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    新外研社高中英语选择性必修二Unit5A delicate world-Developing Ideas课件
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    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 A delicate world图文ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 A delicate world图文ppt课件,共53页。PPT课件主要包含了Reading,Lead in,Summary,writing,a lecture,Opening,Conclusion等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Wrld Heritage Site (世界遗产地)
    Hw much d yu knw abut UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site?
    A Wrld Heritage Site may signify a remarkable accmplishment f humanity, and serve as evidence f ur intellectual histry n the planet, r it might be a place f great natural beauty. It is administered by the United Natins Educatinal, Scientific and Cultural Organizatin (UNESCO).
    What are the UNESCO Wrld Heritage Sites in China? (cultural / natural)
    the Terractta Army秦始皇兵马俑
    the Great Wall长城
    the Imperial Palace故宫
    Suzhu garden苏州园林
    The West Lake西湖
    Munt Huang黄山
    the Lngmen Grttes龙门石窟
    What Wrld Heritage Site is it?
    Watch the vide and answer the questins.
    Wh is Shennng?Where is Shennngjia and what is it famus fr?
    A mythical figure in ancient China wh brught agriculture and the use f tls t China and wh invented agricultural tls and techniques, and the Chinese calendar with its 24 slar terms.
    Shennngjia lies in the nrth-west f Hubei Prvince and is famus fr its beauty and diversity.
    Lk at the title f the passage and think abut what it means.
    Why did Shennngjia make it nt the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List?
    What is the genre (体裁) f the passage?
    The genre f the passage is lecture.
    Learning t learn The lecture is ne f the ldest teaching methds, and is still widely used tday. A typical lecture ften starts with addressing the tpic directly. Data, examples and cmparisns are then used t supprt the main ideas. Bth verbal(口头的) and visual infrmatin is used in rder t maintain the audience’s interest. The end f a lecture is ften fllwed by a shrt questin-and-answer sessin(问答环节).
    Learning t learn 演讲时常用说明方法:列数据 (give data)、举例子 (examples)、作比较 (make cmparisns).列数据 (give data): 用具体的数据对事物的特征或事理加以说明,使说明更准确、更有说服力。 举例子 (examples): 通过具体的实例对事物的特征或事理加以说明,使说明更加生动形象、易于理解。 作比较 (make cmparisns): 将两个事物放在一起进行比较,呈现事物的相同点和不同点。
    Read the sentences frm the passage and decide if they serve t give data (D), examples (E) r make cmparisns (C). P76
    The regin rises frm abut 400 metres t ver 3,000 metres abve sea level, ... ________… ver 3,000 plant species have been recrded there. This represents mre than ten per cent f China’s ttal flral richness. ________Shennngjia supprts mre than 600 vertebrate species, including the Glden Snub-nsed Mnkey and the Cluded Lepard. ________In winter, scientists brave heavy snw and freezing temperatures t supply fd t the Glden Snub-nsed Mnkey. ________Althugh endangered elsewhere in China due t the invasin(入侵) f freign species, the bees f Shennngjia have cexisted with the lcal peple fr centuries. ________
    Read fr structure
    Greeting + intrductin
    Criteria fr selectin
    Prtective measures
    Read details
    Para. 1-2 Greeting + intrductin
    What rles d the questins in Paragraph 2 play?
    Para. 1: Gd mrning, everyne. It is my great pleasure t give a lecture here n behalf f the Be at One with Nature Assciatin.Para. 2: As we knw, in 2016, Shennngjia made it nt the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List. But there are s many imprtant places nt yet n this list. S yu might ask: why Shennngjia? Is it its frests that stretch n and n like great green seas? Is it the legendary father f Chinese herbal medicine, Shennng, after whm the park is named? Or is it the mysterius creature called “Yeren” (wild man) that has captured the imaginatin f the wrld?
    They serve t intrduce the tpic and attract the audience.
    Para. 3 Criteria fr selectin
    What are the criteria required by the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List?
    Para. 3: UNESCO awarded Shennngjia this status because it meets tw criteria required by the list. It cntains a naturally-balanced envirnment that allws the many and varius species t live and prsper. It is als ne f the rare lcatins in the wrld where scientists can bserve in real time the eclgical and bilgical prcesses that ccur as the plants and animals develp and evlve.
