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    这是一份黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市普高联谊校2023-2024学年高二上学期10月期中考试英语(Word版附答案),共19页。试卷主要包含了 答题前,考生务必用直径0, 本卷命题范围等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 本试卷满分100分,考试时间120分钟。
    2. 答题前,考生务必用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将密封线内项目填写清楚。
    3. 考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。
    4. 本卷命题范围:至新外研版选择性必修Bk 1 Unit 2。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What will the wman d tday?
    A. Visit a friend. B. Help smebdy. C. Attend a lecture.
    2 Where is the wman’s cell phne?
    A. In the dining hall. B. In her bag. C. In the classrm.
    3. What des the man find difficult?
    A. Fixing a ty train.
    B. Understanding the instructins.
    C. Putting tgether the flding table.
    4. When des the wman need the bk?
    A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.
    5. What des the man mean?
    A. Few peple read his article.
    B. The wman can’t cnvince him.
    C. Mst readers dn’t agree with him.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分 22.5分)
    6. Where did the wman stay at night during the hliday?
    A. In a tent. B. In a htel. C. In a farmhuse.
    7. What des the wman think f the peple there?
    A. They were friendly. B. They were hnest. C. They were strange.
    8. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Part-time jbs. B. Pcket mney, C. The man’s parents.
    9. Hw lng des the man take care f his neighbr’s baby every Friday evening?
    A. Fr tw hurs. B. Fr three hurs. C. Fr fur hurs.
    10. What relatin is Cindy t Edward?
    A. His frmer primary schlmate.
    B. His grup member.
    C. His teacher.
    11. What can Edward d in the theater grup?
    A. Perfrm plays and musicals.
    B. Write sme scripts,
    C. Cmpse sme music.
    12 Where are the speakers?
    A. At schl. B. In a play theater. C. Outside a cinema.
    13. When des the wman g t the restaurant?
    A. In the middle f the mrning.
    B. In the early mrning.
    C. At nn.
    14. What music des the restaurant play?
    A. Sme cuntry music. B. Rck and rll. C. Sme jazz music.
    15. What des the man say abut his favrite restaurant?
    A. He thinks highly f the fd.
    B. It’s newly pened and clean.
    C. A film actr eats there smetimes.
    16. What des the man have fr lunch?
    A. Sausages. B. Fish pie. C. Pancakes.
    17. What is “What t D Tday”?
    A. A scial rganizatin. B. A schl team. C. A radi prgram.
    18. What’s the main purpse f the tree-planting activity?
    A. T help pr blind children.
    B. T gain tree-planting experience.
    C. T raise mney fr a cmputer cmpany.
    19. Hw many trees d students and their parents want t plant tday?
    A. 30. B. 750. C. 1,500.
    20. What shuld vlunteers bring fr the activity?
    A. Hats. B. Basic tls. C. Thick glves.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Events at the Fleet Science Center
    Superpwer Dgs
    Jin in an adventure t experience the life-saving superpwers f sme f the wrld’s mst amazing dgs n the big screen. N stranger t superheres himself, Chris Evans narrates (讲述) this inspiring true stry abut remarkable dgs that save lives.
    Time: March 2, 2:00 pm
    Price: Adult (Age 13-65) $21; Junir (Age 3-12) $18; Senir (Age 65+) $19
    The Sky Tnight
    Early shw: March 4, 7: 00 pm t 8: 00 pm
    Late shw: March 4, 8:15 pm t 9:15 pm
    Jin us fr a tur f the slar system. Jurney thrugh the universe with us as we explre a new tpic each mnth.
    Price: Adult (age 13-65) $19; Junir (Age 3-12) $17; Senir (Age 65+ ) $18
    Make-It Wrkshp
    We invite yu t stp by Studi X t try yur hand at making things. Make-It Wrkshp activities change mnthly and fees vary.
    Participants can purchase tickets at Studi X n the day f the wrkshp.
    Time: March 7, 11:30 am t 3:30 pm
    Suds & Science
    Smetimes, the mst interesting discussins ccur ver a beer r a glass f yur favrite wine. That’s the cncept behind Suds & Science, a mnthly event that brings scientists face-t-face with the general public in a neighbrhd bar.
    Lcatin: Thrn Brewing, 3176 Thrn St, San Dieg, CA 92104
    Time: March 8, 6:30 pm t 8:00 pm
    Price: $6 at the dr. Fd & drinks are available fr purchase. Please cme early t place yur rders at the bar, as staff will nt be available t take rders during the event.
