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    人教新目标版英语九年级Unit14 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B 3a-Self check 》课件
    人教新目标版英语九年级Unit14 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B 3a-Self check 》课件01
    人教新目标版英语九年级Unit14 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B 3a-Self check 》课件02
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    人教新目标版英语九年级Unit14 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B 3a-Self check 》课件04
    人教新目标版英语九年级Unit14 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B 3a-Self check 》课件05
    人教新目标版英语九年级Unit14 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B 3a-Self check 》课件06
    人教新目标版英语九年级Unit14 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B 3a-Self check 》课件07
    人教新目标版英语九年级Unit14 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B 3a-Self check 》课件08
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    人教新目标 (Go for it) 版九年级全册Section B优质课件ppt

    这是一份人教新目标 (Go for it) 版九年级全册Section B优质课件ppt,共37页。PPT课件主要包含了Revision,Reading,Free talk,Take notes,Writing,写一个难忘的人,A person,Theperson,记一件难忘的事,The event等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1.复习掌握下列词汇: schl survey, in a rw, clear instructins, be patient with sb., wrk ut, be thankful t sb., alng with, be respnsible fr, be thirsty fr, g by, make a mess, keep ne’s cl, guide sb. t d sth., put in mre effrt.掌握句型:Explain hw yu feel abut this persn/event.Describe hw this persn/event has changed yur life.2.综合运用多种时态,学会借助思维导图列举作文要点,通过写作范例展示,由简入难,使学生逐步掌握写作技巧,梳理成文,让学生学会描写过去的回忆和经历。3.和大家分享初中生活的记忆和经历,懂得珍惜友情,学会感恩并展望美好未来。
    Learning aims
    Lk and say.
    first f allbe thirsty fr  be prud f …be thankful t sb. ahead f have the ability t d sthg … separate waysset ut n        
    1.首先2.渴望;渴求3.为……感到自豪4.某人心存感激5. 在……前面6. 有能力做某事7. 分道扬镳8.开始进行新的或重要的事情
    Translate the phrses int English.
    What d yu remember in junir high schl?
    I remember training fr the sprtsday and we finally wn the races.
    I als made a lt f friends.
    I remember … …
    My teacher praised me
    I argued with my best friend.
    My classmate fled me.
    Smene helped me withut telling me his name.
    Lk and read.
    Read the shrt passage and fill in the chart.
    One day, I sat in the classrm alne. Suddenly I saw Lisa’s new pen n her desk. What a beautiful pen! I really wanted t wn it. Then I tk the pen and put it in my schlbag. While Lisa was lking fr her pen, I was afraid and didn’t have the curage t tell her the truth. When I gt hme, I tld my mther abut the pen. She said I made a mistake and tld me I shuld be hnest and make up fr it.Then I realized that I was wrng and felt very srry, s I decided t give the pen back t Lisa and say srry t her. The next day, I did s and Lisa frgave me. That’s the mistake I nce made. It made me grw up and I learned the imprtance f hnesty.
    Read and fill.
    The writer tk Lisa’s pen.
    One day, in the classrm.
    He/She felt afraid.
    He/She tld Mm abut the pen. Mm asked him/ her t be hnest and give the pen back t Lisa.
    It made him/her grw up and he/she learned the imprtance f hnesty.
    D yu have any special memries abut schl days?D yu have any unfrgettable teachers r classmates in junir high schl?D yu have any unfrgettable events in junir high schl?
    What’s yur special memries?
    being a vlunteer
    having New Year's parties
    winning a prize.
    having a sprts meeting
    mrning readings
    Lk and write.
    Think f a persn r an event frm junir high schl that yu will never frget. Make sme ntes abut hw this persn r event changed yur life in sme way.
    Wh is the persn? / What is the event?When and where did yu first meet this persn? / When and where did this event happen?Hw did yu feel when yu met this persn? / Hw did yu feel when this event happened?Hw did this persn help yu? / What happened later?Hw has this persn’s advice / event changed yur life?
    Write a passage abut the persn r event yu thught abut in 3a.
    Describe the persn/event.Explain hw yu feel abut this persn/event.Describe hw this persn/event has changed yur life.
    1. 写中学生活中的难忘的人/事。2. 事件的五要素:when, where, wh, what, hw, why3. 最后阐述这件事对自己所产生的影响。
    Writing skills
    方法: 1. 对人物的肖像进行描写。简要介绍该人物。2. 选择一个角度,通过对某件事情的叙述,更加生动地描写人物, 描写该人物如何对你产生了影响。 3. 总结自己对人物的评价、情感等。
    Writing guidance
    The first time yu meet
    Appearance & persnality
    Things happened t yu
    Hw he / she helped yu
    Hw yu’ve been changed
    What yu want t tell him / her
    The ne persn frm my junir high schl days that I will never frget is Mrs.Wang, my English teacher in Grade 7. When I first started Grade 7, I was shy and did nt dare t speak t anyne. My English was nt very gd and I felt nervus when I had t answer questins in class. I wuld have prblems speaking even thugh I knew the answer. I felt quite unhappy with myself.
    Sample writing:

