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    Unit 4 Growing up 课时2 Reading -九年级英语上册同步精品讲义(牛津译林版)
    Unit 4 Growing up 课时2 Reading -九年级英语上册同步精品讲义(牛津译林版)01
    Unit 4 Growing up 课时2 Reading -九年级英语上册同步精品讲义(牛津译林版)02
    Unit 4 Growing up 课时2 Reading -九年级英语上册同步精品讲义(牛津译林版)03
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    Unit 4 Growing up 课时2 Reading -九年级英语上册同步精品讲义(牛津译林版)

    Unit 4 Growing up

    知识点01 while attending ... 教材P50
    While attending junior high, Spud tried out for the school team.这里的while 引导时间状语从句,当从句中的主语与主句中的主语一致,且从句中含有be动词的某种形式时,从句中的主语和be动词可以一起省略。
    While attending junior high = While he was attending junior high
    While she was listening to the radio, she fell asleep.
    = While listening to the radio, she fell asleep.
    Please turn off the shower while ______ your hair.
    A.washed B.washing C. are washing D.wash
    句意:洗头时请关掉淋浴。考查动词形式辨析题。在while从句中,当主句与从句主语相同,且从句谓语动词含有动词be时,通常可省略从句主语和动词be。本句主句是祈使句,主语和从句主语相同;完整的从句是while you are washing your hair.。根据句意结构,可知选B。
    知识点02 try out for 教材P50
    try out for 参加......的选拔
    Lucy tried out for the swimming team. 露西参加游泳队选拔。
    He was brave enough _________ for the school volleyball team and succeeded.
    A.try out B.to try on C.to try out D.to try
    句意:他足够的勇敢来尝试学校的排球队,并且成功了。try out表示尝试;try on 试穿;根据形容词+enough +to do 表示足够……做某事;根据题意故选C。
    try sb out 试用(某人);试验
    They are trying a new actress for the play. 他们正在为戏剧试用一名新的演员。
    知识点03 lose heart 教材P50
    lose heart 泄气,灰心
    If we don’t lose heart, we’ll succeed. 如果我们不灰心,我们就会成功。
    — I didn’t make any progress in English.
    — Oh, _________ Never.
    A.what a pity! B.don’t lose heart. C. don’t mention it. D. it doesn’t matter.
    句意:--在英语方面我没有什么进步。-哦,不要失去信心。A. what a pity!多么的遗憾;B. don’t lose heart. 不要失去信心;C. don’t mention it.不要提这个了;D. it doesn’t matter.没有关系。根据句意,故选B。
    lose face 丢脸,丢面子 lose interest in 对...... 失去兴趣
    lose one’s job 失业 lose one’s way 迷路
    知识点04 stand 教材P50
    stand 作为名词的用法
    1.看台 sit in the stand 坐在看台上
    2. 货摊;售货亭 a hamburger/newspaper stand 汉堡包售卖亭;报摊
    3.(展示或推介物品的)桌,台,摊位 a display/an exhibition/a trade stand 展位;展销台
    It’s polite and civilized for many young boys and girls to watch the games in the _______(看台) that are allowed.
    句意:对于年轻的男孩和女孩们来说在被允许的看台上观看比赛是很有礼貌、很文明的。stand看台,在这里是一个名词。根据从句中谓语动词…are allowed可知,这里应填名词的复数stands。
    stand 作为动词的用法
    1. 站立;立;直立
    She was too weak to stand. 她虚弱得站都站不住。 
    a bird standing on one leg 单腿独立的鸟
    2. 站起来;起立
    Everyone stood when the President came in. 总统进来,大家都站了起来。 
    We stood up in order to get a better view. 我们站起身来以便看得更清楚。 
    3. 位于(某处)
    The castle stands on the site of an ancient battlefield. 那座城堡坐落在一片古战场上。 
    An old oak tree once stood here. 以前这儿长着一棵老橡树。
    知识点05 change his mind 教材P50
    change his mind 改变主意
    mind 作为名词的用法
    There were all kinds of thoughts running through my mind. 各种念头在我脑海中闪过。 
    There was no doubt in his mind that he'd get the job. 他毫不怀疑自己能得到这份工作。 
    I've no idea how her mind works! 我真不知道她是怎么想的! 
