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    这是一份2021-2022学年上海市崇明区高三(上)期末英语试卷(一模),共47页。试卷主要包含了A.A bank clerk.,A. $10.等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Ⅰ. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    1.(1分)A.A bank clerk.
    B.A shop assistant.
    C.An air hostess.
    D.A hotel receptionist.
    2.(1分)A. $10.
    B. $15.
    C. $25.
    D. $30.
    3.(1分)A.Buy some ingredients for the salad.
    B.Wait for the woman to return.
    C.Hand the store over to the woman.
    D.Make a shopping list.
    4.(1分)A.It doesn't take long to drive there.
    B.He has memorized every part of the drive.
    C.He doesn't want to drive anymore.
    D.The road to Bridgeport has just been opened.
    5.(1分)A.The ticket was expensive.
    B.He didn't buy the ticket.
    C.The tickets have been sold out.
    D.He doesn't know the price of the ticket.
    6.(1分)A.Deliver the notebook to Cathy.
    B.Look for Cathy's notebook.
    C.Ask Cathy to explain the chemistry notes.
    D.Ask Cathy for the man's notebook.
    7.(1分)A.He hopes to graduate before the summer.
    B.The woman won't be able to keep up the pace.
    C.The woman will graduate after the man.
    D.He doesn't want to attend school year round.
    8.(1分)A.He'll join the band sooner or later.
    B.He had a bad time in the school band.
    C.He quit the band for academic reasons.
    D.He's still a member of the school band.
    9.(1分)A.The man is used to cold weather.
    B.The weather in October should be warmer.
    C.The man disbelieves the weather forecast.
    D.The weather this weekend will remain warm.
    10.(1分)A.His project couldn't continue due to the government.
    B.He didn't need any support from the government.
    C.His project's financial problem has been solved.
    D.He has already stopped his project halfway.
    Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of them. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    11.(4.5分)(1)A.Many leaders are anxious about their team's productivity.
    B.Employees are happier when they work from home.
    C.More and more people prefer to work at home now.
    D.Working remotely improves employees' productivity.
    (3)A.It can strengthen their leadership.
    B.It can help them manage their time.
    C.It can relieve them of some concern.
    D.It can cause them to set higher goals.
    12.(4.5分)(1)A.The importance of bees to agriculture.
    B.The factors in causing the decline of bees.
    C.The reasons for choosing a day for bees.
    D.The ways to increase the diversity of bees.
    (2)A.The change in their food forms.
    B.The disappearance of their homes.
    C.The loss of some plants.
    D.The poor harvest in agriculture.
    (3)A.Raising awareness of protecting bees.
    B.Keeping more people away from bees.
    C.Inspiring more art works about bees.
    D.Encouraging professors to keep bees.
    13.(6分)(1)A.How to book a movie ticket.
    B.Whom to see a movie with.
    C.Whether to see a movie.
    D.Where to see a movie.
    (2)A.It has been widely criticized.
    B.It has received good comments.
    C.It has a totally different style.
    D.It has been reviewed many times.
    (3)A.It creates better atmosphere.
    B.He likes the company of strangers.
    C.It is much more relaxing.
    D.He dislikes Marvel's old movies.
    (4)A.She felt very tired.
    B.She tried to avoid the tall guy.
    C.She needed some sleep
    D.She'd like to see the tiny details.
    Ⅱ.Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
    Artists Show Concern for Environment at Smithsonian Craft Show
    The United Nations says more than one million plant and animal species are likely to die out because of human activity.That threat (1)    the environment and concerns about climate change influenced people attending the Smithsonian Craft Show last month.The show gave recognition to artists (2)    (create) environmentally sustainable works.
    The Smithsonian Committee is made up of volunteers from the Washington,D.C.area.Joann Symons is the group's president. "In recent years,we've noticed that the artists in our shows have been working with more renewable materials and methods (3)    are environmentally safe.That's (4)    we've decided that we will reward those efforts by offering a Sustainability Award every year at our show," said Symons.
    At the show last month,120 artists from across the United States presented works of art in 12 different materials.Twenty﹣one artists met the requirements for sustainability.By doing so,they won the right (5)    (compete) for the Honoring the Future Sustainability Award.The winner received a prize of 1,000 dollars.
    Mary Jaeger creates her works of art in a nearly 100﹣year﹣old factory building in Brooklyn,New York.She makes artworks that (6)    be worn as clothing.It combines the time﹣honored qualities of Japanese textiles with modern Western designs.Jaeger won the "Honoring the Future Sustainability Award" for her silk creations.She makes them by hand,combining earlier projects with materials (7)    (leave) over.The artist said, "(8)    I look at these beautiful silks that I have acquired over the years of designing,I wanted to repurpose them into something that was truly beautiful,but completely different than the original product..."
    Fran Dubrowski (9)    (head) Honoring the Future,a nonprofit organization that provides the sustainability award.She said the group (10)    (set) up to take advantage of the power of art to educate and engage the public on climate change.
    Section BDirections: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
    A.awarded B.contemporary C.demand D.emitted E.explore F.exposure
    G.inevitable H.protective I.tragic J.undertake K.unmatched
    Praise for Pioneers in Science
    In memory of Marie Curie on her birthday on Saturday,the official website of the Nobel Prize posted a photograph of her notebook saying, "Marie Curie died of aplastic anaemia (再生障碍性贫血) on 4 July 1934,a result of years of (1)    to radiation through her work.Even today her laboratory notebook from 1899﹣1902,is radioactive and will be for 1,500 years."
    The tales of Marie and other scientists of her time are in some sense very(2)    .
    Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen,a professor of physics at the Wuerzburg University in Germany,discovered X﹣ray in 1895.A year later,Antoine Henri Becquerel found that some natural substances(3)   rays,too.Later,Marie and her physicist husband,Pierre Curie,gave it a name,radioactivity.
    However,the harmful effects of radioactivity were not discovered until decades later.Marie and her (4)    scientists dealt with radioactive substances for decades using little or no protection.
    Marie's death is a reminder about the risks pioneers in science (5)   .It was only after people handling radioactive substances began to get similar diseases that medical experts asked people to use protection.Today,medical health workers and patients wear heavy(6)    covers during X﹣rays.
    It is almost(7)   that those exploring new frontiers (前沿) for science are exposing themselves to unknown dangers.There is a(n)(8)    for better protection for the pioneers,but that is not possible until the dangers are fully known.
    For example,the space suits astronauts wear protect them against radiation.However,only time will tell if there are some other unknown dangers that they need to protect themselves against.
    The contributions and sacrifices by such pioneers to the field of science are (9)    and deserving of our respect.Because the pioneers not only (10)    new frontiers,but also help us better protect ourselves from unknown environments.
    Ⅲ. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
    16.(15分)We all know the dangers of a diet that's high in fat.But a new study from researchers at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) in Japan has now found having a fat﹣heavy diet can also (1)   hair loss.
    In the average healthy adult,the hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs) (毛囊干细胞) (2)   themselves regularly,which is why your hair grows back when you cut it and also why it becomes longer.As with most things in the human body,though,aging doesn't do the HSFCs any(3)    .As you get older,the stem cells lose their ability to reproduce as (4)   as they once did,leaving the hair to thin and/or fall out.
    In the study carried out by TMDU's department of stem cell biology,mice that had been given a high﹣fat diet (HFD) were more subject to inflammatory (炎症的) responses in the body which, (5)   ,blocked follicle regeneration,leading to hair loss.What was surprising was that the (6)    in the hair follicles could happen in as little as four days spent on a high﹣fat diet and that the problem seemed to be worse in older mice.
    "High﹣fat diet feeding makes hair(7)    faster by reducing HFSCs,especially in old mice," explains Hironobu Morinaga,the study's lead author. "We compared the gene expression in HFSCs between HFD﹣fed mice and standard diet﹣fed mice and (8)    the fate of those HFSCs after their activation."
    It's not just the (9)    content of your food that can damage your hair as what you consume can really affect how your hair grows and even whether men will keep it,as Dr Alia Ahmed,who specializes in the study of skin,explains. (10)   shortages are often the root cause of many hair problems,adds Dr Ahmed. "Iron,vitamin A,vitamin D,vitamin E,etc. ﹣ there are so many nutrients involved in hair (11)    ," she says. "It's not just genetics."
    If you've got a sweet tooth,for example,you may need to think about(12)    the sweet food.Not only is sugar bad for your hair,but it can cause your blood sugar levels to rise dramatically,which,in men,can raise the levels of the hormone androgen (雄性激素),leading to follicle (13)   and potential hair loss.
    But don't make the (14)    of substituting sugar for artificial sweeteners.Take diet drinks that replace processed sugar with artificial sweeteners like aspartame,for instance.In their analysis of aspartame,the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has listed hair thinning and hair loss as one of the main side effects of (15)    of aspartame.

