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    第11讲 unit11  Sad movies make me cry. 基础版 教案01
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    第11讲 unit11 Sad movies make me cry. 基础版 教案

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    第三讲 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry 基础版

    the more … the more   越⋯⋯越⋯⋯; leave out 不包括;不提及;忽略friendship /frendSIp/ n. 友谊;友情   king  n. 君主;国王    
    prime  adj. 首要的;基本的     minister   n. 大臣;部长  
    prime minister 首相;大臣    fame  n. 名声;声誉   
    pale   adj. 苍白的;灰白的     queen  n. 王后;女王   
    examine    v(.仔细地)检查;检验    nor   conj. & adv. 也不
    neither ... nor  既不⋯⋯也不    palace   n. 王宫;宫殿    
    power   n. 权利;力量    wealth   n. 财富;富裕   
    grey  adj(.天空)阴沉的;昏暗的;灰色的  lemon   n. 柠檬   
    cancel  v. 取消;终止    weight   n. 重量;分量   
    shoulder   n. 肩;肩膀    goal   n. 球门;射门;目标   
    coach   n. 教练;私人教师   kick  v. 踢;踹    
    teammate   n. 同队队员;队友   courage n. 勇敢;勇气  
    rather  adv. 宁愿 相当    rather than 而不是   
    pull  v. 拉;拖     pull together 齐心协力;通力合作   
    relief   n. 轻松;解脱    nod  v. 点头   
    agreement  n. (意见或看法)一致;同意   fault   n. 过失;缺点   
    disappoint  v. 使失望
    1.let... down 使……失望 2. kick sb. off开除
    3. rather than 而不是 4. pull together齐心协力
    5. on one’s shoulder 在肩上 6. stop doing停止做某事
    7. knock on the door 敲门 8. communicate with与……交流
    9. learn from 向……学习 10. continue to do继续做某事
    11.call in召来;叫来 12.for no reason 没有理由的;无缘无故
    13. drive sb. crazy 使某人发疯 14. the more..., the more....越......越.......
    15.be friends with 是某人的朋友 16.make sb. do sth使某人做某事
    17.wait for sb.等某人 18.have ... in common有共同点
    19.so... that ...如此... 以致 20. prime minister首相
    21.neither... nor....既不......也不...... 22.to start with起初
    23.let ... down使......失望 24.kick sb off开除
    25. rather than 而不是 26.to one’s relief 令人心安的
    27.be worried about 担心 28.feel like doing sth想要做......
    29.be hard on sb对.......苛刻 30. be close to接近
    31.get into a fight with 和某人吵架 32a big group of 一大群
    33. leave out 不包括;省略 34 in agreement with 与.......一致
    1.the more I got to know Julie, the more I’ve realized that we have a lot in common.
    2.It’s true that I’m famous and everyone loves my songs.
    3. Sad movies make me cry悲伤的电影让我哭泣。
    4.But whatever it was, don’t be too hard on yourself. be hard on sb. (2b )