    He had the body of a man and the mind of a child. 他四肢发达,头脑简单。 
    3. 心思
    Keep your mind on your work! 专心干你的活吧!
    Her mind is completely occupied by the new baby. 她一心扑在刚出世的宝宝身上。 
    He gave his mind to the arrangements for the next day. 他认真考虑第二天的安排。
    It’s stubborn __________ Tom __________ his mind.
    A.for; not change B.for; not to change C.of; not change D.of; not to change
    句意:汤姆没有改变主意,他真是太顽固了。It is+描述人物性格的形容词+of sb to do sth.表示某人做某事,某人是……;It is +描述事物的形容词+for sb to do sth对某人来说,做某事是……;it是形式主语,to do sth是真正主语。此处stubborn是描述人的形容词,故用介词of。故选D。
    【拓展】mind 作为动词用法
    mind  v. 对(某事)烦恼,苦恼,焦虑;介意
    I don't mind the cold—it's the rain I don't like. 冷我不在乎,我是讨厌下雨。
    I hope you don't mind the noise. 希望你不介意这声音。
     Do you mind if I open the window? 我开开窗户好吗? 
    mind doing sth 介意做某事
    Did she mind not getting the job? 她没得到这份工作是不是很介意? 
    Do your parents mind your leaving home? 你父母舍得你离开家吗? 
    not mind doing sth =  to be willing to do sth 愿意做;乐意做
    I don't mind helping if you can't find anyone else. 如果你找不到别人,我乐意帮忙。 
    知识点06 leader 教材P50
    leader   n.  领导者;领袖;首领
    the leader of the party 该党的领导人
    He was not a natural leader . 他并非天生的领袖。
    She's a born leader . 她是个天生的领袖。
    leader   n.  最佳的人(或物);(在赛跑、商业等活动中)处于领先地位的人(或物)
    She was among the leaders of the race from the start. 
    The company is a world leader in electrical goods. 
    Why is an honest ________ (lead) like him supported by so few workers?
    知识点07 name 教材P50
    1.name v. 命名;给…取名
    He was named after his father = He was given his father's first name. 
    They named their son John. 他们给儿子起了个名字叫约翰。 
    2. name v. 说出…的名称;叫出…的名字
    The victim has not yet been named. 受害人的姓名仍未得知。
    The missing man has been named as James Kelly. 失踪者已被确认为詹姆斯•凯利。 
    Can you name all the American states? 你能说出美国所有的州名吗? 
    The boy_________ "Prince of Basketball" after his_________ in the match.
    A. named; success B. was named; success
    C. named; succeeded D. was named; succeeded
    句意:这个男孩在一次比赛成功之后被称为“篮球王子”。被动语态的表达:be+done,故第一个空应填was named,第二个空应填名词success,而succeed是动词。故选B。
    知识点08 simply 教材P50
    1. simply  adv. (强调简单)仅仅,只,不过
    Fame is often simply a matter of being in the right place at the right time. 
    You can enjoy all the water sports, or simply lie on the beach. 
    2. simply  adv. (强调某说法)确实,简直
    You simply must see the play. 那出戏你真得看看。
    The view is simply wonderful! 景色美极了! 
    That is simply not true! 那根本不是真的! 
    The book explains grammar ________ (simple) and clearly.
    知识点9 succeed 教材P51
    1.succeed v.  达到目的;实现目标;办到;做成
    succeed in doing sth = manage to do sth 成功做某事
    He succeeded in getting a place at art school. 他被艺术学校录取了。 
    I tried to discuss it with her but only succeeded in making her angry.
    2. succeed v. 成功;有成就;有作为
    You will have to work hard if you are to succeed. 
    She doesn't have the ruthlessness required to succeed in business. 
    We hope to become very_____, but we don’t know if we’ll_____.
    A.successfully; succeed B.successful; succeed
    C.succeed; successful D.succeed; successfully
    success  n. 成功;胜利;发财;成名
    What's the secret of your success? 你成功的秘诀是什么? 
    I didn't have much success in finding a job. 我找工作没什么结果。
    successful  adj.  达到目的;有成效的;成功的
    They were successful in winning the contract. 他们终于争取到了那份合同。 
    I wasn't very successful at keeping the news secret. 我没能把这条消息严格保密。 
    successfully  adv. 成功地
    He passed the test successfully. 他成功地通过了测验。
    知识点10 force 教材P51
    1. force  v.  强迫,迫使(某人做某事) force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事
    I was forced to take a taxi because the last bus had left. 