    (1)A.fit in with
    B.make up for
    C.cope with
    D.speed up
    C .identify
    (5)A.in turn
    B.by contrast
    C.for instance
    D.as usual
    (12)A.putting down
    B.messing up
    C.figuring out
    D.turning over
    Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
    17.(8分)The employees at Helwig Carbon Products in Milwaukee have their own company cafeteria on a site,a rarity it seems more and more these days.But if anyone wants to eat a doughnut (甜甜圈),it's going to cost twice as much as what they might pay for the sweet at the local grocery store.That's because Helwig Carbon Products has a wellness program,and it is one of many local companies trying to show employees how to eat healthier.
    "We're really trying to persuade people to eat healthier," said Cheryl Brah,human resources director at Helwig Carbon Products. "A piece of fruit is 25 cents;a doughnut is $1.50 ﹣ and we still have people who buy doughnuts.People complain ﹣ but we really try to put our efforts toward the middle﹣of﹣the﹣line people who might lean more toward the wellness side,eventually."
    This effort isn't just happening at Helwig Carbon.There has been a city﹣wide movement of 44 local companies who added or evolved their health and wellness programs to their company culture,and because of it Milwaukee is now nationally recognized for a large number of businesses with wellness programs.
    It all started several years ago,when a program called Well City Milwaukee teamed up with 44 local businesses that collectively represent a workforce of 130,000 employees.Well City Milwaukee provided healthy practices guidelines for businesses.In exchange,it surveyed the employees to find out what their health needs and risks were and what activities they found interesting.Well City then set a very high bar for companies to meet a lot of expectations to be considered a top wellness program.
    Companies needed a commitment from the CEO;to form a wellness team;to collect information from the employees in surveys and health assessments;to come up with an operating plan;to create a supportive environment;to self﹣evaluate their efforts;and finally,to choose their best approaches.That meant coming up with activities,better nutrition education,and motivational programs like getting people to quit smoking,getting people in for medical self﹣care and working on stress management.

    (1)What does the passage mainly want to tell us?    
    A.Company cafeterias are rarer and rarer these days.
    B.A healthy diet is especially important to people's health.
    C.Company culture is gaining priority in a company's development.
    D.Companies are trying to help their employees think about their health.
    (2)The company cafeteria charges much more for doughnuts in order to    .
    A.drive employees to the local grocery store
    B.show the rich ingredients of the doughnuts
    C.profit more from the wellness program
    D.discourage the purchase of unhealthy food
    (3)"The middle﹣of﹣the﹣line people" in Paragraph 2 refer to those who    .
    A.are neutral about what to eat
    B.are used to cutting in line when buying food
    C.are addicted to sweet food
    D.are middle﹣aged and have health problems
    (4)According to Well City Milwaukee's requirements,a top wellness program of a company should    .
    A.motivate its employees to cooperate with each other
    B.diagnose and treat its employees' diseases effectively
    C.initiate related activities based on their employees' needs
    D.prohibit its CEO from putting any pressure on its employees

    Welcome to the official Louvre online sales site
    The Musée du Louvre is reopening and we are glad to be able to welcome you back again.In line with the measures taken to prevent the spread of COVID﹣19,visitors will be required to wear a mask.According to government recommendations,all visitors to the Louvre aged 12 years and two months or older must show a Health Pass.All visitors,including those entitled to free admission,must book a time period.Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.

    Individual tickets for the Museum
    Admission and reservation of a time period to access the permanent collections.
    Tickets valid for the selected date only.Full list of visitors entitled to free admission at Louvre.fr.
    General admission: €18
    The Musée du Louvre is open every day ﹣ except Tuesdays,January 1,May 1 and December 25﹣ from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.Visitors will be asked to leave the exhibition rooms 30 minutes before closure.
    All tickets purchased online are time﹣stamped and nominative (记名的);you may therefore be asked to provide proof of identity.
    They are only valid for the service,date and time selected.They cannot be used to skip the queue but do guarantee access to the museum within half an hour of the time shown on the ticket.Any holder of an online ticket who does not arrive within the assigned time period for admission to the museum shall be subject to the same admission and waiting conditions as visitors without tickets.
    Visitors entitled to free admission (other than Louvre members)
    —Under 18s,proof of ID required
    —16﹣25 year﹣old residents of the European Economic Area (European Union,Norway,Iceland,and Liechtenstein),proof of ID and residency required
    —Teachers working in France,valid "Pass Education" required
    —Teachers of art,art history or the applied arts,valid proof of employment stating subject taught required
    —Artists with the Maison des Artistes or International Association of Art,valid proof required
    —Jobseekers,valid proof and ID required (dated within the last year or indicating a period of validity)
    —Disabled visitors and the person accompanying them
    (1)This passage mainly aims at    .
    A.introducing the exhibits at the Louvre
    B.providing ticketing information of the Louvre
    C.listing restrictions on admission to the Louvre
    D.illustrating the services provided at the Louvre
    (2)If a family in Norway,including the wife,an art teacher,the husband,an IT engineer,and a 10﹣year﹣old son,want to visit the Louvre this weekend,they should pay at least     in all.
    A. €18
    B. €36
    C. €45
    D. €54
    (3)What can be learned about the Louvre from the passage?    
    A.It is open every day except on Tuesdays.
    B.Its online tickets ensure access to it at any time.
    C.Proof of ID is required for anyone buying its tickets online.
    D.Ticket holders may be refused to enter it if arriving an hour late.
    19.(8分)A recent study published in the journal Science Advances has revealed that the United States ranks as high as third among countries contributing to coastal plastic pollution.The new research challenges the once﹣held assumption that the US is adequately "managing" its plastic waste.A previous study using 2010 data that did not account for plastic waste exports had ranked the US 20th,globally,in its contribution to ocean plastic pollution.
    Using plastic waste generation (产生) data from 2016 ﹣ the latest available global numbers ﹣ scientists calculated that more than half of all plastics collected for recycling (1.99 million tons of 3.91 million tons collected) in the US were shipped abroad.Of this,88% of exports went to countries struggling to effectively manage plastics;and between 15﹣25% was low﹣value or contaminated (受污染的).It means it was unrecyclable.Taking these factors into account,the researchers estimated that up to 1 million tons of US﹣generated plastic waste ended up polluting the environment beyond its own borders.
    Using 2016 data,the paper also estimated that between 0.91 and 1.25 million tons of plastic waste generated in the US was either littered or illegally dumped into the environment domestically.Combined with waste exports,this means the US contributed up to 2.25 million tons of plastics into the environment.Of this,up to 1.5 million tons of plastics ended up in coastal environments.This ranks the US as high as third globally in contributing to coastal plastic pollution.
    "The US generates the most plastic waste of any other country in the world,but rather than looking the problem in the eye,we have outsourced it to developing countries," said Nick Mallos,senior director of Ocean Conservancy's Trash Free Seas program and a co﹣author of the study. "The solution has to start at home.We need to create less,by cutting out unnecessary single﹣use plastics;we need to create better,by developing innovative new ways to package and deliver goods;and where plastics are inevitable,we need to greatly improve our recycling rates."
    "Previous research has provided global values for plastic input into the environment and coastal areas,but detailed analyses like this one are important for individual countries to further assess their contributions," said Dr.Jenna Jambeck,Distinguished Professor at the University of Georgia's College of Engineering and a co﹣author of the study. "In the case of the United States,it is critically important that we examine our own backyard and take responsibility for our global plastic footprint."