    1. What can participants d at the event f Suds & Science?
    A. Learn smething abut the slar system.
    B. Make smething by themselves.
    C. Hld a party with their friends.
    D. Cmmunicate with scientists.
    2. Hw much shuld a father aged 45 with a kid aged 12 pay t knw abut stars and planets?
    A. $35.B. $36.C. $37.D. $38.
    3. When will the film abut dgs start n March 2?
    A. At 7:00 pm.B. At 6:30 pm.
    C. At 2:00 pm.D. At 8:15 pm.
    A few days ag, the Brklyn Nets basketball player Ben Simmns dnated a basketball curt t Machang twnship in Suthwest China’s Guizhu Prvince during a ceremny. Simmns has visited China several times since he was yung. He has been deeply tuched by the Chinese peple’s warmth and friendly feelings tward him and their enthusiasm fr basketball.
    Impressed by the news that basketball cmpetitins had been held in Guizhu at a village with their wn “Village Basketball Assciatin (VBA)”, Simmns decided t dnate a basketball curt t the village during the Chinese New Year Basketball Cmpetitin in January. After cnducting a survey, he set up the basketball curt in Machang twnship in Gui’an New Area in the hpe that it wuld create mre pprtunities fr yung fans t play basketball.
    In the muntainus village f Machang, there are n huge electrnic screens r advertisements at basketball games, but they can still be thrilling thanks t lcal players’ lve fr the sprt. These players later became a hit in China and even went viral (迅速传播). A recent final cmpetitin attracted 30, 000 viewers n site and mre than 1 billin viewers nline.
    Cmparatively the NBA basts the best players in the wrld, tp-class basketball gyms and prfessinally made cmmercials, s its exciting games draw fans arund the wrld. The NBA and the “VBA” are thusands f miles apart, but their games are equally striking, fueling thusands f fans’ enthusiasm. Bth fcus n a cmmn interest f basketball fans in the U. S. and China and their shared pursuit f sprts and a better life.
    Althugh Machang twnship lacks mdem sprts facilities, the lcal peple’s lve fr basketball remains strng. S Simmns’ dnatin will surely help imprve the village’s situatin t a certain extent, but mre imprtantly, it will bring peple separated by the Pacific Ocean clser thrugh this sprt.
    4. Hw did Ben Simmns give a hand t Machang twnship?
    A. By dnating electrnic screens and sme equipment fr playing basketball.
    B. By giving sme mney t help the twnship t build a stadium.
    C. By training sme lcal peple t practise playing basketball.
    D. By ffering a basketball curt t the twnship fr free.
    5. What can we learn frm the third paragraph?
    A. The recent match appealed t a large number f viewers.
    B. The lcal players can earn an amunt f mney by playing the game.
    C. The players, prfessinal skills make the lcal basketball games exciting.
    D. Advertisements cntributed t the successful prmtin f the lcal sprt.
    6. Why is the NBA mentined in paragraph 4?
    A. T suggest the “VBA” shuld learn frm the NBA.
    B. T shw the NBA is much mre exciting than the “VBA”.
    C. T express the NBA and the “VBA” have smething in cmmn.
    D. T prve the rules f the “VBA” and the NBA are almst the same.
    7. What can be the theme f the last paragraph?
    A. The living standard f the village.
    B The significance f the dnatin.
    C. The sprts facilities f the twnship.
    D. The meaning f the basketball cmpetitins.
    Each year, Jn Aars, a senir researcher at the Nrwegian Plar Institute and his clleagues capture arund 70 plar bears in Svalbard and fit them with a tracking cllar (颈圈) which cntinuusly recrds mvement. Once a day the cllar makes a satellite call, sending the last 24 hurs f data back t the Institute. “Data frm mvement has been very imprtant t understand hw they react and hw they might respnd t climate change,” Aars explains.
    A warming climate means a vast amunt f the regin, and rising temperatures are als preventing seasnal ice which melts and recurs annually frm frming in places it nce did. Several seal species — plar bears’ main prey (猎物) — rely n sea ice, and mre ften than nt, s d plar bears. But these creatures are being frced t mve with the times.
