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    In much f Asia, especially the s-called “rice bwl” ___1___ f China, Japan, Krea, ____2____ Vietnam, fd is usually eaten with chpsticks.
    Chpsticks are usually tw lng, thin pieces f wd r bamb. They can als be made f plastic, animal bne r metal. Smetimes chpsticks are quite ____3____. Truly elegant chpsticks might be made f gld and silver ____4____ Chinese characters. ____5____ wrkers als cmbine varius hard wds and metal ____6____ special designs.
    The Chinese ____7____ chpsticks fr five thusand years. Peple prbably cked their fd in large pts, ____8____ twigs(树枝)t remve it. Over time, ____9____ the ppulatin grew, peple began cutting fd int small pieces s it wuld ck mre quickly. Fd in small pieces ____10____ with twigs which gradually turned int chpsticks.
    Sme peple think that the great Chinese schlar Cnfucius, ____11____ live frm rughly 551 t 497 B.C., influenced the ___12__ f chpsticks. Cnfucius believed knives wuld remind peple f killing and ____13____ t vilent fr use at the table.
    Chpsticks are nt used ___14___ in Asia. In India, fr example, mst peple traditinally eat ____15____ their hands.
    6.A.t createB.creatingC.creativeD.created
    7.A.had usedB.usedC.have usedD.have been used
    8.A.t useB.usedC.usingD.had used
    9.A.asB.as sn asC.befreD.after
    10.A.can be eaten mre easilyB.shuld be eaten easier
    C.must be eaten easierD.culd be eaten easily
    13.A.wereB.areC.wasD.had been
    Natural resurces are things that we use that cme frm Earth. Our natural resurces are limited. This means that they will nt ____16____ frever. Sme are renewable, like when yu plant a new tree when yu ____17____ ne dwn. Others are nt renewable, like when yu dig cal ut f the ____18____. Once it is used, it is gne.
    Peple realize the ____19____ that Earth’s natural resurces are limited, and can d things t help cnserve (节约) thse resurces. ____20____ yu try t cnserve a natural resurce, yu try t use less f it, s it des nt get used up s ____21____. One way that peple cnserve fuel, like gasline, is by riding a bicycle r walking when the ____22____ is shrt instead f driving everywhere.
    Water is a very imprtant natural resurce because we all need it t stay ____23____. We can cnserve water ____24____ making sure that ur pipes and taps d nt leak (漏). We can als make _____25_____ chices t cnserve water, like nly using the dishwasher r washing machine when they are full. Everyne can make cntributins t prtecting natural resurces.
    第一节 阅读理解
    I dn’t remember the exact date when I met Marty fr the first time. Like a lt f peple wh want t get thrugh a checkut line, I fund my thughts n speed, nthing mre. The line I was standing in wasn’t mving as quickly as I wanted, and I glanced tward the cashier(收银员), wh was busy receiving mney frm custmers. He was an ld man in his sixties. I thught, well, it prbably tk him a little lnger t get the jbs dne. Fr the next few minutes I watched him. He greeted every custmer befre he began scanning the things they were buying. Sure, his wrds were the usual, “Hw are yu ding?” But he did smething different—he actually listened t peple. Then he wuld respnd t what they had said and talk with them briefly.
    I thught it was strange, but I guessed I had been used t peple asking me hw I was ding simply ut f a cnversatin withut thinking. Usually, after a while, yu dn’t give any thught t the questin and just say smething back quietly.
    This ld cashier seemed sincere(真诚的)abut wanting t knw hw peple were feeling. Meanwhile, the high-tech cash register rang up their purchases and he annunced hw much they had t pay. When custmers handed mney t him, he pushed the apprpriate keys, the cash drawer ppped pen, and he cunted ut their change.
    Then magic happened.
    He placed the change in his left hand, walked arund the cunter t the custmers, and extended his right hand in an act f friendship. As their hands met, the ld cashier lked the custmers in the eyes. “I want t thank yu fr shpping here tday,” he tld them. “Have a great day. Bye-bye.” The lks n the faces f the custmers were priceless.