    (1)Compared with the previous study,the new one    .
    A.covers data more comprehensivelyB
    .excludes plastic waste shipped abroad
    C.is contrary to the latest global numbers
    D.challenges the recycling way of plastics
    (2)According to 2016 data,what can be learned about the plastic waste generated in the US?    
    A.Over half of it ended up polluting the environment outside the US.
    B.Most of its exported plastic waste wasn't worth recycling.
    C.Less than half of it was actually recycled domestically.
    D.More of it is littered or illegally dumped than exported.
    (3)It is implied by Nick Mallos that    .
    A.plastic pollution in developing countries is more serious
    B.US has been irresponsible in dealing with its plastic waste
    C.US should cooperate with others to handle its plastic waste
    D.innovative means are needed to eliminate single﹣use plastics
    (4)Which of the following is the best title for the passage?    
    A.Plastic Pollution Great Risk to Marine Life
    B.US Top Contributor to Coastal Plastic Pollution
    C.Plastic Waste Major Source of Coastal Pollution
    D.Recycling Effective Way to Address Plastic Waste
    Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
    A.There are currently many job openings in the United States.
    B.Hourly workers are now seeking more flexibility in their schedules.
    C.He thinks companies are learning that money alone cannot solve their hiring issues.
    D.Now,he notes,it's more about what you need as an employee and how we can make you happy.
    E.It says the rate at which employers were able to fill weekend schedules dropped from January through August compared with weekday work.
    F.That contributed to a labor shortage,forcing employers to look for ways to make their jobs seem more attractive while also cutting back on hours of operation.
    US Businesses Give in to Worker Demands to Keep Employees
    As many American businesses struggle to fill jobs,some have started negotiating demands that used to be non﹣negotiable for most hourly employees.
    One of the top demands for many workers is scheduling ﹣ the days and time they spend on the job. (1)    .That means employees are pushing back against requirements to work weekends,late nights or holidays.
    (2)    .Therefore,workers can be more careful about the jobs they choose.There were 10.4 million job openings at the end of August and 11.1 million openings the month before.Those numbers are the highest since at least December 2000,when the government started recording the data.At the same time,the U.S.Labor Department said the number of people quitting their jobs jumped to 4.3 million in August from 4 million in July.
    A recent study from an employment company found that nearly 40 percent of jobseekers worldwide said schedule flexibility was one of their top three issues in career decisions.Instawork is an employment marketplace that connects local businesses with hourly workers. (3)   .
    Such changes are happening as companies try to hire more workers for the upcoming holiday season.Target Corporation,for example,said this month it will pay $2 an hour more to employees who agree to work schedules during busy days of the holiday season.Sumir Meghani is co﹣founder and CEO of Instawork. (4)    .Hourly workers are now asking how they can get the same work﹣life balance as workers in other kinds of jobs who can work remotely.
    During the pandemic (大流行病),hourly workers were hit especially hard when businesses like department stores and restaurants were forced to close for a few months during the spring of 2020.Those who remained employed at essential businesses like grocery stores found themselves working too much and too hard.
    Ⅳ. Summary WritingDirections:Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Is Small Talk Necessary?
    What's the first thing you do when you enter a crowded room?You probably look around for a familiar face.When you can't find one,you have two choices:you can stand alone,or you can walk up and speak to someone that you don't know.
    Starting a conversation with a stranger,though,is often uncomfortable and can be a little scary.Yet as you go through life,you're sure to encounter strangers in many different situations,when a need to connect with others will hopefully outweigh your fears.In order to prepare,it helps to learn the art of small talk.
    Small talk is the beginning stage of a casual conversation,which usually takes place between strangers or casual acquaintances.With small talk,two or more people search for common interests and points of connection.If one is discovered,the conversation usually begins to flow more naturally,often resulting in deeper discussion.
    Mastering a few techniques will allow you to enter a room full of strangers with confidence.
    When you walk up to a group,notice anyone trying to make eye contact with you because this is often a sign that the person is interested in talking.Begin by introducing yourself,and then,you should begin with one of three topics:talk about yourself,the other person or something you can both observe,like the weather.
    Another way to begin a conversation is with a compliment.Your praise of someone's scarf might lead to a discussion about favorite places to shop.
    Radio host Terry Gross,who has interviewed thousands of people over the years,says one opening request works for her every time: "Tell me about yourself." This approach gets the ball rolling because people enjoy talking about themselves.
    Though small talk takes practice,it's worth the effort and it's the stimulus that can lead to deeper conversations.

    Ⅴ. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
    Ⅵ. Guided Writing
    26.(25分)Directions:Write an English composition in 120﹣150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
    • 就他该留在美国读大学还是到中国来读大学表达你的意见;
    • 比较两种选择,陈述你的理由。


