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    这是一份2021-2022学年上海市嘉定区高三(上)期末英语试卷(一模),共45页。试卷主要包含了A.A pilt.,A.Wrried.,A.Watch a mvie.等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Ⅰ.Listening ComprehensionSection A (10 分)Directions: In Section A. you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said .The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    1.(1分)A.In a furniture store.
    B.In a theatre.
    C.In a restaurant.
    D.In a booking office.
    2.(1分)A.A pilot.
    B.A doctor.
    C.A salesman.
    D.A host.
    4.(1分)A.Watch a movie.
    B.Prepare for the test.
    C.Take notes.
    D.Go to an evening class.
    5.(1分)A.The actor should be more professional.
    B.The lead role in the performance is unknown.
    C.The performance is good except for the music.
    D.The music is perfectly nice.
    6.(1分)A.Language learning.
    B.Work schedules.
    C.Favorite hobbies.
    D.Leisure activities.
    7.(1分)A.The traffic is less serious than thought.
    B.It's too far to get to the restaurant on time.
    C The party will be over before they arrive.
    D.They will arrive at the restaurant very late.
    8.(1分)A.He doesn't stick to his PC recently.
    B.He thinks chatting online is out of date.
    C.He is sill fascinated by catting online.
    D.He doesn't like chatting online anymore.
    9.(1分)A.The job interview with the candidates is tough.
    B.The competition among the companies is fierce.
    C.The number of the applications is still increasing.
    D.Few of the candidates will be interviewed at last.
    10.(1分)A.The man is not serious about the decision.
    B.It's wise to spend all the night studying.
    C.Staying up late does no good to the exam.
    D.The man should get prepared for the exam.
    Section B (15 分)Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer 10 the question you have heard.
    11.(4.5分)(1)A.The Watts community.
    B.The Watts Towers.
    C.The artist,Simon Rodia.
    D.The 1994 Northridge earthquake.
    (3)A.To help arts education develop better.
    B.To protect the towers from earthquake.
    C.To construct more towers in California.
    D.To charge the tourists more money.
    12.(4.5分)(1)A.Seeing the world in different ways.
    B.Contacting peers having various interests.
    C.Building up life skills for the good of others.
    D.Putting values into action in a supportive environment.
    (2)A.They can get rid of loneliness.
    B.They can get support from other adults.
    C.They can get many personal rewards.
    D.They can get many positive feelings.
    (3)A.Community activities and volunteer organizations.
    B.Life skills built up in different community activities.
    C.Part of social responsibility and the role models.
    D.Benefits of being involved in community activities.
    13.(6分)(1)A.How to perform better in a job interview.
    B.Who is more qualified for the position.
    C.How to work well in stressful situations.
    D.What are confident behaviors in an interview.
    (2)A.By observing his or her body language.
    B.By asking him or her some questions.
    C.By creating some stressful situations.
    D.By learning his or her academic background.
    (3)A.She's nervous.
    B.She's shy.
    C.She's smart.
    D.She's talkative.
    D.Academic background.
    Ⅱ. Grammar and VocabularySection A (10 分)Directions After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the, proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
    How Quality Sleep Protects Your Brain
    Having trouble thinking creatively?Not able to focus on tasks that need to get done?Poor sleep could potentially be (1)    (blame).It turns out lack of seep can do a number on your brain﹣ and not just in the short term.
    Research suggests not getting enough quality sleep can have serious permanent negative consequences.On the other hand,good sleep habits can have lasting benefits.Below are three research﹣backed brain benefits of sleep.
    Stimulates creativity
    Thinking in new,imaginative ways requires a well﹣rested brain.On the contrary,a brain(2)   (suffer) from a lack of seep is unable to think creatively.
    A study (3)   (report) in the journal Nature bears this out.For the study,participants learned a task (4)   they had to recognize a hidden pattern in the questions they were asked.Their initial training (5)   (follow) by eight hours of nighttime sleep or wakefulness or daytime wakefulness.
    More than twice as many participants gained insight into the hidden rule after sleep as those who did after wakefulness,regardless of the time of day.The researchers concluded that "sleep,by restructuring new memory representations,(6)   (facilitate)obtaining of expressive knowledge and insightful behavior."
    Reduces depression
    Often influenced by chemical imbalances in he brain,depression and sleep problems go hand﹣in﹣hand.People with depression may either have a hard time sleeping or else get too much sleep.
    While it's not clear(7)    lack of sleep causes depression,it can worsen it.Studies show people who sleep fewer than six or more than nine hours a night are more likely to be depressed than those (8)   between.
    Solidifies memories
    One of sleep's main functions is to help improve memory.It does this by enabling the brain to strengthen some neural pathways(神经通路)(9)   reducing those it doesn't need.For example,your brain(10)   (not need) to keep every sensory impression collected luring your waking hours.
    Section B (10 分)Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box.Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need.
    A.debate B.obviously C.minimized D.digits E.feasible F.initially
    G.sales H.applied I.criticized J.inevitable K.basis
    Criticisms of Space Tourism
    Space tourism is actually not a new or even a 21st﹣century concept.NASA imagined the possibility of space tourism back in the 1970s.Space tourism was(1)   a hopeful concept,one focused on increasing access for ordinary citizens to visit space.However,the modern space tourism industry looks different as early ticket(2)   by Virgin Galactic ranged from $200,000﹣$250,000;Blue Origin has not announced ticket prices,but it recently sold one seat for $28 million as part of a charity sale.This(3)   prices access to space well outside the range of all but the extremely wealthy;it's one of the primary criticisms of space tourism today.
    Part of the reason spaceflight is so expensive is that just a few people are carried at a time."If you want to get to get the price from $250,000 down to four(4)   ,like an airline,you have to spread it over far more bodies," Ron Epstein,an aerospace analyst.But it might be decades before companies get to that point.The costs for fuel and energy currently don't make it(5)   to offer space travel to large numbers of people.
    Another complaint is that the funds spent on spaceflight might be better spent elsewhere such as solving problems here on Earth.Alan Ladwig,a writer,says this commentary is not without(6)   or historical precedent(先例)as people said the same thing about NASA."There has been criticism that money spent in space would be better (7)   to other societal needs.This has been a matter of(8)    for a range of space activities for the past 60 years and is no likely to change regardless of what happens with space tourism," he says.And several items we take for granted like memory foam and scratch﹣resistant eyeglass lenses,came from NASA inventions.
    Finally,space tourism is(9)    for its environmental impact."The most often talked about 'harm' involves pollution caused by black carbon from some spacecraft engines." Ladwig explains."Virgin Galactic has(10)   this problem,saying its impact on climate change is minor and that it also plans to invest in sustainable fuels for the future.Blue Origin's engines rely on liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen that burns as water vapor.However,critics note hat it sill takes electricity to manufacture the fuels."
    Ⅲ. Reading ComprehensionSection A(15分)Directions For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
    16.(15分)With a hybrid(混合的)approach to work,the importance of being physically present in a centralized office is greatly reduced,allowing for far more flexible work schedules among employees.In most cases,this means some employees working on﹣site in the office,some employees working off﹣site﹣ either from (1)   or remotely from another location﹣and some employees who have the flexibility to switch between the office and working remotely,(2)   tasks,deadlines,and personal needs.
