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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    1. Hw many students visited the Buckingham Palace?
    A. Twelve.B. Ten.C. Six.
    2. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In an airplane.B. In a classrm.C. In a kitchen.
    3. What is the man’s attitude twards the wman’s advice?
    A. Ambiguus.B. Supprtive.C. Disapprving.
    4. What des the man dislike abut his living place?
    A. The surrundings.B. The nise.C. The neighbrs.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Whales.B. The weather.C. A sail.
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What des the wman d?
    A. She des interviews. B. She rganizes training. C. She psts jb advertisements.
    7. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She wrks in a training schl. B. She is ding a stressful jb. C. She will receive training.
    8. Why did the wman chse t be a teacher as a prfessin?
    A. Because f the pressure frm her family.
    B. Because f a teacher’s encuragement.
    C. Because f the passin fr the wrk.
    9. What des the wman think is the best part f her jb?
    A. Being with children. B. Winning thers’ respect. C. Learning different things.
    10. What des the wman want her students t be?
    A. Lifelng learners.B. Creative thinkers.C. Gd cmmunicatrs.
    11. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student.
    12. What des the man think f starting ne’s wn business?
    A. Interesting.B. Helpful.C. Difficult.
    13. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She hasn’t decided what t d. B. She will start her wn business. C. She prefers living a peaceful life.
    14. Wh prbably is the wman?
    A. A student.B. A parent.C. A receptinist.
    15. When will the part-time curse end?
    A. On July 29th.B. On August 26th.C. On August 29th.
    16. Hw much des it cst t take a full-time curse and live in a drmitry?
    A. $1,000.B. $1,160.C. $1,320.
    17. What des the man think f the price f the drmitry?
    A. High.B. Lw.C. Reasnable.
    18. When did Hemingway prduce his first cllectin f shrt stries?
    A. In 1923.B. In 1929.C. In 1952.
    19. What is his first nvel abut?
    A. His experiences during Wrld War I.
    B. The time when he wrked as a reprter.
    C. Thse gifted but lnely and angry peple.
    20. Why culd Hemingway win the Nbel Prize fr Literature accrding t the speaker?
    A. He wrte many bks and stries.
    B. He wrte it with his wn persnal experiences.
    C. He wrte abut his childhd.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2分,满分 30 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Fur bks abut kings and queens
    Frm Queen Clepatra t King Charles Ⅲ, read up n these famus rulers.
    King Charles Ⅲ by Andrea Mills
    Illustrated by Jennie Ph (DK)
    Celebrate the crnatin (加冕) f King Charles I with this illustrated bk, which tells the stry f the King’s life. Beginning with his childhd, it includes lts f fascinating facts and will get yu t knw abut what being King might really be like.
    Queens: 3,000 Years f the Mst Pwerful Wmen in Histry by Victria Crssman (Schlastic)
    Be inspired by stries f wmen rulers frm acrss the centuries. Full f brilliant illustratins, this bk features lts f queens, including Clepatra, Queen Nanny f Jamaica and Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ. It gives lts f rich details f their lives — pets, hmes, clthes and much mre.
    Arthur: The Always King by Kevin Crssley-Hlland
    Illustrated by Chris Riddell (Walker Bks)
    Discver the stries f ne f the mst famus rulers, in the cllected legends (传说) f King Arthur. These ld tales f kings, queens, warrirs, wizards, mnsters and magic have been retld, with lts f beautiful artwrk frm brilliant illustratr Chris Riddell.
    The Queen’s Wardrbe by Julia Glding
    Illustrated by Kate Hindley (Macmillan Children’s)
    This lvely bk tells the stry f Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ by explring her clthes and jewellery. It intrduces us t splendid gwns (长袍), her wedding dress, the Crwn Jewels and her trusty shes. It’s an unusual and fun way t learn abut ur frmer queen’s life.
    21.Wh wrte the bk King Charles Ⅲ?
    A.Andrea Mills. B.Jennie Ph. C.Victria Crssman. D.Julia Glding.
    22.What is the main fcus f Arthur: The Always King?
    A.The life and rule f King Charles Ⅲ. B.The cllected legends f King Arthur.
    C.The beautiful artwrks made by King Arthur. D.The stries f pwerful wmen rulers thrughut histry.
    23.Which bk shuld yu read if yu’re interested in the clthing f Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ?
    A.King Charles Ⅲ. B.The Queen’s Wardrbe.