    Ⅰ. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    1.(1分)A.A bank clerk.
    B.A shop assistant.
    C.An air hostess.
    D.A hotel receptionist.
    2.(1分)A. $10.
    B. $15.
    C. $25.
    D. $30.
    3.(1分)A.Buy some ingredients for the salad.
    B.Wait for the woman to return.
    C.Hand the store over to the woman.
    D.Make a shopping list.
    4.(1分)A.It doesn't take long to drive there.
    B.He has memorized every part of the drive.
    C.He doesn't want to drive anymore.
    D.The road to Bridgeport has just been opened.
    5.(1分)A.The ticket was expensive.
    B.He didn't buy the ticket.
    C.The tickets have been sold out.
    D.He doesn't know the price of the ticket.
    6.(1分)A.Deliver the notebook to Cathy.
    B.Look for Cathy's notebook.
    C.Ask Cathy to explain the chemistry notes.
    D.Ask Cathy for the man's notebook.
    7.(1分)A.He hopes to graduate before the summer.
    B.The woman won't be able to keep up the pace.
    C.The woman will graduate after the man.
    D.He doesn't want to attend school year round.
    8.(1分)A.He'll join the band sooner or later.
    B.He had a bad time in the school band.
    C.He quit the band for academic reasons.
    D.He's still a member of the school band.
    9.(1分)A.The man is used to cold weather.
    B.The weather in October should be warmer.
    C.The man disbelieves the weather forecast.
    D.The weather this weekend will remain warm.
    10.(1分)A.His project couldn't continue due to the government.
    B.He didn't need any support from the government.
    C.His project's financial problem has been solved.
    D.He has already stopped his project halfway.
    Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of them. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    11.(4.5分)(1)A.Many leaders are anxious about their team's productivity.
    B.Employees are happier when they work from home.
    C.More and more people prefer to work at home now.
    D.Working remotely improves employees' productivity.
    (3)A.It can strengthen their leadership.
    B.It can help them manage their time.
    C.It can relieve them of some concern.
    D.It can cause them to set higher goals.
    12.(4.5分)(1)A.The importance of bees to agriculture.
    B.The factors in causing the decline of bees.
    C.The reasons for choosing a day for bees.
    D.The ways to increase the diversity of bees.
    (2)A.The change in their food forms.
    B.The disappearance of their homes.
    C.The loss of some plants.
    D.The poor harvest in agriculture.
    (3)A.Raising awareness of protecting bees.
    B.Keeping more people away from bees.
    C.Inspiring more art works about bees.
    D.Encouraging professors to keep bees.
    13.(6分)(1)A.How to book a movie ticket.
    B.Whom to see a movie with.
    C.Whether to see a movie.
    D.Where to see a movie.
    (2)A.It has been widely criticized.
    B.It has received good comments.
    C.It has a totally different style.
    D.It has been reviewed many times.
    (3)A.It creates better atmosphere.
    B.He likes the company of strangers.
    C.It is much more relaxing.
    D.He dislikes Marvel's old movies.
    (4)A.She felt very tired.
    B.She tried to avoid the tall guy.
    C.She needed some sleep
    D.She'd like to see the tiny details.
    Ⅱ.Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
    Artists Show Concern for Environment at Smithsonian Craft Show
    The United Nations says more than one million plant and animal species are likely to die out because of human activity.That threat (1) to  the environment and concerns about climate change influenced people attending the Smithsonian Craft Show last month.The show gave recognition to artists (2) creating  (create) environmentally sustainable works.
    The Smithsonian Committee is made up of volunteers from the Washington,D.C.area.Joann Symons is the group's president. "In recent years,we've noticed that the artists in our shows have been working with more renewable materials and methods (3) that/which  are environmentally safe.That's (4) why  we've decided that we will reward those efforts by offering a Sustainability Award every year at our show," said Symons.
    At the show last month,120 artists from across the United States presented works of art in 12 different materials.Twenty﹣one artists met the requirements for sustainability.By doing so,they won the right (5) to compete  (compete) for the Honoring the Future Sustainability Award.The winner received a prize of 1,000 dollars.
    Mary Jaeger creates her works of art in a nearly 100﹣year﹣old factory building in Brooklyn,New York.She makes artworks that (6) can  be worn as clothing.It combines the time﹣honored qualities of Japanese textiles with modern Western designs.Jaeger won the "Honoring the Future Sustainability Award" for her silk creations.She makes them by hand,combining earlier projects with materials (7) left  (leave) over.The artist said, "(8) When/As  I look at these beautiful silks that I have acquired over the years of designing,I wanted to repurpose them into something that was truly beautiful,but completely different than the original product..."
    Fran Dubrowski (9) heads  (head) Honoring the Future,a nonprofit organization that provides the sustainability award.She said the group (10) was set/ had been set  (set) up to take advantage of the power of art to educate and engage the public on climate change.
    【解答】(1)to.考查介词。句意:对环境的威胁和对气候变化的担忧影响了上个月参加史密森工艺展的人们。threat to为固定用法,意为"对……的威胁"。故填to。
    (5)to compete.考查不定式。句意:通过这样做,他们赢得了竞争未来可持续发展奖的权利。空处修饰名词the right,需用动词不定式作后置定语。故填to compete。
    (9)heads.考查动词时态。句意:弗兰•杜博洛斯基(Fran Dubrowski)是"尊重未来"(honor the Future)的负责人,这是一家提供可持续发展奖的非营利组织。此处陈述客观事实,使用一般现在时,主语为Fran Dubrowski,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故填heads。
    (10)was set/ had been set.考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:她说,成立这个组织是为了利用艺术的力量来教育公众,让公众参与气候变化问题。空处为宾语从句的谓语动词,从句可以看作陈述客观事实,也可看作陈述过去的动作,再根据said可知,从句使用一般过去时或者过去完成时,主语the group和set为被动关系,需用被动语态,主语为单数名词,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故填was set/had been set。
    Section BDirections: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
    A.awarded B.contemporary C.demand D.emitted E.explore F.exposure
    G.inevitable H.protective I.tragic J.undertake K.unmatched
    Praise for Pioneers in Science
    In memory of Marie Curie on her birthday on Saturday,the official website of the Nobel Prize posted a photograph of her notebook saying, "Marie Curie died of aplastic anaemia (再生障碍性贫血) on 4 July 1934,a result of years of (1) F  to radiation through her work.Even today her laboratory notebook from 1899﹣1902,is radioactive and will be for 1,500 years."
    The tales of Marie and other scientists of her time are in some sense very(2) I  .
    Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen,a professor of physics at the Wuerzburg University in Germany,discovered X﹣ray in 1895.A year later,Antoine Henri Becquerel found that some natural substances(3) D rays,too.Later,Marie and her physicist husband,Pierre Curie,gave it a name,radioactivity.
    However,the harmful effects of radioactivity were not discovered until decades later.Marie and her (4) B  scientists dealt with radioactive substances for decades using little or no protection.
    Marie's death is a reminder about the risks pioneers in science (5) J .It was only after people handling radioactive substances began to get similar diseases that medical experts asked people to use protection.Today,medical health workers and patients wear heavy(6) H  covers during X﹣rays.
    It is almost(7) G that those exploring new frontiers (前沿) for science are exposing themselves to unknown dangers.There is a(n)(8) C  for better protection for the pioneers,but that is not possible until the dangers are fully known.
    For example,the space suits astronauts wear protect them against radiation.However,only time will tell if there are some other unknown dangers that they need to protect themselves against.
    The contributions and sacrifices by such pioneers to the field of science are (9) K  and deserving of our respect.Because the pioneers not only (10) E  new frontiers,but also help us better protect ourselves from unknown environments.
    【解答】(1)F.考查名词。句意:玛丽•居里于1934年7月4日死于再生障碍性贫血,这是她多年工作中暴露于辐射的结果。分析可知,设空处应是名词,与空后介词"to"结合构成固定短语,且后文"radiation"意为"辐射",由此推知,应是F项"exposure",名词,意为"面临;遭受(危险或不快)",可构成固定短语"exposure to sth",意为"暴露;受到",符合语意要求。故选F项。
    (2)I.考查形容词。句意:居里夫人和她那个时代的其他科学家的故事在某种意义上是非常悲惨的。空前"are"为系动词,所填空应是形容词。根据前文"Even today her laboratory notebook from 1899﹣1902,is radioactive and will be for 1,500 years.(即使在今天,她从1899年到1902年的实验室笔记仍然是放射性的,而且将在1500年里都是放射性的。)"语境可知,设空处应是消极意义的形容词。选项I"tragic",形容词,意为"悲惨的;不幸的",符合语境和语意要求。故选I项。
    (3)D.考查动词。句意:一年后,安托万•亨利•贝克勒尔发现一些天然物质也会发出射线。分析可知,设空处应是从句的谓语动词,从句主语"some natural substances"意为"一些天然物质",宾语"rays"意为"射线",由此可推知,所选动词应表达"释放"含义。选项D"emitted",动词,意为"排放;发散",符合语境和语意要求。故选D项。
    (4)B.考查形容词。句意:居里夫人和她同时代的科学家几十年来一直在使用很少或根本没有保护的方法处理放射性物质。分析可知,设空处应是形容词作定语修饰空后名词"scientists(科学家)",与"Marie"并列,且与前文"other scientists of her time(她那个时代的其他科学家)"相呼应,应是指和她同时代的科学家们。选项B"contemporary",形容词,意为"同时期的",符合语境和语意要求。故选B项。
    (5)J.考查动词。句意:居里夫人的死提醒我们科学先驱们所承担的风险。分析可知,"pioneers in science (5)_____"为之前名词"the risks"的定语从句,从句主语为"pioneers","in science"为其后置定语,先行词"the risks"为宾语,因此设空处为谓语动词,所选应是动词,结合先行词,即,其宾语"the risks"为"风险"含义,应是J项"undertake",动词,意为"承担","undertake the risks"意为"承担风险",符合语境和语意搭配。故选J项。
    (6)H.考查形容词。句意:今天,医疗卫生工作者和患者在接受X光检查时戴上厚厚的防护罩。分析可知,空后"covers"为名词,意为"覆盖物;外衣",因此可推知设空处应是形容词作定语。结合"medical experts asked people to use protection(医学专家要求人们采取保护措施)"可知,这里应是指"防护罩"。选项H"protective",形容词,意为"保护的;防护的",符合语境和语意搭配。故选H项。
    (7)G.考查形容词。句意:那些探索科学新领域的人将自己暴露在未知的危险之中几乎是不可避免的。分析可知,空前"is"为系动词,设空处应是形容词作表语。根据后文主语从句"that those exploring new frontiers for science are exposing themselves to unknown dangers(那些探索科学新领域的人正把自己暴露在未知的危险之中)"语境可知,这种情况是无法避免的。选项G"inevitable",形容词,意为"不可避免的;不能防止的",符合语境和语意搭配。故选G项。
    (8)C.考查名词。句意:有人要求为先驱者提供更好的保护,但在完全了解危险之前,这是不可能的。分析可知,空前"a(n)"为不定冠词,设空处应是名词,与空后"for"搭配。结合前文"It is almost (7)_____ that those exploring new frontiers for science are exposing themselves to unknown dangers.(那些探索科学新领域的人正把自己暴露在未知的危险之中是不可避免的。)"可知,对于这些人来说,在科研过程中,需要有更好的保护。C项"demand",名词,意为"要求;需求",可构成固定短语"a demand for sth",意为"对……的一个需求",符合语境和语意搭配。故选C项。
    (9)K.考查形容词。句意:这些先驱者对科学领域的贡献和牺牲是无与伦比的,值得我们尊敬。分析可知,空前"are"为系动词,设空处应是形容词作表语。根据前文"For example,the space suits astronauts wear protect them against radiation.However,only time will tell if there are some other unknown dangers that they need to protect themselves against.(例如,宇航员穿的宇航服可以保护他们免受辐射。然而,只有时间才能证明是否还有其他未知的危险需要他们保护自己。)"可知,虽然穿着防护服,但还是存在未知的风险,他们在科学领域不仅做出了贡献也做出了牺牲,由此可知,这些都是无与伦比的。选项K"unmatched",形容词,意为"无与伦比的",符合语境和语意搭配。故选K项。
    (10)E.考查动词。句意:因为科研先驱们不仅探索新的领域,而且帮助我们更好地保护自己不受未知环境的影响。分析可知,设空处为句子的谓语动词,应是动词。结合主语"the pioneers"意为"先驱;先锋",宾语"new frontiers"意为"新领域",由此可推知,谓语动词应表达"探索"含义。选项E"explore",动词,意为"探索",符合语境和语意搭配。故选E项。
    Ⅲ. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
    16.(15分)We all know the dangers of a diet that's high in fat.But a new study from researchers at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) in Japan has now found having a fat﹣heavy diet can also (1) D hair loss.
    In the average healthy adult,the hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs) (毛囊干细胞) (2) B themselves regularly,which is why your hair grows back when you cut it and also why it becomes longer.As with most things in the human body,though,aging doesn't do the HSFCs any(3) B  .As you get older,the stem cells lose their ability to reproduce as (4) A as they once did,leaving the hair to thin and/or fall out.
    In the study carried out by TMDU's department of stem cell biology,mice that had been given a high﹣fat diet (HFD) were more subject to inflammatory (炎症的) responses in the body which, (5) A ,blocked follicle regeneration,leading to hair loss.What was surprising was that the (6) C  in the hair follicles could happen in as little as four days spent on a high﹣fat diet and that the problem seemed to be worse in older mice.
    "High﹣fat diet feeding makes hair(7) D  faster by reducing HFSCs,especially in old mice," explains Hironobu Morinaga,the study's lead author. "We compared the gene expression in HFSCs between HFD﹣fed mice and standard diet﹣fed mice and (8) B  the fate of those HFSCs after their activation."
    It's not just the (9) D  content of your food that can damage your hair as what you consume can really affect how your hair grows and even whether men will keep it,as Dr Alia Ahmed,who specializes in the study of skin,explains. (10) C shortages are often the root cause of many hair problems,adds Dr Ahmed. "Iron,vitamin A,vitamin D,vitamin E,etc. ﹣ there are so many nutrients involved in hair (11) C  ," she says. "It's not just genetics."
    If you've got a sweet tooth,for example,you may need to think about(12) A  the sweet food.Not only is sugar bad for your hair,but it can cause your blood sugar levels to rise dramatically,which,in men,can raise the levels of the hormone androgen (雄性激素),leading to follicle (13) B and potential hair loss.
    But don't make the (14) D  of substituting sugar for artificial sweeteners.Take diet drinks that replace processed sugar with artificial sweeteners like aspartame,for instance.In their analysis of aspartame,the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has listed hair thinning and hair loss as one of the main side effects of (15) C  of aspartame.