    “Because cnditins change, plar bears will spend mre time n land and lk fr different ptins,” Aars explains. “They hunt reindeer (驯鹿) and they will take mre birds and eggs. We have seen that bears are in different areas frm where they used t be—s much further nrth.”
    Accrding t NASA, summer ice in the Arctic is decreasing by mre than each decade, and this year the Natinal Snw and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) reprted the secnd lwest levels f summer sea ice ever recrded. The 14 lwest levels f sea ice have all ccurred in the past 14 years, accrding t the NSIDC.
    “Yu dn’t find plar bears anywhere in the Arctic where yu dn’t have sea ice at least seasnally,” says Aars! “Changes are s significant and s fast: we will reach sme stage in the future where it will get much harder t be a plar bear in Svalbard.”
    8. Why des the cllar make a satellite call daily?
    A. T btain sme infrmatin.
    B. T ffer necessary help t plar bears.
    C. T see whether plar bears are still alive.
    D. T knw if plar bears are being attacked.
    9. What des the third paragraph mainly tell us?
    A. Why plar bears prefer birds.B. What has caused the changes.
    C. Where plar bears can be fund.D. Hw plar bears react t the changes.
    10. What affects plar bears’ life the mst?
    A. Freezing weather.B. Decreasing sea ice.
    C. Mre and mre seals.D. Peple’s hunting them.
    11. What can we infer abut the sea ice frm paragraph 4?
    A. It has been staying the same in the past ten years.
    B. It started decreasing less than a decade ag.
    C. It is becming less and less.
    D. It is getting mre and mre.
    The publishing industry in Zhuzhu city, Hebei prvince has suffered a heavy lss due t fldwaters after clays f heavy rain brught by Typhn Dksuri, Nan fang Metrplis Daily reprted n Wednesday.
    Cuntless bks were saked as fldwaters pured relentlessly int the warehuses (仓库) f many publishing huses and bk-selling cmpanies.
    “The warehuse f ur cmpany lcated in a lgistics (物流) park in Zhuzhu has flded,” a staff member f the bk brand “Unread” tld Nan fang Metrplis Daily n Tuesday. “We can’t figure ut hw much ur lss is currently.”
    The lgistics park included nearly 100 bk cmpanies.
    Accrding t Bk China, ne f the earliest dmestic nline bk sales platfrms, sme staff members used sandbags and wden bards t prtect their warehuses in Zhuzhu, but arund 4 millin bks have been damaged by the fld.
    Apart frm these bksellers, there is als a large number f printing factries, sme f which als suffered huge lsses in the fld.
    Hebei Wensheng Printing C Ltd, with a registered capital f 20 millin yuan, has a number f utility mdel patents (专利) fr bk printing equipment. On Tuesday, the cmpany sent nline messages fr help as the water had flded t the secnd flr f the cmpany’s ffice building in Zhuzhu, trapping ver 30 staff members.
    “The water level cntinued t rise since Mnday evening and water gradually flded the secnd flr f ur ffice building,” said a female staff member surnamed Sun. “The whle factry has flded and all machines, equipment, bks and paper have been saked.”
    Accrding t data frm lcal gvernment, frm 8 am Saturday t 11 am Tuesday, the average rainfall f the city reached 355.1 millimeters.
    As f 10 am Tuesday, abut 134, 000 residents f Zhuzhu had been affected by flding, data shwed.
    12. What des the underlined wrd “relentlessly” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Withut getting less beneficial.B. Withut getting mre steady.
    C. Withut getting heavier.D. Withut getting less strng.
    13. What did the staff member f the bk brand “Unread” mainly tld a reprter abut?
    A. Their cmpany’s lss in the fldwaters.
    B. Hw they tried t prtect their pssessins.
    C. Hw the fldwaters entered their warehuse.
    D. Their cmpany’s fight against the fldwaters.
    14. Why did Hebei Wensheng Printing C Ltd ask fr help nline?
    A. The whle factry wasn’t fit fr them t wrk in.
    B. Sme f its staff members culdn’t get ut f the water.
    C. Sme f its staff members were washed away by the water.
    D. The whle factry has flded and bks and paper have been saked.
    15. Which can be an apprpriate title fr the news reprt?
    A. Flding damages bk warehuse park in Zhuzhu
    B. Heavy rain brught t Zhuzhu by Typhn Dksuri
    C. Abut 134, 000 residents f Zhuzhu affected by flding
    D. Staff members try t prtect their warehuses in Zhuzhu
    I am an editr f an American magazine. The ther day, a teenager wrte me an email. The fllwing is the cntent: I am gd at English and Chinese, but learning math is very difficult fr me. ____16____ S I get very tired and bred f math. D yu knw any advice n hw t learn math? The fllwing is my reply t him:
    ____17____ Math is that subject fr yu as it was fr me and cuntless thers. Yu’ve already cmpleted the first step by identifying math as yur primary subject t imprve. Nw yu just need t act.
