


技巧13 如何描述外貌-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练
技巧13 如何描述外貌
逐步显现法的鲜明特点,一是运用的文字频率至少在两次以上,二是描写的外貌要呈现一定的梯度, 这个梯度要与观察者由远而近的距离移动同步发展,犹如推摄镜头,最后是特写形象。运用这种方法要注意两点, 一要防止简单重复,先写的要概括些,粗线条勾勒,宏观展示,用墨应简略;后写的要具体些,细致些,微观描摹,用语应详尽。二是几次所写的外貌要有所区别,先少后多,逐渐增加,重点特征每次都要写到,以加深人们的印象,如《一面》写鲁迅的三次外貌,都写了“瘦”。
用服饰烘衬法描写人物外貌,要做到以下三点:一是要有一定的顺序.人们的服饰虽千变万化,但位置却大体相同.先写哪个后写哪个,要考虑周全,或从上到下,或由服到饰,要根据不同人物的不同服饰,来确定合理的顺序。这样,才能使读者对所写的人物有一个层次清晰的印象。二是要进行服饰比较.人是活动的变化的,在不同的时间不同的场合下,人们的服饰也会不同,服饰的不同又反映了人们的外貌不同和性格变化.写好这些服饰的变化,也就能表现出人物的变化。三是要有重点。服饰描写,不能从头至脚无一遗漏,那样,既易落入俗套,又显得繁杂,这就要抓住重点,突出重点。重点的确定要因人而易,最能表现人物 性格和本质特点的服饰一定要写,详写,反之,略写即可,甚至不写。用服饰烘衬法描写外貌,是为刻画人物性格、塑造人物形象服务的,运用时要有所选择,不能张冠李戴, 李服张穿。如老杨同志那二斤半重的“硬鞋”,绝不能穿到闰土的脚上,朱自清父亲的那件“黑布大马褂",也不能穿到中年闰土身上,要讲究服饰与人物身份和性格的一致性。
round 圆的; thin 瘦的; long 长的; square 方的.
(1) 发型:
straight 直的; curly 卷发的; pigtails 辫子; crew cut 平头; bald秃头的.
(2) 发色:
jet-black 乌黑的; fair 金色的; blonde 淡黄色的; golden 金黄色的; dyed 染色的; brunette 浅黑色的; mousey 灰褐色的; chestnut 栗色的.
blond 金发碧眼的;glamorous 性感有魅力的;slender 苗条的; well-shaped body 体形丰满的;plump 丰满肥胖的;elegant and poised 雍容华贵的;graceful 优美的; thin hair头发稀疏的; trendy时髦的; tanned 皮肤黝黑的、阳光肌肤的; natural-looking 长相一般的; pale 面色苍白的; dimple 有酒窝的; petite 瘦小的; wavy hair 卷毛的; oval face 鹅蛋脸型的; up-turn nose 朝天鼻的.
bald 秃顶的; disheveled hair 头发凌乱的; bright eye 眼神明亮的; broad face 宽脸的; clean-shaven face 面庞清爽干净的; bony 瘦骨嶙峋的; muscular肌肉健美的; robust 强壮的; chubby 肥壮敦实的; manly 男人味的; gentlemanly 有绅士风度的.
①On her round face are a pair of blue eyes and lovely dimples. (倒装句型)
②She is a girl with a pair of blue eyes and lovely dimples on her round face. (with引导的介宾结构作后置定语,补充说明人物信息)
①Miss Li is in her thirties with a medium build and has her hair in a ponytail. (由and连接的并列句;with短语用作状语,表示伴随状态)
②Miss Li is a mediumsized woman in her thirties who often wears/ties her hair in a ponytail. (定语从句补充介绍人物特征)
③Miss Li, in her thirties, is of medium size, and often has her hair tied in a ponytail. (“be of + adj. + n.”结构表示人或物具有某种特征。常用的名词有:size, height, weight, build, age, shape等)
1.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文.
After six hours of fishing, John Franklin and his sister Jane were ready to call it a day. It was 7 pm. The summer sun was setting, and the fishes had stopped biting. But Jane’s 12-year-old son Conrad was having so much fun that he begged “Let’s do just one more run,” Since the mild weather was holding out, why not? John turned the boat around and headed back.
Yet, you never knew. They hadn’t even cast their lines when the wind picked up suddenly. Rough waves began battling against the little boat. “Check your life jackets and hold the boat!” John shouted, As Jane and her son were on the point of screaming, two big waves rolled over, one right after the other. Within a few seconds, the boat tipped(倾斜). Backward and turned over, throwing three of them into the water.
