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    Unit 8 Detective stories 课时1 Comic Strip - Welcome to the unit-九年级英语上册同步精品讲义(牛津译林版)
    Unit 8  Detective stories 课时1 Comic Strip - Welcome to the unit-九年级英语上册同步精品讲义(牛津译林版)01
    Unit 8  Detective stories 课时1 Comic Strip - Welcome to the unit-九年级英语上册同步精品讲义(牛津译林版)02
    Unit 8  Detective stories 课时1 Comic Strip - Welcome to the unit-九年级英语上册同步精品讲义(牛津译林版)03
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    Unit 8 Detective stories 课时1 Comic Strip - Welcome to the unit-九年级英语上册同步精品讲义(牛津译林版)

    Unit 8 Detective stories
    Comic Strip-Welcome to the unit

    1.____________ n.  侦探,警探
    2.____________ n. 线索
    3.____________adj. 缺少的;丢失的
    4.____________vt. 谋杀,杀害
    5.____________ n. 犯罪嫌疑人
    6.____________adj. 中等的
    7.____________adj. 不整洁的
    8.____________ adj.有罪的
    9.____________ n.事实,真相
    10.____________ vt. 猜,猜测
    11.____________vi. 说谎
    12.____________ vt. 证实,确认
    13.____________ n. 受害者,罹难者
    14.____________ n. 犯罪活动;罪行
    15.____________adv.  在某处
    16.____________ vt. 联系
    17.____________vt.  使…受伤
    18.____________ vi. 流血,出血
    19.____________ n. 仇人,敌人,反对者
    20.____________ adj.  单身的;单个的
    21.____________  收入高的
    22.____________ vt. 指控,控告; (使)充电
    23.____________ n. 系统
    24.____________vt. 猜想,假定,料想
    25.____________ adj.  仅有的,唯一的
    26.____________n.  目击者;证人
    27.____________vt.  举报,报告
    28.____________vi.&vt.  呼吸
    29.____________adv. 沉重地;猛烈地
    30.____________n.  报酬,奖金
    31.____________n.逮捕; vt. & vi. 逮捕
    32.____________ n.  夫妇,一对
    33.____________ n.  指纹,手印
    34.____________adv.  大概,或许
    35.____________adj.  犯罪的,犯法的
    36.____________adj.  女(性)的;雌性的
    37.____________ n.  老板,上司
    38.____________vt.  犯(罪)
    39.____________ n. 急忙,匆忙
    40.____________ n.. 绑架,劫持
    41.____________n.  财富
    42.____________ n. 监狱
    43.____________vt.  绑架,劫持
    44.____________ n. 安全,保险
    45.____________ vt. 锁
    46.____________ vt. 关上,封闭;合拢
    47.____________ vt. 守卫,保卫
    48.____________ n. 项链
    49.____________ n. 偷窃
    50.____________ n. <英> [ 总称] 珠宝
    51.____________ vt. 偷,窃取
    1.______________ 强行闯入
    2.______________原来是, 结果是
    3.______________   与…无关
    4.______________ 急忙,赶快
    6.______________   防范,提防(某事)
    7.______________   与……和睦相处
    1. The police have __________ that the __________ was a computer _________. 警察已经确认受害者是一名电脑工程师。
    2. He was last seen __________ his office in East Town. 他被最后一次看到是离开在East Town的办公室。
    3. at the __________ of the crime 在案发现场
    4. be killed __________ __________被害于别处
    5. be killed at the place __________sb. was found 被害于发现尸体的地方
    6. __________ __________ __________ as a result 最终流血致死
    7. __________ the scene for more _________ _________ will help solve the ________ 检查现场寻找更多的线索来帮助断案
    8. be __________ of computer crimes 参与电脑犯罪
    9. be __________ __________ __________ __________ several computer systems被指控非法侵入电脑系统
    10. We __________ that the victim knew his murderer. 我们认为受害者认识谋杀他的人。
    11. breathe __________ 呼吸沉重,气喘吁吁
    12. be __________ __________ at the time of the __________案发时在其他地方,不在现场