    Section A 考点知识梳理
    1. I’d rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating.我宁愿去蓝色海洋餐馆,因为在吃饭时我喜欢听安静的音乐。
    would rather “宁愿;宁可;更喜欢”,后跟动词原形,没有人称和数的变化,其中would 常缩写成’d 形式
    肯定句:would rather do sth. =prefer to do sth.
    否定句:would rather not do sth 宁愿不做某事
    2. But that music makes me sleepy.但那种音乐使我困倦。
    make 构成的句型
    ①make sb/sth + 形容词 “让某人或某物…” ◆make you happy
    ② make sb./sth do sth “使某人/物做某事” ◆make me laugh.
    ③be made to do sth被迫做某事
    ◆We were made to work days and nights.我们被迫日夜工作。
    3. Waiting for Amy drove Tina crazy. 等待艾美令缇娜有点抓狂。
    wait for 等待
    (2)drive → drove→driven ① v 驾驶 v迫使→ driver n 司机
    4. The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy cry. 电影如此的悲伤以至于它让缇娜和艾美哭泣。
    So......that 意为“如此......以至于.....”
    ◆Lucy is so kind that we all like her.露西是那样善良,以至于我们都喜欢她
    6. I’m not sure what to do about it. 关于这件事我不确信该做什么。
    (1)sure ① adj.确信的,确实的; 一定的
    make sure 确保,核实,查收,弄清楚
    (2)what to do特殊疑问词加不定式构成的宾语从句的成分
    7. What happened? 发生了什么事
    happen v “发生” 不及物动词,没有被动语态 ,主语是物,强调某事发生的偶然性
    8. the more I got to know Julie, the more I’ve realized that we have a lot in common. 我越是了解朱莉,就越意识到我们是有多么的相似。
    (1)“The+比较级(+句子), the+比较级(+句子)”
    ◆The harder you work, the greater progress you will make.你越用功,进步就越大。
    (2)have …in common “有共同点;相似”
    9.....it makes Alice unhappy because she thinks Julie is now better friends with me than with her.那使爱丽丝不高兴,因为他觉得朱莉现在成为了跟我比跟她更要好的朋友。
    friend n 朋友 → friendly adj. 有好的 (反)unfriendly → friendship n 友谊
    (3) be friendly to 对….友好
    ◆I want to make friends with you我想和你成为朋友。
    10. why don’t you ask Alice to join you each time you do something with Julie?每次你和朱莉在一起做事时,你何不邀请爱丽丝加入你们呢?
    (1)Why don’t +sb.+do sth.? =Why not + do sth.? 为何不……?
    ◆Why don’t you go with us? =Why not go with us?你为什么不和我们一起去呢?
    (2) each time 名词词组, 充当连词引导时间状语从句, 意为“每一次……”,
    (3) Ask sb to do sth要求某人做某事,其否定结构是ask sb not to do sth
    ◆Our teacher asked me not to go out at night.老师让我们晚上不要出门。
    11.Then she won’t feel left out.那样她就不会觉得自己被冷落了。
    to be /feel left out (感觉)被遗忘;(感觉)被忽略
    ◆When a child feels left out,he will cry to get his parents’ attention.当小孩觉得被冷落了时,他会大哭来吸引父母的注意。
    12.He slept badly and didn’t feel like eating.他睡不着觉并且不想吃东西。
    feel like意为想,想要,其后接名词、动词ing、代词作宾语,相当于want或would like.feel like doing sth.=want to do sth. =would like (to do) sth.
    ◆Do you feel like some fish?你想吃鱼吗?
    13. His face was always pale as chalk. 他总是面色苍白。
    (as) pale as chalk 是一种明喻修辞结构,描述不健康的人面部
    ◆He suddenly went pale.他突然脸色变白。
    14. He often cried for no reason.他经常无缘无故的大哭。
    for no reason 没有理由的;无缘无故
    15One day, a doctor was called in to examine the king.一天一位医生被叫来给国王检查身体。
    (1)call in 召来,叫来
    ◆Call in the doctor at once. 马上去请医生来。
    (2)examine v (仔细)检查,检验 → n examination 考试
    16. Neither medicine nor rest can help him. 无论是药物还是休息都帮不了他。
    neither...nor...“既不……也 不……; ……和……都不”,其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并 列的成份,谓语动词的单复数采取“就近原则”。
    ◆ I have neither money nor time. 我既没有钱也没有时间。
    ◆Neither Tom nor his sisters were at home.汤姆和珍都不在家。
    (2) both … and…“既……又……”, 连接任意两个并列成份,做主语是谓语动词用复数。
    ◆Both you and I are going there tomorrow. 明天我们俩都要去那里。
    (3) neither…nor 既不……也不,谓语动词跟最近的主语一致。
    ◆Neither he nor I am from Beijing.他和我都不在北京。
    17. I’m always worried about losing my power.我总是担心失去我的权利
    worry v 担心 → worried adj. 焦急
    be worried about =worry about 担心
    18.Many people are trying to take my position.许多人在试图取代我的位置。