    First, yu can preview (预习) the lessn befre class r days in advance. ____18____ S yu wn’t fall behind during class.
    Hw much d yu study? Make math yur pririty (优先事项). Yu can als ask fr yur classmates’ assistance. Smene wh is getting tp narks in yur math class may be able t spend sme time helping yu ut. Studying can als include watching vides f math cncepts that yur dn’t understand. They might help simplify cmplicated tpics and make learning fun.
    We dn’t want t blame thers fr ur issues. But it is als pssible that yur teacher isn’t making class as fun as he r she can. ____19____ It is just the way f student life. In this case, yu will have t be practive (积极主动的). If yu can think f any fun games t play t use math cncepts yu have learned, I am sure yur teacher wuldn’t mind hearing them.
    ____20____ Or even better, yu can ask yur classmates if they’d like t meet nce r twice at schl t discuss yur math classes. I’m sure yu are nt the nly ne having a difficult time.
    A. it may becme a little easy fr yu.
    B. Hw d yu d yur math hmewrk?
    C. I can’t even fllw the teacher during class.
    D. Sme teachers will be mre “bring” than thers.
    E. Sme subjects in schl will require mre effrt than thers.
    F. That way, yu can prepare yurself fr the material ahead f time.
    G. If yu still need additinal help, a math tutr might be f great assistance.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Faisal Zaid Alshara is a fifth-grade student at an Islamic Schl & Academy in Ramtha, Jrdan. He was brn withut a right hand and nly tw fingers n his left, as well as a tngue-tie (结舌) fr which he had t receive medical ____21____ at a very yung age. These physical ____22____ made Faisal feel ashamed and ____23____ the children wh were the same age as him, as he culd nt ____24____ seeing the lks f pity they wuld give t him.
    Bks were Faisal’s safe shelter, where he culd ____25____ new wrlds and lse ____26____ in stries that made him feel ____27____. Hwever, he struggled t find a way t ____28____ his passin fr reading until his teacher ____29____ him t the Arab Reading Challenge.
    Faisal ____30____ the Challenge’s fifth editin, qualifying (取得资格) at bth the schl and district levels. He was delighted when his schl district’s directr ____31____ him fr his district qualificatin. He then went n t qualify at the cuntry level. Thanks t his success in the Challenge, Faisal eventually felt cmfrtable with pening up and ____32____ hid classmates, wh nw lk at him with ____33____ rather than sympathy.
    Faisal is nw preparing fr the sixth Arab Reading Challenge and is determined t reach the ____34____. The child wh was nce unwilling t cmmunicate with thers is nw filled with hpe and enthusiasm fr his ____35____. His cnstant smiles and laughs fill the rm as he talks t friends he has knwn thrugh the Arab Reading Challenge.
    A. treatmentsB. billsC. facilitiesD. recrds
    A. activitiesB. cntactsC. injuriesD. disabilities
    A. pleased withB. free frmC. separated frmD. familiar with
    A. practiseB. standC. admitD. miss
    A. explreB. avidC. criticizeD. entertain
    A. himB. themC. itD. himself
    A. cnfusedB. aliveC. blueD. annyed
    A. permitB. attachC. develpD. threat
    A. intrducedB. pintedC. suppliedD. pulled
    A. set upB. figured utC. participated inD. turned dwn
    A. misunderstdB. recgnizedC. blamedD. charged
    A. cmplaining abutB. interacting withC. prbing intD. sending fr
    A. cncernB. dubtC. embarrassmentD. admiratin
    A. agreementB. budgetC. cnclusinD. final
    A. lifeB. tripC. ruleD. brand
    By the time she turned 18, Liz had attended ____36____ ttal f twelve schls in as many years. She had lived in shelters and in parks, where she didn’t feel quite secure, but never in a permanent residence (住所) fr mre than a few mnths. ____37____ (laugh) at by the students at a dzen schls wh cnsidered her t have nthing in cmmn with them, smetimes she felt quite embarrassed. Mre ften ____38____ nt, she wndered when she wuld change the situatin. Her teachers always tld the students that Liz shuld nt ____39____ (make) fun f.
