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    Faculty Brrwing System
    The Registratin f Campus IC Card
    With the IC card and certificatin made ut by persnnel department, the staff shuld perfrm registratin prcedures with the library.
    And the registratin center is lcated in the 1st flr f the library.
    The Use f IC Card and the Rules fr Brrwing and Returning Bks
    The staff shuld enter the library nly with the persnal IC card while they shuld bey the Admissin Instructin. If the staff dn’t want t brrw but have a lk at the bks, they shuld put them away r put them back n the shelf. Only when ging thrugh brrwing system can the staff leave.
    Each can be set up with 5 prfessinal bks fr 90 days and 2 stry bks fr 60 days. Befre the due time, the renewal can be dne n the library website.
    Lan Perids and Fine Rates
    The library charges the verdue fine fr a bk failed t return by its due date. Failure t renew and return the items will result in verdue fines. Overdue fines: Literature bks are assessed a fine f RMB 0.2 per day, per item; specialized bks are assessed a fine f RMB 0.1 per day, per item.
    Lst bks must be replaced by an exact cpy r the similar bk f update cpy, and can nt be replaced by ther bks. Besides, a prcessing fee RMB 2 shuld be applied. If the replacement bks are ut f print r unable t purchase, regardless f new r ld riginal bks, payments shuld be calculated in terms f the price f riginal bks.
    Fr mre infrmatin, please cnsult the librarians in the general service center.
    1、Where can yu get the registratin f campus IC Card?
    A. The library website.B. The general service center.
    C. The students’ service hall.D. The 1st flr f the library.
    2、If yu had tw literature bks fr 100 days, hw much wuld yu be fined?
    A. 2 RMBB. 4 RMB.C. 8 RMB.D. 16 RMB.
    3、What shuld yu d fr the lst bks?
    A. Find the exact cpy and pay the prcessing fee.
    B. Find the utdated ne and pay the prcessing fee.
    C. Purchase the similar ne and pay the riginal price.
    D. Purchase the update ne and pay the riginal price.
    Living abrad t study can certainly be an interesting experience but is that alne a gd enugh reasn fr spending years far away frm hme? T make the experience truly wrthwhile, there has t be a gal behind the decisin t study abrad. This may be a wish t perfect language skills in a freign language envirnment, r a clever mve in yur career develpment. Yu must als cnsider the csts, nt just f living and studying abrad, but f applying. Mst universities nw charge applicatin fees fr internatinal students.
    If after cnsidering these pints yu are sure that yu want t apply t study abrad, yur next step is t chse the right prgramme f studies. Research yur chices and select carefully. Yu must d yur hmewrk well. Mst universities have infrmatin nline but yu can als email and ask them t send yu mre details. Yu can find a lt f infrmatin n schl ranking frm educatin websites. But read carefully. Different universities emphasize different strengths. Dn’t just think abut the university’s reputatin; lk fr the mst suitable fr yur gals.
    Next, yu must deal with a large pile f paperwrk. This invlves filling in applicatin frms, preparing yur schl recrds, and getting reference letters. Reading the instructins and requirements f the universities carefully is f great imprtance. Sadly, many fine applicants get kicked ut in the first rund, simply because they dn’t fllw the applicatin prcedure prperly.
    Mney is anther imprtant cnsideratin. Sme schlarships are prvided by gvernments, thers by schls and clleges. This infrmatin, again, can be fund n the Internet. If yu find a schlarship that is suitable fr yu, fllw the applicatin prcedure carefully; the earlier yu apply, the better yur chance f getting it.
    4、Why des the authr think studying abrad is truly wrthwhile accrding t paragraph1?
    A. It is a chance t develp yur career.B. It is an interesting experience.
    C. It is fun t travel arund the wrld.D. All yur friends are ding s.
    5、What can a schl ranking list tell us?
    A. The names f all the prfessrs.
    B. Hw gd the schl is cmpared t thers.
    C. Hw much the curses cst.
    D. Where the schl is lcated.
    6、What are the three basic steps when yu apply?
