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      重庆市南开中学2023-2024学年高三上学期开学英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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      重庆市南开中学2023-2024学年高三上学期开学英语试题 Word版无答案.docx
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    2.全部答案在答题卡上相应区域内完成,在本试卷上作答无效。选择题请使用2B铅笔填涂,非选择题请使用0.5 毫米黑色签字笔作答。要求字体工整、笔迹清晰。
    第一部分 听力(共两节;满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Which animal des the man think is the mst special?
    A. Birds. B. Ducks. C. Hrses.
    2. Where is the wman ging tnight?
    A. The stadium. B. The library. C. The cafe.
    3. What will the man have fr tmrrw’s breakfast?
    A. Egg rlls. B. Fried eggs. C. Biled eggs.
    4. What des the man think f the new twels?
    A. They’re quite useful.
    B. They’re a bit expensive.
    C. They’re very cmfrtable.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A science fictin mvie. B. A new GPS device. C. A chat rbt.
    第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What did Max d this mrning?
    A. He had a walk.
    B. He ate sme beef.
    C. He cleaned the flr.
    7. Hw des the wman sund?
    A. Srry. B. Happy. C. Angry.
    8.What is the man’s majr cncern abut using gas?
    A. It csts t much in winter.
    B. It will cause envirnmental pllutin.
    C. It invlves a risk f blwing up the huse.
    9. What surce f energy will the speakers use t heat the huse?
    A. Cal. B. Slar pwer. C. Wind energy.
    10.Why des the wman find the pems hard?
    A. They fcus n sme difficult tpics.
    B. They are written in different languages.
    C They have existed fr quite a lng time.
    11. What day is it tday?
    A. Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Mnday.
    12. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student. B. Father and daughter. C. Husband and wife.
    13 Where are the speakers?
    A. On a beach. B. In the wds. C. At their hme.
    14. What did the wman d in the mrning?
    A. She stred water in the vehicle.
    B. She tk a picture f the vehicle.
    C. She filled the vehicle up with gas.
    15. What seasn is it nw in Sctland?
    A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter.
    16. What will the man d next?
    A. Take a shwer.
    B. Turn the heat n.
    C. Check the amunt f gas.
    听第10段材料,回答第 17 至20题。
    17. What is the speaker ding?
    A. Reprting a study n nvels.
    B. Intrducing sme bks.
    C. Teaching a writing class.
    18. When will The Dark be published?
    A. In 7 days. B. In 10 days. C. In 13 days.
    19. Which cuntry des Jhn Clarke cme frm?
    A. Japan. B. Australia. C. The US.
    20. Where can the listeners get mre infrmatin?
    A. Frm a library. B. Frm the Internet. C. Frm a bkstre.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节;满分50分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项。
    Unique Birthday Traditins
    The editrs f ur internatinal editins share traditins reserved fr cunting yurself ne year lder.
    “In my native cuntry, it is custmary fr the birthday persn t sit in a decrated chair and t be lifted up by the party guests,” says editr Eva Mackevic. “Hw many times the chair is raised will crrespnd with his r her age.”
    In Japan, when a child turns ne, a ceremny called erabitri is held, where the birthday child chses frm a selectin f items spread ut arund that represent the ptential future. When a persn turns 20, a cming-f-age celebratin will be held n the secnd Mnday anuary.
    The Netherlands
    When smene turns 50, a large dll will be placed in the birthday persn’s garden r by heir frnt dr; men have an “Abraham” dll, wmen a “Sarah”, based n a Bible passage.
    A child’s first birthday is ften celebrated with ballns and specially made “fairy bread”. Sme families in Australia als mark the age f 21 with a suvenir “key t the dr”, representing the yung adult’s privilege t cme and g frm the family hme as they please.
    “In Germany, when unmarried men turn thirty, they are suppsed t sweep the stairs f the lcal church r twn hall,” editr Michael Kallinger says, “while wmen have t deal with the dr handle.” This public act is meant t embarrass the persn and mtivate them t marry.
