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    (考试时间:120分钟; 满分150分)
    1. What happened t the man yesterday?
    A. His keys were missing.
    B. His cellphne was brken.
    C. He frgt t take his bag.
    2. Hw des the wman feel nw?
    A. Bred.B. Excited.C. Tired.
    3. What des the man want t knw?
    A. Hw t get a map fr free.
    B. Hw t buy a ticket in a machine.
    C. Hw t find the statin n the map.
    4. Wh is cleaning the windw nw?
    A. Alice.B. Kevin.C. Jack.
    5. What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A. A meal.B. A festival.C. A trip.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What des Mary Smith d?
    A. She’s a secretary.B. She’s a translatr.C. She’s a teacher.
    7. What d we knw abut Tm and Jane?
    A. They are students.
    B. They are Mary’s children.
    C. They haven’t started schl yet.
    8. Why des the wman learn driving?
    A. T travel arund.
    B. T find a better jb.
    C. T g t wrk cnveniently.
    9. What is the weather prbably like nw?
    A. Windy.B. Rainy.C. Cludy.
    10. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a car.
    B. In the man’s flat.
    C. In a driving schl.
    11. What des the man plan t d?
    A. G t the cncert.B. Visit his mther.C. See a film.
    12. Why des the wman refuse t g with the man?
    A. She is very busy with wrk.
    B. She will meet her friend.
    C. She desn’t feel well.
    13. What des the man usually d at night?
    A. He ges t the cinema.
    B. He watches TV at hme.
    C. He wrks at his cmpany.
    14. Where des the man want t g n hliday?
    A. The seaside.B. The muntains.C. The cuntryside.
    15. Why des the man lk s tired?
    A. He has gt a bad cld.
    B. He didn’t sleep well last night.
    C. He is wrried abut the upcming exam.
    16. When did the yung man mve upstairs?
    A. Last night.B. Three days ag.C. Seven days ag.
    17. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates.B. Teacher and student.C. Parent and child.
    18. When is Old Peple Talking?
    A. At 7:30 pm.B. At 9:00 pm.C. At 10:15 pm.
    19. What is Jenny Lindley?
    A. A singer.B. An actress.C. A directr.
    20. What kind f prgrams are there n Radi 1?
    A. Travel.B. Sprts.C. Music.
    第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
    Depths f ur Earth hld great wnders. Belw we explre fur deepest places n Earth.
    Veryvkina Cave, Gergia
    Its entrance is lcated 2,285 meters abve sea level. In 2018, scientists reached its bttm at 2,212 meters dwn. They squeezed thrugh tiny penings t get frm ne cave t anther. Rckfalls and flds waited secretly at every turn. Scientists culd develp new medicines frm micrrganisms fund in cave samples (样本). Caves als recrd ancient life and past climates.
    The Mariana Trench, the Pacific Ocean
    The Mariana Trench, with the maximum depth f 11,034 meters, is the deepest part f Earth’s surface. Pressure there is intlerable, but creatures like sea cucumbers (海参) still exist. Scientists explring it can gain deeper insights int hw plates mve and why earthquakes and vlcanes ccur.
    The Dead Sea, the Middle East
    The Dead Sea is the lwest pint n land at abut 1,400 feet (abut 400 meters) belw sea level. It’s nearly ten times saltier than cean water, s yu literally can’t sink in the Dead Sea! Scientists think it culd g dry in a few decades. Despite its name, the Dead Sea hlds life. A few kinds f algae (藻类) and bacteria lve its salty water.
    Lake Baikal, Russia
    At the depth f 1,642 meters, Lake Baikal is the deepest inland bdy f water. The Baikal seal is the nly knwn seal that lives in this wrld’s deepest freshwater lake. Scientists study the lake nt nly fr the slid stuff beneath it that recrds climate histry but because it’s in a zne where a plate is splitting apart, causing earthquakes.
    21. What d we knw abut Veryvkina Cave?
    A. It was discvered in 2018.
    B. Its pressure is far frm bearable.
    C. It is risky t explre.
    D. Its samples are f little practical value.
    22. Where shuld scientists g t better knw earth mvement?
    A. Gergia & Russia.
    B. Russia & the Pacific Ocean.
    C. Gergia & the Pacific Ocean.
    D. The Middle East & Russia.
    23. What d the fur places have in cmmn?
    A. They have sme signs f life.
    B. They are ver a thusand meters deep.
    C. They are results f climate change.
    D. They are all belw sea level.
    Recently we celebrated my grandmther’s 90th birthday. Family members traveled t my hmetwn t visit her. This was the first time in many years that I had seen s many f them. Thugh this was an pprtunity t see family, many peple did nt make it. Hnestly, living far frm hmetwn, I had missed many family gatherings. But this ne made me realize hw much I was really missing.
