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    选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 A delicate world精品课件ppt

    这是一份选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 A delicate world精品课件ppt,共40页。

    Starting ut
    Watch the vide and answer the questins.1 Are humans part f Earth’s ecsystems? Why?2 In what ways can humans affect ecsystems?
    Yes. Humans are part f Earth’s ecsystems.Because all the living things live in ecsystems and peple are living things.
    Humans can affect ecsystems in psitive and negative ways. Fr example, t have a psitive influence n ecsystems, peple can plant trees, feed and prtect animals, recycle things, etc. Hwever, defrestatin, air and water pllutin and excessive waste affect ecsystems in a negative way.
    Lk at the satellite images and answer the questins.
    Lk at the satellite images and answer the questins.1 What is happening t the area accrding t the satellite images?2 What d yu think a later satellite image wuld shw?3 What d yu think caused these changes?
    Aral Sea is becming smaller and smaller/shrinking.
    Understanding ideas
    Lk at the picture and answer the questins.1 What animals can yu see in the picture? 2 What kind f changes wuld take place if cats, rats and rabbits were intrduced t an envirnment like this?
    They wuld hunt the birds and eat the native vegetatin, thus upsetting the lcal eclgical balance.
    Read the passage and find ut what happened t Macquarie Island.
    MACQUARIE ISLAND:frm Chas t Cnservatin
    Nn-native species intrduced t Macquarie Island attacked native birds, and led t a substantial reductin f bird ppulatin and even the extinctin f parakeets. In additin, nn-native species ate and devastated the native vegetatin. All f this played a part in upsetting the natural harmny f the island. But nw the island’s eclgy is n the rad t recvery with human effrts.
    Chse the authr’s purpse in writing the passage and give yur reasns. 1 T analyse hw Macquarie Island was saved frm destructin. 2 T infrm readers f the chas caused n Macquarie Island by humans. 3 T entertain readers with a funny stry abut what happened n Macquarie Island. 4 T suggest ways in which an ecsystem can be prtected.
    Organise infrmatin frm the passage and cmplete the flw chart.
    1 What is yur understanding f “ humans we it t the island t give it a happy ending”? 2 D yu think it was right t eradicate the “pests” frm Macquarie Island? Give yur reasns. 3 Hw culd similar situatins be avided in the future? 4 What language can yu use t talk abut cause and effect? Hw wuld yu apply it t yur reading and writing?
    Think & Share
    T avid similar situatins in the future, we shuld prtect the natural ecsystem and be aware f the ptential impact that human activities can have n ecsystems.
    Ⅰ 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案)1. What des the authr want t tell us in the first paragraph?A. Macquarie Island has its natural beauty.B. It’s difficult fr humans t live n Macquarie Island.C. Varieties f animals and plants live n Macquarie Island.D. Macquarie Island’s native inhabitants cntrast dramatically with nature.2. What d yu think was the cause f the extinctin f parakeets in 1891?A. The hunters caught the birds fr mney.B. They culdn’t adapt t the envirnment.C. The invading animals tk ver the island.D. The number f cats feeding n them increased.
    3. What des the wrd “their”(their numbers explded)in the 5th paragraph refer t?A. Cats’. B. Parakeets’.C. Rabbits’. D. Dgs’.4. What can be inferred frm the text?A. The authr’s dgs killed the last invading species n the island.B. The previus methds befre 2006 all brught sme bad effects.C. It’s humans’ respnsibility t bring everything back t nrmal.D. The chas caused n Macquarie Island by humans has recvered.
    Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)   Macquarie Island is a UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site. But when humans 1__________(arrive) n the island in 1810, a tragic stry began. They tk rats and mice with them 2__________ accident and these small animals quickly tk ver the island, eating the birds’ eggs and 3__________(attack) baby birds. T cntrl the mice and rats, cats 4____________(bring) t the island,but they develped an appetite fr the birds,t. Meanwhile, 5__________(rabbit)were intrduced t the island as a surce f fd t feed humans. Hwever, rabbits multiplied and caused sil ersin, and the number f cats 6__________ ate rabbits and birds increased t. T remve all the rabbits frm the island, a virus was released nt the island, but the decline f the rabbits caused cats 7__________(eat) mre native birds. In the 1980s, traps and dgs were used t catch the cats, which caused the number f mice and rats t increase again. Meanwhile, the remaining rabbits 8__________(develp) an immunity t the virus, and their number explded nce again. 9__________ was clear that the rat, muse and rabbit prblem needed 10__________ (slve) nce and fr all. S I am here t participate in the prgramme t tackle this prblem. But this interventin is a lng, much-delayed ending t a sad stry.
    were brught
    Language pints
    核心词汇教材原句p.50 in perfect harmny with their natural habitat fr thusands f years. 数千年来,……与其自然栖息地完美地和谐共存。1 in harmny with 与……和谐;与……一致Fr decades,we have dedicated urselves t building a better sciety in harmny with nature. 几十年来,我们一直致力于建设一个与自然和谐相处的更美好的社会。[词汇复现]Yur suggestins are nt in harmny with the aims f the prject.你的建议与本项目的目标不符。【归纳拓展】live/wrk in harmny 融洽地生活/ 工作harmnius adj. 和睦的,融洽的;悦耳的;协调的
    ◆完成句子(1) Human life is regarded as part f nature and the nly way fr us t survive is t___________________________(与自然和谐相处).(2)The clurs in the rm aren’t ___________________________(彼此不协调).◆单句语法填空(3) The sky and the sea make a       (harmny) picture.
    live in harmny with nature  
    in harmny with each ther  
    教材原句p.50 Meanwhile, rabbits were intrduced t the island as a surce f fd fr humans. 与此同时,人们把兔子引进岛上作为食物。2 把……引入……In a larger sense,it’s a gd way t intrduce investment and technlgy int the regin. 从更广泛的意义上说,这是一个向该地区引进投资和技术的好办法。[词汇复现]【归纳拓展】intrduce neself (t sb.)(向某人作)自我介绍 intrduce sb. t sb. 把某人介绍给某人【误区警示】intrduce后不能接双宾语,即不可以说 intrduce sb. sth.。他给我们介绍了那个新来的人。He intrduced us the newcmer.(×)He intrduced the newcmer t us.(√)【单词积累】intrductin n. 介绍;引进;序言
    ◆单句语法填空(1) Many new methds f teaching have been intrduced ________ ur schl since last year.(2) He _______________(intrduce)t Mr Black at that party yesterday.(3)[词汇复现]She searched fr the _____________ (intrduce)f yga n the website.◆完成句子(4)D yu knw when the ptates____________________________(被引入中国)?(5) He just walked ver and_________________________(向我作自我介绍).
    was intrduced 
    were intrduced t/int China 
    intrduced himself t me
    教材原句p.50 Lse n the island,they did what rabbits d best—they multiplied rapidly ...由于在岛上放任其生存,兔子做了自己最擅长的事——飞快地繁殖……3 multiply v. 繁殖;(使)大大增加,(使)倍增;乘,乘以Bacteria multiply quickly in warm fd. 细菌在温热的食物里繁殖得很快。The amunt f infrmatin available has multiplied. 可获得的信息大大增加了。Cigarette smking multiplies the risk f cancer. 抽烟会大大增加得癌症的风险。Tw multiplied by fur is/makes/equals eight. 2 乘以 4 等于 8。
    【归纳拓展】2+2=4Tw plus/added t tw is fur.4-2=2Fur minus tw is tw./Tw subtracted frm fur is tw.2×2=4 Tw times/multiplied by tw is fur.4÷2=2Fur divided by tw is tw.
