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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What des the man rder?
    A. A ham salad. B. A beef salad. C. Sme bread rlls.
    2. What is Andrew asked t d?
    A. Put away his tys.
    B. Finish his hmewrk.
    C. G t sleep.
    3. What is the weather like nw?
    A. Cl. B. Cld. C. Ht.
    4. What will Peter use the range peel t d?
    A. Eat as a snack. B. Sak his feet. C. Remve the smell in the fridge.
    5. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a bkstre. B. In a library. C. In a cinema.
    6. What time is it nw?
    A. 6:40 p. m. B. 7:00 p. m. C. 7:20 p. m.
    7. Hw des the wman sund in the end?
    A. Surprised. B. Annyed. C. Disappinted.
    8. Hw lng did Zara’s rund-the-wrld flight take?
    A. Tw mnths. B. Three mnths. C. Five mnths.
    9. Where did Zara start her trip?
    A. In Britain. B. In Belgium. C. In Canada
    10 Why was Zara stuck in the Russian Far East?
    A. Her visa needed t be renewed.
    B. Her plane had a breakdwn.
    C. She ran int bad weather.
    11. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Clleagues. B. Husband and wife. C. Dctr and patient.
    12. Why did the man stay up late last night?
    A. T watch a match. B. T prepare a reprt. C. T clean up after a party.
    13. What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A. Take sme medicine.
    B. Drink sme water.
    C. Ask fr sick leave.
    14. Why des the man want t change his reservatin?
    A. He needs t attend a meeting.
    B. His meeting ended early.
    C. His flight was delayed.
    15. Hw many ther peple are n the waiting list besides the man?
    A. One. B. Tw. C. Three.
    6. When will flight SA285 start checking in?
    A. In abut 40 minutes. B. In abut ne hur. C. In abut ne hur and a half.
    17. What will the man d next?
    A. Check his bags. B. Wait fr a while. C. Apply fr a member card.
    18 What’s the talk mainly abut?
    A. The return f tw lst ntebks.
    B. The value f tw priceless ntebks.
    C. The display f Darwin’s tw ntebks.
    19. What des Jessica Gardner d?
    A. A pliceman. B. A prfessr. C. A librarian.
    20. What d we knw abut the tw ntebks?
    A. They were riginally in a pink bx.
    B. They are in gd cnditin.
    C. They belng t a natinal library.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Everyne meets trubles and difficulties, and everyne needs t get negative feelings ut f their wn systems. D yu have a persn, a place r even an bject that yu turn t whenever yu need a listener and cmfrt? Welcme t pst yur stries belw.
    1. Wh prefers an bject t deal with negative feelings?
    A. Sun Flwer.B. Amy.C. Enkaer.D. Mr Tree Hle.
    2. Which is nt Amy’s pinin n the advantage f sharing trubles nline?
    A. It is easier t tap n the screen f a mbile phne than t speak.
    B. Scial media prvides a sense f security.
    C Peple can speak with reservatin n scial media.
    D. Emtins can be expressed freely nline.
    3. Where are yu mst likely t read this article?
    A. In a daily newspaper.B. In a scial magazine.
    C. In a student handbk.D. In a blg pst.
    Pamela Malhtra has always attached great imprtance t educatin. Hwever, life always seemed t “get in the way” every time she tried t finish her bachelr’s degree. The single mm was s devted t wrking t supprt her tw children that she repeatedly put her wn educatin gals n hld, giving up her cllege prgram n tw separate ccasins ver the years.
    When he was just five years ld, her sn Bnifaci Malhtra nticed her struggling t get her degree, and he made a prmise t help her. “I remember I just tld my mm … ne day, it’s gnna be yu and me,” Bnifaci said. “We’re ging t gain ur degrees at the same time.” Thse wrds prved t be prphetic fr the mm-and-sn du, wh currently walked acrss the stage at the university t cllect their bachelr’s degrees tgether!