    It seemed strange when I was lking at the faces, realizing whm they were and greeting them with pen arms. After chatting fr a while, we caught up n each ther’s news. Several relatives suggested having a family reunin sn if everyne wasn’t s busy. But my grandmther’s generatin was much busier, yet still fund time t gather. They understd the imprtance f visiting ne anther. They knew time is flying and that thse yu care abut mst wn’t be here frever.
    Tday, we fcus n ur careers and raising ur kids. Our extended family isn’t the center it nce was. Besides, we keep in tuch n scial media. But what we really miss are the ptat salad, the mments f laughter and sudden bursts f excitement when we hug smene we haven’t seen fr ver 10 years. Althugh the next get-tgether is always a year r s away, peple aren’t gds and everyne has an expiratin (到期) date.
    I left my grandmther’s party with a much better sense f wh I am and where I cme frm. I spent valuable time with peple wh cntributed t wh I am tday. I had frgtten hw much I lve them and I was reminded hw much I am lved.
    24. Hw did the authr feel abut missing previus family gatherings?
    A. Indifferent.B. Sad.C. Regretful.D. Annyed.
    25. What d we knw abut the authr’s grandmther’s generatin?
    A. They were carefree.
    B. They held family dear.
    C. They tk time seriusly.
    D. They visited family frequently.
    26. What des the authr mean by the last sentence in paragraph 3?
    A. Family reunins mean n fun.
    B. All gds dn’t have an expiratin date.
    C. Peple are always t busy t get tgether.
    D. We shuld see lved nes mre befre it’s t late.
    27. Why des the authr write the text?
    A. T cnvince readers t meet friends.
    B. T share an interesting family reunin.
    C. T stress the value f family gatherings.
    D. T cmpare different generatins’ values.
    If yu’re hmeless and lking fr a temprary shelter in Hawaii’s capital, expect a visit frm a rbtic plice dg that will scan yur eyes t make sure yu dn’t have a fever. That’s just ne f the ways public safety agencies are starting t use Spt, a new rbt that runs arund with quick mvement.
    The plice fficials experimenting with the fur-legged machines say they’re just anther tl t keep emergency respnders ut f harm’s way as they search fr dangers.
    Jseph O’Neal, an fficer f the Hnlulu Plice Department, said the rbt has prtected fficers, shelter staff and residents by scanning bdy temperatures between mealtimes at a shelter where hmeless peple culd quarantine (隔离) and get tested fr COVID-19. The rbt is als used t remtely interview individuals wh have tested psitive.
    The cmpany that makes the rbts, Bstn Dynamics, says it’s trying t d a gd jb f explaining t the public and its custmers what Spt can and cannt d. “One f the mst difficult tasks is accurately explaining the state f the technlgy t peple wh have never had persnal experience with it,” said Michael Perry, vice president f the cmpany.
    There are rughly 500 Spt rbts nw in the wild. Perry said they’re cmmnly used by cmpanies t check dangerus areas. Spt is als used t mnitr cnstructin sites, mines and factries, equipped with whatever sensr is needed fr the jb.
    It’s still mstly cntrlled by humans, thugh all they have t d is tell it which directin t g and it can climb stairs r crss ver rugh areas. It can als perate autnmusly, but nly if it’s already memrized a rad and there aren’t t many surprise bstacles (障碍). “The first value that mst peple see in the rbt is taking a persn ut f a dangerus situatin,” Perry said.