    When businesses adopt hybrid work models,which rely heavily on a remote﹣first approach,the entire concept of location is(3)   .By connecting to the workplace using cloud solutions,video conferencing technology,and similar tools,employees do not need to be(4)   present in the workplace in order to do their job﹣although they can be if they prefer to be,or for situations where (5)   communication is better suited.
    This can offer a number of benefits for both employees and employers.(6)   ,on days when bad weather might prevent people from getting into the office,they are still able to work from home.Similarly,if major events make it necessary to(7)   the workplace﹣as was the case with the COVID﹣19 pandemic﹣﹣there will be (8)   disturbance to operations.
    Moreover,the removal of geographical barriers can be extremely advantageous in terms of(9)   ,allowing employers to gain access to a wider talent pool,making it easier to find qualified candidates and build a more diverse and inclusive workforce.With(10)   work arrangements now among the top benefits sought after by job seekers,companies employing the hybrid model are better positioned to (11)   .top candidates.
    Another major benefit associated with flexible work schedules and the hybrid work model is the ability to make a business more(12)   .This is important because research suggests that employees are more likely to take a job and stay in a job with companies that have a strong environmental agenda.(13)   ,64 percent of young people say they would not take a job with a company that did not have a promise of social responsibility.
    The most significant environmental impact made by the hybrid work model is the largely reduced amount of(14)   among employees.The effects of this are especially significant when there's a long distance between home and work,which requires employees to use their own cars.Fewer people coming into the office is also likely to reduce the carbon footprint associated with the office itself.All of this can combine to help improve a company's green certificate and aid in positioning the organization as a(15)   company in the eyes of job seekers and customers.

    (1)A office
    (2)A.succeeding in
    B.depending on
    C.taking on
    D.setting aside
    (6)A.In brief
    B.Above all
    C.For instance
    D.In particular
    (7)A avoid
    (11)A.compete for
    B.put up
    C.vote for
    D.comb out
    (15)A multi﹣national
    Section B (22 分)Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
    17.(8分)Nearly 40 years ago,Peter Harrison,a marine ecologist witnessed the first recorded large﹣scale coral bleaching(珊瑚白化)event.Diving in the Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁),he was shocked by the scene before him."The reef was made up of healthy corals and badly bleached white corals,like the beginnings of a ghost city," he says.Just months before,the same site was filled with colorful tropical life.
    "Many of the hundreds of corals that I'd carefully tagged and monitored finally died," he says."It was shocking and made me aware of just how weak these corals rally are."
    Coral exists together with photosynthetic algae(藻类),which live in its tissues and provide essential nutrition(and coloration).But high temperatures and other stresses can turn algae poisonous.When this occurs,the algae may die or be removed by the coral,a poss known as bleaching because the coral's clear tissue and white calcium carbonate skeleton(碳酸钙骨骼)are exposed.If the coral can't reestablish is link with algae,it will starve or become ill.
    The widespread destruction Harrison saw in 1982 was repeated on many other Pacific Ocean reefs that year and the next.In 1997 and 1998 the phenomenon went global,killing some 16 percent of the world's corals.With rising temperatures,pollution,disease,increased ocean acidity,invasive species,and other dangers,Harrison's ghost cities are expanding.
    Scientists suppose that about four decades ago severe bleaching occurred roughly every 25 years,giving corals time to recover.But bleaching events are coming faster now﹣about every six years﹣and in some places soon they could begin to happen annually.
    "The absolute key is dealing with global warming," says marine biologist Terry Hughes."No matter how much we clean up the water,the reefs will die." In 2016,a record﹣hot year in a string of them,91 percent of the reefs that consist of the Great Barrier Reef bleached.

    (1)Peter Harrison was shocked when diving in the Great Barrier Reef,because     .
    A.the reefs were made up of precious corals
    B.the corals were ruined badly and quickly
    C.he found a ghost city with tropical life
    D.he saw the corals he had tagged before
    (2)Paragraph 3 is mainly about    .
    A the causes of coral bleaching
    B.the weakness of corals and algae
    C.the elements that make algae die
    D.the process of building a link with algae
    (3)The phrase "Harrison's ghost cities" in paragraph 4 most probably refers to    .
    A.global warming
    B.the polluted ocean
    C.the white corals
    D.invasive species
    (4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?    
    A.With algae living in its tissues,coral's white skeleton is exposed.
    B.Solving global warming is the real solution to coral bleaching.
    C.The reefs die because the water hasn't been cleaned thoroughly.
    D.The severest coral bleaching occurred about four decades ago.
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    (1)According to the passage,Shaklee is most probably    .
    A.a social organization that helps customers
    B.a website that offers different shipping services
    C.an inquiry department that solves customers' problems
    D.a company that sells various products and services
    (2)According to the passage,how much should a customer pay if he buys a 5﹣gallon bucket of cleaner which is sold at 118 dollars and has it delivered with standard service?    
    A.161.5 dollars.
    B.137.5 dollars.
    C.118 dollars.
    D.153 dollars.
    (3)The passage is mainly intended to    .
    A.promote the shipping services
    B.describe the product features
    C.introduce the shipping fees
    D.prove the advantages of shipping

    19.(8分)On a September afternoon in 1940,four teenage boys made their way through the woods on a hill overlooking Montignac in southwestern France.They had come to explore a dark,deep hole said to be an underground passage to the nearby manor(庄园)of Lascaux.Squeezing through the entrance one by one,they soon saw wonderfully lifelike paintings of running horses,swimming deer,wounded wild oxen,and other beings﹣ works of art that may be up to 20,000 years old.
    The collection of paintings in Lascaux is among some 150 prehistoric sites dating from the Paleolithic period(旧石器时代) that have been documented in France's Vezere Valley.This corner of southwestern Europe seems to have been a hot spot for figurative art.The biggest discovery since Laseaux occurred in December 1994,when three cave explorers laid eyes on artworks that had not been seen since a rockslide 22,000 years ago closed off a large deep cave in southern France.Here,by unsteadily shining firelight,prehistoric artists drew outlines of cave lions,herds of rhinos(犀牛)and magnificent wild oxen,horse,cave bears.In all,the artists drew 442 animals over perhaps thousands of year,using nearly 400,000 square feet of cave surface as their canvas(画布).The site,now known as Chauvet﹣Pont﹣1'Arc Cave,is sometimes considered the Sistine Chapel of prehistory.
    For decades scholars had theorized that at had advanced in slow stages from ancient scratchings to lively,naturalistic interpretation.Surly the delicate shading and elegant lines of Chauver's masterworks placed them at the top of that progression.Then carbon dates came in,and prehistorians felt shocked.At some 36,000 years old﹣nearly twice as old as those in Lascaux﹣Chauver's images represented not the peak of prehistoric art but its earliest known beginnings.
    The search for the world's oldest cave paintings continues.On the Indonesian island of Sulawesi,for example,scientists found a large room of paintings of part﹣human,part﹣animal beings that are estimated to be 44,000 years old,older than any figurative art seen in Europe.
    Scholars don't know if art was invented many times over or if it was a skill developed early in our evolution.What we do know is that artistic expression runs deep in our ancestry.

    (1)According to the passage,where did the boys find the paintings?    
    A.In the woods on a hill.
    B.In a deep cave in France.
