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    这是一份重庆市南开中学校2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题,文件包含重庆市南开中学校2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题docx、南开第一次联考-英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共17页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节;满分30分)
    1. Where is Rn nw?
    A. At a party.B. In a garden.C. In a car.
    2. What are the speakers prbably ding?
    A. Signing up fr classes.B. Applying t universities.C. Discussing a gegraphy prject.
    3. What des the wman suggest the man d?
    A. Cunt calries.B. D mre exercise.C. Get a private cach.
    4. What will Jennie d next Friday?
    A. Design a pster.B. Attend a sprts event.C. Invite sme students t her huse.
    5. Why desn’t the man lk gd?
    A. He caught the flu.
    B. He didn’t get enugh sleep.
    C. He stayed ut in the sun fr t lng.
    6. What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A. Ordering a meal nline.
    B. Picking up fd frm a market.
    C. Planning meals t serve at a party.
    7. Wh usually cks fr the wman nw?
    A. Her mther.B. Her husband.C. Her father.
    听第7 段材料,回答第8至10题。
    8. What did the wman want frm the man?
    A. Sme mney.B. A ride t the mall.C. A gift fr her birthday.
    9. What d we knw abut Gail and Beth?
    A. They are the man’s best friends.
    B. They bught sme new beauty prducts.
    C. They invited the wman t g shpping.
    10. What is the man’s suggestin fr the wman?
    A. Trying t be a cnfident persn.
    B. Buying sme different prducts.
    C. Waiting till Christmas fr presents.
    11. Which cuntry is the wman frm?
    A. Mnac.B. Suth Krea.C. France.
    12. Why is the man traveling nw?
    A. He’s n a business trip.B. He’s n a shrt hliday.C. He’s ging t university.
    13. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a htel.B. In a drmitry.C. In a street.
    14. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Brther and sister.
    B. Ticket seller and passenger.
    C. Restaurant wner and custmer.
    15. Where did the wman find her phne?
    A. In the supermarket.B. In the restaurant.C. At the train statin.
    16. What clr is the wman’s phne?
    A. Black.B. Pink.C. White.
    17. What pht des the wman have n her phne’s hme screen?
    A. A picture f her dg.B. A picture f her n the beach.C. A picture f her and her brther.
    18. What shuld students d after they find the instrument they like?
    A. Pay the fee.B. Find Ms. Jhnsn.C. Meet band members.
    19. Why des the speaker recmmend learning an instrument?
    A. It helps students with their grades.
    B. It teaches students hw t read music.
    C. It ffers students mre jb pprtunities.
    20. What is the fee fr playing the guitar per year?
    A. $60.B. $50.C. $10.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节;满分50分)
    Studying abrad prgrams are transfrmative. Yu’ll g t class—but yu culd als explre the timeless and histrical landscape f the cuntries that yu may nt have the chance t visit n yur wn. Since 1987, Internatinal Studies Abrad (ISA) has prvided cllege students the pprtunity t explre the wrld. We ffer high- quality educatin abrad prgrams in Africa, Asia, Eurpe, Latin America, and the Pacific which are bund t turn yur dreams int pssibilities with unbeatable value.
    Enjy Flexibility with ISA
    We’ve partnered with Arizna State University (ASU) t help yu vercme cmmn study abrad challenges by adding ASU nline curses t yur ISA prgram. With mre than 2,100 nline curses t chse frm, ISA minimizes academic challenges, like majr requirements, s yu can make the mst f yur experience abrad.
    21. What is special abut the University f Westminster?
    A. A lng histry.B. Diverse subjects.C. Small classes.D. Traditinal campuses.
    22. When can yu apply fr the Spring 1 2025 prgram?
    A. Oct 7,2024.B. Oct 11,2024.C. Jan 15,2025.D. May 10,2025.
    23. Hw des ISA address the study abrad prblems?
    A. By remving academic burdens.B. Thrugh innvative cperatin.
    C. Thrugh abundant nline curses.D. By increasing majr requirements.
    Last July 26, at arund 11 p. m., an emergency message n the Facebk page caught Callie Clemens’ eye. A tiny black puppy had been sptted running acrss a rad in Spring Branch. Hwls had been heard frm inside a nearby drain, s there was likely ne puppy stuck dwn there.
    Clemens drve t the scene. Once there, she heard desperate cries frm undergrund eching thrugh the pipes. She grabbed a flashlight frm her car and gt dwn. “I was nt expecting t g int the drain,” Clemens says. But puppies were dwn there. “Smebdy’s gt t d it.”
    After lwering herself rughly 7 feet dwn the drain, Clemens crawled thrugh a tunnel befre reaching an area where she culd cruch and search. “I heard splashing.” Clemens says. She pinted her flashlight and saw “tw sets f eyes lking at me”. Then the dgs ran ff. Arund midnight, wrkers frm the lcal Sciety fr the Preventin f Cruelty t Animals (SPCA) arrived and jined Clemens in the drain. They wrked until 3 a. m., trying t track dwn the dgs. But they were nt able t find the tw dgs that Clemens had seen.
