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    UNIT 2 Listening and Speaking(课件PPT)01
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    UNIT 2 Listening and Speaking(课件PPT)05
    UNIT 2 Listening and Speaking(课件PPT)06
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    高中人教版 (2019)Unit 2 Wildlife protection试讲课ppt课件

    这是一份高中人教版 (2019)Unit 2 Wildlife protection试讲课ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了blue whale,panda等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Listening and Speaking
    Elephants' large ears help them t hear and make them lk larger when they are in danger.
    Their tusks are used fr finding fd and fr prtectin.
    Their trunk is a versatile tl which they use fr many things including t breathe, smell, pick things up and t suck up water.
    What d yu think f when yu see this pht?
    When I see this pht I think abut Africa and all the amazing animals that live there.
    Hw much d yu knw abut elephants?
    African elephants are the wrld's largest land mammal. All male and female African elephants have tusks whereas nly ne Asian type des. African elephants als have a larger runder head than Asian nes.
    D yu think that elephants are an endangered species?
    Elephants’ tusks are made f ivry, a material which has histrically been a much desired and is the main reasn they have been hunted. 
    African elephants
    What ther wild animals are in danger?
    Elephant, panda, whale, antelpe, kala, Suth China tiger, Yangtze River dlphin and …
    Befre yu listen,discuss these questins in pairs. 1 What message d these psters share? 2 Which ne mves yu the mst? Why?
    Talk abut saving endangered wildlife
    Use visuals t predict cntent Befre yu listen,lk at pictures,charts,vides,and ther visuals t help yu predict what yu will hear.
    Befre yu listen,discuss these questins in pairs. 1 What message d these psters share? The message f these psters is that wildlife is under threat. 2 Which ne mves yu the mst? Why? The secnd pster mves me the mst because it is very bad that whle species are being lst,and the image f animals falling thrugh an hurglass shws hw serius it is and hw time is running ut t prtect these species.
    What n Earth Are We Ding t Our Planet? Our planet’s      is dying ut at an alarming rate. Between 150 and 200 species are becming extinct every day. This mass extinctin is caused by hunting,habitat     ,and pllutin. We must make peple aware f the prblem and help      the endangered wildlife befre it’s t late!
    Listen t the first part and fill in the blanks.
    >听力文本LISTENING PART 1 A: Have yu seen that pster with the clck? It’s s gd,but a little scary,t. B: I knw. S many wild animals are dying ut. This pster says that between 150 and 200 species die ut every day. A: That’s terrible. We really need t d smething. Why are s many species dying? B:Well,sme animals are being hunted and killed. And then there’s pllutin and habitat lss,I guess. Animals need a place t live in,just like us,and they need clean air and water,t. A:It seems like peple need t be mre aware. B:Abslutely. Mre peple need t knw. A: Yes,they shuld make mre f these psters—maybe it will help prtect the wildlife.
    Listen t the secnd part and answer the questins. 1  Hw many elephants are killed n average every day? _______________2 What did Prince William say abut China? A  China has made a lt f prgress. B  China can becme a glbal leader in wildlife prtectin. C  China preserves its natural habitats well.
    >听力文本LISTENING PART 2 Smene has t speak up fr endangered animals. Sme famus peple,such as Chinese superstar Ya Ming and Britain’s Prince William,wrk hard t help. In Octber 2015,Prince William gave a mving speech n CCTV:“In the 33 years since I was brn,we’ve lst arund 70 percent f Africa’s elephant ppulatin. Of thse that are left,20,000 are killed every year. That is 54 elephants killed every single day.”That means there are elephants which are being killed right nw! In his speech,Prince William als praised China’s effrts t prtect wildlife:“I am abslutely cnvinced that China can becme a glbal leader in the prtectin f wildlife.”Yu dn’t have t be Prince William r Ya Ming t speak up and d smething abut endangered animals. Yu can be the vice f wildlife prtectin in yur area. Remember: Change begins with yu!
    What des "Change begins with yu" mean?