    28. What d plice fficials use Spt rbts d?
    A. Treat patients’ fever.
    B. Find ut patients’ eye prblems.
    C. Prtect hmeless peple.
    D. Take peple’s bdy temperature.
    29. What’s the main idea f paragraph 3?
    A. The shelter where peple get tested.
    B. The functin f the rbtic plice dg.
    C. The future develpment f the rbts.
    D. The characteristic f the fur-legged machine.
    30. What’s the cmpany’s big challenge?
    A. Hw t describe the technlgy.
    B. Hw t win its custmers’ trust.
    C. Hw t prmte Spt rbts.
    D. Hw t prduce mre Spt rbts.
    31. What can we infer abut Spt rbts frm the last paragraph?
    A. They can plan their wn rad easily.
    B. They can chse directin themselves.
    C. They can vercme many bstacles.
    D. They can remember a familiar rad.
    Cmmercial airlines alne cntribute arund 3 percent f ttal glbal carbn emissins. But the industry is actively lking fr green slutins in the frm f sustainable (可持续发展的) airline fuel, and in ne case, that fuel may have had a previus life as yur husehld fd waste. In a study released this week in the Prceedings f the Natinal Academy f Sciences, researchers detail a methd f transfrming fd waste int sustainable airline fuel.
    Bimass (生物质), such as animal and fd waste, can be transfrmed int bifuels, which are renewable liquid fuels made frm rganic matter. Derek Vardn, a senir research engineer at the Natinal Renewable Energy Labratry (NREL), says that their fuel wrked as a mixture f 90 percent cnventinal petrl airline fuel and 10 percent alternative airline fuel required by the industry currently. They als shw they culd push it t a 70/30 mixture with mre time and testing available.
    Majr cmpanies are eager t participate in sustainable airline fuel because sme sustainable
    slutins, such as battery-perated cmmercial planes, just aren’t pssible yet with current battery technlgy. A battery-pwered plane wuld be t heavy t fly lng distances, s fuel that wrks in the same way as the fuel we have is a simpler way t trade ut emissin-heavy fssil fuels.
    Vardn says that because the wet waste used in the prcess wuld nrmally g t a landfill (垃圾填埋场) and break dwn t release greenhuse gases, the prcess f making and using sustainable airline fuel culd actually have a negative carbn ftprint when scaled up.
    Cmmercial airlines are als n bard t find an affrdable and sustainable slutin t the carbn-intensive prcess f air travel. Airlines are lking t hit aggressive sustainability gals by 2050, including decreasing net carbn dixide emissins by 50 percent.
    32. Which f the fllwing is used fr sustainable airline pwer?
    A. Bimass.
    B. Liquid fuel.
    C. Battery pwer.
    D. Fssil fuel.
    33. Why are cmmercial planes still fuel-pwered?
    A. Bifuel prves less cstly and easier t prduce.
    B. It’s cnvenient t create the prper fuel mixture.
    C. Bifuel is envirnmentally friendly and sustainable.
    D. Fuel-pwered planes are likely t travel lighter and farther.
    34. What des the underlined phrase “n bard” in the last paragraph refer t?
    A. Taking ff.
    B. Participating in.
    C. Hlding a meeting.
    D. Appearing n stage.
    35. Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Alternative Energy t Fssil Fuel
    B. Hw t Get Fssil Fuel Sustainable
    C. Changing Fd Waste int Airplane Fuel
    D. Hw t Decrease Carbn Dixide Emissins
    Laughter is the best medicine. It helps slve prblems, imprve relatinships, and supprt bth physical and emtinal health. 36 Read the fllwing suggestins and learn t make laughter part f yur life.
    Laugh at yurself. Laughing at yurself is ne f the biggest differences between happy peple and unhappy peple. It cmmunicates t bth yu and the peple arund yu that it’s n big deal. S be brave enugh t share yur embarrassing mments. 37 When smething negative happens, try t make it a humrus stry that will make yu and thers laugh.
    38 Keep a ty n yur desk r in yur car. Put up a funny pster in yur ffice. Chse a cmputer screensaver that makes yu laugh. Frame phts f yu and yur family r friends having fun. All f these are gd resurces f laughter.
    Spend time with funny peple. Even if yu dn’t cnsider yurself a humrus persn, yu can still seek ut new friends wh are ready t laugh and wh can make yu laugh. These are peple wh find humr in everyday events. Their playful pints f view and laughter are cntagius (传染的). 39
    Dn’t g a day withut laughing. Set aside 10 minutes each day t d smething that amuses yu. Yu can watch sme humrus vides r lk at sme funny phts nline. 40 Try thinking back t a jke yu heard r read, r a cmedy yu watched.
    As lng as yu have a jyful heart and purpsely make time t laugh, yu’ll be amazed at hw differently yu will begin t view yur jb, yur family, yur relatinships and yurself.