    Hmeless since early childhd, Liz struggled all her life t hide her circumstances frm teachers and fellw students. Hwever, learning prved t be a way fr her t find cnfidence in herself again. ____40____ (cncentrate) n her study was ____41____ (essential) imprtant fr her. She had strng belief that she culd d better than thers.
    By the secnd year f high schl, she realized that she culd nt succeed in getting the educatin she dreamed f withut getting help t g beynd what her current schl culd ffer. She talked t her teachers, wh helped her apply fr summer cmmunity cllege classes and schlarships. And in 11th grade, when she enrlled (登记入学) at Jeffersn High Schl, she decided t cmplete the rest f her schl career there, ____42____ meant that she had t take a bus each mrning at 4 a. m. and culd nt get hme until 11 p. m.
    Her perseverance and hard wrk paid ff hwever. When ____43____ (pur) the stry f her life int her Harvard University cllege applicatin, she made a deep ____44____ (impress) n the teachers there and t her relief, she was accepted int the university. Her success is a cmbinatin f hard wrk and intelligence. Liz is wrthy _____45_____ being appreciated by all.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是育才中学高中学生李华。你的美国网友Tm在你分享的视频上看到你做中餐的情况,他很感兴趣并表示也想学做中国美食,因此他发来邮件询问。请你给他回复,内容包括:
    3.参考词汇:食材 ingredient。
    Dear Tm,
    Hw are yu ding? I am glad that yu are interested in Chinese fd.
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Maybe there is a Father Christmas!
    Nancy std anxiusly staring at the puring rain while little Alice lked up at a pretty dll (玩具) in the windw f the ty shp n the edge f twn. “Mummy,” Alice said, “that’s the dll I wuld like Father Christmas t bring t me.” Tears rlled dwn Nancy’s cheek and she knew it wuld be impssible this, year. They were suppsed t start a new life in Spain ne and a half years ag befre her husband Paul was cruelly killed by a car. Their limited savings were quickly spent n Paul’s funeral (葬礼) csts and necessities, leaving her in heavy debt.
    T her relief, the lcal peple had helped t supprt her thrugh these difficult times and especially Fred, wner f the lcal grcery stre, a single man, wh wuld ften put smething special int her shpping bag even thugh he himself had been ging thrugh a difficult perid — his mther, died f cancer and he was busy handling the sale f his mther’s huse n the edge f twn.
    As the rain stpped, Nancy and Alice started walking hme. She was thinking abut buying an umbrella after paying the rent with her upcming wage when Alice shuted excitedly, “Mummy, what’s that n the rad?” Nancy lked dwn and saw a bag lying in the water, which was bviusly lst because f the sudden rain.
    They gt hme and dried themselves befre Nancy fcused n the bag. Opening it and seeing bundles f mney inside, she std back in shck and cried, “Is this a present frm kindness? I can pay ff my debt, buy Alice’s favrite dll and my new umbrella...” Then reality set in. Nancy was a very mral persn and wuld never steal even the slightest little thing, let alne (更不用说) bundles f mney. She went t bed with all kinds f thughts in her mind.
    Nancy made up her mind t hand in the mney as sn as pssible.
    All day Lng, Nancy was wndering wh might have lst the bag.
    听力答案:1〜5 BBCCC 6〜10 AABCA 11〜15 ACACA 16〜20 BCABB
    1. 本试卷满分100分,考试时间120分钟。
    2. 答题前,考生务必用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将密封线内项目填写清楚。
    3. 考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。
    4. 本卷命题范围:至新外研版选择性必修Bk 1 Unit 2。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What will the wman d tday?
    A. Visit a friend. B. Help smebdy. C. Attend a lecture.
    2. Where is the wman’s cell phne?
    A. In the dining hall. B. In her bag. C. In the classrm.
    3. What des the man find difficult?
    A. Fixing a ty train.
    B. Understanding the instructins.
    C. Putting tgether the flding table.
    4. When des the wman need the bk?
    A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.
