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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What will the woman do tonight?
    A.Stay at home alone.
    B.Go to the gym.
    C.Exercise in the park.
    2.What are the speakers talking about?
    A.How to clean a piece of clothing.
    B.What dress to buy for their mother.
    C.Where to buy a new washing machine.
    3.Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A.On the plane. B.In a restaurant. C.In a supermarket.
    4.How does Lucy probably feel about the book?
    A.It’s complicated. B.It’s worth reading. C.It’s just so-so.
    5.What will the weather probably be like next Monday?
    A.Sunny. B.Windy. C.Rainy.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。
    6.Why was the woman unable to see the thief’s face?
    A.He wore a mask.
    B.The room was too dark.
    C.She was too frightened.
    7.Where are the speakers probably?
    A.At a hospital. B.At the woman’s house. C.At a police station.
    8.What does the woman want the man to do?
    A. Go to the dinner party.
    B.Choose a dress for her.
    C.Help her write the invitations.
    9.What do we know about the party?
    A.It is a casual party. B.It is a formal party. C.Four couples will attend it.
    10.What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A.Husband and wife. B.Colleagues. C.Neighbors.
    11.What does the woman say about the red car?
    A.It’s the latest one. B.It comes with a radio. C.It uses new energy.
    12.Which car does the man prefer?
    A.The black one. B.The red one. C.The blue one.
    13.What will the man probably do?
    A.Give up buying a car.
    B.Sell his motorcycle.
    C.Bargain with the woman.
    14.How long has the woman been on a business trip?
    A.10 days. B.Two weeks. C.Four weeks.
    15.Where does the woman’s son work?
    A.In a hospital. B.In a university. C.In a primary school.
    16.What does the man’s daughter do?
    A.She’s a nurse. B.She’s a student. C.She’s a professer.
    17.What is the woman going to do next?
    A.Board the train. B.Go shopping. C.Give the man some water.
    18.What does Toledo usually use to create his works?
    A.Used masks. B.Plastic. C.Metal.
    19.What did Toledo do a year ago?
    A.He spent over a week in hospital.
    B.He made clothes for the musical “Evita”.
    C.He made a 40-meter mask with the Argentine flag.
    20.What is the new show “Museum of the After” about?
    A.New kinds of artwork.
    B.The world during COVID-19.
    C.The hope of building more physical museums.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    In 1970, American magician Rick Johnsson theorized that when magic tricks seem too perfect, audiences are less impressed and can easily figure out their secrets. Johnsson knew few people believed magicians had supernatural powers because they feel certain there is a rational explanation for magic, and it’s often science.
    What’s the science behind popular magic tricks? Let’s take a look. Levitating(悬浮)objects A popular trick is making objects levitate, with smaller objects being especially easy to “fly”. To the viewer, the levitating object may seem to resist gravity, but there’s a simple explanation—quantum (量子)physics. Magicians coat an object in a layer of magnetic paint and place it on top of a superconductor cooled by liquid nitrogen. The opposing forces cause the object to float above the superconductor.
    Vanishing liquids
    Many magicians can make liquids disappear. The explanation is simple—chemistry. Sodium polyacrylate, also known as “waterlock”, is a chennical compound that can absorb liquids. It’s used in everyday products such as baby diapers. What’s magical about this compound is that it can absorb 100 to 1000 times its mass in liquid.
    When a magician pours water into a cup lined with sodium polyacrylate, the water is quickly absorbed.
    Burning paper
    Another interesting trick is when magicians set paper on fire, it remains undamaged. Magicians can even use money in this trick. However, there’s a scientific explanation-chemistry! The item is dipped in a mixture of alcohol and water before the trick. When it’s lit on fire, the alcohol covering the paper begins to burn. Alcohol burns and changes into gas at a much lower temperature than water, so the water protects the paper from burning.