    A. Buy an airplane ticket, read the instructins and requirements, and study.
    B. Write a reference letter, d paperwrk, and study.
    C. Prepare reference letters, prepare schl recrds, and fill in the applicatin frm.
    D. Prepare schl recrds, d paperwrk, and wrk hard.
    7、What des the underlined phrase “get kicked ut in the first rund” in Paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. lse mney in the first rundB. get accepted in the next rund
    C. fail t get t the next rundD. get kicked by a prfessr
    A new American weather satellite culd save mre lives by better predicting extreme weather cnditins. The satellite was launched in the state f Flrida n Nvember 19, 2016. The Natinal Oceanic and Atmspheric Administratin, als knwn as NOAA, has been wrking with the Natinal Aernautics and Space Administratin (NASA) n the prject.
    NOAA fficials are calling the new satellite GOES-R. That is shrt fr a much lnger name the Gestatinary Operatinal Envirnmental Satellite-R Series.
    NOAA said GOES-R culd imprve the natin’s ability t bserve weather cnditins and make weather predictins. It said the satellite’s device wuld lead t mre exact and timely weather frecasts, watches and warnings.
    The gvernment agency said the satellite will require testing f its six instruments and will be ready t wrk “within a year.” One f the six instruments n the satellite is designed t help scientists study lightning strikes and map them. This, NOAA says, will help the agency fllw the mvement f severe strms and prvide mre detailed warnings.
    “The next generatin f weather satellites is finally here,” said NOAA Administratr Kathryn Sullivan. She described GOES-R as ne f the mst effective Earth-bserving machines ever created. Sullivan said its instruments will be able t study Earth five times faster and with fur times mre details than any ther NOAA satellite currently in peratin. An NOAA statement said the greater detail will help imprve the agency’s study f cean strms, as well as “the predictin and warnings f severe weather.” In additin, GOES-R will be able t prvide imprved rainfall estimates, which will lead t mre timely and detailed fld warnings.
    Craig Fugate, administratr f the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA in shrt, says that the GOES-R satellite will imprve the ability f peple and rganizatins acrss America t prepare fr, and react t, weather-related disasters.
    8、What can we learn abut the new weather satellite?
    A. It has been put int service fr mre than 5 mnths already.
    B. It is the mst effective Earth-bserving machine ever made.
    C. It wrks faster and prvides mre detailed infrmatin than any ther American satellite.
    D. It can help America t get prepared fr and react t climate catastrphes better.
    9、The satellite gets its name directly frm ______.
    10、Why des the reprter qute the wrds frm different peple and rganizatins in the news?
    A. T shw pinins vary frm persn t persn.
    B. T shw the develpment f the satellite.
    C. T cnvince the readers f superb functins f the satellite.
    D. T prve they are authrities.
    11、The passage mainly fcuses n ______.
    A. a new American satellite that can be used fr military purpses
    B. what the next generatin f American weather satellites will be like
    C. the fact that NOAA and NASA wrk tgether t develp a new technlgy
    D. the cmparisn between a new satellite and the lder nes
    All peple need t sleep. Sleep is a restrative(恢复健康的) prcess that prmtes prper bdy functining and can imprve the quality f yur life. Nt nly is the quantity f sleep imprtant, but als the quality f sleep.
    Yur bedrm shuld be shaped t yur taste and allw yu t sleep in a peaceful envirnment. One f the biggest mistakes peple make in their sleep is t use the bedrm fr activities ther than sleep. If yur bedrm als functins as a cmmand statin fr yur life and wrk, the pssibility f yur sleep being pr is rather high. Bedrms shuld be designed, decrated and used fr sleep nly. TVs, cmputers and ther things shuld nt be in yur bedrm if pssible.