    A. Surrund yurself with amusing reminders t lighten up.
    B. If yu can’t find any humr at hand, recall smething funny.
    C. When yu are arund them, yu’ll be mre likely t laugh t.
    D. But nt everyne is gd at laughing genuinely and accurately.
    E. Try t schedule this right after the mst stressful part f yur day.
    F. Attempt t laugh at yur awkward situatins rather than regret them.
    G. Avid negative peple and dn’t hld n t things that make yu unhappy.
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小1分,满分15分)
    Alice is a student wh came t my class last year. Thugh she has already turned 60, Alice lks s fit and 41 , with a bright smile and an enthusiastic attitude. I am Alice’s teacher in class, but I feel she is my teacher in life.
    Fr my 2-hur class every Saturday mrning, Alice has t take a 3-hur rund-trip n the rad. But she is never 42 fr class. Alice is very passinate abut learning English. She ften says, “Dn’t 43 me as a 60-year-ld. I am just a new beginner wh wants t learn anything
    44 . Yu knw, I am very excited t cme t the class!” S I feel a strng sense f 45 t make sure what I teach makes sense t her.
    Alice came t me with very 46 English skills, but she turns ut t be a very fast learner because she always puts English 47 n a daily basis. I 48 her hmewrk befre every class. Her hmewrk is usually nt what I 49 fr the class, rather it is smething that she
    50 t put tgether. She makes varius sentences using the imprtant wrds and phrases she learned frm ur 51 class. I am always 52 by the quality f her wrk.
    I feel frtunate t have a student like Alice. She has 53 me s much. Our 54 is a great learning experience fr bth f us. Thugh I have n idea why she learns English, I hpe I can help her 55 her dream, whatever it is.
    41. A. strngB. cheerfulC. generusD. prud
    42. A. anxiusB. readyC. lateD. meant
    43. A. treatB. recgnizeC. mistakeD. describe
    44. A. carefullyB. prperlyC. literallyD. eagerly
    45. A. humrB. achievementC. respnsibilityD. belnging
    46. A. specialB. basicC. effectiveD. cmplicated
    47. A. in placeB. in mtinC. in rderD. in use
    48. A. cpyB. checkC. mentinD. prepare
    49. A. adjustedB. savedC. assignedD. cllected
    50. A. vlunteersB. agreesC. prmisesD. hesitates
    51. A. livelyB. previusC. typicalD. flexible
    52. A. encuragedB. annyedC. cnfusedD. impressed
    53. A. taughtB. entertainedC. guaranteedD. permitted
    54. A. appintmentB. arrangementC. interactinD. cperatin
    55. A. play safe withB. try ut frC. let g fD. get clser t
    As the temperature cntinues t drp, the glden autumn seems t be cming t an end, indicating the 56 (arrive) f the Cld Dew perid. Cld Dew, knwn as “Hanlu” in Chinese, 57 (fall) n Octber 8 and ends n Octber 23 this year.
    During Cld Dew, temperatures drp 58 (significant) and the sun cannt reach the deep waters thrughly. Therefre, fish swim in shallw waters, 59 the water temperature is relatively high, making Cld Dew the best seasn t cast a net r thrw a line.
    Chrysanthemums (菊花) are the symblic flwer f Cld Dew. 60 (prevent) autumn dryness, many regins in China have the custm f drinking chrysanthemum wine. In ancient times, drinking wine made with chrysanthemums 61 (think) t allw peple lng-lasting yuth.
    Other traditins t mark the seasn include hiking and climbing. With maple (枫树) leaves
    62 (turn) red, the splendur f clr welcmes nature lvers. On the day f the Duble Ninth Festival, which ften is arund Cld Dew, peple ften climb hills with crnels (茱萸), 63 kind f plant. This custm, dating 64 the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 25-220), aims t drive bad things away.
    Cld Dew allws us t say gdbye t glden autumn with delicate design, and als gives us a chance t knw 65 (much) abut the culture behind the slar terms.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    假定你是振华中学学生会主席李华,你校下周将举办“创新周”活动(Week f Innvatin),请你给Prfessr Smith写一封电子邮件,邀请他在线做一个相关内容的讲座。
    1. 邀请理由;
    2. 演讲的时间、时长和内容;
    3. 期待回复。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 信的开头已为你写好。
    Dear Prfessr Smith,
    I’m writing n behalf f the Students’ Unin f Zhenhua High Schl. ____________________

    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It was Susan’s 12th birthday.She had been expecting t receive a y-y (悠悠球) frm her parents as her birthday gift fr several mnths.Hwever,she received a purple dress instead,which made her really disappinted.