    13. lead to the __________ of the murderer导致杀人犯的被捕
    14. do something __________ the law作一些违法的事情
    15. __________ __________ __________ theft 因偷窃坐牢
    16. We need to __________ __________ any possible danger around us. 我们需要防范我们周围任何可能的危险。
    17. Tom __________ __________ __________ all of his neighbors except the man who lived next door. 除了住在隔壁的那个人他与所有邻居都相处的很好。
    1.detective    2.clue    3.missing     4.murder   
    5.suspect    6.medium  7.untidy  8.guilty    
    9.truth    10.guess    11.lie  12.confirm    
    13.victim  14.crime     15.somewhere  16. contact   
    17.wound     18.bleed  19.enemy  20.single  
    21.well-paid  22.charge  23.system  24.suppose 
    25.only  26.witness    27.report    28.breathe 
    29.heavily    30.reward    31.arrest    32.couple 
    33.fingerprint 34.probably    35.criminal  36.female  
    37.boss    38.commit    39.hurry  40. kidnapping 
    41.wealth  42. prison    43.kidnap   44. safety 
    45.lock    46. shut   47. guard  48. necklace 
    49. theft  50. jewellery     51. steal   
    1.break into    2.turn out     3.have nothing to do with  4.in a hurry   
    5.in prison     6.guard against sth    7. get along/on with    
    1. confirmed; victim; engineer 2.leaving 3. scene 4. somewhere else
    5. where 6. bleed to death 7. check; clues which; case
    8. guilty 9. charged with breaking into 10. suppose
    11. heavily 12.somewhere else; crime 13.arrest
    14. against 15. be charged with 16. guard against 17. gets along with

    知识点01 missing 教材P106

    missing adj. 缺少的,丢失的
    1. miss  v. 未击中;未得到;未达到;错过
    She threw a plate at him and only narrowly missed . 她朝他甩出一个盘子,差一点打中他。
    The sale prices were too good to miss . 那次价格优惠真的不可错过。
    It was an opportunity not to be missed . 机不可失,时不再来。
    Sorry I'm late—have I missed anything? 对不起,我来晚了—我错过什么了吗?
    2. miss  v. 怀念;思念
    She will be greatly missed when she leaves. 她走了以后,人们会非常思念她的。 
    What did you miss most when you were in France? 你在法国的时候最怀念的是什么? 
    1.My pet, little Puppy, has ________ for a week. I miss it very much.
    A.gone missing B.got lost C.been missing D.lost
    句意:我的宠物小狗已经失踪一个星期了。我非常想念它。考查现在完成时。根据语境可知,小狗从一周前到现在一直是失踪状态,并且这个失踪状态可能还要持续下去应用现在完成时;本句时间状语为“for+一段时间”,且是肯定句,所以谓语动词应用延续性动词,而“lost”为非延续性动词,故排除B和D; “missing(失踪的) ”为形容词,其前应用be动词组成系表结构表状态。故选C。
    2.I think the book is well worth _________. You’d better _________ the chance.
    A.to read;not to miss B.reading;not miss
    C.reading;not to miss D.read;not miss
    句意:我觉得这本书很值得读。你最好不要错过机会。Be worth doing值得做;had better(not)do sth最好(不要)做某事,所以选B。
    【拓展】missing, lost, gone 区别
    missing 表示人或物不在原地, lost表示丢失很难找到,gone表示一去不复返。
    知识点02 murder 教材P107
    murder v.&n. 谋杀 murderer n. 杀人犯,杀人凶手
    He was found guilty of murder. 经裁决,他犯有谋杀罪。
    She has been charged with the attempted murder of her husband. 她被指控意图谋杀丈夫。
    to commit a murder 犯谋杀罪
    The play is a murder mystery . 这出戏说的是一桩神秘的凶杀案。
    The murdered woman was well known in the area. 被杀害的女人在这个地区很有名气。 
    The murderer was never caught.  这个杀人犯一直未抓到。
    It is said that more than one person on the Orient Express(东方快车).