    It means that if we want things t change, we must change urselves first and nt wait fr thers t change first .
    I think it tells us that we must be the change we want t see in the wrld.
    In pairs,discuss the questins,rle-play the example,and then talk abut ne f the animals in the phts belw.
    1 What d yu knw abut the animals in the phts? 2 What is being dne t help them?
    African elephants
    EXAMPLE A: I’m cncerned abut the African elephants. What d yu knw abut them? B: Well,I knw that they’re being hunted and their habitat is getting smaller,s they’re in danger f extinctin. Elephants need large living spaces,s it’s difficult fr them t adapt t the changes. A: That’s terrible. What measures are being taken t help them? B: The authrities are under pressure t build elephant parks and tell peple nt t buy elephant prducts.
    Activity 1 Wrk in pairs. Read the wrds alud t each ther, and put them int the crrect grups.
    Activity 2 Check yur answers with anther pair. Then listen and repeat.
    Activity 3 Listen t the cnversatin in Activity 5,paying attentin t the stress patterns f the plysyllabic wrds and repeat them.
    Language pints
    核心词汇 教材原句p. 14 Stp illegal hunting immediately 立即停止非法狩猎1 illegal adj. 不合法的;非法的 句式:It is illegal t d sth. 做某事是违法的。 Killing sharks is illegal in that cuntry.= It is illegal t kill sharks in that cuntry. 在那个国家,杀死鲨鱼是违法的。[词汇复现] It all sunds highly illegal. 这听起来完全不合法。 【学法点拨】 il-(否定前缀)+ 以l 开头的单词: illegal adj. 不合法的;非法的 illgical adj. 不合逻辑的【词语积累】 legal adj. 法律的;合法的
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]It is illegal       (hunt) endangered species. (2) It is       (legal)t emply children, accrding t the child prtectin law. 完成句子(3) They were invlved in           (非法活动). (4)          (卖……是违法的)cigarettes t smene under 16.
    illegal activities
    It is illegal t sell
    教材原句p. 14 Stp illegal hunting immediately 立即停止非法狩猎2 hunt vt. & vi. 打猎;搜寻;追捕 n. 搜寻;搜索;打猎Lcal peple used t g hunting in the wds. 当地人过去常常去树林里打猎。 She is still hunting fr a new jb. 她还在找新工作。 I’ve hunted everywhere but I can’t find it. 我到处都搜遍了,但就是找不到它。 the hunt fr the missing child 搜索失踪儿童 【归纳拓展】
    单句语法填空(1) They are still hunting        the missing child,wh disappeared last Sunday after attending her friend’s birthday party. (2)[词汇复现]The hunt        the injured climber cntinued thrughut the night. (3) They have decided t g       (hunt) this weekend. 完成句子(4) Jessica        (正在寻找)her lst keys n the playgrund. (5)        (……的搜寻) the missing wrkers will cntinue.
    is hunting fr
    The hunt fr
    教材原句p. 14 Stp illegal hunting immediately 立即停止非法狩猎3 immediately adv. 立刻Please give us a descriptin f yur tur f England immediately. 请立即向我们描述一下你的英格兰之行吧。[词汇复现] Tm was bred with his jb,and he wanted t change it immediately. 汤姆厌倦了他的工作,他想立刻换掉它。【学法点拨】 immediately 除用作副词外,还可用作连词,相当于as sn as,表示“一……就……”。有类似用法的还有directly。Immediately she’d gne,I remembered her name. 她刚走开我就想起了她的名字。 I’ll be with yu directly I’ve finished this letter.我一写完这封信就来。【归纳拓展】 表示“立刻,马上”的还有at nce,right nw,right away 等。【词语积累】 immediate adj. 立即的,当前的immediate actin 立即行动immediate interests 眼前利益
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]All hunters must stp hunting wild animals       (immediate). (2) I came       (immediate)I heard the news. 完成句子(3)[词汇复现]I will cntact yu              (我一到那里). (4) The bss rdered them t take          (立即行动). 翻译句子工作一结束你就到这里来。(5)__________________________________________________________________________        
    immediately I arrive there
    immediate actin
    Cme here as sn as yu finish the wrk./Cme here immediately yu finish the wrk.