    1. Which is part f a ne-year-ld by’s birthday celebratin in Japan?
    A. Predicting the by’s future.B. Deciding the by’s career.
    C. Seeking items at the birthday party.D. Hlding a cming-f-age ceremny.
    2. What des the “key t the dr” symblize-in Australia?
    A. Lve frm parents.B. Time t mve ut.
    C. End f the 21st birthday.D. Recgnitin f independence.
    3. In which cuntry culd a birthday traditin invlve cleaning in public places?
    A. Germany.B. Australia.
    C. Lithuania.D. The Netherlands.
    Fr mst f the year, Embletn Bay is almst deserted, a magical curve f sand n edge f the wrld. This is where the pupils f Embletn Primary Schl, a beach schl, a very Friday——t learn.
    Nicla Threlfall, head teacher f the schl, says that teachers emply a range teaching methds t realize teaching bjectives, frm mre traditinal written wrk t teach paths in the sand with sticks, cvering diverse tpics.
    Smetimes the envirnment itself wrks wnder. Nicla explains there are huge benefits t giving children the pprtunity t just “be”. Watching the waves, lying n the sand feeling the wind and sun n their faces, r rlling dwn sand dunes are all an essential part f the beach- schl experience, enabling children, t explre, test their wn limits and understand their place in their envirnment.
    Online resurces are prvided, t, in terms f engaging children and fstering an interest in beaches. During lckdwn, the students enjyed a virtual nline lecture with the Rck Pl Prject, a scial grup that encurages peple f all ages t discver marine life.
    During the winter mnths, sand blws in ripples acrss the beach under the biting nrth winds. Hw d the children cpe with the difficult weather? Nicla says they like t get the kids ut n the beach in all weather. If it’s raining, they head t the bird hide; when it’s cld, the kids warm up by ding mre physical activities. On warmer days, they sit n picnic tables utside t enjy their lunch.
    The beach is within walking distance f the schl gates but the ne kilmetre dwn the hill-and anther ne back up still prves challenging fr little legs. Nicla cnfirms that nticeable imprvement in the children’s endurance and fitness level is ne f the main advantages.
    Embletn Primary Schl is demnstrating hw successful utdr learning can be. Can mre schl mdify The curriculum t include regular time utside fr their students ?
    4. Hw des the schl carry ut utdr learning?
    A. By giving lectures regularly.
    B. By integrating diverse appraches.
    C. By inspiring students t write mre.
    D. By centering n envirnmental issues.
    5. What d teachers d in tugh winter days?
    A. Shrten beach hurs.B. Adjust student activities.
    C. Pstpne utdr events.D. Change teaching bjectives.
    6. Hw des the authr find the beach lessns?
    A. Fully-researched.B. Widely-prvided.
    C. Cnfidence-bsting.D. Character-building.
    7. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Start frm BeachB. Live with Sea life
    C. Enjy Beach ActivitiesD. Refrm Future Educatin
    A recent New Yrk Times pinin piece by Daniel Willingham addressed the questin f whether listening t a bk is the same as reading it. Willingham begins the piece with a frequently asked questin—Is it cheating if I listen t an audibk fr my bk club?
    Willingham argues that they’re bth wrthwhile but is careful t nte that desn’t mean they have the same value. In line with his pints in the article, I listen t audibks when I wuldn’t therwise be engaged in a bk—say, at the gym r while walking. That’s certainly an advantage f listening ver reading. But I was surprised t find that Willingham didn’t mentin what I cnsider t be the biggest difference between the tw: Engagement.
    The critical difference, fr me, between reading and listening is that reading is smething yu d, while listening is smething that happens t yu. Reading is an act f engagement. The wrds n the page aren’t ging t read themselves, which is smething they literally d in an audibk. If yu’re nt actively taking in written infrmatin, then yu’re nt ging t make prgress n the bk. Audibks, n the ther hand, make prgress with r withut yur participatin.
    Willingham refers t this pint by saying that harder bks—“difficult texts” as he calls them—require mre engagement, which is thus better suited t reading. Yet it’s nt necessarily true. Fr example, I’ve recently been listening t David Graeber’s excellent Debt: The First5000 Years, a tugh read with lts f infrmatin and arguments. While I haven’t grasped every piece f infrmatin that he’s presented, I have spent a lt mre time thinking abut an imprtant tpic than I therwise wuld. This fill-in-the-cracks nature f audibks is a critical advantage.