    C.Arthur: The Always King. D.Queens: 3,000 Years f the Mst Pwerful Wmen in Histry.
    Befre the exams began, Gd tld me in my mind several times, “Dn’t cheat.” But I did nt listen because I knew it was nt easy fr me t get gd marks in exams. Taking ut my ntebk, I cpied the answers frm it and passed the exams with very gd marks.
    I felt guilty and ashamed and asked Gd t frgive me, which I thught was all I needed t d t give me peace. Using my gd exam results I went n further with my educatin. Studying in Kwara State Cllege f Educatin, I culd nt have peace in my mind, thinking, “Yu have dne wrng. The result is nt yurs.”
    At last I went t the leaders f my church t ask fr help, wh tld me that it is nt enugh t say srry t Gd. I must shw that I am srry by putting right what I did wrng. Fr me, that meant telling the principal f the cllege that I cheated in the exams and that I shuld nt have gt int the cllege. I wrte a letter t him, telling him what I had dne and tk the letter t the principal’s ffice and gave it t his secretary, wh read it first. “If this gets t the principal yu will g t prisn, ” she said, “G away and think abut it.”
    I went back t the church leaders and tld them what the secretary said and they said I must still g t the principal. S the next day, I went back t the secretary, wh tk me t see the principal this time. T my surprise, he tld me nt t be afraid but t g t the persn wh was in charge f the exams. I did as required and that persn let me take the exams again. I passed! Nw I am back at the cllege, but, mre imprtant, Gd has taken away the feelings f guilt and I have peace in my mind.
    24.What des the writer tell us with the stry?
    A.Why he cheated in a exam. B.Why he wrte t the principal.
    C.Hw he recvered a peaceful mind. D.Hw he prepared fr the cllege entrance exam.
    25.What played the mst imprtant part in crrecting what the writer did wrng?
    A.Wrking hard at his lessns.B.Ding as the church leaders said.
    C.Ging t the church t say srry t Gd.D.Cmmunicating with the schl leaders.
    26.Hw did the principal react when the writer saw him?
    A.He was gd t him.B.He was angry with him.
    C.He refused t accept his aplgy.D.He thught he had dne nthing wrng.
    27.What finally helped the writer feel gd again?
    A.His genersity.B.His tlerance.C.His hard wrk.D.His hnesty.
    Every 40 days a language dies. This “catastrphic” lss is being intensified by the climate crisis, accrding t linguists. If nthing is dne, cnservative estimates suggest that half f all the 7,000 languages currently spken will be extinct by the end f the century.
    Speakers f minrity languages have experienced a lng histry f persecutin (迫害), with the result that by the 1920s half f all indigenus (土著的) languages in Australia, the US, Suth Africa and Argentina were extinct. The climate crisis is nw cnsidered the “final nail in the cffin” fr many indigenus languages and the knwledge they represent.
    “Languages are already endangered,” says Anastasia Rachel, directr f the Strathy language unit at Queen’s University in Kingstn, Ontari. Huge factrs are glbalizatin and migratin, as cmmunities mve t regins where their language is nt spken r valued, accrding t Rachel. “It seems particularly cruel,” she says, “that mst f the wrld’s languages are in parts f the wrld that are grwing unpleasant t peple.” Vanuatu, a Suth Pacific island natin measuring 12, 189 km2, has 110 languages, the highest density f languages n the planet. It is als ne f the cuntries mst at risk f sea level rise. “Marty small language cmmunities are n islands and castlines easily subject t hurricanes and sea level rise,” she says. Others live n lands where rising temperature threatens traditinal farming and fishing practices, leading t migratin.
    In respnse t the crisis, the UN launched the Internatinal Decade f Indigenus Languages (IDIL) in 2022. Prmting and cnserving languages f indigenus cmmunities is “nt nly imprtant fr them, but fr all humanity”, said Csaba Krsi, the UN general assembly president, urging cuntries t allw access t educatin in indigenus languages.
    28.Which statement best describes the facts f languages?
    A.Climate change is the nly challenge fr minrity languages.
    B.Half f all the languages spken will be extinct in the future.
    C.Climate crisis is a huge threat t many indigenus languages.
    D.Pr educatin is the direct cause f disappearing languages.
    29.Why is Vanuatu mentined in paragraph 3?
    A.T explain the main reasn fr language density.
    B.T shw the cmmn features f endangered languages.
    C.T stress the impact f gegraphical psitin n migratin.
    D.T illustrate the situatin f minrity language cmmunities.