    ◆完成句子(1) It is reprted that smking________________________ (大大增加……的风险)heart attacks and ther health prblems.(2)During ht summers,the germs_________________________(繁殖得很快),and can prduce fd pisning.◆单句语法填空(3)Our prblems__________________ (multiply) since last year.(4)Ten added________ five makes fifteen.(5)12 divided_________4 equals 3.(6)Five______________(multiply)by six is thirty.(7)If yu multiply three__________ six,yu’ll get eighteen.
    multiplies the risk f  
    multiply quickly/rapidly
    have multiplied 
    教材原句p.50The explding rabbit ppulatin prvided plentiful fd fr the cats... 爆炸式增长的兔子数量给猫提供了充足的食物……4 explde v. 突然增加;(使)爆炸;(愤怒等感情)爆发the explding wrld ppulatin 迅猛增长的世界人口explde a car bmb 引爆一枚汽车炸弹He was driving s fast that his car tyre explded. 他车开得太快,导致爆胎。explde with laughter/anger 哄堂大笑 / 勃然大怒【单词积累】explsin n. 激增;爆炸;爆炸声;(愤怒等感情的)爆发
    ◆完成句子(1) D yu fear that yu’ll burst int tears r_____________________(勃然大怒)in frnt f the jurnalist?(2)They tld her t stay still until the emergency persnnel arrived,but she thught the car _________________________(要爆炸了).
    explde with anger  
     was ging t explde 
    教材原句p.51 But althugh the virus caused the rabbit ppulatin t decrease frm 130,000 t arund 10,000...然而,虽然病毒使得兔子的数量从130 000 只降到约10 000 只……5 decrease v. & n.(1)v.(使)变小,(使)减少decrease(frm...)t(从……)减少到……(表示减少的结果)decrease by 减少了……(表示减少的幅度)decrease in 在……方面减少The number f new students decreased(frm 1,200) t 900 this year.今年新生人数(从 1 200)减少到了 900。The price f wheat has decreased by 5%. 小麦价格降低了 5%。This species f bird has decreased dramatically in number. 这种鸟的数量已经急剧减少。[词汇复现]
    (2) n. 减少,减少的量a decrease in...……的减少 n the decrease 在减少There has been a decrease in traffic accidents. 交通事故减少了。The charge fr transprtatin is n the decrease because f lwer fuel csts. 由于更低的燃料花费,运输费用在降低。【归纳拓展】increase v. & n. 增加,增长increase t 增加到……(表示增加的结果)increase by 增加了……(表示增加的幅度)increase in 在……方面增加 n the increase 在增加
    ◆单句语法填空(1) Traffic accidents _________________(decrease)in frequency ver recent years.(2) The number f independent firms decreased________ 296 ________ 198.(3) The prductin cst f this kind f car has decreased ________ ten percent.(4) The number f peple cmmenting n the matter is ________ the decrease.(5) The ppulatin f the regin is ________ the increase year by year. It has increased ______ three millin s far.◆完成句子(6) T be frank with yu,the ppulatin in ur cuntry is ________________(在减少).(7)Accrding t the news agency,the number f peple injured in the traffic accident __________________(已经上升到)95.(9)We aim t ___________________________(将销售额提高 10%).
    have decreased 
     frm t   
    n the decrease 
    has increased t  
    increase sales by 10 percent 
    教材原句p.51 In the 1980 s, traps and dgs were used t catch the cats. 20 世纪80 年代,人们利用捕猎夹和狗来抓猫。6 trap n. & v.(1)n. 夹子,陷阱;圈套;困境lay/set a trap(fr sb./sth.)(给某人 / 某物)设下圈套fall/walk int a trap 落入圈套a fx with its leg in a trap 被夹子夹住腿的狐狸She set a trap fr him and he walked straight int it. 她给他设下圈套,他就径直钻了进去。(2)v.(trapped,trapped)困住;使陷入圈套be trapped in 困在……中;陷入……中trap sb. int(ding)sth. 诱使某人做某事Racns used t be trapped fr their fur,which caused their ppulatin t decrease dramatically. 人们过去经常猎取浣熊以获得其毛皮,这导致了它们的数量急剧减少。[词汇复现]They were trapped in the muntain,waiting t be rescued. 他们被困在山上,等待救援。I was trapped int signing a cnfessin. 我被骗签了一份供词。
    ◆单句语法填空(1) Fire fficers used cutting equipment t free his legs,which______________ (trap) under a steel beam.(2)She had been trapped int _______(say)smething she did nt mean.(3)The car rlled nt its rf,     (trap)bth men.◆完成句子(4) At midnight we finally rescued the turists wh _________________ (被困在)the valley.(5)By clever questining they ________________________________ (诱使他说了实话).