    (1)A.fit in with
    B.make up for
    C.cope with
    D.speed up
    C .identify
    (5)A.in turn
    B.by contrast
    C.for instance
    D.as usual
    (12)A.putting down
    B.messing up
    C.figuring out
    D.turning over
    【解答】(1)D.考查动词短语及语境理解。A.fit in with配合;B.make up for弥补:C.cope with应付;D.speed up加速。句意:但是日本东京医学和牙科大学(TMDU)研究人员的一项新研究发现,高脂肪饮食也会加速脱发。根据后文High﹣fat diet feeding makes hair(7)faster by reducing HFSCs,especially in old mice可知,高脂肪饮食会减少毛囊干细胞,加速脱发。故选D项。
    (2)B.考查动词及语境理解。A.cure治愈;B.renew更新;C.identify识别;D.protect保护。句意:在普通健康成年人中,毛囊干细胞(HFSCs)定期更新自己。这就是为什么你剪头发时头发又长了回来,也就是为什么头发变长了。根据后文"which is why your hair grows back when you cut it and also why it becomes longer"可知,普通的健康成年人的头发剪掉了会再长,即毛囊干细胞会定期更新。故选B项。
    (3)B.考查名词及语境理解。A.harm伤害;B.favours支持,特别照顾;C.justice正义;D.corrections纠正。句意:然而,与人体内的大多数事物一样,衰老对HSFC没有任何帮助。根据后文"As you get older,the stem cells lose their ability to reproduce as (4)as they once did,leaving the hair to thin and/or fall out"可知,衰老对于干细胞没有帮助,do sb.favous表示"帮助某人"。故选B项。
    (4)A.考查副词及语境理解。A.efficiently有效地;B.constructively建设性地;C.generously慷慨地;D.fundamentally根本地。句意:随着年龄的增长,干细胞失去了像以前一样高效繁殖的能力,导致头发变薄和(或者)脱落。根据后文"leaving the hair to thin and or fall out"可知,随着年龄的增长,头发变薄和(或者) 脱落,毛囊干细胞失去了曾经有效繁殖的能力。故选A项。
    (5)A.考查介词短语及语境理解。A.in turn继而,反过来;B.by contrast相比之下;C.for instance例如;D.as usual像往常一样。句意:在TMDU干细胞生物学系进行的研究中,被给予高脂肪饮食(HFD) 的小鼠更容易产生身体炎症,继而阻碍毛囊再生,导致脱发。根据上文"mice that had been given a hgh﹣fat diet (HFD) were more subjet to if amatory (炎症的) responses in the body可知,被给予高脂肪饮食的小鼠会产生炎症,继而阻碍毛囊再生,导致脱发。故选A项。
    (6)C.考查动词及语境理解。A.participating参与;B.persevering坚持;C.worsening恶化;D.documenting记录。句意:令人惊讶的是,在高脂肪饮食的短短四天内,毛囊的恶化可能会发生,而老年老鼠的问题似乎更严重。根据上文"mice that had been given a high﹣fat diet (HFD) were more subject to inflammatory (炎症的) responses in the body which,(5),blocked follicle regeneration,leading to hair loss"可知,小鼠产生炎症,继而阻碍毛囊再生,导致脱发,此处表示这种恶化可能会在短短的四天内发生。故选C项。
    (7)D.考查动词及语境理解。A.dying死亡;B.growing成长;C.cleaning清洁;D.thinning使稀薄。句意:该研究的主要作者Hironobu Morinaga解释说:"高脂肪饮食喂养通过减少毛囊干细胞,尤其是在老年鼠中,使头发变薄的速度加快。" 根据上文"blocked follicle regeneration,leading to hair loss"可知,高脂肪饮食会使小鼠的毛发变少,更快变得稀薄。故选D项。
    (9)D.考查名词及语境理解。A.protein蛋白质;B.vitamin维生素:C.sugar糖;D.fat 脂肪。句意:正如专门研究皮肤的Alia Ahmed博士所解释的,不仅仅是食物中的脂肪含量会损害你的头发,因为你吃的东西会真正影响你头发的生长,甚至影响男人是否会保有头发。根据上文"having a fat﹣heavy diet can also (1)hair loss."可知,高脂肪饮食会导致头发减少,此处表示除了食物中脂肪含量会损害头发之外,还有其他因素也会有影响。故选D项。
    (10)C.考查形容词/名词及语境理解。A.Sleep睡眠;B.Water水;C.Nutritional营养的;D.Widespread广泛分布的。句意:Ahmed博士补充说,营养短缺往往是许多头发问题的根本原因。根据后文"Iron,vitamin A,vitamin D,vitamin E,etc. ﹣ there are so many nutrients involved in hair (11)" 可知,营养短缺会导致头发疾病,所以营养短缺往往是许多头发问题的根本原因。故选C项。
    (11)C.考查名词及语境理解。A.products产品;B.samples样品;C.disorders疾病;D.cells细胞。句意:她说:铁、维生素A、维生素D、维生素E等﹣﹣头发疾病涉及到太多营养素。"根据上文"(10)shortages are often the root cause of many hair problems"可知,营养短缺是许多头发问题的根本原因,即头发疾病涉及到太多营养素。故选C项。
    (12)A.考查动词短语及语境理解。A.putting down放下;B.messing up搞乱;C.figuring out 弄清楚;D.turning over翻身。句意:例如,如果你喜欢吃甜食,你可能需要考虑放下那些甜食。根据后文"Not only is sugar bad for your hair,but it can cause your blood sugar levels to rise dramatically"可知,甜食对你的头发和血糖有坏处,所以你可能需要考虑放下甜食。故选A项。
    (13)B.考查名词及语境理解。A.recreation娱乐;B.damage损坏;C.replacement更换;D.disappearance失踪。句意:糖不仅对你的头发有害,而且会导致血糖水平升高,而男性的血糖升高会导致雄激素水平升高,导致毛囊损伤和潜在的脱发。根据上文"mice that had been given a high﹣fat diet (HFD) were more subject to inflammatory (炎症的) responses in the body which,(5),blocked follicle regeneration,leading to hair loss"可知,高脂肪饮食的小鼠会产生炎症,阻止毛囊再生,推测,男性多吃糖会导致血糖升高,雄激素水平升高,导致毛囊损伤。故选B项。
    (14)D.考查名词及语境理解。A.use使用;B.prospect前景;C.difference差异;D.mistake错误。句意:但用人工甜味剂代替糖是错误的,不要这么做。根据后文"In their analysis of aspartame,the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has listed hair thinning and hair loss as one of the main side effects of (15)of aspartame."可知,人工甜味剂过量摄入会导致副作用,用人工甜味剂代替糖是错误的。故选D项。
    (15)C.考查名词及语境理解。A.disrespect不尊重;B.undervaluation低估;C.overconsumption过度消费;D.misunderstanding误解。句意:美国食品和药物管理局(FDA) 在对阿斯巴甜的分析中,将头发稀疏和脱发列入阿斯巴甜摄入过量的主要副作用之一。根据上文"As you get older,the stem cells lose their ability to reproduce as (4)as they once did,leaving the hair to thin and/or fall out."可推测,人工甜味剂摄入过量会导致副作用,推测此处表示过量摄入。故选C项。
    Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
    17.(8分)The employees at Helwig Carbon Products in Milwaukee have their own company cafeteria on a site,a rarity it seems more and more these days.But if anyone wants to eat a doughnut (甜甜圈),it's going to cost twice as much as what they might pay for the sweet at the local grocery store.That's because Helwig Carbon Products has a wellness program,and it is one of many local companies trying to show employees how to eat healthier.
    "We're really trying to persuade people to eat healthier," said Cheryl Brah,human resources director at Helwig Carbon Products. "A piece of fruit is 25 cents;a doughnut is $1.50 ﹣ and we still have people who buy doughnuts.People complain ﹣ but we really try to put our efforts toward the middle﹣of﹣the﹣line people who might lean more toward the wellness side,eventually."
    This effort isn't just happening at Helwig Carbon.There has been a city﹣wide movement of 44 local companies who added or evolved their health and wellness programs to their company culture,and because of it Milwaukee is now nationally recognized for a large number of businesses with wellness programs.
    It all started several years ago,when a program called Well City Milwaukee teamed up with 44 local businesses that collectively represent a workforce of 130,000 employees.Well City Milwaukee provided healthy practices guidelines for businesses.In exchange,it surveyed the employees to find out what their health needs and risks were and what activities they found interesting.Well City then set a very high bar for companies to meet a lot of expectations to be considered a top wellness program.
    Companies needed a commitment from the CEO;to form a wellness team;to collect information from the employees in surveys and health assessments;to come up with an operating plan;to create a supportive environment;to self﹣evaluate their efforts;and finally,to choose their best approaches.That meant coming up with activities,better nutrition education,and motivational programs like getting people to quit smoking,getting people in for medical self﹣care and working on stress management.

