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    专题05 七选五-备战2024年高考英语近两年名校联考模拟试题精选(江苏专用)(原卷版)
    专题05 七选五-备战2024年高考英语近两年名校联考模拟试题精选(江苏专用)(原卷版)01
    专题05 七选五-备战2024年高考英语近两年名校联考模拟试题精选(江苏专用)(原卷版)02
    专题05 七选五-备战2024年高考英语近两年名校联考模拟试题精选(江苏专用)(原卷版)03
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    专题05 七选五-备战2024年高考英语近两年名校联考模拟试题精选(江苏专用)(原卷版)

    这是一份专题05 七选五-备战2024年高考英语近两年名校联考模拟试题精选(江苏专用)(原卷版),共12页。

    Healing Frm Negative Childhd Experiences
    Relaxed Cntrl
    It feels great t knw that ur lives are in cntrl: physically, emtinally, mentally, scially, spiritually, and temprally. An ptimistic attitude pushes us t take cnstructive actins in these areas and t enjy the resulting sense f cntrl. 16 There will mst certainly be circumstances that we simply can’t cntrl. When this happens, relaxed cntrl says, “I’ll accept what is beynd my cntrl t change r fix right nw.”
    Cmpassin is srrw fr a persn’s suffering cupled with a desire t relieve that suffering. Cmpassin brings healing (治愈) kindness t each mment f life. We can feel cmpassin, rather than cndemnatin (谴责), tward ffenders, wh suffer fr their weakness. We can feel cmpassin, rather than cruel judgments, twards urselves, wh haven’t yet learned all that life has t teach us. 17
    The Lng View f Suffering
    Franklin taught, “That which hurts instructs.” 18 It can help us t realize, and take pride in knwing, that we can survive very difficult circumstances. Hard times can lead us t have cmpassin fr urselves and empathy (移情) fr thse wh are similarly suffering. All experience can be prfitable. Thugh mst tugh survivrs say that they wuld nt chse the suffering they endured, they als wuld nt trade the lessns gained frm their suffering.
    Sense f Humr
    Humr is the ability t amuse r be amused; t be playful; t find the fun in any situatin. 19 We can ntice the absurd (荒谬), the incngruities (不协调) f life and peple. T laugh at urselves kindly is t think, “I’m mre than my imperfectins and weaknesses.” Laughing alng with thers says, “We’re in this tgether; we’re nt alne; it’ll be kay.”
    The healing attitudes are chsen. They help us heal and live a happier, mre satisfying life. 20 But they dn’t fall in ur lap withut effrt. Like a beautiful plant, they are patiently, relentlessly cultivated. Lking back, the effrt will seem enrmusly wrthwhile.
    A.Suffering is nt all bad.
    B.Hwever, life is uneven.
    C.Mentally step ut f yur negative experience.
    D.Ding s prvides yu with chices as t hw t act.
    E.We can laugh at the funny things we all d smetimes.
    F.It is liberating t realize that they are within everyne’s reach.
    G.Cmpassin tward self and thers can indeed sften ur battles in life.
    Cmplaining is ften lked at as a negative, but if yu perfect it great things can happen.
    16 Articles and experts insist that t much cmplaining will lwer yur empathy (共情) and stp yu achieving yur dream and living the life yu want. They suggest that yu cut ut negativity frm yur life, especially peple wh cmplain. But humans lve t cmplain
    I knw this because I get paid t sit with peple while they cmplain and prcess every week.
    17 Once we discver hw t effectively integrate it, great things can happen. Dr Rbin Kwalski fund thse wh cmplain with the hpes f achieving a certain result tend t be happier.
    Cmplaining als influences hw peple see us, creates scial bnds, encurages empathy and helps create real changes. It plays a very imprtant rle in ur lives and is a skill that can be extremely effective. 18
    S here are sme ways t deal with the art f cmplaining in a skillful way.
