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    这是一份必刷卷01-2023年中考英语考前信息必刷卷(广州专用),文件包含必刷卷01-2023年中考英语考前信息必刷卷广州专用解析版docx、必刷卷01-2023年中考英语考前信息必刷卷广州专用原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共29页, 欢迎下载使用。








    1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、试室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。

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    As an old Chinese saying goes, “Out with the old, in with the new.” It’s time ___1___ some new clothes for winter. But ___2___ will you do with your old clothes?

    Years ago, used clothes ___3___ to younger brothers or sisters in one family. But now, most of us are the only child in the family, ___4___ we often wear new clothes. And people are buying more clothes as they are ___5___ than before. Every year in China, people throw away ___6___ tons of used clothes as waste.

    In many countries, charity shops collect and resell second-hand clothes. In those countries, people often shop ___7___ used clothes at charity shops like Oxfam. A British singer often ___8___ from Oxfam. She said, “Here is ___9___ message I want more people to know about: used clothes are not useless. We can give ___10___ away to people in poor areas. We can ___11___ try to make full use of these clothes in creative ways. For example, they can be used to make things like toys.”

    Few Chinese ___12___ about fashion years ago, but now more and more people are ___13___ in it. A famous fashion clothing brand(品牌)in China is inviting people to put their used clothes into special boxes in its 45 stores. They resell some of the clothes after ___14___ them at a lower price, so people ___15___ care about health problems don’t have to worry any more. As much as 95% of clothes thrown away can re-worn or recycled. This helps people to cut down resource waste and give their clothes a new life.

    1Abuy Bbuys Cto buy Dbuying

    2Awhat Bwhy Cwhich Dwhose

    3Apassed Bwill pass Chave passed Dwere passed

    4Aso Bbecause Cbut Dor

    5Arich Bricher Crichest Dthe richest

    6Amillion with Bmillions with Cmillion of Dmillions of

    7Ato Bwith Cfor Dof

    8Abuy Bbuys Cbought Dwill buy

    9Aa Ban Cthe D/

    10Athey Bthem Ctheir Dtheirs

    11Aalso Btoo Ceither Das well

    12Acare Bcares Ccared Dare caring

    13Ainterest Binteresting Cinterested Dinterestingly

    14Acleans Bcleaned Cto clean Dcleaning

    15Awhich Bwho Cwhere Dwhen



    Max reads more than anyone he knows. He loves to read during all his free time. His friends laugh at him because he would rather read than play video games, but his parents and his teachers are ___16___ of him. They say ___17___ is important, and it will help him learn about the world around him. They also tell him it is a(n) ___18___ habit to read regularly.

    One day Max was reading a magazine article about volcanoes (火山). He told his friends all about volcanoes and what causes them to erupt (喷发). The very next week, his class was assigned a ___19___ project about volcanoes. Guess who everyone ___20___ most in their project group? Of course, Max! Max’s friends weren’t making jokes about him anymore.

    Max ended up being in a group with Liz, Anna and Josh. The assignment was to create a poster board with information about volcanoes. The group met at Anna’s house that night to organize everything they ___21___ and decide what they wanted to put on the poster board. They all asked Max what he ___22___ was most important.

    At last, the poster board made by them looked ___23___. Max, Liz, Anna and Josh were very proud of their hard work. When they ___24___ their project, their teacher was proud, too. ____25____, they earned an A+ on the project.

    16Ascared Bproud Ctired Dashamed

    17Alearning Bplaying Creading Dspeaking

    18Aunknown Bstrange Cbad Dgood

    19Atradition Bmusic Cscience Dculture

    20Awanted Btaught Cspoke Dslept

    21Acollected Bbought Cgrew Dcarried

    22Awrote Bchecked Cread Dthought

    23Aterrible Bgreat Ccommon Dconfused

    24Aturned on Bhanded out Chanded in Dcopied down

    25ALuckily BNaturally CSuddenly DSurprisingly


    第一节 阅读理解



    Even as a young child, Sa Ye realized that he was not like other kids. When he was seven years old, his body started to gradually lose the power of movement. Now, at the age of eighteen, the only part of his body that is able to move freely is his fingers.

    Yet Sa has found his way out of trouble. Because of his illness called congenital muscular dystrophy, he has had to spend most of his time at home. A cellphone gifted to him by his cousin in 2013, however, changed his life. As his only window to the outside world, the phone helped him find interest in playing video games.

    Born into a poor family in Yunnan province, Sa had to leave school in the second grade because of his disease. His dad later gave up his job to return home to care for him. In 2018, Sa’s grandma fell seriously ill. So the boy took the next step on his journey, deciding to raise money for her treatment by becoming a mobile-gaming anchor.

    But things did not go well at first. Sa was too shy to communicate with the few online guests in his broadcasting room and he couldn’t play video games very well. However, he kept practising his game-playing skills and learned how to chat with his audience. “I never thought about giving up,” Sa said. “While I am still able to move my fingers, I just want to continue working hard on them to make enough money to support my family.”