    She forced herself to be polite to them. 她对他们强装客气。 
    2.  force  v.用力,强行(把…移动)
    He tried to force a copy of his book into my hand. 他硬要把他的一本书往我手里塞。 
    She forced her way through the crowd of reporters. 她在记者群中挤出一条通路。
    The door was forced open. 门被强行打开了。
    It is said that many people, especially tech industry workers, __________ to work extra hours under the “996” work schedule.
    A.force B.are forced C.are forcing D.were forced
    句意:据说,在“996”工作制下,许多人,尤其是科技行业的工人被迫加班。考查被动语态。A. force动词原形;B. are forced表一般现在时的被动语态;C. are forcing表现在进行时;D. were forced表一般过去时的被动语态。从句主语many people与谓语force之间为被动关系,是“许多人被迫”,故应用被动语态,A、C选项可排除。主句It is said表一般现在时,故从句时态不限定,“996”是当前仍然存在的一种社会现象,故应用一般现在时的被动语态,故选B。
    知识点11 remain 教材P51
    1. remain   v.  仍然是;保持不变
    In spite of their quarrel, they remain the best of friends. 
    He will remain as manager of the club until the end of his contract.
    2. remain   v. 剩余;遗留;继续存在
    Very little of the house remained after the fire. 火灾之后,这座房子所剩无几。 
    There were only ten minutes remaining. 只剩下十分钟了。 
    3.  remain   v. 逗留;不离去
    They remained in Mexico until June. 他们在墨西哥一直住到六月。 
    The plane remained on the ground. 飞机仍未起飞。 
    She left, but I remained behind. 她走了,而我留了下来。 
    ---A1l the money in Mary's wallet was stolen, but her ID card ________ .
    ---But she remained __________as if nothing had happened.
    A.remained; happily B.was remained; happily
    C.remained; happy D.was remained; happy
    知识点12 take notice of 教材P51
    notice n. 注意,察觉;通告,布告 take notice of 注意到
    Don't take any notice of what you read in the papers. 别在意你在报上看到的东西。
    Take no notice of what he says. 别理会他说的话。
    It was Susan who brought the problem to my notice. 是苏珊使我注意到这个问题的。
    Normally, the letter would not have come to my notice. 通常情况下,我是不会看到这封信的。
    —Excuse me, sir. You are not supposed to take photos here.
    —Sorry, I ________ the sign.
    A.haven’t noticed B.don’t notice C.didn’t notice D.won’t notice
    句意:——对不起,先生。你不应该在这里拍照。——对不起,我没注意到标志。考查动词时态。根据语境可知,在被告知这里不能拍照之前没有注意到标志,故应用一般过去时态,否定句用助动词didn’t 加动词原形do。故选C。
    【拓展】notice  v.  看(或听)到;注意到;意识到
    notice sb do sth 注意到某人做某事的全过程;注意到某人经常做某事
    notice sb doing sth 注意到某人正在做某事
    The first thing I noticed about the room was the smell. 我首先注意到的是这屋子里的气味。
    I noticed them come in. 我注意到他们进来了。 
    I didn't notice him leaving. 我没看到他离开。 
    知识点13 achievement 教材P51
    achievement  n. 成就;成绩;功绩
    the greatest scientific achievement of the decade
    It was a remarkable achievement for such a young player. 
    They were proud of their children's achievements. 
    Moyan is the first Chinese person ________ the Nobel Prize in Literature. It’s the first time the Chinese people _________ such great achievements in this field.
    A.to win; have achieved B.to win; to achieve
    C.has won; have achieved D.has won; to achieve
    achieve  v. (凭长期努力)达到(某目标、地位、标准);完成
    He had finally achieved success. 他终于获得了成功。
    I haven't achieved very much today. 我今天没做成多少事。
    All you've achieved is to upset my parents. 你唯一做到的就是使我的父母难过。 
    知识点14 prove 教材P51
    prove v. 证明,后接名词、代词或宾语从句。
    Can you prove where you were at this time yesterday? 你能证明昨天的这个时候你在哪里吗?
    prove 还可以用作系动词,表示:证明是,被发现是,后接形容词、名词、介词短语或动词不定式作表语。
    The dictionary proves helpful. 这本字典被证明很有帮助。
    The experiment he devoted himself a perfect success.