    1. Clarify and rganize yur cmplaints. It will get yur cmplaints acrss t thers mre easily.
    2. Wrk ut wh can give yu a hand. 19 Pick thse wh can empathize with yu r help with yur gal.
    3. Make cnnectins with thers. It wuld be pssible fr peple t knw what yu needed. Cnclude frm specific things abve, and ur cmplaining is much mre likely t feel useful and effective:
    • Use facts and lgic.
    • Identify wh has the ability t make it happen.
    • 20
    Whatever yur cmplaining, it’ll make fr yur imprvement when used crrectly and effectively.
    A.Get rid f yur bitter cmplaints.
    B.Dn’t cmplain t the same peple.
    C.Actually, cmplaining has a bad reputatin.
    D.Scialize with thers t make cmplaints accessible.
    E.Cmplaining des serve as a real purpse in ur lives.
    F.Hwever, the influences f cmplaining are nt necessarily beneficial t us all.
    G.Our gal is nt t remve cmplaining, but make it mre useful and effective.
    If yu knw smething’s bad fr yu, why can’t yu just stp? Abut 70% f smkers say they wuld like t quit. Drug and alchl abusers struggle t give up addictins that hurt their bdies and tear apart families and friendships. And many f us have unhealthy extra weight that we culd lse if we wuld eat right and exercise mre. 16
    NIH-funded scientists have been searching fr answers. 17 And they’ve fund clues t why bad habits, nce established, are s difficult t kick. And they’re develping strategies t help us make the changes we’d like t make.
    18 They are a nrmal part f life, and are ften helpful. We drive t and frm wrk thrugh the same rutes every day. We can drive alng thse familiar streets n mental aut-pilt withut really thinking abut the directins. When behavirs becme autmatic, it gives us an advantage, because the brain des nt have t use cnscius thught t perfrm the activity. This frees up ur brains t fcus n different things.
    Habits can als develp when gd r enjyable events excite the brain’s “reward” centers. 19 We ften get int vereating, smking, drug r alchl abuse and even addictive use f cmputers and scial media.
    In a sense, parts f ur brains are wrking against us when we try t vercme bad habits. 20 We humans have many mre brain regins t help us d what’s best fr ur health. We can turn ur behavir tward lng-term gals, r lng-term benefits.
    A.But why can’t we make it?
    B.Habits can arise thrugh repetitin.
    C.Why shuld we break the bad habits?
    D.Habits play an imprtant rle in ur health.
    E.This can set up ptentially harmful rutines.
    F.They’ve studied what happens in ur brains as habits frm.
    G.The gd news is that humans are much better than any ther animal.
    “Beauty is nly skin deep” it is said. This means that a persn’s appearance is nt as imprtant as their character. Yet it is strange why peple and especially wmen are willing t spend a frtune n making themselves mre attractive physically. 16 The reasn can nly be ne, and it is that beauty has its advantages.
    Attractive peple are mre ppular generally. Beauty draws a psitive respnse frm the peple arund. This is bvius with children. Fr example, based n bservatin, there is a tendency fr adults t treat gd-lking children better. This favrable treatment cntinues int adulthd, as attractive peple are mre likely t be chsen fr leadership psitins and given mre pprtunities. 17
    Anther imprtant benefit that gd-lking peple enjy is that they find a husband r wife mre easily. 18 This initial attractin may then develp int rmantic feelings and a serius relatinship if the cuple find that they are cmpatible (和睦相处的) with each ther.
    On the ther hand, beauty has a number f disadvantages as well. Firstly, a gd-lking persn tends t attract unwanted attentin frm all kinds f peple. The admirer may have bad intentins and cause prblems fr the target. 19 It is thught that beauty and brains d nt g tgether. Thus, attractive peple may nt gain respect even when they deserve it because f this prejudice against them.
    While every individual shuld take care f their utward appearance and lk their best, they shuld nt neglect (忽视) their inner beauty r character. 20 Als, they shuld nt frget physical beauty is indeed, nly skin deep and will nt last.
