t negtiate befre they decide n the price fr the huse. In Bay Shre, there are mre buyers than huses. ____19____
    The American dream f wning a hme is pssible. But there are still many peple lking. In Bay Shre recently, there were mre than 2,000 peple interested in buying 52 huses in the new husing prject. ____20____ But Jennings is nt ne f them.
    A. The inspectr checks n the building.
    B. S Jennings paid full price and did nt negtiate.
    C. After the inspectin, Jennings made an ffer n the huse.
    D. Amng thse peple, at least 1,948 families are still lking.
    E. The bank wanted t make sure the huse was wrth the price.
    F. The mnthly husing expenses shuld be n mre than 29% f a family’s incme.
    G. After fur hurs, the hme inspectr gave Jennings a list f ver 20 prblems with the “new” hme.
    【答案】16. G 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. D
    根据前文“Sarah Jennings f Bay Shre, New Yrk was ready t buy it, but her real estate agent suggested getting a hme inspectin.(来自纽约海湾海岸的莎拉·詹宁斯(Sarah Jennings)准备买下这套房子,但她的房地产经纪人建议她去做房屋检查)”以及后文“Jennings said, “I was just depressed. It was less than perfect.”(詹宁斯说:“我只是很沮丧。它并不完美。”)”可知,空处应是一个过渡句,应该是检查房子的结果,所以G项“After fur hurs, the hme inspectr gave Jennings a list f ver 20 prblems with the “new” hme.(四个小时后,房屋检查员给了詹宁斯一张清单,上面写着“新”房子的20多个问题)”符合文意。故选G项。
    根据后文“Is it safe? D the electricity and water wrk well? Is the rf in gd cnditin? What repairs may be necessary? (安全吗?水电正常吗?屋顶状况好吗?可能需要哪些修理?)”可知,空处在本段中的作用为总结下文所列举的房屋问题。后面所有列举的问句都是空处这句话的某个方面,所以A项“The inspectr checks n the building.(检查员检查大楼)”符合文意。故选A项。
    根据后文“Usually a buyer puts dwn sme mney (1%-5% f the purchase price) t shw intent t buy. The seller and buyer may need t negtiate befre they decide n the price fr the huse. In Bay Shre, there are mre buyers than huses.(通常买家会先付一笔钱(买价的1%-5%)来表示购买意向。卖方和买方在决定房子的价格之前可能需要协商一下。在Bay Shre,买家比房子多)”可知,本段是在讲买房缴费的事,空处位于段首,需起到引领本段的作用,所以C项“After the inspectin, Jennings made an ffer n the huse.(看房后,詹宁斯对那所房子提出了价格)”符合文意。故选C项。
    分析设空处位于段尾,应是对前文的总结或者承接上文的内容,根据前文“In Bay Shre, there are mre buyers than huses.(在Bay Shre,买家比房子多)”可知,B项“S Jennings paid full price and did nt negtiate.(所以詹宁斯付了全价,没有谈判)”和前句构成因果关系。故选B项。
    根据前文“In Bay Shre recently, there were mre than 2,000 peple interested in buying 52 huses in the new husing prject.(最近,在海湾海岸,有超过2000人对购买52套新住宅项目感兴趣)”以及后文“But Jennings is nt ne f them.(但詹宁斯不是其中之一)”可知,空处句子肯定有一类人的存在,并且还是和jennings所做行为相反,而Jennings果断买房这个行为和“peple still lking(正在观望)”恰恰相反,所以D项“Amng thse peple, at least 1,948 families are still lking.(在这些人当中,至少有1948个家庭仍在寻找)”符合文意。故选D项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    A passin fr sewing has been in my family fr several generatins, and with a few lessns frm my grandma and brther, I became pretty ____21____ abut it. S I decided t give scrunchies (布发箍) a try! My first ____22____ was a disaster, but I kept n trying until I eventually ____23____ the art f scrunchie-making.
    When I was first ____24____, I wuld sit at the machine fr hurs n end, just managing t ____25____ an item I was eager t sell. I didn’t get bred r ____26____; I was just s determined t cmplete and ____27____ get it n the market.