    Cntaining a naturally-balanced envirnment and being ne f the rare lcatins in the wrld where scientists can bserve in real time the eclgical and bilgical prcesses.
    Para. 4 Criteria fr selectin
    What makes Shennngjia the mst “cmplete” natural areas in the wrld?
    Shennngjia rises frm abut 400 metres t ver 3,000 metres abve sea level, which results in a great variatin in climatic cnditins, allwing a wide variety f species t thrive.
    Para. 4: Fr the first criterin, Shennngjia is apparently ne f the mst “cmplete” natural areas in the wrld. The regin rises frm abut 400 metres t ver 3,000 metres abve sea level, giving it the name the “Rf f Central China”. The vast range in altitude results in a great variatin in climatic cnditins. This allws a wide variety f species t thrive. Sme f the plants and animals have survived millins f years, and are regarded as living fssils.
    Para. 5 Criteria fr selectin
    Read carefully and fill in the blanks.
    incredible bidiversity
    Over 3,000 _____ species
    mre than ten per cent f China’s ttal ______________
    mre than ____ vertebrate species
    the Glden Snub-nsed Mnkey and ____________________
    arund 4,300 ______ species
    flral richness
    the Cluded Lepard
    Para. 6 Prtective measures
    Hw des the scientist prtect the species?
    They brave heavy snw and freezing temperatures t lk after the species.
    Para. 6: It is a challenge t lk after s many species. In winter, scientists brave heavy snw and freezing temperatures t supply fd t the Glden Snub-nsed Mnkey. Thanks t their effrts, the mnkey’s ppulatin has dubled since the 1980s. Their number reached ver 1,300 in 2015 and cntinues t grw.
    Para. 7 Prtective measures
    The lcal peple
    prviding them ________________
    Peple f Shennngjia live and wrk ______________________________ nature.
    with a secure hme
    in harmny with
    Think & Share
    Accrding t the passage, what has been dne t prtect the eclgy f Shennngjia?
    T prtect the eclgy f Shennngjia, scientists make every effrt t lk after the species. In winter, scientists brave heavy snw and freezing temperatures t supply fd t the Glden Snub-nsed Mnkey. Mre imprtantly, the lcal peple live in harmny with nature. They take things frm nature withut damaging it.
    Which part f Shennngjia interests yu mst? Why?
    What interests me mst is that Shennngjia has s many species and has a lng histry. It is said that Emperr Yan, Shennng taught the first peple living here hw t build huses, find herbs, and farm the land, s the area is called Shennngjia.
    Why ShenNngjia?
    Opening (Para 1-2)
    Greeting (Para 1)
    Intrductin (Para 2)
    Reasns fr selectin (Para 3-5)
    Tw criteria(Para 3)
    Naturaliy- balanced envirnment (Para 4)
    Bidiversity (Para 5)
    Peple live in harmny with nature (Para 6-7)
    Scientists (Para 6)
    Lcal peple (Para 7)
    Cnclusin(Para 8)
    Q&A (Para 9)
    understanding, awareness and hard wrk
    Language Pints
    While reading
    Gd mrning, everyne. It is my great pleasure t give a lecture here n behalf f the Be at One with Nature Assciatin.
    It作形式主语,t give a lecture here...为动词不定式作主语。
    As we knw, in 2016, Shennngjia made it nt the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List. But there are s many imprtant places nt yet n this list. S yu might ask: why Shennngjia? Is it its frests that stretch n and n like great green seas? ➊Is it the legendary father f Chinese herbal medicine, Shennng, after whm the park is named? ➋Or is it the mysterius creature called “Yeren” (wild man) that has captured the imaginatin f the wrld?
    ➊ Is it the legendary father f Chinese herbal medicine, Shennng, after whm the park is named?
    本句为强调句式“It is ... wh ...”,由于name after中的after提前,wh改为whm。原强调句应为:Is it the legendary father f Chinese herbal medicine, Shennng, wh the park is named after?