    30.What is the aim f the IDIL?
    A.Supprt migrants t access lcal educatin. B.Discurage peple frm massive migratin.
    C.Prtect the envirnment t reduce the temperature. D.Preserve the languages f indigenus cmmunities.
    31.Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A.Faced with Disasters: Cmmunities Have t Leave
    B.Upset at Extinctin: UN Urges Internatinal Cperatin
    C.Lst fr Wrds: Climate Crisis Brings Threat f Catastrphe
    D.Invlved in Actin: Experts Seek Slutins t Climate Crisis
    The sales pitches tempt: Blue-light-blcking glasses are suppsed t prtect eyes frm the effects f shrt-wavelength light emitting frm ur smartphnes, cmputer screens and LED lights. Given hw much time we spend n ur devices, this sunds like a smart investment, right? After all, eye strain is a real issue and can lead t pr sleep and even eye diseases. The glasses can cst $15 all the way up t several hundred dllars. But d they wrk?
    Elizabeth Esparaz, an phthalmlgist (眼科专家) based in Cleveland, Ohi, says the science that manufacturers share as they prmte these glasses can be cnfusing. Fr starters, blue light is nt just abut tech devices, and it’s nt always bad. “The sun emits a much higher intensity f blue light than human-made devices, f curse, and it’s actually beneficial,” says Dr. Esparaz. It helps ur md, alertness and sleep-wake cycle.
    The prblem is blue light at night: It cntains the release f melatnin. “Melatnin helps regulate ur circadian rhythms (生理节奏) and makes us sleepy,” says Dr. Esparaz.
    S, in thery, wearing blue-light-blcking glasses shuld help peple wh watch mvies in bed r read frm a tablet at night avid sleeplessness. A 2021 review study frm the University f Oklahma that lked at 24 previus studies fund that peple affected by sleep disrders, jet lag and shift wrk fell asleep faster after using these glasses.
    As fr eye strain, a 2021 Australian study shwed that thse wearing the glasses did nt experience less eye strain than thse using clear glasses. And a 2018 review study, als by Australian researchers, fund insufficient evidence that they prevent certain eye diseases.
    “These glasses aren’t ging t be harmful,” says Dr. Esparaz, But, she adds, a lack f standardizatin in the industry means there’s n way t knw if ne pair is better than anther. A mre reliable slutin: Turn n the blue-light-filtering functin n yur devices and limit screen time befre bed. T help with eye strain, Dr. Esparaz suggests taking breaks and using lubricating eye drps.
    32.What is Dr. Esparaz’s attitude tward business publicity?
    33.What can we learn abut blue light frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A.It can be beneficial.B.It may facilitate sleep.
    C.It actually causes health issues.D.It merely cmes frm digital devices.
    34.Australian studies fund that wearing blue-light-blcking glasses_________.
    A.helps prevent eye diseaseB.are nt harmful t eyesight
    C.cntributes t n less eye strainD.benefits thse with sleep disrders
    35.What might be the best title f this passage?
    A.Blue-light-blcking Glasses: Yur Best Chice B.Blue-light-blcking Glasses: Gd r Bad
    C.Blue-light-blcking Glasses: A Gd Business D.Blue-light-blcking Glasses: Smart and Cl
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2分,满分 10 分)
    Self-dubt happens t us during nrmal days r whenever we start smething new. Living with self-dubt can be very challenging. 36 Yet it desn't need t be that difficult. Here are sme strategies that yu can emply t vercme self-dubt and build up cnfidence.
    ●Never cmpare yurself with thers.
    Cmparing yurself with thers is a terrible act. 37 Why wuld yu cmpare yurself with a family member, a friend, r even yur clleague when each f yur lives is different?Yu shuld fcus n yurself and nly yur achievements. This will allw yu t accmplish yur gals withut any wrries.
    ●Only yu are yur biggest critic.
    There is n bigger inner critic f urselves than urselves, nly we shuld be able t judge ur prgress in life, and n ne else shuld have that pwer. 38 If yu wn't d anything like that, then why are yu stressing yurself ut ver situatins like these?
    ● 39
    In life,there will cme many events that we are thankful fr, especially ur awesme achievements.It is better t start keeping track f them. This will be really helpful when yu are dubting yurself. Cmpare yurself t the time when yu felt great,and cnvince yurself that yu can be that persn again.
    ●Seek prfessinal help if necessary.