    Clemens was nt abut t give up. Althugh venturing dwn a strm drain is terrifying, Clemens says, “It wuld never resnate with me t knw that I left an animal in there t starve and suffer.” She went hme fr a few hurs f sleep, then went straight back t the drain, jined by several vlunteers, including a lcal engineer wh drew a map f the drain system.
    After several hurs f searching, they finally fund ne tiny black pup. Hwever, ne dg was still left undergrund. Clemens climbed dwn the strm drain several mre times t lk fr it, even leaving fd, sme f which had been eaten. But the fact that Clemens had stpped hearing the dg’s hwls made her cnfident that the puppy fund its way ut.
    24. Why did Callie Clemens drive t the scene?
    A. T save a puppy.B. T explre a tunnel.C. T cntrl a nise.D. T fix a pipe.
    25. What made Callie Clemens decide t g int the drain again?
    A. The interest in drain system.B. The encuragement frm wrkers.
    C. Her sympathy fr animals.D. Her curisity abut the puppies.
    26. What cnvinced her that the ther dg escaped?
    A. The untuched fd.B. The hand- drawn map.
    C. The disappearance f barks.D. The message frm vlunteers.
    27. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Callie Clemens?
    A. Kind and determined.B. Brave and demanding.
    C. Smart and encuraging.D. Hnest and adventurus.
    If yu’ve never slept in scks, yu might want t give it a try.
    Sleeping in scks helps t regulate yur bdy temperature, which can lead t falling asleep faster, waking up less, and sleeping in later, accrding t research. When yur cre bdy temperature is regulated, it makes fr better sleep, sleep disrders specialist Breus said.
    Temperature plays a rle in quality sleep. A drp in cre bdy temperature signals t the bdy that it’s time t sleep and ccurs alngside the release f melatnin—the sleep hrmne. Experts suggest keeping yur bedrm between 68 t 72 degrees Fahrenheit fr ample sleep.
    Wearing scks and sleeping in a cl rm culd be the perfect pairing fr a high quality night f rest. If yu wear scks t sleep, ensure they aren’t s tight that they restrict bld flw, wrte Breus. It’s imprtant the scks are cmfrtable s they dn’t becme a sleep distractin. Breus als suggested they be made f breathable fabric s like cttn, linen, r bamb. And yu shuld pt fr a fresh, clean pair, nt the nes yu wre all day, sleep therapist Michelle Drerup said.
    While sleeping in scks is wrth a try t get better rest, it’s nt a cure- all. If yu feel a sensry verlad sleeping in scks, research suggests that putting yur feet in a warm water bath befre bed can give a similar effect. Als, scks aren’t a treatment fr insmnia r ther sleep prblems—yu shuld talk t a medical prfessinal fr nging issues. And peple with circulatin (循环) issues shuld nt sleep with scks withut talking t their dctr first. Besides, there are ther ways t step up yur sleep rutine, and wake up better rested.
    28. What can be inferred frm Breus’s pinins?
    A. Cre bdy temperature depends n scks.
    B. Cmfrtable scks are a sleep cure- all.
    C. A better night rest imprves bld flw.
    D. The selectin f scks is significant.
    29. What des the phrase “a sensry verlad” in paragraph 5 prbably mean?
    A. A cmplete relaxatin.B. A strng stimulatin.
    C. A sense f security.D. A sense f relief.
    30. What des the text mainly talk abut?
    A. The functin f sleeping in scks.B. The bdy temperature in sleep.
    C. Melatnin’s rle in sleep.D. Methds t regulate sleep.
    31. What will be talked abut next in the passage?
    A. The necessity f medical cnsultatins.
    B. Additinal ways t imprve sleep quality.
    C. The chice f suitable sleepwear materials.
    D. The impact f rm temperature n sleep patterns.
    Peple tday are much cleverer than they were in previus generatins. A study f 72 cuntries fund that average IQs rse by 2.2 pints per decade between 1948 and 2020. This stunning change is knwn as the Flynn Effect after James Flynn, the scientist wh first nticed it. Flynn was initially cnfused by his discvery. It tk millins f years fr the brain t evlve. Hw culd it imprve s rapidly ver just a few decades?
    The answer is largely that peple were becming better nurished and mentally stimulated. Just as muscles need fd and exercise t grw strng, the brain als needs the right nutrients and activity t develp. Kids tday are much less likely t be malnurished (营养不良的) than they were in past decades, and mre likely t g t schl. Yet there is n rm fr satisfactin. In pr and middle- incme cuntries, many children are still t ill-fed t reach the cgnitive ptential.
    The wrld grws enugh fd, but several bstacles stp nutrients getting int yung brains. One is war. Families sheltering arund cannt risk ut t plant r harvest, and sme gvernments intentinally starve certain regins int submissin. Anther is disease. Hungry children fall sick mre ften, and the energy they spend battling bugs cannt be devted t grwing brains. Pverty is als a big part f the prblem. But glbal data frm UNICEF, an aid agency, shw that althugh half the children with very restricted diets (including n mre than tw fd grups) are indeed frm pr families, the ther half are nt. Other factrs, such as pr eating habits, are t blame as well. Research abut hw t vercme the bstacles is needed.