    (2)take one’s position 取代某人的位置=take one’s place
    ◆He takes my position/place.他取代了我的位置。
    18. I have a lot of wealth, but I’m always worried about losing my money.
    wealth n 财富 → wealthy adj. 富有的(比较级 wealthier ;最高级wealthiest
    19. It’s true that I’m famous and everyone loves my songs.
    It’s+ adj. +that 从句 某事/做某事是怎样的
    ◆It’s important that we all should attend the meeting.重要的是我们都应该参加这次会议。
    20. I’m always worried about being followed by others. 我总是担心被人跟随。
    be followed by 被跟随
    follow v 跟随,跟着→ following adj. 下述的,接着的
    follow sb. to do sth 跟随某人做某事
    21. …find a happy man in three day’s time. 在三天是时间内找到一个快乐的人
    【注】: in+时间段 在一段时间内,用于将来时
    ◆I will be back in three days. 我三天之内回来。
    22. To start with, it was cloudy and grey. 首先,天气多云,而且灰蒙蒙的。
    to start with“首先”,= first或firstly, 用于句首,表示事情发生的先后顺序。
    24.That made me disappointed. 那使我很失望。(4a)
    disappoint vt.1. 使(人)失望 2. 使破灭;使落空→disappointed→ disappointing 形容词
    SectionB 考点知识梳理
    1. Peter kept his eyes on the ground …皮特盯着地面……
    keep one’s eyes on sth. “盯着……” “留意;照看”。
    3.He felt a heavy weight on his shoulders,as he walked home alone
    (1) weight名词,意为“重量;分量”,lose weight 减肥 gain/put on weght 增肥 the weight of..... ......的重量
    (2)shoulder n 肩;肩膀 on one’s shoulder 在某人的双肩上 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩的
    4.How could he have missed scoring that goal?
    could have done表示“过去本能够做某事但未做”, 包含“责备”意义。
    ◆How could he have been such a fool?他怎么这么糊涂?
    5. He had let his whole team down. 他让整个团队失望了。
    (1)let sb. down =make sb. frustrated使……失望或沮丧
    7. He was really worried that his coach might kick him off the team.
    kick v. 踢; 踹
    kick sb. off =kick sb. out of sth. 开除某人
    8. As soon as he walked through the door, his father asked, “What’s wrong, son?”
    as soon as表示“一……就……”,引导时间状语从句,遵循“主将来,从现在”,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时
    9.Ten minutes later, Peter heard his father knocking on his bedroom door.
    Hear sb doing听见某人正在做某事,强调动作正在进行。
    ◆I heard them laughing when I passed his house.我经过他的房子时听到他们在大笑。
    10. But whatever it was, don’t be too hard on yourself. be hard on sb.
    (1)whatever =no matter what 无论什么,引导让步状语从句,
    (2)be hard on sb.“对……很严厉;要求很苛刻;苛待(为难)某人”。
    ◆Her parents are hard on her.她的父母对她要求很严厉。
    11.Besides, winning or losing is only half the game. 除此之外,输赢只是比赛的一半。
    Besides用作副词,意为“而且,还有”;又来追加原因及理由。除了besides外,还有also,in addition也有此用法。
    ◆I don’t mind picking up your things from the store.Besides,the walk will do me good.我并不介意帮你去商店拿货,而且,走走路对我身体有好处。
    12. The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart.第二天,皮特并没有害怕,而是勇敢地去参加足球训练。
    (1)courage n. 勇气; 勇敢 → courageous adj. 勇敢的;有勇气的
    lose courage 灰心丧气 take courage 鼓起勇气
    (2)rather than 并非; 而不是(是一个并列连词)
    13.We were so close to winning that game我们差点儿就赢了那场比赛。
    be close to 接近......,差点儿......
    14.But I think if we continue to pull together, we’re going to win the next one.
    (1)continue v 继续
    continue doing sth =go on doing sth 继续做某事(前后做同一件事)
    continue to do sth = go on to do sth 继续做某事(前后不是同一件事)
    (2) pull together 齐心协力; 通力合作
    ◆If all of us pull together, there must be something we can do to improve the environment.如果我们都齐心协力,一定可以做一些改善环境的事情。
    15. What kind of advice did Peter’s father offer to his son? 皮特的父亲给自己儿子提供了哪种建议?
    advice n 建议(不可数名词)→ advise v 建议
    16. getting into a fight with your best friend 和你最好的朋友吵架(3a)
    get in = get into进入
    get into trouble惹上麻烦