    Nw it was my turn. I tk a lk at the name tag n his red waistcat, the kind experienced Wal-Mart cashier wre. It read, “Marty.”
    Marty tld me hw much I shuld pay and I handed him sme mney. The next thing I knew he was standing beside me, ffering his right hand and hlding my change in his left hand. His kind eyes lcked nt mine. Smiling, and with a firm handshake…
    26.While the authr std in the checkut line, she felt ________.
    27.In the authr’s pinin, when peple were greeting the cashier, they actually wanted t ________.
    A.shw their plitenessB.talk abut unimprtant tpics
    C.find a persn t talk tD.shw their happiness t see him
    28.Why did the authr think Marty special?
    A.He shwed great interest in custmers’ persnal life.
    B.He spent as much time as pssible serving custmers.
    C.He was patient with all the questins frm custmers.
    D.He expressed his sincerity while giving back the change.
    29.What can we infer frm the passage?
    A.Marty was a talkative man.
    B.Marty cared a lt abut what he did.
    C.The authr failed t get alng well with thers.
    D.The authr was dissatisfied with such a waste f time.
    Isaac Newtn was brn n Christmas Day, 1642. Frm the very first Newtn was very much interested in the mysteries f nature. Why did bjects mve? Why culd we see that stnes rlled dwn hills, wind blew leaves alng the grund, and heavy bjects fell t the earth when drpped?
    At the age f twenty-three, Isaac Newtn mved frm Cambridge t his cuntry hme. There, his thughts turned t the prblems f mtin (运动定律). As Newtn himself later tld the stry, he was sitting in the garden ne evening, thinking, when he nticed a falling apple. The apple set him t wndering abut the mvement f falling bjects.
    It ccurred t him that the frce which caused fruit t fall frm trees wrked as well at greater distances frm the center f the earth—n tp f buildings r even n tp f muntains. Perhaps, thught Newtn, this same frce reached ut much farther still, even t the mn. Newtn began t search fr a mathematical expressin f his idea.
    In 1669, Newtn became a prfessr f mathematics at Cambridge. Three years later, he jined the Ryal Sciety. Befre lng, Newtn began again t study the prblems f mtin. At last, he seemed t have slved the main difficulties, but he did nt publish his findings at nce.
    Only in 1687 did he at last publish his new thery. Newtn’s great wrk, The Mathematical Principles f Natural Philsphy, marked the success f the Scientific Revlutin. Newtn put the famus three laws f mtin in it. Newtn was sn recgnized as the leader f English science. In 1703, he became the president f the Ryal Sciety.
    Science was never quite the same after Newtn’s discveries. N wnder that the eighteenth-century pet Ppe, lking back at Newtn’s wrk, wrte: Nature and Nature’s laws lay hid in night; Gd said, Let Newtn be!—And all was light.
    Newtn, hwever, never rested n his fame (名望). He cntinued t wrk and study. In his last years, he nce said t a friend, “I d nt knw what I may appear t the wrld, but t myself I seem t have been nly like a by, playing n the seashre, and nw and then finding a smther pebble (鹅卵石) r a prettier shell, while the great cean f truth lay undiscvered befre me.”
    30.Where did Newtn begin t turn t the prblems f mtin?
    A.At hme.B.At Cambridge.C.Outside the garden.D.On tp f a building.
    31.The underlined wrd “it” in Paragraph 5 refers t ________.
    A.the Ryal ScietyB.the success f the Scientific Revlutin
    C.Newtn’s new theryD.The Mathematical Principles f Natural Philsphy
    32.In what rder did the fllwing events happen t Newtn?
    a. He became curius abut the mvement f falling bjects.
    b. He published his new thery.
    c. He jined the Ryal Sciety.
    d. He shwed great interest in the mysteries f nature.
    e. He was recgnized as the leader f English science.
    33.What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A.Newtn acted like a little by.B.Newtn cntinued t wrk fr fame.