    Smetimes the situatin can becme t much t handle. 40 Self-dubt can becme a permanent hurdle if nt taken care f. Talk abut yur feelings ften, let all the negative emtins ut, and this will make yu feel a lt better.
    A. Start keeping a jurnal f events.
    B.Reflect back n yur past achievements.
    C.Actually, it falls int the categry f self-harm.
    D. This is the time when we need sme specialist advice.
    E. Being self-cnfident is nt easy and nt everyne can d it.
    F. If yur sister failed t achieve smething, wuld yu let her g?
    G. This srt f feeling may limit yur ptential and break yur cnfidence.
    第三部分 英语知识应用
    第一节 完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分30分)
    I didn’t believe in ghsts (幽灵). Hwever, my mther reminded me many times that I had the 41 . It was all because f a 42 I tld when I was 4. One night I 43 t get ready fr bed, s I lied there was a ghst in the bathrm. Mther was 44 t learn that.
    After that she ften 45 anything unusual—a sudden wind, a vase that fell and gt brken. She wuld ask me, “Is she here?” She 46 my grandmther, wh she said died in a car accident. When I was 14, my lder brther was seriusly ill. My mther 47 me t ask my grandmther t save him. When he died, she asked me t talk t him as usual. “I dn’t knw 48 ,” I said. When my father died six mnths after my brther, mther asked me if they still lved us. I spelled ut the answer which I 49 she wanted t hear: “Yes, always.”
    When I became a writer in my 30s, I wrte a stry abut a wman wh killed herself by eating t much pium (鸦片).
    50 the stry, my mther gt shcked, 51 its exactly hw my grandmther died. Fr sme reasn, mther didn’t tell me the truth. Nw she had 52 : My grandmther had talked t me and tld me her true stry. She asked me, “Is she here nw?” I answered 53 , “I dn’t knw.”
    Over the years, mther always asked me sme 54 questins. Smetimes I really gt 55 f them. And I began t 56 whether there was smething wrng with her 57 . Ten years later, my mther left me frever. Suddenly I felt sad and 58 . It seemed that I had lst everything. That night I 59 abut her and she was laughing at my surprise. When she reached me, I felt as if I had been 60 in the chest with smething: lve, but als jy and peace. “Nw yu knw,” my mther said.
    41. A. chance B. gift C. secret D. experience
    42. A. lie B. stry C. excuse D. plan
    43. A. pretended B. prepared C. refused D. decided
    44. A. satisfied B. mved C. disappinted D. surprised
    45. A. nticed B. questined C. appreciated D. fund
    46. A. asked B. meant C. mentined D. missed
    47. A. begged B. frced C. rdered D. helped
    48. A. what B. wh C. hw D. which
    49. A. imagined B. dubted C. hped D. knew
    50. A. Printing B. Telling C. Reading D. Typing
    51. A. because B. s C. thugh D. unless
    52. A. cnfidence B. prf C. knwledge D. infrmatin
    53. A. quickly B. happily C. hnestly D. sadly
    54. A. difficult B. silly C. familiar D. similar
    55. A. tired B. prud C. afraid D. hpeless
    56. A. understand B. figure C. wnder D. speak
    57. A. eyesight B. mind C. bdy D. head
    58. A. strng-minded B. strange C. relaxed D. empty
    59. A. chatted B. dreamed C. read D. wrte
    60. A. taken B. hit C. filled D. kept
    第三部分 英语知识应用
    第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分15分)
    Have yu ever imagined singing tgether with hundreds f ther peple while yu are at hme alne? Yu can d this in a virtual chir, where members recrd themselves while ____61____(perfrm) alne n vide. These vides ____62____(uplad) nt the Internet and then put tgether int ne vide that can be seen nline.
    The virtual chir was the idea f Eric Whitacre, ___63____ award-winning cmpser and directr. Having received a master's degree in ____64____(music) cmpsitin frm the Juilliard Schl in New Yrk, he applied himself t creating cmpsitins, ____65____ became quite ppular amng chirs and singers. This led t the creatin f the virtual chir. His first virtual chir, “Lux Aurumque”, had 185 singers frm 12 different ___66____(cuntry). Since then, the virtual chir has becme a wrldwide phenmenn and prved t influence the lives f many peple ____67____(psitive).
