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      陕西省西安市2023-2024学年高三上学期10月联考模拟考试英语试题 (原卷版).docx
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      陕西省西安市2023-2024学年高三上学期10月联考模拟考试英语试题 (解析版).docx
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    这是一份2023-2024学年陕西省西安市高三上学期10月联考模拟考试英语试题含答案,文件包含陕西省西安市2023-2024学年高三上学期10月联考模拟考试英语试题原卷版docx、陕西省西安市2023-2024学年高三上学期10月联考模拟考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共44页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Which animal des the man think is mst special?
    A. Ducks. B. Birds. C. Hrses.
    2. Where is the wman ging tnight?
    A. The library. B. The stadium. C. The cafe.
    3. What will the man have fr tmrrw’s breakfast?
    A. Egg rlls. B. Fried eggs. C. Biled eggs.
    4. What des the man think f the new twels?
    A. They’re quite useful. B. They’re a bit expensive C. They’re very cmfrtable.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A science fictin mvie. B. A new GPS device. C. A chat prgram.
    6. What did Max d this mrning?
    A. He had a walk. B. He cleaned the flr. C. He ate sme beef.
    7. Hw des the wman sund?
    A. Srry. B. Angry. C. Happy.
    8. What is the man’s majr cncern abut using gas?
    A. It csts t much in winter.
    B. It will cause envirnmental pllutin.
    C It invlves a risk f blwing up the huse.
    9. What surce f energy will the speakers use t heat the huse?
    A. Cal. B. Slar pwer. C. Wind energy.
    10. Why des the wman find the pems hard?
    A. They fcused n sme difficult tpics.
    B. They are written in different languages.
    C. They have existed fr quite a lng time.
    11 What day is it tday?
    A. Sunday. B. Saturday. C. Mnday.
    12. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Father and daughter. B. Teacher and student. C. Husband and wife.
    13. Where are the speakers?
    A. On a beach B. In the wds. C. At their hme.
    14. What did the wman d in the mrning?
    A. She stred water in the vehicle.
    B. She tk a picture f the vehicle.
    C. She filled the vehicle up with gas.
    15. What seasn is it nw in Sctland?
    A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter.
    16. What will the man d next?-
    A. Take a shwer. B. Turn the heat n. C. Check the amunt f gas.
    17. What is the speaker ding?
    A. Reprting a study n nvels. B. Intrducing sme bks. C. Teaching a writing class.
    18. When will The Dark be published?
    A. In 13 days. B. In 10 days. C. In 7 days.
    19. Which cuntry des Jhn Clarke cme frm?
    A. The US. B. Australia. C. Japan.
    20. Where can the listeners get mre infrmatin?
    A. Frm a library. B. Frm the Internet. C. Frm a bkstre.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Sme f yu just need a tl that will allw yu t get yur daily dse f advanced English when yu want it. The best tl t d that is a language app. Here are sme fr yu.
    Magsh ffers a few excellent mdules fr learners. These are especially useful if yu’re studying fr an English exam. Advanced English learners will find the vcabulary builder app especially useful. We never stp learning new wrds, and the Magsh vcabulary app includes wrds that wuld be challenging even fr native speakers!
    This language learning website and app is designed t get yu cmfrtable with everyday English by cmbining all the benefits f cmplete immersin and native-level cnversatins. Its lessns are based n authentic vides—everything frm mvie trailers t inspiring talks t news reprts—with added learning tls like interactive subtitles (字幕).
    Blinkist has summarized bks n many different categries, including science, parenting, entrepreneurship, psychlgy, plitics and educatin.just t name a few f the 27categries available. T tp it all, each summary has its wn native audi available! S if yu dn’t feel like reading but still want t knw why everybdy is reading Make yur Bed by William H. McRaven. just press play and clse yur eyes.
    G Crrect
    G Crrect will send yu ne questin every day frm Mnday t Friday. Yu have t answer it by using 70 wrds r less, and a language teacher will crrect yur answer and send yu feedback. Yu can chse t get intermediate, advanced r business-related questins. and if yu dn’t make many mistakes, the number f wrds yu can write ges up t 80.
    1. What is Magsh mst suitable fr?
    A. Enriching vcabulary.B. Imprving listening skill.
    C. Practising ral English.D. Develping writing skill.
    2. What’s the appeal f G Crrect?
    A. Authentic vides.B. Teachers’ feedback.
    C. Everyday questin.D. Native cnversatin.
    3. Thse wh prefer listening t bks can chse ______.
    A. MagshB. FluentUC. BlinkistD. G Crrect
    Artist Tm Campbell has exhibited his wrk at Outlaw Studis at Marina Cmmercial Park. The exhibitin is Tm’s largest ne t date and includes affrdable art. The interactive shw is made up f drawings, paintings, sculptures and live perfrmances. Thrughut the exhibitin, Tm is wrking, giving the public an pprtunity t watch inside his studi and have their prtraits drawn. Peple can als cmmissin a piece f their chsing.