    C.In a manor of Lascaux.
    D.On an Indonesian island.
    (2)According to the passage,figurative art in paragraph 2 is a form of art that    .
    A.conveys concepts by using accurate numbers and forms
    B.makes stories in contrast to scientific subjects
    C.represents persons or things in a realistic way
    D.expresses ideas or feelings by using shapes and patterns
    (3)It can be inferred from the passage that    .
    A.the Chauvet's paintings had been sealed by a rockslide until 1994
    B.the style of Chauvet's paintings is similar to that of the Sistine Chapel
    C.Chauvet's images are the earliest figurative paintings that have been found
    D.the main objects of Chauvet's images are part﹣human,part﹣animal beings
    (4)Which of the following is the best title of the passage?    
    A.Value of Paleolithic Artwork
    B.Preservation of Figurative Art
    C.Artistic Expressions of Nature
    D.Searches for Cave Paintings
    Section C (8 分)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
    A.Instead,he writes a program that can learn for itself,and then shows that program thousands of pictures of stop signs.
    B.The high﹣tech vision system has the potential to be more successful than humans in detecting dangerous situations.
    C.How to give AI at least some appearance of that understanding﹣ the reasoning ability of a seven﹣month﹣old child,perhaps﹣is now a matter of active research.
    D.Programmers have developed procedures that behave like the neurons (神经元)in a brain.They can "learn" from the actions taken in previous situations and infer what to do in a new,similar situation.
    E.This understanding of "object permanence",is a normal developmental milestone,as well as a basic principle of reality.
    F.Similar techniques are used to train self﹣driving cars to operate in traffic.
    Is It Smarter Than a Seven﹣month﹣old?
    By the age of seven months,most children have learned that objects still exist even when they are out of sight.Put a toy under a blanket and a child that old will know it is still there,and that he can reach underneath the blanket to get it back. (1)   .
    It is also something that self﹣driving cars do not have.And that is a problem.Autonomous vehicles are getting better,but they still don't understand the world in the way that a human being does.For a self﹣driving car,a bicycle that is momentarily hidden by a passing van is a bicycle that has ceased to exist.
    This failing is basic to the now﹣widespread computing discipline that has claimed to be the slightly misleading name of artificial intelligence(AI).Current AI works by building up complex statistical models of the world,but it lacks a deeper understanding of reality. (2)   .
    Modern AI is based on the idea of machine learning.If an engineer wants a computer to recognize a stop sign,he does not try to write thousands of lines of code that describe every pattern of pixels(像素)which could possibly indicate such a sign.(3)   .Over many repetitions,the program gradually works out what features all of these pictures have in common.
    (4)   Cars thus learn how to obey lane markings,avoid other vehicles,hit the brakes at a red light and so on.But they do not understand many things a human driver takes for granted﹣ that other cars on the road have engines and four wheels,or that they obey traffic regulations(usually)and the laws of physics (always).And they do not understand object permanence.
    Ⅳ. Summary writing (10分)
    21.(10分)Directions:Read the following passage.Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words.Use your own words as far as possible.
    How Career Planning Can Help You Get Ahead
    Are you feeling trapped in a boring and unfulfilling job?Or maybe you're looking for a job but you're not clear on which career direction you should pursue?No matter what stage of your carer you find yourself in,career planing can help you establish a focused vision and achieve your full potential in your career.
    Career planning is the process of setting goals for career advancement and crating a roadmap of concrete action steps to achieve those goals.Although career planing requires time and effort,it has many benefits.First,by establishing a long﹣term goal to work toward,you'll find clarity in your career path and renewed motivation for your daily boring activities.A career plan can also provide you with an escape route from an unpromising job.
    Career planning will also help you recognize and take advantage of opportunities to advance your career.The goals you set during career planning will influence all of your later strategic decisions.Since you know what you hope to achieve in your career,you'll be able to evaluate job openings and other opportunities to determine if they fit your plan for reaching your objectives.
    Finally,career planning is an effective tool for success in advancing your career.Benefits of career advancement include earning a higher salary,achieving increased job satisfaction,improving your skills and expertise,and gaining access to exciting new opportunities.Career advancement might look like moving upward to a leadership role,transferring to a new occupation,receiving specialty training.or taking on increased responsibility.
    In order to advance in your career and achieve your goals,you need to not only create a career plan but also develop the skills needed to qualify for your ideal position.
    Ⅴ. Translation (15分)Directions: Translate the flowing sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
    23.(3分)家中要常备手电筒等应急物品,以备不时之需。 (in case)    
    Ⅵ. Guided writing (25分)
    26.(25分)Directions:Write an English composition in 120﹣150 words according lo the instructions given below in Chinese.
    近年来,盲盒(mystery boxes)在学生中受欢迎程度不断攀升。下图为风华中学学生会对高中生购买盲盒情况的调查,根据调查结果为校报写一篇报道,内容必须包括:


    Ⅰ.Listening ComprehensionSection A (10 分)Directions: In Section A. you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said .The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    1.(1分)A.In a furniture store.
    B.In a theatre.
    C.In a restaurant.
    D.In a booking office.
    2.(1分)A.A pilot.
    B.A doctor.
    C.A salesman.
    D.A host.
    4.(1分)A.Watch a movie.
    B.Prepare for the test.
    C.Take notes.
    D.Go to an evening class.
    5.(1分)A.The actor should be more professional.
    B.The lead role in the performance is unknown.
    C.The performance is good except for the music.
    D.The music is perfectly nice.
    6.(1分)A.Language learning.
    B.Work schedules.
    C.Favorite hobbies.
    D.Leisure activities.
    7.(1分)A.The traffic is less serious than thought.
    B.It's too far to get to the restaurant on time.
    C The party will be over before they arrive.
    D.They will arrive at the restaurant very late.
    8.(1分)A.He doesn't stick to his PC recently.
    B.He thinks chatting online is out of date.
    C.He is sill fascinated by catting online.
    D.He doesn't like chatting online anymore.
    9.(1分)A.The job interview with the candidates is tough.
    B.The competition among the companies is fierce.
    C.The number of the applications is still increasing.
    D.Few of the candidates will be interviewed at last.
    10.(1分)A.The man is not serious about the decision.
    B.It's wise to spend all the night studying.
    C.Staying up late does no good to the exam.
    D.The man should get prepared for the exam.
    Section B (15 分)Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer 10 the question you have heard.
    11.(4.5分)(1)A.The Watts community.
    B.The Watts Towers.
    C.The artist,Simon Rodia.
    D.The 1994 Northridge earthquake.
    (3)A.To help arts education develop better.
    B.To protect the towers from earthquake.
    C.To construct more towers in California.
    D.To charge the tourists more money.
    12.(4.5分)(1)A.Seeing the world in different ways.
    B.Contacting peers having various interests.
    C.Building up life skills for the good of others.
    D.Putting values into action in a supportive environment.
    (2)A.They can get rid of loneliness.
    B.They can get support from other adults.
    C.They can get many personal rewards.
    D.They can get many positive feelings.
    (3)A.Community activities and volunteer organizations.
    B.Life skills built up in different community activities.
    C.Part of social responsibility and the role models.
    D.Benefits of being involved in community activities.
    13.(6分)(1)A.How to perform better in a job interview.