    A virtual chir helps cnnect rdinary peple tgether, enabling them ____68____(add) their vices t thse f ther individuals and becme part f the glbal cmmunity. In additin, it is a wnderful way ____69____peple arund the wrld t sing with ne vice and thus make the wrld an even _____70_____(gd) place.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分10分)
    注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。​
    Dear Jim,
    I am s exciting that yu will cme t China. I will free frm December 18 and will have a plenty f time t be tgether with yu. I'll meet him at the airprt and then we will take Bus N. 8 fr my hme. Yu wrry abut the weather here in yur last email. In fact, the weather here is quite different frm that in yur city. It isn't very cld, but yu needn't bring many clthes with yu. During yur stay here, I take yu t sme places f interests and yu can taste sme lcal snacks. I am sure we will have greatly fun tgether.
    Lking frward t meet yu sn.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    Student Unin
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw many students visited the Buckingham Palace?
    A. Twelve.B. Ten.C. Six.
    【原文】M: I heard sme students in yur class visited the Buckingham Palace.
    W: Yu are right. But nly half a dzen f us did.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In an airplane.B. In a classrm.C. In a kitchen.
    【详解】M: Excuse me, Ma’ am. Can I exchange my seat with yu? I want t see the views utside the windw.
    W: Srry, but I dn’t like an aisle seat.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the man’s attitude twards the wman’s advice?
    A. Ambiguus.B. Supprtive.C. Disapprving.
    【原文】W: Hw abut ging t Australia again?
    M: Nt a chance. Flying is t exhausting. When yu arrive, yu need tw days t recver. It’s nt wrth it. I prefer t stay hme and watch my favrite TV series.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the man dislike abut his living place?
    A. The surrundings.B. The nise.C. The neighbrs.
    原文】W: What d yu like abut the area where yu live?
    M: I find walking in the muntains very enjyable, and anther gd thing is the friendly neighbrs. But I find the nise f cars very unpleasant.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Whales.B. The weather.C. A sail.
    【原文】W: After being kept in by the bad weather ver the past week, sightings n the sea were great yesterday.
    M: Cmpared with the rugh sea befre, the sea yesterday was rather calm.
    W: And there were whales f all varieties ut there.
    6. What des the wman d?
    A. She des interviews. B. She rganizes training. C. She psts jb advertisements.
    7. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She wrks in a training schl. B. She is ding a stressful jb. C. She will receive training.
    【答案】6. B 7. B
    【原文】M: Hey, Suzanne. What are yu ding nw?
    W: I wrk in Human Resurces nw. I’m in charge f training, er, that’s bth fr new emplyees and fr emplyees wh have already been here fr a while. I find trainers, rganize curses, things like that. Right nw I’m planning the training prgram fr next year. It’s the mst imprtant training prgram, s I am under a lt f pressure nw. But I’m enjying it.
    8. Why did the wman chse t be a teacher as a prfessin?
    A. Because f the pressure frm her family.
    B. Because f a teacher’s encuragement.
    C. Because f the passin fr the wrk.
    9. What des the wman think is the best part f her jb?
    A. Being with children. B. Winning thers’ respect. C. Learning different things.
    10. What des the wman want her students t be?
    A. Lifelng learners.B. Creative thinkers.C. Gd cmmunicatrs.
    【答案】8. C 9. A 10. A
    【原文】M: Welcme t ur prgram, Miss Jhnsn. Cngratulatins n winning the Teacher f the Year award.
    W: Thank yu, Peter. I’m mre than happy t be here.
    M: What inspired yu t be a teacher, Miss Jhnsn?
    W: Well, I’ve always lved t learn, but I’ve enjyed teaching thers even mre. It’s in the family.
    M: Culd yu tell us what the best part abut yur jb is?
    W: Getting t knw all f the different kids and cmmunicating with them. I have always lved kids. S, I will always enjy that part f my jb.
    M: Then, what d yu hpe t achieve by being a teacher?
    W: My gal is t help my students develp awareness f their strengths, weaknesses, and learning needs, and t enable them t learn thrughut their lives.
    M: That sunds great.
    11. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student.
    12. What des the man think f starting ne’s wn business?
    A. Interesting.B. Helpful.C. Difficult.
    13. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She hasn’t decided what t d.
    B. She will start her wn business.
    C. She prefers living a peaceful life.
    【答案】11. A 12. B 13. A
    【原文】W: It’s difficult t find a suitable jb this year. I have pressure.
    M: Nw cllege graduates are being encuraged t start their wn businesses. It sunds really gd fr us. We can get sme valuable scial experience, which will be helpful fr ur future jbs. We may als knw mre abut urselves and sciety better.
