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    第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分30分〉
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. Hw will the wman help the man?
    A. By filling in a frm. B. By helping him paint. C. By handing in a painting.
    2. What is the wman ding?
    A. Having a haircut. B. Giving directins. C. Asking the way.
    3. What des Tdd have t d alne?
    A. Pick up the clients. B. Give a presentatin. C. G n a business trip.
    4. What des the man mean?
    A. He gave Jane a ride. B. He tk a bus hme yesterday. C. He didn’t see Jane n the way hme.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Sme sngs. B. A car race. C. A vide game.
    第二节 (共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. Hw many languages can the man speak fluently nw?
    A. Tw. B. Fur. C. Six.
    7. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Waiter and custmer. C. Interviewer and interviewee.
    8. When will Sally celebrate her birthday?
    A. This Friday. B. Next Mnday. C. Next Friday.
    9. Wh will mst likely help the wman?
    A. Helen. B. Sara. C. Carmen.
    10. What is the bk abut?
    A. Traveling rules. B. Freign languages. C. Turist attractins.
    11. Where is the man ging after his business trip?
    A. T Saudi Arabia. B. T Italy. C. T France.
    12. What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. Give her sme suggestins. B. Buy her a suvenir. C. Make a plan fr her.
    13. Why did Carla change the way she wrked?
    A. She didn’t enjy the wrk she did.
    B. She spent little time at hme.
    C. She had health prblems.
    14. What is the reasn that Carla runs her wn business?
    A. T have a flexible schedule. B. T take mre hlidays. C. T earn mre mney.
    15. What has Carla changed abut exercise?
    A. The amunt. B. The time. C. The frm.
    16. Which time-saving idea des Carla find efficient?
    A. Making t-d lists.
    B. Spending little time chsing clthes.
    C. Checking e-mails n the way t wrk.
    17. Wh might Mary Lcke be?
    A. A news reprter. B. A plane designer. C. A fire ranger.
    18. Where d the pilts pick up water?
    A. Frm a river. B. Frm a lake. C. Frm the Fire Center.
    19. Hw des the speaker describe the pilt’s jb?
    A. Extrardinary. B. Exciting. C. Dangerus.
    20. What can we learn frm the talk?
    A. The crew has t drp water 20 times t put ut the fire.
    B. The plane’s tanks hld n mre than 5,000 liters f water.
    C. The fire rangers shuld keep the plane away frm the fire.
    第二部分:阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Beware f Phne /Online Scams
    Have yu been the victim f a phne/nline scams? If yu ever think that there’s really n reasn t wrry, just remember the fllwing statistics.
    —315,000 cases brken in 2015-2017 in China.
    —Mre than billins f mney invlved.
    —Victims f 19 years ld tp the list in terms f age.
    —Victims f 18-25 years ld accunt fr 52.4% f the whle.
    And here in belw we are sharing 4 typical types f Phne/Online scams and hw t deal with them.
    1. What’s the main purpse f mentining the statistics at the beginning?
    A. T remind the public f the figures.B. T highlight the accuracy f the figures.
    C. T shw the gravity f the phenmenn.D. T prve the existence f the phenmenn.
    2. Which types f Phne/Online scams require peple t transfer mney directly?
    A. Type 1 and Type 2B. Type 3 and Type 4
    C. Type 1 and Type 3D. Type 2 and Type 4
    3. Where can yu prbably find the article?
    A. On a security leaflet.B. On a travel brchure.
    C. In a pster frm a bank.D. In an email fr students.
    【答案】1. C 2. A 3. A
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Have yu been the victim f a phne/nline scams? If yu ever think that there’s really n reasn t wrry, just remember the fllwing statistics.(你曾经是电话/网络诈骗受害者吗?如果你认为真的没有理由担心,请记住下面的统计数据)”结合下文的数据,可推知,开头提到统计数据的主要目的是为了显示诈骗现象的严重性。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据Type 1部分中“Please transfer yur mney int the natinal security accunt.(请把钱转到国家安全账户)”以及Type 2部分中“I need yu t transfer sme mney int this accunt.(我需要你转一些钱到这个账户)”可知,类型1和类型2需要人们直接转账。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Have yu been the victim f a phne/nline scams? If yu ever think that there’s really n reasn t wrry, just remember the fllwing statistics.(你曾经是电话/网络诈骗的受害者吗?如果你认为真的没有理由担心,请记住下面的统计数据)”结合文章是一则关于电话或网络诈骗的宣传传单,介绍了四种类型的诈骗类型。可推知,在安全传单上可以找到这篇文章。故选A。
    In the early 19th century, Egypt cnnected tw vast regins: the Ottman Empire (奥斯曼帝国) and the African cntinent. Fr centuries, the Ottman Empire had been at the center f Eurasian trade. It had als been a majr center f manufacturing which prduced handmade gds fr Eurpe and Africa.
    Hwever, the industrializatin f Eurpe meant that cheaper gds made by machines sn flded int the Ottman Empire. The result f this cmpetitin was that Africa was increasingly seen as a place that prvided new materials fr Eurpean factries, rather than ne that had factries f its wn.
    Egypt was an African cuntry that was technically part f the Ottman Empire. It was first invaded by the French army. With British help, the Ottman frces drve the French ut f Egypt. Fllwing this, Muhammad Ali successfully brught abut Egyptian independence frm the Ottman Empire. By 1831, he was effectively an independent ruler f a mre mdern Egypt.
