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    这是一份2022-2023学年江苏省南通市如皋市高三上学期期末考试英语试题word版含答案,文件包含江苏省南通市如皋市2022-2023学年高三上学期期末英语试题docx、江苏省南通市如皋市2022-2023学年高三上学期期末英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共17页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. Why culdn’t the man eat beef n his trip?
    A. It was t expensive. B. It was nt supplied. C. It didn’t match the lcal culture.
    2. Where is the cnversatin taking place?
    A. In the wman’s huse. B. In the ffice. C. In a restaurant.
    3. What des the man think f Miss Geffrey?
    A. She’s interesting. B. She’s kind. C. She’s exciting.
    4. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. The weather. B. A new jacket. C. A car.
    5. Where will the wman be during the hliday?
    A. At wrk. B. In the muntains. C. On the cean.
    第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What is the man's main prblem?
    A. He struggles with math. B. He has n natural skills. C. He devtes less time t his study.
    7. What d we knw abut the wman's brther?
    A. He is fnd f sprts. B. He is cnfused abut science. C. He is intelligent fr his age.
    听第7段材料, 回答第8至10题。
    8. What was the wman ding?
    A. Bking the flight. B. Preparing the lunch. C. Packing the suitcase.
    9. Why are the speakers ging t Iceland?
    A. T get married. B. T visit lcal family. C. T have a vacatin.
    10. What did the wman frget t pack?
    A. Her swimsuit. B. Her glves. C. Her hat.
    听第8段材料, 回答第11至13题。
    11. Hw lng did the man spend lking fr the building?
    A. One hur. B. A few minutes. C. The entire mrning.
    12. What class is the man t have?
    A. Gardening. B. Bilgy. C. Chemistry.
    13. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student. B. Schlmates. C. Brther and sister.
    听第9段材料, 回答第14至16题。
    14. What des the wman suggest the man d?
    A. Park his car elsewhere. B. Paint the edge yellw. C. G t curt.
    15. What des the man need t d?
    A. T return a library bk. B. T buy a ticket. C. T talk t the plice.
    16. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a library. B. On the street. C. In a ticket ffice.
    听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。
    17. What time f the year is the talk taking place?
    A. In summer. B. In fall. C. In winter.
    18. What did speaker cmplain abut at the previus event?
    A. The ftball game. B. The trash. C. The rain.
    19. What is the prblem mentined at last?
    A. There is nt enugh fd. B. There are few peple ding cleaning.
    C. The ftball game is cancelled fr heavy rain.
    20. What will peple d after the vlleyball game?
    A. They will rder pizza fr lunch. B. They will pack up the tables. C. They will play badmintn.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题:每题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    China-Arab cperatin
    Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the first China-Arab States Summit and the China-Gulf Cperatin Cuncil Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and paid a state visit t Saudi Arabia frm Dec 7 t 10. In the past decade, China-Arab relatins entered a new era and registered a series f achievements in varius areas.

    21. Which f the fllwing is nt included in China-Arab cperatin in this text?
    A. Plitical supprt B. Strategic trust
    C. Ecnmic develpment D. Cultural exchanges
    22. What was the Chine-Arab trade vlume this time last year?
    A. $239. 3 billin B. $125. 5 billin
    C. $1. 4 trillin D. $0. 9 trillin
    23. What can we learn abut China-Arab cperatin?
    A. China has sent 25, 000 prfessinals t Arab since2013.
    B. The partnership between China and Arab is the mst cmprehensive.
    C. By Octber 2022, 13 Arab states had the chance t learn abut Chinese culture.
    D. The cperatin in Peple-t-peple exchanges is limited t training prfessinals.
    Standing n the shre f a lake, I can't help but marvel at the tens r hundreds f thusands f small rcks that surrund my bts. They were all created frm hard surfaces, their edges sftening ver time.
    And I wnder, can we learn frm a pile f rcks?
    Even the tallest muntains have wrn dwn; nne are as tall as they were 1, 000 years ag. And much like a rck, I've fund my attitude has sftened and my desire t better understand thers has expanded with each trip arund the sun.
    Once, I t was a sharp rck cvered in pinty edges. Tday, after decades f the waters f life cursing ver me, my edges are sfter and mre understanding. I'm less likely t judge and mre interested in learning hw we can exist tgether.
    But I'm nt a rck. I'm a human being filled with all the drama built int my DNA.