    Sme argue that human intelligence will matter less as peple entrust (委托) their thinking t artificial intelligence. T assume this wuld be as flish as betting 100 years ag that the inventin f the car wuld make it unnecessary t walk. In the wrkplace, human intelligence and AI will prbably assist each ther. And brains are fr the jy f thinking, as well as earning mney. Steven Pinker f Harvard University calls human intelligence “a tailwind (顺风) in life”, helping peple adapt ratinally t new challenges r a changing envirnment. Fr a mdest price, the next generatin can have a strnger tailwind. It wuld nt nly be wrng t refuse them the tailwind. It wuld be stupid.
    32. What can we learn abut the Flynn Effect?
    A. Average IQs have risen fast in the past decades.
    B. Intelligence has been stable acrss generatins.
    C. Peple nw are as intelligent as their ancestrs.
    D. Better educatin leads t imprved physical health.
    33. What des the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. The Flynn Effect has reached its peak.
    B. Glbal prblems cntinue despite IQ gains.
    C. Sciety values human intelligence less.
    D. Malnutritin is merely a result f pverty.
    34. What des the authr think f artificial intelligence?
    A. Useless.B. Unique.C. Beneficial.D. Ineffective.
    35. What is the best title fr the passage?
    A. Stages f IQ DevelpmentB. Secrets t Rising IQs Wrldwide
    C. Insights Int Glbal IQ TrendD. Influence f the Flynn Effect
    The experience f mdern life is a cnstant stream f review s where criticism is cmmn, which makes us struggle bth t give and receive it gracefully. 36
    It’s nt persnal (even when it’s persnal).
    When criticized, we ften make it persnal in tw ways. 37 Additinally, we interpret criticism as a reflectin f ur inbrn abilities rather than ur actins. This tendency, bserved even in yung children, can lead t reduced self- esteem, md, and persistence. T settle it, adpting a mindset that separates the feedback frm the persn giving it can help maintain bjectivity and resilience (适应力) in the face f criticism.
    Once yu depersnalize criticism in this way, yu can start t see it fr what it is: a rare glimpse int what utsiders think abut yur perfrmance, and thus a ptential pprtunity t crrect curse and imprve. Studies indicate that actively engaging with feedback imprves academic utcmes. If this desn’t cme easily t yu, cnsider frming a critics’ circle with trusted peers t exchange hnest feedback and enhance resilience.
    Make criticism a gift, never a weapn.
    We all have t give criticism frm time t time. 39 Research suggests five key elements fr prviding cnstructive feedback: the care f the receiver in mind; respectful delivery; gd intentins; a pathway t imprvement; and apprpriate targeting f the receiver’s needs.
    Praise in public, criticize in private.
    40 He used it t mtivate players. Research cnfirms its effectiveness: public praise bsts mtivatin by 9%, while private criticism increases mtivatin by 11% cmpared t public settings.
    A. View criticism as bjective feedback.
    B. Treat criticism like secret infrmatin.
    C. We shifts the fcus frm emtin t analysis.
    D. Therefre, we shuld apprach criticism psitively.
    E. This rule is credited t the ftball cach Vince Lmbardi.
    F. We may naturally analyze the critic rather than the criticism.
    G. The key t criticizing is t remember it is intended t help, nt harm.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节;满分30分)
    Almst every kid has eaten a Hershey chclate bar. But d yu knw the funder f the chclate empire, Miltn Hershey?
    In 1872, at age 14, Miltn tk a 41 at Ryer’s Ice Cream Parlr in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. At 19, he started his first cmpany in Philadelphia, selling taffy. He lved t 42 with candy recipes and sn came up with a sft, chewy caramel (焦糖) that prved t be a big 43 . Things went well fr the cmpany fr a while, but Miltn gradually fund it hard t deal with 44 cmpetitin. In the year he turned 24, his cmpany cllapsed.
    45 , Hershey tried again in Denver, Chicag, and New Yrk. Hwever, his businesses in these cities all 46 bankruptcy (破产). If 47 is the best teacher, yung Miltn Hershey culd argue that he had earned a 48 .
    Sme peple in the same situatin might have 49 . Nt Miltn Hershey. He went back t Lancaster and 50 a new enterprise—the Lancaster Caramel Cmpany. This time, Miltn gt it right. Having learned much frm his earlier mistakes, Miltn and his new cmpany 51 quickly. At the 1893 Clumbian Expsitin, he discvered chclate- making equipment, 52 him t purchase a full set and shift fcus t chclate. In 1894, he pened his first chclate factry in Derry Church, which was 53 and has been knwn as Hershey ever since.
    He was t 54 what Henry Frd was t autmbiles and Steve Jbs was t cmputers. He 55 a luxury fr the few int a treat fr the masses.