    A.to proved B.proved C.to prove D.to proving
    句意:他献身的实验证明是完全成功的。考查固定搭配和一般过去时。根据The experiment he devoted himself a perfect success.可知句意为“他献身的实验证明是完全成功的。”本句包含一个定语从句he devoted himself to,修饰The experiment;devote oneself to.是固定搭配,意思是“致力于…”;由devoted可知句子时态用一般过去时,所以此处谓语动词用proved;故答案选A。

    1.Now all the e-bike riders must wear helmets, while ________ (ride).
    2. As a result, he succeeded in_______ (get)a scholarship.
    句意:结果,他成功地获得了奖学金。succeed in doing sth成功做某事,故用动名词getting。
    3.Three bad men broke in and the shopkeeper ________ (force )to hand over all his money.
    【答案】was forced
    句意:三个坏人闯进来,那位店主被迫上交他所有的钱。结合句意主语the shopkeeper是第三人称单数,与谓语force之间是被动关系,根据broke可知此处用一般过去时的被动语态,故为 was forced。
    4.As long as you are happy, it _______(not matter)what you will do.
    【答案】doesn't matter
    句意:只要你高兴,你将要做什么是不重要的。根据are可知此处用一般现在时,主语it是第三人称单数,故谓语用第三人称单数形式,故为doesn't matter。
    5.Just give me a chance and I ___________ (prove)it to you.
    【答案】will prove
    句意:给我一个机会,我将把它提供给你。祈使句+and+一般将来时的句子,故此处用一般将来时,故为will prove。
    6.The plane__________ (remain)on the ground because of the bad weather yesterday.
    7.His son's ________(achieve) makes him very proud.
    句意:他儿子的成就使他非常自豪。his son's+名词;所给单词achieve动词,实现;此处用名词“achievement”意思是“成就”。谓语动词makes是第三人称单数,这里用名词单数,His son's achievement他儿子的成就。故答案为achievement。
    8.In the end, he ________ in getting to the small town with the help of the map. (succeed)
    句意:最后,他借助地图成功地到达了那个小镇。根据“In the end”及句意, 可知,此题的时态应该用一般过去时,动词需用过去式形式。故填succeeded。
    9.I bought the house _________ (simple) because it was large and had a garden.
    句意:我买这座房子,只是因为它大而且有一个花园。修饰原因状语从句because it was large and had a garden,用simple的副词,故填simply。
    10.Every time we Chinese need help in a foreign country, at our back ________ (stand) a strong motherland.
    句意:每当我们中国人在国外需要帮助的时候,我们的背后都有一个强大的祖国。根据题意可知此处是倒装句,主语是a strong motherland,这里是一般现在时态,谓语动词变第三人称单数,stand是动词,站立,竖立,故填stands。

    题组A 基础过关练
    一. 单项选择
    1.There is going to ____________ only space to ____________ on the earth in the future.
    A.have;stand in B.be;stand in C.be;stand D.has;stand
    句意:在未来,地球上将只有立足之地。考查there be结构和介词用法。there be表存在,have表拥有,二者不可连用,可排除AD两项。句中space(空间)是不及物动词stand(站立)的逻辑宾语,需用介词in。根据句意结构,可知选B。
    2.Once you make a decision, you'd better ________ your mind from time to time.
    A.not change B.don't change C.not to change D.not changing
    句意:一旦你做了决定,你最好不要时不时地改变主意。本题考查had better的用法。根据You'd better可知,其后接动词原形,其否定形式为You'd better not do sth.此空应填not change,故选A。
    3.The victim’s parents have offered a(n)______ for any useful information ______to the arrest of the murder.
    A. award; lead B. reward; leads C. award; leads D. reward; lead
    句意:受害者的父母提供了很多有利于对于判决犯罪者的有力证据。award vt. 授予;判定n. 奖品;判决 reward n. 报酬;报答;酬谢 vt. 奖励;奖赏 an reward 做主语,用单数leads。
    4.A high-tech ship ________ after the Mayflower that set sail from Plymouth in 1620.
