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    这是一份英语(广东卷)-学易金卷:2023年中考英语考前押题密卷(含考试版、全解全析、参考答案、答题卡、听力音频),文件包含英语广东卷全解全析docx、英语广东卷考试版A4docx、英语广东卷考试版A3docx、英语广东卷参考答案docx、英语广东卷听力音频mp3等5份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共45页, 欢迎下载使用。





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    3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。





    A. 听句子(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5)


    (  )1.Where is Tina from?

    (  )2.What does the new sign tell them?

    (  )3.What does the speaker like doing after school?

    (  )4.What will the speaker drink before going to bed?

    (  )5.Where did grandma find her glasses?

    B. 听对话(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10)


    (  )6.Why is Mike late for school?

    A. He stayed up late last night.

    B. He had an accident on the way.

    C. He was caught in the rain last night.


    (  )7.How far is Green Street?

    A. Half an hour's walk.          B. Four hours' walk.      C. One and a half hours' walk.


    (  )8.What does the girl come to China for?

    A. To find a job.             B. To go traveling.         C. To see her parents.


    (  )9.What does the man think of Japanese?

    A. It's difficult.             B. It's easy.             C. It's the same as German.


    (  )10.What does Lucy usually do in spring?

    A. Walk.                    B. Play basketball.         C. Run.


    (  )11.When is International Nurses Day?

    A. On March 12th.           B. On May 12th.            C. On May 20th.

    (  )12.Where did Florence Nightingale set up the first nurse school?

    A. In England.               B. In America.            C. In New Zealand.


    (  )13.What's the purpose of the UN Chinese Language Day?

    A. To promote the equal use of six official languages.

    B. To help students learn languages better.

    C. To help students make international friends.

    (  )14.When is the UN Chinese Language Day?

    A. On April 20th.         B. On April 21st.               C. On April 22nd.

    (  )15.Who is David?

    A. The speakers' teacher.    B. The speakers' neighbor.         C. The speakers' classmate.

    C. 听短文(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5)


    (  )16.What happened to Tyler and his dad?

    A. Their motorbike didn't work.      B. They lost their way.              C. They had an accident.

    (  )17.Who went back to get help?

    A. Tyler.                          B. Tyler's father.                 C. Tyler's mother.

    (  )18.Where did Tyler fall down?

    A. In a forest.                  B. By the road.                 C. In their front yard.

    (  )19.How did Tyler feel about himself?

    A. Lucky.                      B. Proud.                         C. Sad.

    (  )20.Which word can describe Tyler?

    A. Hard­working.                  B. Patient.                     C. Brave.

    D. 听填信息(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5)


    Ways to Help Our Environment

    Amy's family

    • Divide the rubbish into different bags for bottles, cans, paper and 21.___________.

    • Use the plastic bags from the 22. ______________as rubbish bags again.    

    Tom's family

    • Have short 23.___________.

    • Wash the toilet with used water.

    Lucy's family

    • Never leave the 24___________ on when leaving the rooms.

    • 25. ____________use electric fans or air­conditioning.

    • Turn off the TV when nobody is watching it.



    A. OK. I'll take your advice.

    B. My mother makes me study all the time.

    C. I'm looking forward to your reply.

    D. Why don't you talk to your mother?

    E. But I want to have free time to do things I like, too.

    F. You should finish your homework first.

    Ann: Hi, Jack! You look unhappy. What's wrong?

    Jack: You know we have to study online at home these days.26.           

    Ann: Well, she wants you to study hard and find a good job when you grow up.


    Ann: Yes, sometimes you should have time to relax yourself.

    Jack: Last night when I was watching a basketball game on TV, my mother asked me to stop to do my homework.

    Ann: She was right.28.          

    Jack: After finishing my homework, I still wasn't allowed to read my basketball magazines.

    Ann: Oh, that's kind of unfair.29.           

    Jack30.            I hope my mom could understand me.




    We are each an inheritor (继承者) of our own culture and history, so the art of ____31____ a Chinese story well is a matter of national confidence.

    This is probably ____32____ the 17th “21st Century. VIPKID Cup” National High School English Speaking Competitions aimed to make contestants (参赛选手) think on. More than 1 million young English learners ____33____ part in the “21st Century Cup” competitions this year. And about 500 of ____34____ managed to enter the national finals. The competitions ____35____ to an end in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province on March 24.

    Shi Yiran, ____36____ junior high school student from Beijing No 4 Middle School, shared her story of how she rediscovered that Monkey King was interesting. In her speech, My Inspiring Chinese Cultural Hero, Shi said that ____37____she read the story of the Monkey King when she was little, she didn’t understand the character quite well at that time.