    A.Life is nt always easy fr beautiful peple.
    B.The skincare industry is a multi-billin dllar business.
    C.It turns ut being cnventinally beautiful has its benefits.
    D.It is a fact that peple are first attracted t utward appearance.
    E.They shuld nt place such imprtance n beauty that they becme prud.
    F.Being well-treated gives attractive peple mre cnfidence and they perfrm better.
    G.Anther prblem faced by gd-lking peple is that they may nt be taken seriusly.
    Tricks T Becming A Patient Persn
    Here’s a riddle: What d traffic jams, lng lines and waiting fr a vacatin t start all have in cmmn? There is ne answer. 16 .
    In the Digital Age, we’re used t having what we need immediately and right at ur fingertips. Hwever, research suggests that if we practiced patience, we’d be a whle lt better ff. Here are several tricks.
    ●Practice gratitude (感激)
    Thankfulness has a lt f benefits: Research shws it makes us happier, less stressed and even mre ptimistic. 17 . “Shwing thankfulness can fster self-cntrl,” said Ye Li, researcher at the University f Califrnia.
    ● Make yurself wait
    Instant gratificatin (满足) may seem like the mst “feel gd” ptin at the time, but psychlgy research suggests waiting fr things actually makes us happier in the lng run. And the nly way fr us t get int the habit f waiting is t practice. 18 . Put ff watching yur favrite shw until the weekend r wait 10 extra minutes befre ging fr that cake. Yu’ll sn find that the mre patience yu practice, the mre yu start t apply it t ther, mre annying situatins.
    ● 19 .
    S many f us have the belief that being cmfrtable is the nly state we will tlerate, and when we experience smething utside f ur cmfrt zne, we get impatient abut the circumstances. Yu shuld learn t say t yurself, “ 20 .” Yu’ll then gradually becme mre patient.
    A.Find yur causes
    B.Start with small tasks
    C.Accept the uncmfrtable
    D.All this adds up t a state f hurry
    E.It can als help us practice mre patience
    F.This is merely uncmfrtable, nt intlerable
    G.They’re all situatins where we culd use a little extra patience
    There is n better way fr a freigner t understand China and its peple than firsthand experience. 16
    The experience f traveling arund China has paid ff handsmely, bth in aspects f persnal enrichment and in my ability t d my jb well as an editr. When news articles mentin places in China, I can ften visualize(视觉化) them.
    There was an article, fr example, abut the peple f Guliang village, built n the tp f a remte cliff(悬崖) in Henan prvince. 17 They used hand tls t dig an amazing tunnel thrugh hard rck t achieve that gal.
    I have seen that tunnel and, having dne s, acquired a vivid understanding f that incredible task. But what has stuck with me abve all ther memries f China was an experience at Beijing’s Temple f Heaven.
    It was a pleasant summer evening, just at sunset. My wife and I were walking thrugh the gate f the temple park t enjy the dusky calm. Suddenly, I heard what sunded like distant vices raised in sng. 18 The sund grew luder as I apprached until I finally came t the surce—a grup f maybe 30 rdinary peple gathered in a lse circle, singing jyfully.
    19 But I culd fllw the meldy(旋律) and harmny, taking advantage f a small amunt f vcal training and practice frm my distant past. And s I jined in, adding my vice t help send the sund t heaven.
    The Chinese peple standing nearby ffered smiles f welcme. It was a mment f unity. The pliticians might call it a peple-t-peple exchange. Fr me, the grup represented a feeling f lve, like a family.
    It was ver all t sn, and everybdy left. 20 I culdn’t help but wnder. If whle natins culd sing tgether, wuldn’t the wrld be a better place?
    A.I didn’t knw the Chinese lyrics(歌词).
    B.Hwever, I didn’t want t be rude.
    C.I went t investigate ut f curisity.
    D.Hwever, the feeling stayed with me.
    E.They needed t cnnect with the utside wrld.
    F.I will always be grateful t be given that pprtunity.