    C.Newtn liked playing n the seashre.D.Newtn nly fcused n wrking and studying.
    China’s Mars rver(火星车)Zhurng, named after the Chinese gd f fire, landed safely n Mars n May 15, 2021, making China nly the secnd behind the United States fully succeed.
    The 240-kilgram, six-wheeled rver is carried with six scientific instruments, giving it the appearance f a “blue butterfly”. Unlike Perseverance, the American Mars rver, Zhurng needs sunlight t pwer itself. Nw that Zhurng has gt dwn successfully, it is expected t spend the next 90 days mapping the area n Mars, mnitring changes in weather such as temperature and searching fr signs f water ice. Zhurng will therefre help build a mre cmplete gelgical picture f the red planet’s histry.
    China has successfully landed n the mn three times, and has even brught back lunar rcks t Earth. But landing n Mars is even mre difficult. Mars explratin is knwn fr its high risks and difficulties, as well as the uncertainties in the lng-distance interstellar(星际)flight. The landing is the mst challenging part f it. Arund half f Mars explratin missins(任务)failed, and mst f them went wrng in the landing prcess. A Mars landing is ften cnsidered as “the seven minutes f terrr” because the prcess is cmpletely autnmus. “The distance is t far away fr the spacecraft, s it has t d it all n its wn.” said Chen Lan, a scientist in China’s space prgram. “If smething ges wrng, peple n earth have n way t help.”
    “Mars is the planet in ur slar system that we are mst likely t live n in the future. That’s why we want t understand it,” Ge, anther scientist, said. “The success f Zhurng’s landing will lay the fundatin fr future Mars missins, including a sample return missin in 2030.”
    34.There are many jbs that Zhurng is suppsed t d EXCEPT ________.
    A.mapping the MarsB.lking fr water
    C.studying the weatherD.bringing back lunar rcks t Earth
    35.What des the underlined wrd “autnmus” in Paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    36.Paragraph 3 is mainly abut the ________ f Mars explratin.
    37.What’s the purpse f this passage?
    A.T shw hw Zhurng explres Mars.
    B.T lay the fundatin fr future Mars missins.
    C.T intrduce China’s achievement in explring Mars.
    D.T cmpare Mars explratins between China and the USA.
    These are the life-changing apps that will help yu build better habits in 2022.
    Streaks lets yu create up t 24 different tasks that yu can cmplete each day. Cmplete a task, mark it n the app, and yu’ll start building yur prgress. Streaks als has ther features available, like reminders and statistics, t help yu keep yur habits n track. It cllects n fees.
    Strides makes yur gals easy and attainable(可实现的). Yu’ll be able t track yur prgress and see hw far alng yu are with prgress reprts and charts that’ll shw yu yur advancement and yur success rate n any given gal. Yu can create unlimited reminders and build up yur rutine frm the grund up. The app asks yu t jin their mnthly subscriptin(会员费).
    With ATracker, time all yur activities and stp wasting time n unimprtant tasks. Yu can create and define yur daily and weekly gals t avid lsing track f yur gd and bad habits. Having tracked, yu can see what yu’ve dne in a beautiful chart. Yu can als see a gal reprt t make sure yu’re staying n track with yur new year’s reslutins(决心). The app is $4.99, but it’s nly a ne-time payment.
    Cach.me is mstly free. Yu’ll get t track yur prgress and get bnus pints fr achieving yur gals. What’s cl abut Cach.me is that yu can jin a cmmunity f peple like yu where they are willing t help ut each ther. Yu can even take it ne step further by hiring a cach, althugh that’s ging t cst yu extra.
    38.Which app is free f charge?
    39.What d Strides and ATracker have in cmmn?
    A.They help t time vital tasks.B.They have reminding functins.
    C.They ffer a prgress chart.D.They update infrmatin every mnth.
    40.What can yu d with Cach.me?
    A.Earn cash rewards.B.Get supprt frm ther users.
    C.Emply a cach fr free.D.Make prgress in yur studies.