    Tw years ag, while traveling in the Pacific Nrthwest, I watched a restaurant wner ask several peple t leave fr nt wearing masks. Nt frceful and nt rude. On the dr read a sign: “Please wear a mask befre entering ur restaurant. We dn't like it either, but let's all d what we can t get thrugh this tgether.”
    The grup f yung men wished t argue abut the nte.
    I sat watching, understanding bth sides. I've been thse guys befre, using my yuthful edges t chip away at the wrld. What I lst, hwever, was the ability t grw frm experiences by lking thrugh the eyes f thers. In learning t be mre pen, I've als fund mre happiness and success.
    Yu can fit mre runded rcks in a jar than thse with sharp edges. The frmer lk fr ways t adjust and make rm fr thers; the latter never give an inch t accmmdate thers.
    Time, like the waters rlling against nce sharp stnes, changes us by washing away ur resistance t seeing the wrld frm anther's pint f view.
    I placed a runded stne int my jacket pcket. Mther Nature is hlding class again.
    24. What des the authr cmpare the rcks t?
    A. Peple's abilities. B. Peple's persnalities.
    C. What nature ffers us. D. Challenges we cme acrss.
    25. Why did the grup f guys argue in the restaurant?
    A. They were dissatisfied with the wner's attitude t them.
    B. They were unwilling t d what the wner wished them t.
    C. They intended t skip ut n the bill due t the pr service.
    D. They were nt allwed t leave the restaurant fr their rudeness.
    26. What des the authr want t tell us with this text?
    A. We shuld adjust t new cnditins.
    B. Be brave when in the face f difficulties in life.
    C. It's necessary t cnsider the feelings f thers.
    D. Being pen and understanding brings yu mre happiness.
    27. What might be the best title f the text?
    A. Changing with Time B. Learning frm Nature
    C. Grwing frm Experiences D. Seeing frm a Different Angle
    After graduating frm Chngqing City Management Cllege, Tan Minyan frm Chngqing decided t becme a cemetery custdian(守墓人).
    “With fur clleagues, I dn't need t wrry abut any cmplicated relatinships,” the 22-year-ld shared n her Sina Weib. “Mrever, my ffice, drmitry and canteen are in the same building, the pace f wrk is slw and I almst feel as if I have retired early.”
    Her decisin has caused heated discussin n scial media in Nvember abut hw yung peple nwadays can deal with scial anxiety and benefit frm genuine interpersnal relatinships.
    Accrding t the survey cnducted in 2021 by China Yuth Daily, mre than 80 percent f the nearly 5, 000 cllege students questined said they had mild scial anxiety disrder. The disrder surfaces mst frequently when speaking in frnt f large grups, cmmunicating with strangers and asking fr favrs.
    Cheng Qiang, wh wrks fr a media grup in Beijing, is ne f them. The 29-year-ld tld China Daily he started having scial anxiety disrder in middle schl.
    T avid cntact with cwrkers, Cheng ften wre a mask even when ging t the tilet r kitchen s he wuld encunter fewer peple.
    “The disrder becmes mre severe when I am arund peple wh knw me but are nt clse,” he tld China Daily. “Their attentin makes me nervus, and I dn't knw hw t respnd.”
    Wang Wenda, a psychlgy lecturer at Ningxia University's Xinhua Cllege, fund that mst f the peple wh suffer frm scial anxiety are intrverted, lack cnfidence r scial skills, r have suffered traumatic(造成创伤的)interpersnal relatinships.
    He als believes that the disrder is nt trivial. It may lead t panic attacks and ther psychlgical prblems as a result f a lack f cntact with ther peple.
    Accrding t China Daily, Wang's suggested slutin was as fllws: “Peple with scial anxiety disrder shuld g ut and expse themselves t mre scial gatherings and practice their scial skills, adding that thrugh greater scial experience and small successes in scial encunters, they will reap the benefits f having a real scial life and cme t enjy psitive interpersnal relatins.”
    28. Why is Tan Minyan's experience mentined at the beginning f the text?
    A. T suggest an alternative career path.
    B. T lead up t the tpic f scial anxiety.
    C. T illustrate what yung peple value in their wrk.
    D. T present peple's attitudes tward her prfessin.
    29. What d we knw abut peple with scial anxiety disrder?
    A. They are unwilling t help thers.
    B. They find it hard t d everyday tasks.
    C. They feel uneasy when asking fr favrs.
    D. They always feel anxius in public places.
    30. What des the underlined wrd “trivial” in the secnd-t-last paragraph mst prbably mean?
    A. Urgent. B. Influential. C. Unimprtant. D. Cmplicated.
    31. What des Wang suggest peple with scial anxiety disrder d?
    A. Jin a scial anxiety supprt grup. B. G utside t relax themselves.
    C. Seek help frm a prfessinal. D. Engage in mre scial activities.
    Phtsynthesis(光合作用)is a unique skill f green plants-they turn water and carbn dixide int xygen and fd via sunlight. A grup f Chinese scientists, hwever, “cpied”the prcess n animals.