    41. A. chanceB. jbC. breakD. lk
    42. A. experimentB. cmpareC. stickD. part
    43. A. accidentB. mistakeC. hitD. reward
    44. A. fairB. academicC. excitingD. grwing
    45. A. AstnishedB. AlarmedC. UnaffectedD. Uninterested
    46. A. gave rise tB. recvered frmC. dealt withD. ended up in
    47. A. failureB. lifeC. timeD. reflectin
    48. A. reputatinB. livingC. frtuneD. degree
    49. A. quitB. recveredC. wnD. insisted
    50. A. expandedB. bughtC. launchedD. fund
    51. A. advancedB. crashedC. separatedD. glbalized
    52. A. qualifyingB. signalingC. inspiringD. appinting
    53. A. definedB. describedC. rebuiltD. renamed
    54. A. enterprisesB. chclatesC. facilitiesD. recipes
    55. A. transfrmedB. dividedC. integratedD. intrduced
    Tai chi, an ancient Chinese martial art, 56 (celebrate) wrldwide fr its lasting ppularity, despite the fact 57 frmal statistics n the number f practitiners are absent. Recgnized by UNESCO n December 17, 2020 58 an Intangible Cultural Heritage, tai chi’s glbal appeal has nly grwn.
    Guillaume Large, a 44-year-ld frm Brdeaux, France, turned t tai chi fr 59 (recver) after a sprts injury ver 20 years ag. His passin fr the art 60 (lead) him t establish an assciatin in 2007, devted t 61 (prmte) Chinese culture in France thrugh tai chi and language instructin.
    In 2013, Large began studying under Chen Ziqiang, the head cach f Chenjiangu Tai Chi Schl in Henan, China. Since then, he has annually brught French students t Chenjiangu 62 (deepen) their understanding f tai chi. Large’s effrts reflect a brader trend: a grwing French fascinatin with Chinese culture, 63 he hpes will cntinue t strengthen.
    Tai chi’s philsphy is rted in the Ta Te Ching, 64 classic Chinese text. It emphasizes the balance f yin and yang, illustrating ppsites that can transfrm int ne anther, challenging cnventinal 65 (belief) f strength and weakness. Large’s jurney and the art f tai chi itself demnstrate this prfund interactin f frces.
    第四部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)
    Dear Jack,
    Li Hua
    Bth f my parents have taught me the values f service and cmpassin frm a yung age. Grwing up, they bth chse service prfessins—my mther as a dedicated nurse and my father as a passinate teacher. They nt nly wrked tirelessly in their respective fields but als spent their nights and weekends vlunteering, emphasizing the imprtance f helping thers in need. Their dedicatin and selflessness gave me a lessn that a life dedicated t serving thers is ne that is truly fulfilling and meaningful.
    Inspired by their examples, I pursued a career in medicine, becming a physician. Fr the past 11 years, I have been wrking clsely with the hmeless cmmunity, prviding them with much needed medical care and supprt. It has been a challenging yet rewarding jurney, as I witness firsthand the impact I can make n imprving the lives f thse wh are ften verlked and marginalized (被边缘化).
    And my cmmitment t these things is the spirit that I have passed t my sn. I am a prud mther t a by wh shares my enthusiasm fr adventures as well as the lve fr thers. He is an enthusiastic bike riders, and I have always encuraged him t pursue his passin while instilling (灌输) in him the values f empathy and kindness.
    I vividly remember his first biking race, where he fearlessly tk the lead and even managed t catch sme air with his daring jumps. It was an exhilarating mment fr him, and I culdn’t have been pruder. Hwever, it was the last mment in the race that surprised me that day.
    As the race prgressed, cmpetitrs were appraching the finishing line. My sn was still in the lead during the race, with the secnd-place rider clsely behind him. Suddenly, the rider behind him crashed, flying ff his bike. The sund f piercing screams filled the air.
    Upn hearing this, my sn stpped his bicycle and turned t lk behind him. _____________________
    In the end, my sn missed the chance t win the champinship. __________________________________
    1 -5 BAABC6-10 BBABA11-15 BCACB16-20 CCBBA
    21-23 CAC24-27 ACCA28-31 DBAB32-35 ABCC
    36-40 DFAGE
    41-45 BACDC46 -50 DADAC51-55 ACDBA
    56. is celebrated/ has been celebrated57. that58. as
    59. recvery60. Led61. prmting62. t deepen
    63. which64. a65. beliefs
    Dear Jack,
    I’m thrilled t hear that yur schl is planning a trip t Chngqing! I whleheartedly welcme yu t my hmetwn, which is knwn fr its unique culture, delicius fd, and breathtaking landscapes.
    I suggested visiting tw must- see spts: Hngya Cave and Ciqiku Ancient Twn. Hngya Cave ffers stunning views f the city’s skyline and river, especially at night when it’s beautifully li t up. Ciqiku Ancient Twn prvides a glimpse int Chngqing’s rich histry and traditinal culture, with its charming ld streets and lcal crafts. What’s mre, please nte that Chngqing’s summer can be very ht and humid. Make sure t stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, and carry an umbrella fr bth sun and sudden rain.
    Wish yu an amazing jurney filled with wnderful memries. Enjy yur trip and feel free t reach ut if yu need any mre advice r assistance.