    B.Who is more qualified for the position.
    C.How to work well in stressful situations.
    D.What are confident behaviors in an interview.
    (2)A.By observing his or her body language.
    B.By asking him or her some questions.
    C.By creating some stressful situations.
    D.By learning his or her academic background.
    (3)A.She's nervous.
    B.She's shy.
    C.She's smart.
    D.She's talkative.
    D.Academic background.
    Ⅱ. Grammar and VocabularySection A (10 分)Directions After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the, proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
    How Quality Sleep Protects Your Brain
    Having trouble thinking creatively?Not able to focus on tasks that need to get done?Poor sleep could potentially be (1) to blame  (blame).It turns out lack of seep can do a number on your brain﹣ and not just in the short term.
    Research suggests not getting enough quality sleep can have serious permanent negative consequences.On the other hand,good sleep habits can have lasting benefits.Below are three research﹣backed brain benefits of sleep.
    Stimulates creativity
    Thinking in new,imaginative ways requires a well﹣rested brain.On the contrary,a brain(2) suffering (suffer) from a lack of seep is unable to think creatively.
    A study (3) reported (report) in the journal Nature bears this out.For the study,participants learned a task (4) where they had to recognize a hidden pattern in the questions they were asked.Their initial training (5) was followed (follow) by eight hours of nighttime sleep or wakefulness or daytime wakefulness.
    More than twice as many participants gained insight into the hidden rule after sleep as those who did after wakefulness,regardless of the time of day.The researchers concluded that "sleep,by restructuring new memory representations,(6) facilitates (facilitate)obtaining of expressive knowledge and insightful behavior."
    Reduces depression
    Often influenced by chemical imbalances in he brain,depression and sleep problems go hand﹣in﹣hand.People with depression may either have a hard time sleeping or else get too much sleep.
    While it's not clear(7) whether/if  lack of sleep causes depression,it can worsen it.Studies show people who sleep fewer than six or more than nine hours a night are more likely to be depressed than those (8) in between.
    Solidifies memories
    One of sleep's main functions is to help improve memory.It does this by enabling the brain to strengthen some neural pathways(神经通路)(9) while reducing those it doesn't need.For example,your brain(10) doesn't need (not need) to keep every sensory impression collected luring your waking hours.
    【解答】(1)to blame.考查短语。句意:睡眠不好可能是罪魁祸首。be to blame该受责备;应负责任。故填to blame。
    (2)suffering.考查现在分词。句意:相反,缺乏睡眠的大脑无法创造性地思考。名词brain与suffer from之间为主动关系,所以用现在分词作定语。故填suffering。
    (5)was followed.考查时态和语态。句意:他们最初的训练之后是8小时的夜间睡眠或清醒或白天清醒。陈述过去事情,用一般过去时。主语training与follow之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。故填was followed。
    (10)doesn't need.考查时态。句意:例如,你的大脑不需要在你醒着的时候收集每一个感官印象。陈述客观事实,用一般现在时。主语是your brain是单数,所以用第三人称单数。故填doesn't need。
    Section B (10 分)Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box.Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need.
    A.debate B.obviously C.minimized D.digits E.feasible F.initially
    G.sales H.applied I.criticized J.inevitable K.basis
    Criticisms of Space Tourism
    Space tourism is actually not a new or even a 21st﹣century concept.NASA imagined the possibility of space tourism back in the 1970s.Space tourism was(1) F a hopeful concept,one focused on increasing access for ordinary citizens to visit space.However,the modern space tourism industry looks different as early ticket(2) G by Virgin Galactic ranged from $200,000﹣$250,000;Blue Origin has not announced ticket prices,but it recently sold one seat for $28 million as part of a charity sale.This(3) B prices access to space well outside the range of all but the extremely wealthy;it's one of the primary criticisms of space tourism today.
    Part of the reason spaceflight is so expensive is that just a few people are carried at a time."If you want to get to get the price from $250,000 down to four(4) D ,like an airline,you have to spread it over far more bodies," Ron Epstein,an aerospace analyst.But it might be decades before companies get to that point.The costs for fuel and energy currently don't make it(5) E to offer space travel to large numbers of people.
    Another complaint is that the funds spent on spaceflight might be better spent elsewhere such as solving problems here on Earth.Alan Ladwig,a writer,says this commentary is not without(6) K or historical precedent(先例)as people said the same thing about NASA."There has been criticism that money spent in space would be better (7) H to other societal needs.This has been a matter of(8) A  for a range of space activities for the past 60 years and is no likely to change regardless of what happens with space tourism," he says.And several items we take for granted like memory foam and scratch﹣resistant eyeglass lenses,came from NASA inventions.
    Finally,space tourism is(9) I  for its environmental impact."The most often talked about 'harm' involves pollution caused by black carbon from some spacecraft engines." Ladwig explains."Virgin Galactic has(10) C this problem,saying its impact on climate change is minor and that it also plans to invest in sustainable fuels for the future.Blue Origin's engines rely on liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen that burns as water vapor.However,critics note hat it sill takes electricity to manufacture the fuels."
    (2)G.考查名词。句意:然而,现代太空旅游产业看起来却有所不同,维珍银河(Virgin Galactic)早期的门票销售从20万至25万美元不等。名词sale为可数名词,前文冠词,所以用复数形式。名词sale为"销售"之意。故选G。
    (5)E.考查形容词。句意:目前燃料和能源的成本使得向大批人提供太空旅行变得不可行。make +it +形容词+ to do sth.使做某事……。形容词feasible为"可行的;可能的"之意。故选E。
    (7)H.考查动词。句意:有人批评说,花在太空上的钱应该更好地用于其他社会需求。apply to运用,应用,与money之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。根据be动词可知,用动词的过去分词形式。故选H。
    (9)I.考查动词。句意:最后,太空旅游因其对环境的影响而受到批评。句中缺少谓语动词,且与主语space tourism之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。根据is动词可知,用动词的过去分词形式。动词criticize为"批评"之意。故选I。
    Ⅲ. Reading ComprehensionSection A(15分)Directions For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
    16.(15分)With a hybrid(混合的)approach to work,the importance of being physically present in a centralized office is greatly reduced,allowing for far more flexible work schedules among employees.In most cases,this means some employees working on﹣site in the office,some employees working off﹣site﹣ either from (1) C or remotely from another location﹣and some employees who have the flexibility to switch between the office and working remotely,(2) B tasks,deadlines,and personal needs.
    When businesses adopt hybrid work models,which rely heavily on a remote﹣first approach,the entire concept of location is(3) B .By connecting to the workplace using cloud solutions,video conferencing technology,and similar tools,employees do not need to be(4) A present in the workplace in order to do their job﹣although they can be if they prefer to be,or for situations where (5) D communication is better suited.
    This can offer a number of benefits for both employees and employers.(6) C ,on days when bad weather might prevent people from getting into the office,they are still able to work from home.Similarly,if major events make it necessary to(7) A the workplace﹣as was the case with the COVID﹣19 pandemic﹣﹣there will be (8) D disturbance to operations.
    Moreover,the removal of geographical barriers can be extremely advantageous in terms of(9) B ,allowing employers to gain access to a wider talent pool,making it easier to find qualified candidates and build a more diverse and inclusive workforce.With(10) C work arrangements now among the top benefits sought after by job seekers,companies employing the hybrid model are better positioned to (11) A .top candidates.