    T understand the new breakthrugh, it is imprtant t knw hw phtsynthesis wrks. Plants take in carbn dixide and water frm the air and sil. Within the plant cell, the water is xidized. This transfrms the water int xygen and the carbn dixide int glucse(葡萄糖). The plant then releases the xygen back int the air and stres energy within the glucse mlecules.
    In the study, the researchers frm Zhejiang University develped an independent and cntrllable phtsynthetic system, accrding t the study published in Nature in early December. They separated thylakids, a part f the cell where light reactins take place in plants, frm yung spinach(菠菜) leaves. The scientists then wrapped the thylakids with the cver f animal cells, which made the implanted thylakids mre acceptable t freign bdies. The mice used in the study were suffering frm arthritis(关节炎), meaning cells in their cartilage had degenerated and culd nt be repaired by themselves. With the thylakids implanted int the mice and expsed t light, the mice recvered. Their metablism(新陈代谢)returned t nrmal.
    In arthritis, the patients usually have energy lss since fewer energy-carrying mlecules are generated. The implant, hwever, can crrect the imbalance by string mre energy via phtsynthesis.
    The researchers als claimed that their tests wuld have medical usage. It can be used as part f the slutin fr degenerative diseases because the natural phtsynthesis system may repair cells. It may als delay the aging prcess in cells.
    The study shwed “an exciting achievement that pens up pssibilities f metablism engineering” cmmented ne f the paper's reviewers Francisc Cejud frm the University f Seville in Spain, reprted Xinhua.
    32. Why des the authr mentin the way phtsynthesis wrks in Paragraph 2?
    A. T explain t us the definitin f phtsynthesis.
    B. T prve plants' ability t release the xygen back int the air.
    C. T shw us hw plants turn water and carbn dixide int xygen.
    D. T help us understand hw scientists apply the principle t animals.
    33. Why did researchers cver thylakids with animal cells?
    A. T lead t light reactins. B. T prvide them with nutritin.
    C. T prevent them frm degeneratin. D. T help them wrk better in freign bdies.
    34. Hw will the implant help patients with arthritis?
    A. By repairing a brken metablism. B. By getting rid f degenerated cells.
    C. By helping maintain energy balance. D. By ffering energy-carrying mlecules.
    35. What d the last tw paragraphs mainly talk abut?
    A. Suggestins fr future studies. B. The significance f the study.
    C. The limitatins f the study. D. Other findings f the study.
    第二节全科试题免费下载公众号《高中僧课堂》(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    This hliday, I decided t g t Paris. My flight was at 6 in the mrning, and I barely slept the night befre. Instead, I was checking my luggage again and again, wrrying abut whether I had brught everything. My mm drve me t the airprt at 3 am. 36 I tk a deep breath and walked int the terminal.
    Then I gt nt the plane. When I smelled the fuel f the airplane and fastened my seat belt, all f my memries f traveling came flding back. After the initial excitement, I then started figuring ut hw I culd kill the 22 hurs ahead. The seats next t me were empty, s I remved the armrest and lay dwn. I nw had a cuch n the plane! 37
    What abut the 15 hurs left? 38 Luckily, I sn discvered a better way: nbard Wi-Fi. It was nt cheap, but I wuld then get access t the internet. 39 It was a wise chice. The minute I lgged int the Wi-Fi, messages started ppping up. I texted back my friends, scrlled thrugh my scial media and read articles n my phne. 40 Als, access t the internet gave me a feeling that I was still n the grund with my friends.
    At last, I survived the 22-hur flight, landed in Paris and started my exciting trip!
    A. I decided t take a nap first.
    B. Then, I was cmpletely n my wn.
    C. After that, I was n lnger discuraged.
    D. I hesitated fra bit, but then I went ahead and bught it.
    E. Thse things killed time abut as effectively as pssible.
    F. I felt s cmfrtable that I slept fr seven hurs in ttal during the flight.
    G. Watching sme episdes wuld be fun, but I might get bred watching an entire seasn straight.
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Last summer, with my neck tight frm t much time at the cmputer, I knew I needed t take ff int the wds. My husband wasn’t 41 , but I really wanted t see the Perseids meter shwer(英仙座流星雨). I decided t g camping n my wn.