    G.The travel t Guliang village always sticks in my mind.
    The Wrld Bk Day, als called Wrld Bk and Cpyright Day, falls n April 23rd. 16 Reading extensively expses yu t new ideas and knwledge, imprves yur cncentratin and memry, and enhances yur creativity and critical thinking skills.
    Despite the imprtance f reading, many students tday dn’t have a gd habit f reading. There are a few reasns fr this: lack f time and mtivatin, abundance f digital distractins and failure t stick t reading. Hwever, these challenges can be vercme with yur cnscius effrts.
    First, yu need t make time fr reading by limiting time spent n scial media r ther leisure activities. Start with just 15—30 minutes a day f reading and yu can wrk yur way up t lnger sessins. 17 Many libraries als have digital bk ptins if yu prefer e-readers r audibks.
    Secnd, build the habit by scheduling reading time each day and sticking t it. 18 Even just having a regular rutine n certain days f the week, such as reading Mnday t Friday after dinner fr example, can help yu cement(巩固,加强) it as a habit.
    Finally, track yur prgress t stay n track. Set mnthly reading gals t achieve and recrd the bks yu read, hw lng the sessins were and any key insights gained. It is a traditinal way t write n a ntebk. 19 .
    By making reading a pririty, limiting distractins, setting a regular schedule, and tracking yur prgress, yu can successfully develp the habit f reading. 20 S take the first step t cultivate this imprtant habit tday. Yur future self will surely thank yu fr it.
    A.Tday using an app may make it easier t achieve.
    B.The gal f the day is t engage peple in reading.
    C.Habits are frmed thrugh cnsistency and repetitin.
    D.Develping a habit f reading is particularly unnecessary.
    E.Prtecting the is likely t be the fcus f the day.
    F.A lifelng lve f reading will enrich yur life in s many ways.
    G.Find bks yu are genuinely interested in t help build mtivatin.
    It’s nrmal fr us t feel nervus in sme scial situatins. 16 But fr peple suffering frm scial anxiety disrder, als called scial phbia (恐惧症), even everyday cmmunicatin causes significant anxiety, self-cnsciusness and embarrassment. It’s because they fear t be judged negatively by thers.
    Feelings f shyness r discmfrt in certain situatins aren’t necessarily signs f scial anxiety disrder, particularly in children. Cmfrt levels in scial situatins vary, depending n individual persnality. Sme peple are naturally reserved (矜持的). 17
    In cntrast t everyday nervusness, scial anxiety disrder includes fear, anxiety and avidance that affect relatinships, daily rutines, wrk, schl and ther activities. 18 Hwever, it can smetimes start in yunger children r in adults.
    19 Children wh experience teasing, bullying, rejectin r humiliatin (羞辱) may be mre prne (易于遭受的) t scial anxiety disrder. In additin, ther negative events in life, such as family cnflict, trauma, r abuse, may be assciated with this disrder.
    There’s n way t predict what will cause smene t develp scial anxiety disrder, but yu can take steps t reduce its impact. One apprach is t get help early. Anxiety, like many ther mental health cnditins, can be harder t treat if yu wait. 20 Cntinually tracking and recrding yur persnal life can help yu and dctrs identify what’s causing yur stress and what helps yu feel better.
    A.And yu can als keep a jurnal.
    B.And thers can be mre utging.
    C.Left untreated, scial anxiety disrder can cntrl yur life.
    D.Scial anxiety disrder typically begins in the early t mid-teens.
    E.There are sme typical signs appearing n yur bdy r in yur mind.
    F.Several factrs can increase the risk f develping scial anxiety disrder.
    G.Fr example, ging n a date r giving a speech may make yu feel uneasy.
    Lng befre metal ven racks (烤箱架) were invented, many peple wuld place the things that they wanted t bake nt stnes t keep them frm burning in vens r even directly n heat. Traditinal dishes like Native American flat bread emplyed a thick heavy stne ver a lw fire, nt which crn was spread. 16 Hwever, there are actually many applicatins fr its use in baking.