    I began selling my items t my friends and nw I’m selling dresses as well! My ____28____ have wn me a reputatin, fr each item was ____29____ with great lve and care.
    My family and friends have ffered me their cnstant _____30_____ and feedback (反馈). They helped me learn hw t run, _____31_____ and plan a whle business. Mst f the time, their feedback is _____32_____, but they’re nt afraid t tell me if I culd have dne smething better. I’ve als had t _____33_____ negative feedback, which cables me t be mre _____34_____ when smething desn’t wrk ut the way as I planned.
    My advice fr anyne lking t start up their very wn _____35_____, wuld be t start small and build yurself up. Enjy, and trust in the jurney!
    21. A. nervusB. cnfusedC. disappintedD. cnfident
    22. A. permissinB. attemptC. prpsalD. exhibitin
    23. A. masteredB. cnsideredC. createdD. remembered
    24. A. lking utB. falling dwnC. starting utD. calming dwn
    25. A. perfectB. attractC. replaceD. praise
    26. A. excitedB. scaredC. surprisedD. tired
    27. A. particularlyB. eventuallyC. apparentlyD. previusly
    28. A. debtsB. prductsC. excusesD. attitudes
    29. A. displayedB. cmparedC. sewnD. shared
    30. A. supprtB. plitenessC. curisityD. sympathy
    31. A. refuseB. leaveC. changeD. manage
    32. A. aimlessB. educatinalC. psitiveD. embarrassing
    33. A. cme acrssB. deal withC. wait frD. insist n
    34. A. hnredB. satisfiedC. astnishedD. determined
    35. A. businessB. trainingC. fashinD. research
    【答案】21. D 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. B 29. C 30. A 31. D 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. A
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对缝纫的热爱在我们家已经传承了好几代人,在奶奶和哥哥的教导下,我对缝纫变得相当有信心。A. nervus紧张的;B. cnfused困惑的;C. disappinted失望的;D. cnfident自信的。根据前文“with a few lessns frm my grandma and brther”可知,在奶奶和哥哥的教导下,作者对缝纫变得相当有信心。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的第一次尝试是一场灾难,但我一直在尝试,直到我最终掌握了制作布发箍的艺术。A. permissin允许;B. attempt尝试;C. prpsal倡议;D. exhibitin展览。根据前文“but I kept n trying”可知,作者第一次尝试失败了,所以作者一直尝试。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. mastered掌握;B. cnsidered考虑;C. created创造;D. remembered记住。根据前文“but I kept n trying”可知,作者一直尝试直到掌握了制作布发箍的艺术。故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:当我第一次盯着机器看时候,我会连续几个小时坐在机器前,只是为了把我渴望出售的商品做得完美。A. lking ut注意;B. falling dwn倒下;C. staring ut开始;D. calming dwn冷静。根据前文“When I was first”和“I wuld sit at the machine fr hurs n end”可知,当作者刚开始制作布发箍的时候,不知所措。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. perfect完善;B. attract吸引;C. replace取代;D. praise表扬。根据后文“I was just s determined t cmplete and ____7____ get it n the market.”可知,作者决定将制作的布发箍推向市场,所以渴望把出售的商品做得完美。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我没有感到无聊或疲惫。A. excited兴奋的;B. scared害怕的;C. surprised惊讶的;D. tired劳累的。根据后文“I was just s determined t cmplete and ____7____ get it n the market.”可知,作者决定将制作的布发箍推向市场,所以渴望把出售的商品做得完美。所以作者不会感到无聊或疲惫。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我下定决心要完成并最终把它推向市场。A. particularly尤其地;B. eventually最终地;C. apparently显而易见地;D. previusly之前地。根据前文“just managing t ____5____ an item I was eager t sell”可知,作者下定决心最终地将制作出来的布发箍推向市场。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的产品为我赢得了声誉,因为每一件产品都是用极大的爱和关怀缝制的。A. debts债;B. prducts产品;C. excuses理由;D. attitudes态度。