    A.murdered B.was murdered C.were murdered D.murders
    句意:据说在东方快车上有不止一个人被谋杀。考查主谓一致和一般过去时的被动语态。根据题干可知这是一个由that引导的宾语从句,根据句意,从句中缺少谓语成分,而且从句主语more than one person和谓语动词murder之间存在被动关系,故用被动语态;主句的时态为过去时,所以从句要与主句的时态保持一致,由句意可知从句用一般过去时,其被动语态的结构为:was/were+动词过去分词,从句主语为单数,所以用was,故答案选B。
    知识点03 suspect 教材P107
    suspect v. 怀疑
    I rather suspect we're making a mistake.  我有点儿怀疑我们正在犯错误。
    Doctors suspect he may have a heart condition.  医生怀疑他可能有心脏病。
    suspect n. 嫌疑犯
    The suspect has dark hair and green eyes.  嫌疑犯有着一头黑发和一双绿眼睛。
    He's the police's prime suspect in this case.  他是该案中警方的主要怀疑对象。
    We have three _______(嫌疑犯),but we are not sure who the murderer is
    知识点04 untidy 教材P107
    untidy adj. 不整洁的;不整齐的;凌乱的
    an untidy desk 凌乱的办公桌 untidy hair 蓬乱的头发
    tidy  adj.  整洁的;整齐的;井然有序的;井井有条的
    She keeps her flat very tidy . 她把她的单元房间保持得很整洁。
    I like everything to be neat and tidy . 我喜欢一切都井井有条。
    tidy  v. 使整洁;使整齐 ;使有条理;整理 tidy up 收拾,整理
    I spent all morning cleaning and tidying. 我用了整个上午的时间清扫整理。
    When you cook, could you please tidy up after yourself. 请你在做饭时随手收拾干净。 
    ---You are always so lazy! I have never seen _________bedroom before.
    ---Sorry! I will clean it at once.
    A.an untidy B.an untidier C.the untidiest D.the untidier
    句意:--你总是那么懒!我从未见过比这个更不整洁的卧室。---对不起!我马上打扫。这里表示“比你的卧室更不整洁的卧室”,所以是比较级,和你的卧室相比较,所以用比较级,是用比较级的形式表达最高级的意义。bedroom是可数名词单数,所以前用冠词an, 故选B。
    知识点05 guilty 教材P107
    1. guilty adj. 感到内疚的;感到惭愧的 be guilty from 因....而内疚
    I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often. 我因没有常去看望父母而感到内疚。 
    John had a guilty look on his face. 约翰脸上显出惭愧的表情。 
    2.guilty adj.  犯了罪;有过失的;有罪责的 be guilty of 犯了......罪
    He was found guilty of murder.  经裁决,他犯有谋杀罪。
    We've all been guilty of selfishness at some time in our lives. 
    We knew that the young man______stealing bikes in the past
    A.was charged of B.was guilty of C.was arrested with D.was guilty with
    句意:我们知道那个年轻人过去犯过偷自行车罪。考查形容词短语辨析题。A. was charged of被指控;B. was guilty of有…之罪;C. was arrested with被捕;D. was guilty with搭配错误。根据句意语境,可知ACD三项意思都与句意不合,故选B。
    知识点6 tell the truth 教材P107
    truth n. 事实,真相 tell the truth 说实话
    To tell the truth, I don't know if I can handle the job. 
    To tell the truth, I fell asleep in the middle of her talk. 说实话,我在她讲话过程中睡着了。
    true adj. 符合事实的;确实的;如实的 come true 实现
    Is it true she's leaving? 她要走是真的吗? 
    All the rumours turned out to be true. 所有的传闻结果都确有其事。 
    That's not strictly true. 那不完全正确。
    truly adv. (用于说法、感觉等)真诚地,衷心地; (指性质)真正,确实
    I'm truly sorry that things had to end like this. 事情落到这样的结局,我从内心里感到歉疚。 
    a truly memorable occasion 的确值得纪念的盛事
    He is a ________ child. I’m sure he will tell us the ________.