    1. Where is this passage most likely from?
    A. Science fiction. B. A textbook. C. The popular press. D. A news report.
    2. What may be involved in Levitating objects?
    A. Waterlock and a superconductor. B. Magnets and low temperatures.
    C. Paints and some liquid hydrogen. D. Baby diapers and liquid nitrogen.
    3 What will happen if paper previously soaked in the mixture of alcohol and water is lit?
    A. The paper will be undamaged. B. The alcohol will be unchanged.
    C. The paper will change into gas. D. The alcohol will soon turn into ash.
    【答案】1. C 2. B 3. A
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段“In 1970, American magician Rick Johnsson theorized that when magic tricks seem too perfect, audiences are less impressed and can easily figure out their secrets. Johnsson knew few people believed magicians had supernatural powers because they feel certain there is a rational explanation for magic, and it’s often science.(1970年,美国魔术师Rick Johnsson提出理论,当魔术看起来太完美时,观众就不太会被打动,很容易就能发现它们的秘密。 Johnsson知道,很少有人相信魔术师有超自然的力量,因为他们确信魔法有理性的解释,而且通常是科学。)”以及下文举例解释了一些魔术的原理可知,文章介绍了一些读者可能感兴趣的魔术原理,贴近人们的生活。所以该文章是选自大众媒体读物。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“To the viewer, the levitating object may seem to resist gravity, but there’s a simple explanation—quantum (量子)physics. Magicians coat an object in a layer of magnetic paint and place it on top of a superconductor cooled by liquid nitrogen. The opposing forces cause the object to float above the superconductor.(对于观众来说,悬浮物体似乎可以抵抗重力,但有一个简单的解释——量子物理学。魔术师在一个物体上涂上一层磁性涂料,然后把它放在一个由液氮冷却的超导体上。相反的力使物体漂浮在超导体上方。)”可知,和悬浮的的物体相关的是磁性和低温。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“The item is dipped in a mixture of alcohol and water before the trick. When it’s lit on fire, the alcohol covering the paper begins to burn. Alcohol burns and changes into gas at a much lower temperature than water, so the water protects the paper from burning.(在魔术开始前,道具会浸在酒精和水的混合物中。当它被点燃时,覆盖在纸上的酒精开始燃烧。酒精燃烧后会在比水低得多的温度下变成气体,所以水可以保护纸张不被燃烧。)”可知,如果纸张提前在酒精和水的混合物中浸泡再点燃的话,纸张不会被点燃。故选A。
    One of the improv (即兴表演) classes I attended regularly was taught by Jim Cranna every Saturday afternoon. Sometimes, as many as twenty-five to sixty-plus folks showed up. Jim made sure to fit everyone in so they could improve their skills.
    The class lasted for three hours. The usual cast of comic actors played improv comedy games. And we would go to the nearest mini market located in the building and get a snack or coffee during breaks. One day three of us were standing outside the building, when Robin Williams - an internationally famous actor and comic walked by, enjoying the fresh bay air. Completely frozen, my fellow comics couldn’t summon up the courage to just say “hi” to Robin, who was with a friend. I froze for a moment, but then I composed myself. I told them, “Hey, if you guys can’t handle it, then I will ask him to come and join us for the second half of class.” I could hear them mumble under their breath, “Yeah, sure, right. You’re going to ask Robin Williams to come to our comedy class. Good luck with that one!”
    So I went up to Robin and his friend and asked him to join us.“We’re having an improv comedy class. We’re on break now, but we would be most humbled and honored if you would join us for the second half of the class.”Robin looked directly in my eyes and said with little hesitation, “Okay.”It was like a grown-up child being asked to come and play. With that, he and his friend followed me up to the class.
    When he saw Robin, Jim said, “Oh my goodness, look who Micheline is bringing to class.” Jim’s eyes were all reddening in astonishment and delight. “Why, it’s Robin Williams!” Robin and his friend stayed the rest of the class and at the end of the classes, Robin and Jim performed a skit (滑稽短剧). We actually watched him shape-shift as he prepared physically and mentally for his made-up character. He gave it his all. It was truly magical.
    What a delight for all of us that Saturday afternoon! All I know is that if I hadn’t mustered up the courage to ask Robin to join us, none of us would have had that experience.
    4. What did the author want to show by telling the experience?
    A. Every cloud has a silver lining. B. It’s never too late to mend.
    C. A brave attempt is half success. D. Actions speak louder than words.
    5. What does the underlined word “compose” mean in paragraph 2?
    A. Look down. B. Make up. C. Pick up. D. Calm down.
    6. What did Robin Williams do in our class?
    A. He performed a romantic comedy with his friend.
    B. He went to great lengths to look serious and rigid.
    C. He impressed us with his wonderful performance.
    D. He gave a lecture on playing improv comedy games.
    7. What kind of person was Robin Williams most likely to be?
    A. Strict but helpful. B. Popular but vain.
    C. Outgoing but sensitive. D. Well-known but approachable.
    【答案】4. C 5. D 6. C 7. D
    推理判断题。根据文章大意可知,作者和同学们偶遇著名喜剧演员却都不敢上前打招呼,最后作者鼓起勇气开口打招呼,并邀请这名喜剧演员为他们上戏剧课。结果该喜剧演员不仅同意了作者的请求,还给了他们精彩的表演。由此推知,文章想告诉我们的是尝试就有可能成功。A. Every cloud has a silver lining黑暗中总有一线光明;B. It’s never too late to mend亡羊补牢,犹未晚也;C. A brave attempt is half success勇敢的尝试是成功的一半;D. Actions speak louder than words事实胜于雄辩。故选C。
    词句猜测题。根据划线单词上一句“I froze for a moment,(我愣了一会儿)”以及下一句“I told them, “Hey, if you guys can’t handle it, then I will ask him to come and join us for the second half of class.”(我告诉他们,“嘿,如果你们搞不定,那我就叫他来和我们一起上下半节课。”)”可知,作者一开始也不太敢上前邀请Robin,但是后来还是开口了,说明作者是稳定了一下情绪。由此推知,划线词compose与calm down(镇定)意思接近。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Robin and his friend stayed the rest of the class and at the end of the classes, Robin and Jim performed a skit (滑稽短剧). We actually watched him shape-shift as he prepared physically and mentally for his made-up character. He gave it his all. It was truly magical.( Robin和他的朋友留下来上了剩下的课,在课结束时,Robin和Jim表演了一个滑稽短剧。我们真的看到了他在身体和精神上为他虚构的角色做准备时的变化。他为此尽了全力。这真的很神奇)”可知,作者及其同学们对Robin的表演印象很深刻。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段“One day three of us were standing outside the building, when Robin Williams - an internationally famous actor and comic walked by, enjoying the fresh bay air.(有一天,我们三个人站在大楼外面,国际著名演员兼喜剧演员Robin Williams走过,享受着海湾的新鲜空气)”可知,Robin Williams很出名;再根据第三段“Robin looked directly in my eyes and said with little hesitation, “Okay.”(Robin直视着我的眼睛,毫不犹豫地说:“好的。”)”可知,Robin是个平易近人的人。故选D。
    Speaking from his home in Lahore, the prime minister of Pakistan, Shehbaz Sharif said he should not be forced to go out with a “begging bowl” to rich polluting nations after the floods that have destroyed the country and said he would be seeking “climate justice” from the international community.