    Egypt was already a small-scale prducer f cttn, which was sld t Britain. Ali encuraged even mre cttn prductin natinwide. With the mney frm this cttn prductin, Ali’s gvernment began t aid factries s that the cuntry culd prfit frm its wn industrializatin. By the late 1840s, it lked like Egypt wuld eventually becme an industrial pwer.
    During the fllwing years, Egypt’s ecnmy stagnated and slwly slid int decline. The factries ceased prductin, and by the 1880s, it had t seek help frm Britain financially. Thugh Egypt remained frmally independent, it seemed t be mre like a British clny.
    Eurpeans kept interfering in Egypt partly because f the Suez Canal. Egypt’s new leaders were already stressful because f the industrial cllapse that left their cuntry unable t repay the mney brrwed frm Britain. Finally, in 1875, the king sld his share in the Suez Canal Cmpany t the British, giving them cntrl f this imprtant natinal resurce. The pwerful British tk advantage f this instability and seized the cuntry.
    4. Fr Africa, what was the result f the industrializatin f Eurpe?
    A. The new factries began t spring up in Africa.
    B. The prices f the gds became higher in Africa.
    C. Africa was reduced t material suppliers gradually.
    D. Handmade gds became ppular in Eurpe and Africa.
    5. Which f the fllwing can replace the underlined wrd “stagnated” in Para 5?
    A. recveredB. buncedC. ruinedD. stpped
    6. Which is the right rder as fr the events in histry?
    ① French invaded Egypt. ② The Ottman Empire ruled Egypt.
    ③ Britain seized Egypt. ④ Egypt gained independence.
    A. ①③②④B. ①②④③C. ②①③④D. ②①④③
    7. Accrding t the passage, which f the fllwing can best describe the 19th-century Egypt?
    A. The Suez Canal was the main cntributing cause f all disputes.
    B. Egypt enjyed bming develpment and underwent scial unrest.
    C. Egyptians were s brave as nt t bey the rulers f ther cuntries.
    D. Egypt lived up t the status—ne f the Great Ancient Civilizatins.
    【答案】4. C 5. D 6. D 7. B
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“The result f this cmpetitin was that Africa was increasingly seen as a place that prvided new materials fr Eurpean factries, rather than ne that had factries f its wn.(这种竞争的结果是,非洲越来越被视为一个为欧洲工厂提供新材料的地方,而不是一个拥有自己工厂的地方)”可知,对非洲来说,欧洲工业化的结果是非洲逐渐沦为物资供应地。故选C。
    词句猜测题。根据画线词后文“and slwly slid int decline(缓慢下滑)”以及“The factries ceased prductin, and by the 1880s, it had t seek help frm Britain financially.(工厂停止生产,到了19世纪80年代,它不得不向英国寻求财政援助)”可知,在接下来的几年里,埃及的经济停滞不前,慢慢陷入衰退,最后不得不向英国寻求财政援助。故画线词意思是“停止”。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Egypt was an African cuntry that was technically part f the Ottman Empire. It was first invaded by the French army. With British help, the Ottman frces drve the French ut f Egypt. Fllwing this, Muhammad Ali successfully brught abut Egyptian independence frm the Ottman Empire. By 1831, he was effectively an independent ruler f a mre mdern Egypt.(埃及是一个非洲国家,严格来说是奥斯曼帝国的一部分。它首先被法国军队入侵。在英国的帮助下,奥斯曼军队将法国人赶出了埃及。在此之后,穆罕默德·阿里成功地使埃及从奥斯曼帝国独立。到1831年,他实际上已经是一个更加现代化的埃及的独立统治者)”,和倒数第一段的“Finally, in 1875, the king sld his share in the Suez Canal Cmpany t the British, giving them cntrl f this imprtant natinal resurce. The pwerful British tk advantage f this instability and seized the cuntry.(最后,在1875年,国王把他在苏伊士运河公司的股份卖给了英国人,让他们控制了这一重要的国家资源。强大的英国人利用了这种不稳定,占领了这个国家。)”可知,正确顺序是②①④③。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“By the late 1840s, it lked like Egypt wuld eventually becme an industrial pwer.(到19世纪40年代末,埃及似乎最终将成为一个工业大国)”以及最后一段“Eurpeans kept interfering in Egypt partly because f the Suez Canal. Egypt’s new leaders were already stressful because f the industrial cllapse that left their cuntry unable t repay the mney brrwed frm Britain. Finally, in 1875, the king sld his share in the Suez Canal Cmpany t the British, giving them cntrl f this imprtant natinal resurce. The pwerful British tk advantage f this instability and seized the cuntry.(欧洲人一直在干涉埃及事务,部分原因是苏伊士运河。埃及的新领导人已经压力重重,因为工业崩溃导致埃及无力偿还从英国借的钱。最后,在1875年,国王把他在苏伊士运河公司的股份卖给了英国人,让他们控制了这一重要的国家资源。强大的英国人利用了这种不稳定,占领了这个国家)”可推知,埃及繁荣发展,社会动荡。故选B。
    Hw are yu feeling tday? Often when we ask peple that questin, they reply ‘nt bad’, r ‘culd be wrse’. But what wuld make us feel ‘perfect’? Maybe we culd live better by being healthier, less stressed, mre mtivated—but hw?
    Of curse there are many ways f imprving ur mental health, but smetimes there are small and simple slutins t helping imprve ur wellbeing. It’s smething the TV prgramme Easy Ways t Live Well has been lking at. It suggested several ‘health hacks’ which the prgramme’s presenters tried and gave their ‘seal f apprval’. And maybe they culd help us t.