Out of the worst, the luckiest thing was that they had life jackets on and the boat didn’t sink immediately. Everyone grabbed onto it. “Let’s get back in the boat, Mommy,” Conrad cried, trembling with fear.
“Don’t panic. People know we’re out here,” Jane comforted him. “They’ll send help soon.”
Treading(踩) the water, the adults exchanged worried looks. They were floating in the middle of nowhere. “I knew we were in a tight spot,” said John, a third-generation commercial fisherman who, like Jane, had been raised on the bay.
When a strong wind blew through about half an hour with no sign of dying down, they had to make some decisions. It had been a perfect July day, with the water at a temperate 20 degrees centigrade, but everyone was cold by 9 pm.
If they weren’t rescued soon, they might not survive the night, John recognized, but the closest shoreline was about three miles away, starred by only a few glowing house lights.
注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右;
Looking at the lights in the distance, John asked his sister in a low voice, “Should I do it?”
About three hours later, John reached the shoreline and saw the house in lights.
It was time for graduates to hunt for jobs. The majority of them didn’t have working experience for they had spent most of their time at school studying academic subjects. It was not until they graduated from college that they realized it was a challenge for them to land jobs.
Jimmy, one of these job hunters, was a young academically excellent person. One day, after making good preparations, he went to apply for a managerial position in a big company. In spite of fierce competition, he managed to pass the first interview. What a lucky dog! Jimmy was informed to come for the next round in a few days — the last interview for the company to make the final decision.
The big day finally came. He dressed neatly, the grey tie matching perfectly the decent suit. Blood rushing to his face and heart pounding heavily, he tried to calm down, and then took a few deep breaths. It was his turn.
The interviewer, an elegant lady, discovered from the CV that the youth’s academic achievements were excellent all the way, from the secondary school until the postgraduate research. After several rounds of questions related to the position, she asked, “Have you ever done any part-time jobs?” “None.” After a while, the interviewer asked who paid for Jimmy’s school fees. The youth answered in a low voice, “My father passed away when I was one year old, so it was my mother who paid for all my school fees.”
She continued, “What did your mother do?” “My mother worked as a clothes cleaner.” The lady requested the youth to show his hands. The youth showed a pair of hands that were smooth and perfect.
The interviewer paused for a second, leaning against the chair, “Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before?” Ashamed, Jimmy replied, “Never. My mother always wanted me to study and read more books. Furthermore, my mother can wash clothes faster than me.” She nodded, adding, “I have a request. When you go back today, go and clean your mother’s hands, and then see me back here tomorrow morning.”
Back home, Jimmy requested his mother to let him clean her hands.
The next morning, Jimmy went to the interviewer’s office.
When I moved to Boston from the less traffic-filled Midwest, all I heard was, “Boston drivers are terrible. You must be careful on the roads!”I lived in Boston for four years while in college. But I didn’t need a car then, because Boston’s subways and buses could take me anywhere I needed to go. When I graduated, moved to the suburbs and got a job, I had to buy a car. I began to share the roads with the crazy drivers I’d heard about with much anxiety.
I found the stories were all true! I always get cut off and shouted at. Very seldom am I actually doing something wrong. I can’t count the number of times I’ve almost been in an accident because people refuse to give way to me when I have the right of way. Almost too late, I realize I have to turn if I want my car to stay untouched. And I’ve only been driving here for six months!
I learned how to drive in a friendlier environment, so I’ve always been in the habit of letting people go in front of me if they need to turn or pull out. However, people here are hardly thoughtful enough to help other drivers that way. They usually cut right away in front of me without even showing thanks.
In my home environment, the thank-you wave is standard driving behaviour to show politeness. Having nothing in return for my kindness in Boston had been so discouraging that I was almost ready to give up trying to be nice. I thought I’d just move along very quickly with the rest of the cars, without a thought for anyone else.
Then one day on my way home from work I was stuck in the heavy traffic with so many cars almost touching each other. And I noticed a young man was also trapped in the next driveway three or four cars ahead of mine.
As I moved slowly along the road, I felt tired and hungry.
The young guy gave me a huge thank-you wave right away.
I made it all the way to fifth grade before anyone (except me) realized that I couldn’t see twenty feet in front of me. Our school had vision screenings (视力普查) every year, but somehow I had managed to fake good vision and pass the tests.
But then in the fifth grade, I failed. It was my turn to go into the screening room, and I nervously took my seat in front of the testing machine. The nurse told me to look into the little black machine and tell her which direction the letter E’s legs were pointing. Barely able to make out the black spot of an E, I made a guess: “Right, left, left, up, down, up, left, right”. I looked up at her.