    “However, Monkey King is my ____38____ hero. She told me a lot about Monkey King and I started to see the Monkey King ____39____my Chinese cultural hero,” she added.

    Suen Chung-man, the winner of this year’s competition, believes that when we see the hardships our forerunners (先驱) like Sun went through, we can understand who we are today.

    Speaking a foreign language well is an important skill for English learners to master. But what’s even ____40____ is their confidence in their own culture and history. Armed with both, they can tell Chinese stories to the world.

    31. A. tell B. telling C. told

    32. A. how B. what C. when

    33. A. took B. takes C. will take

    34. A. they B. them C. their

    35. A. brought B. was brought C. were brought

    36. A. a B. an C. the

    37. A. although B. so C. unless

    38. A. mother B. mother’s C. mothers’

    39. A. as B. with C. for

    40. A. important B. importance C. more important



    One day a little boy asked his father, “What does the word ‘great’ mean? Who are great people and how do they become great?”

    The father asked his son to bring two plants and then told him to plant one of them inside the house and the other outside the house. The boy did as his father said.

    The father asked his son, “Which one of the two plants do you think will be ___41__ and bigger? “The boy replied, “The plant inside the house will be safer, so it will grow bigger, while the plant outside the house is not safe at all. No one will be there to ___42___ it. It may be eaten by animals.” The father smiled and said, “Let’s wait __43__. We will know the answer.”

    Then the boy ___44__ for study and after four years he came back to his house. He said to his father, “Look, nothing happens to this plant inside the house and it is safe.”

    When the boy went outside, he was very __45___ to see a big tree. The boy couldn’t believe his eyes. He couldn’t ___46 _ how the plant outside was able to grow much bigger than the plant inside the house.

    “The plant outside the house faced four seasons and many difficulties!” the father ___47__ to his son why the plant outside was bigger. “The plant inside was safe, it didn’t face weather changes, and it didn’t get proper ___48___, so it didn’t become big.”

    Here is the ___49_ to the question about being great: ___50   a great person, one must have failed many times, experienced many difficulties and overcome those difficulties. After that, he is able to become great.

    41. A. stronger B. safer C. nicer D. weaker

    42. A. look after B. come across C. take away D. cut down

    43. A. seriously B. carefully C. actively D. patiently

    44. A. waited B. looked C. left D. asked

    45. A. excited B. satisfied C. pleased D. surprised

    46. A. realize B. understand C. consider D. accept

    47. A. smiled B. apologized C. turned D. explained

    48. A. protection B. sunlight C. care D. water

    49. A. result B. answer C. way D. reason

    50. A. To choose B. To save C. To find D. To become




    Jiang Danni is a 24-year-old volunteer from East China. She has volunteered in schools in Lebanon and countries in Africa. And her videos about her experience have drawn many people’s attention.

    After graduating from university in 2020, Danni chose to work in Africa for a year and then journeyed to seven countries. A primary school in Uganda stopped her. She had a peaceful time getting to know the children at the school. She taught children in Grades One to Four. Danni set up different kinds of classes for her students, including Chinese language learning, cooking, and crafts (手工艺).

    Danni also tried to care for the students. While staying at a school in Tanzania, she prepared lunch for 40 children below 5 years old. The school is so far from town. Danni needed to pass through a large forest and fields before taking a bus for more than half an hour to get to the town. She went to the town to buy delicious food for the kids.

    In 2022, Danni arrived in Lebanon in Asia and became a volunteer teacher at a school. This time she taught arts and crafts to her students. She included some interesting activities in her teaching such as paper cutting and the making of paper ice cream in class. Her students all worked hard and enjoyed the creative activities.

    ________ Every time Danni arrived at the school, they would run to give her a hug or small gifts such as a candy. And after school, they would invite her to their homes.

    “I enjoyed spending beautiful moments with them. Their smiling faces gave me energy and encouraged me to find meaning in volunteer work in different places,” Danni said. She has decided to further develop her dream to help others as a lifetime career (终身事业).

    51. Where did Danni do volunteer work at first?

    A. In Africa. B. In America. C. In Asia. D. In Europe.

    52. What can we learn from Para. 3?

    A. People in Tanzania lived a quiet life.

    B. Danni looked after young children in Tanzania.

    C. Danni only prepared three meals for kids under 7.

    D. It was hard for students in Tanzania to get to school.

    53. What did Danni teach in the school in Lebanon?

    Chinese.             Cooking.           Crafts.                   Arts.

