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    1. 全卷共七大题,71小题,满分为120分。考试时间为100分钟。
    2. 全卷分为卷I(选择题)和卷Ⅱ(非选择题)两部分,全部在“答题纸”上作答。卷I的答案必须用2B铅笔填涂;卷Ⅱ的答案必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔写在“答题纸”的相应位置上。
    3. 请用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。
    1. Hw will the man g t schl?
    A. By bus. B. By car. C. By bike.
    2. What's wrng with the wman?
    A. She's gt a fever. B. She's gt a cugh. C. She's gt a headache.
    3. Hw is the weather ging t be?
    A. Rainy. B. Cludy. C. Sunny
    4. Why didn't the wman like staying in India?
    A. Because f crwded traffic. B. Because f ht weather C. Because f living cst.
    5. What's the pssible relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Waiter and custmer. B. Dctr and patient. C. Dad and daughter.
    6. Where will the camp be held?
    A. In Rme. B. In Hustn. C. In Manchester.
    7. Hw ften will the by practise sccer?
    A. Every day. B. Twice a week. C. Once a mnth.
    8. Where are the tw speakers?
    A. At the garden. B. At the restaurant. C. At the supermarket.
    9. What des the girl like?
    A. Carrts. B. Ptates. C. Tmates.
    10. Hw des the man describe his hbby?
    A. Exciting. B. Relaxing. C. Bring.
    11. What des the speaker d?
    A. A ck. B. A teacher. C. A presenter.
    12. What is the new prduct?
    A. A dishwasher. B. A cking rbt. C. A washing machine.
    13. Hw lng has the cmpany spent designing the prduct?
    A. Fr abut 4 years. B. Fr abut 5 years. C. Fr abut 6 years.
    14. What can the prduct d?
    A. Wash dishes. B. Sweep the flr. C. Order meals nline.
    15. Hw can we get mre infrmatin abut the prduct?
    A. Call the cmpany. B. Visit the fficial website. C. Send the cmpany emails.
    第二部分 笔试部分
    Cassandra Naud is very ht n the Internet these days. She is a gd 16 and she was brn with a brwn birthmark(胎记)under her right eye. It cvers a large part f her face s it is very easy t be 17 . His parents were given a chance t remve the birthmark right after her birth. But they were 18 abut that it might be dangerus fr her, s they refused t put baby Cassandra under the 19 just fr meeting the aesthetic(审美的)needs f public.
    Cassandra experienced a 20 childhd in primary schl thugh she had the great lve f her parents. Her schlmates ften 21 her because f her birthmark. She was heartbrken with what they said and had t 22 in crners and fight back tears. She was even afraid f hw she wuld be treated 23 she went t high schl.
    At the age f 13 she tk an imprtant 24 t change her life. She tld her parents she wanted t have her birthmark remved. They were 25 that but they chse t understand her and respect her decisin. S they 26 invited a great dctr t perate n her. The dctr said that if she had the peratin, there, wuld be the 27 f being left with a lazy eye. After knwing this, she decided t keep her birthmark, and tried t find ut the 28 side f it.
    Cassandra dreamed f being an excellent dancer. She realised that the birthmark wuld make 29 mre memrable and ppular amng the dancers. Frm then n, she began t 30 her birthmark, instead f trying t hide it, and she als learnt t face the wrld with bright smiles.
    16. A. singer B. dancer C. actress D. dctr
    17. A. seen B. mved C. cleaned D. changed
    18. A. crazy B. angry C. excited D. wrried
    19. A. eyes B. face C. knife D. table
    20. A. busy B. safe C. shrt D. hard
    21. A. lked after B. listened t C. laughed at D. believed in
    22. A. cry B. wait C. talk D. sleep
    23. A. befre. B. when C. until D. unless
    24. A. nte B. seat C. break D. decisin
    25. A. certain f B. surprised at C. pleased with D. interested in
    26. A. never B. already C. immediately D. suddenly
    27. A. risk B. wish C. pride D. dream
    28. A. silent B. cmmn C. mdern D. pleasant
    29. A. us B. them C. her D. it
    30. A. miss B. lve C. check D. find
    D yu want t g smewhere exciting? The Arctic(北极)is a gd place. The beauty f this place attracts thusands f turists every year t see its wnderful wildlife, natural sights and lcal cultures. Even thugh the Arctic is a ppular turist area, dn't frget that peple live there t. Remember t shw yur respect t lcal culture and prtect the lcal envirnment.