    第二节 阅读填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    Self-disciplined (自律的) peple are nt all great peple. But nearly all great peple are self-disciplined peple. Sme f them read every day. Sme f them never run late.
    The real difference between a great persn and an rdinary persn is that a great persn can manage his r her time well. ____41____ What peple call self-discipline is in fact self-management.
    One example is staying fit. Never underestimate (低估) smene wh is in gd shape. ____42____ It’s even harder t avid putting weight back n. If smene is in gd shape, it shws that he knws the rules f staying fit and is able t stick t a plan that uses these rules. ____43____ Whether it is natural r acquired (学习到的), it is a great skill. It als shws that this persn is able t keep persevering (坚定不移的) and can balance lng term gals with shrt-term gals.
    ____44____ First f all, set a gal and write dwn yur reasns fr wanting t achieve it. ____45____ With self-discipline, small things in life will n lnger truble yu. Only thrugh self-discipline can yu truly wn yur future.
    阅读短文, 把A-E五个句子填人文中空缺处, 使短文内容完整。
    A.Hw d yu learn self-management?
    B.That’s where their success cmes frm.
    C.Anyne wh has ever tried t lse weight knws that it’s nt easy.
    D.If smene is in gd shape, it means that this persn is gd at managing his life.
    E.Make a list f all the things t achieve this gal and start t wrk n ne at a time.
    第一节 语篇填词(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    Xu Yuanchng, China’s mst famus master translatr, died in Beijing at the a___46___ f 100 n Thursday, accrding t Peking University.
    A winner f the highest hnr in the field f translatin, Xu was best k___47___ fr his translatins f ancient Chinese pems int E___48___ and French that have gained wrldwide recgnitin.
    Xu was a prfessr wh t___49___ at Peking University frm 1983 and was awarded the “Lifetime achievements in translatin” award frm the Translatrs Assciatin f China in 2010. He was als the first Asian translatr t w___50___ the Aurra Brealis Prize fr Outstanding Translatin f Fictin Literature — ne f the highest hnrs amng internatinal translatrs.
    第二节 完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    He is ________ yung ________ he can ________ read ________ write.
    ________ ________ very easy fr independent learners ________ ________ at their wn pace.
    The Schl English Festival ________ ________ successfully in ur schl last term.
    Man alive! ________ ________ exciting ball game!
    D yu knw ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ t the library every week?
    第三节 书面表达(共1题;满分15分)
    56.随着现代技术的不断发展与创新,线上学习已经成为一种重要的学习方式。请以“Hw t be a gd nline learner”为题,写一篇英语短文,结合你的线上学习经历,分享至少两条经验。
    Hw t Be a Gd Online Learner
    Online learning is an imprtant way t study recently.
    1.D 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.D
