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    这是一份2023-2024学年山西省运城市高三上学期开学考试英语试题含答案,共1页。试卷主要包含了 答题时使用0, 保持卡面清洁,不折登,不破损,15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答题前,考生务必先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,认真核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号,并将条形码粘贴在答题卡的指定位置上。
    2. 答题时使用0.5毫米的黑色中性(签字)笔或碳素笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。
    3. 请按照题号在各题的答题区域(黑色线框)内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效。
    4. 保持卡面清洁,不折登,不破损。
    5. 听力部分满分30分,不计入总分。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例 :Hw much is the shirt?
    A.₤19.15. B.₤9.15. C.₤9.18.
    1. What has the man been ding recently?
    A. Taking a business trip. B. Visiting a dctr. C. Taking a hliday
    2. What is the man's destinatin?
    A. New Yrk. B. Chicag. C. Phenix.
    3.When will the tw speakers leave if they get the cheaper tickets?
    A. On Tuesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.
    4. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A letter. B. A used stamp. C. A used envelpe.
    5. What will the man mst prbably d?
    A. Brrw the wman's textbk.
    B. Check the textbk at the infrmatin desk.
    C. Lk fr the textbk in the classrm again.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. Which year f cllege is the man in?
    A. The first year. B. The secnd year. C. The third year.
    7. Hw des the man find the lectures?
    A. Meaningless. B. Interesting. C. Difficult
    8. What psitin des the wman want t apply fr?
    A. A prductin manager. B. An rdinary wrker. C. A team leader.
    9.Hw much des the man's cmpany want t reduce their prductin cst fr the cming year?
    A.By 18%. B. By 15%. C. By 12%.
    10.Hw did the wman learn abut the man's cmpany?
    A. By visiting the cmpany's website.
    B. By visiting the cmpany in persn.
    C. By buying the cmpany's stck.
    11. Hw lng had the man been in Beijing?
    A. Fr tw days. B. Fr nine days. C. Fr furteen days.
    12. What did the man d yesterday?
    A. He prepared fr anther business trip.
    B. He talked t the manager abut the business trip.
    C. He sent the manager his reprt.
    13. What des the wman suggest ding?
    A. Having a get-tgether smetime.
    B. Spending Christmas tgether.
    C. Ging n a trip in tw weeks.
    14. What is the mst imprtant qualificatin fr the jb?
    A. Independence.
    B. Rich sales experience.
    C. A pleasant manner with custmers.
    15. Hw lng has the man been in his present psitin?
    A. Fr fur years. B. Fr three years. C. Fr tw years.
    16. What d we knw abut the man?
    A. He is gd at making sftware prgrams.
    B. He has dne a great jb in his current cmpany.
    C. He was trained t use a similar sftware prduct tw years ag.
    17. Hw des the wman prbably feel abut the man?
    A. Satisfied. B. Surprised. C. Cnfused.
    18. What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A. Why she changed her jb this year.
    B. Why she didn't have any savings this year.
    C. Why she stpped shpping fr clthes this year.
    19. What percentage f their clthes d mst wmen wear, accrding t the study?
    A.20-30%. B.20-40%. C.30 40%
    20. What des the speaker usually d n the weekend nw?
    A. She des sme vlunteer wrk.
    B. She wrks ut at the gym.
    C. She ges and visits her friends.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和 D 四个选顶中,选出最佳选项。
    Creating A Graphic Nvel(连环画小说)
    In the past decade we've seen the rise f graphic nvels that cme in all srts f frms, Nw
    jin authr and illustratr Lizzy Stewart fr ur upcming masterclass, where she'll take yu thrugh hw t create bth the illustratin and text fr a graphic nvel. Yu'll have the chance t find the right frm fr the stry yu are trying t tell, and Lizzy will share her insight int the editrial and publishing prcess f getting a graphic nvel printed, 15 minutes will be reserved fr Q&A sessin at the end f the masterclass, when Lizzy will answer what yu're curius t knw.
