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人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5听说训练课件
这是一份人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5听说训练课件,共15页。
听说训练本Unit 5 听说训练一、语音测试(共9分)1.用正确的语音知识拼读所给的单词音标。(共6小题,每小题0.5分,计3分)educationaldiscussionexpectculturesuccessfulunlucky2.模仿朗读(6分) 听以下短文一遍,给你30秒钟的时间准备,然后模仿朗读。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在70秒钟内朗读短文,当听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即中止朗读。 When people say “culture”,we think of art and history.But one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon.We all know and love the black mouse with two large round ears—Mickey Mouse.Over 90 years ago,he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie.When this cartoon came out in New York on November 18,1928, it was the first cartoon with sound and music.The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney.He became very rich and successful.In the 1930s,he made 87 cartoons with Mickey. 请听录音。 下面你有30秒钟的时间准备。二、信息获取(共12分) 第一节 听选信息(1×6=6分) 听三段对话,每段播放两遍。各段播放前你有10秒钟的阅题时间。各段播放后有两个问题。请根据所听到的问题和括号内的提示,在8秒钟内选择正确的信息口头回答问题。 听第一段对话,回答第1~2两个问题。现在你有10秒钟的阅题时间。1.When did the Animal World start?(at 9:10 a.m./ at 8:50 p.m./ at 9:10 p.m.) _______________________________________________It started at 9:10 p. m. / At 9:10 p. m. 2.What does Betty think of the movie? (boring / educational / interesting) _______________________________________________She thinks it is interesting. / It is interesting. 听第二段对话,回答第3~4两个问题。现在你有10秒钟的阅题时间。3.How long does the talk show on Beijing TV Station last (持续)? (for one hour / for one and a half hours / for two hours) _______________________________________________It lasts for one hour. / For one hour. 4.What does Mike's mother like watching? (news / talk shows / soap operas) _______________________________________________She likes watching soap operas. / Soap operas. 听第三段对话,回答第5~6两个问题。现在你有10秒钟的阅题时间。5.What kind of movie does Tony like? (cartoon movies / action movies / scary movies) _______________________________________________He likes cartoon movies. / Cartoon movies. 6.How many times did Tony watch Mulan?(once / twice / three times) _______________________________________________He watched Mulan twice. / Twice. 第二节 回答问题(1.5×4=6分) 听下面一段短文,录音播放两遍。请根据所听内容回答第7~10四个问题。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在8秒钟内口头回答问题。 现在你有15秒钟的时间阅读这四个问题。7.Who likes watching the news in Susan's family? ______________________________________________________________________________________________Susan's grandfather likes watching the news. / Susan's grandfather. 8.What is Susan's grandmother's favorite TV show?_______________________________________________9.What sport does Susan's father like playing?_______________________________________________10.Why does Susan's mother enjoy soap operas?_______________________________________________Her favorite TV show is Beijing Opera. / Beijing Opera. He likes playing basketball. / Basketball. Because she likes to follow the stories. 三、信息转述及询问(共9分) 第一节 信息转述(7分) 你将听到一段关于Rita的朋友们对电视节目的喜好的介绍,录音播放两遍。请根据所听到的内容,选择思维导图中的正确信息,在50秒钟内说一段话介绍Rita的朋友们对电视节目的喜好情况,包含五个要点的内容。 下面你有50秒钟的时间准备。你的介绍可以这样开始:Last week, Rita asked five of her friends about their favorite TV shows …________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Here are the results. Mary likes watching cartoons because she thinks they are relaxing. Paul likes sports shows because they are exciting to him. Tina likes game shows because she thinks it is interesting to guess the answers to the questions. Rose's favorite TV shows are talk shows and she watches her favorite talk shows on Fridays and Saturdays. John likes to watch the news. By watching the news, he can know what's going on around the world. 第二节 询问信息 (1×2=2分) 你希望了解更多关于Rita的朋友们对电视节目的喜好情况,请根据以下提示向她提两个问题。每个问题有15秒钟的准备时间和8秒钟的提问时间。 请你准备第一个问题。1.Mary最喜爱的动画片是什么?_______________________________________________ 请你准备第二个问题。2.Paul多久观看一次他最喜爱的电视节目?_______________________________________________测试到此结束。What's Mary's favorite cartoon?How often does Paul watch his favorite TV shows?