    教材原句p. 14 Our planet’s wildlife is dying ut at an alarming rate. 我们星球的野生生物正在以惊人的速度消亡。4 die ut 灭绝;逐渐消失 This species has nearly died ut because its habitat is being destryed. 因栖息地正受到破坏,这一物种已濒临灭绝。[词汇复现] Many ld custms have died ut because they are ut f date. 因为已经过时,许多旧的习俗已经逐渐消失。
    【词语辨析】die ut,die away,die ff 与 die dwn
    单句语法填空(1) The wild ppulatin f kalas is in danger f dying       ,s we shuld take steps t prtect them. (2) Sme ld custms are slwly dying        in China. (3) The fire died       ,s we put mre cal n it. (4) The sund f the car died        in the distance. (5) The riginal funders died       r retired. 完成句子(6) As is reprted n TV,many kinds f animals and plants        (灭绝)in the wrld every year. (7) The sund f the music       (逐渐消失). (8)The excitement        (逐渐平静)as time went by.
    教材原句p. 14 Our planet’s wildlife is dying ut at an alarming rate. 我们星球的野生生物正在以惊人的速度消亡。5 alarming adj. 惊人的;使人惊恐的The pwer f ideas is very alarming! 意念的力量是很惊人的! Rainfrests are decreasing at an alarming rate. 雨林正在以惊人的速度减少。【词语积累】 alarm vt. 使惊恐;使害怕;使担心 n. 恐慌;警报;警报器in alarm 惊恐地 an alarm system 警报系统air alarm 空袭警报 fire alarm systems 火灾报警系统单句语法填空(1) The disease has spread at an       (alarm)rate. (2) “What have yu dne?” Ellie cried        alarm.
    教材原句p. 14 Our planet’s wildlife is dying ut at an alarming rate. 我们星球的野生生物正在以惊人的速度消亡。6 rate n. &vt. (1)n. 速度;(比)率at a steady rate以平稳的速度 at an average rate f 5 kilmetres an hur以平均每小时 5 千米的速度 a high/lw/rising rate f unemplyment 高 / 低 /不断增长的失业率 the annual crime/divrce rate 年犯罪 /离婚率 a high success/failure rate 很高的成功 /失败率
    (2)vt. 划分等级The schls were rated accrding t their exam results. 这些学校是按考试成绩排名次的。【归纳拓展】 at a/the speed f 以……的速度 at an altitude f 在……的高度【词语积累】 first-rate adj. 第一流的 rating n. 等级;级别
    单句语法填空(1)We drve        a steady rate. (2) My huse       (rate)rather high. 完成句子(3) Mst peple walk             (平均速度为)5 kilmetres an hur. (4) Lcal businesses are clsing           (以……的速度) three a year. (5) S far the spacecraft has been traveling           (以稳定的速度).
    at an average rate f
    at a/the rate f
    at a steady rate
    教材原句p. 14 Between 150 and 200 species are becming extinct every day. 每天都有150 到200 个物种灭绝。7 extinct adj. 已灭绝的an extinct vlcan死火山 an extinct species已灭绝的一个物种 【词语积累】 extinctin n. 灭绝 be clse t extinctin 濒临灭绝preserve endangered species frm extinctin保护濒危物种不致灭绝 lead t the extinctin f many animals导致许多动物的灭绝
    完成句子(1) The plant is nw              ( 有灭绝的危险). (2)[词汇复现]The species            (濒临灭绝). (3)[词汇复现]Cnservatinists are trying t                 (保护鲸类以防止其灭绝).