    W: Yes, but it is nt as easy as yu imagine. There are a lt f prblems. The main difficulty is mney. And ur educatin desn’t prvide enugh knwledge n hw t d it.
    M: Maybe yu are right. But ur gvernment allws cllege graduates t brrw mney frm banks and maybe sme can get mney frm their parents.
    W: But yu have t pay back the mney sner r later. S sme cllege graduates prefer t live a peaceful life rather than start their wn business thrugh jb-hunting. It’s very cmpetitive.
    M: Oh, they dn’t have dreams. But I have made up my mind. Hw abut yu?
    W: Well, it always takes time t cnsider befre making a decisin.
    14. Wh prbably is the wman?
    A. A student.B. A parent.C. A receptinist.
    15. When will the part-time curse end?
    A. On July 29th.B. On August 26th.C. On August 29th.
    16. Hw much des it cst t take a full-time curse and live in a drmitry?
    A. $1,000.B. $1,160.C. $1,320.
    17. What des the man think f the price f the drmitry?
    A. High.B. Lw.C. Reasnable.
    【答案】14. C 15. B 16. B 17. C
    【原文】W: Gd mrning, sir. Hw may I help yu?
    M: I want t take the summer curses in yur schl. Can yu tell me sme infrmatin abut that?
    W: Certainly. We have lng part-time curses and shrt full-time curses during this summer. The part-time curse lasts fr eight weeks. It’s abut ten hurs a week. The full-time curses lasts fr fur weeks and it’s abut twenty hurs each week.
    M: Hw many students are there in a class?
    W: There are a lt f students in the schl. We want t make sure every student has a gd learning experience, s there are n mre than ten students in each class.
    M: Culd yu please tell me when the part-time and full-time curses start?
    W: Sure. The part-time curse begins n July 1st and lasts until August 26th, and the full-time curse is frm July 1st t July 29th.
    M: Hw much d I have t pay fr a curse?
    W: Well, bth curses cst 1,000 dllars.
    M: D I have t find a place myself?
    W: N, we can prvide a drmitry fr yu. Yu can live in the drmitry fr 40 dllars a week.
    M: 40 dllars? That’s fair. Thank yu very much.
    W: Yu are welcme.
    18. When did Hemingway prduce his first cllectin f shrt stries?
    A. In 1923.B. In 1929.C. In 1952.
    19. What is his first nvel abut?
    A. His experiences during Wrld War I.
    B. The time when he wrked as a reprter.
    C. Thse gifted but lnely and angry peple.
    20. Why culd Hemingway win the Nbel Prize fr Literature accrding t the speaker?
    A. He wrte many bks and stries.
    B. He wrte it with his wn persnal experiences.
    C. He wrte abut his childhd.
    【答案】18. A 19. C 20. B
    【详解】M: Tday we’ ll talk abut Ernest Hemingway, the famus American writer. Like many great writers, many f Hemingway’s bks and stries were based n his persnal experiences. In 1923, he prduced his first cllectin f shrt stries, and mst f the stries related t his childhd. As we knw, in his early twenties, Hemingway lived in Paris and knew many famus writers and artists there. S in his first nvel, The Sun Als Rises, he wrte abut thse gifted but lnely and angry peple. In 1929, he prduced his furth nvel, A Farewell t Arms, which was based n his experiences during Wrld War II. During Wrld War I, he wrked as a reprter in Eurpe, and he used these experiences t write Acrss the River and int the Trees. In 1952, he wrte a shrt nvel, The Old Man and the Sea. Fr this bk, he wn the Nbel Prize fr Literature. Why is it the best? As I said, when he was yunger, he used t g fishing with his father and in his later years, deep-sea fishing remained his favurite hbby. He was able t write a pwerful stry because f his wn persnal experiences.