    The ne persn frm my junir schl days that I will never frget is Miss Chen, my English teacher in Grade 7. On the ne hand, when I was new in Grade 7, I was t shy t speak t anyne. On the ther hand, my English wasn’t gd s I felt nervus when I had t answer questins in class. I had truble speaking even if I knew the answer. I felt quite upset. One day Miss Chen talked t me after class. She encuraged me t speak slwly. What’s mre, she said, ”I believe if yu practice mre, yu will speak well.” I was tuched by her wrds and began t wrk harder n my speaking skills. Miss Chen encurage me all the time and I became mre cnfident. I imprved s much that I wn anEnglish speech cntest that year. I will always be thankful t Miss Chen.
    方法:1. 交代时间、地点和人物,主体时态为过去式。2. 详细描述事情发生的经过和结果。3. 发表对此事的看法和感受。
    If yu want t write abut an event …
    When and where
    What happened
    Yur feelings
    What happened later
    One day Mrs. Wang spke t me after class. She encuraged me t speak slwly. She als tld me that she believed I culd speak well if I practiced mre. I was tuched by what she said and it made me wrk harder n my speaking skills. Mrs. Wang cntinued t encurage me and I became even mre cnfident. I imprved s much that I wn an English speech cntest that year! I will always be thankful t Mrs. Wang fr her advice and supprt.