    Establishing regular sleeping and waking times can help imprve the quality f yur sleep especially fr thse suffering frm sleeplessness. Avid ht fd, caffeine, sugar and alchl at least 4 t 6 hurs befre yu g t bed. Develp a regular exercise prgram. Prper exercise and nutritin will help imprve sleep patterns. Hwever, avid exercising 2 hurs befre bed, since this may stimulate yur bdy and make it mre difficult t fall asleep.
    Establish a pre-bedtime rule that will help yu fcus n sleep. Yu can try meditatin(沉思), reading r deep breathing and relaxatin. Yur bedtime rule shuld be yurs. D nt wrry abut it fitting int a specific categry. D what is best fr yu.
    Things such as rm temperature, nise and light levels and even yur bed mattress(床垫) can have a lt f effect n the quality f sleep that yu experience. Blck ut distracting nises and lights. Yu are in yur bedrm t sleep and nt be distracted by envirnmental interference(干扰).
    12、It can be inferred frm the text that______.
    A. the bedrm has many functins than generally thught
    B. amusements shuld be frbidden in the evening
    C. the bedrm shuld be used nly fr sleep
    D. cmputers can make peple fall asleep quickly
    13、If yu have sleep prblems, ______.
    A. cld fd and sugar are gd fr yu
    B. a bedrm with a TV is necessary fr yu
    C. yu need prper exercise just befre bed
    D. yu'd better establish regular sleeping and waking times
    14、Hw is the text rganized?
    A. B.
    C. D.
    15、What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Hw t Deal with Sleep PrblemsB. Hw t Imprve Sleep Quality
    C. What Is the Prcess f SleepD. Where Shuld We Sleep
    16、As yu sit dwn t breakfast, yur cereal declares itself “added with vitamins and irn”, yur milk is “rich in calcium”, and yur range juice is “packed with vitamin C”. ①_______. Unchecked, these deficiencies(缺乏) can be dangerus.
    ②_______. Fr example B vitamins help change nutrients int energy, while minerals help maintain bld pressure. Althugh vitamin D can be synthesized(合成) frm sunlight, almst all ur vitamins and minerals cme nly frm what we eat. And that can be a prblem.
    As the early 1900s prgressed and revealed the existence and rle f vitamins and minerals, supplements(补品) quickly became a ppular way t make up fr a pr diet. The United States first issued nutrient intake recmmendatins t the public in 1941. ③_______. Tday, we knw that a balanced diet will usually prvide all the vitamins and minerals we need.
    ④_______. Because fr many reasns, peple acrss the develped and develping wrld are unable t access the right quantity, quality, and variety f fd.
    Mst deficiencies can be treated simply by bringing ur intake f vitamins and minerals up t their RDA. ⑤_______. As the glbal ppulatin grws and it becmes even harder t ensure that everyne has the fds they need, supplements culd play an imprtant rle in maintaining wrld health. S lng as supplements remain a supplement and nt a substitute fr the gal f a healthy, balanced diet, they can be a welcme additin t the breakfast table.
    A. Peple gt wrse, nt better
    B. Hwever, deficiencies cntinue
    C. Vitamins and minerals play vital functins in ur bdies
    D. And ne easy way t d this is thrugh taking supplements
    E. Almst all ur vitamins and minerals cme frm what we eat
    F. Later, the Recmmended Daily Allwance (RDA) was intrduced
    G. Such labeling is the result f a century f wrry that we are nt getting the vitamins and minerals we need
    When I decided t leave my hme cuntry f Iran t pursue a PhD in Canada, I hadn’t expected that cmmunicatin wuld be an issue. In Farsi, I was a(n) 1 speaker. I had taken English lessns in my 20s and scred well n the English test fr university 2 .
    But sn after my 3 in the English-speaking wrld, I realized hw wrng I was. Nw I had t be careful and deliberate. I needed t 4 fllw the cnversatin. I needed t 5 it int my native language, reflect and generate thughts and ideas in 6 . Then I needed t find the right English wrds and put them in the right rder t 7 . I had a hard time remaining present and fcused in 8 , because I was cnstantly thinking abut what I wuld say next. I gradually turned inward and 9 , particularly when surrunded by native English speakers. And I wrried abut my future. After all, effective cmmunicatin in English is 10 t being included and recgnized in many 11 and prfessinal peratins.