    Another major benefit associated with flexible work schedules and the hybrid work model is the ability to make a business more(12) D .This is important because research suggests that employees are more likely to take a job and stay in a job with companies that have a strong environmental agenda.(13) D ,64 percent of young people say they would not take a job with a company that did not have a promise of social responsibility.
    The most significant environmental impact made by the hybrid work model is the largely reduced amount of(14) B among employees.The effects of this are especially significant when there's a long distance between home and work,which requires employees to use their own cars.Fewer people coming into the office is also likely to reduce the carbon footprint associated with the office itself.All of this can combine to help improve a company's green certificate and aid in positioning the organization as a(15) C company in the eyes of job seekers and customers.

    (1)A office
    (2)A.succeeding in
    B.depending on
    C.taking on
    D.setting aside
    (6)A.In brief
    B.Above all
    C.For instance
    D.In particular
    (7)A avoid
    (11)A.compete for
    B.put up
    C.vote for
    D.comb out
    (15)A multi﹣national
    【解答】(1)C.考查名词及语境理解。A.office办公室;B.enterprise企业;C.home家;D.department部门。根据上半句"some employees working off﹣site"和下半句"or remotely from another location"可知,在工作场所之外工作包括在家工作或从另一个地方远程工作。故选C。
    (2)B.考查动词短语及语境理解。A.succeeding in成功;B.depending on依靠;取决于;C.taking on承担;D.setting aside留出。根据下半句"tasks,deadlines,and personal needs."可知,是在办公室办公还是远程办公取决于任务、截止日期和个人需求。故选B。
    (3)B.考查动词及语境理解。A.developed发展;B.removed消除;C.defined定义;D.grasped抓住。根据上一句"When businesses adopt hybrid work models,which rely heavily on a remote﹣first approach,"可知,企业采取混合工作模式时,位置的概念会被移除。故选B。
    (4)A.考查副词及语境理解。A.physically身体上地;B.visually视觉上地;C.instantly立即地;D.properly适当地。根据上一句"By connecting to the workplace using cloud solutions,video conferencing technology,and similar tools,"可知,员工不需要亲自到工作场所就可以完成他们的工作。故选A。
    (5)D.考查名词和形容词及语境理解。A.business商业;B.regular定期的;C.effective有效的;D.face﹣to﹣face面对面的。根据上半句"although they can be if they prefer to be,"可知,员工们根据需要,也可以面对面地交流。故选D。
    (6)C.考查介词短语及语境理解。A.In brief简言之;B.Above all首先;C.For instance例如;D.In particular特别。根据上一句"This can offer a number of benefits for both employees and employers."可知,这里举例介绍混合的工作方式的好处。故选C。
    (7)A.考查动词及语境理解。A.avoid避免;B.clean打扫;C.attend参加;D.reserve保留。根据下半句"as was the case with the COVID﹣19 pandemic"可知,像COVID﹣19大流行需要员工避开聚集的工作场所。故选A。
    (8)D.考查形容词及语境理解。A.considerable重要的;B.continuous连续不断的;C.unnecessary不必要的;D.minimal最小的。根据上一句"if major events make it necessary to (7) the workplace"可知,避开工作场所可以将对工作场所的干扰降到最小。故选D。
    (9)B.考查名词及语境理解。A.judgement判断;B.enrollment登记;招收;C.procedure程序;D.management管理。根据下半句"allowing employers to gain access to a wider talent pool,making it easier to find qualified candidates and build a more diverse and inclusive workforce."可知,企业采取混合工作模式会消除地域障碍,从而可以招收到更优秀的人才。故选B。
    (10)C.考查形容词及语境理解。A.formal正式的;B.wise明智的;C.flexible灵活的;D.complex复杂的。根据下文"Another major benefit associated with flexible work schedules and the hybrid work model is the ability to make a business more (12)."可知,求职者更喜欢灵活的工作安排。故选C。
    (11)A.考查动词短语及语境理解。A.compete for为……争夺;B.put up建造;C.vote for投票赞成;D.comb out移出,清除。根据上一句"With (10)work arrangements now among the top benefits sought after by job seekers,"可知,灵活的工作安排让采用混合模式的公司在竞争优秀候选人时更有优势。故选A。
    (12)D.考查形容词及语境理解。A.fast﹣growing迅速增涨的;B.profitable有益的;C.competitive竞争的;D.sustainable可持续的。根据下一句"This is important because research suggests that employees are more likely to take a job and stay in a job with companies that have a strong environmental agenda."可知,员工希望通过弹性工作时间和混合工作模式使得业务更可持续性。故选D。
    (13)D.考查副词及语境理解。A.Psychologically精神上地;B.Originally起初;C.Eventually最终;D.Additionally另外。根据上一句"This is important because research suggests that employees are more likely to take a job and stay in a job with companies that have a strong environmental agenda."可知,这里表示更进一步。年轻人不喜欢没有社会责任承诺的公司。故选D。
    (14)B.考查名词及语境理解。A.work工作;B.travel旅行;C.research研究;D.cooperation合作。根据下一句"The effects of this are especially significant when there's a long distance between home and work,which requires employees to use their own cars.Fewer people coming into the office is also likely to reduce the carbon footprint associated with the office itself."可知,混合工作模式减少了员工的来回奔波。故选B。
    (15)C.考查形容词及语境理解。A.multi﹣national多国的;B.world﹣famous世界闻名的;C.forward﹣thinking前瞻性的;有远见的;D.peace﹣loving爱好和平的。根据上一句"All of this can combine to help improve a company's green certificate"可知,公司的绿色证书会有助于求职者和客户眼中把公司定位为一个有远见的公司。故选C。
    Section B (22 分)Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
    17.(8分)Nearly 40 years ago,Peter Harrison,a marine ecologist witnessed the first recorded large﹣scale coral bleaching(珊瑚白化)event.Diving in the Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁),he was shocked by the scene before him."The reef was made up of healthy corals and badly bleached white corals,like the beginnings of a ghost city," he says.Just months before,the same site was filled with colorful tropical life.
    "Many of the hundreds of corals that I'd carefully tagged and monitored finally died," he says."It was shocking and made me aware of just how weak these corals rally are."
    Coral exists together with photosynthetic algae(藻类),which live in its tissues and provide essential nutrition(and coloration).But high temperatures and other stresses can turn algae poisonous.When this occurs,the algae may die or be removed by the coral,a poss known as bleaching because the coral's clear tissue and white calcium carbonate skeleton(碳酸钙骨骼)are exposed.If the coral can't reestablish is link with algae,it will starve or become ill.
    The widespread destruction Harrison saw in 1982 was repeated on many other Pacific Ocean reefs that year and the next.In 1997 and 1998 the phenomenon went global,killing some 16 percent of the world's corals.With rising temperatures,pollution,disease,increased ocean acidity,invasive species,and other dangers,Harrison's ghost cities are expanding.
    Scientists suppose that about four decades ago severe bleaching occurred roughly every 25 years,giving corals time to recover.But bleaching events are coming faster now﹣about every six years﹣and in some places soon they could begin to happen annually.