    ◆The soft music makes me relaxed.柔美的音乐使我感到放松。
    ◆The result of the exam made him very happy.考试结果使他非常高兴。
    ◆He was the youngest,but they decided to make him captain.尽管他最年轻,但他们仍决定选他当队长。
    ◆A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person.和父母关系处得好能使你成为一个更好更幸福的人。
    ◆They just wanted to make it into a useful machine.他们就是想让它成为一台有用的机器。
    ◆Sit down and make yourselves at home,everyone.大家请坐,不要拘束。
    ◆He spoke loud to make himself heard.他大声说话以便让别人听到。
    ◆Don't make me do this or that.I'm too busy.不要让我做这做那,我太忙了。
    ◆What he said just now made all of us laugh a lot.他刚才说的话使我们所有人都大笑起来。
    ◆The workers were made to work for ten hours every day.这些工人每天被迫工作十个小时。


    1.(1分)—Tell us something about Canada, OK?
    —I'm sorry. ____ Jack ____ I have ever been there.
         A.Either; or      B.Not only; but also
         C.Both; and      D.Neither; nor
    2.(1分)—I do feel a little ____ about making a speech.
    —Take it easy. The more you prepare, the better you will feel.
         A.angry      B.disappointed      C.nervous      D.bored
    3.(1分)—How much will you be paid?
    —Judy, I don't do it for money, but for experience. ____, it's voluntary work.
         A.However      B.Besides      C.Finally      D.Possibly
    4.(1分)He is trying his best to do everything well. He doesn't want to ____ his parents ____.
         A.let; be      B.let; alone      C.come; down      D.let; down
    5.(1分)—It's useless to regret what has been done. Don't make those mistakes again.
    一I won't. That's a(n) ____.
         A.order      B.decision      C.promise      D.agreement
    6.(1分)Yuan Longping is ____ regarded as the greatest scientist in rice planting.
         A.suddenly      B.patiently      C.hardly      D.generally
    7.(1分)—Do you know why Tom ____ stay after school this morning?
    —He is always late for class.
         A.made      B.made to      C.is made to      D.was made to
    8.(1分)Helen was seen ____ in the dancing room at 7 p.m. yesterday.
         A.to dance      B.danced      C.dancing      D.dance
    9.(1分)Not only he but also I ____ DIY.
         A.are crazy about      B.am crazy about
         C.were crazy of      D.is crazy
    10.(1分)He has ____ little interest in animals that he ____ keeps one at home.
         A.so; seldom      B.so; often      C.such; always      D.such; usually
    11.(1分)The snow made them ____ cold, so they had to make a fire ____ warm.
         A.feel; keep      B.to feel; to keep
         C.feel; to keep      D.to feel; keep
    12.(1分)Though she often makes her little brother ____, she was made ____ by him this morning.
         A.cry; to cry      B.to cry; cry      C.cry; cry      D.cry; crying
    13.(1分)Neither my parents nor my best friend ____ me to play computer games ____.
         A.allow; too much      B.allows; much too  C.allows; too much
    14.(1分)Next Sunday, Mr. Brown ____ New York ____ Beijing.
         A.are leaving; for      B.is leaving; to  C.is leaving; for
    15.(1分)—Everyone went to the playground to have a rest ____ Mike.
    —He was copying the notes in the classroom.
         A.except      B.besides      C.beside