She studied my face for a moment. Then she said, “Could you repeat that?”
I panicked. I’d never been asked to repeat it. And I hadn’t memorized the guess I’d just made up. I was trapped. So, I looked into the machine again and made up another sequence of guesses. I glanced over at the nurse, who was leaning forward with a frown on her face.
“You have no idea which way they’re facing, do you?” she asked.
“Not really,” I confessed.
“Can you even see the E at all?” she asked.
“Sort of.. no,” I admitted.
“Then why didn’t you just say so?” she demanded.
I didn’t respond. I thought the answer was obvious. Glasses in the fifth grade were a social death sentence. I would become a joke in my class.
The nurse sent me home with a note for my mother that said I needed to visit the eye doctor because I’d failed the vision test. The trip home today was very slow.
My mother (who wears glasses) said it would all be just fine. It wouldn’t hurt a bit, she said. But I wasn’t worried about pain—I was worried about looking like Super Geek (怪人).
The next day, my mother dragged me to the eye doctor’s office.
But then Monday morning came, and I had to face what I fear: the kids in my classroom.
Cats are a mysterious kind of animal-there is more passing in their minds than we know of. I can’t agree more with this because of my recent experience.
It was the Sunday before Labor Day, and I was tired after spending the day at a picnic in a relative’s garden. I looked out of the window before climbing onto bed. Stars filled the night sky, and crickets(蟋蟀) gently sang in the darkness. All seemed right with the world.
My big, old black-and-white cat, Oreo, lay on the foot of my bed where he slept every night, keeping my feet warm. I climbed onto bed and immediately fell into a deep sleep.
I had just fallen asleep when Oreo woke me up by walking over my stomach. I looked at the bedside clock: 3:10 am. I had no idea why Oreo was troubling me. He’d never done that before unless I overslept in the morning, but that usually happened at 8:00 am, not in the middle of the night.
I pushed Oreo off me, rolled over and pulled the blanket (毯子) over my head. But Oreo didn’t stop. He stepped on my head and began to make noises loudly.
“Oreo,”I said. “Go back to sleep.”
But Oreo wouldn’t stop. He kept walking on my stomach and legs, continuing to trouble me. Suddenly, there was a crash of thunder (雷), and I sat up on the bed and looked out of the window. Lightning filled the sky. Strong winds blew through the window. Rain started to come down hard, making it almost impossible to see the trees in the yard. Soon the wind was picking up and the branches of the trees were moving violently(强烈地).A terrible storm had started.
Seeing the sight, I was struck with horror. Thinking that it was not safe to stay in the house, I climbed out of bed, put on my clothes, and held Oreo in my arms.
We headed for the basement (地下室).
I discovered that my house had been damaged (损)by a fallen tree.
Looking at the lights in the distance, John asked his sister in a low voice, “Should I do it?” “Yeah, do it. We will take care of ourselves here.” Jane encouraged. Pushing away from the boat, John focused on alternating swim stroked as his muscles started to burn soon. Strong tides pushed him up the shoreline, and then pulled him in the opposite direction. Many times John doubted whether it was a right choice. What if he failed halfway? But he continued, meters after meters, driven by the image of his family drifting helplessly back at the boat.
About three hours later, John reached the shoreline and saw the house in lights. Exhausted, he pulled himself out of water, staggered along and called for help. Hearing John’s desperate cries, people in the cottage rushed out immediately. Realizing what had happened, they swung into action. Soon, a search party jumped into a boat, heading for Jane and the boy. Luckily, they were pulled from the bay in time, miraculously unharmed. Jane knew it was thanks to her brother. “He’s my hero,” she said. “He always has been.”
集中注意力:focus on/concentrate on
怀疑:doubt/question/be puzzled
精疲力尽的:exhausted/tired out
Exhausted, he pulled himself out of water, staggered along and called for help.(运用了形容词做状语。)
Many times John doubted whether it was a right choice.(运用了whether 引导宾语从句。)
2.One possible version:
Back home, Jimmy requested his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt strange but with mixed feelings, she showed her hands to the kid. It was the first time he had noticed that there were so many bruises in her hands. His tears fell as he cleaned her hands. This was also the first time he had realized that it was the bruises in the mother’s hands that were the price that the mother had to pay for his graduation, academic excellence and his future. After cleaning his mother’s hands, the youth quietly washed all the remaining clothes for his mother. That night, mother and son talked for a very long time.