    "The absolute key is dealing with global warming," says marine biologist Terry Hughes."No matter how much we clean up the water,the reefs will die." In 2016,a record﹣hot year in a string of them,91 percent of the reefs that consist of the Great Barrier Reef bleached.

    (1)Peter Harrison was shocked when diving in the Great Barrier Reef,because  B  .
    A.the reefs were made up of precious corals
    B.the corals were ruined badly and quickly
    C.he found a ghost city with tropical life
    D.he saw the corals he had tagged before
    (2)Paragraph 3 is mainly about  A .
    A the causes of coral bleaching
    B.the weakness of corals and algae
    C.the elements that make algae die
    D.the process of building a link with algae
    (3)The phrase "Harrison's ghost cities" in paragraph 4 most probably refers to  C .
    A.global warming
    B.the polluted ocean
    C.the white corals
    D.invasive species
    (4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  B 
    A.With algae living in its tissues,coral's white skeleton is exposed.
    B.Solving global warming is the real solution to coral bleaching.
    C.The reefs die because the water hasn't been cleaned thoroughly.
    D.The severest coral bleaching occurred about four decades ago.
    【分析】这是一篇记叙文。主要介绍Peter Harrison看见大堡礁内珊瑚的白化现象,分析造成这种现象的原因。
    【解答】(1)B.细节理解题。根据文章第一段"Diving in the Great Barrier Reef,he was shocked by the scene before him."The reef was made up of healthy corals and badly bleached white corals,like the beginnings of a ghost city,"he says.Just months before,the same site was filled with colorful tropical life."(在大堡礁潜水时,他被眼前的景象惊呆了。"珊瑚礁由健康的珊瑚和严重白化的珊瑚组成,就像一座鬼城的开始,"他说。就在几个月前,同一地点还充满了丰富多彩的热带生物。)可知,Peter Harrison看到珊瑚这么快就受到如此严重的破坏,所以感觉很震惊。故选B项。
    (2)A.段落大意题。根据文章第三段"When this occurs,the algae may die or be removed by the coral,a process known as bleaching because the coral's clear tissue and white calcium carbonate skeleton are exposed.If the coral can't reestablish its link with algae,it will starve or become ill."(当这种情况发生时,珊瑚的藻类可能死亡或被去除,这一过程称为漂白。这是因为珊瑚的组织和白色碳酸钙骨骼接触。如果珊瑚不能与藻类重新接触,它就会挨饿或生病。)可知,这一段在讲述珊瑚白化的原因。故选A项。
    (3)C.词义猜测题。根据文章第一段"The reef was made up of healthy corals and badly bleached white corals,like the beginnings of a ghost city,"he says.("珊瑚礁由健康的珊瑚和严重白化的珊瑚组成,就像一座鬼城的开始,"他说)可知,此处"Harrison's ghost cities"指代的是白珊瑚。A.global warming全球变暖;B.the polluted ocean被污染的海洋;C.the white corals白珊瑚;D.invasive species入侵物种。故选C项。
    (4)B.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段"The absolute key is dealing with global warming,"says marine biologist Terry Hughes.("绝对的关键是解决全球变暖,"海洋生物学家Terry Hughes说)可知,解决珊瑚白化的关键是解决好全球变暖。故选B项。
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    (1)According to the passage,Shaklee is most probably  D .
    A.a social organization that helps customers
    B.a website that offers different shipping services
    C.an inquiry department that solves customers' problems
    D.a company that sells various products and services
    (2)According to the passage,how much should a customer pay if he buys a 5﹣gallon bucket of cleaner which is sold at 118 dollars and has it delivered with standard service?  A 
    A.161.5 dollars.
    B.137.5 dollars.
    C.118 dollars.
    D.153 dollars.
    (3)The passage is mainly intended to  C .
    A.promote the shipping services
    B.describe the product features
    C.introduce the shipping fees
    D.prove the advantages of shipping

    【解答】(1)D.推理判断题。根据文章第一行"Save 15% on 3+ Products from Our Good Health Gift Guide(从我们的健康礼品指南中3种以上产品节省15%)"和下面销售产品目录"Nutrition Healthy Weight Beauty Sports Green Home(营养系列 健康体重系列 美容系列 运动系列 绿色家园系列)"可推断,嘉康利是一个销售各种健康产品和服务的公司。故选D。
    (2)A.数字计算题。根据文章Overcharge on Heavier Items中的"The overcharges are $35 for the 5﹣gallon and $135 for the 30﹣gallon supply sizes. (5加仑的多收35美元,30加仑的多收135美元。)"和Shipping and Handling Charges—US(except Alaska and Hawaii)表格中STANDARD SERVICE对应的$0.01﹣$149.99是$8.50。所以如果顾客购买一桶售价118美元的5加仑清洁桶,并提供标准服务,他应该支付118+35+8.5=$161.5。故选A。
    (3)C.推理判断题。根据文章中"Shipping and Handling Charges(运费及手续费)"及全文可知,文章主要介绍了顾客购买嘉康利产品的运费和手续费等信息。所以这篇文章主要目的是介绍运费。故选C。
    19.(8分)On a September afternoon in 1940,four teenage boys made their way through the woods on a hill overlooking Montignac in southwestern France.They had come to explore a dark,deep hole said to be an underground passage to the nearby manor(庄园)of Lascaux.Squeezing through the entrance one by one,they soon saw wonderfully lifelike paintings of running horses,swimming deer,wounded wild oxen,and other beings﹣ works of art that may be up to 20,000 years old.
    The collection of paintings in Lascaux is among some 150 prehistoric sites dating from the Paleolithic period(旧石器时代) that have been documented in France's Vezere Valley.This corner of southwestern Europe seems to have been a hot spot for figurative art.The biggest discovery since Laseaux occurred in December 1994,when three cave explorers laid eyes on artworks that had not been seen since a rockslide 22,000 years ago closed off a large deep cave in southern France.Here,by unsteadily shining firelight,prehistoric artists drew outlines of cave lions,herds of rhinos(犀牛)and magnificent wild oxen,horse,cave bears.In all,the artists drew 442 animals over perhaps thousands of year,using nearly 400,000 square feet of cave surface as their canvas(画布).The site,now known as Chauvet﹣Pont﹣1'Arc Cave,is sometimes considered the Sistine Chapel of prehistory.
    For decades scholars had theorized that at had advanced in slow stages from ancient scratchings to lively,naturalistic interpretation.Surly the delicate shading and elegant lines of Chauver's masterworks placed them at the top of that progression.Then carbon dates came in,and prehistorians felt shocked.At some 36,000 years old﹣nearly twice as old as those in Lascaux﹣Chauver's images represented not the peak of prehistoric art but its earliest known beginnings.
    The search for the world's oldest cave paintings continues.On the Indonesian island of Sulawesi,for example,scientists found a large room of paintings of part﹣human,part﹣animal beings that are estimated to be 44,000 years old,older than any figurative art seen in Europe.
    Scholars don't know if art was invented many times over or if it was a skill developed early in our evolution.What we do know is that artistic expression runs deep in our ancestry.

    (1)According to the passage,where did the boys find the paintings?  B 
    A.In the woods on a hill.
    B.In a deep cave in France.
    C.In a manor of Lascaux.
    D.On an Indonesian island.
    (2)According to the passage,figurative art in paragraph 2 is a form of art that  D .