    16.(10分)     Joe was a farmer. His farmland was so poor that he hadn't good harvest for years. "If God let me control the weather,   1   will get better," he complained, "I know better than God does because I am a (an)   2   farmer."
         God heard his words. "Well, I will give you one year," God replied. "You will be in charge of the weather. Let's see what your crops grow like." Joe was so   3   that he couldn't believe what he heard. But he still wanted to have a try. He shouted, "Sunny!"   4   the clouds went away. "Unbelievable!" He thought to himself and tried again, "rain!" The sky became cloudy right away and heavy rain poured down.   5  , in the following year, he changed the weather between sunny and rainy. Watching his crops growing bigger and bigger, he felt happy.
         When the harvest season came, he   6   his basket and sickle (镰刀) to the field, looking forward to a big harvest. But his heart sank to the   7   when he found his strong crops had not grown any grain (谷粒) at all. Puzzled and disappointed, he started crying, which was heard by God again.
         "How about your crops?" God asked. Joe   8   the crops, without a word. "Do not you have your wish to control the weather?" God asked again. "Yes, but I just can't understand it. I have given them what they need. How could it be?" Joe   9  . "That's because you never asked for wind, rainstorm, snow or anything that could make the roots stronger. Without strong roots, of course they won't grow any fruit."
         It turned out that only through   10   would we harvest the fruit of life. It takes both ups and downs to get satisfactory results.
          (1)A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing
          (2)A.clever B.experienced C.polite D.patient
          (3)A.angry B.sorry C.surprised D.upset
          (4)A.Normally B.Generally C.Fortunately D.Suddenly
          (5)A.Still B.However C.Therefore D.Besides
          (6)A.brought B.carried C.packed D.pulled
          (7)A.bottom B.part C.side D.top
          (8)A.believed in B.looked up C.paid for D.pointed to
          (9)A.mentioned B.noted C.suggested D.wondered
          (10)A.rainstorms B.chances C.challenges D.discoveries
    17.(5分)     Kaitlin Riffel's dream to end poverty (贫困) started when she was visiting her father, who worked for the homeless.
         "I never realized there were people in the world who didn't have a home or food before," said Kaitlin, who is now sixteen. "I knew there was something I had to do about that."
         At age eight, she started raising money to build a playground. "It took me two years," Kaitlin said. "We started small. We wanted to do something to make a difference."
         In 2014, when Kaitlin was thirteen, she visited Central America, and saw people going hungry and families living in houses made of cardboard. That year, we set Kids on a Mission, which has helped hundreds of people there.
         "The rooms were smaller than my bedroom, but there would be eight people living in each one," Kaitlin said. "We also got to see the dirty rivers that those people were drinking out of."
         Providing clean drinking water, food and clothes for people living in poverty is now an important task for Kids on a Mission. "This young lady is changing the hearts of people, and also changing the world," said the headmaster of Kaitlin's school.
    (1)The job of Kaitlin's father was to ____.
              A.sell foods           B.build playgrounds
              C.visit schools           D.help homeless people
    (2)When did Kaitlin set Kids on a Mission?
              A.In 2009.           B.In 2011.           C.In 2014.           D.In 2017.
    (3)What was people's life like in Central America according to Kaitlin?
              A.They lived in strong houses.
              B.Their drinking water was dirty.
              C.Their bedrooms were very big.
              D.They had enough food and clothes.
    (4)What can we infer from the headmaster's words?
              A.Kaitlin is always ready to give and help.
              B.Kaitlin has many chances to travel around.
              C.Kaitlin often changes schools for her study.
              D.Kaitlin has a serious problem with her heart.
    (5)What might be the best title for the text?
              A.School life in America
              B.Gift from a headmaster
              C.Father's duty in the family
              D.Girl's dream to end poverty

    18.(5分)     In the Middle Eastern country of Syria (叙利亚), there are over 4 million refugees (难民). Youssef was 10 years old when a local Syrian musician discovered his talent: a deep, powerful voice. However, Syria's civil (内部的) war took place. He and his family lost their home.
         When the Action for Hope Music School announced that it was looking for talented children to train, his family encouraged him to attend the school. A year and half later, the now 14-year-old, Youssef, with another 11 children, was chosen to take part in a concert.
         Youssef, a shy boy, was a lead singer in the concert. He gave a confident performance of traditional Syrian songs. "We only heard the sound of a mortar (迫击炮). It fell near us. Many buildings fell down. That is all I remember," said Youssef. "Music makes me forget everything. Music is the most important thing."
         Basma, director of Action for Hope, said the music school offers strength to the children who suffer (遭受) from the war. They can find a good way to express themselves and stop thinking of themselves as refugees.
        "Art gives strength. It comes from the ability to create," Basma said. "People who are in difficult conditions need this strength much more than the rich."
    (1)Why did Youssef and his family lose their home?
    (2)How many children were chosen to take part in the concert?
    (3)Was Youssef a lead singer in the concert?
    (4)文中划线单词 "They" 指代的是 ________。

     rule,   none,   again,    note,     first,   directly,  another, set,  out,   gave up 
         One day, a student asked his teacher, "what is greed?" The teacher didn't answer his question        , but asked the student to walk through the chocolate factory next to their school and pick out the biggest chocolate bar (条, 块) he could find. But there was a       : as he passed through the factory, he could not turn back.
         The student went to the chocolate factory. As he walked, he saw a large chocolate bar. He liked it, but thought he might be able to find an even bigger one if he kept going. He kept walking and saw        chocolate bar. This one was a little bigger. But       , he thought he could find an even bigger one if he kept going. As he neared the end of the factory, he saw fewer chocolate bars, and        of them were as large as the earlier ones. He started to regret his decision to keep going. Finally, he       . He went back to his teacher empty-handed and explained what had happened.
         The teacher told him, "You liked the        chocolate bar, but you kept looking for a bigger one. And later, you realized that you had given up the best chocolate bar because you thought you could do better. That is called greed."