    in danger f extinctin
    is clse t extinctin
    preserve the whale frm extinctin
    教材原句p. 14 This mass extinctin is caused by hunting,habitat lss,and pllutin. 这种大量的灭绝是由狩猎、栖息地丧失和污染造成的。8 mass adj. & n. (1)adj. 大量的;广泛的 the prblem f mass unemplyment 大批人失业的问题 weapns f mass destructin 大规模杀伤性武器 Their latest prduct is aimed at the mass market. 他们的最新产品瞄准了大众市场。
    (2)n. 团,块,堆;群;大量,许多 The sky was full f dark masses f cluds.天空中乌云密布。 I’ve gt masses f wrk t d. 我有一大堆的工作要做。 The attempt is supprted by the mass f the ppulatin. 这一尝试得到了大多数人民的支持。[词汇复现] 【误区警示】 “ a mass f / masses f +名词”作主语时,谓语动词取决于 f 后面的 名词。 A mass f bks were sent t Prject Hpe. 大量书籍被送往了希望工程。
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]A mass f fund       (be) wasted n this useless prject. (2) Sme peple may think that a garden is n mre than plants,flwers,patterns and masses ________ clr. (3) Our plicy must be made knwn t the brad       (mass). 完成句子(4)[词汇复现]            (大多数教师)are against the demand. (5) Nw that yu have           (一大堆的工作)t d,yu dn’t have t help me with the husewrk. (6) He was ppular with the rich but failed t win the supprt f         (民众).
    The mass f teachers
    masses f wrk
    教材原句p. 14 We must make peple aware f the prblem and help prtect the endangered wildlife... 我们必须让人们意识到这个问题,帮助保护濒危野生动物…… 9 aware adj. 知道;发觉;有……意识的(不用于名词前) Tm turned arund and saw me,but he pretended nt t be aware f my presence. 汤姆转身看见了我,但他假装不知道我的存在。[词汇复现] The gvernment shuld make the public aware that abandning animals is illegal. 政府应该让公众意识到遗弃动物是非法的。[词汇复现]
    【归纳拓展】 be aware f →侧重状态 becme aware f →侧重动作 【词语积累】 (1)awareness n. 知道;意识raise awareness f 提高……意识(2)unaware adj. 不知道的;未意识到的be/becme unaware f/that 不知道/ 没意识到……
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]Nw that we are aware         the effects that diet prducts have n us,it is time t seriusly think abut buying them. (2)[词汇复现]—Has Claude paid the phne bill? —Nt as far         I’m aware. (3) Campers wuld get a clear        (aware)f the prgram theme—“Observe- Think-Act”. 完成句子(4) They suddenly            ( 意识到)peple lking at them. (5)[2018·江苏卷]The custmers               (没有意识到)eating mre than usual. (6) Peple shuld            (提高……意识)envirnmental prtectin.
    became aware f
    weren’t aware f/were unaware f
    raise awareness f
    教材原句p. 14 We must make peple aware f the prblem and help prtect the endangered wildlife... 我们必须让人们意识到这个问题,帮助保护濒危野生动物…… 10 endanger vt. 使遭受危险;危害Yu will endanger yur health if yu smke. 你如果吸烟,就会危及健康。The drift f the icebergs in the sea endangers the ships. 海上冰山的漂流危及船只的安全。【词语积累】 endangered adj. 有危险的;濒临灭绝的endangered animals 濒危动物an endangered species 濒危物种
    【归纳拓展】 in danger f(ding)sth. 处于(做)某事的危险中ut f danger 脱离危险be a danger t sb. /sth. 对某人/ 某物有危险be dangerus fr 对……有危险It is a danger/dangerus t d sth. 做某事是危险的。The dangerus tigers are in danger f extinctin. 危险的老虎有灭绝的危险。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1) Pisn gas blws ff and       (endanger)the lives f hundreds f peple. (2)[词汇复现]What per cent f primate species are highly       (endanger)? (3) Levels f waste frm the factry may be a danger        public health. 完成句子(4)[词汇复现]Nature reserves have prtected             (许多濒危动物)frm decreasing in number. (5) Yu are        (有……危险)catching a cld if yu dn’t take any medicine. (6) The peratin is a success and nw the patient is        (脱离危险).