    Sharif warned that Pakistan was facing an unprecedented crisis of health, food sccurity and internal displacement after floods put a third of Pakistan’s regions under water. Some areas were hit by 1.7m of rainfall, the highest on record. Scientists have determined the floods were due to climate breakdown. As Pakistan is responsible for 0.8% of global carbon emissions, Sharif said it was the “responsibility of the developed countries, who caused these emissions, to stand by us.”
    Till now, the official death toll from the floods is 1,600, though many estimates on the ground have been higher. More than 9 million people have been displaced and over 2 million homes destroyed, and millions of families have been forced to live in makeshift shelters on roadsides. The extent of the damage has been put at between $30bn (f26bn) and $35bn, but Sharif said it was “a rough estimate, it could be more”, with more than 19,000 miles of roads destroyed along with bridges, railways and power lines, as well as 4m hectares (10m acres) of crops washed away. “Let me be clear, this is about climate justice,” said Sharif. Should I be asked to cast my appeal into a begging bowl? That’s unjust, unfair.
    Pakistan’s suffering has captured the attention of the international community. Last month, the US president, Joe Biden, used his speech at the UN general assembly in New York to urge countries to help Pakistan, and the leaders of the UK, France, Saudi Arabia, China and more have given millions in donations and pledged further support. Sharif said while he was grateful for the “very touching words and statements”, but what is more important is practical demonstration of these statements into action”.
    Sharif pointed to the unfulfilled promise made by rich nations a decade ago to commit $100bn a year in a climate fund for less developed nations. “They should take notice of the situation, take responsibility before the damage becomes irreparable — not just for Pakistan, but for the world.”
    8. What does “climate justice” in paragraph one mean according to Sharif?
    A. He shouldn’t be forced to go out begging.
    B. The global climate change brings about the disaster.
    C. Developing countries should partly be to blame for the crisis.
    D. Developed countries should assume responsibilities for the floods.
    9 How does the author develop the third paragraph?
    A. By making contrasts. B. By listing numbers.
    C. By providing examples. D. By presenting arguments.
    10. What can we learn from the passage?
    A. Support from the international community is far from enough.
    B. Rich countries have already fulfilled their promise a decade ago.
    C. A UN climate fund for less developed nations is the key solution.
    D. US has given millions in donations and promised further support.
    11. What’s the main purpose of Sharif’s speech?
    A. To criticize false statements. B. To appeal for climate justice.
    C. To accuse rich pollution countries. D. To call attention to climate breakdown.
    【答案】8. D 9. B 10. A 11. B
    词句猜测题。根据第一段“Speaking from his home in Lahore, the prime minister of Pakistan, Shehbaz Sharif said he should not be forced to go out with a “begging bowl” to rich polluting nations after the floods that have destroyed the country and said he would be seeking “climate justice” from the international community.(巴基斯坦总理Shehbaz Sharif在拉合尔的家中表示,在洪水摧毁了巴基斯坦之后,他不应该被迫向富裕的污染国家“乞讨”,并表示他将寻求国际社会的“气候正义”)”及第二段“As Pakistan is responsible for 0.8% of global carbon emissions, Sharif said it was the “responsibility of the developed countries, who caused these emissions, to stand by us. Scientists have determined the floods were due to climate breakdown.”(由于巴基斯坦的碳排放量占全球的0.8%,Sharif说,“造成这些排放的发达国家有责任支持我们。”科学家已经确定洪水是由气候崩溃引起的)”可知,Sharif所认为的气候正义指的是发达国家应对本次洪水灾难负责。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“Till now, the official death toll from the floods is 1,600, though many estimates on the ground have been higher. More than 9 million people have been displaced and over 2 million homes destroyed, and millions of families have been forced to live in makeshift shelters on roadsides. The extent of the damage has been put at between $30bn (f26bn) and $35bn, but Sharif said it was “a rough estimate, it could be more”, with more than 19,000 miles of roads destroyed along with bridges, railways and power lines, as well as 4m hectares(10m acres) of crops washed away.(到目前为止,官方公布的洪水死亡人数为1600人,不过现场的许多估计数字更高。900多万人流离失所,200多万所房屋被毁,数百万家庭被迫住在路边的临时避难所。据估计,此次地震造成的损失在300亿美元至350亿美元之间,但Sharif表示,这只是“一个粗略的估计,可能会更多”,超过19000英里的道路、桥梁、铁路和电线被毁,400万公顷(1000万英亩)的农作物被冲走)”可知,第三段主要使用了列数据的写作手法。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据根据第三段内容可知,巴基斯坦此次受灾情况严重;再根据第四段“Sharif said while he was grateful for the “very touching words and statements”, but what is more important is practical demonstration of these statements into action”.(Sharif说,虽然他对“非常感人的话语和声明”表示感谢,但更重要的是将这些声明实际化为行动)”可推知,国际社会的支持还远远不够。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Speaking from his home in Lahore, the prime minister of Pakistan, Shehbaz Sharif said he should not be forced to go out with a “begging bowl” to rich polluting nations after the floods that have destroyed the country and said he would be seeking “climate justice” from the international community.(巴基斯坦总理谢Shehbaz Sharif在拉合尔的家中表示,在洪水摧毁了巴基斯坦之后,他不应该被迫向富裕的污染国家“乞讨”,并表示他将寻求国际社会的“气候正义”)”可知,Sharif演讲的主要目的是呼吁气候正义。故选B。
    Plenty of people hate needles simply because they do not want the discomfort of injection. A new invention could help — for those who are needle-shy, how about taking a pill instead?