    (1)The old man looked        (苍白的) than usual after the operation.
    (2)In English learning,           (发音) correctly can help us remember words better.
    (3)The heavy work has          (make someone change) his health, so he looks older.
    (4)Don't worry! I've written down their         (details of where sb. lives) and their telephone numbers.
    (5)All the family members went to the cinema        Grandpa. He preferred to enjoy Beijing opera on TV at home.
    (1)Jim is a great player, and he never        his team        (使失望).
    (2)Maybe the manager will                      (开除他).
    (3)You should try to relax. Don't                      (对……苛刻) yourself.
    (4)If we                (齐心协力), we will win the match.
    (5)I often                  (和……沟通) my parents and ask them for advice.

    22.(15分)       在你的生活或学习中,你认为快乐是什么?也许是拥有一位慈母、一位良师、一位挚友、一本好书、一只宠物、一个梦想……珍惜眼前的快乐,快乐就在身边。请以 Happiness Around Me 为题,选取一个角度,用英语写一篇短文,以表达你的真情实感。
    内容包括:1. What is happiness in your opinion?
                     2. As a student, how can you get happiness? Give an example or tell a story.
    写作要求:1. 词数100词左右。
                     2. 文中不得出现真实的学校名称和姓名。
    Happiness Around Me

    1. 【答案】D
    【解析】由答语前句“很抱歉”可知,杰克和“ 我”都未去过那里。neither… nor… 既不……也不……,符合句意。either... or... 或者……或者……;not only... but also.... 不但……而且……;both... and... ……和……,均与句意不符,故选D。
    2. 【答案】C
    angry 生气的;disappointed 失望的;nervous 紧张的;bored 无聊的。结合语境可知是“紧张的”。故选C。
    3. 【答案】B
    however 无论如何;besides 此外,而且;finally 最后;possibly 可能地。根据 it's voluntary work 可知此处是对前面的 for experience 的补充,用 besides。故选B。
    4. 【答案】D
    let sb. down 让某人失望。根据句意,可知选D。
    5. 【答案】C
    order 命令;decision 决定;promise 承诺;agreement 协议,统一。根据语境可知选C。
    6. 【答案】D
    suddenly 突然地;patiently 有耐心地;hardly 几乎不;generally 普遍地,一般地。根据语境,可知选D。
    7. 【答案】D
    be made to do 被迫做某事,是固定短语,可排除AB;根据 this morning 可知用于一般过去时态。根据语境可知选D。
    8. 【答案】A
    see sb do sth 看见某人做某事,当该结构用于被动语态时,该结构中原来被省略的 to 要加上,即 sb. be seen to do sth.。故选A。
    9. 【答案】B
    not only. but also 连接主语时,谓语动词遵循就近原则;be crazy about 对……痴迷,是固定搭配。故选B。
    10. 【答案】A
    seldom 很少;often 经常;always 总是;usually 经常;题干中的 little 表示否定含义,可知养动物的机会就不大了,seldom 符合语境;第一空后面的 little 表示数量,此时只能用 so 构成 so...that 如此……以至于……。故选A。
    11. 【答案】C
    第一空 make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事,固定搭配;第二空分析句子结构可知是不定式作目的状语。故选C。
    12. 【答案】A
    make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事;其被动语态是 sb. be made to do sth.。根据语境可知选A。
    13. 【答案】C
    allow 允许;allows 第三人称单数形式;too much 太多,可做副词,修饰动词;much too 太,副词,修饰形容词。这句话的主语是 Neither my parents nor my best friend,谓语动词的单复数形式应根据就近原则,与 my best friend 一致,用单数,故排除A。第二个空修饰动词短语 play computer games,表示“太多”,故用 too much。选C。
    14. 【答案】C
    【解析】考查主谓一致和动词词组。句意:下周日,Brown 先生就要离开纽约去北京了。
    leave...for... 离开……去……,固定短语;主语 Mr. Brown 是第三人称单数形式,谓语动词用三单形式。故选C。
    15. 【答案】A
    【解析】考查介词。句意:——每个人都去操场休息了除了 Mike。——他正在教室里抄笔记。
    except 除了(不包括在内);besides 除……之外还有(包括在内);beside 在……旁边。根据 He was copying the notes in the classroom 可知,Mike 没有去操场,所以不包括他,故选A。