    A. ①② B. ②③ C. ①④ D. ③④

    54. Which of the following can be put in ________?

    A. Danni enjoyed helping others.

    B. The children there were poor but happy.

    C. The smiles on the children’s faces moved Danni.

    D. Danni developed beautiful relationships with children.

    55 Which words can be used to describe Danni?

    A. nervous and well-known B. discouraged and helpful

    C. brave and kind D. heartless and willing


    Do you ever feel like you are running from one activity to another, or studying one subject after another at a mad rush?

    When things happen at such a fast pace (节奏), you will easily fail to notice what you are doing, or what you are learning. It is important to stop yourself every now and then to think about what you’ve been doing or learning. This is called self-reflection (自我反思).

    There are mainly two forms of self-reflection. Some people prefer to do their self-reflection in their minds, while others keep written notes. Whether the reflection is done in mind or on paper, either of them can work.

    School textbooks are often divided into units. It is a good choice for a student to get started a self-reflection. When one unit is over, there are always some kinds of tests. You can use these natural breaks as chances to stop and reflect. Find a quiet place. This can even be sitting at your desk at school when you finish something early and the other students are still working. If you are going to take notes, take out a piece of paper or your reflection notebook. Just take down the important points but not everything. Let your mind think over the notes you have written and make some connections.

    Sometimes just stopping to think deeply allows your brain to make connections so that new information can be quickly recalled (回想起) when you need it again. Next, think about things that you still wonder. For example, maybe you learned a new way to solve a maths problem, but you’re not sure when to use it. Writing down your questions will help you remember to continue looking for answers the next time you come across the same topic.

    Self-reflection is an essential skill for a successful student. If you have never taken time to reflect, try it now.

    56. What will happen if we study at a too fast pace according to Paragraph 2?

    A. We will be very tired. B. We will get good grades in exams.

    C. We will not notice what we are learning. D. We will have more time to do other things.

    57. Why should we do self-reflection?

    A. To have more activities and subjects.

    B. To make things happen faster and better.

    C. To make our brain more and more active.

    D. To have a better understanding about what we learned.

    58. When we study a textbook, how can we do self-reflection correctly?

    A. Find a quiet place and think deeply.

    B. Reflect after finishing the whole book.

    C. Take down everything that you learned.

    D Have a discussion with classmates about the questions.

    59. What does the underlined word “essential” mean in the passage?

    A. Important. B. Difficult. C. Impossible. D. Harmful.

    60. What’s the best title of the passage?

    A. Self- Reflection in Mind or Taking Notes B. Self-Reflection Makes You a Better Learner

    C. Why Not Try These Steps of Self Reflection D. Find a Good Place and Time for Self- Reflection





    ___61___ Tony loves singing with friends on weekends because he is very busy on weekends. But with the help of this app, he can do that even during the work break.

    ___62___ Though Mrs. Green is quite old, she keeps walking for at least one hour every day. She likes this app because it can tell her how many steps she walks anytime.

    ___63___ John is a hard-working student. He is good at listening and speaking, but he doesn’t do well in written tests, including reading and writing.

    ___64___ Jenny is very talented in art. She likes drawing very much. Recently she tries drawing on her iPad when she is free.

    ___65___ Miss Zhang works as a secretary in a big company. So this app is very helpful for her work such as taking notes during the meetings and sorting out different kinds of files in order.

    A. Paper by 53

    This app is the easiest and most beautiful way to create pictures on your iPad. You can create anything from sketches(素描)and other drawings. There is a fresh canvas(画布)ready and waiting for your ideas, inspiration and art.

    B. Keep

    This sports app can help you lose weight by providing you with all kinds of teaching courses. If you want to lose weight by walking. It can teach you how to walk effectively step by step, just like your private coach.

    C. The K

    Do you like singing karaoke? Now you can do it at home! With the K, you can be a super star anytime, anywhere. When you are singing, it records your voice. You can sing songs together with your friends. Or you can compete with them.

    D. EverNote

    In the world of note taking, EverNote is the king. It allows you to create electronic files with text, photos, audio and videos. You can put the files in order, tag them and search them easily.

    E. Fun dubbing(配音)

    This is an English learning app. It includes many short videos. You can dub the videos to lean English. It increases the joy in learning a language. At the same time, you can improve your listening and your spoken English.

    F. MindSnacks

    This great English helper is a free app. Experts from top universities in America designed the English lessons for users. It has a number of games to build vocabulary, reading, writing, listening and conversational skills.