    I was a little nervus abut being alne at first but 42 that feeling fr the time being as 1 drve t my 43 . Once I reached the camping spt, I heard thunder. Nt a great 44 t my adventure. By the time I reached my campsite, it was 45 . Once the rain stpped, I fund a spt fr the tent. Putting it up turned ut t be a(n) 46 prcess. This wuldn't be s bad, I thught.
    Once I 47 the tent, I realized hw much rm there was. I lved that I culd 48 ut and thrw my clthes all ver with n ne t cmplain abut the mess. Sl camping certainly has its 49 .
    Falling asleep quickly, I was 50 a few hurs later by sme nises. It sunded t large and lud t be a squirrel r a chipmunk. I didn't think it was a gd idea t g ut and lk at the 51 after all. As I lay there, I heard wlves in the distance and an wl calling. I was 52 glad I was awake t hear this little slice f nature.
    The next mrning, my 53 talked abut hw a bear had visited in the night and 54 sme f their chairs and a small table.
    While I was 55 at nt seeing the shting stars, I'm nw a lt mre cnfident abut camping by myself. Bear r n bear.
    41. A. availableB. reliableC. decentD. cmpetent
    42. A. srted utB. weighed dwnC. put asideD. allwed fr
    43. A. tribeB. cttageC. kingdmD. destinatin
    44. A. referenceB. bnusC. startD. feedback
    45. A. blwingB. puringC. slippingD. emerging
    46. A. abstractB. incredibleC. superbD. straightfrward
    47. A. enteredB. wrappedC. draggedD. packed
    48. A. fldB. spreadC. burstD. pull
    49. A. intentinsB. criteriaC. cnflictsD. benefits
    50. A. awakenedB. suspendedC. cllapsedD. embraced
    51. A. birdsB. treesC. starsD. animals
    52. A. smewhatB. anyhwC. meanwhileD. anywhere
    53. A. clientsB. neighbrsC. cnsultantsD. candidates
    54. A. turned verB. pulled verC. handed verD. kncked ver
    55. A. ashamedB. disappintedC. embarrassedD. pessimistic
    When I first heard abut the Eurpean Summer Curse rganized by the Eurpean Academy Otzenhausen, I was immediately attracted t the pprtunity. I excitedly 56 (submit) my applicatin in April withut hesitatin. After a mnth f anxius waiting, finally 57 (receive) that cnfirmatin email was ne f the best mments f the year!
    During a mere 10 days, I met 37 students frm 21 different cuntries 58 (glbe). Simply saying these yung minds were friendly wuld nt be enugh 59 , beynd that, they were intelligent, curius and passinate abut the study fields they were in 60 (pursue) f and the future f the Eurpean Unin(EU)alng with the whle wrld.
    The prgram was ambitius, 61 (fill) with varius lectures and trips. We were enlightened abut data prtectin, human rights, Brexit, climate prtectin, and the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
    I undubtedly learned many cuntless things frm 62 academic perspective, but-even mre imprtantly-I was verjyed t realize my passin 63 law n this trip, which might turn ut t be a life-changing mment when I lk back n this later in life. Ultimately, the best part f this curse was the peple 64 I met alng the way. Tgether, we managed t create s many 65 (frget) memries, just like a family. I knw that I shall always miss the summer f 2022, thse 10 days in Germany and thse vivid peple.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是学生会主席李华, 随着防疫政策的调整, 周围越来越多的人感染, 请你围绕“从我做起, 共战疫情”这一主题, 给全校学生写一封倡议书。要点如下:
    1. 倡议的原因和目的;
    2. 倡议的具体内容;
    3. 发出倡议。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
    Pam Bales left her car and stepped nt the snw-cvered Jewell Trail. She planned a six-hur hike thrugh New Hampshire's Munt Washingtn State Park. The hike up the lwer part f Jewell was pleasant. At 8:30 am, still belw the tree line, she tk the first in a series f n-the-trail selfies.
