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    这是一份重庆市南开中学2023-2024学年高三上学期第一次质量检测英语试题及答案,文件包含重庆市南开中学高2024届高三第一次质量检测英语试题docx、南开中学第一次质量检测英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共16页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英 语 试 题 2023.8
    2.全部答案在答题卡上相应区域内完成,在本试卷上作答无效。选择题请使用2B铅笔填涂,非选择题请使用0.5 毫米黑色签字笔作答。要求字体工整、笔迹清晰。
    第一部分 听力(共两节;满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Which animal does the man think is the most special?
    A. Birds. B. Ducks. C. Horses.
    2. Where is the woman going tonight?
    A. The stadium. B. The library. C. The cafe.
    3. What will the man have for tomorrow's breakfast?
    A. Egg rolls. B. Fried eggs. C. Boiled eggs.
    4. What does the man think of the new towels?
    A. They're quite useful.
    B. They're a bit expensive.
    C. They're very comfortable.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. A science fiction movie. B. A new GPS device. C. A . chat robot.

    第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What did Max do this morning?
    A. He had a walk.
    B. He ate some beef.
    C. He cleaned the floor.
    7. How does the woman sound?
    A. Sorry. B. Happy. C. Angry.
    8.What is the man's major concern about using gas?
    A. It costs too much in winter.
    B. It will cause environmental pollution.
    C. It involves a risk of blowing up the house.
    9. What source of energy will the speakers use to heat the house?
    A. Coal. B. Solar power. C. Wind energy.
    10.Why does the woman find the poems hard?
    A. They focus on some difficult topics.
    B. They are written in different languages.
    C. They have existed for quite a long time.
    11. What day is it today?
    A. Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Monday.
    12. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A Teacher and student. B. Father and daughter. C. Husband and wife.
    13. Where are the speakers?
    A. On a beach. B. In the woods. C. At their home.
    14. What did the woman do in the morning?
    A. She stored water in the vehicle.
    B. She took a picture of the vehicle.
    C. She filled the vehicle up with gas.
    15. What season is it now in Scotland?
    A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter.
    16. What will the man do next?
    A. Take a shower.
    B. Turn the heat on.
    C. Check the amount of gas.
    听第10段材料,回答第 17 至20题。
    17. What is the speaker doing?
    A. Reporting a study on novels.
    B. Introducing some books.
    C. Teaching a writing class.
    18. When will The Dark be published?
    A. In 7 days. B. In 10 days. C. In 13 days.
    19. Which country does John Clarke come from?
    A. Japan. B. Australia. C. The US.
    20. Where can the listeners get more information?
    A. From a library. B. From the Internet. C. From a bookstore.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节;满分50分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项。
    Unique Birthday Traditions
    The editors of our international editions share traditions reserved for counting yourself one year older.
    “In my native country, it is customary for the birthday person to sit in a decorated chair and to be lifted up by the party guests,”says editor Eva Mackevic.“How many times the chair is raised will correspond with his or her age.”
    In Japan, when a child turns one, a ceremony called erabitori is held, where the birthday child chooses from a selection of items spread out around that represent the potential future When a person turns 20, a coming-of-age celebration will be held on the second Monday anuary.
    The Netherlands
    When someone turns 50, a large doll will be placed in the birthday person's garden or by heir front door; men
    have an“Abraham”doll, women a“Sarah”, based on a Bible passage.
    A child's first birthday is often celebrated with balloons and specially made“fairy bread”. Some families in Australia also mark the age of 21 with a souvenir“key to the door”, representing the young adult's privilege to come and go from the family home as they please.
    “In Germany, when unmarried men turn thirty, they are supposed to sweep the stairs of the local church or town hall,”editor Michael Kallinger says,“while women have to deal with the door handle.” This public act is meant to embarrass the person and motivate them to marry.
    21. Which is part of a one-year-old boy's birthday celebration in Japan?
    A. Predicting the boy's future.
    B. Deciding the boy's career.
    C. Seeking items at the birthday party.
    D. Holding a coming-of-age ceremony.
    22. What does the “key to the door”symbolize-in Australia?
    A. Love from parents. B. Time to move out.
    C. End of the 21st birthday. D. Recognition of independence.
    23. In which country could a birthday tradition involve cleaning in public places?
    A. Germany. B. Australia. C. Lithuania. D. The Netherlands.
    For most of the year, Embleton Bay is almost deserted, a magical curve of sand on edge of the world. This is where the pupils of Embleton Primary School, a beach school,a very Friday——to learn.
    Nicola Threlfall, head teacher of the school, says that teachers employ a range teaching methods to realize
    teaching objectives, from more traditional written work to teach paths in the sand with sticks, covering diverse topics.
    Sometimes the environment itself works wonder. Nicola explains there are huge benefits to giving children the opportunity to just“be”. Watching the waves, lying on the sand feeling the wind and sun on their faces, or rolling down sand dunes are all an essential part of the beach- school experience, enabling children, to explore, test their own limits and understand their place in their environment.
    Online resources are provided, too, in terms of engaging children and fostering an interest in beaches. During lockdown, the students enjoyed a virtual online lecture with the Rock Pool Project, a social group that encourages people of all ages to discover marine life.