    ➋ Or is it the mysterius creature called “Yeren” (wild man) that has captured the imaginatin f the wrld?
    本句也为强调句式“It is ... that ...”,其中“called “Yeren” (wild man)”作后置定语修饰creature。
    ➊UNESCO awarded Shennngjia this status because it meets tw criteria required by the list. It cntains a naturally-balanced envirnment that allws the many and varius species t live and prsper. ➋It is als ne f the rare lcatins in the wrld where scientists can bserve in real time the eclgical and bilgical prcesses that ccur as the plants and animals develp and evlve.
    ➊ UNESCO awarded Shennngjia this status because it meets tw criteria required by the list.
    本句为because引导的原因状语从句,其中required by the list为过去分词短语作定语,修饰criteria。
    ➋ It is als ne f the rare lcatins in the wrld where scientists can bserve in real time the eclgical and bilgical prcesses that ccur as the plants and animals develp and evlve.
    本句为复合句,It is als ne f the rare lcatins in the wrld为主句,由where引导的定语从句修饰先行词lcatins;该定语从句中又有由that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词prcesses;最后由as引导的时间状语从句在that ccur中作时间状语 。
    Fr the first criterin, Shennngjia is apparently ne f the mst “cmplete” natural areas in the wrld. The regin rises frm abut 400 metres t ver 3,000 metres abve sea level, giving it the name the “Rf f Central China”. The vast range in altitude results in a great variatin in climatic cnditins. This allws a wide variety f species t thrive. Sme f the plants and animals have survived millins f years, and are regarded as living fssils.
    Fr the secnd criterin, we can see that Shennngjia has incredible bidiversity. Lk at this slide. Accrding t fficial statistics, ver 3,000 plant species have been recrded there. This represents mre than ten per cent f China’s ttal flral richness. Shennngjia supprts mre than 600 vertebrate species, including the Glden Snub-nsed Mnkey and the Cluded Lepard. Additinally, arund 4,300 insect species have been recrded.
    see that...意为“看得出……”,that引导宾语从句
    It is a challenge t lk after s many species. In winter, scientists brave heavy snw and freezing temperatures t supply fd t the Glden Snub-nsed Mnkey. Thanks t their effrts, the mnkey’s ppulatin has dubled since the 1980s. Their number reached ver 1,300 in 2015 and cntinues t grw.
    It作形式主语,t lk after s many species为动词不定式作主语。
    But the mst impressive aspect f Shennngjia is the lcal peple, ➊wh take things frm nature withut causing damage. I visited a lcal village ➋which is knwn fr its hme-made hney. ➌What is special abut the hney is ➍that it is prduced by the earliest species f Chinese bee. Every spring, the villagers place beehives arund their huses ➎t attract these wild bees frm the frest...
    ➊wh引导的非限制性定语从句,对peple进行补充说明;➋which引导的定语从句,修饰先行词village;➌What引导的主语从句,What在从句中作主语;➍that引导表语从句;➎t attract these wild bees frm the frest动词不定式短语作目的状语。
    ...➊Althugh endangered elsewhere in China ➋due t the invasin f freign species, the bees f Shennngjia have cexisted with the lcal peple fr centuries. By prviding the bees with a secure hme, the villagers cllect their hney in return. This is just ne f the ways ➌in which peple f Shennngjia live and wrk in harmny with nature.
    ➊“连词Althugh + endangered elsewhere in China”结构作让步状语;➋due t the invasin f freign species介词短语作原因状语;➌in which引导的定语从句,修饰先行词ways。
    All f this explains ➊why Shennngjia earned—and deserves—its place n the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List, as well as highlighting ➋hw understanding, awareness and hard wrk have cntributed twards prtecting a unique and wnderful part f ur natural wrld.Thank yu fr listening. Nw, des anyne have any questins?
    ➊why引导宾语从句;➋hw引导宾语从句;❊as well as highlighting是介词短语,highlighting在意思上与explains并列,但在语法逻辑上,此处是介词短语作状语,起补充说明作用。
    1. Where is Fanjing Muntain? Why is it significant?
    2. Why was Fanjing Muntain selected fr inclusin in the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List?
    Read the passage and answer the questins.