    and和;r或者;but但是;/不填。根据“China, Japan, Krea”和“Vietnam”可知,是并列关系,故选A。
    art艺术;artistic艺术的,形容词;artist艺术家;article文章。根据“are quite”可知,形容词作表语,故选B。
    by通过;frm来自;in在……里;with有。根据“Chinese characters”可知,有汉字的筷子,故选D。
    t create创造,动词不定式;creating创造,动名词;creative有创造力的;created创造,过去式。根据“cmbine varius hard wds and metal”可知,用动词不定式表示目的,故选A。
    had used过去完成时;used过去式;have used现在完成时;have been used现在完成时的被动语态。根据“fr five thusand years”可知,用现在完成时态,且“The Chinese”和“use”是主动关系, 故选C。
    t use使用,动词不定式;used使用,过去式;using使用,现在分词;had used使用,过去完成时。根据“Peple prbably cked their fd in large pts,”可知,句子已有谓语动词,用现在分词形式作伴随状语,故选C。
    as随着;as sn as一……就;befre在……之前;after在……之后。根据“the ppulatin grew”可知,随着人口增长,故选A。
    can be eaten mre easily可以更容易吃,一般现在时的被动语态;shuld be eaten easier应该更容易吃;must be eaten easier必须更容易吃;culd be eaten easily可以更容易吃,一般过去时的被动语态。根据“peple began cutting fd int small pieces s it wuld ck mre quickly”可知,小块的食物可以很容易地用树枝吃,是过去时态,因此culd be eaten easily符合句意,故选D。
    were主语是复数,过去式;are主语是复数,一般现在时,was主语是单数,过去式;had been过去完成时。根据“knives wuld remind peple f killing”可知,是过去时态,主语是复数,be用词用were,故选A。
    smewhere某处;anywhere任何地方;everywhere所有地方;nwhere没有地方。根据“In India”可知,并非亚洲所有地方都用筷子,“并非所有地方”,故选C。
    by通过;n在……上;in在……里;with用。根据“their hands”可知,用手吃饭,故选D。
    16.A 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.A 21.D 22.D 23.A 24.C 25.C
    last持续;take带走;burn燃烧;change改变。根据“Our natural resurces are limited”可知我们的自然资源是有限的、会用完的,不会永远有。故选A。
    turn转动;cut切割;put放下; mve移动。cut dwn“砍下”。根据“plant a new tree”可知此处指的是砍下一棵树,就再种一棵。故选B。
    statin车站;building建筑物;grund地面; ffice办公室。结合常识,煤是埋在地下,故选C。
    news新闻;plan计划;decisin决定;fact事实。根据“Earth’s natural resurces are limited”可知自然资源是有限的,这是一个事实,故选D。
    slwly慢地;hard努力地;regularly有规律地;fast快地。根据“yu try t use less f it”可知自然资源是有限的,少用一些,它被用光的速度就不会那么快。故选D。
    mney钱;space空间;place地方;distance距离。根据“by riding a bicycle r walking”可知能骑自行车或步行到达的地方,距离应是较短的。故选D。
    alive活着的;alne独自的;asleep睡着的;awake醒着的。stay alive“活着”,结合常识,人活着离不开水,故选A。
    abut关于;fr为了;by通过;with用。根据“making sure that ur pipes and taps d nt leak”可知这是节约水的方式,用by来表示方式。故选C。
    exciting激动人心的;funny滑稽的;wise明智的;surprising令人惊讶的。根据“like nly using the dishwasher r washing machine when they are full”可知此处指的是节约水的好选择,故选C。
    26.C 27.C 28.D 29.B
    26.推理判断题。根据“Like a lt f peple wh want t get thrugh a checkut line. I fund my thughts n speed, nthing mre. The line I was standing in wasn’t mving as quickly as I wanted, and I glanced tward the cashier(收银员), wh was receiving mney frm custmers.”可以推断,作者在排队结账时,感觉队伍移动的慢,不耐烦了。故选C。
    27.细节理解题。根据“I thught it was strange, but I guessed I had been used t peple asking me hw I was ding simply ut f a cnversatin withut thinking.”可知,作者认为,人们倾向于发展无意识的谈话,故选C。
    28.推理判断题。根据“He placed the change in his left hand, walked arund the cunter t the custmers, and extended his right hand in an act f friendship. As their hands met, the ld cashier lked the custmers in the eyes.”以及他说的话 “I want t thank yu fr shpping here tday.”、“Have a great day. Bye-bye.”等内容可知,作者认为老收银员Marty特别之处在于他找零钱的同时表示了诚意。故选D。