    Bking & Payment
    ● The wrkshp fee f t30 is payable in full nline.
    ● Jining instructins and full guidance will be prvided by us a week befre the start date.
    Accessible t All
    ● It's f real imprtance fr us that ur event remains accessible t all.
    ● We have made three schlarship places available fr this event as part f ur accessibility scheme (计划) .Please visit ur schlarship page t find ut hw t apply fr schlarship t the curse.
    ● This masterclass will be presented nline thrugh vide cnferencing sftware. It will als be recrded s if yu are unable t attend the live event, yu'll be able t catch up and access the recrding within tw weeks.
    ● This event will include written text and visuals. Please cntact us in advance s that we can make arrangements t be sure all dcuments appear in a frmat that wrks fr yu.
    21. What can participants d in the masterclass?
    A. Have their wrk published. B. Cmmunicate with Lizzy.
    C. Get Lizzy's graphic nvels in all frms. D. Create graphic nvels in all frms.
    22. What will the event prvide fr participants?
    A. Recrded materials fr a limited perid.
    B. Free access t vide cnferencing sftware.
    C. Written text and visuals fr certain participants.
    D. Schlarships t further their graphic nvel study.
    23. What type f writing is the text?
    A. A review. B. A guide. C. An essay. D. An advertisement.
    The My Way! is back and Henry Winkler, the campaign ambassadr,lured schls and theatres between the 4th and 15th March 2013. The campaign raises awareness f children wh find learning difficult, helping them t get the understanding and supprt f the adults and ther children arund them.
    Henry Winkler set up the 2013 campaign at Dwning Street with Nicky Cx, editr f First News, wh perfrmed the message f the campaign — the things that make us different make us special!
    Henry Winkler is an actr and authr f Ghst Buddy and Hank Zipzer; the Wrld's Greatest Underachiever, whse dyslexia(诵读困难)wasn't diagnsed until he was 30. His dyslexia made schl really hard fr him, s he's wrking hard t make sure that ther kids dn't have t feel as
    bad as he did.
    He says,"Schl was unbelievably hard fr me. Teachers didn't knw what dyslexia was at that time, s I was tagged as a trublemaker. I was tld I was stupid, lazy and wuldn't have a gd jb in the future. But it desn't mean that we are nt incredibly smart human beings. Hw yu learn has nthing t d with hw smart yu are. That's smething I need every child t understand."
    The My Way! tur will return shrtly t a schl r theatre near yu!
    First News has been the widest-read weekly children's publicatin in the UK since it was funded ten years ag. It is used as a resurce in ne in three schls natinwide. It campaigns passinately t help children's vices be heard.
    Fr this year's campaign, First News has partnered leading educatin charity Achievement fr All, which is wrking with schls arund the cuntry t imprve prgress in reading, writing and maths fr children wh have difficulty in learning.
    24. Wh was a dyslexic?
    A. Hank Zipzer. B.Nicky Cx. C. Henry Winkler. D. Chst Buddy.
    25. What can we knw abut dyslexics accrding t Henry Winkler?
    A. They are always making truble. B.They have truble in cmmunicatin.
    C. They are usually uninterested in studies. D. They are smart in sme ther aspects f life.
    26. What can we infer abut First News?
    A. It is a weekly publicatin n an educatin charity.
    B. It wrks with schls t reslve kids' learning difficulty.
    C. It plays a critical rle in helping children with learning difficulty.
    D. It campaigns the message what makes us different makes us special.
    27. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. A Help t Dyslexics B. My Way! Is Back!
    C. Henry Winkler's Campaign D. Dyslexics - Nt Stupid
    Yu've heard an ld Chinese saying befre: Give a man a fish and yu feed him fr a day; teach a man t fish and yu feed him fr a lifetime. Yu may even be ndding yur head in agreement right nw. Hwever, we can have a different understanding f it.