    A.true; truthful B.truth; true C.truthful; truth D.true; true
    知识点7 lie 教材P107
    lie v. 说谎;撒谎;编造谎言 过去式:lied 过去分词:lied 现在分词:lying
    You could see from his face that he was lying. 从他的表情上你可以看出他在说假话。
    Don't lie to me! 别对我撒谎! 
    She lies about her age. 她谎报自己的年龄。 
    lie v.  躺;平躺;平卧 过去式:lay 过去分词:lain 现在分词:lying
    to lie on your back/side/front 仰╱侧╱俯卧
    The cat was lying fast asleep by the fire. 猫卧在炉火旁睡得很熟。 
    lie n. 谎言;谎话 to tell a lie 说谎
    The whole story is nothing but a pack of lies . 整个叙述只不过是一派谎言。
    What a terrible thing! There is a ________ dog ________ on the ground.
    A.die, lie B.dead, lying C.death, lay D.dying, lie
    句意:多么糟糕的事!一只死狗躺在地上。考查形容词和非谓语动词。die动词,死;dead形容词,死的;death名词,死亡;dying快要死的;lie动词,躺;lay动词,放置;lying躺着,现在分词。名词“dog”前用形容词修饰,第一空用形容词“dead”表示“死的”。第二空表示“正躺在地上”, 用现在分词“lying”。故选B。
    【拓展】lay 过去式:laid 过去分词:laid 现在分词:laying
    1.lay v. (鸟、昆虫、鱼等)下(蛋),产(卵)
    The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests. 杜鹃在其他鸟的巢中产蛋。 
    new-laid eggs 鲜蛋
    The hens are not laying well (= not producing many eggs) . 母鸡现在不爱下蛋。 
    2.lay v. (尤指轻轻地或小心地)放置,安放,搁
    She laid the baby down gently on the bed. 她把婴儿轻轻地放在床上。
    He laid a hand on my arm. 他把手搭在我的胳膊上。 
    The horse laid back its ears. 那匹马把耳朵往后竖着。 

    1.If Nick home too late,he his favourite cartoon.
    A.gets;misses B.gets;will miss C.will get;misses D.will get;will miss
    2.Please __________ your bedroom. It’s __________.
    A.tidy up; tidy B.tidy up; untidy
    C.tidy; untidy D.tidying up; untidy
    tidy整理,收拾;tidy up收拾,整理;untidy形容词,不整洁的; 句意:请收拾一下你的房间,因为它太脏了. 英语祈使句中动词一般用原形,结合语境可知选B。
    3.Not only the engineer but also his enemies ____________breaking into several computer systems last year.
    A. was guilty of B. were charged with
    C. were guilty with D. was charged of
    句意:不仅是工程师而且也是他的敌人去年被指控闯入几家电脑系统。be guilty of犯了……罪; be charged with被指控。所以选B。
    4.—Is it _______________ that he missed the bus?
    —No, he didn’t tell the _______________. He was late because he got up late.
    A.true;truth B.real;truth
    C.true;reality D.real;reality
    句意“-他错过了公交车,这个是真的吗?-不,他没有说实话,因为他起床晚了所以迟到了”。real形容词,"真的",指客观上存在,并非想象和虚构的,它是与"假冒,无"相对而言的,名词为reality;true指故事、说法、答案等与标准事实、实际情况相符合,意为"真的,真实的"。true与"编造的,虚假的"相对,在句中作定语或表语,名词为truth。根据句意可知,表示的是“他迟到的说法与实际情况不符合”。第一空前有is,用形容词,第二空前有the,用名词,且tell the truth说实话,故选A。
    5.Over twenty people died in the traffic accident. I’ve not heard of _____ one these years.
    A. the most serious B. a more serious
    C. a very serious D. the least serious


    题组A 基础过关练
    1.Are now the students interested in __________ (dress) up at Halloween?
    2.This is important work, and we must take it ________ (serious).
    3.Hurry up, or you ________(miss) the train.