    “That prmise, he never allwed it t die,” said Pamela. “He cntinuusly cnfirmed that we’re gnna d this.” Their path t graduatin wasn’t easy, but Bnifaci stayed true t his prmise and helped his mther alng the way. The tw hld tw assciate’s degrees each, s in the fall f 2021 they registered tgether in bachelr-level nline curses. They bth fund the classes challenging, but Bnifaci stepped up as the cheerleader his mther needed. “Mm, yu’ve gt t keep it ging. I knw yu want t stp. We must keep ging,” Bnifaci recalled. “The main thing was just trying t get everything lined up and stay n tp f all the wrk.”
    It tk the Malhtras tw years t finish their bachelr’s degrees, hers in humanities and Bnifaci’s in public safety administratin. Pamela plans t stay at her jb as a crdinatr, and Bnifaci has accepted a jb at university t help ther students succeed in cllege, t.
    Pamela said she was incredibly prud f her sn’s achievement, and she persnally culdn’t have reached her lifelng gal withut the supprt f her family, especially him. “Between my sn and my daughter, they were my greatest supprter,” Pamela prudly said.
    4. What des the underlined wrd “prphetic” in Paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Prfessinal.B. Particular.C. Precius.D. Predictable.
    5. What d we knw abut the Malhtras?
    A. They tk nline curses at the same time.
    B. Pamela thught the curses were mre challenging.
    C. Bnifaci majred in humanities at university.
    D. Pamela nw wrks as a university teacher.
    6. Which f the fllwing statement can best describe Bnifaci?
    A. He’s the gd man f the huse.B. He’s a man f all wrk.
    C. He’s a man amng men.D. He’s a man f his wrd.
    7. What can be the best title f the the passage?
    A. We Value the Time Being with Families
    B. Families Help Each Other
    C. The Hme Is Our Heaven
    D. Each Family Has Its Own Prblems
    A Spanish prject is attempting t 3D print cral reefs (珊瑚礁) t prvide habitat fr fish and prtectin fr beaches and castal cmmunities at risk frm rising seas and ther damage.
    Cral reefs are massively decreasing glbally, and sme scientists say we culd lse 70-90% f ur reefs due t warming cean waters. That has all kinds f serius cnsequences because a quarter f the wrld’s fish live in and arund reefs, reefs are critically imprtant prtectrs f beach cmmunities threatened by high waves and tides, and they supprt a massive amunt f bidiversity. That led marine bilgist Lizzie Fane and her c-funder Alfred Martel, a cmputer scientist, t start Castructin, a nn-prfit rganizatin.
    “Even if yu start n a small scale (规模) ... a square kilmeter already, it culd have a great impact,” Martel says. “It culd really prtect a cast, a beach, r an area where there is a cmmunity living and they need prtectin because the sea is rising.”
    Being able t 3D print is imprtant, because yu match individual sites. Every lcatin is different with different cral species. “It’s like everybdy has a different huse,” Fane says. “Yu can take int accunt habitat requirements f nt just the cral but als the fish that live nearby.”
    Their current technlgy can print varius shapes. The result can be an amazingly natural-lking man-made rck with plenty f crners fr bth cral and ther fish t attach themselves and make hmes.
    The Castructin funders dn’t think they can pssibly meet the glbal demand, s their gal is t prvide the tls — like the 3D printer — fr lcal peple and design the technlgy t use cheap and lcally-available materials t create the artificial cral reefs. N high temperatures r chemical additives are required, and any lse pwder r sand material nt used in ne print will be used in the next. The 3D printer wrks n-site, s there’s n transprt f finished blcks required.
    8. What des the underlined wrd “That” in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. The bidiversity f cral reefs.