    29.推理判断题。根据“Marty tld me hw much I wed and I handed him sme mney. The next thing I knew he was standing beside me, ffering his right hand and hlding my change in his left hand. His kind eyes lcked nt mine. Smiling, and with a firm handshake...”可以推断出Marty非常在乎他所做的事情。故选B。
    30.A 31.D 32.A 33.D
    30.细节理解题。根据“At the age f twenty-three, Isaac Newtn mved frm Cambridge t his cuntry hme. There, his thughts turned t the prblems f mtin.”可知,23岁时,牛顿从剑桥搬到了他乡下的家,在那里他的思想转向运动问题。故选A。
    31.词义猜测题。分析“Newtn’s great wrk, The Mathematical Principles f Natural Philsphy, marked the success f the Scientific Revlutin. Newtn put the famus three laws f mtin in it.”可知,牛顿的伟大作品《自然哲学的数学原理》标志着科学革命的成功,在这本书中牛顿提出了著名的运动三定律。所以此处“it”指的是The Mathematical Principles f Natural Philsphy这本书,故选D。
    32.细节理解题。根据“Frm the very first Newtn was very much interested in the mysteries f nature.”,“The apple set him t wndering abut the mvement f falling bjects.”,“Three years later, he jined the Ryal Sciety.”,“Only in 1687 did he at last publish his new thery.”和“Newtn was sn recgnized as the leader f English science.”可知,事情发生的顺序是d-a-c-b-e,故选A。
    33.推理判断题。根据“Newtn, hwever, never rested n his fame. He cntinued t wrk and study.”可知,牛顿从不满足于他的名声,他继续工作和学习。所以牛顿只专注于工作和学习,而不是名声,故选D。
    34.D 35.C 36.B 37.C
    34.细节理解题。根据“it is expected t spend the next 90 days mapping the area n Mars, mnitring changes in weather such as temperature and searching fr signs f water ice”可知,祝融号火星车的任务不包括“将月球岩石带回地球”。故选D。
    35.词句猜测题。根据“The distance is t far away fr the spacecraft, s it has t d it all n its wn”可知,这个距离对宇宙飞船来说太远了,所以它必须自己完成。此处autnmus指“自主的”,与self-directed同义。故选C。
    36.主旨大意题。根据“But landing n Mars is even mre difficult. Mars explratin is knwn fr its high risks and difficulties, as well as the uncertainties in the lng-distance interstellar(星际)flight. The landing is the mst challenging part f it”可知,但登陆火星就更困难了。火星探索以其高风险和困难,以及长距离星际飞行的不确定性而闻名。着陆是最具挑战性的部分。此处第三段主要关于火星探索的挑战。故选B。
    38.D 39.C 40.B
    38.细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“It cllects n fees.”,可知Streaks是免费的。故选D。
    39.推理判断题。根据第三段“Yu’ll be able t track yur prgress and see hw far alng yu are with prgress reprts and charts that’ll shw yu yur advancement and yur success rate n any given gal.”和第四段“Having tracked, yu can see what yu’ve dne in a beautiful chart.”,可知这两款APP都提供进度表。故选C。
    40.细节理解题。根据最后一段“What’s cl abut Cach.me is that yu can jin a cmmunity f peple like yu where they are willing t help ut each ther.”,可知你可以加入一个像你一样愿意互相帮助的群体,所以你可以从其他用户那里得到帮助。故选B。
    41.B 42.C 43.D 44.A 45.E
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲了自律的重要性, 以及告诉我们如何严格要求自己做到自律。
    41.根据上一句“The real difference between a great persn and an rdinary persn is that a great persn can manage his r her time well.”可知一个伟大的人和一个普通人的真正区别在于, 一个伟大的人可以很好地管理自己的时间。由此可知这也是伟人之所以能成功的原因。选项B“那是他们成功的来源”与之对应。故选B。