    Ultimately, it’s fair t cnsider audibks and written texts as fundamentally different media. They are different frms based n the same wrk. Yur ptin depends n what yu are willing t give t it(time, abve all) and what yu hpe t get ut f it.
    8. What is an advantage f audibks accrding t Willingham?
    A. Cutting dwn ne’s reading time.B. Increasing absrptin f knwledge.
    C. Prviding mre flexible access t infrmatin.D. Encuraging further thinking n serius tpics.
    9. What des the writer think f reading?
    A. It helps the general idea t stand ut.B. It suits peple wrking n difficult texts.
    C. It speeds up readers’ prgress n the bk.D. It requires mre participatin frm readers.
    10. Why des the writer mentin Debt: The First 5000 Years?
    A. T demnstrate what makes a tugh read.B. T shw why audibks attract listeners.
    C. T prve audibks als suit hard texts.D. T stress reading can als take huge effrt.
    11. What can we learn abut texts and audibks frm the last paragraph?
    A. They invlve similar effrts.B. They prve equally demanding.
    C. They have distinct user grups.D. They serve different purpses.
    In sme species, when the cnditins get tugh, the bdy hits the brakes, lwering bdy temperature, slwing the speed f cnsuming energy t a snail’s pace and entering a state knwn as trpr. Humans d nt enter trpr, but the cnditin might ffer benefits acrss situatins as seemingly unrelated as intensive care unit (ICU) stays and lng-distance space travel.
    Using ultrasund (超声) waves targeted at a deep regin f the brain, researchers at Washingtn University created a trpr-like state in mice. Mice can naturally enter this state, s the scientists als tested the technique in rats, animals which dn’t enter trpr by nature. The findings, published n May 25th in Nature Metablism, culd ptentially infrm research n targeting different brain areas with ultrasund t regulate ther bdily activities.
    Withut having t physically invade the targets’ heads, the apprach is an imprtant step in advancing trpr tward human use, says Michael Ambler, a researcher and, lecturer studying trpr at the University f Bristl in England. Sme earlier effrts relied n injecting a gene int the targeted-brain-regin-t-assist-in-prducing a trpr-like state with light r drugs. Such invasive appraches are unlikely t gain apprval fr human use, Ambler says, making the new study “an extremely interesting piece f wrk.”
    If this nninvasive apprach were t becme pssible in humans, ne ptential use wuld be t buy heart attack patients time in transprt t the hspital. In the ICU, trpr culd als be applied befre drugs and mnitring are invlved in patient care. This study even presents a very first step tward the ptential t supprt human’s lng lnely jurneys in space.
    Yet befre that pssibility takes flight in the future, research n a familiar species must cme first. Ambler says the next step shuld be testing in larger, nnhuman animals, prbably pigs. “They are mst like humans—hairless and similar t humans in terms f bdy temperature,” he says. “It’s a step-by-step prcess, frm mice t rats t pigs t mnkeys and then, hpefully, eventually t humans”—and then, perhaps, beynd the bunds f planet Earth.
    12. What des the underlined wrd “trpr” in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Having much energy.B. Being nt active.
    C. Requiring little sleep.D. Decreasing in size.
    13. Hw is the ultrasund apprach different frm earlier nes?
    A It avids cutting int the bdy.
    B. It targets directly at the brain.
    C. It prves effective fr human use.
    D. It ges tgether with light r drugs.
    14. What is a pssible applicatin f the research?
    A. Mnitring ICU patients.
    B. Curing heart attack victims.
    C. Stabilizing bdy temperature.
    D. Supprting lng space travels.
    15. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Prmtin f the technique.
    B. Significance f the findings.
    C. Fcus f the fllw-up research.
    D. Review f the experiment prcess.
    第二节(共5 小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Msquites are drawn t all peple, but sme peple seem t be the unlucky nes wh are mre tempting t msquites. Experts have identified tw main categries f factrs that make ne mre attractive t msquites: bilgical aspects and behavirs.