    【答案】will miss
    句意:快点,否则你会错过火车。此句“祈使句+or+陈述句”的结构,陈述句是表示将来要发生的动作,用一般将来时will do的结构,故填will miss。
    4.The ________ (tidy) your room looks, the more uncomfortable you will feel.
    句意:你的房间看起来越不整洁,你会感到越不舒服。此句是句型“the+比较级……,the+比较级……”,由后句“the more uncomfortable you will feel”可知,空格处填“不整洁”的比较级,tidy 整洁的,反义词是untidy,其比较级是untidier;故填untidier。
    5.Are you ____________ (true) happy in your work?
    6.A cock ____(lie) on the ground ____(lie) that he ____(lay) an egg yesterday.
    【答案】lying lied laid
    句意:昨天一只窝在地上的公鸡谎称它下了一个蛋。首空是非谓语作后置定语修饰主语a cock,表示主动的状态,用现在分词lying;第二空是谓语,意为“说谎”,根据yesterday可知是一般过去时态,故填lied;第三空意为“下蛋”,同样根据yesterday可知是一般过去时态,即laid。故填lying;lied;laid。
    题组B 能力提升练
    This is a true story.
    On a January morning ,Joel with the other three fishermen got on a fishing boat .The first few hours on the sea were not 1 .Then there was a terrible storm .
    The storm lasted for 22 days. When it stopped ,they found their fishing nets (网)were 2 The engine(发动机)and the radio didn’t work .There was no food ,and there was no drinking water.
    The men talked to each other ,“How can we live on the sea?” Without their nets ,the men couldn’t fish .But they could 3 out of the boat and catch big turtles (海龟)They needed protection(遮挡)from the sun and rain,so they built a simple roof (顶蓬).The roof 4 rainwater too. The men could drink rainwater 5 the roof .For the next five 6 the men ate turtles —when they caught them They drank rainwater—when it rained . 7 there was no food and no water ,and sometimes they 8 they were going to die soon.
    Joel wrote a letter to his wife,“My dear Edith ,”Joel wrote .“ 9 I die ,I hope someone will send you this letter. Then you will know 10 I died .I had the best in life —a great woman and beautiful children. I love you really.”
    Ten days 11 ,on June 15, a Japanese fishing boat found them 12 sent Joel’s letter to his wife .He showed it to her himself .Joel will always 13 the letter .The letter ,he says , 14 him remember.“ On the sea I found that I love my wife and children very, very much. My family is everything to me .I don’t want to forge 15 .”
    1.A.unusual B.unlucky C.quiet D.safe
    2.A.broken B.missed C.gone D.left
    3.A.leave B.work C.come D.reach
    4.A.saved B.held C.got D.carried
    5.A.in B.from C.under D.below
    6.A.hours B.days C.weeks D.months
    7.A.Often B.Only C.Once D.Suddenly
    8.A.said B.found C.knew D.thought
    9.A.While B.Before C.If D.Since
    10.A.why B.how C.where D.when
    11.A.later B.a go C.before D.past
    12.A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Everybody D.Nobody
    13.A.bring B.keep C.take D.remember
    14.A.lets B.had C.helps D.hopes
    15.A.that B.it C.them D.this
    1-5 ACDBB 6-10 DADCB 11-15 ADBCA
    1.句意:海上最初的几个小时并不安静。考查形容词辨析题。根据下文Then there was a terrible storm .,可知起初海面还算正常,not unusual正常的,故选A。
    2.句意:当它停下来时,他们发现他们的渔网不见了。考查动词辨析题。根据第二段Without their nets,,可知渔网已经丢失了,miss没有被动语态,gone符合句意,故选C。
    3.句意:但是他们可以伸出船去抓大海龟。考查动词辨析题。reach out of伸出;根据句意语境,可知是把船开出去抓海龟,故选D。
    4.句意:屋顶也容纳雨水。考查动词辨析题。A. saved储存;B. held容纳;C. got得到;D. carried携带。根据下文The men could drink rainwater under the roof .,可知hold符合句意,故选B。
    6.句意:在接下来的五个月里,这些人吃海龟。考查名词辨析题。根据开头On a January morning和后文Ten days later, on June 15, a Japanese fishing boat found them,可知前后有五个月的时间,故选D。
    7.句意:经常没有食物和水,有时他们认为他们很快就要死了。考查副词辨析题。A. Often经常;B. Only仅仅/只是;C. Once一旦/曾经;D. Suddenly忽然地。根据句意语境,可知often符合句意,故选A。