    When a persn is starving, that's nt the time t fill their head with knwledge but t first give the persn a fish - eradicating their hunger - and nly then teach them t fish. Far t ften, peple ignre this cmmn sense first step. They see smene wh is struggling, and they rush t ffer wisdm."Let me tell yu what I'd d in yur psitin,"a well-meaning individual might ffer.
    But few f us understand the anxiety, cnfusin and uncertainty that cme with verwhelming need. Peple meeting with persnal disaster dn't have the ability t think straight. Their nerves may be sht. Their cnfidence may be nn-existent. Can yu imagine what it wuld be like t be in that persn's situatin?
    Rushing t ffer a struggling persn lng-term advice is a waste f time. Instead, it makes far mre sense t help them regain their emtinal balance. Once their ears, heart and mind pen, yu'll have an pprtunity t teach a new skill. But hw d we knw whether a persn needs a fish befre a fishing lessn? Tw things: One is the ability t pay attentin. We need t knw whether the ther persn is pen and receptive, r lking at the wrld thrugh narrwed eyes. Yu can't just take their wrds but have t lk at hw the persn acts and what they dn't say. The ther is empathy(共情). The mre successful yu are, the harder it is t imagine what it must be like t be the ppsite. Try t create a safe envirnment fr emtinal acceptance befre the fishing lessn.
    28. What is the functin f the first paragraph?
    A. T illustrate a cncept. B. T bring in a new viewpint.
    C. T intrduce the backgrund. D. T put up an example.
    29. What des the underlined wrd"eradicating"in Paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Getting rid f.B. Paying attentin t.
    C. Making up frD. Putting up with.
    30. What shuld we d first fr thse in disasters?
    A. Get them t think straight. B. Enhance their cnfidence.
    C. Satisfy their primary needs. D. Teach them a new skill.
    31. Which des the authr prbably agree with accrding t the last paragraph?
    A. Live and learn. B. Never teach a fish t swim.
    C. Put yurself in thers' shes. D. Dn't teach an ld dg new tricks.
    Nw scientists in Lausanne, Switzerland have given three paralyzed men the ability t walk again. Each f the three men had damaged their spinal crds(脊髓) in mtrcycle accidents and culdn't mve their legs.
    T help them walk again, the men had surgery. A paddle-shaped device was placed directly n the lwer part f their spinal crd, belw their injury. This implant cntained sixteen electrdes — cnductrs that electricity can pass thrugh. The researchers made sure the electrdes n the implant lined up with the spinal crd nerves that cntrl the leg muscles. T begin with, the scientist cntrlled the implants frm a tablet cmputer. Just hurs after the implants were first used, all three men were taking steps with supprt.
    In the past, scientists had sme success with similar implants in the lwer spine. Sme patients have even trained themselves ver mnths t be able t walk. This research is different. The patients' brains aren't sending "walking"messages t their legs. Instead, the tablet tells the implant t send the walking messages(as a set f electrical signals).
    The researchers used cmputers t create patterns f mvement — like taking a step — that wuld wrk well with each patient. The patients then use the tablet t chse the pattern they want. That triggers the implant, and the muscles mve in the chsen way. Over time, the men were able t walk entirely n their wn,using a special walker with buttns t excite each leg. One f the men has walked fr half a kilmeter n his wn with the walker.
    The slutin isn't perfect. It is very expensive and it requires difficult surgery. The patients can't walk withut the AI system. But it is a vital step t imprve peple's quality f life. The scientists hpe that in the future they will engineer persnalized spinal crd implants t allw many paralyzed peple t walk again in just hurs.
    32. What des Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?
    A. Hw lng the peratin lasted. B. What damaged the spinal crd nerves.
    C. Hw the implants made the men walk. D. Why electrdes were used in the peratin.
    33. Hw des the authr cmpare the new research with the previus nes?
    A.By presenting the research prcess.