    Later, I 12 t say exactly what I meant in discussins ver and ver again. Suddenly, a simple idea 13 t me: why nt 14 the discussin in writing, in an email t my clleagues? That small adjustment was a game changer, because writing gave me 15 t reflect and cmfrtably 16 my pints in English.
    I made a 17 f sitting at my cmputer and putting my Farsi thughts int English wrds, taking my time t 18 clear sentences with accurate vcabulary and 19 . With sme effrts and a willing heart, I grew mre 20 with ral cmmunicatin, which revived my spirits.
    17、A. cncreteB. effectiveC. absurdD. cnsiderate
    18、A. researchB. investigatinC. prjectD. admissin
    19、A. travelB. sightC. arrivalD. educatin
    20、A. eventuallyB. fluentlyC. hardlyD. cnsciusly
    21、A. translateB. breakC. develpD. speak
    22、A. reliefB. vainC. respnseD. case
    23、A. cmmunicateB. spellC. applyD. stress
    24、A. textsB. cnversatinsC. cnductsD. actins
    25、A. passiveB. delightedC. thrilledD. passinate
    26、A. reasnableB. criticalC. uselessD. simple
    27、A. briefB. rigidC. mralD. academic
    28、A. pausedB. dnatedC. failedD. declared
    29、A. ccurredB. bjectedC. referredD. adapted
    30、A. put nB. cntribute tC. get thrughD. set dwn
    31、A. challengeB. timeC. thughtD. passin
    32、A. seekB. acceptC. cnveyD. persuade
    33、A. prgramB. cpyC. nteD. practice
    34、A. accuntB. discverC. makeD. expse
    35、A. prnunciatinB. grammarC. pltsD. characters
    36、A. cmfrtableB. curiusC. disappintedD. cncerned
    37、Zhu Yang will never frget his first assignment ①_______ a reprter in China Daily. At the ffice his talk with his new bss left him a strng ②_______ (impress). His bss first put him as ③_______ assistant t an experienced jurnalist and later required him ④_______ (cver) a stry and submit the article himself. During the interviews, he had t listen fr detailed facts and prepare the next questin depending n ⑤_______ the persn said. ⑥_______ the interviewee agreed, he culd use a recrder t get the facts straight. The bss als gave him an example f the imprtance f a recrder, ⑦_______ benefited him in his career. Once a ftballer ⑧_______ (accuse ) f taking mney fr deliberately nt scring gals t let the ther team win. He admitted that smene had tried t bribe him, but denied ⑨_______ (take) the mney. With the recrding, it was prved that he was ⑩_______ (guilt).
    Dear Tim,
    I knw yu are fnd f sprts but I'm glad t tell yu that my schl will start a table tennis club. I am writing t invite yu t jin it.
    As we knew,playing table tennis are gd fr health. T start with,when yu play table tennis,yu have t run back and frth t catch ball, which wrks ff yur energetic and keeps yu healthy.Secndly,they can imprve yur balance and keep n yur brain sharp.Besides,it is a gd chance fr yu t develping friendship with thers wh shw the same interests in table tennis.
    I will be greatly pleasing if yu accept my invitatin .Lking frward t receiving yur early reply.