    Virtually, any baked fd can be cked n a stne instead f, r in additin t, a mre mdern pan. 17 Stnes can stre misture (湿气) and prduce a crispy, perfectly glden crust (酥皮) nt easily attained in metal glass bakeware. And they are ften ptimized (优化) fr certain temperatures and crust cnditins.
    18 Clay stne is ppular, but sme peple prefer marble (大理石). Sme are glazed and thers are nt, s there’s a great deal f chice n the market. A few cmpanies make stne ckie sheets, muffin tins, and thers t widen the applicatins pssible fr stne bakeware.
    In general, the thicker the stne, the mre likely it is that yur baked fd will carry the taste f a traditinal brick ven. A baking stne wrks by absrbing the heat frm yur ven, then evenly distributing it directly ver the surface f the rising dugh (生面团). 19 That way, they can lend mre f the even brwning, which is highly sught after by brick ven enthusiasts.
    Finally, in mst cases, yu will need at least an inch (abut 2.5cm) n each side f the stne t
    Ensure prper air flw. This is particularly true if yur ven is gas pwered. The stne shuld nt cause baked fd t tuch yur ven’s heating elements. 20
    A.Make sure it will fit inside f yur ven.
    B.The way that baking stnes wrk is simple.
    C.Many cks praise the ability f the baking stne.
    D.Thick stnes can capture mre heat than thin nes.
    E.Baking stnes cme in different materials and shapes.
    F.That makes them uniquely useful fr many cking creatins.
    G.Tday the baking stne is assciated mst with cking pizza.
    The best way t learn new skills has been widely debated. In 2008, Malclm Gladwell published Outliers, which intrduced the s-called “10,000 hurs rule” that states it takes 10,000 hurs t becme an expert in a subject.
    16 Let’s break dwn what this invlves.
    Yu’re willing t learn frm peple yu dn’t like.
    We tend t get annyed with peple wh dn’t share ur view f the wrld. 17 That’s exactly why they ffer pprtunities t learn. Yu dn’t need t buy int smene’s values abut the wrld t learn frm them and they can ffer a new perspective.
    Stick t ne cmfrtable mde f learning is a bad idea. Master learners are willing t learn frm lts f surces, including the fllwing: technical dry bks r manuals, YuTube r Instagram, calling r visiting peple they dn’t knw, searching the internet and thrugh friendships and scial relatinships.
    Yu can reflect n yur wrk and think utside f the bx.
    Master learners dn’t just becme gd in their field. They think abut what they learn in ways that aren’t fcused n ne tpic. 19 They allw their minds t mve in creative ways and cnnect seemingly diverse cncepts and tls that ther peple dn’t cnnect.
    Yu apprach learning with yur learning bjectives in mind.
    I lve learning abut ther peple’s learning prcesses. I nce watched a vide made by a medical student wh stpped ging t lectures. She recgnized that the lectures weren’t as efficient r effective as reading her wn bks.
    Master learners dn’t fllw smene else’s learning plan. Fr example, they dn’t use ne learning app fr hundreds f lessns withut explring ther ptins. 20
    A.Yu’re willing t try ut different thinking styles.
    B.Yu’re ready t learn thrugh different mdes and channels.
    C.Peple wh are different frm us will tend t apprach prblems differently.
    D.But frm a psychlgical perspective, what makes smene a master learner?
    E.They develp their wn learning plan based n their specific learning bjectives.
    F.The smartest, mst creative peple dn’t rely slely n fcus fr getting things dne.
    G.T add t ur learning, we’ll need t be willing t learn frm peple wh we dn’t persnally like.
    With a tugh ecnmy, it’s difficult t meet ur emplyees’ expectatin f salary increases. 16 Well, here are sme imprtant factrs that help emplyees imprve their wrk efficiency, in additin t mney.