    If yu want t make an Arctic visiting plan, yu can refer t the fllwing chart.
    31. Accrding t the text, what shuld turists pay attentin t in the Arctic?
    A. Wearing warm clthes and shes. B. Fllwing an experienced guide.
    C. Respecting the lcal peple and culture. D. Starting an envirnment prtectin prject.
    32. When is the best time t see mst kinds f Arctic animals?
    A. April& May. B. June& July. C. August& September. D. Nvember. & December.
    33. In which part f a newspaper may this passage appear?
    A. Travel. B. Nature. C. Culture. D. Educatin.
    It's cmmnly knwn that greenhuse gases like carbn dixide(CO2)causes glbal warming. The whle wrld has made great effrts t imprve the situatin. Especially, the trees planted in China are playing an imprtant rle.
    A reprt published in Nature shws that CO2 absrptin(吸收)in tw new frest areas in China is mre than we thught. The tw areas are lcated in China's suthwestern and nrtheastern prvinces. They make up ver 35 percent f China's carbn sinks. Carbn sinks are natural systems that absrb and stre CO2 frm the air. The main natural carbn sinks are trees and ther plants.
    Accrding t Paul Palmer, these prvinces have been wrking n rapid frestatin(造林)in large areas. Over the past 10 t 15 years, the frest areas have kept increasing by 400-4,400 square kilmeters per year.
    China is ne f the wrld's biggest cuntries f human-prduced CO2, A. In 1978, China began a natinal-level frestatin prject. Many trees have planted in the areas f nrthern China t act as windbreaks. Fr example, abut ne third f the Kubuqi Desert in Inner Mnglia is nw cvered with trees. In 2019, Alipay's Ant Frest prgram planted 122 millin trees and wn the UN Champins f the Earth award fr helping 500 millin peple live lw-carbn lives.
    China's gal is t reach carbn neutrality by 2060. Carbn neutrality refers t remving as much CO2 as ne puts int the air. If China's gal is achieved, it will lwer glbal warming by arund 0.2 t 0.3 C alne, accrding t Climate Actin Tracker(CAT).
    34. China's tw new frests areas____________.
    A. play an imprtant rle in tree-planting
    B. are in the suthwest and nrtheast f China
    C. cver mre than half f China's carbn sinks
    D. mainly absrb and stre trees and ther plants
    35. In Paragraph 3,Paul Palmer shws China's achievement in frestatin by____________.
    A. using numbers B. asking questins C. giving examples D. cmparing facts
    36. Which f the fllwing can be put in the ____________in Paragraph 4?
    A. and it has caused serius envirnmental prblems
    B. s the gvernment will take steps t stp air pllutin
    C. thugh mst f Chinese peple are living lw-carbn lives
    D. but ur cuntry has been wrking n reducing its climate influence
    37. The passage mainly talks abut____________.
    A. what causes glbal warming B. what China des t lwer glbal warming
    C. hw China prduces s much CO2 D. hw trees absrb and stre CO2 frm the air
    Stress(压力)has been a part f my life fr as lng as I can remember. When I was a kid, I stressed ver sme news reprts. Why was there s many bad things happening in the wrld? And every age and stage cmes with new prblems: exams, friends, lve, lss, jb, family and death. One night, while I was facing a writing deadline, I culd feel the wrry setting in. Was it pssible that stress was making me feel gd?
    As a psychlgist(心理学家), Catherine Jacksn, PhD, says, "In fact, stress is a must fr peple t live.” Gd stress is knwn as “eustress" and it cmes with different advantages. Many studies have shwn that “eustress” will help peple t keep healthy and energetic.