    【答案】21.A 22.B 23.B
    21.细节理解题。根据 King Charles by Andrea Mills部分的内容“King Charles Ⅲ by Andrea Mills(查尔斯国王Ⅲ 作者:安德里亚·米尔斯)”可知,King Charles Ⅲ的作者是Andrea Mills。故选 A项。
    22.细节理解题。根据Arthur: The Always King by Kevin Crssley-Hlland 部分的内容“Discver the stries f ne f the mst famus rulers, in the cllected legends (传说) f King Arthur.(在亚瑟王的传说集锦中,探索一位最著名的统治者的故事。)”可知, Arthur: The Always King的焦点是亚瑟王的传说集锦。故选 B项。
    23.细节理解题。根据 The Queen’s Wardrbe by Julia Glding 部分的内容“by explring her clthes and jewellery(通过探索她的衣服和珠宝)”以及“It intrduces us t splendid gwns (长袍), her wedding dress, the Crwn Jewels and her trusty shes.(它向我们介绍了华丽的礼服,她的婚纱,皇冠上的珠宝和她值得信赖的鞋子。)”可知,朱莉娅·戈尔丁的《女王的衣橱》介绍的是和女王的服饰相关,所以,如果你对伊丽莎白女王二世的服装感兴趣,可以看的是朱莉娅·戈尔丁的《女王的衣橱》。故选B项。
    【答案】24.C 25.B 26.A 27.D
    24.推理判断题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其是最后一段的“Nw I am back at the cllege, but, mre imprtantly, Gd has taken away the feelings f guilt and I have peace in my mind. (现在我回到了大学,但更重要的是,上帝带走了我的罪恶感,让我有了内心的宁静)”可知,本文主要讲述作者是如何恢复内心的宁静的。由此可知,C. Hw he recvered a peaceful mind. (他如何恢复内心的宁静)符合以上说法。故选C项。
    25.细节理解题。根据第三段的“At last I went t the leaders f my church t ask fr help, wh tld me that it is nt enugh t say srry t Gd. I must shw that I am srry by putting right what I did wrng. (最后,我去向教堂的神父寻求帮助,他们告诉我向上帝求助是不够的。我必须通过纠正我所做的错事来表示我的歉意)”可知,作者按照神父所说的来做,即纠正自己的错误,让作者最终获得内心的宁静。由此可知,B. Ding as the church leaders said. (照着神父所说的做)符合以上说法。故选B项。
    26.细节理解题。根据文章第四段的“T my surprise, he tld me nt t be afraid but t g t the persn wh was in charge f the exams. (让我吃惊的是,他告诉我不要害怕,去找那个负责考试的人)”可知,校长的态度是温和的,并没有责备或惩罚作者。由此可知,A. He was gd t him. (他对他友好)符合以上说法。故选A项。
    27.推理判断题。根据文章第一段的Befre the exams began, Gd tld me in my mind several times, “Dn’t cheat. ” (在考试之前,我脑海里一直告诉自己“不要作弊”),倒数第二段的“I wrte a letter t him, telling him what I had dne and tk the letter t the principal’s ffice and gave it t his secretary (我写了一封信给他,告诉他我所做的事情,然后把信送到校长办公室教给他的秘书)”和最后一段的“I did as required and that persn let me take the exams again. I passed! (我按要求做了,然后那个人让我再考一次。我通过了!)”可知,作者把自己作弊的事告诉校长和负责考试的人后,他有了一次重考的机会,并且通过了。由此推知,最终帮到作者的是他的诚实。故选D项。
    【答案】28.C 29.D 30.D 31.C
    28.细节理解题。根据第一段的“Every 40 days a language dies. This “catastrphic” lss is being intensified by the climate crisis. (每40天就有一种语言消亡。气候危机加剧了这种“灾难性”损失。)”和第二段的“The climate crisis is nw cnsidered the “final nail in the cffin” fr many indigenus languages and the knwledge they represent. (气候危机现在被认为是许多土著语言及其所代表的知识的“棺材上的最后一颗钉子”。)”可知,气候危机是造成许多土著语言消失的最后致命一击,也是巨大的威胁。故选C。
    29.推理判断题。根据第三段的“that mst f the wrld’s languages are in parts f the wrld that are grwing unpleasant t peple. (世界上大部分的语言都是在人们越来越不喜欢的地方使用的。)”及“Vanuatu, a Suth Pacific island natin measuring 12, 189 km2, has 110 languages, the highest density f languages n the planet. It is als ne f the cuntries mst at risk f sea level rise.(瓦努阿图是南太平洋的一个岛国,面积为12,189平方公里,拥有110种语言,是地球上语言密度最高的国家。它也是海平面上升风险最大的国家之一。)”可推断,举了瓦努阿图这个地方为例,说明那里的语言密度是全世界最高的,但也是其中一个面临海平面上升而面临土著语言消失的国家之一,阐明了土著语言社区的现状。故选D。