    During the winter months, sand blows in ripples across the beach under the biting north winds. How do the children cope with the difficult weather? Nicola says they like to get the kids out on the beach in all weather. If it's raining, they head to the bird hide; when it's cold, the kids warm up by doing more physical activities. On warmer days, they sit on picnic tables outside to enjoy their lunch.
    The beach is within walking distance of the school gates but the one kilometre down the hill-and another one back up still proves challenging for little legs. Nicola confirms that noticeable improvement in the children's endurance and fitness level is one of the main advantages.
    Embleton Primary School is demonstrating how successful outdoor learning can be. Can more school modify
    The curriculum to include regular time outside for their students ?
    24. How does the school carry out outdoor learning?
    A. By giving lectures regularly.
    B. By integrating diverse approaches.
    C. By inspiring students to write more.
    D. By centering on environmental issues.
    25. What do teachers do in tough winter days?
    A. Shorten beach hours. B. Adjust student activities.
    C. Postpone outdoor events. D. Change teaching objectives.
    26. How does the author find the beach lessons?
    A. Fully-researched. B. Widely-provided.
    B. Confidence-boosting. D. Character-building.
    27. What can be a suitable title for the text?
    A. Start from Beach B. Live with Sea life
    C. Enjoy Beach Activities D. Reform Future Education
    A recent New York Times opinion piece by Daniel Willingham addressed the question of whether listening to a book is the same as reading it. Willingham begins the piece with a frequently asked question——Is it cheating if I listen to an audiobook for my book club?
    Willingham argues that they're both worthwhile but is careful to note that doesn't mean they have the same value. In line with his points in the article, I listen to audiobooks when I wouldn't otherwise be engaged in a book——say, at the gym or while walking. That's certainly an advantage of listening over reading. But I was surprised to find that Willingham didn't mention what I consider to be the biggest difference between the two: Engagement.
    The critical difference, for me, between reading and listening is that reading is something you do, while listening is something that happens to you. Reading is an act of engagement. The words on the page aren't going to read themselves, which is something they literally do in an audiobook. If you're not actively taking in written information, then you're not going to make progress on the book. Audiobooks, on the other hand, make progress with or without your participation.
    Willingham refers to this point by saying that harder books——“difficult texts”as he calls them——require more engagement, which is thus better suited to reading. Yet it's not necessarily true. For example, I've recently been listening to David Graeber's excellent Debt: The First5000 Years, a tough read with lots of information and arguments. While I haven't grasped every piece of information that he's presented, I have spent a lot more time thinking about an important topic than I otherwise would. This fill-in-the-cracks nature of audiobooks is a critical advantage.
    Ultimately, it's fair to consider audiobooks and written texts as fundamentally different media. They are different forms based on the same work. Your option depends on what you are willing to give to it(time, above all) and what you hope to get out of it.
    28. What is an advantage of audiobooks according to Willingham?
    A. Cutting down one's reading time.
    B. Increasing absorption of knowledge.
    C. Providing more flexible access to information.
    D. Encouraging further thinking on serious topics.
    29.What does the writer think of reading?
    A. It helps the general idea to stand out.
    B. It suits people working on difficult texts.
    C. It speeds up readers' progress on the book.
    D. It requires more participation from readers.
    30. Why does the writer mention Debt: The First 5000 Years?
    A. To demonstrate what makes a tough read.
    B. To show why audiobooks attract listeners.
    C. To prove audiobooks also suit hard texts.
    D. To stress reading can also take huge effort.
    31. What can we learn about texts and audiobooks from the last paragraph? .
    A. They involve similar efforts.
    B. They prove equally demanding.
    C. They have distinct user groups.
    D. They serve different purposes.
    In some species, when the conditions get tough, the body hits the brakes, lowering body temperature, slowing
    the speed of consuming energy to a snail's pace and entering a state known as torpor. Humans do not enter torpor,
    but the condition might offer benefits across situations as seemingly unrelated as intensive care unit (ICU) stays and
    long-distance space travel.
    Using ultrasound (超声) waves targeted at a deep region of the brain, researchers at Washington University created a torpor-like state in mice. Mice can naturally enter this state, so the scientists also tested the technique in rats, animals which don't enter torpor by nature. The findings, published on May 25th in Nature Metabolism, could potentially inform research on targeting different brain areas with ultrasound to regulate other bodily activities.
    Without having to physically invade the targets' heads, the approach is an important step in advancing torpor toward human use, says Michael Ambler, a researcher and. lecturer studying torpor at the University of Bristol in England. Some earlier efforts relied on injecting a gene into the targeted-brain-region-to-assist-in-producing a torpor-like state with light or drugs. Such invasive approaches are unlikely to gain approval for human use, Ambler says, making the new study“an extremely interesting piece of work.”