    “I nly want a y-y as my birthday gift.I dn’t want the dress and I hate purple,” Susan shuted at her mther when she saw the dress.“Even a five-year-ld child has a y-y.D yu knw why thers dn’t want t be my friends?It is all because I dn’t have a y-y.It is s bring t live in this huse,”Susan said angrily.
    Her mther ignred her cmplaints and changed the tpic,saying,“Uncle Brwn,Uncle Smith,Aunt Anistn and their children are cming fr dinner tnight.S,yu can play with yur cusins.”“But,I dn’t think there is anything interesting t play in the huse,”Susan cmplained again.
    The guests arrived at 6:00 pm.Susan guided the fur children wh came with the adults t her rm.“D yu have any interesting tys,Susan?” asked Jim,ne f the children.Susan felt that Jim was asking fr a y-y.She felt embarrassed and brught ut her Snakes and Ladders (蛇梯棋).All the children played the game tgether.Everyne enjyed playing the game except Susan.After a little while,her cusin Sara asked,“Susan,can we g dwnstairs t the basement?” Susan said,“N,there is nthing interesting t play in it.”Ignring Susan’s wrds,the children raced t the basement excitedly.They fund there were sme empty cartns,rpes,ld brken seeing this,Sara came up with an idea—the memry game.She arranged a few things n the flr and clsed her eyes.Then Jim tk away an bject randmly and Sara shuld guess what the missing bject was.
    When Susan arrived there later,she lked at the children in surprise.

    That night after the guests left,Susan sat alne in her rm.
    高二英语 答题卡
    1—5 CCBAC 6—10 CABCA 11—15 ABBCB 16—20 BABAC
    第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
    21-23 CBA 24-27 CBDC 28-31DBAD 32-35 ADBC
    36-40 DFACB
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小1分,满分15分)
    41-45 BCADC 46-50 BDBCA 51-55 BDACD
    56. arrival 57. falls 58. significantly 59. where 60.T prevent
    61. was thught 62. turning 63. a 64. frm 65. mre
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分
    Dear Prfessr Smith,
    I’m writing n behalf f the Students’ Unin f Zhenhua High Schl. We sincerely invite yu t deliver us a lecture nline at ur schl’s Week f Innvatin.
    As an expert in innvatin, yu have deeply impressed us with yur creative inventins, which fundamentally changed ur lives and made a big difference. If yu can spare half an hur frm yur tight schedule t share yur insight abut innvatin with us n the afternn f July 22, it wuld really be a great hnur fr us.
    We d hpe yu can accept ur invitatin. I’m lking frward t yur early reply. Best wishes t yu.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    When Susan arrived there later,she lked at the children in surprise.They were playing with what Susan cnsidered bring happily.Seeing this,Susan understd that althugh there was n y-y,they culd als enjy themselves.Jim asked her t jin them playing tgether instantly he saw Susan.It was at that mment that Susan realised she had fcused t much n what she didn’t have but ignred what she had.
    That night after the guests left,Susan sat alne in her rm.On her bed was the purple dress given t her as a birthday gift.She thught t herself,“It seems that the dress desn’t lk that bad.Actually,I like all the clthes Mum bught fr me.” She was srry fr having shuted at her mther.S she ran t Mum’s rm and said,“Srry,Mum.I shuld be satisfied with what I wn.” Hearing the wrds,her mther hugged her in arms tightly,happy and tuched abut Susan’s change.

    甘肃省兰州市教育局第四片区2024届高三上学期期中联考英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份甘肃省兰州市教育局第四片区2024届高三上学期期中联考英语试卷(含答案),共20页。试卷主要包含了听力题,阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    甘肃省兰州市教育局第四片区2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联考英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份甘肃省兰州市教育局第四片区2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联考英语试卷(含答案),共19页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    甘肃省兰州市教育局第四片区联考2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题: 这是一份甘肃省兰州市教育局第四片区联考2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题,共32页。试卷主要包含了5分, 满分7,5分, 满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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