    Dr. Jacksn finds stress can als increase yur pwer and creativity t cmplete a task. “Anther advantage is imprved perfrmance," she adds. Lw levels f stress can make a gd influence n brain pwer and imprve memry and learning abilities in shrt time.
    Dr. Jacksn suggests recnsidering the wrd "stress” as "pressure." This culd change hw yu g n t d with the situatin. But it's imprtant t tell the difference between them. “Stress nearly takes peple's breath away, and the gal is t reduce it," Dr. Jacksn explains, "but pressure is having smething depend n yur perfrmance fr a gd result.”
    I changed the mind abut stress that night. Fr the first time in my life, I was actually cnsidering stress differently. In my case, my deadline finally had a gd result. It's almst as if this pressure helped me get the jb dne. I might never be able t make bad stress disappear cmpletely, but I can change my thughts, and that's a step in the right directin.
    38. The writer was stressful when he was little because f____________.
    A. news B. exams C. lve D. friends
    39. Accrding t Paragraph 2, “eustress” can help peple____________.
    A. stay fit B. get high scres C. find gd jbs D. increase creativity
    40. The underline wrd "pressure” in Paragraph 4 means smething that____________.
    A. takes yur breath away B. changes yur mind
    C. pushes yu frward D. makes yu nervus
    41. Which f the fllwing shws the structure f the whle passage?
    A. B. C. D.
    The next day wuld be Christmas, and Della had nly $ 1.87 t buy a gift fr Jim. Nw, there were nly tw pssessins(财产). One was Jim's gld watch frm his grandfather. The ther was Della's hair.
    She went t the street with tears. Then she saw a sign, “Hair Gds.”
    "Will yu buy my hair?” asked Della.
    “I buy hair,” said the wman, “Take yur hat ff.”
    “Twenty dllars,” said the wman.
    “Give it t me quickly,” said Della.
    The next tw hurs, she was searching thrugh the stres fr Jim's gift. She fund a watch chain(表链)at last. As sn as she saw it she knew that it must be Jim's althugh it needed $21.
    At abut seven, Jim gt hme. "Jim, darling," she cried, "dn't lk at me that way. I had my hair cut ff and sld. Yu dn't knw what a nice gift I've gt fr yu. Let's be happy."
    “Yu've cut ff yur hair?” asked Jim.
    “Cut it ff and sld it,” said Della. “Dn't yu like me just as well, anyhw?”
    Jim tk ut a package and threw it upn the table.
    “Dn't make any mistake, Della," he said. "I dn't think there's anything that culd make me like my girl any less. But if yu pen that package, yu may understand.”
    After pening it, she burst int jy but then she cried. Fr there lay the set f cmbs(梳子)that Della had always wanted. They were expensive, she knew. And nw, they were hers, but her hair was gne.
    But she hugged him and said, "My hair grws fast, Jim!”
    Jim had nt yet seen his beautiful gift. She held it ut t him. "Isn't it wnderful, Jim? Yu'll lk at the time a hundred times a day nw. Give me yur watch. I want t see hw it lks n it.”
    But Jim put his hands under the back f his head and said, "Let's put ur gifts away. I sld the watch t get the mney t buy yur cmbs.”
    Frm The Gift f the Magi
    By O·Henry
    42. Which is the crrect rder f the fllwing events?
    a. Jim came back hme at seven. B. Della decided t sell her hair.
    C. Jim sent a set f cmbs t Della. D. Della bught a watch chain fr Jim.
    A. a-b-c-d. B. a-d-b-c. C. b-c-a-d. D. b-d-a-c.
    43. Hw did Jim feel when he fund Della's hair was cut?
    A. Afraid. B. Wrried. C. Happy. D. Surprised.
    44. What can we infer(推断)frm the underlined sentence "My hair grws fast, Jim!"?
    A. Della regretted cutting her hair. B. Della wanted t shw ff her hair.
    C. Della tried t make Jim happy. D. Della hped t sell the new cmbs.
    45. The purpse f the stry is t
    A. tell us hw t chse prper gifts B. shw the imprtance f Christmas
    C. describe the lve between Jim and Della D. teach us t be hnest with ur family
    The Secret Garden is written by Frances Hdgsn Burnett. It is ne f Burnett's mst ppular nvels.