    16. 【答案】 (1)A (2)B (3)C (4)D (5)C
    (6)B (7)A (8)D (9)D (10)C
    1. 考查不定代词。句意:如果上帝让我控制天气,一切都会好起来的。everything 一切/万事;something 某物/某事,用于肯定句;anything 任何东西,用于否定句、疑问句中;nothing 没有东西/没有事情,表否定。根据语境可知选A。
    2. 考查形容词辨析。句意:我比上帝知道得更清楚,因为我是一个有经验的农民。clever 聪明的;experienced 有经验的;polite 礼貌的;patient 有耐性的。根据语境可知选B。
    3. 考查形容词辨析。句意:乔很惊讶,他简直不敢相信自己听到的话。根据下文 he couldn't believe what he hear(不敢相信自己听到的话)可知乔很惊奇,故选C。
    4. 考查副词辨析。句意:突然,云消失了。Normally 自然地;Generally 普遍地;Fortunately 幸运地;Suddenly 突然地。根据语境可知是出乎意料的,故选D。
    5. 考查连词。句意:因此,在第二年,他改变了晴天和雨天之间的天气。Still 仍然;However 然而;Therefore 因此;Besides 除了。根据句意和语境,可知本句和前文是承接关系,需用therefore连接,故选C。
    6. 考查动词辨析。句意:到了收获季节,他把篮子和镰刀扛到地里,期待着丰收。brought 带来;carried 携带(往);packed 塞进;pulled 拉。根据语境可知选B。
    7. 考查名词辨析。句意:但当他发现自己的强壮的庄稼根本没有长出任何谷粒时,他的心沉到了底部。bottom 底部;part 部分;side 旁边;top 顶部。根据语境可知选A。
    8. 考查动词词组。句意:乔指着作物,一个字也没说。believed in 信任;looked up 查找;paid for 支付;pointed to 指向。根据语境可知选D。
    9. 考查动词辨析。句意:乔很纳闷。mentioned 提到。noted 记录;suggested 建议;wondered 疑惑。根据他想的 but I just can't understand it. I have given them what they neeHow could it be? 可知选D。
    10. 考查名词辨析。句意:原来只有通过挑战,我们才能收获生命的果实。rainstorms 暴风雨;chances 机遇;challenges 挑战;discoveries 发现。根据语境可知选C。
    17. 【答案】 (1)D (2)C (3)B (4)A (5)D
    【解析】1. D 根据第一段 ...her father, who worked for the homeless. 可知,答案选D。
    2. C 根据第四段  In 2014, ... That year, we set Kids on a Mission, ... 可知,答案选C。
    3. B 根据倒数第二段可知,生活在 Central America 的人们生活很艰辛,生活环境很差。故选B。
    4. A 根据最后一段 This young lady is changing the hearts of people, and also changing the world. 句意是:这个年轻女士正在改变人们的心灵,也在改变世界。A选项,Kaitlin 时刻准备帮助别人;B选项,Kaitlin 很多机会环游世界;C选项 Kaitlin 经常为了的学业改造学校;D选项 Kaitlin 心脏有问题。故选A。
    5. D 根据文章第一段 Kaitlin Riffel's dream to end poverty (贫困) started ... 并结合 Kaitlin 所做的事情可知,选D。

    18. 【答案】(1)Because Syria's civil war took place/Because of Syria's civil war.
    (2)Twelve/12 (children).
    (3)Yes, he was.
    (4)The children who suffer from the war.
    (5)Art gives strength/The strength of art (music).
    【解析】1. 根据第一段最后的句子 However, Syria's civil (内部的) war took place. He and his family lost their home. 可知,由于发生了叙利亚内战。Youssef 和他的家人失去了他们的家园。故填 Because Syria's civil war took place/Because of Syria's civil war.
    2. 根据短文第二段中的句子A year and half later, the now 14-year-old, Youssef, with another 11 children, was chosen to take part in a concert. 可知,包括尤塞夫在内共有12个孩子被选中参加音乐会。故填 Twelve/12 (children).
    3. 根据短文中的句子 Youssef, a shy boy, was a lead singer in the concert. 可知,尤塞夫是演唱会的主唱。问句是一般疑问句,需要用 Yes, No 来回答。故填 Yes, he was.
    4. 根据文中句子 the music school offers strength to the children who suffer (遭受) from the war. They can find a good way to express themselves and stop thinking of themselves as refugees. 可知, they 指代上句提到的遭受战争之苦的孩子们。故填 The children who suffer from the war.
    5. 短文主要介绍了尤塞夫和另外11名孩子被选中参加一个希望音乐学校的演唱会。音乐学校为遭受战争的孩子们提供了力量。他们可以找到一种表达自己的好方法,不再把自己看作难民。因此短文表达的主旨就是艺术赋予力量/艺术的力量。故填 Art gives strength/The strength of art (music).