    Recgnizing a persn’s strng cntributin is imprtant, which can take many frms. Examples include taking smene t lunch and letting them knw hw much yu value their perfrmance. Yu publicly recgnize smene’s perfrmance with details f what they did. 17 These shuld be dne at annual events in the presence f their peers.
    Anther ne is mtivatinal climate. Take a lk arund at the wrk envirnment and d whatever yu can t make it a mre pleasant place. There are many ways t upgrade a wrking envirnment, which will be appreciated by emplyees wrking there lng hurs a day. 18 Make it clear that yu’re ding this “in recgnitin f yur strng cntributins” until the business imprves.
    Yu can invite them t a party t simply celebrate their gd wrk. D sme team-building exercises that are fun and mtivating. Bunce sme ideas ff them f hw t achieve yur business gals. 19
    20 T achieve this, keep yur dr pen. Shw yur care abut them. Take an interest in their families, their hbbies, and their develpment. Open up t them and listen mre. Of curse it takes time and effrt t build gd relatinships with peple. But it’s wrth the investment.
    A.Certificates f hnr can even be presented.
    B.Hw can we mtivate them t keep dynamic?
    C.What can we d t have them stay n the jb?
    D.Trustwrthy peple are far mre likely t cperate.
    E.What can als inspire emplyees is trust and understanding.
    F.Cnduct grup brainstrms abut ways t increase sales figures.
    G.If yu aren’t sure what t d, ask yur emplyees what they’d like.
    It is well-knwn that fd which is full f fat isn’t gd fr yur heart. 36 Australian researchers tested peple with asthma(哮喘)befre and after a high-fat meal r a lw-fat meal. Then they fund that the high-fat meal increased inflammatin(炎症)and reduced the lung functins.
    30 nn-bese peple with asthma tk part in the study, as well as 16 bese adults. The nn-bese vlunteers received either a high-fat r lw-fat meal, while the bese nes were all given a high-fat meal 37 The lw-fat meal was 13 percent fat.
    Fur hurs after the meal, the researchers fund that the airway inflammatin increased a lt and lung functin was affected in thse wh had the high-fat meal. And these peple saw just a 1 percent imprvement in their lung functin when they used their inhalers(吸入器)t treat asthma. 38
    “If these results can be tested again by further research, this suggests that reducing the amunt f fatty fd ne eats may be useful fr managing asthma,” said the study’s lead authr, Lisa Wd, at the Hunter Medical Research Institute in New Lambtn. “The number f peple in the wrld with asthma has increased greatly ver the past few decades. 39 ”
    Dr Thmas Leath, directr at Sctt & White Healthcare in Texas, said, “Eating fatty fd can lead t besity, and fat can certainly cause a small amunt f inflammatin. 40 ”He dubted whether the effect n lung functin was great enugh fr peple t ntice, but said the study prvided ne mre reasn why peple shuldn’t have high-fat diets.
    A.And ne reasn is the high-fat Western diet.
    B.Inflammatin can be either shrt-lived r lng-lasting.
    C.But nw a new study suggests that fatty meals may affect the lung functin t.
    D.But I’m surprised that ne meal culd d this.
    E.The high-fat meal was 50 percent fat.
    F.Peple are generally cnsidered bese when their bdy mass index is ver 30 kg/㎡.
    G.Thse wh ate the lw-fat meal saw a 4.5 percent imprvement.江苏省决胜新高考2023-2024学年高三大联考试题
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    专题06 阅读理解(应用文)-备战2024年高考英语近两年名校联考模拟试题精选(江苏专用)(原卷版): 这是一份专题06 阅读理解(应用文)-备战2024年高考英语近两年名校联考模拟试题精选(江苏专用)(原卷版),共18页。

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    专题07 阅读理解(记叙文)-备战2024年高考英语近两年名校联考模拟试题精选(江苏专用)(原卷版): 这是一份专题07 阅读理解(记叙文)-备战2024年高考英语近两年名校联考模拟试题精选(江苏专用)(原卷版),共13页。






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