    Li Hua
    解析:细节理解题。根据The Registratin f Campus IC Card部分中的“With the IC card and certificatin made ut by persnnel department, the staff shuld perfrm registratin prcedures with the library.(全体人员凭IC卡和人事部门出具的证明,应向图书馆办理登记手续)”以及“And the registratin center is lcated in the 1st flr f the library.(注册中心位于图书馆一楼)”可知,campus IC Card注册在注册中心办理,而注册中心在图书馆的一楼。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据The Use f IC Card and the Rules fr Brrwing and Returning Bks部分中的“Each can be set up with 5 prfessinal bks fr 90 days and 2 stry bks fr 60 days.(每人都可以借阅5本90天的专业书和2本60天的故事书)”以及Lan Perids and Fine Rates部分的第一段中的“Overdue fines: Literature bks are assessed a fine f RMB 0. 2 per day, per item; specialized bks are assessed a fine f RMB 0. 1 per day, per item.(逾期罚款:对文学类书籍处以每本每天0.2元罚款;专业书籍处以每本每天0.1元罚款。)”可知,文学书借阅时间是60天,超时40天,每天每本罚金是0. 2元,共两本,所以应该是16 元。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“Lst bks must be replaced by an exact cpy r the similar bk f update cpy, and. can nt be replaced by ther bks. Besides, a prcessing fee RMB 2 shuld be applied.(遗失的书籍必须由精确副本或更新副本的类似书籍替换,并且不能由其他书籍替换。此外,应收取2元人民币的手续费)”可知,书籍丢失要求是与原书一样或者是升级后相似的书籍,并且缴纳手续费。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据“ bserve weather cnditins and make weather predictins. It said the satellite’s device wuld lead t mre exact and timely weather frecasts, watches and warnings.”可知,它可以改善国家观测天气状况和天气预报的能力。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据“NOAA fficials are calling the new satellite GOES-R.That is shrt fr a much lnger name the Gestatinary Operatinal Envirnmental Satellite-R Series.”可知,NOAA的官员们正把这颗新卫星命名。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据“Sullivan said its instruments will be able t study Earth five times faster and with fur times mre details than any ther NOAA satellite currently in peratin. An NOAA statement said the greater detail will help imprve the agency’s study f cean strms, ”可知,她的仪器的功能比其他目前的卫星速度快。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据““The next generatin f weather satellites is finally here,” said NOAA Administratr Kathryn Sullivan. She described GOES-R as ne f the mst effective Earth-bserving machines ever created. ”可知,下一代的气象卫星终于在这里了。他们很期待下一代卫星。故选B。
    解析:理解推断题,从文章中可以推断出……?根据第二段Yur bedrm shuld be shaped t yur taste and t allw yu t sleep in a peaceful envirnment.可知你的卧室应该是一个符合你的品位并且能让你安静睡觉的地方,所以C选项是正确的。A、 卧室的功能比一般人想象的要多。B、 晚上应禁止娱乐。C、 卧室只能用来睡觉。D、 电脑能使人很快入睡。
    解析:细节理解题,如果你有睡眠问题……?根据第三段Establishing regular sleeping and waking times can help imprve the quality f yur sleep especially fr thse suffering frm sleeplessness.建立规律的睡眠和起床时间有助于提高你的睡眠质量,特别是那些患有失眠的人。所以D选项是正确的。A、 冷食和糖对你有好处。B、 有电视的卧室对你来说是必要的。C、 你睡觉前需要适当的锻炼。D、 你最好建立规律的睡眠和起床时间。
    解析:推理判断题,文章是如何组织的?根据第一段All peple need t sleep. Sleep is a restrative (恢复体力的) prcess that prmtes prper bdy functining and can imprve the quality f yur life. Nt nly is the quantity f sleep imprtant, but als the quality f sleep.可知这段是全文的总述,向我们介绍了睡眠对我们的重要性,而第二三四五段则分别向我们讲述了如何获得高质量的睡眠的方法,因此文章为总分结构,所以A选项是正确的.
    解析:主旨大意题,文章最好的标题是什么?通读全文可知本文主要向我们介绍了如何获得高质量的睡眠,所以B选项是正确的。A、 如何处理睡眠问题?B、 如何提高睡眠质量?C、 睡眠的过程是什么?D、 我们应该睡哪儿?