    Firstly, t deal with putting n weight and t cut the calries, the prgramme fund sniffing (嗅) peppermint (薄荷) stps ur lnging fr a snack. Presenter, chef and writer Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall says “a scientific thery called ‘mutual cmpetitin’ shws that a strng smell can distract ur brain frm the fd we’re thinking abut.”
    If yur addictin t yur smartphne is getting yu dwn, it’s suggested that turning yur phne screen grey helps yu reduce screen time because a black and white screen becmes less attractive t lk at. With recent studies shwing ur phnes can make us 26% less prductive and increase ur stress, it seems like a n-brainer t try this ‘dim’ idea.
    Fancy a swim in ice-cld water? Well, the TV prgramme fund a daily dip in freezing water gets yu used t the stress f ding it and therefre prepares yu fr ther life stresses. And anther way t ‘chill ut’ is t leave yur smartphne at hme, immerse yurself in a frest, and breathe in the fresh air. Frest bathing is the perfect tnic fr the stresses f urban life.
    Other life-imprving ideas included things such as singing t reduce pain and walking arund mre t get away frm ur sedentary (久坐不动) lives. But whatever way we chse t adpt, it seems any change t ur lifestyle can help imprve ur bdy and mind.
    8. What’s the functin f a series f questins in the first paragraph?
    A. T prvide mre backgrund infrmatin.B. T prvke thinking and bring ut the tpic.
    C. T expect readers can give specific answers.D. T attract readers t fcus n physical health.
    9. What’s the authr’s attitude twards the TV prgramme Easy Ways t Live Well?
    A. Favrable.B. Unclear.C. Negative.D. Critical.
    10. Which f the fllwing can be inferred frm the passage?
    A. The strng smell f peppermint is bund t cut the calries.
    B. T remve life stresses, yu must have a swim in freezing water.
    C. Making the phne screen clrful makes us mre fcused and efficient.
    D. An ice-water swim and frest bathing have the similar effect n stresses.
    11. What’s the purpse f the passage?
    A. T tell readers hw t be perfect.B. T intrduce a ppular TV prgramme.
    C. T ffer sme ways t belter well-being.D. T get rid f sme bad habits in daily life.
    【答案】8. B 9. A 10. D 11. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Hw are yu feeling tday? Often when we ask peple that questin, they reply ‘nt bad’, r ‘culd be wrse’. But what wuld make us feel ‘perfect’? Maybe we culd live better by being healthier, less stressed, mre mtivated—but hw?(你今天感觉怎么样?通常当我们问别人这个问题时,他们的回答是“还行”,或者“可能更糟”。但是什么会让我们感觉“完美”呢?也许我们可以通过更健康、更少压力、更有动力来生活得更好——但怎么做呢?)”可推知,第一段一连串问题的作用是激发思考,引出话题。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“Of curse there are many ways f imprving ur mental health, but smetimes there are small and simple slutins t helping imprve ur wellbeing. It’s smething the TV prgramme Easy Ways t Live Well has been lking at. It suggested several ‘health hacks’ which the prgramme’s presenters tried and gave their ‘seal f apprval’. And maybe they culd help us t.(当然,有很多方法可以改善我们的心理健康,但有时也有一些小而简单的解决方案来帮助改善我们的幸福。这是电视节目《轻松生活之道》一直在研究的问题。它提出了几个“健康小妙招”,该节目的主持人尝试了一下,并得到了他们的“认可”。也许他们也能帮到我们)”可推知,作者认为电视节目《轻松生活之道》的健康小妙招可以帮助我们改善心理健康,因此推断作者持支持态度。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Fancy a swim in ice-cld water? Well, the TV prgramme fund a daily dip in freezing water gets yu used t the stress f ding it and therefre prepares yu fr ther life stresses. And anther way t ‘chill ut’ is t leave yur smartphne at hme, immerse yurself in a frest, and breathe in the fresh air. Frest bathing is the perfect tnic fr the stresses f urban life.(想在冰冷的水中游泳吗?这个电视节目发现,每天泡在冰冷的水中会让你习惯这样做的压力,从而为你应对其他生活压力做好准备。另一种“放松”的方法是把智能手机留在家里,让自己沉浸在森林里,呼吸新鲜空气。森林浴是缓解城市生活压力的最佳良药)”可推知,冰水游泳和森林浴都能够缓解压力,对解决压力问题有相似的效果。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Hw are yu feeling tday? Often when we ask peple that questin, they reply ‘nt bad’, r ‘culd be wrse’. But what wuld make us feel ‘perfect’? Maybe we culd live better by being healthier, less stressed, mre mtivated—but hw?(你今天感觉怎么样?通常当我们问别人这个问题时,他们的回答是“还行”,或者“可能更糟”。但是什么会让我们感觉“完美”呢?也许我们可以通过更健康、更少压力、更有动力来生活得更好——但怎么做呢?)”以及第二段“Of curse there are many ways f imprving ur mental health, but smetimes there are small and simple slutins t helping imprve ur wellbeing.(当然,有很多方法可以改善我们的心理健康,但有时也有一些小而简单的解决方案来帮助改善我们的幸福)”可推知,这篇文章的目的是提供一些提高幸福感的方法。故选C。
    There is increasing alarm abut the extent f micrplastic pllutin, which has been fund everywhere frm Everest t the Arctic. Hwever, it turns ut there’s an even smaller and mre txic frm f plastic pllutin entering remte reaches f the glbe. A new study published in Envirnmental Research fund significant quantities f nanplastics in ice samples frm bth the Nrth and Suth Ples.