    B. By telling the differences between them.
    C. By listing the numbers f the participants.
    D. By explaining the reasns fr the researchers.
    34. Hw des the device help thse paralyzed men t walk?
    A. The patients emply the tablet t cntrl their bdily functin.
    B. The brains send signals t the lwer bdy telling the legs t walk.
    C. The researchers use cmputers t trigger patients' spinal crd nerves.
    D. The patients can chse patterns f mvement in the tablet t activate the implant.
    35. What is the authr's attitude twards the methd?
    A. Objective. B. Cncerned. C. Optimistic. D. Intlerant.
    根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。
    When yur child begins t beg fr a pet, yu may draw back at the thught f the additinal respnsibilities. Parents usually think f all the wrk and respnsibility having a pet culd bring abut. 36
    ●Teach respnsibility
    A family pet can help shw children the imprtance f prper care in keeping their new friend happy and healthy. 37 Give yur children a sense f respnsibility by having them help meet these needs, whether they feel like it r nt.
    ●Encurage exercise
    If yu've ever been frced t keep up with a yung dg r cat, yu knw hw tiring it can be! 38 By encuraging yur child t play with his r her pet, bth f them will get the exercise they need t sleep sundly and live healthy and happy lives.
    ● 39
    Teaching yur child hw t "play nicely"with and shw affectin fr anther living being is an essential first step tward develping lifelng empathy fr thers. Learning hw t be a gd friend f a pet will teach ne hw t be mre pen and friendly t ther peple as well.
    ●Be practical.
    While the benefits f pet wnership are clear, pets are definitely nt fr everybdy. Raising pets requires a large amunt f wrk and respnsibility. Yu'd better make sure the whle family is aware f the requirements that cme alng with the pet. 40 It's best t intrduce the ptential pet t yur child befre bringing him r her hme t ensure that there is a healthy cnnectin.
    A. Treat thers well.
    B. Frm a clse bnd with a friend.
    C. Pets are great fr helping "break the ice".
    D. But yu can use the pet's energy t yur advantage.
    E. Als,sme pets can be very aggressive twards children.
    F.All pets need t be fed, given fresh water, and exercised regularly.
    G. Hwever, allwing kids t keep a pet can teach yu bth sme imprtant lessns.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分50分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    My wife and I usually dn't keep huseplants. But after having cancer, I 41 t be arund sme life. When my friend Mitch gave me a lucky bamb plant in a bwl, I tld Hannah I wuld
    42 the plant myself.
    When it didn't immediately turn brwn r lse all f its leaves, I was pleasantly 43 .Over the next few mnths, I recvered frm surgery and cmpleted the first rund f 44 . It nearly dubled in height and its leaves were 45 and thick. Bth the bamb and I were thriving ( 茁壮成长) .
    Then, surprisingly, it began t shw 46 f illness. Whatever I did, the leaves kept 47 and drpping. I grew increasingly frustrated and 48 . Once I even yelled,"I can't even care fr a simple plant! I'm failing!"Suddenly, it dawned n me that I had 49 assciated my devted care f the plant — smething ver which I had sme cntrl — with my wn 50 一 smething ver which I had little cntrl.
    I my tumr (肿瘤)returned, it wuld nt be because f any 51 n my part.
    As my anxiety decreased, I began t research hw t 52 the plant. And we bth began t thrive again. Whenever I lk at the 53 I think f Mitch and all the peple wh have supprted me.If the plant54 me, I hpe it will cmfrt Hannah and remind her that ur large55 her after I am gne.