    1. Where is Fanjing Muntain? Why is it significant?
    Fanjing Muntain is lcated in Guizhu Prvince. It is significant because it represents ne f thecuntry’s great achievements in envirnmental prtectin.
    2. Why was Fanjing Muntain selected fr inclusin in the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List?
    The main reasn fr its inclusin is its bilgical diversity, with apprximately 50 endangered plant and animal species within its prtected area.
    What des a lecture usually include?
    Reasn fr selectin
    Other infrmatin
    Cmplete the utline t rganise yur lecture draft based n the infrmatin in Activity 5. D nline research if necessary.
    While-writing: Reading and Writing
    Opening:1)Greeting:2)Intrductin t the tpic:
    Gd mrning / afternn,...! I am very glad t ...
    Have yu ever heard f Fanjing Muntain? Or have yu ever visited it? If yu haven’t, yu sn will! Fanjing Muntain lies in Tngren, Guizhu Prvince with an elevatin f abut 2,570 metres.
    Reasn fr selectin:
    The main reasn fr its inclusin is its bilgical diversity, with apprximately 50 endangered plant and animal species fund in its prtected area. One f the first natinal nature reserves in China, Fanjing Muntain represents ne f the cuntry’s greatest achievements in envirnmental prtectin.
    Other infrmatin: 1)
    Fanjing Muntain is f curse als renwned fr the breathtaking views frm its summit — r, mre accurately “summits”, as there are three f these!
    Other infrmatin:2)
    And when night falls leaving this magnificent scenery in darkness, the Mushrm Stne, ne f the many strange rck frmatins, is illuminated s that visitrs can still marvel at the wnders f Fanjing Muntain.
    All explains why Fanjing Muntain earned its place n the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List.
    Thank yu fr yur listening! Nw, des anyne have any questins?
    Nw draft a lecture abut Fanjing Muntain.
    Pst-writing: Evaluatin
    Wrk in pairs: Make imprvements t each ther’s lecture drafts accrding t the fllwing evaluatin frm.

    Pst-writing: Reference text
    The Wnders f Fanjing Muntain Gd afternn, everyne! I’m very happy t be here t give a shrt lecture. Have yu ever heard f Fanjing Muntain? Or have yu ever visited it? If yu haven’t, yu sn will! Fanjing Muntain lies in Tngren, Guizhu Prvince with an elevatin f abut 2,570 metres. It is the highest peak f the Wuling Muntain range in suth-west China. Fanjing Muntain was added t the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List in 2018.
    The Fanjingshan Nature Reserve was established in 1978 and represents ne f the cuntry’s greatest achievements in envirnmental prtectin. The rich bidiversity f the Wuling Muntain range is the principal reasn fr Fanjing Muntain’s inclusin in the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List. Cmprising the largest subtrpical primeval beech frest, the regin is hme t 2,000 species f plants, such as the endangered Chinese dve tree. Endangered animal species that can be fund n Fanjing Muntain and its surrunding muntain range include the Chinese giant salamander, frest musk deer and grey snub-nsed mnkey.
    adj. 最重要的,主要的
    Fanjing Muntain is f curse als renwned fr the breathtaking views frm its summit – r, mre accurately “summits”, as there are three f these! And when night falls leaving this magnificent scenery in darkness, the Mushrm Stne, ne f the many strange rck frmatins, is illuminated s that visitrs can still marvel at the wnders f Fanjing Muntain.

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 A delicate world示范课课件ppt: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4009237_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 5 A delicate world示范课课件ppt</a>,共33页。PPT课件主要包含了Penguins,ACTIONS,PURPOSES,RESULTS,E ,A ,D ,harmony,Cats,parakeets等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 A delicate world教课ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4009237_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 5 A delicate world教课ppt课件</a>,共20页。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 A delicate world课前预习课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4009237_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 5 A delicate world课前预习课件ppt</a>,共34页。PPT课件主要包含了adj 视觉的,n 比较,n 一段时间,Summary,Ending,adj 花的,n 脊椎动物,n 涌入,adj 濒临灭绝的,adv 在别处等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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