    42.根据下一句“It’s even harder t avid putting weight back n”可知体重的反弹更难以避免,说明减肥并不容易。选项C“任何想要减肥的人都知道这并不容易”与之对应。故选C。
    43.根据上一句“If smene is in gd shape, it shws that he knws the rules f staying fit and is able t stick t a plan that uses these rules.”可知如果一个人的身材保持良好,说明他知道保持健康的规则,并且能够坚持执行使用这些规则的计划。选项D“如果一个人的身材保持良好,意味着这个人善于管理他自己的生活”与之对应。故选D。
    44.根据下一句“First f all, set a gal and write dwn yur reasns fr wanting t achieve it”可知首先, 定下一个目标并写下你想要实现它的理由。说明此处应是一句过渡句,告诉我们接下来该如何去做到自律。选项A“你如何学习自我管理呢?”与之对应。故选A。
    45.根据上一句“First f all, set a gal and write dwn yur reasns fr wanting t achieve it.”可知首先, 定下一个目标并写下你想要实现它的理由。说明此处应是介绍接下来要做的具体事情。选项E“列出要实现这个目标需要做的事情的清单,然后一次只做一件。”与之对应。故选E。
    46.(a)ge 47.(k)nwn 48.(E)nglish 49.(t)aught 50.(w)in
    46.句意:据北京大学消息,中国最著名的翻译家许渊冲于周四在北京逝世,享年100岁。根据“at the … f 100”及首字母可知,此处用at the age f表示“在……岁时”,故填(a)ge。
    47.句意:作为翻译领域最高荣誉的获得者,许渊冲最著名的是他将中国古代诗歌翻译成英语和法语,并获得了世界范围内的认可。根据“was best… fr his translatins f ancient Chinese pems…”及备选词可知,此处介绍他出名之处,be knwn fr“因……而出名”,故填(k)nwn。
    48.句意:作为翻译领域最高荣誉的获得者,许渊冲最著名的是他将中国古代诗歌翻译成英语和法语,并获得了世界范围内的认可。根据“his translatins f ancient Chinese pems int…and French”可知,此处指某种语言,结合首字母E可知,应填English“英语”,故填(E)nglish。
    49.句意:1983年起在北京大学任教,2010年被中国翻译家协会授予“终身翻译成就奖”。根据“Xu was a prfessr wh … at Peking University frm 1983”及首字母可知,此处指在北京大学任教,teach“教学”,描述过去发生的事情,动词用过去式,故填(t)aught。
    50.句意:他也是第一位获得北极光小说文学杰出翻译奖的亚洲翻译家,这是国际翻译家的最高荣誉之一。根据“the Aurra Brealis Prize fr Outstanding Translatin f Fictin Literature”及备选词可知,此处指赢得了这个称号,win“赢得”,动词不定式符号t后接动词原形,故填(w)in。
    51. s that nt r
    【详解】根据“太小了,所以”及形容词“yung”可知用s ... that表示“如此……以至于”,引导结果状语从句;can后用nt表示“不”;“read”和“write”是并列谓语,否定句中用r连接。故填s;that;nt;r。
    52. It is t learn
    【详解】“对某人来说,做某事是……的”用固定句式It is adj. fr sb. t d sth.;“学习”learn。故填It;is;t;learn。
    53. was held
    【详解】“举办”hld,与主语“The Schl English Festival”之间是动宾关系,结合“last term”可知用一般过去时的被动语态,其结构为was/were dne,主语“The Schl English Festival”是单数,后用be动词was,hld的过去分词形式为held。故填was;held。
    54. What an
    【详解】感叹句的中心词是可数名词单数“ball game”,exciting以元音音素开头,此处用“What an+形容词+可数名词单数”结构。故填What;an。
    55. hw many times he ges
    【详解】“几次”hw many times;“他”he;“去”g。knw后是hw引导的宾语从句,用陈述语序,结合“every week”可知用一般现在时,主语“he”后用动词第三人称单数形式ges。故填hw;many;times;he;ges。
    Hw t Be a Gd Online Learner
    Online learning is an imprtant way t study recently. Because f COVID-19, we have t study at hme thrugh the Internet. But hw t be a gd nline learner? Here is my advice.
    Last term, when we first started nline learning, I wanted t chat with my friends nline. But sn I culdn’t catch what the teacher said, s I paid my attentin t the classes. As far as I am cncerned, we shuld be strict with urselves while learning nline. We shuld fcus n ur study and the classes s that we can learn as much as pssible. What’s mre, we als can find sme friends t learn tgether s that we can help each ther.
    In a wrd, nline learning is very cnvenient, but we als shuld try ur best t be a gd nline learner.

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