    many endangered animals
    in danger f
    ut f danger
    教材原句p. 14 Hw many elephants are killed n average every day? 平均每天有多少头大象被杀? 11 average n. & adj. (1)n. 平均数;平均水平It’s said that incmes here are nwhere near the natinal average. 据说这里的收入根本达不到全国的平均水平。On average,wmen live between five and seven years lnger than men. 平均来看,女性比男性寿命长 5 至 7 年。 They spend an average f $220 a year n tys fr their children. 他们为孩子买玩具的花费每年平均为 220 美元。
    (2)adj. 平均的;正常的;中等的;普通的,平常的 an average cst/price 平均费用 / 价格 a child f average intelligence 智力平常的孩子 He lks like any average teenager,but is a little awkward and even embarrassed when speaking. 他看起来像任何普通的青少年一样,不过有点儿笨拙,甚至讲话时难为情。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1) The prvince’s rainfall this year is        average. Many plants are shrt f water and have been dead. (2) Last year was the warmest year n recrd, with glbal temperature 0.68℃       the average. 完成句子(3) He was a gd student and scred          (在平均水平以上)in mst subjects. (4)       (平均)just 18.75 cm f rain fell last year,making it the driest year since Califrnia became a state in 1850. (5)[词汇复现]Yu can be a tp student thrugh yur effrt even if yu may seem t be ______________________(一个普通的学生).
    abve average
    an average student
    教材原句p. 14 China has made a lt f prgress. 中国已经取得了很大的进步。12 make prgress 取得进步He cntinues t make prgress in his studies. 他在学习上不断取得进步。【归纳拓展】 make prgress in... 在……方面取得进步make sme/great prgress 取得一些/ 巨大进步make slw/steady/rapid/gd prgress 取得缓慢的/ 平稳的/ 迅速的/ 良好的进展【误区警示】 prgress 是不可数名词,不能用a/an 修饰,没有复数形式。
    单句语法填空(1) The student is shwing rapid prgress        his studies. (2)[词汇复现]I nticed with great satisfactin that yu       (make)great prgress. 完成句子(3) I’m glad that yu’ve              (取得一些进步)in English. (4) The ship                (缓慢行进)thrugh the rugh sea.
    made sme prgress
    made slw prgress
    教材原句p. 15 I’m cncerned abut the African elephants. 我很担心非洲象。13 be cncerned abut 对……关切的;为……担忧的She is cncerned abut her sn’s future. = She cncerns herself abut her sn’s future. 她关心她儿子的将来。 【归纳拓展】 as/s far as sb./sth. is cncerned 就……而言 be cncerned with 与……有关;涉及;对……关心的【一言辨异】 As far as I am cncerned,educatrs shuld be cncerned abut the prblems that are cncerned with the healthy grwth f the children and cncern themselves with/in the wrk f educatin. 依我之见,教育工作者应该关心与儿童健康成长有关的问题,并使自己参与教育工作。 【误区警示】 位置不同,含义有别: a cncerned lk 担忧的表情 the peple cncerned 相关人员
    14 cncern vt. & n. (1)vt. 涉及;让……担忧This matter cncerns the interests f peple. 这件事关系到人民的利益。 The stry cncerns a friend f mine. 故事讲的是我的一个朋友。 Her illness cncerns her parents. 她的病使她的父母很担心。 (2)n. 担心,忧虑;关注;利害关系?
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]As far as I’m       (cncern), we shuld take actin immediately t stp illegal hunting. (2) In fact,Jhn has never been cncerned        what thers think f him. (3) Several parents shwed their great cncern        their children’s safety at schl. (4) This chapter is cncerned        the mental health f lder peple. (5) What       (cncern)me is ur lack f preparatin fr the change. (6) What d yu knw       (cncern) this? (7) As the wrld’s ppulatin cntinues t grw,the supply f fd becmes mre and mre f __________ cncern.