    B. The reductin in cral species.
    C. The prtectin cral reefs prvide.
    D. The lss f glbal cral reefs.
    9. What d Martel’s wrds imply?
    A. 3D-printed reefs can hardly save ceans.
    B. Small actins can make a lt f difference.
    C. Small-scale prductin f reefs is a drp in the cean.
    D. 3D-printed reefs fail t prvide perfect fish habitat.
    10. What d we knw abut the current 3D reef printing?
    A. It can just print regular-shaped reefs.
    B. It can use any material t prduce reefs.
    C. It can create lifelike reefs.
    D. It can meet the glbal demand fr reefs.
    11. What is ne gal f the Castructin funders?
    A. Adapting their technlgy t lcal cnditins.
    B. Putting their reefs int mass prductin.
    C. Transprting finished reefs t where they are needed.
    D. Adding chemicals t reefs t make them clrful.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) has hit the headlines in recent mnths, particularly since the launch f ChatGPT in Nvember. The chatbt can nt nly answer a brad range f questins, but als create riginal pems and stries.
    Japan’s first fully AI-created cmic Cyberpunk: Peach Jhn, was released n March 9 by Shinchsha, a majr publishing huse.
    The cmic is based n the futuristic imaginatin f the authr, whse pen name is Rtprt. It describes hw the Japanese flklre (民间传说) her Mmtar, wh is said t have been brn frm a giant peach, lives in a dystpian (反乌托邦的) future.
    All the fancy futuristic bjects and creatures in the bk, hwever, were designed and created by Midjurney alng with ther ppular nline image-generatin AI tls such as Stable Diffusin and DALL-E 2.
    Unlike traditinal cmic vlumes which are usually black-and-white and shrt in length, Cyberpunk: Peach Jhn cmes in full clr and spans mre than 100 pages. A wrk f this length wuld nrmally take ver a year t cmplete by even authrs wh are familiar with cmic creatin. Hwever, with AI creatin, it tk the writer a surprisingly shrt perid — nly six weeks — t finish the whle wrk.
    Despite gaining widespread attentin as the first fully AI-drawn cmic in Japan, the wrk has als raised sme questins and cncern as well. Accrding t Gulf News and CNN, sme peple are wrried that AI technlgy will threaten jbs and wnership in the natin’s thriving cmic bk industry, as well as creativity and artistic value.
    One Twitter user described the prject as “an abslute insult (侮辱) t cmic and cmic artists everywhere.” Anther wrte: “Weird t publish a cmic by AI when yur cuntry has sme f the mst talented artists in existence.”
    But Rtprt has insisted that his cmic bk shuld be cnsidered a wrk f art. “AI cannt yet create a perfect wrk n its wn. Human assistance is essential,” he said.
    12. Wh is the writer f the cmic, Cyberpunk: Peach Jhn?
    A. Shinchsha.B. Rtprt.C. Mmtar.D. Midjurney.
    13 Which f the fllwing is true?
    A. The cmic bk is clrful and extremely time-saving in creatin.
    B. AI technlgy will definitely threaten jbs and wnership.
    C. Japan has the mst talented cmic artists in the wrld.
    D. The cmic bk is cnsidered a wrk f art.
    14. What’s peple’s attitude twards the AI-drawn cmic in the text?
    A. Psitive.B. Negative.C. Uncncerned.D. Neutral.
    15. What is the main idea f the text?
    A. AI-drawn cmics have advantages ver traditinal nes.
    B. AI-drawn cmics have becme a new trend in Japan.
    C. Japan released its first fully AI-created cmic.
    D. Peple have different pinins n the first AI-created cmic.
    When yu’re sitting n an examining table, it’s easy t frget all the questins that brught yu in t see the dctr in the first place. Maybe yu thught yur physician wuld ask yu abut smething, but they didn’t, s yu weren’t sure if yu shuld bring it up. Or a symptm (症状) felt like a big deal t yu, but they brushed it ff. Hw t get the best care frm yur physician? ___16___
    Prepare fr an appintment
    Mst patients feel that the dctr is all-knwing, and that in the medical relatinship they are pwerless. ____17____ This is a partnership. Dctrs and patients shuld wrk tgether as “c-detective”. And that detective wrk will be easier fr yu and yur dctr if yu cme t yur appintment ready. Yu can begin with thinking abut yur current prblems as well as giving yur medical histry.