    His hard work has finally paid off. Now Sa has nearly 400,000 fans. He is able to make an income of over 10,000 yuan a month from livestreaming. “My account name is ‘770’ because I want to be a hero like ‘007’ and protect my family in my own way,” he said.

    26What can we learn about Sa?

    AHe couldn’t move at all when he was only seven years old.

    BHe has to stay at home most of the time because of his illness.

    CHe didn’t like study so he left school.

    DHis father bought a cellphone for him in 2013.

    27Why did Sa decide to be a mobile-gaming anchor?

    ABecause his father didn’t have a job at that time.

    BBecause he needed money to cure himself of the disease.

    CBecause he wanted to make money to cure his grandma.

    DBecause he was interested in playing video games.

    28What can we infer from Paragraph 4?

    AIt was not easy for Sa to be a mobile-gaming anchor at first.

    BSa was good at talking with his online guests in his broadcasting room at first.

    CSa decided to give up his job because of his poor game playing skills.

    DSa made a lot of money for his family by playing video games.

    29Which of the following words can be used to describe Sa?

    APatient but strict. BHumorous and friendly. CKind and positive. DFoolish but brave.


    How do you feel when your teacher asks you to work on a group project with other students? Do you like to work together with others?

    The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) carried out a study of student’s teamwork ability. They found that students who did well in tests by themselves were likely to be better at working with others. This finding was true for many countries. Students in Japan, South Korea, Finland and Canada got high scores in the tests and also did well in working together to solve problems.

    But this was not the case for every country. Chinese students, who had high scores as well, showed just average ability to work in groups. “one reason might be that Chinese parents and students pay much attention to grades,” said Zhao Zhongxin, a member of the Chinese Family Education Association.”Students have a lot of exam pressure and they see schools as places for competition.” However, collaborative skills are very important for preparing students for today’s society,” he added. “Luckily, more Chinese parents and teachers have thinking of ways to help students hone them.”

    Another interesting finding from the study was that girls can be better than boys at working together. They said girls show more positive attitudes towards relationships, which means they are happier to listen to others’ opinions. This makes them feel more comfortable working together with others in groups.

    PISA also found the classroom environment can influence how well students work together. In classes, if there are a lot of activities that require communication like class discussions, students might have better attitude towards working together.

    30Why does the writer ask questions at the beginning of the passage?

    ATo offer some facts. BTo test the readers.

    CTo show his humor. DTo introduce the topic.

    31What was PISA’s study about?

    AStudents’ creative ability. BStudents’ learning ability.

    CStudents’ ability to work in groups. DStudents’ ability to express themselves.

    32What does the underlined word “hone” in Paragraph 3 mean?

    AChange. BReduce. CImprove. DAvoid.

    33What can be the best title for the passage?

    AThe differences among some countries. BThe importance of PISA across the world.

    CChinese student’s ability to work with others. DFinding about students’ teamwork ability.


    Recently, a man introduced his latest invention to the world — an upside down hair-washing machine. The strange machine looks like an upside down table used to cure back pain, with transparent tank fitted near the bottom.

    In order to show how it worked, the man lay on the table, clipping his nose and placing plastic tube in his mouth to allow him to breathe under the water. After he turned on the machine, the table slowly moved backwards until his head was fitted into the tank. And after he opened a valve, water began to fill in the tank while a small board at the bottom started turning round and round rapidly, creating a current, which ensured that all of his hair was given a good wash. At last, after the water flew out from the tank, hot air from the hair-drying system gave the man the perfect blow-dry.

    The man, who invented this interesting machine is Geng Shuai, a 31-year-old DIY fan from Baoding, Hebei province. He is famous for his inventions. Most of them are not useful but funny.

    Geng may be a new kind of social media star. Most days he doesn’t go to bed until midnight. He tries to create a new invention every week and to make videos two or three times a week. He makes about 968.7 yuan every time he makes a live broadcast. In a town where five people can have a good lunch for a total of 161.45 yuan, his income is high. He can make enough money to support his family — his wife, their children and his brother, who shoots the videos for him.

    34Which part creates a current in his machine?

    AThe small board. BThe valve. CThe plastic tube. DThe transparent tank.

    35Which is the right order of the working process of the machine?

    a. Water filled the tank.

    b. Hair began to be washed.

    c. Hair got a perfect blow-dry.

    d. The table moved backwards slowly.

    e. The man’s head was fitted into the tank.

    Aa-e-b-c-d Bd-a-e-b-c Cd-e-a-b-c De-d-a-b-c

    36What do we know about the inventor?

    AHe is from Hubei. BHe likes playing football.

    CHe has to support three people in his family. DHe has made many interesting inventions.

    37What is the last paragraph mainly about?

    AGeng’s daily life. BGeng’s new inventions.

    CThe way Gong invented things. DThe reason why Geng became famous.