    Two of the most successful covid-19 vaccines, from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, need to be administered via injections because their active ingredients are fragile molecules of mRNA, which would be quickly destroyed by acids in the stomach if administered orally.
    Aware of these challenges, Robert Langer and Giovanni Traverso, engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), wondered if it might be possible instead to send mRNA into the stomach inside a protective capsule that is engineered to inject patients from the inside, where they would feel nothing.
    The device they invented is the size of a large pill, encased in gelatin (明胶) and shaped like the shell of a tortoise. It carries a needle that is engineered to stick into the lining of the stomach only when the device’s flat section sits level to it. And the needle can then inject its payload painlessly into the stomach wall.
    The researchers knew, however, that this trick alone would not be enough for safe passage of the delicate molecules into cells. Naked mRNA is not readily taken up by cells, but needs to be encased inside a protective envelope to gain entry. So, to investigate further, the engineers worked with colleagues at MIT and found three polymers (聚合物) that could carry the mRNA payloads successfully and also support a transfer into living cells.
    The engineers loaded these polymer-encased mRNA molecules into their turtle-shell pills, which were then swallowed by six mice. As expected, they subsequently found evidence that the mRNA had transferred successfully into the stomach tissue of all the mice. The researchers then went on to test their technology on pigs, which have stomachs that are very similar to those found in humans. They introduced their turtle-shell pills into three animal sand studied their stomachs a day later. Two showed clear evidence of the mRNA having entered their cells. One did not.
    The device shows the potential to get mRNA into the body without the need for an uncomfortable injection in the arm. More work is needed to understand why one trial in the pigs failed to yield results.
    12. What are the first two paragraphs mainly about?
    A. The protest of the injection. B. The reasons for the research.
    C. The application of the research. D. The qualities of the vaccines.
    13. Which aspect does the research focus on in Para.4 and Para.5?
    A. The delivery of mRNA. B. The protection of cells.
    C. The classification of polymers. D. The transformation of molecules.
    14. What can we learn from the passage?
    A. Those needle-shy will have injection without fear.
    B. The device will definitely have a promising future.
    C. Further research needs to be conducted on the idea.
    D. The turtle-shell pills can guarantee molecule activity.
    15. Which can be a suitable title for the passage?
    A. A new way to deliver delicate drugs B. Pills to relieve symptoms of covid-19
    C. The administration of covid-19 vaccine D. Researches on molecules of mRNA
    【答案】12. B 13. A 14. C 15. A
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Plenty of people hate needles simply because they do not want the discomfort of injection.(很多人讨厌针,仅仅是因为他们不想要注射带来的不适)”以及第二段“Two of the most successful covid-19 vaccines, from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, need to be administered via injections because their active ingredients are fragile molecules of mRNA, which would be quickly destroyed by acids in the stomach if administered orally.(两种最成功的新冠肺炎疫苗来自辉瑞生物科技公司和摩德纳公司,需要通过注射进行接种,因为它们的活性成分是脆弱的mRNA分子,如果口服,会被胃酸快速破坏)”可知,前两段主要介绍了研究人员开展研究的原因。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“It carries a needle that is engineered to stick into the lining of the stomach only when the device’s flat section sits level to it. And the needle can then inject its payload painlessly into the stomach wall.(它携带一根针,只有当设备的扁平部分与之平齐时,针才能插入胃壁。然后,针可以将有效载荷无痛地注入胃壁)”以及第五段“Naked mRNA is not readily taken up by cells, but needs to be encased inside a protective envelope to gain entry. So, to investigate further, the engineers worked with colleagues at MIT and found three polymers that could carry the mRNA payloads successfully and also support a transfer into living cells.(裸mRNA不易被细胞吸收,但需要被包裹在保护膜内才能进入。因此,为了进一步研究,工程师们与麻省理工学院的同事合作,发现了三种聚合物,它们可以成功携带mRNA有效载荷,并支持转移到活细胞中)”可知,第四段和第五段主要介绍的研究重点是mRNA的输送方式。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Two showed clear evidence of the mRNA having entered their cells. One did not.(两个显示出mRNA已经进入细胞的明显证据。一个没有)”以及最后一段“More work is needed to understand why one trial in the pigs failed to yield results.(需要更多的工作来理解为什么在猪身上进行的一次试验未能产生结果)”可知,该项研究仍有不明确的地方,所以需要对这一想法进行进一步研究。故选C项。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段“Aware of these challenges, Robert Langer and Giovanni Traverso, engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), wondered if it might be possible instead to send mRNA into the stomach inside a protective capsule that is engineered to inject patients from the inside, where they would feel nothing.(意识到这些挑战,麻省理工学院(MIT)的工程师罗伯特·兰格和乔瓦尼·特拉沃想知道,是否有可能将mRNA发送到一个保护性胶囊内的胃中,该胶囊设计用于从内部为患者注射,在那里他们不会有任何感觉)”以及文章内容可知,本文主要介绍了研究人员发明了一种药丸大小的装置,可以输送精细药物,以帮助那些怕针的人,让他们不需要体验注射药物带来的不适。由此可知,“一种新的输送精细药物的方法”可以作为文章标题。故选A项。
    Happiness is work in progress but everyone' s process is different . Many people blame their own unhappiness on uncontrollable circumstances , situations or other people. ____16____No one can take away your happiness without your permission. Here are a few things that any of us can start doing to feel more happiness in our lives.