    Chief amng the first grup f factrs is hw yu smell. Dzens f diverse mlecules (分子) thrughut ur bdy cme tgether t create ur unique smell. It’s a cmbinatin f a dzen smells. ____16____ It’s als pssible that sme peple prduce mre f the smell that msquites like.
    Bld type may als matter. Msquites seem t be interested in peple with Type 0 bld, fr reasns researchers haven’t cnfirmed. ____17____ Msquites seek ut carbn dixide. The mre we breathe, the mre carbn dixide we send int the air, inviting bugs ur way.
    Then there are the factrs that are mre dependent n hw yu act thrughut the day. I yu are t d a hard wrkut utside, yu might breathe mre heavily and prduce mre carbn dixide, which might attract msquites. ____18____ If it mixes with bacteria n yur skin r cntains alchl frm yur beach-side beers, yu have a much higher chance t be bitten.
    ____19____ There are a few evidence-based strategies t keep them at bay. Certain clthing clrs like black and dark blue can act like a msquit magnet. Msquites are als drawn t bright ranges and reds. Therefre, try t stick t lighter clrs and wear lng sleeves and pants. Or, yu can try a simple trick——grab a fan and pint it under a table, since msquites lve t stay near the grund and bite ur feet. ____20____
    A. After all, they’re nt gd fliers.
    B. Hw can we drive ff the msquites?
    C. Therefre, try t reduce exercise n a ht day.
    D. D clrs matter in this hide-and-seek game?
    E. The pattern f hw yu breathe als plays a rle.
    F. Sweat sends a pwerful signal t msquites t.
    G. This mix f chemicals is likely t draw msquites.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节;满分30分)
    Our versized, male Glden Retriever (金毛寻回犬), Rusty weighed much mre than mst Gldens. Thugh big, he was ____21____. When Karen, my 18-mnth-ld daughter, held a ckie ut t him, he’d take it gently. Wherever she went, Rusty wuld ____22____ her. If we grwn-ups held ut fd fr him, ____23____ , he ate it like a hungry wlf.
    One day, I was ccupied with chres all the mrning in the kitchen. When I lked ut the windw, my heart ____24____! Our back yard had tw levels, with stne steps leading frm the lwer level t the larger pen area abve. At the highest pint f the steps was a ____25____ f 1.5 meters t the lwer level. Then and there, I saw Karen n the upper level walking alng the edge!
    Thugh ____26____, I didn’t shut fr fear f frightening her int lsing ____27____ and falling t the grund belw. Then I nticed Rusty beside her, mving t ____28____ the way. Nt t be stpped, Karen walked t an pen spt. Just as quickly, Rusty mved himself in frnt again, ____29____ her.
    That repeated a cuple f times. Finally, she gt _____30_____ and mved back t the center. Sighing with _____31_____, I ran up immediately. “Cme n, Karen,” I said, “Let’s g inside and get a _____32_____.”
    She clapped her hands and grabbed mine, making her way dwn slwly. Rusty stayed by her side, mving at her pace. When we gt t the dr, she _____33_____ my hand and crawled thrugh the dggy dr. Rusty fllwed. This was hw they gt utside with the dr _____34_____. By the time I gt t the kitchen, Karen and her fur-legged nanny were waiting fr the _____35_____ ckie.
    I never wrried abut Karen playing utside after that.
    21. A. weakB. lvingC. restlessD. tlerant
    22. A. cunt nB. take afterC. watch verD. turn t
    23. A. mreverB. indeedC. thusD. hwever
    24. A. diedB. achedC. meltedD. sank
    25. A. drpB. climbC. widthD. length
    26. A. verjyedB. embarrassedC. ashamedD. panicked
    27. A. temperB. balanceC. heartD. interest
    28. A. blckB. guideC. findD. push
    29. A. pleasingB. rescuingC. guardingD. encuraging
    30. A. anxiusB. excitedC. frustratedD. cnfident
    31. A. srrwB. reliefC. satisfactinD. desperatin
    32 A. restB. walkC. ckieD. prize
    33. A. lsenedB. squeezedC. tkD. rubbed
    34. A. unlckedB. brkenC. penD. shut
    35. A. prmisedB. selectedC. hand-madeD. newly-bught
    Wdblck printing is an ancient printing technique that bsted human civilizatin. As Buddhism gained ppularity in China during the Tang Dynasty, a strng need ____36____ (arise) t prduce numerus Buddhist scriptures(经书), and cpying by hand culd nt meet ____37____ rising demand. Ancient Chinese craftsmen thus invented wdblck printing fr mass prductin, ____38____ (mark) a majr turning pint in printing histry.