    were trapped  
    were trapped in  
    trapped him int telling the truth  
    教材原句p.51It turned ut that they develped an immunity t the virus , and their numbers explded nce again. 结果它们对病毒产生了免疫力,它们的数量再次激增。7 turn ut 结果是,证明是;(大量)出席,参加;制造,生产It turned ut that a substantial number f penguins were killed in the incident. 结果大量企鹅在这次事件中丧生。[词汇复现]Thusands f peple turned ut t welcme the team hme. 成千上万的人到场欢迎那个队伍归国。The factry turns ut 300 units a day. 这家工厂一天生产300台。【学法点拨】turn ut 作“结果是,证明是;(大量)出席,参加”讲时,是不及物动词词组,不用于被动语态;作“制造,生产”讲时,是及物动词词组。
    ◆完成句子(1) He gt his first bk published. It ____________(结果)t be a best-seller.(2)___________________(原来) she was the PE teacher f my sister.(3)The whle village_______________(出来)t welcme the her.(4) New technlgies have made it pssible t _____________(生产)new prducts faster and at a lwer cst.
    turned ut  
    It turned ut that   
    教材原句p.51This incident made it clear that the rat, muse and rabbit prblem needed slving nce and fr all.这一事件清楚地表明,大鼠、小鼠和兔子泛滥的问题需要一次彻底的解决。8 incident n. 事件;冲突a small/minr incident 小事件a majr incident 重大事件a serius incident 严重事故a vilent incident 暴力事件【词语辨析】incident,accident 与 eventincident 可指小事件,也可指严重的、重要的或暴力的事件。accident 指偶然或意外发生的不幸的事故。event 尤指重要的事件或大事,也可指比赛项目。
    ◆选词填空(incident/accident/event)(1) The __________ made the listeners burst int laughter.(2)Neither yu nr the driver,I think,has tld the truth behind the __________.(3)The ________ has been put ff due t lack f interest.(4)I didn’t mean t break it—it was an __________.(5) A yuth was seriusly injured in a shting _________n Saturday night.
    教材原句p.51 we humans we it t the island t give it a happy ending. ……但这是我们人类应该做的,我们亏欠这座岛屿一个美好的结局。9 we v. 应该做;对……负有……的义务;欠(债),欠(账);归功于we it t sb. t d sth.(认为)应该为某人做某事we sb. sth. =we sth. t sb. 欠某人某物;将某事归功于某人we it t sb. that... 将……归功于某人we sb. a favur 欠某人一个人情Yu we it t yur supprters nt t give up nw. 为了对得起你的支持者,你现在不应该放弃。Yu we mre than gld t thse wh are in favur f yu. 对于支持你的人,你欠的不只是金子。[词汇复现]He wes what he has tday t the refrm. 他把他今天所拥有的归功于改革。[词汇复现]I wed it t yu that I grasped the pprtunity. 多亏你帮助我,我才抓住了这次机会。【归纳拓展】wing t(=because f)意为“由于,因为”,引导原因状语,可位于句首、句中或句末。Owing t the rain,I bjected t ging ut.由于下雨,我不赞成外出。
    ◆单句语法填空(1) [词汇复现]The jurnalist his success and happiness________ his wife and children.(2) I we _______ t yu that I made such great prgress in my spken English.(3) _________(we)t my lack f experience,I didn’t d the wrk well.(4) The cmpany wes mney       mre than ten banks.◆完成句子(5) He asked fr help frm a clleague wh ___________________ (欠他一个人情).(6)The yung writer _____________________ (将他的成功归于)his teacher’s encuragement.
    wed him a favur 
    wed his success t  

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