    (1)What does the passage mainly want to tell us?  D 
    A.Company cafeterias are rarer and rarer these days.
    B.A healthy diet is especially important to people's health.
    C.Company culture is gaining priority in a company's development.
    D.Companies are trying to help their employees think about their health.
    (2)The company cafeteria charges much more for doughnuts in order to  D .
    A.drive employees to the local grocery store
    B.show the rich ingredients of the doughnuts
    C.profit more from the wellness program
    D.discourage the purchase of unhealthy food
    (3)"The middle﹣of﹣the﹣line people" in Paragraph 2 refer to those who  A .
    A.are neutral about what to eat
    B.are used to cutting in line when buying food
    C.are addicted to sweet food
    D.are middle﹣aged and have health problems
    (4)According to Well City Milwaukee's requirements,a top wellness program of a company should  C .
    A.motivate its employees to cooperate with each other
    B.diagnose and treat its employees' diseases effectively
    C.initiate related activities based on their employees' needs
    D.prohibit its CEO from putting any pressure on its employees
    【解答】(1)D.写作目的题。根据文章最后一段"to form a wellness team;to collect information from the employees in surveys and health assessments;to come up with an operating plan;to create a supportive environment;to self﹣evaluate their efforts;and finally,to choose their best approaches.(组建健康团队;在调查和健康评估中收集员工的信息;想出一个操作计划:创造一个支持性的环境:自我评价自己的努力;最后,选择他们最好的方法。) "结合上文可知,本文主要是介绍了公司正努力帮助员工考虑他们的健康问题,所以D选项"Companies are trying to help their employees think about their health. (公司正试图帮助他们的员工考虑他们的健康。)为本文主要大意。故选D项。
    (2)D.推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句"People complain ﹣ but we really try to put our efforts toward the middle﹣of﹣the﹣line people who might lean more toward the wellness side,eventually."(人们会抱怨,但我们真的试图把我们的努力放在对吃什么持中立态度的人身上,他们最终可能更倾向于健康的一方。)""可以推知,提高甜甜圈的定价,是为了让人们不去买不健康的食物,从而购买健康食品,D选项"discourage the purchase of unhealthy food (不鼓励购买不健康食品)"为正确意图。故选D项。
    (3)A.词句猜测题。根据第二段最后一句该词后面的定语从句"who might lean more toward the wellness side,eventually. (他们最终可能更倾向于健康的一方)"可知,划线词是指面临选择的人,可选健康也可选不健康食物的中立态度者,所以A选项"are neutral about what to eat (对吃什么持中立态度)"为相近意思。故选A项。
    (4)C.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后三句"Well City Milwaukee provided healthy practices guidelines for businesses.In exchange,it surveyed the employees to find out what their health needs and risks were and what activities they found interesting.Well City then set a very high bar for companies to meet a lot of expectations to be considered a top wellness program. (密尔沃基市为企业提供了健康的做法指导。作为交换,它调查了员工,了解他们的健康需求和风险,以及他们感兴趣的活动。嗯,Well City为公司设定了很高的标准,以满足很多人的期望,从而被认为是一个顶级的健康项目。 )"可知,C选项initiate related activities based on their employees' needs (根据员工的需要发起相关的活动)"为顶级的健康项目标准。故选C项。

    Welcome to the official Louvre online sales site
    The Musée du Louvre is reopening and we are glad to be able to welcome you back again.In line with the measures taken to prevent the spread of COVID﹣19,visitors will be required to wear a mask.According to government recommendations,all visitors to the Louvre aged 12 years and two months or older must show a Health Pass.All visitors,including those entitled to free admission,must book a time period.Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.