    A.conveys concepts by using accurate numbers and forms
    B.makes stories in contrast to scientific subjects
    C.represents persons or things in a realistic way
    D.expresses ideas or feelings by using shapes and patterns
    (3)It can be inferred from the passage that  A .
    A.the Chauvet's paintings had been sealed by a rockslide until 1994
    B.the style of Chauvet's paintings is similar to that of the Sistine Chapel
    C.Chauvet's images are the earliest figurative paintings that have been found
    D.the main objects of Chauvet's images are part﹣human,part﹣animal beings
    (4)Which of the following is the best title of the passage?  D 
    A.Value of Paleolithic Artwork
    B.Preservation of Figurative Art
    C.Artistic Expressions of Nature
    D.Searches for Cave Paintings
    【解答】(1)B.细节理解题。根据文章第一段" They had come to explore a dark,deep hole said to be an underground passage to the nearby manor(庄园)of Lascaux.Squeezing through the entrance one by one,they soon saw wonderfully lifelike paintings of running horses,swimming deer,wounded wild oxen,and other beings—works of art that may be up to 20,000 years old."(他们是来探索一个又黑又深的洞的,据说这是通往附近拉斯科庄园的地下通道。他们一个接一个地从入口处挤进去,很快就看到了栩栩如生的绘画,有奔跑的马、游泳的鹿、受伤的野牛,以及其他生灵,这些艺术品可能已有两万多年的历史了。)可知男孩们在法国一个很深的洞穴里发现了这些画。故选B。
    (2)D.推理判断题。根据文章第二段" Here,by unsteadily shining firelight,prehistoric artists drew outlines of cave lions,herds of rhinos(犀牛)and magnificent wild oxen,horses,cave bears.In all,the artists drew 442 animals over perhaps thousands of years,using nearly 400,000 square feet of cave surface as their canvas(画布)"(在这里,史前艺术家们用摇曳的火光勾勒出洞穴狮子、成群的犀牛、壮丽的野牛、马和洞穴熊的轮廓。总共,艺术家们用近40万平方英尺的洞穴表面作为画布,在大约数千年的时间里画了442只动物。)可知 figurative art是一种通过使用形状和图案来表达思想或感情的艺术形式。故选D。
    (3)A.推理判断题。根据文章第二段"The biggest discovery since Lascaux occurred in December 1994,when three cave explorers laid eyes on artworks that had not been seen since a rockslide 22,000 years ago closed off a large deep cave in southern France"(自拉斯科洞窟以来最大的发现发生在1994年12月,当时三名洞穴探险家发现了一些艺术品,这些艺术品自2.2万年前法国南部一个巨大的深洞被岩崩封闭以来就再也没有出现过。)可知直到1994年,肖维家族的画作一直被岩崩封住。故选A。
    (4)D.标题归纳题。文章第一段" they soon saw wonderfully lifelike paintings of running horses,swimming deer,wounded wild oxen,and other beings—works of art that may be up to 20,000 years old."(他们很快就看到了栩栩如生的油画,有奔跑的马、游泳的鹿、受伤的野牛,以及其他生灵,这些艺术品可能已有两万多年的历史了。)引出对拉斯科洞穴壁画的发现;后面第二段、第三段和第四段主要讲述洞穴壁画的研究以及世界上最古老洞穴壁画的寻找工作仍在继续。可知文章主要讲述的是寻找洞穴壁画。故选D。
    Section C (8 分)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
    A.Instead,he writes a program that can learn for itself,and then shows that program thousands of pictures of stop signs.
    B.The high﹣tech vision system has the potential to be more successful than humans in detecting dangerous situations.
    C.How to give AI at least some appearance of that understanding﹣ the reasoning ability of a seven﹣month﹣old child,perhaps﹣is now a matter of active research.
    D.Programmers have developed procedures that behave like the neurons (神经元)in a brain.They can "learn" from the actions taken in previous situations and infer what to do in a new,similar situation.
    E.This understanding of "object permanence",is a normal developmental milestone,as well as a basic principle of reality.
    F.Similar techniques are used to train self﹣driving cars to operate in traffic.
    Is It Smarter Than a Seven﹣month﹣old?
    By the age of seven months,most children have learned that objects still exist even when they are out of sight.Put a toy under a blanket and a child that old will know it is still there,and that he can reach underneath the blanket to get it back. (1) E .
    It is also something that self﹣driving cars do not have.And that is a problem.Autonomous vehicles are getting better,but they still don't understand the world in the way that a human being does.For a self﹣driving car,a bicycle that is momentarily hidden by a passing van is a bicycle that has ceased to exist.
    This failing is basic to the now﹣widespread computing discipline that has claimed to be the slightly misleading name of artificial intelligence(AI).Current AI works by building up complex statistical models of the world,but it lacks a deeper understanding of reality. (2) C .
    Modern AI is based on the idea of machine learning.If an engineer wants a computer to recognize a stop sign,he does not try to write thousands of lines of code that describe every pattern of pixels(像素)which could possibly indicate such a sign.(3) A .Over many repetitions,the program gradually works out what features all of these pictures have in common.
    (4) F Cars thus learn how to obey lane markings,avoid other vehicles,hit the brakes at a red light and so on.But they do not understand many things a human driver takes for granted﹣ that other cars on the road have engines and four wheels,or that they obey traffic regulations(usually)and the laws of physics (always).And they do not understand object permanence.
    【解答】(1)E.推理判断题。根据前文"By the age of seven months,most children have learned that objects sill exist even when they are out of sight.Put a toy under a blanket and a child that old will know it is still there,and that he can reach underneath the blanket to get it back.(到七个月大的时候,大多数孩子已经知道,物体即使在视线之外也仍然存在。在毯子下面放一个玩具,这个年龄的孩子就会知道它还在那里,他可以伸手到毯子下面把玩具拿回来。)"可知,七个月的婴儿就知道客体永久性。可知,选项承接上文说明解释"客体永久性"的理解的意义是什么。所以选择项E"This understanding of "object permanence",is a normal developmental milestone,as well as a basic principle of reality(这种对"客体永久性"的理解,是一个正常的发展里程碑,也是现实的一个基本原则。)" 符合上下文语境。故选E。
    (2)C.推理判断题。根据前文"This failing is basic to the now﹣widespread computing discipline that has claimed to be the slightly misleading name of artificial intelligence ( AD) .Current Al works by building up complex statistical models of the world,but it lacks a deeper understanding of reality. (这一错误是如今普遍存在的计算学科的基础,该学科自诩为人工智能(AI),这个绰号有点让人误解。目前的人工智能是通过建立复杂的世界统计模型来工作的,但它缺乏对现实的更深层次的理解。)" 可知,选项承接上文说明基于人工智能缺乏对现实的更深层次的理解,所以人们正在研究此课题。所以选择项C"How to give AI at least some appearance of that understanding﹣ the reasoning ability of a seven.month﹣old child,perhaps﹣ is now a matter of active research. (如何让人工智能至少具备一些类似的理解能力,比如一个7个大的孩子的推理能力,也许现在是一个活跃的研究课题。 )" 符合上下文语境。故选C。
    (3)A.推理判断题。根据前句"If an engineer wants a computer to recognize a stop sign,he does not try to write thousands of lines of code that describe every pattern of pixels (像素) which could possibly indicate such a sign. (如果一名工程师想让计算机识别停车标志,他不会尝试编写数千行代码来描述可能表示这一标志的每一个像素模式。)" 可知,后文陈述工程师如何编写此程序。所以选择项A"Instead,he writes a program that can learn for itself,and then shows that program thousands of pictures of stop signs. (相反,他编写了一个可以自己学习的程序,然后向该程序展示了数千张停止标志的图片。)" 符合上下文语境。故选A。
    (4)F.段落大意题。根据上文"Over many repetitions,the program gradually works out what features all of these pictures have in common. (经过多次重复,程序逐渐找出所有这些图片的共同特征。)"和后句"Cars thus learn how to obey lane markings,avoid other vehicles,hit the brakes at a red light and so on(汽车因此学会遵守车道标记,避开其他车辆,在红灯时刹车等等。)"可知,这种自学的程序的技术可以应用于汽车中。所以选择项F"Similar techniques are used to train self﹣driving cars to operate in traffic. (类似的技术也被用于训练在道路.上运行的无人驾驶汽车)"符合上下文语境。故选F。
    Ⅳ. Summary writing (10分)
    21.(10分)Directions:Read the following passage.Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words.Use your own words as far as possible.