    考查上下逻辑。根据文章第一句As yu sit dwn t breakfast, yur cereal declares itself " added with vitamins and irn"…可知当你坐下来吃早餐时,你的麦片宣称自己 " 添加了维生素和铁"…… 由此可知,本句承接上文说明为何这些商品会标注这些标签。G选项中Such labeling是对前文各种标签的概括,故G选项符合上下文语境,故选G。
    ②考查上下逻辑。根据下一句Fr example, B vitamins help…bld pressure. 可知此处进行列举维生素B的好处。C选项中play vital functins 呼应此处。C选项 " 维生素和矿物质在我们的身体中起着至关重要的作用" 符合上下文语境,故选C。
    ③考查上下逻辑。根据上一句The United States first issued nutrient intake recmmendatins t the public in 1941. 美国首次向公众发布营养摄入建议。由此可知,本句承接上文说明社会对人们营养摄入的一些建议和推荐。故F选项 "随后,推荐日摄食量(RDA)被引入" 符合上下文语境,故选F。
    ④考查上下逻辑。根据后一句中…are unable t access the right quantity, quality, and variety f fd. 该句具体解释人们不能获取正确的食物的数量、质量和种类。该题位于段首,进行概括和引入,结合选项B " 然而,缺乏仍在继续" 符合上下文语境,故选B。
    ⑤考查上下逻辑。根据后文…supplements culd play an imprtant rle in maintaining wrld health. 营养补充剂在维持世界健康方面可以发挥重要作用。由此可知,服用补充剂可以增加维生素和矿物质的摄入量,从而解决维生素和矿物质缺乏的问题。故D选项 " 一个简单的方法就是服用补充剂" 符合上下文语境,故选D。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.research研究;B.investigatin调查;C.prject项目;D.admissin入学。句意:我在20多岁的时候上过英语课,在大学入学的英语考试中取得了很好的成绩。根据上文的"scred well n the English test fr university"可知,此处指在大学入学的英语考试中取得了很好的成绩。故选D。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.travel旅行;B.sight视野;C.arrival到达;D.educatin教育。句意:但在我来到说英语的世界后不久,我意识到我错了。根据上文的" leave my hme cuntry f Iran t pursue a PhD in Canada"可知,此处指作者离开了祖国来到达了说英语的国家加拿大学习。故选C。
    解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.eventually最后地;B.fluently流利地;C.hardly几乎不;D.cnsciusly有意识地。句意:我需要有意识地同时关注谈话。根据上文的"nw I had t be careful and deliberate."可知,来到说英语的国家后,作者表达时必须小心和深思熟虑,可得出作者要有意识地关注对话。故选D。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.relief轻松;B.vain虚荣;C.respnse反应;D.case例子。句意:我需要把它翻译成我的母语,思考并产生相应的想法,找到正确的英语单词并把它们按正确的顺序表达出来。根据上文"I needed t(5)t int my native language,reflect and generate thughts and ideas "可知,作者来到说英语的国家,发现用英语交流并不容易,与人对话时,要把英语在脑中翻译成母语,思考之后才能有相应的想法,inrespnse(相应地)。故选C。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.cmmunicate表达,交流;B.spell咒语;C.apply应用;D.stress压力。句意:我需要把它翻译成我的母语,思考并产生相应的想法,找到正确的英语单词并把它们按正确的顺序表达出来。根据上文的" find the right English wrds and put them in the right "可知,作者要把英语在脑中翻译成母语,思考有想法后,找到正确的英语单词是为了把想法表达/交流出来,用语言是为了交流。故选A。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.texts课本;B.cnversatins对话;C.cnducts举止;D.actins行动。句意:我很难保持现在的状态,也很难集中精力在谈话中,因为我一直在思考下一步要说什么。根据上文的"but nw I had t be careful and deliberate."和上文语境可知,作者谈话时必须小心和深思熟虑,在两种语言间进行转化,可得出作者很难集中精力在谈话上。故选B。