    A.names B.named C.be named D.was named
    句意:一艘高科技船以1620年从普利茅斯启航的五月花号命名的。考查一般过去时的被动语态。根据“in 1620”可知句子时态应用一般过去时,句子的主语A high-tech ship和谓语动词name之间存在被动关系,因此应用被动语态;一般过去时的被动语态结构为was/were+动词的过去分词,主语是单数,用was,name的过去分词是named,故选D。
    5.What will happen if Mary ________tomorrow?
    A.won’t succeed B.don’t success C.won’t success D.doesn’t succeed
    句意:如果玛丽明天不成功,将会发生什么事?考查条件状语从句的“主将从现”。won’t succeed一般将来时;don’t success一般现在时的动词原形;won’t success错误的表达方式;doesn’t succeed一般现在时的动词三单。分析句子可知,此处是if引导的条件状语从句,需满足“主将从现”,又因为主语是Mary,表单数,所以需用一般现在时的动词三单。故选D。
    6.He an engineer since he from the university.
    A.is; graduates B.will be; graduates C.has been; has graduated D.has been; graduated
    句意:自从他从大学毕业以来他就一直是一个工程师。is是;will be一般将来时;has been现在完成时;graduates毕业,一般现在时第三人称单数形式;has graduated现在完成时;graduated一般过去时。句中since引导的是时间状语从句,从句中用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时。故应选D。
    7.—Are you really willing to do so much homework?
    —To tell you the truth, sometimes I ________ to do that, but I think it really helps me.
    A.force B.am forced C.forced D.was forced
    句意:——你真的愿意做这么多作业吗?——说实话,有的时候我是被迫的,但我觉得它对我真的很有帮助。考查一般现在时的被动语态。sometimes有时,一般现在时。根据句意可知,我是被迫做这么多作业,某人被迫做某事sb be forced to do sth。故选B。
    8.The palace caught fire three times in the last century and little of the original building now.
    A.remains B.is remained C.is remaining D.has been remained
    句意:上个世纪这个宫殿着火三次,现在原来的建筑物很少留下。根据 building和 remains之间是主动关系,根据句意可知是一般现在时态,主语 little of the original building不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式;故选A
    9.His father always ________ that he didn't have a chance ________ his dream.
    A.regrets;to achieve B.regretted;achieved
    C.feels thankful;to achieve D.feels thankful;achieved
    句意:他父亲总是为自己没有机会实现梦想而后悔。regret 意为“遗憾,后悔”;achieve意为“实现”;feel thankful意为“感激”。由后面“他没有机会实现他的梦想”可推知,他父亲总是“感到遗憾”,故排除C、D两项;have a chance to do sth. 是固定用法,意为“有机会做某事”,故排除B,故选A。
    10.The research he had devoted himself ________ a perfect success.
    A.to proved B.proved C.to prove D.to proving
    句意:他致力于的研究证明是相当成功的。考查定语从句及固定搭配。根据“The research he had devoted himself…”可知,本句为定语从句;devote oneself to sth.“致力于某事”,he had devoted himself to修饰先行词the research;动词prove是主句的谓语动词,根据 “had devoted”可知,主句时态为一般过去时,故prove用其过去式。故选A。
    题组B 能力提升练
    Do you know the "Iron Hammer"(铁榔头)? She is not a hero from a film like Iron Man. But she will always be a brilliant star in volleyball history. Chinese people are all 1 of her. Her real name is Lang Ping.
    Before the 1980s, most people didn't 2 that Chinese people were tall and fast enough to play volleyball. But the Chinese women's volleyball team 3 the world by winning the game at the 1981 World Cup in Japan. 4 ,the team got two World Cups, two world championships and a gold medal 5 the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles! On Sept. 29, 2019, China 6 the Women's Volleyball World Cup trophy(奖杯)in Japan. The team didn't lose any of 7 games during the tournament(锦标赛)"The trophy is the 8 gift to celebrate the 70th birthday of China."People's Daily said in an article.
    Their success did not come easily. 9 on the team trained very hard, especially Lang. For example, the world cup was 10 in several different cities and the team didn't have much 11 to train. The girls have to squeeze(挤出)in training time 12 they could. Never giving up, especially during difficult times, is also part of the team's fighting spirit. Many of the team's members 13 playing even after being injured.
    Back to the 1980s, China was not as 14 as it is today. But the team's success made them famous around the world. She was like a hero to Chinese sports fans. She gave everyone more 15 .