    Find flow experiences
    ____17____Being consumed by a task or activity, where nothing else matters, is a state of being called Flow. To experience happiness without pursuing it, embrace daily happy habits. When your brain builds expectations about what will make you happy, it begins to adjust itself to seek more happy habits.
    Express gratitude
    People who are grateful feel better about themselves and they also show higher levels of happiness. Gratitude can help us feel more connected to the world around us.____18____People who intentionally cultivate gratitude show greater neural sensitivity in the medial prefrontal cortex, a brain region associated with learning, rational thinking, and decision making.
    Develop meaningful relationships
    Good social relationships are the most consistent predictor of a happy life. Satisfying relationships not only make people happy, but they also associated with better health and even longer life.____19____When they are positive we feel happiness, contentment, and calm. When relationships bring out the worst in us or they are non-existent, we feel anxious, depressed, and lonely.
    Live in the moment
    It’s extremely hard to be happy when you spend most of your time worrying about the past or living in fear of the future. Life is unfolding, but we are too occupied to notice.____20____ The simple things are the most extraordinary things that sometimes make life easy to manage.
    A. So, enjoy the little joys in life when you find them.
    B. Practicing it can also help make changes in our brains.
    C. But the truth is that our happiness is our own responsibility.
    D. It is a state of active, open, intentional attention on the present.
    E. Besides, they are connected to some of our strongest emotions.
    F. Have you ever lost yourself in something so much that you lost track of time?
    G. Every day presents an opportunity to try something that can make you grateful.
    【答案】16. C 17. F 18. B 19. E 20. A
    根据空后“No one can take away your happiness without your permission. (没有你的允许,没有人能夺走你的幸福。)”可知,幸福是由自己来决定的。选项C“But the truth is that our happiness is our own responsibility.(但事实是我们的幸福是我们自己的责任。)”与下文内容一致。故选C。
    根据空后“Being consumed by a task or activity, where nothing else matters, is a state of being called Flow.(沉浸在某一个任务或活动之中,其他都不重要,这是一种被称为流的状态。)”可知,所谓流的状态指的是沉浸在某一件事中。选项F“Have you ever lost yourself in something so much that you lost track of time?(你是否曾经在某件事上太过迷失自己以至于忘记了时间?)”与下文内容一致,引出了下文对“Flow”这一概念的解释。故选F。
    根据上文“Gratitude can help us feel more connected to the world around us.(感恩能让我们与周围的世界更紧密地联系在一起。)”可知,上文讲的是感恩的对社交的好处;而空后“People who intentionally cultivate gratitude show greater neural sensitivity in the medial prefrontal cortex, a brain region associated with learning, rational thinking, and decision making. (有意培养感恩的人在内侧前额叶皮层表现出更强的神经敏感性,这是一个与学习、理性思考和决策相关的大脑区域。)”指出培养感恩给大脑带来的改变。选项B“Practicing it can also help make changes in our brains. (练习它也有助于改变我们的大脑。)”承上启下,“also”暗示上文讲的是感恩的好处,同时又引出下文对大脑的好处,符合上下文。故选B。
    根据空前“Satisfying relationships not only make people happy, but they also associated with better health and even longer life.(令人满意的人际关系不仅让人快乐,还能让人更健康,甚至更长寿。)”可知,上文讲的是令人满意的人际关系给身体上带来的好处;而空后“When they are positive we feel happiness, contentment, and calm. When relationships bring out the worst in us or they are non-existent, we feel anxious, depressed, and lonely.(当他们是积极的,我们感到幸福,满足和平静。当一段关系把我们最坏的一面展现出来或者根本不存在时,我们就会感到焦虑、沮丧和孤独。)”则讲述了良好的人际关系带来的情绪上的影响。选项E“Besides, they are connected to some of our strongest emotions.(此外,它们与我们一些最强烈的情感有关。)”与下文内容一致。故选E。
    根据空后的“The simple things are the most extraordinary things that sometimes make life easy to manage.(简单的事情往往是最不平凡的事情,有时会使生活变得容易管理。)”可知,下文指的是生活中的简单小事很重要。选项A“So, enjoy the little joys in life when you find them.(所以,当你发现生活中的小快乐时,就好好享受吧。)”与下文内容一致,符合文意。故选A。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    My father was the gentlest, most loving dad in the world ——until we had an argument. During those moments, he transformed into a ____21____ man. My words never reached his “open mind” because his ears were ____22____.He spoke with such ____23____ that it was easy to begin to doubt my own point of view. He always had the last ____24____ .I could never win.