    解析:考查介词短语及语境理解。A.reasnable通情达理的;B.critical危急的;C.useless无用的;D.simple简单的。句意:毕竟,有效的英语交流对于在许多学术和专业环境中被包容和认可是至关重要的。根据上文的"And I wrried abut my future."和上文语境可知,上文讲到作者在英语环境中逐渐内向消极,作者担心自己的未来,因为毕竟,有效的英语交流在某些环境中很重要。故选B。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.brief简短的;B.rigid死板的;C.mral道德的;D.academic学术的。句意:毕竟,有效的英语沟通对于在许多学术和专业环境中被包括和认可是至关重要的。根据上文"t pursue a PhD in Canada"可知,作者是来到加拿大攻读博士学位的,所以此处表示学术环境。故选D。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.paused暂停;B.dnated捐赠;C.failed失败;D.declared声明。句意:后来,在一次又一次的讨论中,我没能准确说出我的意思。根据上文"Suddenly,a simple idea(13)t me:why n(14)the discussin in writing,in an email t my clleagues"可知,作者想出办法,将自己想要表达的想法写下来,所以此处表示作者没能说出自己的确切意思,一次又一次讨论失败。故选C。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.ccurred发现;B.bjected反对;C.referred涉及;D.adapted适应。句意:突然,我想到了一个简单的想法:为什么不在给同事的电子邮件中,以书面形式投稿(参与)讨论呢?根据下文"why n (14)the discussin in writing,in an email t my clleagues"可知,此处指作者突然想到了一个想法,sth. ccurred t sb.(某人突然想到某事)。故选A。
    解析:考查动词短语及语境理解。A.put n穿上;B.cntribute t投寄;C.get thrugh完成;D.set dwn记下。句意:突然,我想到了一个简单的想法:为什么不在给同事的电子邮件中,以书面形式投稿(参与)讨论呢?根据下文的because writing gave me (15)t reflect and cmfrtably (16)my pints in English."可知,写作能让作者轻松思考,并用英语表达自己的观点,此处指以书面形式投稿(参与)讨论。故选D。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.challenge挑战;B.time时间;C.thught想法;D.passin热情。句意:这个小小的调整改变了游戏规则,因为写作让我有时间用英语反思和轻松地表达我的观点。根据下文的"taking my time t(18)clear sentences with accurate vcabulary "可知,下文讲作者可以花时间用准确的词汇造句,说明写作让作者有时间用英语反思和表达观点。故选B。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.seek寻找;B.accept接受;C.cnvey传达,表达;D.persuade说服。句意:这个小小的调整改变了游戏规则,因为写作让我有时间用英语反思和轻松地表达我的观点。根据下文的" taking my time t(18)clear sentences with accurate vcabulary "可知,下文讲作者可以花时间用准确的词汇造句,说明写作让作者有时间用英语反思,作者自然能轻松地表达自己的观点。故选C。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.prgram节目单;B.cpy复制;C.nte笔记;D.practice练习。句意:我做了一个练习,坐在电脑前,把我的波斯语思想转化成英语单词,花时间用准确的词汇和语法造句。根据下文的"With sme effrts and a willing heart,I grew mre (20)with ral cmmunicatin,which revived my spirits."可知,此处指作者在电脑前练习把自己的想法用英语写出来。故选D。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.accunt认为是;B.discver发现;C.make写,制作;D.expse暴露于。句意:我做了一个练习,坐在电脑前,把我的波斯语思想转化成英语单词,花时间用准确的词汇和语法造句。根据下文的" clear sentences with accurate vcabulary and (19)"可知,此处指用准确的词汇和语法造句,make sentences(造句)。故选C。
    37、答案:①as②impressin③an④t cver⑤what⑥If / When⑦which⑧was accused⑨taking⑩guilty
    ④考查动词不定式。句意:他的老板先是让他做一位有经验的记者的助理,后来又要求他报道一则新闻,并自己提交稿件。短语require sb.t d…"要求某人做……",后接不定式作宾语补足语。故填t cver。
    ⑤考查宾语从句。句意:在采访过程中,他必须倾听详细的事实,并根据被采访者所说的内容准备下一个问题。分析句子结构,depending n后是宾语从句,所填词引导宾语从句,并在宾语从句中作 the persn said的宾语,因此用what引导宾语从句,意思为"……事情"。故填what。
    ⑥考查连词。句意:如果被采访人同意,他可以用录音机记录下全部事实。根据句意,此处用if引导条件状语从句,意思为"如果";也可以用when 引导时间状语从句,意思为"当……时候",句首单词首字母大写。故填If / When。
    ⑧考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:有一次,一名足球运动员被指控受贿,因为他故意不进球,让对方球队赢球。根据时间状语nce,可知是叙述过去的事情,应用一般过去时;短语be accused f "被指控……";句子主语a ftballer和accuse之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,应用被动语态;因此用一般过去时的被动语态;句子主语a ftballer是名词单数,be动词应用was。故填was accused。
    ⑨考查动名词。句意:他承认有人试图贿赂他,但否认拿了钱。短语deny ding…"否认做……",应用动名词作宾语。故填taking。
    Dear Tim,
    I knw yu are fnd f sprts I'm glad t tell yu that my schl will start a table tennis club. I am writing t invite yu t jin it.