The next morning, Jimmy went to the interviewer’s office. “What have you done and learned, young man?” Jimmy answered with tears in his eyes, “I cleaned my mother’s hands and all the remaining clothes.” The lady nodded, “Please share something with me.” The youth said, “Firstly, I know now what appreciation is. Without my mother, there would not be the successful me today. Additionally, by working together and helping my mother, I now realize how difficult and tough it is to get something done. Ultimately, I have learned to appreciate the importance and value of family relationship.” The interviewer smiled, “This is what I am looking for to be my manager. You are hired. Congratulations!”
①谈话:talk /chat
②注意:notice/ pay attention to
③回答:answer/ reply
①感激:appreciation / gratitude
②奇怪的:strange / odd
[高分句型1] His tears fell as he cleaned her hands. (运用了as引导的时间状语从句)
[高分句型2] Firstly, I know now what appreciation is. (运用了what引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型3] This is what I am looking for to be my manager.(运用了what引导的表语从句)
As I moved slowly along the road, I felt tired and hungry. And I was so anxious to get home. Just then I saw that guy trying to back out but no one in front of me would like to pause and let him in. He had been waiting for almost 15 minutes when I drove up. I stopped so he had space to back out and I expected nothing in return. But as soon as his car came out to the front of mine, I saw he was so happy and his whole body shook back and forth!
The young guy gave me a huge thank-you wave right away. It also made me smile after a long hard day at work. I realized that although people in Boston aren’t usually nice to each other on the roads, it doesn’t mean I should give up and quit being helpful to other drivers. I felt relieved since this unusually friendly person taught me a good lesson that in the middle of a crowd that does not care for other people, it’s still valuable to be thoughtful and kind.
①等候:wait for/await
②回家:get home/go back home
③放弃:give up/back down
①开心:so happy/very delighted
②宽慰:feel relieved/comfort
【高分句型1】But as soon as his car came out to the front of mine, I saw he was so happy and his whole body shook back and forth!(运用了as soon as引导的时间状语从句)
【高分句型2】I felt relieved since this unusually friendly person taught me a good lesson that in the middle of a crowd that does not care for other people, it’s still valuable to be thoughtful and kind.(运用了that引导的同位语从句及that引导的定语从句)
4. The next day, my mother dragged me to the eye doctor’s office. I chose a set of frames and tried to believe my mother when she said they looked really good on me. The doctor said the glasses would be ready soon. But I wasn’t ready at all. When the glasses arrived, the eye doctor put them on my face and walked me out onto the sidewalk in front of his office. Looking up from my shoes, I found myself in a whole new world — a world filled with clear pictures, bright colors, and fine detail everywhere I looked. I could also see my mother smiling as she watched me see the world in a whole new way. On that first day, they were a present.
But then Monday morning came, and I had to face what I fear: the kids in my classroom. I was frightened that some naughty boys would call me “four eyes!” However, it didn’t happened as I feared it would be. When I entered the classroom, Lily, my best friend, showed me a big smile, saying, “Wow! How beautiful your glasses are!” Even, during the math class, for the first time I raised up my hand and answered the question because I finally saw the blackboard clearly. So don’t be afraid of what you think is frightening, maybe it would open a brand new world.
①.成功做某事:manage to do/succeed in doing
[高分句型1]. I chose a set of frames and tried to believe my mother when she said they looked really good on me.(由when引导的时间状语从句)
[高分句型2]. I was frightened that some naughty boys would call me “four eyes!”(由that引导的宾语从句)
5.One possible version:
We headed for the basement (地下室). Once there, I sat on the floor with Oreo on my lap as the wind blew and the thunder boomed. Then there was a great crash that shook the house. Hearing the noise, Oreo turned to me, with his eyes full of fear. I had no idea what it was about. In spite of this, I had a feeling that something terrible must have happened to my house. The storm continued for a few minutes and then passed as quickly as it had arrived. Oreo and I headed back upstairs.
I discovered that my house had been damaged (损害) by a fallen tree. The tree knocked a big hole in the roof right above my bed. If I had been on that bed, I could have been killed. I felt so relieved and happy that I couldn’t hide my tears. Thank goodness that Oreo had sensed the coming storm and woken me up. That old cat saved my life! This was an episode in my life that I would never forget.
②返回:head back/return/go back
④感觉到:sense/perceive/have a feeling
[高分句型1]If I had been on that bed, I could have been killed.(if引导的条件状语从句,以及虚拟语气)
[高分句型2]This was an episode in my life that I would never forget.(that引导的定语从句)
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技巧13 如何描述外貌-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练: 这是一份技巧13 如何描述外貌-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练,共18页。试卷主要包含了工笔细描法,粗笔勾勒法,特征显示法,逐步显现法,虚实结合法,着色点染法,对比突现法,服饰烘衬法等内容,欢迎下载使用。