    So when he denied my senior class trip to Montreal, I could do nothing but race from his room in ____25____And a thought just struck me. If I couldn’t get him to listen to my side of our arguments, maybe I could get him to ____26____ it.
    With the hope that his eyes would be more open than his ears, I began to write a note that began “Dear Daddy” and ____27____with how much I respected his opinion, how much I hated to fight with him and,____28____how much I loved him. I folded my note into an envelope,____29____it under the door of his bedroom and raced back to my own room where I_____30_____ on my bed.
    It was only minutes _____31_____I heard a knock at my door. Seeing the look on my father’s face, I knew my note _____32_____his temper and touched his heart.
    The victory of winning my dad’s permission was sweet._____33_____, even sweeter was the discovery of a strategy that enabled me to have an argument with my dad that didn’t end in tears, but instead with a hug. My “Dear Daddy” notes became a _____34_____ to many of our arguments. When his “I’m your father, that’s why!” left me _____35_____, I knew just how to get through to him.
    21. A. cautious B. stubborn C. sensitive D. passive
    22. A. masked B. struck C. shut D. folded
    23. A. authority B. emotion C. enthusiasm D. dignity
    24 A. straw B. word C. chance D. minute
    25. A. confusion B. fright C. surprise D. despair
    26. A. record B. hear C. review D. read
    27. A. wound up B. made up C. sprang up D. dried up
    28. A. in all B. at all C. above all D. after all
    29. A. covered B. slid C. attached D. lay
    30. A. collapsed B. suffered C. cried D. panicked
    31. A. after B. when C. since D. before
    32. A. lost B. melted C. froze D. kept
    33. A. Therefore B. Anyway C. However D. Instead
    34. A. follow-up B. make-up C. pick-up D. break-up
    35. A. worthless B. restless C. speechless D. senseless
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. A 31. D 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. C
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在那段日子里,他变成了一个很固执的人。A. cautious谨慎的;B. stubborn固执的;C. sensitive敏感的;D. passive被动的;消极的;根据下文“My words never reached his “open mind”(我的话从来都打不动他那豁达的心胸)”可知父亲变得固执,故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的话从来都打不动他那豁达的心胸因为他对我的话充耳不闻。A. masked罩住;B. struck击打;C. shut关上;D. folded折叠;作者形象地描述父亲的耳朵被关上了,作者的话之所以说不动父亲,是因为他根本都不听,故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他说话如此居高临下,动不动就质疑我自己的观点。A. authority专断;权威;B. emotion情绪;C. enthusiasm热情;D. dignity高贵;根据下文“He always had the last word.I could never win.(他总是最后说了算,我从来都赢不了)”可知父亲比较专断,故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他总是最后说了算,我从来都赢不了。A. straw稻草;B. word话语;C. chance改变;D. minute分钟;根据下文“I could never win.(我从来都赢不了)”可以推理出作者的话比不过父亲的话,父亲总是最后说了算,故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以当他拒绝了我去蒙特利尔的高级班研学之旅的时候,我别无选择只能绝望地冲出他的房子,这个时候有个想法映入我的脑海。A. confusion混乱;B. fright害怕;C. surprise吃惊;D. despair绝望;由上文可知,父亲对他的话充耳不闻,拒绝了他的想法,所以作者只能冲出房子,感到很绝望,故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果我无法让他倾听我这一边的观点,或许我可以让他读。A. record记录;B. hear听见;C. review复习;回顾;D. read读;根据下文“With the hope that his eyes would be more open than his ears, I began to write a note(带着一丝他的眼睛要比他的耳朵更开明的想法,我开始写一张小纸条)”可以推理出作者是希望写张纸条让父亲读,故选D项。
    考查动词固定搭配辨析。句意:带着一丝他的眼睛要比他的耳朵更开明的想法,我开始写一张小纸条,结尾写道我多么尊重他的观点、多么后悔和他吵架,最重要的是多么爱他。A. wound up以……结束;B. made up编造;化妆;C. sprang up迅速出现;D. dried up干涸;根据下文“I folded my note into an envelope(我把便条折叠放进信封)”可知便条已经写完了,所以前面表达的意思应该是“以……结束”,故选A项。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:同上。A. in all总共;B. at all根本;C. above all最重要的是;D. after all毕竟;由上文可知作者打算用感情打动自己的父亲,他在便条结尾处写了尊重父亲的观点、后悔和他吵架以及很爱自己的父亲,这三者里面最后一点应该是最重要的,故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我把便条折叠放进信封,悄悄地从他卧室门下面塞进去然后冲回我的房间,躺在床上。A. covered覆盖;B. slid悄悄地移动;C. attached粘;贴;D. lay放;根据下文“under the door of his bedroom(从卧室门底下)”可知作者没有把便条当面给父亲,而是悄悄地塞进门缝,故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. collapsed坍塌;(工作劳累后)躺下;B. suffered遭受;C. cried哭;D. panicked惊恐;恐慌;由上文可知作者写完了便条并从门缝塞进了父亲的卧室,如释重负,再根据下文“on the bed(在床上)”可知作者舒服地躺在了床上,故选A项。