    There are fur steps invlved in ____39____ (traditin) wdblck printing, with each step sub-divided int several prcedures. ____40____ lies at the center f the technique is carving. Characters and images ____41____ (carve) t prduce raised areas r lines that will eventually apply ink t paper.
    A five-meter scrll f the Buddhist scripture Diamnd Sutra, ____42____ (make) in868, is the “earliest dated printed bk” in the wrds f the British Library ____43____ it is stred. It is just ne example f ancient wrks f art that nt nly tell the wisdm f ur ancestrs, but als demnstrate the ____44____ (pursue) f beauty by Chinese craftsmen thrughut centuries.
    The inventin f writing gave life _____45_____ great thughts, but it is the inventin f printing that made knwledge a shareable fruit fr all humankind.
    第四部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你的外国留学生朋友James想在中国进行社会实践,现有如下两种选择:博物馆讲解员或乡村中学志愿者。James来信向你寻求建议,请你给他回信,内容包括:
    Dear James,
    Hw is everything ging?
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I had a lvely, dd aunt named Amelia. She always ware clrful clthing and had a clrful persnality t match. She was brave, beautiful, utging, and generus. Despite her mdest beginnings, she managed t turn her passin fr dance int a successful career. Amelia’s jurney began when she gt accepted int the famus Juilliard Schl f Dance in the heart f Manhattan. With dedicatin and discipline, she sharpened her skills, specializing in ballet. Her graceful mvements and remarkable talent earned her awards and paved the way fr a prmising future.
    She went n t teach dance at Juilliard and later tured the wrld as a member f the New Yrk City Ballet. Althugh I had never attended ne f her prfessinal prductins, I was eventually treated t an unexpected, semi-private sl perfrmance by her.
    While I was visiting her as a yung girl, she surprised me with an uting t a grand theater t watch a ball et perfrmance. The theater was large, spacius, and decrated with beautifully crafted wden balcnies and private bxes. We were seated in the frnt rw at grund level. Tward the end f the shw, the lead dancer twirled (旋转) acrss the stage with elegance and precisin. The beautiful music grew luder, and the audience became fascinated by the amazing shw. Right at this mment, my aunt rse frm her seat, then turned and faced the audience. I instantly slipped dwn in my seat, unsure f what was happening. With graceful mvements, Amelia seamlessly jined the dancers n stage, effrtlessly blending (融入) int the perfrmance. The audience were all shcked at first. Hwever, as Amelia shwed her dance skills, twirling acrss the stage and expressing emtins thrugh her mvements, they culdn’t take their eyes ff her. It seemed like she was meant t be there.
    注意:1.续写词数应为150 左右;
    As the music ended, Amelia calmly returned t her seat, breathing steadily.
    Inspired by Amelia, I decided t pursue my wn dream f dancing.

    重庆市南开中学2023-2024学年高三上学期1月第五次质量检测英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份重庆市南开中学2023-2024学年高三上学期1月第五次质量检测英语试题(Word版附解析),共24页。试卷主要包含了 本试卷由四个部分组成等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    重庆市南开中学2023-2024学年高三上学期12月期中质量检测英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份重庆市南开中学2023-2024学年高三上学期12月期中质量检测英语试题(Word版附解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了本试卷由四个部分组成等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年重庆市西北狼教育联盟高三上学期开学考试英语试题含解析: 这是一份2023-2024学年重庆市西北狼教育联盟高三上学期开学考试英语试题含解析,共1页。试卷主要包含了36-40,听力解析,部分语篇解析等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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