    Li Hua
    Upn hearing this, my sn stpped his bicycle and turned t lk behind him. He saw the fallen rider clutching his arm in pain. Withut hesitatin, my sn rushed ver, his cncern evident as he checked n the injured cmpetitr. “Are yu kay?” he asked, his vice filled with genuine wrry. The ther racers sped past them, fcusing n the finish line, but my sn remained by the fallen rider’s side. He helped him up gently and supprted him as they walked tgether twards the finish line. Despite the pain, the injured rider managed a grateful smile.
    In the end, my sn missed the chance t win the champinship. Hwever, witnessing this act f kindness filled me with immense pride. As we drve hme that evening, I culdn’t help but reflect n hw ur family’s cmmitment t serving thers had truly shaped his character. I recalled hw he carefully helped the injured rider t his feet, supprting him as they made their way ff the track tgether. His hands were steady yet gentle, his mvements deliberate and cmfrting. It was mments like these that reaffirmed my belief in the pwer f leading a life dedicated t helping thse in need.
    Text 1
    W: Rn, have yu set ff fr the graduatin party?
    M: Hey, Tina. I’m watering flwers in the garden right nw. (1)
    W: Oh, I was expecting that yu were driving t the party. I’ll call yu later.
    Text 2
    M: All right, dear. Pick three daily curses that yu want. Fr example, if yu want this gegraphy curse, click here.
    W: Gt it. (2) But shuld I chse the mrning r afternn classes?
    M: Well, it’s really up t yu!
    Text 3
    M: I’m trying t lse weight but nthing seems t be wrking. I’ve tried running and swimming. And I’m thinking abut finding a persnal trainer.
    W: What I fund helped me was cunting calries. (3) That way yu can wrk ut hw many calries yu have t burn.
    Text 4
    M: What are yu putting n the wall, Jennie?
    W: They’re psters fr ur champinship match next Friday. (4) I want t make sure as many students cme as pssible.
    M: Next Friday? I can’t wait t see yu guys play!
    Text 5
    M: Hld n, Ann. I’ve gt t sit dwn fr a secnd.
    W: What’s wrng? Ww, yu dn’t lk s gd. Hw lng have yu been ut in the sun?
    M: T lng, I think. I’m very dizzy and thirsty. (5)
    W: Well, have sme water first.
    Text 6
    M: All right, we already have tfu, chicken and crn. If we want t eat at hme every night this week, we’ll need t buy mre things. (6)
    W: I’m nt sure what t get. My dad used t d grcery shpping and plan meals fr my family. But nw, yu always make such delicius meals fr us. (7) S stick with what yu knw!
    M: All right, let’s get sme steak and mre vegetables frm the ther side f the market. These will be enugh fr this week. (6)
    W: That sunds great, dear. (7) Yu’ re always gd in the kitchen!
    Text 7
    W: Hey, Dad. My birthday just passed, and Christmas isn’t fr mnths, but I’d be s grateful if I culd brrw sme cash fr shpping. (8)
    M: Well, Laura, what are yu lking t get?
    W: Gail and Beth just gt sme new make- up prducts. (9) I really want t get sme!
    M: Dear, we have s many beauty prducts arund the huse. D yu really need them, r d yu want them just because yur friends have them?
    W: Maybe bth. I want t lk as gd as my friends. When they came back frm the mall with new prducts, they lked amazing.
    M: I knw, dear. But remember, beauty starts inside first. N beauty prduct in the wrld culd cmpete with the beauty f a cnfident persn. (10) S, please, cnsider this befre buying a new prduct.
    Text 8
    W: Here’s yur rm key and the passwrd fr the Wi-Fi. (13) Als, I nticed that yur accent sunds French. Where are yu frm?
    M: I’m frm a small cuntry called Mnac, surrunded by France. Oh, and we speak French there.
    W: Hw interesting! I’ve never been t Eurpe, but I’ve heard Mnac is a small but beautiful cuntry.
    M: Sure, it’s lvely. It has becme a ppular turist destinatin fr very wealthy peple, similar t Abu Dhabi. There is a car racetrack that runs thrughut the cuntry.
    W: It sunds much mre wnderful than my hmetwn here in Suth Krea. (11)
    M: Maybe, but it’s als very expensive t live there! Almst 30% f the cuntry’s ppulatin has ver ne millin dllars—I certainly dn’t have that much mney, s I decided t study verseas, (12) which csts less than studying in Eurpe.
    W: Oh, that’s interesting, because this htel is usually fr turists and business peple. (13)
    M: I’m mving int the drmitry tmrrw and just needed a place t spend the night! (12)
    ★阿布扎比酋长国(Abu Dhabi)是阿拉伯联合酋长国最大的酋长国,面积67340平方公里,其中包括大约200个岛屿。
    Text 9
    W: Excuse me, I came here fr lunch earlier and it seems I’ve lst my new phne. (14) I dn’t suppse yu’ve fund it, have yu?
    M: Nt t my knwledge, madam, but it may have been put int the Lst Prperty bx. Let’s g and see.
    W: Thank yu! I’ve lked everywhere that I’ve been tday… the supermarket, the train statin… and I’ve had n luck, s this restaurant is my last hpe (14) (15)!