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:过了没几分钟,我就听见一阵敲门声。A. after之后;B. when当……时候;C. since自从;D. before之前;It is/was + 时间 before 为固定搭配,意思为:过了……时间以后,故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:看到他脸上的表情,我知道我的便条化解了他的脾气,触动了他的心。A. lost丢失;B. melted融化;C. froze冻僵;D. kept保持;根据下文“touched his heart.(触动了他的心)”可知作者写的便条起了作用,父亲的脾气已经被化解了,故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:获得了父亲的允许的胜利是很令人愉快的,然而更为令人愉快的是我发现了一个和父亲理论以拥抱而不是掉眼泪终结的办法。A. Therefore因此;B. Anyway无论如何;C. However然而;D. Instead相反;分析前后句可知作者采用了对比的手法,把前后句进行对比,加强后一句的语气,这是however 的用法,故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的“亲爱的爸爸”便条成为了许多次我们吵架之后紧跟着就做的事情。A. follow-up后续事物;B. make-up化妆;C. pick-up提取;搭便车;D. break-up破裂;根据下文“many of our arguments(我们多次吵架)”可知后来作者和父亲吵架后会随之写便条缓和关系,故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:每当他那句“我是你爸爸,这就是原因”让我无言以对的时候,我知道如何让他理解我。A. worthless无价值的;B. restless焦躁不安的;C. speechless无言以对的;D. senseless无知的;根据上文“I’m your father, that’s why!( 我是你爸爸,这就是原因)”可知作者的父亲以父亲的身份居高临下,对作者的话充耳不闻,变得很固执,使作者无言以对,故选C项。
    According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the specific definition of a zero energy building is an energy-efficient building ____36____, on a source energy basis, the actual annual delivered energy is less than or equal ____37____ the on-site renewable exported energy. It harvests solar energy using panels installed on the roof. When there is ____38____(sufficient) solar energy, the building will draw energy from the power grid. Over the course of the year, ____39____amount of energy taken from the grid will be zero, achieving net-zero energy consumption.
    Net-Zeto Energy (NZE) buildings are a response to rapidly ____40____ (rise) energy prices and urgency to take action regarding climate change. Currently, the development of several technologies critical to the support of NZE buildings ____41____(advance) rapidly, namely PV panel efficiency, appliance efficiency and increased lighting efficiency. The NZE concept can be applied not only to individual buildings but also to groups of buildings ____42____(serve) by a renewable energy system.
    One ____43____(limit) of the NZE concept is that, at present energy consumption levels, it is very difficult to apply to single story buildings and virtually impossible to a multi-story building, unless wide site area is available for PV systems.
    ____44____there are difficulties in implementation, it appears that NZE marks a major shift in high-performance green buildings, which combines extreme energy conservation and efficiency with renewable energy systems _____45_____(produce) buildings that are energy self-sufficient.
    【答案】36. where
    37. to 38. insufficient
    39. the 40. Rising
    41. is advancing
    42. served 43. limitation
    44. Though##Although##While
    45. to produce
    考查定语从句。句意:根据美国能源部的定义,零能耗建筑的具体定义是,在源能源基础上,实际年交付能源小于或等于现场可再生能源输出的节能建筑。本句为定语从句,先行词为an energy-efficient building,关系词在定语从句中担当地点状语,所以用关系副词where引导。故填where。
    考查介词。句意:根据美国能源部的定义,零能耗建筑的具体定义是,在源能源基础上,实际年交付能源小于或等于现场可再生能源输出的节能建筑。短语be equal to,意为“与……相等”。故填to。
    考查形容词。句意:当太阳能不足时,建筑将从电网中获取能量。修饰名词solar energy,用形容词作定语。根据下文的“the building will draw energy from the power grid”可知,只有太阳能不足的时候,才需要从电网中获取能量。故填insufficient。
    考查冠词。句意:在这一年中,从电网获取的能量将为零,实现能源净零消耗。特指从电网获取的能量,用定冠词the,the amount of,意为“……的数量”。故填the。
    考查形容词。句意:NZE建筑是对快速上涨的能源价格和对气候变化采取行动的紧迫性的回应。根据空后的“energy prices”可知,空处为形容词作定语,表示“上涨的”。故填rising。
    考查时态。句意:目前,对支撑NZE建筑至关重要的几项技术正在迅速发展,即光伏板效率、电器效率和提高照明效率。本句缺少谓语动词,根据上下文以及状语“currently”可判断时态为现在进行时;主语为the development,谓语动词用单数。故填is advancing。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:NZE的概念不仅适用于单个建筑,也适用于由可再生能源系统服务的建筑群。分析句子成分可知,这里为非谓语动词担当后置定语,和被修饰词“groups of buildings”之间存在被动关系,用过去分词形式。故填served。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:尽管在实施过程中存在困难,但NZE似乎标志着高性能绿色建筑的重大转变,它将极端节能和效率与可再生能源系统结合起来,生产出能源自给自足的建筑。句中担当目的状语,用不定式形式。故填to produce。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假设你是学生李华,你校即将于11月6日迎来120周年校庆。请给外教Allen写封邮件邀请他参加校庆活动。内容包括:
    Dear Allen,
    Li Hua
    【答案】One possible version:
    Dear Allen,
    It’s my pleasure to extend an invitation to you to attend our school’s celebration for its 120th birthday.
