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    人教版(2019)高二英语必修第二册 Unit 2《BRIDGING CULTURES Using Language(1)听说课》课件+教案
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    人教版(2019)高二英语必修第二册 Unit 2《BRIDGING CULTURES Using Language(1)听说课》课件+教案02
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection精品说课作业课件ppt

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    Learning bjectives
    By the end f this sectin, yu will be able t: 1.获取和整合听力材料中介绍孔子学院的相关信息。2.分享在孔子学院学习汉语的体会,增强学生传播汉语文化的意识。3.分析和理解英语句子中的弱读现象。
    Learn abut Cnfucius.
    Cnfucius was a Chinese philspher f the Spring and Autumn perid wh is traditinally cnsidered the mdel f Chinese sages. Cnfucius’ teachings and philsphy underpin East Asian culture and sciety, and remain influential acrss China and East Asia t this day. His philsphical teachings, called Cnfucianism, emphasized persnal and gvernmental mrality, crrectness f scial relatinships, justice, kindness, and sincerity, as well as an emphasis n a ruler’s duty t their subjects.
    温故而知新,可以为师矣。——《论语》If a man keeps cherishing his ld knwledge, s as t cntinually t be acquiring new, he may be a teacher f thers.——The Analects f Cnfucius
    Watch a vide abut ten years f the Cnfucius Institute at the University f Suthamptn.
    What d yu knw abut the Cnfucius Institute?
    1. What kind f rganisatin is the Cnfucius Institute?
    2. D yu think it is necessary t set up Cnfucius Institutes?
    It is an rganisatin set up in freign cuntries t meet the increasing demands fr Chinese learning.
    Yes. They help freigners t learn Chinese language and t learn smething abut Chinese culture. They play a very imprtant rle in spreading ur culture and prmting culture exchange in freign cuntries.
    Befre yu listen, talk with yur partner.
    1. What d yu knw abut Chinese language learning abrad?
    2. Hw d peple frm ther cuntries find ut abut Chinese culture?
    As China has bmed, the cnnectin between China and the rest f the wrld has increased. As a result, learning Chinese has becme imprtant fr many peple. Other peple are learning Chinese because they are interested in Chinese culture.
    By watching films, visiting China, attending a Cnfucius Institute, etc.
    Listen t the cnversatin and answer the fllwing questins.
    Pay attentin t the settingWhen yu listen, always ask yurself, “Where is this prbably happening?” Understanding the setting will help yu understand the type and cntent f the cmmunicatin mre clearly.
    1. Where des this cnversatin take place?
    2. Wh are the peple speaking?
    3. What are they talking abut?
    It appears t take place in a radi studi.
    A radi hst and a Chinese teacher named Aisha Khan.
    They are talking abut Chinese learning in the Cnfucius Institute in Karachi, Pakistan.
    Listen again and take ntes by filling in the pster belw.
    Welcme t the Cnfucius Institute.Learn t ______________ and all abut ______________!Our institute has grwn! We started with ________________________ but nw we have many mre.It is a centre fr ________________. Yu can learn and practise fascinating Chinese traditins.Knwledge f the Chinese language and culture is imprtant because f increasing ___________________________. Many students g n t great jbs in ______________________.Jin us tday t help break dwn language and _______________, and bring the wrld tgether!
    speak Chinese
    Chinese culture
    a few students and teachers
    Chinese activities
    trade between China and Pakistan
    cultural barriers
    Answer the questins accrding t what yu remember f the cnversatin.
    1. What made Aisha feel like she was part f Ms Hu’s family?
    2. Why did Aisha want t becme a teacher?
    3. Why d students learning Chinese see it as beneficial t their future?
    Making and eating delicius dumplings tgether in Ms Hu’s hme made Aisha feel like she was part f her family.
    Because she wanted t carry n Ms Hu’s wrk.
    Because learning Chinese wuld help them find gd jbs at Chinese cmpanies.
    Listen again and fill in the blanks.
    Hst: This mrning we’re lking at Chinese language learning arund the wrld. We’re very pleased t welcme Aisha Khan, wh is frm the __________ Institute in Karachi, Pakistan. Gd mrning, Aisha. First, tell us hw yu came t speak Chinese s well!Aisha Khan: Mrning. Well, because I had a great teacher, Ms Hu! She is the best Chinese teacher in my city.Hst: S what makes her such a great teacher?Aisha Khan: Well, apart frm language, she _________ us abut Chinese culture, and we came t lve it.Hst: Oh, really, what srt f things did she teach yu?Aisha Khan: Well, nce she taught us hw t make dumplings. She said that during Chinese New Year, families usually sit tgether and make dumplings. Eating thse _________ dumplings tgether in Ms Hu’s hme, we felt like family!Hst: She sunds like a great teacher. I bet she’s a great _________, t. Is that why yu became a teacher yurself?Aisha Khan: _________. She knew the imprtant rle language and cultural _________ wuld play in the future. I wanted t carry n her wrk, s I jined the institute as a teacher.Hst: Has the institute changed a lt since then?Aisha Khan: Yes. At first, we nly had a few students and teachers. Nw we have many mre. The institute is als a centre fr Chinese activities, like