    “Nw we knw that nanplastics are transprted t these crners f the Earth in these quantities. This indicates that nanplastics are really a bigger pllutin prblem than we thught,” study lead authr Dusan Materic said in a press release.
    Nanplastics are plastics that are smaller than a micrmeter in size. Their small size means they are mre difficult t study than micrplastics, r plastics between five millimeters and a micrmeter. But they may be even mre dangerus.
    “Nanplastics are very txiclgically (毒理学地) active cmpared t, fr instance, micrplastics, and that’s why this is very imprtant,” Materic said.
    Materic and his team used new methds t measure nanplastic pllutin in ice samples frm Greenland and Antarctica. They sampled a 14-meter-deep ice cre frm the Greenland ice cap and sea ice frm Antarctica’s McMurd Sund. They fund that there were an average f 13.2 nangrams per milliliter f nanplastics in the Greenland ice and an average f 52.3 nangrams per milliliter in the Antarctic ice.
    But what was even mre surprising than the amunt f nanplastics in the remte ice was just hw lng they had sat there. “In the Greenland cre, we see nanplastic pllutin happening all the way frm the 1960s. S rganisms in that regin, despite the lack f the slid evidence, likely all ver the wrld, have been expsed t it fr quite sme time nw,” Materic said.
    The study als lked at the types f plastic present in the samples. Half f the Greenland nanplastics were plyethylene (PE), the kind f plastic used fr plastic bags and packaging. A quarter came frm tires and a fifth were plyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is used fr clthing and bttles.
    12. Why shuld researchers fcus mre n nanplastics?
    A. They are mre imprtant t science.B. They are smaller but mre dangerus.
    C. They are easily plluted by cean water.D. They are mre active in cld surrundings.
    13. What can we learn abut nanplastics?
    A. The Nrth and Suth ples are the birthplace f nanplastics.
    B. Kanplastics have less influence n the planet than micrplastics.
    C. Nanplastics fund in the samples are widely used in the daily life.
    D. Nanplastics have been existing since the 1960s thrughut the wrld.
    14. What des the underlined wrd ‘that regin’ refer t in Para 6?
    A. Greenland ice cap.B. Antarctica’s McMurd.
    C. The suth and nrth ples.D. All places in the wrld.
    15. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Mircplastics—prving mre dangerus.B. Nanplastics—making its way t the ples.
    C. Nanplastics—psing a threat t peple’s life.D. Mircplastics—setting the alarm bells ringing.
    【答案】12. B 13. C 14. A 15. B
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Nanplastics are plastics that are smaller than a micrmeter in size. Their small size means they are mre difficult t study than micrplastics, r plastics between five millimeters and a micrmeter. But they may be even mre dangerus.(纳米塑料是尺寸小于1微米的塑料。它们的小尺寸意味着它们比微塑料(5毫米到1微米之间的塑料)更难研究。但它们可能更加危险)”可知,研究人员应该更多地关注纳米塑料因为它们更小,但更危险。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“The study als lked at the types f plastic present in the samples. Half f the Greenland nanplastics were plyethylene (PE), the kind f plastic used fr plastic bags and packaging. A quarter came frm tires and a fifth were plyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is used fr clthing and bttles.(该研究还研究了样本中存在的塑料类型。格陵兰岛一半的纳米塑料是聚乙烯(PE),一种用于塑料袋和包装的塑料。四分之一来自轮胎,五分之一是用于服装和瓶子的聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET))”可知,样品中发现的纳米塑料在日常生活中被广泛使用。故选C。
    词句猜测题。根据画线词上文“In the Greenland cre, we see nanplastic pllutin happening all the way frm the 1960s.(在格陵兰岛核心,我们看到纳米塑料污染从20世纪60年代开始一直在发生)”以及画线词后文“despite the lack f the slid evidence, likely all ver the wrld, have been expsed t it fr quite sme time nw(尽管缺乏确凿的证据,但可能全世界都已经接触到它很长一段时间了)”可知,在格陵兰岛核心,我们看到纳米塑料污染从20世纪60年代开始一直在发生。因此,尽管缺乏确凿的证据,但格陵兰冰盖的生物,可能世界各地的生物,已经暴露在这种环境中很长一段时间了。故画线词指的是“格陵兰冰盖”。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段中“A new study published in Envirnmental Research fund significant quantities f nanplastics in ice samples frm bth the Nrth and Suth Ples.(发表在《环境研究》杂志上的一项新研究发现,北极和南极的冰样本中都含有大量的纳米塑料)”并结合文章可知,文章通过讲述一项研究,主要讲述北极和南极的冰样本中都含有大量的纳米塑料,纳米塑料污染已经非常严重。B选项“纳米塑料正在走向两极”最符合文章标题。故选B。
    第二节 (共5小题:每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Picture yurself sitting at hme in a quiet reading crner, ignring the wrld arund yu, lst in a tale. Yu read the brief intrductin t a bk, instantly becme glued and nw yu’re in the middle f an abslute page-turner. But, there’s a ht debate — physical bks VS. e-bks VS. audibks. ___16___
    Generally, reading uses several areas f the brain. There’s attentin span, reasning, reading fluency, memry and language cmprehensin. Reading is knwn t strengthen cmmunicative ability, vcabulary and increase emtinal intelligence and scial perceptin. ___17___
    But, let’s lk at the prs t reading with yur eyes — physical bks and e-bks. They can help t retain infrmatin better. ___18___ Besides, with physical bks and e-bks yu can g back and find any part yu missed, especially if yur mind wanders at sme pint r ther.