    10.句意:那么你就会知道我为什么死了。考查宾语从句引导词。why为什么,问原因;how问方式;where问地点;when问时间。then然后,表顺承;根据上文if I die ,I hope someone will send you this letter.,可知信中记录了遭遇暴风雨的经过,ACD三项意思都与语境不合,故选B。
    11.句意:10天后,6月15日,一艘日本渔船发现了他们。考查副词辨析题。A. later以后的;B. ago以前;C. before在…之前;D. past过去的,结束的。ten days later十天后,根据句意语境,可知later符合句意,故选A。
    12.句意:没有人把乔尔的信寄给他的妻子。考查不定代词辨析题。A. Somebody有人/某人,表不确定;B. Anybody任何人;C. Everybody每一个人;D. Nobody没有人,表否定。根据下文He showed it to her himself他亲自给她看,可知没有帮他寄信,故选D。
    14.句意:他说,这封信有助于他记忆。考查动词辨析题。A. lets让/使,使役动词;B. had有;C. helps帮助;D. hopes希望。help sb. do帮助某人做某事;根据句意语境,可知ABD不合句意,故选C。
    15.句意:我不想忘记这一点。考查代词辨析题。根据上文On the sea I found that I love my wife and children very, very much. My family is everything to me .,结合文意,可知“我”忘不了My family is everything to me.这一点,that用于指代上文提到的事,故选A。
    题组C 培优拔尖练
    一. 阅读理解
    There is a "murderer” among us. You may wonder what is happening. Let me tell you!
    If you get on the Murder Mystery Lunch train from London's Victoria Station,you will surely meet such an "experience". Passengers(乘客)take part in a detective game and find the "murderer" on their way to Kent.
    Before the passengers get on the train,a gentleman named Gray will greet them in front of the train. He will be the first actor to meet the passengers. He will have a chat with people and drop some clues.
    As soon as the train leaves Victoria Station,a woman will run into the carriage(车厢)and cry,"I have been stabbed(刺伤)!” Then a young man called Matt will rush into the carriage and shout,“There's been a ‘murder'. Don't be afraid!"Then passengers will have time to question the characters. including a detective,a newspaper reporter and a policeman about what's going on.
    After the meal,all the passengers will sit together and raise their own ideas of the "murder”. Those who are able to solve the case can get a bottle of champagne(香槟)as reward.
    One ticket of the Murder Mystery Lunch train costs about f310,including a lunch with champagne. It doesn't sound too expensive. But the question is that it is difficult to book a ticket because the train is too popular now. After all,many people have a detective dream,don't they?
    1.What does the underlined word "experience" in Paragraph 2 refer to?
    A."Train accident". B."Murder case".
    C."Natural disaster". D."Robbery game".
    2.Gray is very important for the passengers to solve the case, because _________.
    A.he is the first actor to meet the passengers B.he is a gentleman to greet the passengers
    C.he gives the passengers some case information D.he chats with the passengers before the train leaves
    3.How many characters are there in the detective game?
    A.At most three. B.At most four. C.At least six. D.At least seven.
    4.What can we infer according to the passage?
    A.It is sure that the young man called Matt is the murderer.
    B.The woman who has been stabbed will die because nobody can save her.
    C.Those who can get a bottle of champagne can solve the case at last.
    D.All the passengers will have a heat discussion about the case after the meal.
    5.Why do many people want to take the Murder Mystery Lunch train?
    A.Because the train ticket doesn't cost too much.
    B.Because they want to realize their detective dreams.
    C.Because they can get a bottle of champagne as reward.
    D.Because the train offers a free lunch with champagne.