    M: Okay… We have a cuple f phne s in here. Can yu describe yurs t me?
    W: It’s a white Samsung with a black case. (16) Oh, srry. I frgt that I just put a new pink case n it.
    M: Okay. This culd be it.
    W: Oh, I hpe s!
    M: Can yu tell me what backgrund pht yu have n yur hme screen, s that I knw it’s yurs? (17)
    W: Sure. It’s a picture f my dg, n the beach… N, wait! That was my ld phne. My new phne has a picture f me and my brther in the frest. (17)
    M: That’s enugh infrmatin fr me! Here yu are.
    W: That’s it! Thank yu s much!
    Text 10
    Attentin, students. This is an annuncement fr all third grade students! Tmrrw is the day when yu can chse what musical instrument yu want t learn t play in the schl band. The gym will be filled with musical instruments fr every student t try. When yu find an instrument yu like, find Ms. Jhnsn n the ther side f the rm and tell her yur name and what instrument yu wuld like t play in the band. (18) Playing an instrument is a great learning pprtunity. Learning t play an instrument teaches yu hw t practice and hw t read music. (19) Many f ur students have gne n t play in their high schl bands. If yu wuld like t play an instrument in the band, yur parents have t pay $50 per year. (20) This fee is due next week. It is fr the music bks, the cleaning supplies , and the instrument rental (租赁). If yu play the guitar, the fee is $10 mre because the strings (弦) are very expensive. (20) If yu are nt able t pay the fee but yu wuld still like t play an instrument this year, please visit Ms. Jhnsn’s ffice.
    A 篇
    21. C 细节查找题。根据文章中“The university features small student- t- teacher scale, creating an enriching atmsphere fr yu.”可知,该大学以小班授课模式为特色,从而营造了丰富的学习氛围,故选择 C。
    22. A 细节查找题。根据文章“Applicatin Deadline Oct 10,2024”可知,申请截止日期是2024年10月10日,故选择A。
    23. C 细节查找题。根据文章最后一段“by adding ASU Online curses t yur ISA prgram”及“with mre than 2,100 nline curses t chse frm”可知,通过将ASU在线课程加入到ISA项目中以及有超过2,100门在线课程可供选择,故选择C。A项中的“remve 去除”与原文中的“minimize 使最小化”不符;B项中的“innvative 创新的”在文本中未体现;D项中的“increase增加”也与原文不符。
    B 篇
    24. A 推理判断题。在第一段提到了Callie Clemens在Facebk上看到了一条关于狗狗被困下水道的新闻,于是她开车前往事故现场。根据后文 Callie Clemens 一系列的行为,以及她说的“Smebdy’s gt t d it.”可知,她开车前往的目的是为了拯救小狗。
    25. C 推理判断题。根据文章中第三、四段可知,虽然SPCA 跟 Callie Clemens一起实施了营救计划,但是他们没能成功,出于对小狗的同情心,Callie Clemens没有放弃,在短暂休息之后她选择返回下水道中再次营救小狗。
    26. C 细节理解题。根据文章中最后一段“But the fact that Clemens had stpped hearing the dg’s hwls made her cnfident that the puppy fund its way ut.”可知是因为狗叫声停止了,所以 Callie Clemens确信被困的小狗已经逃出。
    27. A 推理判断题。根据文章中 Callie Clemens 不顾自己安危,进入下水道拯救小狗的行为可以看出她是一个善良的好心人,同时 Callie Clemens 不愿轻易放弃,两次发出了营救小狗的行动看出她是一个意志坚定的人。
    28. D Breus提到穿着袜子睡觉可以帮助调节身体核心温度,从而改善睡眠质量。他还强调了穿着舒适、不限制血液循环、由透气面料制成的袜子的重要性,并且建议选择干净的袜子。因此,选项D (选择袜子是重要的)是正确的。选项 A (核心体温取决于袜子)不正确,因为 Breus并没有说袜子是调节核心体温的唯一因素,他只是说穿着袜子有助于调节体温。选项B (舒适的袜子是睡眠的万能药)也不正确,因为虽然 Breus提到了舒适的袜子有助于睡眠,但他还指出袜子并不是解决所有睡眠问题的万能药。选项C (更好的夜间休息改善血液循环)虽然是一个正面的健康观点,但并没有直接从 Breus的观点中推断出来。