    5. What des the man mean?
    A. Few peple read his article.
    B. The wman can’t cnvince him.
    C. Mst readers dn’t agree with him.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分 22.5分)
    6. Where did the wman stay at night during the hliday?
    A. In a tent. B. In a htel. C. In a farmhuse.
    7. What des the wman think f the peple there?
    A. They were friendly. B. They were hnest. C. They were strange.
    8. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Part-time jbs. B. Pcket mney, C. The man’s parents.
    9. Hw lng des the man take care f his neighbr’s baby every Friday evening?
    A. Fr tw hurs. B. Fr three hurs. C. Fr fur hurs.
    10. What relatin is Cindy t Edward?
    A. His frmer primary schlmate.
    B. His grup member.
    C. His teacher.
    11. What can Edward d in the theater grup?
    A. Perfrm plays and musicals.
    B. Write sme scripts,
    C. Cmpse sme music.
    12. Where are the speakers?
    A. At schl. B. In a play theater. C. Outside a cinema.
    13. When des the wman g t the restaurant?
    A. In the middle f the mrning.
    B. In the early mrning.
    C. At nn.
    14. What music des the restaurant play?
    A. Sme cuntry music. B. Rck and rll. C. Sme jazz music.
    15. What des the man say abut his favrite restaurant?
    A. He thinks highly f the fd.
    B. It’s newly pened and clean.
    C. A film actr eats there smetimes.
    16. What des the man have fr lunch?
    A. Sausages. B. Fish pie. C. Pancakes.
    17. What is “What t D Tday”?
    A. A scial rganizatin. B. A schl team. C. A radi prgram.
    18. What’s the main purpse f the tree-planting activity?
    A. T help pr blind children.
    B. T gain tree-planting experience.
    C. T raise mney fr a cmputer cmpany.
    19. Hw many trees d students and their parents want t plant tday?
    A. 30. B. 750. C. 1,500.
    20. What shuld vlunteers bring fr the activity?
    A. Hats. B. Basic tls. C. Thick glves.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    【答案】1. D 2. B 3. C
    【答案】4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B
    【答案】8. A 9. D 10. B 11. C
    【答案】12. D 13. A 14. B 15. A
    【答案】16. C 17. E 18. F 19. D 20. G
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    【答案】21. A 22. D 23. C 24. B 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. C 31. B 32. B 33. D 34. D 35. A
    【答案】36. a 37. Laughed
    38. than 39. be made
    40. Cncentrating##T cncentrate
    41. essentially
    42. which 43. puring
    44. impressin
    45. f
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    【答案】Dear Tm,
    Hw are yu ding? I am glad that yu are interested in Chinese fd. As is knwn t all, Chinese fd fcuses n a cmbinatin f clr, flavr, and taste. Since yu wish t learn cking Chinese dishes, I’d like recmmend egg ndles with tmates t yu. The reasns are as fllws:
    Firstly, it is a traditinal Chinese dish, and especially ppular with peple wh dn’t have much time t ck. In additin, its cking methd is very easy. Finally and mst imprtantly, just as its name implies, it nly needs three ingredients: ndles, tmates and eggs, which are cmmn and easy t cme by in ur life.
    Yu can grasp the detailed cking steps by watching the vide I have psted. I hpe yu can successfully make this delicius dish! If yu have any questins, d let me knw.
    Li Hua
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Nancy made up her mind t hand in the mney as sn as pssible. Early next mrning, Nancy headed where she decided t g. She walked directly t the plice statin. After figuring ut what had happened, the plicemen kept nte f her infrmatin and thught highly f her. She felt a little shy and said, “The huge amunt f mney wuld be a great help fr me t get thrugh the difficulties, but the wner wuld get int great truble, instead.” Stepping ut f the statin, Nancy felt a fresh breeze n her face, making her relieved and cmfrtable.
    All day Lng, Nancy was wndering wh might have lst the bag. At supper, Nancy had an unexpected visitr—Fred with gift bxes in his hands. Seeing Nancy’s surprised lk, Fred tld her that he was the wner f the bag and he came t shw his thanks. That mrning, because f the sudden rain he was s hurried t get n the taxi that he lst his bag. “Thank yu s much fr yur help,” Fred said t Nancy and then Alice, handing her the bxes. “Here yu are, little girl.” After pening the bxes, Alice cried with great jy, “Mm, lk! Here it is! The dll Father Christmas has brught t me!” Lking at her happy daughter, Nancy smiled, murmuring, “Maybe there is a Father Christmas!”

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