    On the ther hand, there’s the audibk. Headphnes in, yu’re switched ff frm life and the stry really cmes alive, almst like watching a film — in yur head. Frm a scientific perspective, listening t an audibk is likely t help yu develp a greater sense f empathy as yu hear the emtin f the narratr. ___19___ Hearing the stry engages different parts f the brain, heightening the intensity and imagery, making yu enjy it mre.
    ___20___ Perhaps, next time yu find yurself brwsing bkshp shelves, als cnsider the frmat. It may just change yur whle literary experience.
    A. Yu can mre easily understand inflectin (转调) and tne.
    B. S, whichever way yu’re reading, there are benefits definitely.
    C. Des the device yu’re using t read affect yur reactin t the bk?
    D. All in all it seems that there are advantages t the three types mentined abve.
    E. Like e-bks, physical bks seem emtinless but make yu free f distractin.
    F. In sum, there is n limit, which is decided by hw much a persn reads the rest f life.
    G. This is because when yu can actually see the wrds, yur attentin is held mre clsely.
    【答案】16. C 17. B 18. G 19. A 20. D
    上文“But, there’s a ht debate — physical bks VS. e-bks VS. audibks.(但是,有一场激烈的辩论——实体书VS电子书VS有声书。)”说明在关于实体书、电子书和有声书之间人们有不同的观点;C选项“Des the device yu’re using t read affect yur reactin t the bk?(你用来阅读的设备会影响你对这本书的反应吗?)”就上文所提到的“there’s a ht debate”提出了相关的问题,下文作者就三种读书方式对阅读者的影响分别进行了详细的阐述,回答了C选项的问题;选项中的“the device yu’re using t read”指代上文中的“physical bks VS. e-bks VS. audibks”,由此可知,C选项符合语境。故选C。
    上文“Reading is knwn t strengthen cmmunicative ability, vcabulary and increase emtinal intelligence and scial perceptin. (众所周知,阅读可以增强交际能力、词汇量,提高情商和社会感知力。)”阐述了阅读的好处;结合本段第一句“Generally, reading uses several areas f the brain.(一般来说,阅读会用到大脑的几个区域。)”可知阅读会锻炼到大脑的各个区域,由此可知,B选项“S, whichever way yu’re reading, there are benefits definitely.(所以,无论你以哪种方式阅读,都肯定有好处。)”承接上文,对本段所阐述的内容进行总结,说明不论哪种阅读方式都是有益的,回答了第一段所提出的问题,符合语境;选项中的“whichever way yu’re reading”指代第一段中的“physical bks VS. e-bks VS. audibks”,“benefits”指代上文中的“strengthen cmmunicative ability, vcabulary and increase emtinal intelligence and scial perceptin”。故选B。
    上文“They can help t retain infrmatin better. (它们可以帮助更好地保留信息。)”阐述了阅读实体书和电子书的好处;G选项“This is because when yu can actually see the wrds, yur attentin is held mre clsely.(这是因为当你能真正看到这些文字时,你的注意力就会被牢牢抓住。)”承接上文,解释为什么实体书和电子书能够更好地保留信息,选项中的“This”指代上文的“They can help t retain infrmatin better.”,选项中的“see”与本段第一句中的“reading with yur eyes”表述内容一致;下文“Besides, with physical bks and e-bks yu can g back and find any part yu missed, especially if yur mind wanders at sme pint r ther.(此外,对于实体书,你可以回过头来寻找你错过的任何部分,尤其是当你的思绪时不时发生游离时。)”进一步阐述了实体书和电子书有助于更好地保留信息的原因。由此可知,G选项符合语境,故选G。
    上文“Frm a scientific perspective, listening t an audibk is likely t help yu develp a greater sense f empathy as yu hear the emtin f the narratr.(从科学的角度来看,听有声书可能会帮助你发展出更大的同理心,因为你听到了叙述者的情感。)”阐述了听有声读物的好处;A选项“Yu can mre easily understand inflectin (转调) and tne.”承接上文,阐述听有声书可以产生同理心的原因,选项中的“inflectin (转调) and tne”指代上文中听书者可以感知“the emtin f the narratr”和“develp a greater sense f empathy”的途径。故选A。
    根据第一段中的“But, there’s a ht debate — physical bks VS. e-bks VS. audibks.(但是,在实体书、电子书和有声书之间有一个激烈的争论。)”以及下文对三种阅读方式的对比,可知文章主要阐述了三种阅读方式各自的好处;D选项“All in all, it seems that there are advantages t the three types mentined abve.(总而言之,上面提到的三种类型似乎都有优点。)”作者就上文观点进行了总结,回答了第一段所提出的问题,“advantages”指代上文所阐述的益处,选项中的“the three types”呼应第一段中的“physical bks VS. e-bks VS. audibks.”;下文“Perhaps, next time yu find yurself brwsing bkshp shelves, als cnsider the frmat. It may just change yur whle literary experience.(也许,下次你发现自己在浏览书店的书架时,也要考虑一下格式。它可能会改变你的整个文字体验。)”承接上文,建议下次可以改变一下阅读方式,因为不同的阅读方式带来不同的阅读体验。故选D。
    第三部分:语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)
    Ken Hale was brn in 1934 and grew up in the rugged American Suthwest. As a by, he kept his ears ___21___ fr as many freign languages as he culd. He ___22___ Spanish, Navaj, Thn O’dham, Hpi and mre frm his friends and rmmates at barding schl. His bsessin with learning languages nce astnished all acquaintances arund him. Even he gt in truble at schl fr ___23___ mre n languages than hmewrk.