    Garden Tour & Cooking Class

    909 North Cumbre Road, Santa Barbara, CA

    Saturday, October 24, 2015. 9:30am-1:00pm

    Cook with Suzzane Landry

    Traditionally, American Indians dishes were made with corn, beans, potatoes and pumpkin. Take a tour around Trinity Garden, pick some of these foods and return to the kitchen. There you can watch Suzzane prepare delicious dishes with them. It is surely a new experience! Suzzane will make an introduction of three traditional foods and tell you what they meant to the American Indians hundreds of years ago. At the same time, you can learn how to cook with these autumn harvest(收获) vegetables.

    The menu includes the following:

    Hot Potato Pie with Cornbread Topping

    Thanksgiving Soup

    Fresh Vegetable Salad

    Trinity Fruit Ice-cream

    About Suzzane Landry

    She is the writer of Healthy Eating and Fresh Food Matters. To look for new ideas to add to her cooking, she traveled a lot, working in kitchen all over the world. This brought her the idea of “fresh food cooking”. Then she set up the website below to get people’s attention to healthy eating. She is excited to share her knowledge through cookbooks and DVDs. Her teaching is popular with people from different countries.

    ★$35 per person, including printed recipe(菜谱), the four dishes above and a book by Suzzane, children under eight can come for free.

    ★Booking by email by Oct 15; suzzane landry @alt.Net

    Learn More: Visit www.freshfoodcooking.com

    38The cooking class in the advertisement will be given ________.

    Ain spring Bin summer Cin autumn Din winter

    39If Mr. Green goes to the class with his parents and his 6-year-old son, he should pay ________.

    A$105 B$70 C$35 D$140

    40Where might the article taken from?

    AA travel guide. BA gardening booklet.

    CA cookbook. DA newspaper.

    第二节  阅读填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


    Climate change could make food less health

    As levels of carbon dioxide—CO2 in the atmosphere have been rising in recent years, the Earth has been warming. ____41____ That warming is one sign of climate change. And it has the possibility to influence food in many ways. Rising temperatures and the changes in rainfall that it will bring should make an effect on how much and where crops grow. Facts now show that rising levels of CO2 also can influence how healthy a crop will be. Some of those facts were reported last year in Annual Review of Public Health. Indeed, it showed that several studies have come to this conclusion.

    ____42____ He was part of a team that has studied the possible effects of climate change on foods health. In one 2014 study, his group looked at six major food crops: wheat, rice, field peas, soybeans, corn and sorghum(高粱). They provided plants with different amounts of CO2. Some got levels of between 363 and 386 parts per million (ppm). ____43____ Such levels are expected to develop within the next 50 years or so.

    After harvesting the plants the researchers measured their levels of vitamins minerals and other healthy chemicals. And plants grown with more CO2, were less healthy. For example, wheat and rice had lower protein levels. They also had less zinc() and iron, as did the peas and soybeans. Some two billion people worldwide already don’t get enough of these healthy chemicals. ____44____ If crop levels of such healthy chemicals fall, people may face an even greater risk of falling ill. People who replace sugars for protein face a greater risk of high blood pressure and heart disease, U.S. studies have shown.

    Scientists don’t yet know why CO2 influences levels of these healthy chemicals. But the new findings suggest scientists may want to try growing new types of crops that are less influenced by CO2. ____45____

    AOther plants were given more of that greenhouse gas as they grew—546 to 586 ppm.

    BSamuel Myers is an environmental health scientist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass.

    CIn that way people will still get the most benefits from their greens and grains.

    DThat’s because as a greenhouse gas, CO2 keeps in heat in Earth’s atmosphere.

    EMost people depend on cereal crops, such as wheat and rice, to meet their needs for both zinc and iron.


    第一节 语篇填词(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


    Last night, I woke up and heard strange sounds coming from the living room. I picked up my c_____46____ to check the time. It was very late! I thought it was a bit strange so I went to have a look. I discovered that the television was on—a late night show was playing. L_____47_____ on the sofa was my mom. She was asleep. My mom is a d_____48_____. She’s always working late to take care of her sick patients and help them get better. So when she comes home, she always looks t_____49_____. I turned off the TV. Then I walked quietly to my mom’s side, covered her up with a blanket(毯子) and walked b_____50_____ to my bedroom. Soon, the whole house was silent.

    第二节 完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



    Beijing ________ ________ ________ its ancient places of interest.


    ________ ________ the litchis from Zengcheng are!


    It is ________ ________ ________ my shirt has got wet for several times.


    I am not sure ________ ________ ________ ________ my grandparents this summer holiday.


    These cakes ________ ________ just a few minutes ago, so they are still hot.

    第三节 书面表达(共1题;满分15分)



    (1) 调查报告应包括所有要点;

    (2) 词数80左右(调查报告的开头已给出,不计入词数);

    (3) 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。

    Chinese poetry is a treasure and a symbol of Chinese culture. Good ways to learn Chinese poems can help us pass on Chinese culture. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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