a _________ int China.Hst: S why d yu think it’s been s successful?Aisha Khan: Well, I think learning Chinese has becme imprtant fr many peple, and Chinese culture is famus arund the wrld.Hst: It is, isn’t it? I believe its _________ has grwn because _________ between China and Pakistan has increased.Aisha Khan: _________. And as Ms Hu believes, breaking dwn language and cultural _________ brings the wrld tgether.Hst: Yur students must als feel that learning Chinese is _________ t their future.Aisha Khan: _________. Many students g t wrk at Chinese cmpanies. It’s great t see them g n t _________ ur cnnectin with China.Hst: Yu seem t lve yur jb.Aisha Khan: Oh, certainly. It’s very _________.Hst: Oh, that’s great t hear! Well, thanks fr jining us. It was a pleasure talking with yu. Carry n the gd wrk!
    Imagine yu’re interviewing a student at a Cnfucius Institute in anther cuntry abut his r her experience. Wrk with a partner t brainstrm what the interviewer might ask and hw the student might answer. Then rle-play the interview. Use the phrases and questins in the bx t help yu.
    Interviewing smeneWe are pleased t welcme ...What was yur biggest challenge?Thanks fr jining us.Hw did yu vercme it?Tell us mre abut ...What are yu keen n?Thanks fr yur time.What is the key t yur success?It was a pleasure talking with yu.What d yu feel is yur biggestachievement?
    EXAMPLEA: Hi, Jane. Welcme t the shw!B: Thanks fr inviting me.A: Tell us, what was yur biggest challenge in learning Chinese at the beginning?B: Well, I suppse it was difficult t grasp the tnes at first.A: I bet! Did jining the Cnfucius Institute help vercme this prblem?B: Abslutely! Getting invlved with Chinese cultural activities there definitely helped a lt ...
    A: Hi, Jane. Welcme t the shw!B: Thanks fr inviting me.A: Tell us, what was yur biggest challenge in learning Chinese at the beginning?B: Well, I suppse it was difficult t grasp the tnes at first.A: I bet! Did jining the Cnfucius Institute help vercme this prblem?B: Abslutely! Getting invlved with Chinese cultural activities there definitely helped a lt. I gt t practise my Chinese n a daily basis, and I culd learn hw native Chinese speakers spke.A: What d yu feel is yur biggest achievement?B: Learning Chinese characters! I have learnt abut 1,500 s far. When I first started, I didn’t think it was even ging t be pssible t learn s many, but nw I find that I can read signs, menus, and even sme easy newspaper articles.A: What are yu mst keen n?B: I’ve really becme keen n learning mre abut the Chinese culture, in particular Chinese calligraphy. As I have learnt Chinese characters, I have develped a great appreciatin fr their meaning. I want t explre Chinese characters by learning hw t write them in a mre beautiful way.A: Finally, what d yu want t say t anyne interested in learning Chinese?B: I’d say, give it a sht! While sme aspects may be difficult, it is quite rewarding and yu will be happy that yu tried.A: Thanks fr yur time.B: Yu’re welcme.
    Sample Cnversatin
    Read the cnversatin.
    Lu Ya: Excuse me, Miss Cnner. I’m having a prblem with this English listening task. Sme wrds are prnunced really fast and sund different.Miss Cnner: Oh, let me listen ... Yes, that’s prbably because the wrds are nt being stressed. Yu see, English is a stress-based language.Lu Ya: S des this mean I need t knw which wrds are stressed and which are nt?Miss Cnner: Yes. I’m afraid s. English wrds have a strng frm and a weak frm. Wrds like prnuns, articles, prepsitins, and s n are ften nt stressed. S we usually use the weak frm fr them when we speak.Lu Ya: Oh n. When I speak, I wrry peple wn’t understand me, s I always try t prnunce all my wrds really clearly. N wnder my classmates say I sund like a rbt!Miss Cnner: Oh dear! Well, I suggest yu pay mre attentin t the weak frms. Fr example, in the sentence “Are yu studying hard?”, the wrds “are” and “yu” are prnunced as /ə/ and /jə/.Lu Ya: Oh, I get it. Thanks, Miss Cnner.Miss Cnner: Yu’re welcme. I als suggest yu watch sme mvies and study hw the weak frms are used.Lu Ya: That’s great advice, Miss Cnner! I’m ging t watch a mvie right nw. Thanks again! Bye!
    1. What prblem is Lu Ya having?
    2. What may be the cause f the prblem?
    3. Hw can he slve his prblem?
    Then answer the questins belw.
    Lu Ya is having a prblem with an English listening task.
    He has truble hearing the weak frms f the wrds which are nt stressed.
    He shuld pay mre attentin t the weak frms, watch sme mvies, and study hw the weak frms are used.
    Listen t the cnversatin belw and underline the weak frms the speakersused. Then practise the cnversatin with yur partner.
    1.完成教材Wrkbk Listening and Speaking中的练习。2.利用听力文本,将采访对话改写成新闻报道。

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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection一等奖作业课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002234_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 2 Wildlife protection一等奖作业课件ppt</a>,文件包含人教版2019高二英语必修第二册Unit2《BRIDGINGCULTURESLearningaboutLanguage》课件pptx、人教版2019高二英语必修第二册Unit2《BRIDGINGCULTURESLearningaboutLanguage》教案docx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共22页, 欢迎下载使用。

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