    Lang retired many years ago. Now she coaches the Chinese women's volleyball team. Her team is preparing for the 2020 Summer Olympics. Let's cheer for the "Iron Hammer"!
    1.A.afraid B.tired C.scared D.proud
    2.A.say B.think C.show D.promise
    3.A.surprised B.excited C.interested D.frightened
    4.A.So B.Anyway C.Later D.Ever
    5.A.for B.about C.from D.at
    6.A.brought B.took C.honored D.beat
    7.A.theirs B.our C.its D.her
    8.A.best B.worst C.least D.most
    9.A.Someone B.Anyone C.Everyone D.No one
    10.A.happened B.enjoyed C.watched D.played
    11.A.money B.time C.power D.chance
    12.A.until B.whether C.since D.when
    13.A.put up B.kept on C.turned down D.cut off
    14.A.strong B.famous C.popular D.rich
    15.A.patience B.attention C.confidence D.success

    【答案】1-5 DBACD 6-10 BCACD 11-15 BDBAC
    1.句意:中国人都为她感到骄傲。afraid害怕;tired累;scared害怕;proud骄傲、自豪。根据上文“she will always be a brilliant star in volleyball history.” 她将是排球历史上的一颗耀眼的明星,可推知是中国人都为她感到骄傲,be proud of“因……骄傲、自豪”,故选D。
    2.句意:在20世纪80年代以前,大多数人不认为中国人足够高和快可以打排球。say说;think想;show展示;promise承诺。根据“most people didn't … that Chinese people were tall and fast enough to play volleyball.”可知是中国人不够高和快,不能打排球,应该是大多数人认为如此,故选B。
    3.句意:但是中国女排在1981年日本世界杯上赢得了比赛,这让世界为之震惊。surprised惊讶;excited兴奋;interested感兴趣;frightened害怕的。根据上文可知大多数人不认为中国人足够高和快可以打排球,结合“the world by winning the game at the 1981 World Cup in Japan.”赢得了世界杯,可知是让世界感到震惊的,故选A。
    4.句意:后来,美国队获得了两次世界杯冠军,两次世锦赛冠军。So所以;Anyway无论如何;Later后来;Ever曾经。根据下文“the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles!”在1984年洛杉矶夏季奥运会上,可推测出此处是后来,故选C。
    5.句意:后来,美国队获得了两次世界杯冠军,两次世锦赛冠军,并在1984年洛杉矶夏季奥运会上获得金牌!for为了;about关于;from从;at在。根据“the 1984 Summer Olympics”可知是在奥运会上,用介词at,故选D。
    6.句意:2019年9月29日,中国女排在日本赢得了女排世界杯冠军。brought带来;took拿;honored尊敬、尊重;beat打败。根据“the Women's Volleyball World Cup trophy”可知是夺得女排世界杯冠军,测出此处用took,take sth from…表示“把……从……带走”,故选B。
    7.句意:这支球队在锦标赛中没有输掉任何一场比赛。theirs他们的;our我们的;its它的;her她的。根据前面的主语“The team”,可知此处用its,故选C。
    8.句意:这个奖杯是庆祝中国70岁生日的最好礼物。best最好的;worst最差的;least至少;most最多。根据后面的“celebrate the 70th birthday of China”庆祝建国70周年,获得冠军应该是最好的礼物,故选A。
    9.句意:球队里的每个人都训练得很努力,尤其是郎平。Someone某人;Anyone任何人;Everyone每一个人;No one没有一个。根据后面的“on the team trained very hard”可知是球队里的每个人都努力训练,故选C。
    10.句意:世界杯在几个不同的城市举行,球队没有太多的时间来训练。happened发生;enjoyed享受;watched观看;played举行、打、玩。根据前面的“the world cup”可知是世界杯被举行,推测出此处是played,故选D。
    11.句意:世界杯在几个不同的城市举行,球队没有太多的时间来训练。money钱;time时间;power力量;chance机会。根据“the team didn't have much … to train”可知应该是没有时间去训练,故选B。
    12.句意:女排姑娘们不得不在可能的时候挤出训练时间。until直到;whether是否;since自从;when当……时候。根据“The girls have to squeeze(挤出)in training time … they could.”可知是女排姑娘们不得不在可能的时候挤出时间来训练,when引导的时间状语从句,故选D。
    13.句意:这个队的许多队员即使受伤了也继续比赛。put up建造、张贴;kept on坚持;turned down调小;cut off切碎。根据“Many of the team's members … playing even after being injured.”后面说受伤了,可知应该是即使受伤了也坚持训练,keep on doing sth表示“继续做某事、坚持做某事”,故选B。
    14.句意:回到20世纪80年代,中国还没有今天这么强大。strong强壮的;famous著名的;popular流行的;rich富有的。根据上文“most people didn't think that Chinese people were tall and fast enough to play volleyball.”大多数人不认为中国人足够高和快可以打排球,以及“Back to the 1980s, China was not as… as it is today.”可知中国以前不像今天这样强大,故选A。
    15.句意:她给了每个人更多的信心。patience耐心;attention注意;confidence信心、自信;success成功。根据上文“She was like a hero to Chinese sports fans.”可知对中国体育迷来说,她就像一个英雄,推测出此处是她给了每个人更多的信心,故选C。
    题组C 培优拔尖练
    Do you know that a student can produce up to 240 pounds of school waste and lots of waste gas during a term? This includes transportation, food, paper, pens, pencils and so on.