    Wall painting is part f Tm’s utput. He has created a wall painting fr Electric Picnic, alng with fur ther artists invited t take part in this cmmissin. His wall painting has a special theme, prtrayed by dves (鸽子). As well as his anti-war standpint, he is ding smething meaningful. Tm is a funding member f a tree planting prject called Trees Please. The grup has distributed 10,000 trees in abut fur years acrss Ireland.
    Humur is als imprtant fr Tm in his art. He can treat heavy subjects with irny, ften emplying an aggressive cmbinatin f lively clrs and animals with wistful expressins cmmunicating the imprtance f respect, peace, understanding and lve. He has dne creative wrk fr mental health charities.
    Tm was brn with a lve fr art. He enjys playing musical instruments in public, like the vilin. He gets lts f smiles frm peple. He als sings and has an nline channel featuring his sngs, which are very imprvised (即兴的). All this creativity is a lifeline fr him, wh believes that art is a necessity rather than a luxury.
    Art is smething everybdy can d. If creativity was embraced by peple in an pen way, it culd transfrm sciety. Art can bring a lt f jy. Everyne is creative and enjys creativity whether it’s music r visual art r whatever.
    4. What d we knw abut Tm’s exhibitin?
    A. It is targeted at the rich.
    B. It takes n a variety f frms.
    C. It is the largest ne thrughut art histry.
    D. It ffers an pprtunity t practise drawing.
    5. What des paragraph 2 mainly tell us abut Tm?
    A. His sense f humr and creativity.
    B. His effrt t prtect plants and animals.
    C. His advice n painting and planting trees.
    D. His passin fr peace and the envirnment.
    6. What can we learn frm Tm’s imprvised sngs?
    A. He has creative talent.B. Art is a luxury.
    C. Art has n bundaries.D. He is ppular in public.
    7. In which clumn f a magazine can the text prbably appear?
    A. Literature.B. Finance.C. Figure.D. Sciety.
    Humans have lng knwn that being in nature is gd fr the mind and bdy. Frm indigenus (本土的) adlescents cmpleting the adult ceremny in the wild t mdern East Asian cultures taking “frest baths”, many have lked t nature as a place fr healing and persnal grwth. But the questin still remains. Hw can nature make it?
    There is n dubt that being in nature reduces the physilgical symptms f stress in ur bdies. What this means is that we are less likely t be anxius and fearful in nature, and therefre we can be mre pen t ther peple and creative patterns f thught. Als, nature ften leads t awe, wnder and respect, all these emtins facilitating everything frm physical t mental health. There is als sme evidence that expsure t nature impacts the brain. Viewing natural beauty makes specific reward circuits in the brain assciated with dpamine release, a chemical that gives us a sense f purpse, jy and energy t pursue ur gals.
    But, regrettably, peple seem t be spending less time utdrs and less time in nature than befre. It is als clear that, in the past 30 years, peple’s levels f stress and sense f “busyness” have risen dramatically. These jint frces have led envirnmental writer Richard Luv t cin the term “Nature Deficit Disrder”—a frm f suffering that cmes frm a sense f discnnectin frm nature and its pwers.
    Perhaps we shuld take nte and try a curse crrective. The 19th century philspher Ralph Wald Emersn nce wrte abut nature, “There I feel that nthing can befall me in life—n disgrace, n calamity.” The science speaks t Emersn’s intuitin. It’s time t realize that nature is mre than just a material resurce. It’s als a pathway t human health and happiness.
    8. Why are “indigenus adlescents” and “mdern East Asian cultures” mentined in paragraph 1?
    A. T clarify a viewpint.B. T answer the questin belw.
    C. T present the natural scenery.D. T shw the cultural differences.
    9. What des the underlined wrd “facilitating” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Restricting.B. Expsing.C. Prmting.D. Cvering.
    10. What is the tne f the authr in writing paragraph 3?
    A. Uneasy.B. Indifferent.C. Humrus.D. Prud.
    11. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Is It Time t Challenge Yurself in Nature?
    B. D Yu Knw Nature Is a Material Resurce?
    C. Why D We Care abut the Natural Envirnment?
    D. What Can Happen When We Cnnect with Nature?
    Nash equilibrium (纳什均衡) is named after Jhn Nash, an American mathematician. It is a kind f cncept, which attempts t determine mathematically and lgically the actins that participants f a game shuld take t secure the best utcmes fr themselves.