    If this noninvasive approach were to become possible in humans, one potential use would be to buy heart attack patients time in transport to the hospital. In the ICU, torpor could also be applied before drugs and monitoring are involved in patient care. This study even presents a very first step toward the potential to support human's long lonely journeys in space.
    Yet before that possibility takes flight in the future, research on a familiar species must come first. Ambler says the next step should be testing in larger, nonhuman animals, probably pigs.“They are most like humans——hairless and similar to humans in terms of body temperature,”he says.“It's a step-by-step process, from mice to rats to pigs to monkeys and then, hopefully, eventually to humans”———and then, perhaps, beyond the bounds of planet Earth.
    32.What does the underlined word“torpor”in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Having much energy. B. Being not active.
    C. Requiring little sleep. D. Decreasing in size.
    33.How is the ultrasound approach different from earlier ones?
    A. It avoids cutting into the body.
    B. It targets directly at the brain.
    C. It proves effective for human use.
    D. It goes together with light or drugs.
    34. What is a possible application of the research?
    A. Monitoring ICU patients.
    B. Curing heart attack victims.
    C. Stabilizing body temperature.
    D. Supporting long space travels.
    35. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
    A. Promotion of the technique.
    B. Significance of the findings.
    C. Focus of the follow-up research.
    D. Review of the experiment process.
    第二节(共5 小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Mosquitoes are drawn to all people, but some people seem to be the unlucky ones who are more tempting to mosquitoes. Experts have identified two main categories of factors that make one more attractive to mosquitoes: biological aspects and behaviors.
    Chief among the first group of factors is how you smell. Dozens of diverse molecules(分子) throughout our body come together to create our unique smell. It's a combination of a dozen smells. 36 It's also possible that some people produce more of the smell that mosquitoes like.
    Blood type may also matter. Mosquitoes seem to be interested in people with Type 0 blood, for reasons researchers haven't confirmed. 37 Mosquitoes seek out carbon dioxide. The more we breathe, the more carbon dioxide we send into the air, inviting bugs our way.
    Then there are the factors that are more dependent on how you act throughout the day. I you are to do a hard workout outside, you might breathe more heavily and produce more carbon dioxide, which might attract mosquitoes. 38 If it mixes with bacteria on your skin or contains alcohol from your beach-side beers, you have a much higher chance to be bitten.
    39 There are a few evidence-based strategies to keep them at bay. Certain clothing colors like black and dark blue can act like a mosquito magnet. Mosquitoes are also drawn to bright oranges and reds. Therefore, try to stick to lighter colors and wear long sleeves and pants. Or, you can try a simple trick——grab a fan and point it under a table, since mosquitoes love to stay near the ground and bite our feet. 40
    A. After all, they're not good fliers.
    B. How can we drive off the mosquitoes?
    C. Therefore, try to reduce exercise on a hot day.
    D. Do colors matter in this hide-and-seek game?
    E. The pattern of how you breathe also plays a role.
    F. Sweat sends a powerful signal to mosquitoes too.
    G. This mix of chemicals is likely to draw mosquitoes.