根据前文“I began selling my items t my friends, and nw I’m selling dresses as well!”可知,作者把自己制作的东西开始卖给朋友,同时也卖裙子,所以作者的产品赢得了声誉。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. displayed展示;B. cmpared比较;C. sewn缝;D. shared分享。根据前文“have wn me a reputatin”,可知,作者所售卖的物品为我赢得了声誉,都是自己用极大的爱和关怀缝制出来的。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的家人和朋友一直给我支持和反馈。A. supprt支持;B. pliteness礼貌;C. curisity好奇心;D. sympathy同情心。根据后文“They helped me learn hw t run”可知,此处的they指代前文的家人和朋友们,他们为作者一直提供着支持。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们帮助我学会了如何经营、管理和规划一个完整的企业。A. refuse拒绝;B. leave离开;C. change改变;D. manage管理,经营。根据后文“and plan a whle business”可知,此处表示作者的家人和朋友帮助作者经营、管理和规划一个完整的企业。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:大多数时候,他们的反馈都是积极的,他们并不害怕告诉我哪里做的还可以更好。A. aimless没有目标的;B. educatinal有教育意义的;C. psitive积极的;D. embarrassing令人尴尬的。根据后文的“but they’re nt afraid t tell me if I culd have dne smething better.”可知,作者的家人和朋友并不害怕告诉他哪里做的还可以更好,这不是一个正面的反馈,but前面的内容是相反的,也就是作者大部分时候的收到的反馈都是正面的。故选C。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:我还必须处理负面反馈,当事情没有按照我计划的方式进行时,它会让我更加坚定。A. cme acrss偶遇;B. deal with解决;C. wait fr等待;D. insist n坚持。根据后文的“negative feedback”可知,作者需要去处理一些负面反馈。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. hnred光荣的;B. satisfied满意的;C. astnished惊讶的;D. determined坚定的。根据前文“I’ve als had t ____13____ negative feedback”可知,当事情没有按照作者计划的方式进行时,它会让作者在处理问题的过程中更加坚定想法。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于那些想要自己创业的人,我的建议是从小处做起和让自己振作起来。A. business生意,事业;B. training培训;C. fashin时尚;D. research研究。根据后文“wuld be t start small and build yurself up.”可知,作者建议那些要创业的人,要从小处做起,并且在遇到困难的时候自己要振作起来。故选A。
    36. Frm the ashes f this utter destructin ________ (rise) the rganizatin that we nw knw as the United Natins (UN), ffering hpe t a wrld desperate fr lasting peace and security.(所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查动词时态。句意:从这一彻底毁灭的灰烬中建立起了我们现在所知的联合国这个组织,它给迫切需要持久和平与安全的世界带来了希望。分析句子结构可知,本句是that引导的定语从句,主句中缺少谓语动词,所以rise作本句谓语,描述的是过去发生的事,用一般过去时;也可理解为陈述客观事实,用一般现在时,主语the rganizatin是单数,故填rse/rises。
    37. Lking frward, we shuld invest in new technlgies and innvative thinking that pen the dr ________ a whle new wrld where we decrease reliance n fssil fuels.(用适当的词填空)
    【详解】考查介词。句意:展望未来,我们应该投资于新技术和创新思维,为一个全新的世界打开大门,减少对化石燃料的依赖。分析句子,句中pen the dr t sth为固定短语,意为“向……敞开大门;给……以机会”。故填t。
    38. Increasing temperatures cause ice sheets and glaciers at the Nrth and Suth Ples ________ (melt), releasing additinal water int the cean. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】t melt
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:气温升高导致南极和北极的冰原和冰川融化,向海洋释放更多的水。句中cause sth t d为固定短语,故使用不定式结构。melt为动词,意为“融化”。故填t melt。
    39. The truth is that prducing pwer frm renewable energy surces can be ________ (challenge). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:事实上,利用可再生能源发电具有挑战性。根据“prducing pwer frm renewable energy surces”可知,此处是指利用可再生能源发电具有挑战性,所以应用形容词challenging表示“有挑战性的”作表语。故填challenging。
    40. With this data, the UN can identify the rt causes f pverty and wrk with gvernments and cmmunities t ensure that thse causes are ________ (efficiency) addressed. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    41. The law plays an essential part in reslving cnflicts, settling disputes and making rules that everyne must fllw, ________ it has limitatins.(用适当的词填空)
