7年级上册英语人教版 Unit 7 How much are these socks ? 教案1
展开这是一份7年级上册英语人教版 Unit 7 How much are these socks ? 教案1,共4页。
学科 | 英语 | 年级/册 | 七年级上册 | 教材版本 | 人教版 | |
课题名称 | Unit 7 How much are these socks?
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难点名称 | How to write an AD about the clothes store | |||||
难点分析 | 从知识角度分析为什么难 | Be able to talk about clothing and prices like: Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! We sell our clothes at very good prices. We have green sweaters for only $15! Yellow sweaters are only $12! For boys, we have black trousers for only $22. For girls, we have purple skirts for only $20. Socks are only $2 for three pairs! 掌握如何书写一篇广告,首先要做到如下几点: 1. 广告结构完整2. 广告转换自然 3. 目标语明确4. 会使用名词复数 5. 会使用颜色形容词
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从学生角度分析为什么难 | How to write an ad by themselves. How to read the price tag.. Master the target language and the transfer. 学生在学习广告时,可以很清晰的看懂也能理解广告结构,但在结构中最难把握的是正文的书写,通过对你目标语和转述语的认真学习,主要是几种句式,要多说,勤练才能更好的攻克难关,并最后能够熟练运用句式,写出一篇完美的广告。
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难点教学方法 |
3.summarize 展示写作评分标准,即是总结也是对写作的检测,查缺补漏。 | |||||
教学环节 | 教学过程 | |||||
导入 | Step1 Warm up and lead in First by watching a video,lead students to have a revision. Then answer the question “What does the boy want to buy?And how much are they?” | |||||
知识讲解 (难点突破) |
Step2Presentation 1.Read the ad again and have a revision about reading“An ad for Mr Cool' s Clothes Store ” To know the target language Be able to talk about clothing and prices like: Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! We sell our clothes at very good prices. We have green sweaters for only $15! Yellow sweaters are only $12! For boys, we have black trousers for only $22. For girls, we have purple skirts for only $20. Socks are only $2 for three pairs! 2.To know how to write an AD 掌握如何书写一篇广告,首先要做到如下几点: 1. 广告结构完整2. 广告转换自然 3. 目标语明确4. 会使用名词复数 5. 会使用颜色形容词 Step3.Writing practice Work on 3a. Ss look at the things in the picture and fill in the blanks in the ad. Then they may read their answers to their group members. When they are done, get some Ss to read their ad to the class. 完成3a的写作练习,先各自独立完成,然后小组内展示,小组内订正,最后在全班展示一、两个作为例子作为参考答案。
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课堂练习 (难点巩固) | 通过3b的写作练习,可以使学生有时间消化理解本单元尤其是Section B-2b的内容,再进行写作,这样学生完成的质量更高。教师应现场点评,基于指正,对于优秀的作文,可以在班级墙报上张贴展示。还可以让学生根据自己的文章内容,配以图片,使之更像真正的广告。这样的课堂习作,学生会更有兴趣。通过展示可以加强学生之间的学习交流,还可以使得到展示的学生增强学习的信心和有成就感。 | |||||
小结 | Step4 Summary 展示写作评分标准,即是总结也是对写作的检测,查缺补漏,对本节广告书面表达起到画龙点睛的作用。 | |||||