    本文介绍的是从伦敦开出的一列火车the Murder Mystery Lunch train可以满足人们想做侦探的梦想。
    1.推理判断题。根据第一段第一个句子There is a "murderer” among us.和笫二段最后一个句子If you get on the Murder Mystery Lunch train from London's Victoria Station.可知这里的experience指的是“谋杀案”。故选B。
    2.细节理解题。根据文中第三段最后一句“He will have a chat with people and drop some clues. ”可知,他会为乘客提供一些破案的线索。因此,加里是个重要的人物。故选C。
    3.推理判断题。根据文中Gray; a woman; a young man called Matt; a detective; a newspaper reporter and a policeman推断,这场侦探游戏至少有6个人物。故选C。
    4.推理判断题。根椐倒数笫二段After the meal,all the passengers will sit together and raise their own ideas of the "murder”内容推断,饭后所有乘客会就案情进行激烈讨论。故选D。
    5.细节理解题。根据全文最后一个句子After all,many people have a detective dream,don't they?可知,许多人都有做侦探的梦想。因此,该列火车一票难求。故选B。
    Holmes said,“Somebody sent a letter with five pips(桔核)in it from India,and arrived seven weeks later to kill John's uncle. Then they sent five pips from Scotland and arrived three days later to kill John's father Now they have sent five pips to John from London!”“The letters are all from sea ports(海港). The writer was on a ship when he wrote the letters,”I replied.
    “Very good,Watson!And John's enemy is in London already!”
    “Well,I hope they won't kill young John,”I said.
    But they did. The next morning,we read in the newspaper that a policeman found him die near Waterloo Station. Holmes was very angry about it.
    “He came to me for help and those men murdered him!I'm going to find them,if it's the last thing I do!”
    he said to me,and he hurried out of the house.
    At night,when he came back,he was tired,but pleased,he said,“I know the names of John's enemies!
    And now I'm going to send them a surprise!This will frighten(使惊恐)them!”He took five pips from an orange and put them in an envelope(信封). On it he wrote “S. H. for J. C.”
    “I'm sending the pips to captain(船长)James Calhoun. His ship is called the Star. He and his men are sailing back to Georgia,USA.”
    “How did you find him,Holmes?”I asked.
    “Ship's papers,”he said. “I've looked at hundreds of them today. Only one ship,the Star,was in the three ports at the right times,and this morning the Star left London to sail back to Georgia. I found out that the captain and two of his men,all Americans,weren't on the ship last night,so I'm sure they killed John. When they arrive in America,they'll get the pips and then the police will catch them!”
    6.Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?
    A.All the letters were sent from the same sea port. B.Waterloo Station lies in London, England.
    C.John ate the five pips and then died. D.Holmes didn't know murderer was in London.
    7.Why was Holmes pleased when he came back?
    A.Because he had a good time all the day. B.Because finding the murderers was his last thing.
    C.Because he got an orange with five pips in it. D.Because he knew who the murderers were.
    8.Who do you think the underlined letters “J. C.” stand for?
    A.James Calhoun B.James Columbus C.John Callhoun D.John Columbus
    9.How many murderers ware there in the case to kill John?
    A.One. B.Two C.Four. D.Three.
    10.Where is this story mostly taken from?
    A.A detective novel B.A science fiction C.World news D.A school story

    6.推理判断题。根据文中的信息“And John's enemy is in london already. . . a policeman found him die near Waterloo Station. “推断,滑铁卢火车站位于英国伦敦。故答案选B。
    7.细节理解题。根据文中的信息“At night,when he came back,he was tired,but pleased,he said,‘I know the names of John's enemies. . . ’”可知,福尔摩斯回来时很高兴,因为他知道谁是凶手了。故答案选D。
    8.细节理解题。根据文中的信息“I'm sending the pips to complain James Calhoum. ”可知这封信是寄给James Calhoun的,所以这个符号代表的是James Calhoun。故答案选A。
    9.细节理解题。根据文中的信息“the captain and two of his men”可知,杀死约翰的凶手有三个人。故答案选C。

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