    The Secret Garden was first published in ten issues f The American Magazine(Nvember 1910-August 1911). It was first published in bk frm in August 1911 by the Frederick A. Stkes Cmpany in New Yrk;it was als published that year by William Heinemann in Lndn. Different editins(版本)were published in the late 1980s and early 1990s, such as a full-clur illustrated(有插图的)editin frm David R. Gdine Publisher in 1989.
    Mary, a girl f The Secret Garden, gets the key t the garden and finds its hidden dr. The girl lves the secret garden, where she plays with her cusin, Clin. Magically, all kinds f bad habits n them disappear.
    46. ________ 47. ________ 48. ________ 49. _______
    50. What d yu think f this bk?
    T help peple develp gd habits,Clear Plate ffers users credit pints(虚拟信用值)that can be used t buy prducts.
    After finishing dinner at the dining hall, Bi Haiba, a teacher, tk sme 51 (照片)f his empty plates and psted n a WeChat prgram called Clear Plate. After that, he 52 (收到)sme credit pints that culd be used t buy prducts r give meals t peple in need. Bi led a student 53 (队伍)t enter a cmpetitin fr the activity. "It is surprising, as all the members had enjyed 54 (节约)fd by the end f the term," he said.
    Liu Jinchen, wh funded Clear Plate in 55 (十月)2018, said refusing fd waste shuld be a lifestyle 56 (选择). His prgram has helped abut 4,200,000 peple and given away ver 20,000 meals. “It's nt an easy jb, but I can learn a lt and imprve 57 (我自己)by ding these things.” Liu said. He believes that gd behavir shuld be encuraged and it will 58 (或许)becme a gd habit. He has helped millins f peple t frm the habit f clearing the plates in an 59 (有趣)way.
    Liu was named ne f the 60 (十七)yung leaders by the UN in 2020. And he is the nly Chinese persn t get the hnr s far.
    Mulan Jins the Army is a well-knwn traditinal stry in China. In 1988, it 61 (make)int a ppular cartn Hua Mulan by the Walt Disney. 62 (recent)Walt Disney Film Cmpany has remade the cartn int a famus film Mulan.
    Hua Mulan is a girl in a small village. The gvernment asks Mulan's father 63 (jin)the army, althugh he is very ld and weak. T prtect her father and little brther, Mulan dresses up as a by and 64 (ride)her hrse t fight against the enemy. In the wars, Mulan is ne f 65 (brave)sldiers. She is never afraid f any challenge, 66 she wins the respect f ther sldiers. She catches 67 (they)hearts with her curage and effrt. 68 a nice girl she is! When she cmes back hme, her father is prud 69 her.
    In the film, Chinese actress Liu Yifei plays the rle f Hua Mulan. She is 70 great actress. She can speak English well and is really hard-wrking.
    Hw des Hua Mulan try t turn herself frm a yung girl t a brave sldier? Watch the actin mvie and yu'll find the answer.
    71. 校学生会策划了主题为“Walk fr Trees”的十公里徒步活动。假设你是学生会成员,请写一篇英语短文,在校英语报上介绍该活动的内容、益处并给出相关建议。要点提示如下:
    注意:1. 短文必须包含表中所有信息,并适当发挥;
    2. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;
    3. 词数:80~100;
    4. 短文首句仅供参考选择使用,不计入总词数。
    短文首句:On May 6th, we will have an activity called Walk fr Trees.
    Name: The Secret Garden Genre: Nvel
    46 : Frances Hdgsn Burnett Main Characters: Mary and Clin
    Stryline: Mary, whse parents were dead, went t live with her uncle. The garden f her uncle was a magic place t Mary. One day, Mary gt the key and entered the garden. She fund Clin there and 47 happily with him. The garden pened a new and wnderful wrld fr them.
    Publicatin histry:
    ●walk fr 10 kilmeters
    ●raise mney t plant mre trees
    ●be gd fr health
    ●wear cmfrtable shes

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