    Later n, he gained fame and ___24___ fr publishing a truly surprising amunt f research n many Australian abriginal languages. Once there happened an impressive thing—he was s ___25___ by ne, Warlpiri, that he raised his tw sns speaking it.
    Ken was always extremely ___26___ t the needs and wants f the lcal language cmmunities. He established schls f linguistics and language revitalizatin prgrams acrss the wrld s that native speakers culd ___27___ their languages.
    All his life, even during his teaching as a prfessr f Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy (MIT), he had a(n) ___28___ ability t learn languages quickly and ___29___.
    Yu might want t take sme lessns away frm Ken’s methds. Ken started ut his way: ___30___ a devted native speaker tutr wh can ___31___ yu n prnunciatin first and review whatever ntes yu’re taking; learn the ___32___ system first, because yu’ll want t hear every detail f what yur tutr says—plus, that way, yu can take mre accurate ntes.
    Then he’d ___33___ quickly n t sentence patterns. If yu learn hw t say “I am walking t the river”, it’s prbably nt far ff frm “I am running t the river” r “I am walking t the frest”. Besides, it takes a lt f patience t ___34___ yur guesses with a tutr, and actually patience was a ___35___ f Ken. T him, speaking t smebdy in their wn language was a mark f respect. If nly we culd all be s respectful!
    21. A. cautiusB. penC. cnsciusD. shallw
    22. A. picked upB. picked utC. gave upD. gave ut
    23. A. agreeingB. tryingC. restingD. fcusing
    24. A. mneyB. timeC. respectD. chance
    25. A. cnfidentB. fascinatedC. giftedD. psitive
    26. A. blindB. keenC. accustmedD. sensitive
    27. A. speakB. exchangeC. reviveD. lecture
    28. A. riginalB. amazingC. primitiveD. elegant
    29 A. permanentlyB. definitelyC. rughlyD. accurately
    30. A. Seek utB. Watch utC. Hear frmD. Fllw up
    31. A. cachB. urgeC. cnsultD. refresh
    32. A. educatinB. writingC. sundD. reading
    33. A. talkB. mveC. walkD. step
    34. A. challengeB. fulfillC. cmmunicateD. check
    35. A. virtueB. creC. guaranteeD. calling
    【答案】21. B 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. B 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. A 31. A 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. A
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当他还是个孩子的时候,他就尽可能多地倾听外语。A. cautius谨慎的;B. pen打开的;C. cnscius有意识的;D. shallw浅的。根据空格前的kept his ears和空格后的languages可知,此处是考查固定短语keep ne’s pen(留心听)。故选B项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:他从寄宿学校的朋友和室友那里学会了西班牙语、纳瓦霍语、Thn O 'dham、霍皮语等。A. picked up学会;B. picked ut挑选出;C. gave up放弃;D. gave ut发出。根据上一句“As a by, he kept his ears 1 fr as many freign languages as he culd.”和空格后的这些语言可知,此处是说他并学会了这些语言。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:就连他在学校也遇到了麻烦也是因为他更关注语言而不是家庭作业。A. agreeing同意;B. trying尝试;C. resting休息;D. fcusing关注。根据句中的“gt in truble”和介词n可知,此处应该用fcus表示“他更关注语言而不是家庭作业而遇到麻烦”。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:后来,他发表了大量关于许多澳大利亚土著语言的研究,从而获得了声誉和尊重。A. mney金钱;B. time时间;C. respect尊重;D. chance机会。根据空格后的“fr publishing a truly surprising amunt f research n many Australian abriginal languages”和空格前的fame可知,他发表大量关于许多澳大利亚土著语言的研究,能获得的肯定是声誉和尊重,fame和respect是对应的。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有一次,发生了一件令人印象深刻的事情——他对一种叫Warlpiri的语言非常着迷,以至于他的两个儿子都说这种语言。A. cnfident自信的;B. fascinated着迷的;C. gifted有天赋的;D. psitive积极的。根据下文的“he raised his tw sns speaking it”可知,他对这种语言一定非常着迷,才会让他的两个儿子都说这种语言。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Ken总是对当地语言社区的需求非常敏感。 A. blind视而不见的;B. keen敏锐的;C. accustmed习惯的;D. sensitive敏感的。根据下一句“He established schls f linguistics and language revitalizatin prgrams acrss the wrld s that native speakers culd 7 their languages.”可知,他在世界各地建立了语言学学校和语言振兴项目,说明他对当地社区的需求很敏感。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他在世界各地建立了语言学学校和语言振兴项目,以便母语使用者可以复兴他们的语言。A. speak说话;B. exchange交换;C. revive复活;D. lecture 开讲座。根据上文的“schls f linguistics and language revitalizatin prgrams ”可知,他建立语言学学校和语言振兴项目的目的是让母语使用者复兴他们的语言。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在他的一生中,甚至在他作为麻省理工学院(MIT)教授教书期间,他都有一种惊人的能力,能够快速准确地学习语言。A. riginal原来的;B. amazing惊人的;C. primitive原始的;D. elegant优雅的。根据下文的“learn language quickly”可知,他有惊人的语言学习能力。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:在他的一生中,甚至在他作为麻省理工学院(MIT)教授教书期间,他都有一种惊人的能力,能够快速准确地学习语言。A. permanently永久性地;B. definitely肯定地;C. rughly粗略地;D. accurately准确地。根据上文的“learn languages quickly”可知,此处应该用accurately作状语修饰动词learn,quickly和accurately是对应的。故选D项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:找一个专门的母语辅导老师,他可以先指导你的发音,并复习你所做的笔记。A. Seek ut寻找;B. Watch ut小心;C. Hear frm收到……的信;D. Fllw up追踪。