    41. A. declined B. lnged C. hesitated D. agreed
    42. A. play with B. cunt n C. keep ff D. tend t
    43. A. disappinted B. anxius C. surprised D. frightened
    44. A. treatment B. cmpetitins C. applicatin D. talks
    45. A. dead B. shiny C. clrful D. dry
    46. A. expectatins B. histry C. indicatins D. relief
    47. A. brwning B. recvering C. thickening D. trembling
    48. A. curius B. unwilling C. thrilled D. uneasy
    49. A. unluckily B. wrngly C. immediately D. hardly
    50. A. adventure B. excellence C. survival D. judgment
    51. A. failure B. cnflict C. threat D. crisis
    52. A. cure B. remve C. feed D. adpt
    53. A.cancer B. mirrr C. rt D. plant
    54. A. abandns B. utlives C. disappints D. utperfrms
    55. A. frgive B. warn C. assist D. tlerate
    Fan Jinshi, an archaelgist frm Beijing University, first visited the Mga caves as an undergraduate student in 1962. 56 the caves' tugh cnditins, Fan was determined t study natinal cultural heritage and stayed t pursue her dream.
    Over time, Fan's cmmitment t 57 (preserve)natinal cultural heritage grew strnger. She jined the Cmmunist Party f China in 1974 and became even 58 (determined) t prtect the Mga caves when they were fficially pened t turists in 1979. Faced with the challenge f balancing 59 (cnserve)and turism, Fan knew that a slutin had t be fund. She was cnvinced that the caves' scial imprtance far 60 (utweigh)their ecnmic ptential and that scientific prtectin was the key t their survival.
    In the late 1980s, Fan came up with an innvative plan 61 (digitize)the Mga caves, permanently preserving the murals(壁画),painted cultures, and histrical data. In 2016, Digital Dunhuang was launched nline, allwing peple wrldwide t enjy cmprehensive62 (image)
    f the caves.
    In her eighties, Fan Jinshi is as busy as befre, wrking 63 (tireless)t cnserve and manage the caves. She hpes that yung peple will carry 64 the "Mga Spirit"and build a better Dunhuang Academy, 65 she spent her lifetime."Let this be my epitaph(墓志铭)," Fan says,"I’ve dne all I culd fr Dunhuang."
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是校英文报的学生主编李华,本学期该报开设了专栏"My schl, I have smething t say t yu",向全校高三学生征集稿件。请你写一封征稿函,内容包括:
    1. 稿件要求;
    2. 投稿方式;
    3. 录用奖励。
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear fellws,
    The Editrial Sectin
    May 5th, 2023
    In high schl, I was an editr f the schl newspaper at the student unin. And I wn tw natinal awards. I've been s fcused n my dream f being a magazine editr that I've never wasted my time being fake-friendly t peple — I was t busy fr that. I almst didn't scialize much in schl, which meant I almst didn't have any real friends in schl. Unexpectedly, that annyed a lt f peple ut f my expectatin, s they began t talk abut me behind my back. The gssip ( 流 言蜚语) never bthered me since I was s int my gals and had n time t care much. But then I appeared n TV, and things changed.
    When the shw first bradcast last May, I received dzens f mean psts abut me n the media sites, calling me “crazy”, and even sme dirty wrds were used. Wrse still, sme strangers sht their fingers at me. Hw culd they say such terrible wrds t me when they'd never met me? I still tried t fcus n my wrk and tld myself nt t care abut this, but that didn't stp their cmments frm streaming in. Every day, mess messages cntinued t cme in and it seemed n sign f end.
    When I walked int class n a Mnday mrning, sme girls actually pinted and whispered that I brke dwn the TV prgram, I wish I culd have faced all negative things calmly r even ignre the gssip, but I culdn't. Each time I went ut f r int the classrm, there wuld be peple I knew r ttal strangers, staring at me r whispering, nly adding t my sense f shame, and I just wasn't able t shake any f it ff. All the negative attentin started t verwhelm me physically and mentally.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Sn after, all the negative wrds started t destry me.
    I saw a qute in the jurnal."Once yu chse yur way f life, be brave t stick it ut and never return."

    山西省运城市2023-2024学年高三上学期11月期中考试英语试题及答案: 这是一份山西省运城市2023-2024学年高三上学期11月期中考试英语试题及答案,文件包含高三期中英语参考答案docx、山西省运城市2023-2024学年高三上学期11月期中考试英语试题pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共10页, 欢迎下载使用。

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