    19. 【答案】directly        rule        another        again        none        gave up        first
    1. 句意:老师没有直接地回答他的问题。这里是说老师在听到学生的问题后,没有直接回答,而是让学生去做了一件事。directly 符合语境;修饰动词用副词。故填 directly。
    2. 句意:但是有一条规则:穿行在工厂内时,他不能再回头。可以看到冒号后面的内容是一条规则。故填 rule。
    3. 句意:他继续走并且看到另一块巧克力棒。看到第一块巧克力棒以为自己还能找到更大的于是选择继续前行,所以再次看到的肯定是“另一个”故填 another。
    4. 句意:但是,再一次,他认为如果他继续前进,他会发现更大的一个。这里是心态的再次重演,他的想法没变,所以这里是“再一次”故填 again。
    5. 句意:当他接近工厂的尽头时,他看到的巧克力棒越来越少,没有一个(none)像之前的那样大。故填 none。
    6. 句意:最后,他放弃了。这里是说他的心情崩溃了,因为到最后反而没什么大块的巧克力棒了,而且他也什么都没得到,所以他应该是放弃了。故填 gave up。
    7. 句意:你喜欢第一个巧克力棒,但你一直在寻找一个更大的巧克力棒。这里是老师的话,在描述学生的行为,学生喜欢的是第一个。故填 first。

    20. 【答案】(1)paler
    【解析】1. 句意:这个老人手术后看起来比平常苍老了许多。pale 苍白的,且根据 than 可知,用比较级。故填 paler。
    2. 句意:在英语学习中,正确的发音会帮助我们更好地记住单词。根据副词 correctly 可知,空处用动词;分析句子结构可知空格处是作主语,应用动名词形式。故填 pronouncing。
    3. 句意:沉重的工作已经影响到了他的健康,所以他看起来更老了。make someone change=influence 影响,且根据空前 has 可知,用现在完成时。故填 influenced。
    4. 句意:不要担心,我已经写下他们的地址和电话号码了。英文提示 details of where sb. lives 表示 address 地址;且根据空前的 their 可知此处应用复数。故填 addresses。
    5. 句意:除了我祖父,我们全家都去看电影了,他更喜欢待在家里在电视上看京剧。根据 He preferred to enjoy Beijing opera on TV at home 可知,我的外祖父没去看,除了的事物没有包含在内,用 except。故填 except。
    21. 【答案】(1)lets        down
    (2)kick        him        off
    (3)be        hard        on
    (4)pull        together
    (5)communicate        with
    【解析】1. 句意:吉姆是一个很棒的球员,他从不让他的球队失望。let sb. down 使某人失望,根据主语 Jim,可知填 lets down。
    2. 句意:也许经理会开除他。kick sb. off 开除某人;sb. 是代词时,用宾格形式。填 kick him off。
    3. 句意:你应该试着放松。不要对自己太苛刻了。be hard on sb. 对……苛刻。
    4. 句意:如果我们齐心协力,我们就会赢得比赛。pull together 齐心协力。
    5. 句意:我经常和我父母沟通,向他们寻求建议。communicate with 和……沟通。

    22. 【答案】
    Happiness Around Me
         If we ask people what is happiness, they will give us the answer like a lot of money because we fight all our lives to make money. The pursuit of fortune and fame bring people the great sense of satisfaction, while the true happiness is ignored by most people. No matter how much money we make, it can't make up the time for having dinner with our parents. In China, there is the saying that it is too late to raise parents when the children have made enough money. Money can't buy everything, but we can cherish every moment with our relatives, which worths all. Don't do it until it is too late.
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