    T find it in a game, ne wuld have t mdel ut each f the pssible scenaris t determine the results and then chse what the mst satisfactry strategy wuld be. In a tw-persn game, this wuld take int cnsideratin the pssible strategies that bth players culd chse. If neither player changes their strategy knwing all f the infrmatin, a Nash equilibrium has ccurred.
    Imagine a game between Tm and Sam. In this simple game, bth players can chse strategy A t receive $1, r strategy B t lse $1. Lgically, bth players chse strategy A and receive a payff f $l. If yu revealed Sam’s strategy t Tm and vice versa (反之亦然), yu see that n player’s chice is different frm the riginal ne. Knwing the ther player’s mve means little and desn’t change either player’s behavir. Outcme A represents the Nash equilibrium.
    Nash equilibrium helps a player determine the best payff in a situatin based n nt nly their decisins but als the decisins f ther parties invlved. It can als be used in many aspects f life, frm ecnmics t scial behaviral sciences, frm business strategies t a huse sale and s n.
    Unlike dminant strategy, Nash equilibrium desn’t always lead t the mst satisfactry utcme. In mst cases, such as in war, whether that is a military war r a bidding war, an individual rarely knws the ppnent’s strategy r what they want the utcme t be. It just means that an individual chses the best strategy based n the infrmatin they have. Nash equilibrium can nly ccur if a player chses t remain with their current strategy if they knw their ppnent’s strategy. Furthermre, in multiple games played with the same ppnents, it des nt take int cnsideratin past behavir, which ften predicts future behavir.
    12. Which kind f cncept des Nash equilibrium belng t?
    A. Game thery.
    B. Secrecy strategies.
    C. Player infrmatin.
    D. Participatin qualificatins.
    13. Hw des the authr explain Nash equilibrium?
    A. By quting sayings.B. By drawing a parallel.
    C. By making cmparisns.D. By giving an illustratin.
    14. What des paragraph 4 mainly tell us abut Nash equilibrium?
    A. Its elements.B. Its drawbacks.
    C. Its applicatins.D. Its backgrunds
    15. What is the authr’s attitude t Nash equilibrium?
    A. Resistant.B. Objective.
    C. Cnfused.D. Curius.
    Have yu heard f the game “Pin the Tail n the Dnkey”? ___16___ . It can prvide the hst with an pprtunity t give the guests small gifts. The bject f the game is t place the dnkey’s tail as clse as pssible t the place where it shuld actually be. Typically, the winner f a rund will receive a small prize.
    ___17___ . Generally yu need a large picture f a dnkey withut a tail and pictures f the dnkey’s tail. Yu’ll als need a blindfld. Besides. yu need t prepare a pin fr each tail s that kids can attach the tails t the dnkey.
    When yu chse an area fr the game, keep security in mind. Since players may head ff in cmpletely wrng directins, it’s imprtant t find a rather large area. The area had better be flat, withut bjects like big stnes n the grund. ___18___ .
    Here are the steps f the game. One at a time, blindfld the kid. hand him the tail yu’ve labeled fr him, and turn him slwly arund at the starting pint. ___19___ . All ther players shuld keep ut f the blindflded kid’s way as he makes his way t the wall.
    The kid shuld walk with his arms utstretched and place the tail as sn as he tuches the wall. ___20___ . Then gather everyne t examine the picture and identify the winner — the player wh has made the best attempt t pin the tail n the dnkey in the prper psitin.
    A. Nw, the game is ppular wrldwide
    B. Otherwise, kids may fall ver and get injured
    C. When tuching the wall, the kid shuld stand still
    D. It’s a western game primarily used at parties fr kids
    E. T play the game yu need t prepare certain bjects
    F. Repeat the prcess until all the kids have taken turns playing it
    G. Pint him accurately twards the wall where the dnkey picture is and step back
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    Grwing up in the “City f Lakes”, Udaipur, India, my passin and lve fr animals grew with each passing day. I ften ___21___ the harm f animal suffering in my wn cmmunity and nearby villages. My heart ___22___, but because I was yung and withut means, my actins were ___23___. I lnged fr the pwer t make a bigger ___24___ and wished I culd help every suffering animal I saw alng the radside.
    As I matured, I culd n lnger stand idle, resigned (屈服的) t a passive rle. I decided t ___25___ the Animal Prtectin Sciety in Udaipur, an rganizatin t prtect and rescue animals ___26___. Presenting the idea f an animal ___27___ rganizatin t my family prved challenging. Their ___28___ f supprt mirrred a negative attitude twards animals in ur sciety. I recall a time when I encuntered an injured dg n the street, and instead f receiving ___29___, I was met with criticism. Despite these discuragements, I ___30___ frward, with psitivity as my guide.