    G. Walkup

    How many steps did you walk today? Walkup does just mark down the number of steps you walk. Marking your travel route and every step you walk will give you the power to move ahead.




    Earth Day is April 22. ___66___ this day, people around the world are trying to save the earth. ___67___ don’t wait till Earth Day to take action. You can do something to help improve the environment every day.

    Bria is a 12-year-old animal artist. ___68___ began to help the endangered animals at the age of eight. That was when Bria started to ___69___ pictures of animals. To sell her paintings on the Internet, Bria opens a(n) ___70___ shop named Faces of the Endangered with her parents’ help. This idea turns out great and all of Bria’s works sell ___71___. To support the groups that care for animals in danger, Bria donates all the ___72___ she makes to them. So far, Bria has given away $36,000 in total.

    Bria has also designed two coloring books about animals. The books are ___73___ at the Great Plains Zoo in her hometown. Money from the sale of the ___74___ makes it possible to improve the situations of some endangered animals at the zoo.

    What’s Bria’s message for kids who want to ___75___ a difference? “No matter how old you are, you can change the world,” she says. “No idea is too small.”


    A. 回答问题(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)


    Chinese calligraphy(书法) is a traditional art of writing Chinese characters. Chinese scripts are the seal(), the official(), the regular(), the cursive() and the running(). Different styles stand for different thoughts and emotions. The writing brush, Chinese ink, paper and ink stone are necessary materials and tools. They are known as the Four Treasures of the Study.

    To write calligraphy, first of all, prepare the four treasures and lay out the paper. Then pour the ink into the ink stone tile(砚台). Next, hold the brush tightly with the thumb, index finger(食指) and middle finger of the right hand. Finally, dip the brush in the ink and write on the paper.

    It’s not easy to write calligraphy. We need a long time of hard training to write beautifully. There were many famous calligraphers(书法家) in history such as Ouyang Xun, Yan zhengqing, Liu Gongquan and Zhao Mengfu, Calligraphers have created plenty of masterpieces which has been passed from generation to generation. Sometimes students are organized to admire the works of famous calligraphers. One of the most famous masterpieces is “Orchid Pavilion Preface(《兰亭序》) by Wang Xizhi another famous calligrapher in history.

    Actually, writing Chinese calligraphy is a good way to keep calm. It’s a kind of high-level hobby in China. So on Chinese New Year’s Eve, many Chinese people can write couplets(对联) themselves and hang them on the door. It’s a symbol of good wishes for the coming year.

    It’s very meaningful to spread our culture to future generation We should try our best to learn calligraphy and carry it forward.

    76. What are known as the Four Treasure of the Study?


    77. How can you write beautifully?


    78. How many famous calligraphers are mentioned in this whole passage?


    79. Why do many Chinese people hang couplets on the door?


    80. What can you do if you want to calm down according to paragraph four?




    81. 假如你叫李明,你所在学校准备宣传书写的重要性,你作为一名书写爱好者,你将给同学们进行经验介绍。介绍的内容包括:




    注意:写作词数80词左右;请在答题卡相应位置作答。参考单词: handwriting书写。




    英语(陕西卷)-学易金卷:2023年中考考前押题密卷(含考试版、全解全析、参考答案、答题卡、听力音频): 这是一份英语(陕西卷)-学易金卷:2023年中考考前押题密卷(含考试版、全解全析、参考答案、答题卡、听力音频),文件包含英语陕西卷考试版A4docx、英语陕西卷全解全析docx、英语陕西卷考试版A3docx、英语陕西卷参考答案docx、英语陕西卷听力音频mp3等5份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英语(重庆卷)-学易金卷:2023年中考考前押题密卷(含考试版、全解全析、参考答案、答题卡、听力音频): 这是一份英语(重庆卷)-学易金卷:2023年中考考前押题密卷(含考试版、全解全析、参考答案、答题卡、听力音频),文件包含英语重庆卷考试版A4docx、英语重庆卷全解全析docx、英语重庆卷考试版A3docx、英语重庆卷参考答案docx、英语重庆卷听力音频mp3等5份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共42页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英语(天津卷)-学易金卷:2023年中考考前押题密卷(含考试版、全解全析、参考答案、答题卡、听力音频): 这是一份英语(天津卷)-学易金卷:2023年中考考前押题密卷(含考试版、全解全析、参考答案、答题卡、听力音频),文件包含英语天津卷考试版A4docx、英语天津卷全解全析docx、英语天津卷考试版A3docx、英语天津卷参考答案docx、英语天津卷听力mp3等5份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

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