    As we ,playing table tennis gd fr health. T start with,when yu play table tennis,yu have t run back and frth t catch ball, which wrks ff yur and keeps yu healthy.Secndly, can imprve yur balance and keep yur brain sharp.Besides,it is a gd chance fr yu t friendship with thers wh shw the same in table tennis.
    I will be greatly if yu accept my invitatin .Lking frward t receiving yur early reply.
    Li Hua
    2. 考查时态。句意:我们都知道,打乒乓球对健康有益处。本句是表对现在情况的说明,因此,应用一般现在时。故knew改为knw。
    3. 考查主谓一致。句意:我们都知道,打乒乓球对健康有益处。此处为动名词短语playing table tennis做主语,因此谓语动词用单数。故are改为is。
    4. 考查冠词。句意:首先,在打乒乓球的时候,你要前前后后跑着接球,这会消耗掉你的能量,让你保持健康。此处用定冠词the表特指。故在ball前加the。
    5. 考查名词。句意:首先,在打乒乓球的时候,你要前前后后跑着接球,这会消耗掉你的能量,保持你的健康。结合句意及前面的形容词性物主代词yur可知,此处应用名词。故energetic改为energy。
    6. 考查代词。句意:其次,它可以提升你的平衡能力,并保持你大脑的敏锐。此处用代词it指代playing table tennis。故they改为it。
    7. 考查介词。句意:其次,它可以提升你的平衡能力,并保持你大脑的敏锐。Keep n意为“继续做某事”。此处是“保持某种状态”用keep+adj.故去掉n。
    8. 考查固定句式。句意:此外,这也是你和兴趣相投的人培养友谊的好机会。本句为it作形式主语的句型:it is +n. fr sb. t d sth.表示“对某人做某事来说是……”。故develping改为develp。
    9. 考查名词单复数。句意:此外,这也是你和兴趣相投的人培养友谊的好机会。interest意为“兴趣”由the same修饰用单数。故interests改为interest。
    10. 考查形容词。句意:如果你能接受我的邀请,我将会非常高兴。pleasing令人愉快的,修饰物; pleased感到愉快的,修饰人。故pleasing改为pleased。
    Dear fellw students,
    As everybdy can see, sme resurces are being wasted in ur schl. The lights are n during the day in sme classrms. Water taps are left running after washing. In the canteen, sme students thrw away their fd just because they dn't like it.
    I think it is high time that we shuld stp wasting and live a lw-carbn life because many peple g hungry and the energy crisis is getting wrse in the wrld. S I make the fllwing suggestins: First, let's turn ff the lights and the water taps when we dn’t use them. Secnd, we’d better eat up the fd we buy. Last but nt least, we shuld frm the habit f recycling waste.
    Dear friends, if we take actin nw, we can make a big difference t the whle wrld.
    The Students’ Unin

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