根据句意和下文的“a devted native speaker tutr”可知,此处指的是找一位辅导老师。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:找一个专门的母语辅导老师,他可以先指导你的发音,并复习你所做的笔记。A. cach辅导;B. urge催促;C. cnsult咨询;D. refresh刷新。根据上文的“a devted native speaker tutr”可知,辅导老师肯定是指导你的发音。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:首先学习声音系统,因为你会想要听到导师所说的每一个细节,而且,这样你可以做更准确的笔记。A. educatin教育;B. writing书写;C. sund声音;D. reading阅读。根据下文的“because yu’ll want t hear every detail f what yur tutr says”可知,先学习声音系统,才能听懂导师所说的每一个细节。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后他很快就继续学习句型。A. talk谈话;B. mve移动;C. walk步行;D. step迈步。根据句意和空格后的n t可知,此处是考查固定短语mve n t,意义为“开始做(别的事)”。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:此外,和导师一起核实你的猜测需要很大的耐心,而耐心实际上是肯的美德。A. challenge挑战;B. fulfill完成;C. cmmunicate交流;D. check核实。根据后面的“yur guesses”可知,此处应该用check,指的是和导师核实你想的是否正确。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:此外,和导师一起核实你的猜测需要很大的耐心,而耐心实际上是肯的美德。A. virtue美德;B. cre核心;C. guarantee担保;D. calling呼叫。根据上文的“it takes a lt f patience”可知,和导师一起核实你的猜测需要很大的耐心,能拥有这种耐心肯定是一种美德。故选A项。
    第二节 (共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Why true happiness isn’t abut being happy all the time
    Over the past tw decades, the psitive psychlgy mvement ___36___ (brighten) up psychlgical research with its science f happiness, human ptential and flurishing. It argues that psychlgists shuld investigate nt nly mental illness but als ___37___ makes life wrth living.
    The funding father f psitive psychlgy, Martin Seligman, describes happiness as experiencing frequent psitive emtins, such as jy, excitement and satisfactin, ___38___ (cmbine) with deeper feelings f meaning and purpse. It implies a psitive attitude in the present and an ptimistic utlk fr the future. Imprtantly, happiness experts have argued that happiness is nt a stable, ___39___ (change) feature but smething flexible ___40___ we can wrk n and ultimately strive twards.
    Recent research indicates that psychlgical ___41___ (flexible) is the key t greater happiness and well-being. Fr example, ___42___ (be) pen t emtinal experiences and the ability t tlerate perids f discmfrt can allw us t mve twards a richer, mre meaningful existence. Studies have als demnstrated that the way we respnd t the circumstances f ur lives has ___43___ (influence) n ur happiness than the events ___44___ (they). Experiencing stress, sadness and anxiety in the shrt term desn’t mean we can’t be happy in the lng term. Often when peple have faced difficulty, illness r lss, they describe their lives as happier and mre meaningful as a result.
    _____45_____ feeling happy, which is a temprary state, leading a happier life is abut individual grwth by finding meaning thrugh the whle life. It is abut accepting ur humanity with all its ups and dwns, enjying the psitive emtins, and making use f painful feelings in rder t reach ur full ptential.
    【答案】36. has brightened
    37. what 38. cmbined
    39. unchangeable##unchanging
    40. that 41. flexibility
    42. being 43. mre influences## mre influence
    44. themselves
    45. Unlike
    考查动词时态。句意:在过去的二十年中,积极心理学运动以其对幸福和人类潜力的科学研究为心理学研究带来了光明。分析句子结构可知,此处是句子谓语部分,根据时间状语“Over the past tw decades”需用现在完成时, 主语是mvement,应使用第三人称单数形式。故填has brightened。
    考查宾语从句。句意:它认为,心理学家不仅应该研究精神疾病,还应该研究什么让生活变得有价值。分析句子结构可知,此处是nt nly…but als…的并列部分做动词investigate的宾语,此处是宾语从句,从句缺少主语,表示“事物”。故填what。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:积极心理学的创始人 Martin Seligman将幸福描述为经历频繁的积极情绪,如喜悦、兴奋和满足,以及更深层次的意义和目的感。分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语形式,cmbine与psitive emtins之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,应使用过去分词表被动,故填cmbined。
    考查形容词比较级以及名词单复数。句意:研究还表明,与事件本身相比,我们对生活环境的反应方式对我们的幸福感影响更多(或者更大)。根据后文“than the events ___9___ (they)”可知此处表示“更大影响”应使用比较级,此处构成固定短语have an influence n 或者have influence n,因为此短语中influence表示多种不同的影响的话,为可数,应使用mre influences更多影响;若强调起影响的话,为不可数,应使用mre influence更大影响。故填mre influences/mre influence。
    考查介词。句意:与感觉幸福——一种暂时的状态——不同,过一种更幸福的生活是通过寻找意义来实现个人成长。分析句子结构可知,此处表示“暂时的幸福”和“更幸福的生活”的比较,这两种幸福是不同的, 需用介词unlike,位于句首首字母大写。故填Unlike。
    第四部分:写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 为了给高三学生减压,你校开展了快乐课间活动。请你给校广播站“英语之声”栏目写一篇广播稿,报道这个活动,内容包括:
    1. 活动背景和意义;
    2. 活动细节;
    3. 效果和感受。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 请按格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Happy Class Break
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Happy Class Break
    Students in Senir Three are faced with great pressure with the apprach f the Natinal Cllege Entrance Examinatin. S ur schl rganized all students f this grade t participate in fun recess activities t release their pressure.