    第三部分 语言运用(共两节;满分30分)
    Our oversized, male Golden Retriever(金毛寻回犬), Rusty weighed much more than most Goldens. Though big, he was 41 . When Karen, my 18-month-old daughter, held a cookie out to him, he'd take it gently. Wherever she went, Rusty would 42 her. If we grown-ups held out food for him, 43 , he ate it like a hungry wolf.
    One day, I was occupied with chores all the morning in the kitchen. When I looked out the window, my heart 44 ! Our back yard had two levels, with stone steps leading from the lower level to the larger open area above. At the highest point of the steps was a 45 of 1.5 meters to the lower level. Then and there, I saw Karen on the upper level walking along the edge!
    Though 46 , I didn't shout for fear of frightening her into losing 47 and falling to the ground below. Then I noticed Rusty beside her, moving to 48 the way. Not to be stopped, Karen walked to an open spot. Just as quickly, Rusty moved himself in front again, 49 her.
    That repeated a couple of times. Finally, she got 50 and moved back to the center. Sighing with 51 , I ran up immediately.“Come on, Karen,” I said, “Let's go inside and get a 52 .”
    She clapped her hands and grabbed mine, making her way down slowly. Rusty stayed by her side, moving at her pace. When we got to the door, she 53 my hand and crawled through the doggy door. Rusty followed. This was how they got outside with the door 54 . By the time I got to the kitchen, Karen and her four-legged nanny were waiting for the 55 cookie.
    I never worried about Karen playing outside after that.
    41. A. weak B. loving C. restless D. tolerant
    42. A. count on B. take after C. watch over D. turn to
    43. A. moreover B. indeed C. thus D. however
    44. A. died B. ached C. melted D. sank
    45. A. drop B. climb C. width D. length
    46.A.overjoyed B. embarrassed C. ashamed D. panicked
    47. A. temper B. balance C. heart D. interest
    48. A. block B. guide C. find D. push
    49. A. pleasing B. rescuing C. guarding D. encouraging
    50. A. anxious B. excited C. frustrated D. confident
    51. A. sorrow B. relief C. satisfaction D. desperation
    52. A. rest B. walk C. cookie D. prize
    53. A. loosened B. squeezed C. took D. rubbed
    54. A. unlocked B. broken C. open D. shut
    55. A. promised B. selected C. hand-made D. newly-bought
    Woodblock printing is an ancient printing technique that boosted human civilization. As Buddhism gained popularity in China during the Tang Dynasty, a strong need 56 (arise) to produce numerous Buddhist scriptures(经书), and copying by hand could not meet 57 rising demand. Ancient Chinese craftsmen thus invented woodblock printing for mass production, 58 (mark) a major turning point in printing history.
    There are four steps involved in 59 (tradition) woodblock printing, with each step sub-divided into several procedures 60 lies at the center of the technique is carving. Characters and images 61 (carve)to produce raised areas or lines that will eventually apply ink to paper.
    A five-meter scroll of the Buddhist scripture Diamond Sutra, 62 (make) in868, is the“earliest dated printed book” in the words of the British Library 63 it is stored. It is just one example of ancient works of art that not only tell the wisdom of our ancestors, but also demonstrate the 64 (pursue) of beauty by Chinese craftsmen throughout centuries.
    The invention of writing gave life 65 great thoughts, but it is the invention of printing that made knowledge a shareable fruit for all humankind.
    第四部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)
    假定你是李华,你的外国留学生朋友 James想在中国进行社会实践,现有如下两种选择:博物馆讲解员或乡村中学志愿者。James来信向你寻求建议,请你给他回信,内容包括:
    1.写作词数应为80 左右;

    Dear James,
    How is everything going?

    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    I had a lovely, odd aunt named Amelia. She always ware colorful clathing and had a colorful personality to match. She was brave, beautiful, outgoing, and generous. Despite her modest beginnings, she managed to turn her passion for dance into a suecessful career. Amelia’s journey began when she got accepted into the famous Juilliard School of Dance in the heart of Manhattan. With dedication and discipline, she sharpened her skills, specializing in ballet. Her graceful movements and remarkable talent earned her awards and paved the way for a promising future.
    She went on to teach dance at Juilliard and later toured the world as a member of the New York City Ballet. Although I had never attended one of her professional productions, I was eventually treated to an unexpected, semi-private solo performance by her.
    While I was visiting her as a young girl, she surprised me with an outing to a grand theater to watch a ball et performance. The theater was large, spacious, and decorated with beautifully crafted wooden balconies and private boxes. We were seated in the front row at ground level. Toward the end of the show, the lead dancer twirled(旋转) across the stage with elegance and precision. The beautiful music grew louder, and the audience became fascinated by the amazing show. Right at this moment, my aunt rose from her seat, then turned and faced the audience. I instantly slipped down in my seat, unsure of what was happening. With graceful movements, Amelia seamlessly joined the dancers on stage, effortlessly blending(融入) into the performance. The audience were all shocked at first.. However, as Amelia showed her dance skills, twirling across the stage and expressing emotions through her movements, they couldn't take their eyes off her. It seemed like she was meant to be there.
    1.续写词数应为150 左右;

    As the music ended,Amelia calmly returned to her seat,breathing steadily.

    Inspired by Amelia,I decided to pursue my own dream of dancing.


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