    30.细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Prmting and cnserving languages f indigenus cmmunities is “nt nly imprtant fr them, but fr all humanity” (促进和保护土著社区的语言“不仅对他们很重要,对全人类也很重要”)”可知,这个组织的目的在于保护濒临消失的土著语言。故选D。
    31.主旨大意题。根据第一段“Every 40 days a language dies. This ‘catastrphic’ lss is being intensified by the climate crisis, accrding t linguists. If nthing is dne, cnservative estimates suggest that half f all the 7000 languages currently spken will be extinct by the end f the century. (每40天就有一种语言消亡。语言学家表示,气候危机加剧了这种“灾难性”的损失。保守估计,如果不采取任何措施,到本世纪末,目前使用的7000种语言中有一半将灭绝。)”及全文可知,文章主要解释了土著语言濒临消失的原因,就是气候危机造成土著社区的生存环境恶化,一些土著人不得不迁徙去其他地方,导致语言被同化。所以“Lst fr Wrds: Climate Crisis Brings Threat f Catastrphe(语言的消失:气候危机带来灾难的威胁)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选C。
    【答案】32.D 33.A 34.C 35.B
    32.推理判断题。根据第二段“Elizabeth Esparaz, an phthalmlgist (眼科专家) based in Cleveland, Ohi, says the science that manufacturers share as they prmte these glasses can be cnfusing. (总部位于俄亥俄州克利夫兰市的眼科医生伊丽莎白·埃斯帕拉兹说,制造商在推广这些眼镜时所分享的科学知识可能会让人感到困惑)”可推知,商家宣传的理论是受到质疑的。故选D。
    33.推理判断题。根据第二段““The sun emits a much higher intensity f blue light than human-made devices, f curse, and it’s actually beneficial,” says Dr. Esparaz (“当然,太阳发出的蓝光强度比人造设备要强得多,而且它实际上是有益的,” 埃斯帕拉兹博士说)”可推知,太阳散发出的蓝光是有益的。故选A。
    34.细节理解题。根据第五段 “As fr eye strain, a 2021 Australian study shwed that thse wearing the glasses did nt experience less eye strain than thse using clear glasses. (至于眼睛疲劳,2021年澳大利亚的一项研究表明,戴眼镜的人并不比戴透明眼镜的人经历的眼睛疲劳小)”可知,戴蓝光眼镜并不会减少眼疲劳。故选C。
    35.主旨大意题。根据第一段“The sales pitches tempt: Blue-light-blcking glasses are suppsed t prtect eyes frm the effects f shrt-wavelength light emitting frm ur smartphnes, cmputer screens and LED lights. Given hw much time we spend n ur devices, this sunds like a smart investment, right? After all, eye strain is a real issue and can lead t pr sleep and even eye diseases. The glasses can cst $15 all the way up t several hundred dllars. But d they wrk?(销售宣传很诱人:防蓝光眼镜应该可以保护眼睛免受智能手机、电脑屏幕和LED灯发出的短波光的影响。考虑到我们在设备上花费的时间,这听起来是一项明智的投资,对吧?毕竟,眼睛疲劳是一个真正的问题,它会导致睡眠不佳甚至眼疾。这种眼镜的价格从15美元到几百美元不等。但它们真的有效吗?)”结合文章通过提出问题-分析问题-提出解决方案的方式解答了蓝光眼镜是否能够起作用,并给出具体应对措施。由此可知,文章谈论了蓝光眼镜好坏的问题,B选项“防蓝光眼镜:好还是坏”最符合文章标题。故选B。
    36. G 37. D 38. C 39. B 40. E
    41—45 BACDB 46—50 BACDC 51—55 ABCDA 56—60 CBDBC
    61.perfrming 62.are upladed 63.an 64.musical 65.which 66.cuntries 67.psitively 68.t add 69.fr 70.better
    1.1.exciting→excited 2.在free前加be 3.删除a 4.fr→t 5.wrry→wrried
    6.but→s 7.在take前加will 8.interests→interest 9.greatly→great 10.meet→meeting
    Dear Mary
    In rder t relieve the stress n us students, a 20-kilmeter-lng hiking will be rganized next week.
    T begin with, the hiking is scheduled n next Thursday frm 8 am t 2 pm. We will set ut at the schl-gate and the rute will carry us by the Renmin Park, City Museum, Great Theatre and finally Peace Park in the rural area. Because the hiking is lng, yu shuld take enugh water and prtect yurselves frm being sunburnt during the activity.
    Hpefully, yu will make it and will have a great time.
    Student Unin

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