    29. B 词义猜测题。在第五段中,作者提到如果穿袜子睡觉会让你感到“a sensry verlad”,这是一种不太愉快的体验,因为紧接着作者提供了一个替代方案:泡一个温暖的热水澡,这可以产生类似的效果。由此我们可以推断,“a sensry verlad”指的是一种感官上的过度刺激,这种刺激可能让人感到不适。如果我们考虑选项A“完全放松”,这与“verlad”这个词的含义相矛盾,因为“verlad”通常指的是过多或过度的东西,不会导致放松。选项C“安全感”和选项D“解脱感”同样与“verlad”的含义不符,因为它们都是积极的感受,而“verlad”暗示的是一种消极的体验。选项B“A strng stimulatin” (强烈的刺激)与“verlad”这个词的负面含义相符,并且与泡热水澡这一替代方案的感官影响相一致。是最符合上下文的答案。
    30. A 主旨大意题。本文的主要内容是穿袜子睡觉的功能和好处。其他选项虽然在文中有所提及,但并不是本文的主要内容。B选项讨论了睡眠中的身体温度,C选项提到了褪黑激素在睡眠中的作用,D选项提到了调节睡眠的方法,但这些都不是文本的焦点。
    31. B 推理判断题。文章最后提到,除了穿袜子睡觉,还有其他方法可以提高睡眠质量,这暗示了接下来可能会讨论的内容。
    32. A 细节理解题。在第一自然段提到了一项研究发现,从1948 年到2020年,平均智商每十年上升了2.2点,这就是“弗林效应”的定义。B项错误在于文章明确指出智商得分随时间增加,而不是一直稳定不变的。C项错误在于文章提到现代人比之前的祖先要聪明。D项错误是文章没有提到教育对身体健康的直接影响。
    33. B推理判断题。这句话的意思是“然而,这并不能让人满意。”文章中第三段提到如战争、疾病和贫困,这些问题阻碍了认知潜力的完全实现,表明没有满足的余地。所以即使智商有所提高,仍然存在全球性问题。A项错误是在于文章没有提到“弗林效应”达到了顶峰。C项错误是文章没有讨论社会对人类智能的价值观。D项错误也是文章指出营养不良不仅仅是贫困的结果,还有其他因素。
    34. C观点态度题。作者认为在工作场所,人类智能和人工智能可能会相互补充,这表明作者对人工智能与人类智能共同作用持有积极的看法。A项错误,因为文章没有提到人工智能无用。B项错误,文章没有直接说人工智能是独特性,而是其与人类智能的互补性。“有益的”更符合作者的总体观点。D项错误,文章没有提到人工智能无效。
    35. C 主旨大意题。C项的翻译为全球智商趋势的洞见,这段文字讨论了“弗林效应”,智商提高的原因,以及尽管有所提高但仍存在的挑战。标题“全球智商趋势的洞见”概括了文章的总体内容,提供了对影响全球智商上升趋势因素的深入观察。A项错误,文章不仅仅是讨论智商发展的阶段。B项错误,虽然提到了提高智商的关键因素,但文章更侧重于全球趋势的分析。D项错误,虽然“弗林效应”是文章的一部分,但不是整篇文章的焦点。
    36. D“现代生活中,批评如潮,我们往往难以优雅地给予和接受。”且根据下文讲述的是如何接受和给予批评的方式,故选择D项。
    37. F从第二段最后一句“为了解决这个问题,采用一种能够将反馈与提供反馈的人分开的心态有助于在面对批评时保持客观性和适应力。”可知,F项“我们可能自然而然地分析批评者而非批评内容”为正确选项。38. A第三段讲述的是将批评视为宝贵的反馈机会,而非个人攻击,有助于改进学术表现。建议与信任的同行形成评论圈,交换真诚反馈,以增强适应能力。故选择A项。
    39. G从本段小标题“将批评视为一种礼物,而非武器。”可得出“批评的关键是记住它的目的是帮助,而非伤害。”,故选择G项。
    40. E 从本段第二句“ He”指代对象可知,正确选项为E。
    41. B (工作)。 Miltn 在 14岁时在冰淇淋店开始了他的职业生涯。A. chance (机会)通常指一个机遇或可能性;C. break (中断)通常指中断或休息;D. lk (外观)通常指外观或样子。
    42. A (实验)。 Miltn 喜欢尝试不同的糖果配方。B. cmpare (比较)通常指比较两个或多个事物; C. stick (紧跟;坚持);D. part (与⋯⋯分开)。
    43. C (热门产品)。他创造的软焦糖非常受欢迎,说明了这个产品的成功。A. accident (意外)通常指偶然的事件;B. mistake (错误)通常指错误的行动或决定;D. reward (奖励)通常指因某事而得到的回报。
    44. D (增长的)。随着公司的发展, Miltn 发现竞争越来越激烈,说明竞争是在增加的。A. fair (公平)通常指公正或合理的状态;B. academic (学术的)通常与学术研究或教育有关;C. exciting (令人兴奋的)通常指引起兴奋或刺激的。
    45. C (未受影响的)。尽管 Miltn Hershey 经历了多次失败,但他没有受到影响,再次尝试。A. Astnished (惊讶的)通常指因某事而感到震惊; B. Alarmed (警告的)通常指因某事而感到担忧; D. Uninterested (不感兴趣的)通常指对某事不感兴趣。
    46. D (最终以……结束)。他的业务在这些城市最终都以破产告终。A. gave rise t (引起) 通常指导致某事发生; B. recvered frm (从……中恢复)通常指从某种状态中恢复过来; C. dealt with (处理)通常指处理或应对某事。
    47. A (失败)。如果失败是最佳的老师,那么 Miltn Hershey 都可以获得足够的资格毕业。
    48. D (学位)。如果失败是最佳的老师,那么 Miltn Hershey 都可以获得足够的资格毕业。A. reputatin (名誉;名声)通常指在某个领域的较大成就;B. living (生计)这个词通常指维持生活的手段或来源;C. frtune (财富)通常指数额巨大资产。
    49. A (放弃)。有些人在相同情况下可能会放弃,但 Miltn Hershey 没有。B. recvered (恢复)通常指从疾病或不幸中恢复;C. wn (赢得)通常指在比赛中获胜;D. insisted (坚持)通常指坚决主张或坚持。