听说训练本Unit 5 听说训练一、语音测试(共9分)1.用正确的语音知识拼读所给的单词音标。(共6小题,每小题0.5分,计3分)educationaldiscussionexpectculturesuccessfulunlucky2.模仿朗读(6分) 听以下短文一遍,给你30秒钟的时间准备,然后模仿朗读。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在70秒钟内朗读短文,当听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即中止朗读。 When people say “culture”,we think of art and history.But one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon.We all know and love the black mouse with two large round ears—Mickey Mouse.Over 90 years ago,he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie.When this cartoon came out in New York on November 18,1928, it was the first cartoon with sound and music.The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney.He became very rich and successful.In the 1930s,he made 87 cartoons with Mickey. 请听录音。 下面你有30秒钟的时间准备。二、信息获取(共12分) 第一节 听选信息(1×6=6分) 听三段对话,每段播放两遍。各段播放前你有10秒钟的阅题时间。各段播放后有两个问题。请根据所听到的问题和括号内的提示,在8秒钟内选择正确的信息口头回答问题。 听第一段对话,回答第1~2两个问题。现在你有10秒钟的阅题时间。1.When did the Animal World start?(at 9:10 a.m./ at 8:50 p.m./ at 9:10 p.m.) _______________________________________________It started at 9:10 p. m. / At 9:10 p. m. 2.What does Betty think of the movie? (boring / educational / interesting) _______________________________________________She thinks it is interesting. / It is interesting. 听第二段对话,回答第3~4两个问题。现在你有10秒钟的阅题时间。3.How long does the talk show on Beijing TV Station last (持续)? (for one hour / for one and a half hours / for two hours) _______________________________________________It lasts for one hour. / For one hour. 4.What does Mike's mother like watching? (news / talk shows / soap operas) _______________________________________________She likes watching soap operas. / Soap operas. 听第三段对话,回答第5~6两个问题。现在你有10秒钟的阅题时间。5.What kind of movie does Tony like? (cartoon movies / action movies / scary movies) _______________________________________________He likes cartoon movies. / Cartoon movies. 6.How many times did Tony watch Mulan?(once / twice / three times) _______________________________________________He watched Mulan twice. / Twice. 第二节 回答问题(1.5×4=6分) 听下面一段短文,录音播放两遍。请根据所听内容回答第7~10四个问题。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在8秒钟内口头回答问题。 现在你有15秒钟的时间阅读这四个问题。7.Who likes watching the news in Susan's family? ______________________________________________________________________________________________Susan's grandfather likes watching the news. / Susan's grandfather. 8.What is Susan's grandmother's favorite TV show?_______________________________________________9.What sport does Susan's father like playing?_______________________________________________10.Why does Susan's mother enjoy soap operas?_______________________________________________Her favorite TV show is Beijing Opera. / Beijing Opera. He likes playing basketball. / Basketball. Because she likes to follow the stories. 三、信息转述及询问(共9分) 第一节 信息转述(7分) 你将听到一段关于Rita的朋友们对电视节目的喜好的介绍,录音播放两遍。请根据所听到的内容,选择思维导图中的正确信息,在50秒钟内说一段话介绍Rita的朋友们对电视节目的喜好情况,包含五个要点的内容。 下面你有50秒钟的时间准备。你的介绍可以这样开始:Last week, Rita asked five of her friends about their favorite TV shows …________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Here are the results. Mary likes watching cartoons because she thinks they are relaxing. Paul likes sports shows because they are exciting to him. Tina likes game shows because she thinks it is interesting to guess the answers to the questions. Rose's favorite TV shows are talk shows and she watches her favorite talk shows on Fridays and Saturdays. John likes to watch the news. By watching the news, he can know what's going on around the world. 第二节 询问信息 (1×2=2分) 你希望了解更多关于Rita的朋友们对电视节目的喜好情况,请根据以下提示向她提两个问题。每个问题有15秒钟的准备时间和8秒钟的提问时间。 请你准备第一个问题。1.Mary最喜爱的动画片是什么?_______________________________________________ 请你准备第二个问题。2.Paul多久观看一次他最喜爱的电视节目?_______________________________________________测试到此结束。What's Mary's favorite cartoon?How often does Paul watch his favorite TV shows?