    A wide variety f interesting games were scheduled fr every break. Every crner f the campus was used fr students t play games. The mst impressive nes were the relay, tug f war and rpe skipping.
    All the students invlved were immersed in them, admitting that they felt refreshed and relaxed. They hpe such activities can cntinue in the fllwing days.
    参加:participate in→take part in
    多种多样:a wide variety f→varieties f
    原句:Students in Senir Three are faced with great pressure with the apprach f the Natinal Cllege Entrance Examinatin.
    拓展句:Students in Senir Three are faced with great pressure because the Natinal Cllege Entrance Examinatin is appraching.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] All the students invlved were immersed in them, admitting that they felt refreshed and relaxed. (运用了现在分词作状语和that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] They hpe such activities can cntinue in the fllwing days. (运用了that引导的宾语从句,省略了that)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Walking acrss campus with every pair f eyes n yu can be embarrassing, especially when yu’re 13 years ld. I lked arund me in desperate search f a friendly face, a smile, anything. I was quite disappinted, t say the least. And I, in turn, felt smewhat flish, walking acrss campus with a false smile n my face. I was simply attempting t fllw the advice my mther had given me years befre: when things get awkward, smile. N matter where yu are, a smile will always be understd. A smile is universal. At that very mment, hwever, I felt my mther’s advice didn’t wrk.
    On tp f it all, my mind was racing with questins and cncerns typical f any 13-year-ld n the first day f schl: where wuld I sit at lunch? Wh wuld I talk t? Nt t mentin, hw wuld I make friends when I didn’t even speak the language? My heartbeat quickened, and I felt nervus. Still, I did my best t maintain calm s as nt t let my guard dwn and reveal t thers just hw scared I truly was.
    When the teacher intrduced me t the class as the “American girl”, 10 sets f hands immediately sht up. Sme students had questins, thers wanted t practice their English with me. Because I didn’t speak much Chinese yet, I cmmunicated with the ther students thrugh hand mtins mixed in with brken English and Chinese. Despite the attentin, I wasn’t sure hw much f it was psitive. It was almst as if they weren’t sure what t make f me and I was being examined. Then again, wh culd blame them? After all, I was the first American ever t attend the schl. S essentially, we were all first timers.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Then came the first class — Chinese painting.
    As I burnt with great embarrassment, Li Hua, wh was next t me, gave me a warm smile.
    【答案】 Then came the first class — Chinese painting. The teacher shwed us hw t use a brush t paint bamb n a piece f white paper. Then all the ther students were in business. But it was quite difficult fr me. Hw culd I hld the stiff brush and made it g as I wished? Hesitating fr a while, I tried dipping the brush int the ink bttle. When I tk it ut, drps f black ink fell n the white paper. There was n bamb, but big black dts!
    As I burnt with great embarrassment, Li Hua, wh was next t me, gave me a warm smile. I smiled back awkwardly. She came ver and demnstrated hw t use the brush. The brush mved acrss the paper, and a lively bamb appeared! With her help, I finally cmpleted the task, althugh it was such a ugly ne. After that, we became gd friends. She taught me Chinese while I taught her English. We bth made great prgress in ur studies. Yes, my mther was right. A smile did make a difference.
    ②失败:cme t nthing/fail/be defeated
    ③帮助:help/lend a hand/ d sb a favur
    ①困难:difficult/hard/in truble
    ②感激:shwing ne’s appreciatin/shw ne’s gratitude/be grateful
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. Hesitating fr a while, I tried dipping the brush int the ink bttle.(现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2]. With her help, I finally cmpleted the task, althugh it was such a ugly ne.(althugh引导的让步状语从句)
    听力答案:1—5 ACBCC 6—10 BCBAA 11—15 CABAB 16—20 BCBCA
    Type 1
    Hell, this is plice statin. Yu’re invlved in a case f mney laundering (洗钱) (r sme ther financial crime). We need yur cperatin with the investigatin…… Please transfer yur mney int the natinal security accunt.
    Tip 1: If yu are really invlved in financial crime, plice will visit yur hme at the first pprtunity and take yu fr investigatin. Plice are nt s dumb as t infrm yu via telephne. And there is n such thing as natinal security accunt.
    Type 2
    Hey! Wang (he may knw yur name). Drp by my ffice tmrrw mrning. BTW, I will be treating sme VIP clients sn. I need yu t transfer sme mney int this accunt. It will refund yur mney tmrrw.
    Tip 2: Think abut it. Hw culd any bss in the wrld ask yu fr mney? Meeting VIP clients withut a cent in his pcket? And why desn’t he ask yu t give the mney t him in persn? He is nbdy but a scam!
    Type 3
    Yu’ve gt a package which cntains illegal drugs r gds. Yu are nw requested t call this number t cntact the Public Security Bureau. (Then it all fllws scenari.
    Tip 3: Public Security Bureau WILL NOT deal with cases via phne calls. NEITHER WILL they send ut ntificatin via message.
    Type 4
    (In sme cases the number is disguised as authentic bank number thrugh sftware). We are srry t infrm yu that yu have a bank verdraft. Please cntact this custmer service representative. His number is XX XXX XXX XX.
    Tip 4: DO NOT panic. REMEMBER t dial the fficial cntact number f the bank t duble check.

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