    Less than1 an hur later, she tk anther pht, after she'd climbed int clder air and deeper snws. She made her way acrss the snw-cvered ridge tward Munt Washingtn. Then she nticed smething: a single set f ftprints in the snw ahead f her. She'd been fllwing faint tracks all day and hadn't given them much thught, because s many peple climb Jewell Trail. But these, she realized, had been made by a pair f trainers, nt suitable fr hiking n snw.
    By 11 am, Bales was getting cld and decided t abandn her plan. The nly thing keeping Bales n Gulfside Trail was the trainer tracks in the snw. As she fught the wind and heavy sleet(雨夹雪), the tracks made a hard left-hand turn ff the trail. Nw she felt alarmed. She was sure the hiker culd get thrugh in the lw visibility and was heading straight tward the challenging trails f the Great Gulf Wilderness. Bales std there, stunned. The temperature and cluds were in a race t find their lwest pint, and darkness was mere hurs away. She turned t the left and called ut, “Hell!” int the frzen fg.
    Nthing. She called ut again: “Is anybdy ut there? D yu need help?”
    The strng westerly winds carried her vice away. She blew int her rescue whistle. Fr a fleeting mment she thught she heard smene reply, but it was just the wind playing games with her mind. She std listening, then turned and walked cautiusly in the directin f the single set f tracks. Bales fllwed the tracks cautiusly fr 20 t 30 meters. She runded a slight crner and saw a man sitting mtinless.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    参 考 答 案
    1-5 CBBAC 16-10 ACBCA 11-15 ACBAA 16-20 BABCC
    第二部分 阅读理解
    21-23 AAC 24-27 BBDA 28-31 BCCD 32-35 DDCB
    36-40 BFGDE
    第三部分 语言知识运用
    第一节 完形填空
    41-45 ACDCB 46-50 DABDA 51-55 CABDB
    第二节 语法填空
    56. submitted 57. receiving 58. glbally 59. because/as/fr 60. pursuit
    61. filled 62. an 63. fr 64. wh/whm/that 65. unfrgettable
    第一节 应用文
    Dear schlmates,
    With the adjustments f the anti-pandemic plicy, mre and mre peple arund us have caught the virus. Faced with the risk f being affected, we students shuld respnd actively t the appeal frm the authrity and experts.
    First f all, stay at hme and dn’t g ut if nt necessary. In additin, d wear masks while in the pen air, which can reduce the chance f cntracting the virus. Washing hands as ften as pssible is needed, t. Mre imprtantly, we ught t take a psitive attitude t the campaign with the disease.
    Let’s wrk hand in hand t vercme anxiety and d ur bits.
    The Students’ Unin
    第二节 读后续写
    When she apprached him and said hell, he did nt react. Taking a deep breath, Bales gt clser, checked his pulse and suddenly realized that the man must have passed ut. She knew she had t wake him up immediately r the dreadful weather culd put him in greater danger. Out f her bag, Bales tk a carpet t wrap the man, gave sme ht water t him, called ut repeatedly and shk him hard. Frtunately, it didn’t take lng befre the man came t himself.
    After waking the man up, Bales recgnized that they had t get ut f there sn. The wind kept hwling with the heavy sleet driving fiercely, and even wrse, darkness began t fall. Anxius, Bales struggled t help the man up, supprting his weight and inching alng the trail, fllwing the tracks left by her hiking bts. After what seemed like ages, they finally made it t the ft f the muntain. The man was rushed t hspital immediately. Exhausted as she was, Bales felt a wave f happiness welled up inside.
    Text 1
    M: I just gt back frm a research trip t India with clleagues. Did yu knw we culdn’t eat beef there?
    W: Why? Is it very expensive?
    M: N, it’s against their custms. They have such a unique culture.
    Text 2
    W: Oh n! I left the stve n at my huse!
    M: Run hme! Dn’t cme back here t ur ffice thugh. We wn’t be here.
    W: OK, I’ll meet yu all the staff at the restaurant in an hur.
    Text 3
    W: My math teacher left the schl because she’s pregnant. I’m s excited fr her but sad t see her g.
    M: Oh, Miss Geffrey is s nice. Hpefully the new teacher is the same.
    W: Hpefully they’re at least a bit interesting!
    Text 4
    W: James, d yu have an extra jacket? I can’t believe hw cld it is tday!
    M: I agree. Summer just ended but it’s already s cld. I have an extra jacket fr yu in my car.
    W: Great, thanks. It is just early autumn but as cld as a winter day!
    Text 5
    M: I can’t wait t finish wrk tday and start my hliday!
    W: Me, t. I’m ging t take the bat ut n the sea fr the week, hw abut yu?