    完成句子(8)The         (忧心忡忡的家长) were all           ( 担心)the children’s safety. (9)             (就我而言),reading English newspapers is f great help t ur English study. (10)Please cme here n time. The matter           ( 与…… 有关)all f yu.
    cncerned parents
    cncerned abut
    As far as I am cncerned
    is cncerned with
    教材原句p. 15 Elephants need large living spaces,s it’s difficult fr them t adapt t the changes. 大象需要大的生存空间,因此对它们来说适应变化是困难的。15 adapt vi. & vt. (1)vi. 适应 vt. 使适应;使适合The animals have t adapt t the new envirnment in the reserve. 动物必须适应保护区的新环境。[词汇复现] This authr adapted himself t the living cnditins easily. 这位作家很容易就适应了生活条件。[词汇复现]
    (2)vt. 改编,改写(剧本等)I’ve decided t adapt the nvel fr a TV series. 我已经决定把这部小说改编成电视连续剧。 The TV series adapted frm a nvel attracts us very much. 根据小说改编的这部电视连续剧很吸引我们。[词汇复现] 【学法点拨】 【词语积累】 adaptatin n. 适应;改编;改编本the adaptatin f desert species t the ht cnditins 沙漠物种对炎热环境的适应
    写出句中adapt 的含义(1) The prfessr adapted his lecture t his audience. _____________(2)[词汇复现]This nvel has been adapted fr radi frm the Russian riginal. _____________单句语法填空(3) She must learn t adapt       (she)t the English life. (4)[2020·全国Ⅲ卷]Peple in Ethipian highlands have adapted        living at high altitudes. (5)[词汇复现]The televisin       (adapt) f the stage play was very successful. (6) The mvie The Lst Tmb is adapted      a nvel f the same name. 完成句子(7)[词汇复现]If yu’re utging,it is very easy fr yu t              (适应新环境)while studying abrad. (8)Nvels             (经常被改编成)the stage,televisin and radi.
    adapt t the new envirnment
    are ften adapted fr
    教材原句p. 15 What measures are being taken t help them? 正在采取什么措施来帮助它们? 16 measure n. & v. (1)n. 措施;方法;计量单位I’ll need t get a suit made t measure. 我得定做一套西装。 Measures are being taken t prevent the river frm being plluted. 正在采取措施来防止对该河流的污染。[词汇复现] (2)vt. 测量;度量;估量 He’s gne t be measured fr a new suit. 他去量尺寸做新西装了。 Educatin shuldn’t be measured nly by examinatin results. 教育不应该只以考试成绩来衡量。
    (3)linking verb(尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为The main bedrm measures 12 feet by 15 feet. 主卧室宽12 英尺,长15 英尺。 【图解助记】
    单句语法填空(1) The little child wuld like t have his height       (measure). (2) The bed       (measure)1.8 metres lng and it’s t shrt fr the yung man. (3) This place is s heavily plluted. It is time fr us t take       (measure)t prtect the envirnment. 完成句子(4) The gvernment shuld          (采取措施)prtect the earth. (5) Oh,sir,yu’ll need t get a suit              (按你自己的尺寸做的). (6) It’s hard t             (估 量他的能力)when we haven’t seen his wrk.
    take measures t
    made t yur wn measure
    measure his ability
    教材原句p. 15 The authrities are under pressure t build elephant parks... 政府正面临建设大象公园的压力…… 17 pressure n. 压力;要求reduce pressure减轻压力 give in t pressure屈服于压力 bld pressure血压 Under pressure,they had t make their wn living. 在压力下,他们不得不自己谋生。[词汇复现] I think hiking is a gd way t reduce pressure. 我认为徒步旅行是减压的好方法。[词汇复现] Dn’t put t much pressure n yurself. 不要给你自己施加太大压力。【词语积累】 press v. 按,压 n. 新闻界;出版社
    单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]Hearing that many animals are dying ut at an alarming rate,the scientists are __________ pressure. (2)[词汇复现]My father suffers frm high bld       (press). 完成句子(3) He had t give up the wrk he lved            (在……的压力下)his parents. (4) I dn’t want t              ( 给你施加压力)t make a decisin,but we haven’t much time left.
    under the pressure f
    put pressure n yu

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