    50. C (启动)。 Miltn Hershey 回到兰开斯特并启动了一家新企业。A. expanded (扩大)通常指使变得更大或更广; B. bught (购买)通常指购买商品或财产; D. fund (找到) 在这种情境下,“find”通常指发现某物或某人,而不是开始一个新的商业活动。
    51. A (发展)。他的新公司迅速发展,说明公司进步或发展了。B. crashed (崩溃)通常指突然失败或下降; C. separated (分离)通常指分开或隔离; D. glbalized (全球化)通常指使全球化或国际化。
    52. C (激发;启发)。发现巧克力制造设备,这是他购买整套设备并转向巧克力制作的灵感所在。A. qualify (使合格)通常指使符合特定标准或要求;B. signal (发暗号;示意) 通常指行动中的指示;D. appint (任命)通常指任命某人担任职位。
    53. D (重新命名)。他的第一家巧克力工厂后来被重新命名为 Hershey。A. defined (定义)通常指明确或界定; B. described (描述)通常指描述某事物的特征; C. rebuilt (重建)通常指重新建造或修复。
    54. B (巧克力)。上文提到 Miltn Hershey 是巧克力帝国的创始人,并且他在 Derry Church 开设了他的第一家巧克力工厂,这表明他与巧克力行业紧密相关。因此, chclates (巧克力)是最合适的选择。A. enterprises (企业)通常指商业公司或事业; C. facilities (设施)指建筑或设备; D. recipes (食谱)指烹饪方法或配方。
    55. A (转变)。他改变了巧克力产业,使之成为大众可以享受的产品。B. divided (分割)通常指将某物分成部分; C. integrated (整合)通常指结合或整合; D. intrduced (介绍)通常指首次展示或提出某事物。
    56. is celebrated 或 has been celebrated 考查被动语态。 is celebrated:表示太极拳目前普遍被全世界庆祝。 has been celebrated:表示太极拳从过去到现在一直被庆祝,可能对现在有影响。两个答案在语法上都是正确的,但是它们强调的时间点不同。
    57. that考查连词。根据句意,尽管没有正式的练习者数量统计数据。这里需要一个连词来引导同位语从句,进一步解释说明前面的名词“the fact”,因此使用“that”。“that”在这里不作为代词使用,而是起到连接作用,引导同位语从句。
    58. as考查介词。根据句意,太极拳在 2020 年12月 17 日被联合国教科文组织认定为非物质文化遗产。这里使用介词“as”表示“作为”。
    59. recvery 考查名词。根据句意, Guillaume Large 因为20多年前的运动伤害而转向太极拳以求恢复。这里需要名词形式来表示目的,因此使用“recvery”。
    60. led考查动词形式。根据句意,他对这门艺术的热情引导他在2007年成立了一个协会。这里描述的是过去发生的事情,因此使用过去时态“led”。
    61. prmting 考查动名词。根据句意,他成立的协会致力于通过太极拳和语言教学在法国推广中国文化。这里需要动名词形式作为介词“t”的宾语,因此使用“prmting”。
    62. t deepen 考查不定式。根据句意,从那时起,他每年都会带法国学生去陈家沟加深他们对太极拳的理解。这里需要不定式形式表示目的,因此使用“t deepen”。
    63. which考查定语从句。根据句意,他希望法国人对中华文化的这种迷恋能够继续加强。这里需要个关系代词来引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个句子,因此使用“which”。
    64. a考查冠词。根据句意,太极拳的哲学根植于《道德经》,这是一部经典的中国文本。这里需要不定冠词“a”来修饰单数可数名词“text”。
    65. beliefs 考查名词复数。根据句意,太极拳的哲学强调阴阳平衡,展示了可以相互转化的对立面,挑战了关于强弱的传统信念。这里需要名词复数形式来表示多个信念,因此使用“beliefs”。
    Ppular Subject Areas
    Business, Media Studies, Psychlgy & Liberal Arts
    Hst University
    University f Westminster
    At the heart f Lndn, the University f Westminster was funded in 1838 and has been teaching internatinal students fr ver 175 years. Yu can study psychlgy, plitics, internatinal relatins, and scial sciences. The University has fur campuses: three in Lndn’s West End and ne in the nrthwest brugh f Harrw. The university features small student- t- teacher scale, creating an enriching atmsphere fr yu. The university ffers a wide variety f traditinal and prgressive curses as well as thery and practical curses in the field f media, arts and design. Since it is lcated in the heart f this internatinal and csmplitan city, the University f Westminster prvides a truly British experience.
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    Applicatin Deadline
    Oct 10, 2024
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