    How Career Planning Can Help You Get Ahead
    Are you feeling trapped in a boring and unfulfilling job?Or maybe you're looking for a job but you're not clear on which career direction you should pursue?No matter what stage of your carer you find yourself in,career planing can help you establish a focused vision and achieve your full potential in your career.
    Career planning is the process of setting goals for career advancement and crating a roadmap of concrete action steps to achieve those goals.Although career planing requires time and effort,it has many benefits.First,by establishing a long﹣term goal to work toward,you'll find clarity in your career path and renewed motivation for your daily boring activities.A career plan can also provide you with an escape route from an unpromising job.
    Career planning will also help you recognize and take advantage of opportunities to advance your career.The goals you set during career planning will influence all of your later strategic decisions.Since you know what you hope to achieve in your career,you'll be able to evaluate job openings and other opportunities to determine if they fit your plan for reaching your objectives.
    Finally,career planning is an effective tool for success in advancing your career.Benefits of career advancement include earning a higher salary,achieving increased job satisfaction,improving your skills and expertise,and gaining access to exciting new opportunities.Career advancement might look like moving upward to a leadership role,transferring to a new occupation,receiving specialty training.or taking on increased responsibility.
    In order to advance in your career and achieve your goals,you need to not only create a career plan but also develop the skills needed to qualify for your ideal position.
    高分句型一:Career planning is beneficial to your career development.
    分析:这句话使用be beneficial to意为"对...有益"。
    高分句型二:So making career planning and improving professional skills can help you own an ideal job.
    【解答】Career planning is beneficial to your career development.【高分句型一】(职业生涯规划有利于你的事业发展)Firstly,with clear goals,you will become more motivated and find a favorable job.(首先,有了明确的目标,你会变得更有动力,并找到一份好的工作)Secondly,the goals can help you seize opportunities to find more suitable jobs.(其次,目标可以帮助你抓住机会,找到更合适的工作。)Finally,your promotion can be got by career planning.(最后,你可以通过职业规划来获得晋升)So making career planning and improving professional skills can help you own an ideal job.【高分句型二】(因此,制定职业规划和提高专业技能可以帮助你拥有理想的工作)
    Ⅴ. Translation (15分)Directions: Translate the flowing sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
    22.(3分)排队时,务必与他人保持安全距离。(sure)  When queuing,make sure to keep a safe distance from others 
    【解答】When queuing排队时,采用状语从句省略的结构 ,本题的句子中隐含主语为you,与queuez间为主动关系;确保make sure,与他人保持安全距离keep a safe distance from others。
    故填:When queuing,make sure to keep a safe distance from others。
    23.(3分)家中要常备手电筒等应急物品,以备不时之需。 (in case)  Keep flashlights and other emergency supplies at home in case of need. 
    【解答】家中要常备……keep sth.at home,应急物品emergency supplies,以备不时之需 in case of need。
    故填:Keep flashlights and other emergency supplies at home in case of need。
    24.(4分)正是民间艺术家们的大胆尝试、不断创新,才使传统技艺得到了保护和发展。(It)  It is the folk artists'bold attempt and continuous innovation that make the traditional techniques protected and developed. 
    【解答】根据汉语提示,本句可用强调句型:"It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分"。被强调部分是"民间艺术家们的大胆尝试、不断创新",译为the folk artists'bold attempt and continuous innovation;根据句意,被强调部分句子强调的是民间艺术家们的创新精神,故用that引导,译为that make the traditional techniques protected and developed,protected and developed意为"保护和发展",过去分词作make的宾语补足语,与宾语 the traditional techniques构成被动关系。句子陈述的是一般事实,故用一般现在时,译为:It is the folk artists'bold attempt and continuous innovation that make the traditional techniques protected and developed。
    故填:It is the folk artists'bold attempt and continuous innovation that make the traditional techniques protected and developed.
    25.(5分)昨天发布的报告称,目前还缺乏足够的数据来确定不明飞行物究竟是何物。(determine)  The report released yesterday said there was not enough data to determine exactly what the UFO was. 
    【解答】1.根据时间状语yesterday可知,主从句都用一般过去时;2.what the UFO was宾语从句,what在从句中作表语,同时引导表语从句;3.report与release之间是动宾关系,要用过去分词作后置定语。
    故填:The report released yesterday said there was not enough data to determine exactly what the UFO was.
    Ⅵ. Guided writing (25分)
    26.(25分)Directions:Write an English composition in 120﹣150 words according lo the instructions given below in Chinese.
    近年来,盲盒(mystery boxes)在学生中受欢迎程度不断攀升。下图为风华中学学生会对高中生购买盲盒情况的调查,根据调查结果为校报写一篇报道,内容必须包括:

    【分析】高分句型一:The typically cute cartoon figures come in small sizes,making them suitable for display almost anywhere.
    高分句型二:In my opinion,although buying mystery boxes adds expectation and joy to our lives,most of the goods we buy may not be what we need.
    分析:这句话使用although引导让步状语从句,we buy是定语从句修饰the goods,what引导表语从句。
    【解答】Recently,our student union has made a survey on the situation of our students buying mystery boxes.65.3% of the students often buy mystery boxes,while 12.8% of the students never buy.Those who buy them occasionally account for 21.9%.(简要描述调查结果)
    The reasons behind this may be as follows.Mystery boxes are popular in part because of their cute appearances.The typically cute cartoon figures come in small sizes,making them suitable for display almost anywhere.【高分句型一】Even if mystery boxes are not their top choice for decorations,the mystery and uncertainty of the process also attracts students.It's the main reason why students buy mystery boxes one after another.(分析造成此现象的原因)
    In my opinion,although buying mystery boxes adds expectation and joy to our lives,most of the goods we buy may not be what we need.【高分句型二】The obsession with mystery boxes makes us overconsume,and we need to consume rationally.(你的看法)
    声明:试题解析著作权属菁优网所有,未经书面同意,不得复制发布日期:2022/8/4 19:37:30;用户:李超;邮箱:lichao317807156@126.com;学号:19716718

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