    M: I’m ging t hike and camp in the muntains!
    Text 6
    M: I finished my gegraphy and English hmewrk but I’m still s cnfused abut my math hmewrk.
    W: I’m nt gd at math. I’ll ask my brther if he can help thugh.
    M: Isn’t yur brther tw years yunger than us? He must be studying cmpletely different material.
    W: He is s smart fr his age. He is already tw years ahead in math and science.
    M: I wish I had the natural skills yur brther has!
    W: He is naturally s smart but he never wants t study r exercise.
    M: Ww, he wuld be s successful if he was mre devted.
    Text 7
    W: Are yu all packed and ready t leave in the mrning? I just finished making ur sandwiches fr lunch tmrrw.
    M: I packed last night. My suitcase is already in the car.
    W: Great, ur flight is at nn. It will be cld in Iceland. Did yu remember t include yur glves and hat?
    M: Yes, and I als packed my swimsuit.
    W: Will yu be swimming in the cean during ne f the cldest mnths in the year?
    M: N, but I will be relaxing in the natural ht pls with the lcals.
    W: I cannt believe that I frgt abut the ht pls.
    M: Oh really? Des that mean fr nce I am actually ready befre yu?
    W: I guess it des, but n ne will believe yu if yu tell them, and I will deny it ever happened.
    M: Yu are the meanest wife in the whle wrld. I am s glad that I married yu. We will have a wnderful hliday.
    Text 8
    M: Excuse me, can yu tell me where the science building is? I’ve been walking arund the campus fr an hur.
    W: It is that big building ver there with the large windws. The clsest entrance is n the ther side f the vegetable gardens. It shuld nt take yu mre than five minutes t reach it.
    M: Thank yu s much. I was afraid I might miss my chemistry class if I culdn’t find it.
    W: D nt wrry. On my first day here I spent an entire mrning lking fr the science building. Wh is yur teacher?
    M: It says Prfessr Sanchez n my schedule. D yu knw him?
    W: Yes, I had him fr Bilgy. He is great! Yu are lucky yu did nt get Prfessr Oliver! He gives s much hmewrk. My sister had him and she almst failed anther class because f all the extra wrk. She was sad the whle semester.
    M: Ww, I am really lucky then. I am taking five ther classes this semester. I wuld hate t have ne class ruin the thers.
    W: Gd luc
    M: Thank yu fr yur help!
    Text 9
    W: Excuse me. Yu shuld nt park yur nice new car there.
    M: Why? The sign says that nly the yellw painted sidewalk edges are n parking znes.
    W: Yes, that is true. The edge was actually painted, but it has faded after years f wear.
    M: But then hw culd they ticket my car if it is nt prperly marked?
    W: I am sure yu culd argue that in curt, but they will write a ticket. I wrk there and have seen them d it just the ther day. Plus, yu have a nice vehicle and it will attract attentin.
    M: There is nwhere else t park thugh. Finding a spt clse t the library during rush hur never happens. I will nly be gne fr ten minutes anyway.
    W: If I were yu, I wuld nt risk it.
    M: I just have t run inside and return a bk. I think I can make it back befre the plice will even see my car.
    W: I just thught yu shuld knw yu might get a fine.
    M: Thank yu. I appreciate it.
    W: Gd luck. Yu will nly have yurself t blame if yu return and get a fine.
    Text 10
    S it’s s gd t have all the extended family back tgether again. Our day f fun begins tmrrw. I have a few annuncements t make. First, unlike the fall events, in the summer we can always expect a bit f rain in the afternn, and unlike ur winter parties we’ll have mre sunlight later in the day. T prepare fr this, bring a jacket, and remember: dn’t rush ur activities because we’ll have plenty f time t finish everything later in the day. Last time we had a bit f prblem with peple frgetting t clean up. Dn’t wrry abut packing up the tables and recycling as we always have grups f peple ready t d these tasks, but please take care f yur trash! Fr ur activities we wn’t have the same ftball game as last year because the field area is nw cvered in last night’s heavy rain, instead after the vlleyball game we will divide all the families int teams fr a badmintn turnament. At the request f almst everyne, we will nt rder pizza again fr lunch and we will nt make everyne prepare their wn lunches, instead we have spaghetti and meatballs that we’ve prepared specially fr the family!
    When she apprached him and said hell, he did nt react.
    After waking the man up, Bales recgnized that they had t get ut f there sn.

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