    Scheduled to be held on November 6, the celebration will consist of diverse activities. Specifically, the celebration will kick off with the president’s inspiring speech, which will lead us to review the history of our school. Besides, some famous former students are to give some lectures. You will also have a chance to visit various exhibitions, ranging from students’ handicrafts and calligraphy to photographs of the campus life. All these activities will assuredly bring you a feast to eyes and cars.
    I sincerely hope you’ll accept my invitation. Looking forward to your early reply.
    Li Hua
    计划:schedule→ plan
    著名的:famous → well-known
    此外:besides→ what’s more/in addition
    真诚地:sincerely → genuinely
    原句:You will also have a chance to visit various exhibitions, ranging from students’ handicrafts and calligraphy to photographs of the campus life.
    拓展句:You will also have a chance to visit various exhibitions, which range from students’ handicrafts and calligraphy to photographs of the campus life.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Specifically, the celebration will kick off with the president’s inspiring speech, which will lead us to review the history of our school.(运用了which引导的限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】I sincerely hope you’ll accept my invitation.(运用了省略连词that的宾语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I’ve spent my adult life as a college professor teaching people how to think more creatively and use more of their brainpower. Interestingly, this lifetime passion was awakened by a casual contest when I was a child.
    At a family picnic for employees of the company where my father worked, they held a handkerchief-throwing contest for the children. I was 13, full of enthusiasm and the spirit of competition, so I threw myself into the contest, which I realize now was not meant to demonstrate any real skill, but simply for laughs. But it sparked my love of thinking outside the box.
    The emcee (主持人) gave each child a cloth handkerchief and told us the winner would be the one who threw it the farthest. The first throwers, the little ones, took mighty wind-ups, but when the cloth left their hands, it opened and fluttered to the ground a few inches in front of them. The next kids threw harder and harder, but with no better results. The crowd roared with laughter, and being 13, I didn’t like adults laughing at us. The older the children, the more the crowd laughed at the results.
    It was obvious that using the same technique would not work. Suppose I tied a rock inside the handkerchief? No, it was “throw a handkerchief,” not a rock and a handkerchief. When they inspected it, I’d be disqualified. If I knew anything about adults, it was that they lived by rules. And they loved to seize a child who broke them.
    So it irritated me to see the kids throwing harder, but still without better results. The secret was not to throw harder but to keep the cloth from opening. Suppose I hid a rock in the cloth without tying it. The rock would drive the cloth at least farther than the others, and when they separated, people might not notice a small rock landing in the grass. I had a good chance of getting away with it, but I didn’t want to win by cheating. What I really wanted to do was show them that a kid could beat them at their own game. I had to make the handkerchief fly like a rock. Like a rock! That was it!
    I began tying the handkerchief around itself to make it small and firmly packed, like a rock.
    Before the emcee found my handkerchief, a man said, “He must have cheated.”
    【答案】One possible version:
    I began tying the handkerchief around itself to make it small and firmly packed, like a rock. I secretly tied knot after knot until it was the size of a little rock. When it was my turn, there were a dozen cloth handkerchiefs littering the ground. People were already chuckling, anticipating a big boy like me hurling it a few inches. I took a long wind-up, and the balled handkerchief rocketed off into the trees approximately 60 feet away. The laughing died in a collective gasp. The emcee stared at me with narrowed eyes and then ran to locate the balled handkerchief.
    Before the emcee found my handkerchief, a man said, “He must have cheated.” More adults joined him and they discussed what trick I employed, ignoring innocent expression on my face. The emcee came back at last. “It’s just the handkerchief,” declared, holding it up and untying the knots. “We didn’t say he couldn’t tie it.” The adults burst into applause and I felt proud. But it was more than that. What I learned from this contest was the secret to creative thinking. If you want to maximize your brainpower, you can’t accept rules at face value.
    ②使用:employ/make use of
    ③返回:come back/return
    ②感到自豪:feel proud/feel pride
    【点睛】【高分句型1】When it was my turn, there were a dozen cloth handkerchiefs littering the ground. (运用了when引导的时间状语从句)
    【高分句型2】What I learned from this contest was the secret to creative thinking. (运用了what引导的主语从句)


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    江苏省海门中学2022-2023学年高二英语下学期期中考试试卷(Word版附答案): 这是一份江苏省海门中学2022-2023学年高二英语下学期期中考试试卷(Word版附答案),共12页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,B.In 1876,5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年江苏省四所名校高三上学期期中联考英语试题(解析版): 这是一份2022-2023学年江苏省四所名校高三上学期期中联考英语试题(解析版),共26页。






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