    【详解】考查连词。句意:法律在解决冲突、解决纠纷和制定人人必须遵守的规则方面发挥着重要作用,但是它也有局限性。句子结构分析可知设空处应为连词;由句意可知,“The law plays an essential part in reslving cnflicts, settling disputes and making rules that everyne must fllw”与下文“it has limitatins”之间为转折关系,连词yet/but意为“但是,然而”符合句意。此外,此句还可以翻译为:法律在解决冲突、解决纠纷和制定人人必须遵守的规则方面发挥着重要作用,尽管它有局限性。连词thugh“虽然,尽管”符合句意。故填yet/but/thugh。
    42. Ntably, glbal legal systems fall int categries that share ________ (similar), and tw main categries are civil law and cmmn law. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:值得注意的是,全球法律体系可以分成具有相似之处的类别,其中两个主要类别是民法和普通法。设空处在句中作动词share的宾语,名词similarity意为“相似点,相似之处”符合句意,由句意以及下文的“and tw main categries are civil law and cmmn law”可知设空处表复数概念,故填similarities。
    43. Breaking deeply imbedded habitual tendencies such as prcrastinatin, impatience, criticalness, r selfishness that vilate basic principles f human effectiveness ________ (invlve) mre than a little willpwer and a few minr changes in ur lives. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    44. Whether it is a planner that yu stick n the wall ________ a calendar app n yur smartphne, finding an rganizatin tl that wrks well fr yu is essential. (用适当的词填空)
    45. As we explre the wrld in greater depth, we may reach a pint ________ it is impssible t run an experimental scenari in the real wrld due t physical, ethical r financial limitatins. (用适当的词填空)
    46. It became ppular fr its ease f use, and eventually prgressed int ________ we nw cnsider t be the standard script. (用适当的词填空)
    47. These racle bne inscriptins, the ________ (early) frm f Chinese characters ever fund t this day, are clear prf that the histry f the Chinese writing system stretches back abut 3500 years. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    48. When interacting with thers, peple shuld put ________ (they) in the ther persn’s psitin, regarding it as a cde f cnduct t live harmniusly with thers. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    49. In the prlgue t his autbigraphy, ________ (entitle) “What I Have Lived Fr”, Russell identifies the three passins that have gverned his life. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    50. His academic achievements are far t numerus t list, but he wn the Nbel Prize in Literature, discvered Russell’s paradx leading t new thinking in lgic and set thery, and ________ (recgnize) as ne f the funders f mdem analytical philsphy. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】was recgnized
    【详解】考查动词时态和语态。句意:他的学术成就不胜枚举,但他获得了诺贝尔文学奖,发现了罗素悖论,导致了逻辑学和集合论的新思维,被公认为现代分析哲学的创始人之一。分析句子结构可知,本句是and引导的并列句,后句中缺少谓语,所以recgnize做本句谓语,主语是he,两者间是被动关系,用被动语态,根据and的前句,用的是一般过去时,所以此处也用一般过去时。故填was recgnized。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    51. 假定你是李华,你的外籍朋友Jim在邮件中提到他对如何有效管理自己的时间感到困惑。请你回封邮件,给出你的建议,内容包括:
    1. 时间管理的重要性;2. 时间管理的技巧。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Jim,
    Learning that yu have truble in managing yur time effectively, I’m writing t give yu sme useful suggestins.
    Effective time management can help reduce yur stress and bst yur perfrmance. The first thing yu need t d is t plan ahead by making a daily t-d list. Being rganized als helps a lt when yu prepare fr yur lessns and activities. Mst imprtantly yu must learn t priritize all yur tasks and stick t the gals yu have set.