    Individual tickets for the Museum
    Admission and reservation of a time period to access the permanent collections.
    Tickets valid for the selected date only.Full list of visitors entitled to free admission at Louvre.fr.
    General admission: €18
    The Musée du Louvre is open every day ﹣ except Tuesdays,January 1,May 1 and December 25﹣ from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.Visitors will be asked to leave the exhibition rooms 30 minutes before closure.
    All tickets purchased online are time﹣stamped and nominative (记名的);you may therefore be asked to provide proof of identity.
    They are only valid for the service,date and time selected.They cannot be used to skip the queue but do guarantee access to the museum within half an hour of the time shown on the ticket.Any holder of an online ticket who does not arrive within the assigned time period for admission to the museum shall be subject to the same admission and waiting conditions as visitors without tickets.
    Visitors entitled to free admission (other than Louvre members)
    —Under 18s,proof of ID required
    —16﹣25 year﹣old residents of the European Economic Area (European Union,Norway,Iceland,and Liechtenstein),proof of ID and residency required
    —Teachers working in France,valid "Pass Education" required
    —Teachers of art,art history or the applied arts,valid proof of employment stating subject taught required
    —Artists with the Maison des Artistes or International Association of Art,valid proof required
    —Jobseekers,valid proof and ID required (dated within the last year or indicating a period of validity)
    —Disabled visitors and the person accompanying them
    (1)This passage mainly aims at  B .
    A.introducing the exhibits at the Louvre
    B.providing ticketing information of the Louvre
    C.listing restrictions on admission to the Louvre
    D.illustrating the services provided at the Louvre
    (2)If a family in Norway,including the wife,an art teacher,the husband,an IT engineer,and a 10﹣year﹣old son,want to visit the Louvre this weekend,they should pay at least  A  in all.
    A. €18
    B. €36
    C. €45
    D. €54
    (3)What can be learned about the Louvre from the passage?  C 
    A.It is open every day except on Tuesdays.
    B.Its online tickets ensure access to it at any time.
    C.Proof of ID is required for anyone buying its tickets online.
    D.Ticket holders may be refused to enter it if arriving an hour late.
    (2)A.数字计算题。根据第三栏"General admission:E18"(一般入场费:18欧元) ,可知丈夫,一位IT工程师需要支付18欧元;根据第五栏"Visitors entitled to free admission" (有权免费入场的访客)部分,"Under 18s,proof of ID required" (18岁以下,需提供身份证明)以及"Teachers of art,art history or the applied arts,valid proof of employment stating subject taught required"(艺术、艺术史或应用艺术教师,需提供有效的就业证明,说明所教授的学科)可知,作为美术教师的妻子和10岁的儿子可以免费进入,所以全家人总计需要支付18欧元。故选A项。
    (3)C.细节理解题。根据第四栏第二段"All tickets purchased online are time﹣stamped and nominative (记名的);you may therefore be asked to provide proof of identity" (所有在线购买的]票都有时间戳和记名的;因此,可能会要求您提供身份证明)可知,任何人在网上购票都是需要提供身份证明的。故选C项。
    19.(8分)A recent study published in the journal Science Advances has revealed that the United States ranks as high as third among countries contributing to coastal plastic pollution.The new research challenges the once﹣held assumption that the US is adequately "managing" its plastic waste.A previous study using 2010 data that did not account for plastic waste exports had ranked the US 20th,globally,in its contribution to ocean plastic pollution.
    Using plastic waste generation (产生) data from 2016 ﹣ the latest available global numbers ﹣ scientists calculated that more than half of all plastics collected for recycling (1.99 million tons of 3.91 million tons collected) in the US were shipped abroad.Of this,88% of exports went to countries struggling to effectively manage plastics;and between 15﹣25% was low﹣value or contaminated (受污染的).It means it was unrecyclable.Taking these factors into account,the researchers estimated that up to 1 million tons of US﹣generated plastic waste ended up polluting the environment beyond its own borders.
    Using 2016 data,the paper also estimated that between 0.91 and 1.25 million tons of plastic waste generated in the US was either littered or illegally dumped into the environment domestically.Combined with waste exports,this means the US contributed up to 2.25 million tons of plastics into the environment.Of this,up to 1.5 million tons of plastics ended up in coastal environments.This ranks the US as high as third globally in contributing to coastal plastic pollution.
    "The US generates the most plastic waste of any other country in the world,but rather than looking the problem in the eye,we have outsourced it to developing countries," said Nick Mallos,senior director of Ocean Conservancy's Trash Free Seas program and a co﹣author of the study. "The solution has to start at home.We need to create less,by cutting out unnecessary single﹣use plastics;we need to create better,by developing innovative new ways to package and deliver goods;and where plastics are inevitable,we need to greatly improve our recycling rates."
    "Previous research has provided global values for plastic input into the environment and coastal areas,but detailed analyses like this one are important for individual countries to further assess their contributions," said Dr.Jenna Jambeck,Distinguished Professor at the University of Georgia's College of Engineering and a co﹣author of the study. "In the case of the United States,it is critically important that we examine our own backyard and take responsibility for our global plastic footprint."

    (1)Compared with the previous study,the new one  A .
    A.covers data more comprehensivelyB
    .excludes plastic waste shipped abroad
    C.is contrary to the latest global numbers
    D.challenges the recycling way of plastics
    (2)According to 2016 data,what can be learned about the plastic waste generated in the US?  C 
    A.Over half of it ended up polluting the environment outside the US.
    B.Most of its exported plastic waste wasn't worth recycling.
    C.Less than half of it was actually recycled domestically.
    D.More of it is littered or illegally dumped than exported.
    (3)It is implied by Nick Mallos that  B .
    A.plastic pollution in developing countries is more serious
    B.US has been irresponsible in dealing with its plastic waste
    C.US should cooperate with others to handle its plastic waste
    D.innovative means are needed to eliminate single﹣use plastics
    (4)Which of the following is the best title for the passage?  B 
    A.Plastic Pollution Great Risk to Marine Life
    B.US Top Contributor to Coastal Plastic Pollution
    C.Plastic Waste Major Source of Coastal Pollution
    D.Recycling Effective Way to Address Plastic Waste
    【解答】(1)A.推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句"A previous study using 2010 data that did not account for plastic waste exports had ranked the US 20th,globally,in its contribution to ocean plastic pollution.(此前的一项研究使用了2010年的数据,但未考虑塑料垃圾出口,将美国对海洋塑料污染的贡献排在全球第20位。)"可以推出,比起先前的研究,新的研究数据更加全面,所以A选项"covers datamore comprehensively (覆盖数据更加全面)"为正确选项。故选A项。
    (2)C.推理判断题。根据第二段第一句"Using plastic waste generation (产生) data from 2016 ﹣ the latest available global numbers ﹣ scientists calculated that more than half of all plastics collected for recycling (1.99 million tons of 3.91 million tons collected) in the US were shipped abroad (利用2016年的塑料垃圾产生数据(全球可获得的最新数据),科学家们计算出,在美国收集的用于回收的塑料中,有一半以上(391万吨中有199万吨)被运往海外。)"可以推知,只有不到一半的垃圾在国内被回收。故选C项。
    (3)B.推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段第一句"The US generates the most plastic waste of any other country in the world,but rather than looking the problem in the eye,we have outsourced it to developing countries," said Nick Mallos(海洋保护协会无垃圾海洋项目高级主任、该研究报告的合著者尼克马洛斯说:"美国产生的塑料垃圾比世界上任何其他国家都多,但我们没有正视这个问题,而是把它外包给了发展中国家。") "可推知,美国在处理塑料垃圾方面一直很不负责任。故选B项。
    (4)B.标题判断题。根据文章第一句A recent study published in the journal Science Advances has revealed that the United States ranks as high as third among countries contributing to coastal plastic pollution(最近发表在《科学进展》杂志上的一项研究表明,在造成沿海塑料污染的国家中,美国排名第三。)和最后一句In the case of the United States,it is critically important that we examine our own backyard and take responsibility for our global plastic footprint. (就美国而言,至关重要的是我们要检查自己的后院,并对我们的全球塑料足迹负责。)"可知本文主要是在介绍美国是沿海塑料垃圾头号罪魁祸首,所以B选项"US Top Contributor to Coastal Plastic Pollution (美国沿海塑料污染的头号贡献者)"为最合适的标题。故选B项。
    Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
    A.There are currently many job openings in the United States.
    B.Hourly workers are now seeking more flexibility in their schedules.
    C.He thinks companies are learning that money alone cannot solve their hiring issues.
    D.Now,he notes,it's more about what you need as an employee and how we can make you happy.
    E.It says the rate at which employers were able to fill weekend schedules dropped from January through August compared with weekday work.
    F.That contributed to a labor shortage,forcing employers to look for ways to make their jobs seem more attractive while also cutting back on hours of operation.
    US Businesses Give in to Worker Demands to Keep Employees
    As many American businesses struggle to fill jobs,some have started negotiating demands that used to be non﹣negotiable for most hourly employees.
    One of the top demands for many workers is scheduling ﹣ the days and time they spend on the job. (1) B  .That means employees are pushing back against requirements to work weekends,late nights or holidays.
    (2) A  .Therefore,workers can be more careful about the jobs they choose.There were 10.4 million job openings at the end of August and 11.1 million openings the month before.Those numbers are the highest since at least December 2000,when the government started recording the data.At the same time,the U.S.Labor Department said the number of people quitting their jobs jumped to 4.3 million in August from 4 million in July.
    A recent study from an employment company found that nearly 40 percent of jobseekers worldwide said schedule flexibility was one of their top three issues in career decisions.Instawork is an employment marketplace that connects local businesses with hourly workers. (3) E .
    Such changes are happening as companies try to hire more workers for the upcoming holiday season.Target Corporation,for example,said this month it will pay $2 an hour more to employees who agree to work schedules during busy days of the holiday season.Sumir Meghani is co﹣founder and CEO of Instawork. (4) C  .Hourly workers are now asking how they can get the same work﹣life balance as workers in other kinds of jobs who can work remotely.
    During the pandemic (大流行病),hourly workers were hit especially hard when businesses like department stores and restaurants were forced to close for a few months during the spring of 2020.Those who remained employed at essential businesses like grocery stores found themselves working too much and too hard.
    【解答】(1)B.推理判断题。根据上文"One of the top demands for many workers is scheduling ﹣ the days and time they spend on the job. (对许多工人来说,最重要的要求之一就是在时间上的安排,他们在工作上花费的天数和时间。)"根据下文"That means employees are pushing back against requirements to work weekends,late nights or holidays. (这意味着员工们正在抵制周末、深夜或假期工作的要求。)"可知,选项承接上文说明小时工对于工作时间的安排。"flexibility in their schedules"呼应下文的"ushing back against requirements to work weekends,late nights or holidays."选项"B.Hourly workers are now seeking more flexibility in their schedules.小时工现在正在寻求更灵活的工作时间。"符合语境。故选B项。
    (2)A.标题归纳题。根据下文"There were 10.4 million job openings at the end of August and 11.1 million openings the month before.Those numbers are the highest since at least December 2000,when the government started recording the data.(8月底有1040万个职位空缺,前一个月有1110万个。这是至少自2000年12月政府开始记录数据以来的最高数字。)"可知,本段在说目前美国有很多职位空缺。many jobopenings呼应10.4 million job openings at the end of August and 11.1 million openings。选项"A.There are currently many job openings in the United States.目前美国有很多职位空缺。"为本段的标题。符合语境。故选A项。
    (3)E.推理判断题。根据上文"Instawork Instawork is an employment marketplace that connects local businesses with hourly workers.(Instawork是一个连接当地企业和小时工的就业市场。)"可知,选项承接上文说明改就业市场的统计情况。选项"E.It says the rate at which employers were able to fill weekend schedules dropped from January through August compared with weekday work.报告称,从1月到8月,雇主能够安排周末时间的比例与工作日相比有所下降。"符合语境。故选E项。
    (4)C.推理判断题。根据上文"Target Corporation,for example,said this month it will pay $2 an hour more to employees who agree to work schedules during busy days of the holiday season.Sumir Meghani is co﹣founder and CEO of Instawork.(例如,Target Corporation本月表示,它将向同意在假日旺季工作的员工每小时多支付2美元。苏米尔梅加尼是Instawork的联合创始人兼首席执行官。")可知选项承接上文说明苏米尔梅加尼对于Target Corporation的做法的观点。He指代的是上文的苏米尔梅加尼。选项"C.He thinks companies are learning that money alone cannot solve their hiring issues.他认为,企业正在认识到,单靠金钱无法解决他们的招聘问题。"符合语境。故选C项。
    Ⅳ. Summary WritingDirections:Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Is Small Talk Necessary?
    What's the first thing you do when you enter a crowded room?You probably look around for a familiar face.When you can't find one,you have two choices:you can stand alone,or you can walk up and speak to someone that you don't know.
    Starting a conversation with a stranger,though,is often uncomfortable and can be a little scary.Yet as you go through life,you're sure to encounter strangers in many different situations,when a need to connect with others will hopefully outweigh your fears.In order to prepare,it helps to learn the art of small talk.
    Small talk is the beginning stage of a casual conversation,which usually takes place between strangers or casual acquaintances.With small talk,two or more people search for common interests and points of connection.If one is discovered,the conversation usually begins to flow more naturally,often resulting in deeper discussion.
    Mastering a few techniques will allow you to enter a room full of strangers with confidence.
    When you walk up to a group,notice anyone trying to make eye contact with you because this is often a sign that the person is interested in talking.Begin by introducing yourself,and then,you should begin with one of three topics:talk about yourself,the other person or something you can both observe,like the weather.
    Another way to begin a conversation is with a compliment.Your praise of someone's scarf might lead to a discussion about favorite places to shop.
    Radio host Terry Gross,who has interviewed thousands of people over the years,says one opening request works for her every time: "Tell me about yourself." This approach gets the ball rolling because people enjoy talking about themselves.
    Though small talk takes practice,it's worth the effort and it's the stimulus that can lead to deeper conversations.