    If yu feel dismissed by yur dctr, dn’t hesitate t vice yur pinins. Sme helpful phrases can be used in thse mments: “This is limiting my life,” and “I think that there’s smething ging n and I’m having a hard time putting it tgether. I need yur help.” Yu can als ask fr a referral (转诊) t see anther specialist and bring a friend r family member t yur next appintment t ask questins r take ntes.
    Take infrmatin hme with yu
    Taking written r recrded infrmatin hme with yu can help yu remember infrmatin and instructins any time yu need t. Yur dctr is a gd surce f accurate infrmatin yu can trust. Yu can take hme with yu the ntes that yu have taken during the appintment. ___19___ If necessary, yu can even take brchures r ther educatinal materials.
    Fllw up with yur dctr
    ___20___, like taking medicine, scheduling a test r scheduling an appintment with a specialist. If yu’re cnfused r if yu’ve frgtten sme infrmatin, it’s k t cntact yur dctr.
    A. Ask fllw-up questins.
    B Here’s hw t talk t yur physician.
    C. Yur dctr can write all instructins dwn fr yu.
    D. But yur physician can’t read yur mind.
    E. Make sure t fllw any instructins yur dctr gave yu.
    F. Here are sme tips n making the mst f a diagnsis (诊断).
    G. Yu can als take hme any written instructins frm yur dctr.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    One Friday evening in December, tw weeks befre Christmas, I lst my jb withut any warning. I was ____21____ fr the weekend, when my daughter Kristil and I ____22____ t get ur Christmas tree. Then I listened t my vicemail: “We’re srry but yur wrk assignment has ended as f tday.” My heart ____23____.
    I wasn’t just a single parent; I was the nly parent. My paycheck was ____24____.
    The next day as we searched fr ur tree, I struggled t be cheerful as I ____25____ each price tag (标签). Over the next week, I ____26____ applied fr jbs as my bank accunt grew smaller. On a weekend afternn, I drpped Kristil in a ____27____ gated cmmunity fr a birthday party. I watched as she went in, surrunded by all the nice things we culdn’t affrd. I drve hme ____28____.
    Back at hme, I glanced ut the windw. It had been snwing n and ff all mrning. I ____29____ a small elderly wman with shrt white hair struggling t pen her car dr ____30____ the wind. As she gt ut, I realized it was my ld prfessr, Sister Esther Heffernan, whm I hadn’t seen fr abut six mnths.
    “What are yu ding ut in this weather?” I asked as we hugged. “Well, I tried t call last week but culdn’t ____31____. Then I called yur jb and they said yu weren’t wrking there anymre, s I thught I wuld cme by.”
    Just being in Sister Esther’s ____32____ gave me hpe that things wuld be all right. As she gt up t leave, she handed me a Christmas card and kissed me n the cheek. I walked her t her car and ____33____ as she drve away.
    When I pened her card, I gasped (喘气) in ____34____. Hundred-dllar bills fell nt the table. Tears f ____35____ welled up in my eyes as I cunted. I silently thanked her in my heart.
    21. A. annyedB. excitedC. surprisedD. discuraged
    22. A. plannedB. prmisedC. managedD. failed
    23. A. beatB. jumpedC. achedD. sank
    24. A. evidenceB. savingsC. survivalD. charity
    25. A. decratedB. eyedC. replacedD. remved
    26. A. desperatelyB. secretlyC. immediatelyD. carefully
    27. A. prB. cmmnC. wealthyD. rmantic
    28. A. embarrassedB. satisfiedC. defeatedD. relieved
    29. A. savedB. nticedC. sughtD. recgnized
    30. A. withB. frC. fD. against
    31. A. get verB. get ffC. get thrughD. get away
    32. A. presenceB. placeC. situatinD. shes
    33. A. greetedB. clappedC. chattedD. waved
    34. A. despairB. shckC. cmfrtD. anger
    35. A. prideB. guiltC. disappintmentD. gratitude
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1 . 5分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    One f the ____36____ (ld) traditinal pera frms still ____37____ (perfrm) in China, Kunqu Opera was brn in Suzhu, Jiangsu prvince. It ___38___ (list) as ne f the masterpieces f the ral and intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) by UNESCO in 2001.