    I hpe yu’ll find my suggestins practical and helpful.
    Li Hua
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Effective time management can help reduce yur stress and bst yur perfrmance.
    拓展句:Nt nly can effective time management help reduce yur stress, but als bst yur perfrmance.
    【点睛】[高分句型1]Learning that yu have truble in managing yur time effectively, I’m writing t give yu sme useful suggestins.(that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2]The first thing yu need t d is t plan ahead by making a daily t-d list. (省略which的定语从句)
    52. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    My best friend Carla Hernandez called me n Thursday afternn. She asked me t meet her in the park near the playgrund five minutes later. She said she had a great idea! This wrried me because Carla’s great ideas almst always meant big truble fr me!
    I rushed utside and jgged t the park. When I saw Carla, my heart sank because her huge dg Perr was with her. I liked everything abut Carla except Perr. I’d never had a pet, s I felt uncmfrtable and nervus arund animals. I was embarrassed t say that I was afraid f Carla’s dg. Carla smiled. “Isn’t this the perfect lcatin fr a pet shw?” she asked. “All the kids in the neighbrhd can shw ff their pets’ talents and demnstrate the things they d well. There are plenty f cmfrtable benches (长椅) fr ur parents and friends t sit n. And since yu dn’t have a pet t enter int the shw, yu will be the annuncer.”
    “I’m srry,” I aplgized, “but that’s impssible! Crwds made me nervus and unsure. Besides, I didn’t like animals, remember?” “That’s nnsense,” said Carla. “There’s nthing t be cncerned abut because yu’ll be great!” Carla encuraged me t be brave and cnfident. But just then, Perr leaped up, slbbered all ver (毫不掩饰地表示喜爱) me, and almst knck me dwn. “Dwn, Perr! Stay!” I shuted. Perr sat as still as a statue. “Ww, yu’re gd at that,” said Carla. She thught I was talented at giving rders t pets, and asked me t get started with her immediately because we wuld have a lt t d.
    By Saturday mrning I had practiced annuncing each pet’s act a hundred times. I felt my heart punding by the time the audience arrived. The size f the crwd made me feel even mre anxius. When the shw began, I annunced the first pet, nervusly. It was a bird named Butter whse talent was walking back and frth n a wire. When Butter finished, everyne clapped and cheered. S far, everything was perfect.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I was beginning t feel calmer and mre relaxed.
    This was a disaster, and I had t d smething.
    【答案】I was beginning t feel calmer and mre relaxed. I realized that being an annuncer wasn’t s bad after all. Then it was Carla and Perr’s turn. Carla asked Perr t sit, but Perr didn’t sit. Carla was at a lss what t d next. Perr was t interested in watching s many pet friends at the shw. Suddenly, Perr brke free frm the rpe, leaped swiftly and kncked ver the bird Butter’s cage. It seemed that Perr was ut f cntrl and it began running arund in circles.
    This was a disaster, and I had t d smething. “Sit!” I shuted at Perr. “Stay!” I cried. All f a sudden, everyne stpped and stared at me. Hearing my instructins, Perr sat immediately and lked at me, wagging its tail. “Ww, that is quite an achievement!” Carla smiled at me and gave me a thumbs-up. Then the audience applauded. It was amazing t get the pets t settle dwn. Nw I am nt afraid f pet dgs, and with bldness, I can speak in frnt f a crwd cnfidently.
    ① 挣脱:break free/ break away frm/struggle t free
    ② 撞倒:knck ver/run dwn/tip ver
    ③ 乱跑:run arund/ run wild
    ① 微笑:smile at/stare at me with a big smile
    ② 惊讶的:amazing/ astnishing
    【点睛】[高分句型1] It seemed that Perr was ut f cntrl and it began running arund in circles. (运用了由that引导的主语从句)
    [高分句型2] Hearing my instructins, Perr sat immediately and lked at me, wagging its tail. (运用了现在分词作伴随状语)
    听力答案:1-5 CABCA 6-10 BACCB 11-15 ABCCA 16-20 ABCBA

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