    高分句型一:Though starting to talk with a stranger is difficult,it's unavoidable.
    高分句型二:Therefore,it's necessary to know how to start with small talk,which can result in deeper conversations.
    【解答】Though starting to talk with a stranger is difficult,it's unavoidable.【高分句型一】(和陌生人谈话是不可避免的)Therefore,it's necessary to know how to start with small talk,which can result in deeper conversations.【高分句型二】(要知道怎么开始闲聊)To do small talk right,look for signs of interest and begin with self﹣introduction and common topics. (自我介绍,共同话题)You can also start your conversation with praises or an opening request.(表扬和提出要求)
    Ⅴ. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
     They resemble each other in character and have been friends for many years. .
    【解答】resemble意为"相似",前半句"他俩性格相似"陈述的是一般事实,故用一般现在时,译为they resemble each other in character;后半句"已是多年的朋友了"表示过去的动作持续到现在,还有可能继续进行下去,故用现在完成时,译为
    have been friends for many years,and连接两个并列的谓语动词。
    故填:They resemble each other in character and have been friends for many years。
     A cat sprang out of the corner suddenly and frightened the old man back a few steps .
    【解答】句子陈述的是过去的事,故用过去时;"窜出"译为sping out of,spring的过去式是sprang;"吓走"译为frighten,过去式是frightened;根据汉语提示,句子译为A cat sprang out of the corner suddenly and frightened the old man back a few steps,and连接并列的谓语动词。
    故填:A cat sprang out of the corner suddenly and frightened the old man back a few steps.
     The photographer worked so assiduously and with such consummate skill that people predicted that his fame was just around the corner .
    【解答】1.因讲述的是过去的事情,主从句都用一般过去时;2.so...that...意为"如此/这么……以致于……",句型中的so是副词,常常用来修饰形容词或副词,常用句型为:主语+谓语+so+adj. / adv. + that从句;3.that his fame was just around the corner是宾语从句;4.around the corner即将来临。
    故填:The photographer worked so assiduously and with such consummate skill that people predicted that his fame was just around the corner.
     Looking at the children's eyes longing for knowledge,the volunteer teacher gave up the high﹣paying job in the city without hesitation and chose to stay in this small mountain village. .
    【解答】"看着孩子们渴求知识的眼睛"look at the children's eyes longing for knowledge,动词短语look at与主语"这位支教老师"the volunteer teacher之间为主动关系,应用现在分词形式,"放弃了城市里的高薪工作"gave up the high﹣paying job in the city,"义无反顾地"without hesitation,"选择做某事"choose to do sth,"留在这个小山村"stay in this small mountain village。
    故填:Looking at the children's eyes longing for knowledge,the volunteer teacher gave up the high﹣paying job in the city without hesitation and chose to stay in this small mountain village.
    Ⅵ. Guided Writing
    26.(25分)Directions:Write an English composition in 120﹣150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
    • 就他该留在美国读大学还是到中国来读大学表达你的意见;
    • 比较两种选择,陈述你的理由。

    【分析】高分句型一:Knowing that you are thinking about whether to stay in the United States or come to China for college,I'm very glad and firmly believe that having college education in China is a right choice.
    高分句型二:All in all,if I were you,I wouldn't let go of such a good chance.
    【解答】Dear Bob,
    Knowing that you are thinking about whether to stay in the United States or come to China for college,I'm very glad and firmly believe that having college education in China is a right choice.【高分句型一】You are sure to benefit a lot from it.(写信目的)
    With four years spent in China,you'll have a further understanding of traditional Chinese culture and the present Chinese society,which will in turn make it easy for you to make more friends and start your own business after graduation.If you don't want to stay in China,the ability of speaking Chinese and experiences of living in China can also guarantee you many good job opportunities.As for me,I would be more than happy to help you.You can stay in my place before you settle down.All in all,if I were you,I wouldn't let go of such a good chance.【高分句型二】(比较两种选择,陈述你的理由)
    Write to me soon to let me know your decision.(尽快回复)
    Li Fang
    声明:试题解析著作权属菁优网所有,未经书面同意,不得复制发布日期:2022/8/4 19:37:16;用户:李超;邮箱:lichao317807156@126.com;学号:19716718

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