    I sught inspiratin frm thers wh had experience ___31___ in animal prtectin. Their ___32___ advice guided me thrugh the mst difficult decisins. Slwly but surely, a cmpassinate team began t ___33___, cnsisting f individuals wh shared my determined lve fr animals. Vishal Hilriya, ur c-funder, emerged as a pillar (支柱) f ___34___, alng with a hst f thers wh ffered financial aid and vlunteered ___35___ fr ur cause. Their dedicatin transfrmed ur dreams int ___36___.
    Each time we rescue a sick r injured animal, there is a celebratin in ur hearts. When yu save a life, yur sul feels s ___37___. I wish fr a time when every human being extends empathy (共情) and ___38___ t all living beings. I call fr each persn t deepen their ___39___ t animals, each ther, and every living thing. In ding s, we will ___40___ and strengthen ur lving experience n this planet.
    A. imaginedB. believedC. witnessedD. cnsidered
    A. achedB. sankC. beatD. mved
    A. apparentB. variusC. ridiculusD. limited
    A. mdelB. differenceC. decisinD. list
    A. describeB. designC. establishD. find
    A. in needB. at handC. within reachD. n end
    A. prductB. fcusC. careD. rescue
    A. wayB. lackC. styleD. tpic
    A. assistanceB. arrangementC. destinatinD. cmment
    A. lkedB. brughtC. cntinuedD. pated
    A. appearingB. survivingC. livingD. parking
    A. massB. invaluableC. wrthlessD. legal
    A. take effectB. catch nC. take shapeD. make sense
    A. strengthB. authrityC. prfitD. harmny
    A. mtinlesslyB. speechlesslyC. carelesslyD. tirelessly
    A. existenceB. realityC. chanceD. battle
    A eagerB. generusC. cmpleteD. rdinary
    A. respectB. reliefC. impactD. smile
    A. gratitudeB. cnnectinC. apprachD. reactin
    A. widenB. narrwC. shrtenD. deepen
    In the muntains f suthwestern China, widespread karst (喀斯特) landfrms have given rise t numerus natural caves, ___41___ (ffer) unique resurces fr turism. ___42___(equip) with safety facilities and pened t the public in 1985, Zhijin Cave in Guizhu’s Bijie city has emerged as a famed scenic spt. This summer, it has attracted numerus sightseeing turists and curius students alike, frming large crwds f enthusiastic ___43___(visit).
    Tw weeks ag, mre than 100 students and teachers frm N. 8 Middle Schl in Bijie tk n an explratin f the cave ___44___ (learn) abut the frmatin and types f karst caves, as well as ways t prtect them. With headlamps n, the students ___45___ (guide) by interpreters as they ventured int a “karst museum” where they experienced ___46___ (extreme) awesme sights. Alng the stne steps, they encuntered intercnnected caves f ___47___(variety) sizes and witnessed stalactites(钟乳石)hanging r standing ___48___ diverse frms.
    Study turs are ___49___ innvative means f linking schl educatin with extracurricular learning. Thrugh the immersive (沉浸式的) learning experiences, the children culdn’t help be amazed at the wnders crafted by nature. “We have gained knwledge ___50___ can’t be fund in bks,” said a student. “Nw I knw hw karst caves were frmed.”
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第二节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    The universal lnging fr brightness and warm gave birth t thusands f lights. They break the darkness and carry peple’s hpes and dreams n specially days. China’s Lantern Festival is ne such day, celebrating thrugh light shws and ther celebratins. It is n 15th day f the first mnth f the lunar year. As Chinese peple’s living standards keep rise, they have a strnger need fr entertainment during festivals. Making lanterns have becme a trend again, ppular amng bth children and adults. Many hanfu lvers als brught lanterns, small and animal-shaped, as a decratin while wearing yur cstumes. There are much lvely lanterns fr peple f all ages t be light up the festival.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    52. 你校英文报正在开展题为“My Favurite Bk”的征文比赛。请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:

    2023-2024学年陕西省汉中市多校高三上学期9月联考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年陕西省汉中市多校高三上学期9月联考英语试题含答案,文件包含陕西省汉中市多校2023-2024学年高三上学期9月联考英语试题原卷版docx、陕西省汉中市多校2023-2024学年高三上学期9月联考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共44页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年陕西省商洛市高三上学期11月联考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年陕西省商洛市高三上学期11月联考英语试题含答案,共16页。

    2023-2024学年陕西省多地多校高三上学期8月联考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年陕西省多地多校高三上学期8月联考英语试题含答案,文件包含陕西省多地多校2023-2024学年高三上学期8月联考英语试题原卷版docx、陕西省多地多校2023-2024学年高三上学期8月联考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共41页, 欢迎下载使用。






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