    When I was in Grade 8, ne f my classmates sat beside me. His name is Kevin. At that time, I fund math was hard t learn and ften failed the math tests. But Kevin did well in wrking n math prblems and he ften gt gd grades. I wished I culd be gd at math as well as him. S when I met the difficult prblems, I asked him fr help. He was always s patient t answer my questins and teach me the ways t wrk n the prblems. Gradually, I built my cnfidence and had an interest in math. With his help, I made great prgress in math. At last, I passed the math exam in the final exam. We Were bth happy. I was really grateful t him. A faithful friend is hard t find. I think Kevin is the mst unfrgettable persn in my junir schl.
    初中生活,精彩纷呈。回首过去,你是否感到充实和快乐?展望未来,你是否对高中生活充满期待?请结合以下提示写一篇毕业班会演讲稿。提示:1. 初中阶段你有哪些收获; 2. 初中阶段你有哪些遗憾或未实现的愿望; 3. 你对未来的高中生活有哪些计划或打算。要求:1. 80~100词,格式正确; 2. 字迹工整,语言流畅,表达准确,逻辑清晰。
    审体裁 _____________________审人称 _____________________审时态 _____________________
    初中阶段的收获2. 初中阶段的遗憾和未实现的愿望3. 对未来高中生活的计划和打算
    Present the tpic
    Gains in junir high schl
    Regrets in junir high schl
    Plans fr senir high schl
    Thank yu fr yur attentin.
    What did yu learn r get in junir high schl?What have yu dne in junir high schl?What are yu mst prud f in schl?Hw have yu changed since yu started junir high schl?
    Fr me, I have learned a lt frm the teachers, and I have made a lt f friends.
    What did yu want t d but nt d in junir high schl?What r wh made yu regret in junir high schl?What shuld yu d well but did nt d well in junir high schl?
    Fr me, I failed t keep n reading and smetimes I quarreled with my parents. That made me feel really srry.
    Hw d yu think things will be different in senir high schl?What are yur plans fr the next year?What are yu lking frward t?
    Fr me, I will spend mre time n reading. I will get alng well with my parents, t.
    Hw t write a speech.
    Thank yu fr giving me the pprtunity t tell yu abut __________
    I’m very glad t give yu a shrt speech. My tpic is _______________
    Gains in junir schl
    I have learned a lt frm the teachers, such as _______________________________________I have made a lt f friends wh ____________________________________________________
    plenty f knwledge and learning methds.
    share the same interest with me.
    What did yu get in junir high schl?
    I failed t keep n reading because ___________________________I ___________________________ I quarreled with my parents.
    I was busy with my schlwrk.
    smetimes felt s anxius that
    There were always many regrets in the past.
    I hpe t _________________________________I want t _________________________________I plan t __________________________________I’m ging t ______________________________
    spend mre time n reading.
    get alng well with my parents.
    jin the club t make my life mre clrful.
    What are yur plans fr senir high schl?
    Never _________________________________Please d ______________________________Dn’t __________________________________Let ____________________________________
    I have a plan that in senir high schl, I will _________________________________________________________________I have a plan that ____________________________________ __________________________________________________I have a plan that ____________________________________
    I have a dream that ne day this natin will rise up and live ut the true meaning f its creed: “We hld these truths t be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”I have a dream that ne day n the red hills f Gergia, the sns f frmer slaves and the sns f frmer slave wners will be able t sit dwn tgether at the table f brtherhd.I have a dream that ne day even the state f Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat f injustice, sweltering with the heat f ppressin, will be transfrmed int an asis f freedm and justice.I have a dream that my fur little children will ne day live in a natin where they will nt be judged by the clr f their skin but by the cntent f their character.
    D ne thing at a time, and d well.
    Keep n ging and never give up.
    Whatever is wrth ding is wrth ding well.
    I can because I think I can.
    The best preparatin fr tmrrw is ding yur best tday.
    Bys and girls: Thank yu fr giving me the pprtunity t tell yu abut _____ That’s all. Thank yu fr listening.
    The life f my junir high schl is cming t an end.Since I entered junir high schl, ______________Hwever, __________________________________Firstly, ____________________________________Secndly, _________________________________In high schl, _____________________________
    Bys and girls: Thank yu fr giving me the pprtunity t tell yu abut my junir high schl life and my plans fr my future. The life f my junir high schl is cming t an end. Since I entered junir high schl, I’ve learned a lt frm my teachers, such as plenty f knwledge and learning methds. I have als made many gd friends wh share the same interest with me. Hwever, there are still things that I feel srry abut. Firstly, I failed t keep n reading, because I was busy with my schlwrk. Secndly, smetimes I felt s anxius that I quarreled with my parents. In high schl, I will spend mre time n reading and I will get alng well with my parents. I will jin the club t make my life mre clrful, t. Yu cannt imprve yur past, but yu can imprve yur future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted. I believe I will have a clrful high schl life. Believe in yurselves. Yu can d it, t. That’s all. Thank yu fr listening.
    Every persn yu met, every thing yu did makes a part f yu nw. N matter happy r sad, yu shuld thank the persn and event that help yu grw up.
    感恩过去,感恩亲友,感恩师长… …
    Lk ahead t the future
    graduate frm …. yesterday is histry tmrrw is a mystery tday is a gift !
    1 What happened in junir high that made yu have these feelings? Cmplete the chart.
    Our class wn the first prize in the the sprts meeting.
    I was happy when pur math teacher praised me.
    I didn’t finish my hmewrk and my teachers were strict.
    When I had a fight with my best friend and we didn’t talk t each ther fr a week.
    I was tired after staying up late at night t study.
    I gt first in the final examinatin.
    I felt shy n the first day f Grade 7 and did nt dare t talk t anyne.
    Lk and fill.
    2 Fill in the blanks with the crrect frms f the verbs in brackets.
    I can’t __________ (believe) that tday is the last day f junir high schl. I still ___________ (remember) the first day f Grade 7 like it was yesterday. I used t _____ (be) a really shy persn, s n the first day f junir high, I _______ (be) s scared and nervus. I _________ (think) that I wuld never make any friends. But nw, I ____________(realize) that I was just being silly. Since then, I __________ (make) s many gd friends and I ________________ (share) s many gd memries with them. Even thugh I ________ (be) sad that junir high is ver, I _____________ (lk) frward t new experiences in senir high!
    share/have shared
    lk/am lking
    补全句子1.We are full f energy and _____________(渴望的) fr knwledge. 2.When I _____________, I'm ging t help thers mre. (grw) 长大后我将更多地帮助别人。3.我盼望收到你们所有人的来信。 I lk frward t ________ ________ all f yu.4.老师们对学生们的成就感到非常骄傲。 Teachers ________ great ________ in their students' achievements.
    hearing frm
    take pride

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    初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版九年级全册Section B优质课课件ppt: 这是一份初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版九年级全册Section B优质课课件ppt,文件包含人教新目标版英语九年级Unit14《IremembermeetingallofyouinGrade7SectionB1a-1e》课件pptx、人教新目标版英语九年级Unit14《IremembermeetingallofyouinGrade7SectionB1a-1e》练习含答案doc、SectionB1c-1-mp3、SectionB1c-2-mp3、SectionB1cmp3、SectionB1dmp3、BeWhatYouWannaBe1mp4等7份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共26页, 欢迎下载使用。

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        人教新目标版英语九年级Unit14 《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B 3a-Self check 》课件
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