    Cmbining sngs, graceful bdy mvements, martial arts and dance, Kunqu uses a seemingly endless ____39____ (varius) f gestures t express emtins. Like many traditinal Chinese art frms, Kunqu has been faced ____40____ cmpetitin frm mass culture and a lack f interest amng yung peple. But the recgnitin by UNESCO made it pssible fr Kunqu Opera ____41____ (experience) a revival. Sme artists nted that Kunqu Opera pieces are _____42_____ (clse) linked with Chinese literature and the best-knwn ne is The Peny Ravilin (牡丹亭), ____43____ was written by Ming Dynasty playwright Tang Xianzu.
    When ____44____ “yuth versin” (青春版) f The Peny Pavilin was put n at universities acrss China, it gained great ppularity amng yung peple. One f the actresses received a nte frm an audience member after the shw, _____45_____ (tell) her hw beautiful she was nstage and hw beautiful Kunqu was.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 单句填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    46. Only when we learn t exist in ______(和谐共处) with nature can we stp being a threat t wildlife and t ur planet. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    47. Instead f fllwing the traditinal path f marriage like the _________ (大部分) f girls, Lin chse t study medicine. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    48. He was back in the ffice,________(更新) the wrk schedule n the cmputer. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    49. He narrwly __________ (逃脱) being killed in the traffic accident the ther day. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    50. Cmpared t hw she was when she first started attending my class, Shirley is mre active, smart and __________(精力充沛的). (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    51. With the final exam __________(apprach), sme students are getting mre and mre nervus. (用所给词的适当形式填空)
    52. Many animals are being __________ (legal) hunted and their habitats are being destryed. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    53. It’s imprtant that students develp an ______ (aware) f hw the Internet can be used prperly. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    54. This new test might _________ (able) dctrs t detect the disease early. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    55. _________ (absrb) in writing her cmpsitin in the study, she didn’t hear the phne ring. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    56. 假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter在成都国际学校读书,暑假想到你的家乡重庆旅游。请你给他写一封邮件告知相关情况,内容包括:
    1. 推荐高铁出行;
    2. 简单介绍重庆城市特色;
    3. 期待到来,表达祝愿。
    1. 词数100左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数);
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    参考词汇:高铁 high-speed train
    Dear Peter,
    Hw is everything ging lately?
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Sun Flwer
    When I am thinking abut relieving stress, thughts f my schl’s cherry trees instantly fill my mind. It is this place where I take a walk every day after lunch that helps me t reflect n myself and prepare fr my afternn classes. When the tree blms in the summer, it will symblize the time that we need t say gdbye t ur schl and graduate. Enjying the fresh air and warm sunshine and whispering t the lvely trees abut bth my prgress and challenges are my special ways t find cmfrt.
    When I have trubles in my life and find it difficult t talk t my friends, then I have a tendency t share them with strangers nline. One f the reasns is that it seems easier t tap n the screen f the mbile phne than t speak because, in this case, my anxiety is minimized. In additin, I can freely cntrl the chat cntent and express my emtins withut wrrying abut being interrupted. Mst imprtantly, scial media gives me a feeling f security. Often we dn’t knw wh the ther persn is n scial media, s we can speak freely withut reservatin.
    I have a friend with whm I can talk abut any f my wrries — I ften call him “Mr Tree Hle”. He has been my gd friend since high schl. Whenever I cmplain t him and seek help, he always patiently listens t me and magically calms me dwn. He is always there t “hear ut” my daily small things, s I am mre than willing t share many small things with him. He is truly a reliable shulder fr me t cry n.

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