    Many parents like driving their kids to school every day. We all know waste gas from cars is a main cause of air pollution. If parents who live in a neighborhood can drive their kids to school by turns each day, that’ll be better. Another way of going green is to walk to school if students live near it.
    It is surprising that only one primary school could produce up to 19,000 pounds of lunch waste each year. That is only one school. One way to help take care of the environment is to stop using plastic bags. There are all kinds of environmental boxes for students to put their food in.
    Paper, pens and pencils
    A lot of paper is thrown away by American students. They throw away about 1.6 billion pens every year. They waste many pens and the chemicals of them are bad for the environment. Much more pencils are thrown away than pens. Pencils are made of trees, so if more pencils are thrown away, more trees will be cut down. So students should reuse paper, pens and pencils instead of throwing them away.
    As fashion comes and goes, almost every kid needs a new backpack every year. They can save a lot of money and materials(材料)if they reuse the same schoolbags.
    Students and the environment
    If possible, parents in a neighborhood should take1 .to drive their kids to school each day.
    Students can go to school on2 .if their homes are not3 . from their school
    4 .
    Students should use environmental5 .to hold their food for lunch6 .of plastic bags.
    Paper ,pens and pencils
    About 1.6 billion pens are7 .away by American students every year
    Pencils are made of 8 ..Students should9 .paper, pens and pencils.
    Almost every student needs a new backpack every year as10 changes.

    1.Food 2. turns 3.foot 4. far 5.boxes
    6.instead 7. thrown 8.trees 9.reuse 10.fashion
    2.根据If parents who live in a neighborhood can drive their kids to school by turns each day, that’ll be better可知住在街区的父母可以轮流开车送他们的孩子上学, 所以填写turns。
    3.根据Another way of going green is to walk to school if students live near it.,可知如果学生住在附近可以步行到学校,所以填写foot。
    4.根据Another way of going green is to walk to school if students live near it.可知是住的不远,所以填根据Another way of going green is to walk to school if students live near it.,可知如果学生住在附近可以步行到学校,所以填写far。
    5.根据One way to help take care of the environment is to stop using plastic bags. There are all kinds of environmental boxes for students to put their food in.可知帮助照顾环境的一个方法是停止使用塑料袋。有各种各样的环境盒子供学生们把他们的食物放在里面。所以填写boxes。
    6.根据One way to help take care of the environment is to stop using plastic bags. There are all kinds of environmental boxes for students to put their food in.可知用环保食盒代替塑料袋,所以填写instead。
    7.根据They throw away about 1.6 billion pens every year他们每年扔掉大约16亿支钢笔,所以填写thrown。
    8.根据Pencils are made of trees,可知铅笔是由树制造而来的,所以填写trees。
    9.根据So students should reuse paper, pens and pencils instead of throwing them away.可知学生应该重复使用纸、钢笔和铅笔,而不是把它们扔掉。所以填写reuse。
    10.根据As fashion comes and goes, almost every kid needs a new backpack every year.可知随着时尚的到来,几乎每一个孩子每年都需要一个新的背包。所以填写fashion。

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